Saturday, January 30, 2010

[DMANET] AOFA'10 - Third Announcement and Call for Papers


AOFA '10
21st International Meeting on
Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic
Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms

Vienna University of Technology (AUSTRIA)
June 28-July 2, 2010

with a Mini-Summerschool from
June 25-26, 2010


This conference is the first joint meeting of two previous conference and seminar series on
"Mathematics and Computer Science" and "Analysis of Algorithms". The common aim of these and the
present meeting is to study discrete objects that appear as data structures or algorithms
(including graphs, networks etc.) by mathematical methods, in particular by probabilistic,
combinatorial and asymptotic methods.

* Properties of large randomly formed data structures,
* Probabilistic methods for the analysis of algorithms,
* Combinatorial methods for the analysis of algorithms,
* Analytic tools for the analysis of algorithms
* New results concerning average case analysis of classical or new algorithms
* Analytical and enumerative combinatorics
* Random trees and graphs
* Branching processes
* Stochastic processes in relation with random discrete structures
* Random walks
* Discrete probabilities
* Random generation of combinatorial structures
* Data compression and language-modeling methods.
* Performance evaluation

Invited talks

The following speakers confirmed to give an invited talk:

Noga Alon (Tel Aviv University)
Yuliy Baryshnikov (Bell Laboratories)
Daniel Panario (Carleton University)
Oliver Riordan (University of Oxford)
Peter Winkler (Dartmouth)

Tutorial talks of the Mini-Summerschool (June 25-26)

Nicolas Broutin (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Christian Krattenthaler (University of Vienna)
Wojciech Szpankowski (Purdue University)

Submission of papers

We invite you to submit an extended abstract (12 pages) or a short abstract for a poster (2 pages)
via the Easy-Chair system:

The deadline for submission of papers is

February 28, 2010,

for posters

May 31, 2010.

The proceedings will be published in DMTCS Proceedings.

Steering committee

Brigitte Chauvin, Versailles (France)
Luc Devroye, Montreal (Canada)
Michael Drmota, Vienna (Austria)
Philippe Flajolet, INRIA Rocquencourt (France)
Robert Sedgewick, Princeton (USA)
Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue (USA)

Programme committee

Brigitte Chauvin, Versailles (France)
Jacek Cichon, Wroclaw (Poland)
Michael Drmota, Vienna (Austria), Chair
Daniele Gardy, Versailles (France)
Philippe Flajolet INRIA Rocquencourt (France)
Martin Klazar, Prague (Czech Republic)
Jean Francois LeGall, Paris (France)
Ralph Neininger, Frankfurt (Germany)
Marc Noy, Barcelona (Spain)
Conrado Martinez, Barcelona (Spain)
Alois Panholzer, Vienna (Austria)
Helmut Prodinger, Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Uwe Roesler, Kiel (Germany)
Bob Sedgewick, Princeton (USA)
Peter Winkler, Dartmouth (USA)
Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue (USA)

Organizing committee

Michael Drmota
Bernhard Gittenberger (Chair)
Alois Panholzer

Important dates

February 28, 2010 deadline for submission

April 30, 2010 notification to authors

May 31, 2010 final version of accepted papers
and deadline for poster submissions

Official language English.


Vienna University of Technology, Dept. of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry,
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/104, A-1040 Wien (Austria)

e-mail :
Web site:

The Organizers
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[DMANET] MFO seminar on Semidefinite Programming & EIDMA mini-course in May 2010

%% Our apologies in case you receive multiple copies %%%




An Oberwolfach Seminar "Semidefinite Optimization: Theory, Algorithms and
Applications" will take place on May 23-29, 2010 at MFO, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Germany).

Lectures by Sanjeev Arora, Monique Laurent, Pablo Parrilo, Franz Rendl,
and Frank Vallentin.

The program consists of about 20 hours of lectures and of problem sessions.
More information about the scientific program at

Oberwolfach seminars are open to young researchers (pre- and post-doc).
The number of participants is restricted to 25. The Institute covers
accommodation and food, travel expenses can be reimbursed up to 200 Euro
in average per person.

Deadline for applications: April 1st, 2010.

Apply directly to Oberwolfach - Details at the MFO webpage:



An EIDMA mini-course "Algebraic Optimization and Semidefinite
Programming" will take place from May 31 to June 4, 2010 (RIGHT AFTER the
MFO seminar) at CWI, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Lectures by Pablo Parrilo (MIT).

The program will consist of lectures and problem sessions.

Registration deadline: May 6, 2010.

For details on how to apply and on the admission fee, please see the EIDMA

Five grants of 500 Euros are offered by DIAMANT for travel, registration
and living expenses. See the EIDMA webpage for details on how to apply to
such a grant.

Details on the venue of the mini-course at CWI can be found at


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Friday, January 29, 2010

Quantum information graduate program at Waterloo

I am writing to inform you of a new collaborative graduate program in quantum information at the University of Waterloo, in conjunction with the Institute for Quantum Computing, the Departments of Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Combinatorics & Optimization, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Physics & Astronomy, and the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science.


We would appreciate your help in spreading the word about this new program and about graduate research at IQC in general. More information about the program and how to apply is available at and general information about IQC is available at .


The Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS) recently approved this new program, and we are ready to process applications for entry in Fall 2010.


Thank you in advance for sharing this news with students who may be interested.


Best regards,


Michele Mosca

Deputy Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo

Director, Quantum Information Graduate Program, University of Waterloo


About the Program


The University of Waterloo, in collaboration with the Institute for Quantum Computing, offers graduate students unique opportunities to learn about and engage in world-leading research in quantum information through a wide range of advanced research projects and advanced courses on the foundations, applications and implementations of quantum information processing.


The new collaborative graduate program in Quantum Information leads to MMath, MSc, MASc, and PhD degrees. Students complete the requirements of both their home program and the specific requirements of the quantum information (QI) program to achieve the special QI designation. (E.g., MMath in Computer Science (Quantum Information), PhD in Chemistry (Quantum Information), MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Quantum Information)).


MMath, MSc, and MASc students will receive a strong and broad foundation in quantum information science, coupled with knowledge and expertise from their home program. This will prepare them for the workforce or further graduate studies and research leading towards a PhD.


PhD students will be prepared for careers as scholars and researchers, with advanced expertise in quantum information science, along with the focus of their home program. The new program is designed to provide knowledge of quantum information, including theory and implementations, their home program discipline, and also developed advanced expertise in their particular research area within quantum information.


At present, IQC has a critical mass of expertise in several major research areas within quantum information, including:

Quantum Algorithms and Complexity

Quantum Information and Communication

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum Error Correction and Fault-tolerance

Spin-based implementations

Quantum Optics-based implementations

Nanoelectronics-based implementations.


New State-of-the-Art Building


In line with the expansion goals of the Institute for Quantum Computing, a new, state-of-the-art building for the Institute is on the way, as part of the Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre (QNC). The building will contain a new fabrication and metrology facility, and a suite of laboratories for research in areas including quantum optics, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR), quantum dots, superconducting qubits, coherent spintronics and quantum cryptography. The building will host IQC researchers from all three faculties (Engineering, Mathematics and Science) starting in 2011, and will have formal and informal meeting spaces designed to facilitate interaction and interdisciplinary research.




Students in all three faculties will be required to take two core quantum information courses (and must also meet the course requirements of their home program). These interdisciplinary courses provide a strong foundation in quantum information science.


The two required core quantum information courses are:


QIC 710: Quantum Information Processing

QIC 750: Implementation of Quantum Information Processing


PhD students are also required to take two additional courses in quantum information, and fulfill a research seminar requirement, a comprehensive exam and a thesis in quantum information


In addition to the two core courses, students will be able to take a wide range of advanced courses within quantum information, offered by leading researchers in the field.


Eligible supervisors include the core IQC faculty:


Jonathan Baugh

Andrew Childs

Richard Cleve

Joseph Emerson

Thomas Jennewein

Raymond Laflamme

Debbie Leung

Adrian Lupascu

Norbert Lütkenhaus

Hamed Majedi

Michele Mosca

Ashwin Nayak

Ben Reichardt

Kevin Resch

John Watrous

Frank Wilhelm


as well as a wide range of Associate and Affiliate Members of IQC and the University of Waterloo, including:


Daniel Gottesman

Thorsten Hesjedal

Achim Kempf

David Kribs

Jan Kycia

Anthony Leggett

Robert Mann

James Martin

Roger Melko

Bill Power

Pierre-Nicholas Roy


Contact Information:


Inquiries can be directed to Michele Mosca, Program Director at .

[DMANET] ThRaSH'2010 - 2nd call for abstracts and participation

4th Workshop on Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics (ThRaSH'2010)

March 24-25, 2010, Paris, France

Deadline for abstract submission: February 8, 2010
Registration deadline: March 5, 2010

Following the workshops in Wroclaw, Poland, Dortmund, Germany, and
Birmingham, UK, the 4th workshop on Theory of Randomized Search
Heuristics (ThRaSH'2010) will take place in Paris on the 24th and
25th of March 2010. The purpose of the workshop is to address
questions related to theory of randomized search heuristics such as
evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization, or simulated
annealing for both combinatorial and numerical optimization. The
primary focus lies on discussing recent ideas and detecting
challenging topics for future work, rather than on the presentation
of final results.

Researchers working on theoretical aspects of randomized search
heuristics are invited to submit a short abstract (one single page)
by email to "". No registration fee will be charged
but participants are asked to register before the workshop.
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[DMANET] TAMC 2010 - Last Call for papers

*** The submission deadline (February 10) is approaching ***

TAMC 2010 - 7th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models
of Computation

June 7 - 11, 2010 Prague, Czech Republic

The conference will take place in the premisses of Charles University in
the historic center of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Six
previous annual meetings were held in 2004-2009, in Beijing, Shanghai,
Xi'an, and ChangSha, with enthusiastic participation from researchers
all around the world. In 2010, the conference is organized for the first
time in Europe.

John Hopcroft (Cornell University, USA)
ShangHua Teng (Boston University, USA)

Computational Geometry (organized by Jiri Matousek)
Proof Complexity (organized by Jan Krajicek)

Submission of papers: February 10, 2010
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2010
Final version due: March 30, 2010
Early registration: April 10, 2010
Conference: June 7-11, 2010

The three main themes of the conference continue to be Computability,
Complexity, and Algorithms. It aims to bring together researchers with
interests in theoretical computer science, algorithmic mathematics, and
applications to the physical sciences. Typical but not exclusive topics
of interest include:
- algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics,
- algorithmic algebra, number theory and coding theory,
- algorithms and data structures,
- automata and neural networks,
- computable mathematics,
- computational biology,
- computational complexity,
- computational game theory,
- computational geometry,
- continuous and real computation,
- cryptography,
- decidability and undecidability,
- generalized and higher type computation,
- learning theory,
- models of computation,
- natural computation,
- on-line algorithms,
- parallel algorithms,
- physical computability,
- proofs and computation,
- quantum computing,
- randomness,
- relative computability and degree structures,
- theoretical problems in networks and security,
- network information,
- network structures and algorithms,
- Turing definability.

The submission must not exceed 10 pages in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes
LaTeX style. A clearly marked appendix that will be read at the
discretion of the program committee may be added. Simultaneous
submission of papers to any other conference with published proceedings
or submitting papers previously accepted for journal publication is not
allowed. Only electronic submissions in postscript or pdf formats are

Invited papers and accepted contributions will be published in the
conference proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag. A special issue of Theoretical Computer Science
published by Elsevier containing selected contributions presented at the
conference is planned.

DIMATIA - Center for Discrete Mathematics and ITI - Institute for
Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University, Prague

Further details are available on the conference web site

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[DMANET] HPC 2010 -- Call for Papers

*************** We apologize for multiple copies ******************************

Call for Papers

Workshop on High Productivity Computations (HPC 2010)
Organized in conjunction with CSR 2010

June 21-22, 2010, Kazan, Russia


The workshop is intended to organize discussions about high productivity
computing means and models, including but not limited to high performance and
quantum information processing.


Deadline for submissions: February 25, 2010
Notification of acceptance: March 9, 2010
Workshop dates: June 21-22, 2010


Kamil Valiev - Yuri Bogdanov
Bob Coecke
Farid Ablayev - Alexander Vasiliev
Sergei Moiseev


Farid Ablayev (Kazan State University, Russia)
Bob Coecke (University of Oxford, UK)


Rusins Freivalds (University of Latvia)
Aida Gainutdinova (Kazan State University, Russia)
Alexander Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia)
Richard Jozsa (University of Bristol, UK)
Airat Khasianov (Kazan State University, Russia)
Vladimir Korepin (Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, USA)
Alexander Razborov (University of Chicago and Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Alexander Vasiliev (Kazan State University, Russia)
Mingsheng Ying (Tsinghua University and University of Technology Sydney)


Institute of Informatics of Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic,
and Kazan State University


Authors are invited to submit an up to 6 pages abstract which provides an
essence of results allowing the program committee to evaluate the work.
Submissions of works in progress are encouraged but must be more substantial
than a research proposal. Submissions of original or already presented research
are welcome. Submissions should be in Postscript or PDF format and should be
sent to by February 25, with a subject "Submission".
We're applying to publish the extended versions of abstracts in Electronic
Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.



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Thursday, January 28, 2010

[DMANET] PhD positions, Graz & Leoben, Austria

PhD Positions within the Doctoral Program
"Discrete Mathematics"

Technische Universität Graz, Karl Franzens Universität Graz,
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

The newly founded Doctoral College (DK) in
DISCRETE MATHEMATICS offers an advanced PhD training and
research program which is run jointly by
Graz University of Technology, University of Graz,
and Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria. It is funded by the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the three supporting
universities. We offer 10 PhD positions for up to 4 years and a
salary of approximately 25600 Euro per year (before taxes),
starting at the earliest with October 1, 2010.
The official language of the DK is English.
For details as well as the formal application criteria, see

Applications must be sent by mail or preferably email until
April 19, 2010 to

The coordinator, DK-plus Discrete Mathematics,
Technische Universität Graz, Steyrergasse 30,
8010 Graz, Austria,

Later applications may be considered at a later stage.
With a view toward increasing the number of female
mathematicians, female candidates are especially encouraged
to apply.
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1 Post-Doctoral Position at the Vienna University of Technology

The position is associated to the project "Fuzzy Logics: from
Mathematics to Medical Application" funded by the Vienna Science and
Technology Fund WWTF.
The project is a cooperation between the Vienna University of
Technology (Dr. Agata Ciabattoni)
and the Medical University of Vienna (Univ.-Prof.Dr.Klaus-Peter
Adlassnig). Further details can be found at

* Candidates are expected to have very good knowledge in mathematical
logic, knowledge representation and/or formal ontologies.
They should have (or shortly expect to receive) a PhD in Computer
Science, Artificial Intelligence or a closely related field.
* The post is for a fixed term appointment of up to 24 months.
* Application deadline is March 8, 2010.
* The application, containing the candidate's cv, a short description
of his/her research interests and achievements and at least one
recommendation letter, should be sent to

[DMANET] DIMAP PhD studentships

There are several

3-year PhD studentships

available at the centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
(DIMAP), University of Warwick. The studentships cover a stipend and
tuition fees for UK/European students.

DIMAP is a multidisciplinary research centre supporting an
internationally competitive programme of research in algorithms,
combinatorics, optimisation, and probability. Potential research areas

- extremal or probabilistic combinatorics,
- discrete geometry,
- combinatorial optimisation,
- probability theory,
- discrete algorithms.

DIMAP offers a stimulating, internationally well-connected research
environment with a wide range of research expertise in Combinatorics,
the Theory of Computing, and Operations Research.

The PhD studentships are within the Warwick Mathematics Institute. In
the 2008 research ranking of all UK universities (RAE) Warwick's Pure
Mathematics was rated second, and Applied Mathematics came equal first
(with Oxford and Cambridge) for the proportion of its research rated as
"world leading".

For further information see

-Amin Coja-Oghlan
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[DMANET] SIROCCO 2010: Submission deadline postponed to Tuesday, February 2

Dear colleagues,

Due to numerous requests, the SIROCCO 2010 deadline is moved by two
days, to Tuesday, February 2, 2010.
For more details about SIROCCO 2010, see

Looking forward to your submissions,

Boaz Patt-Shamir
SIROCCO 2010 pc chair

David Ilcinkas
SIROCCO publicity chair

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SIROCCO 2010: Submission deadline postponed to Tuesday, February 2

Dear colleagues,

Due to numerous requests, the SIROCCO 2010 deadline is moved by two
days, to Tuesday, February 2, 2010.
For more details about SIROCCO 2010, see

Looking forward to your submissions,

Boaz Patt-Shamir
SIROCCO 2010 pc chair

David Ilcinkas
SIROCCO publicity chair

[fm-announcements] 2nd Call for Papers IWS2010

International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming
IWS 2010
(A satellite workshop of FLoC 2010)
July 9 2010, Edinburgh, UK


Abstract submission: March 26, 2010
Notification date: April 11, 2010
Abstract final version: April 25, 2010
Workshop: July 9, 2010
Submission of full paper for the proceedings: September 5, 2010

Strategies are ubiquitous in programming languages, automated
deduction and reasoning systems, yet only since about ten years have
they been studied in their own right. In the two communities of
Rewriting and Programming on one side, and of Deduction and Proof
engines (Provers, Assistants, Solvers) on the other side, workshops
have been launched to make progress towards a deeper understanding of
the nature of strategies, their descriptions, their properties, and
their usage, in all kinds of computing and reasoning systems. Since
more recently, strategies are also playing an important role in
rewrite-based programming languages, verification tools and techniques
like SAT/SMT engines or termination provers. Moreover strategies have
come to be viewed more generally as expressing complex designs for
control in computing, modeling, proof search, program transformation,
and access control.

Possible topics to address in this workshop include:
* Foundations for the definition and semantic description of strategies:
models of search spaces, logical or mathematical formalisms
to define strategies and prove properties about them.
* Properties of strategies and corresponding computations:
logical or mathematical formalisms to prove properties about them.
* Analysis and optimization techniques for strategies:
analysis of the search space, evaluation and comparison of strategies.
* Integration of strategic deductions and/or strategic computations:
interrelations, combinations and applications of deduction and computation
under different strategies, control issues and strategies in the
of systems, strategies in decision procedures for SMT.
* Strategy languages: essential constructs, meta-level features. Definition,
design, implementation and application. Comparison of strategies in
(existing) systems.
* Concrete types of (reduction/evaluation) strategies in rewriting
and programming, lambda calculi, normalization, narrowing, constraint
solving, as well as their properties and characteristics (complexity,
decidability, ...).
* Applications and case studies in which strategies play a major role.

FLoC 2010 provides an excellent opportunity to foster exchanges between
the communities of Rewriting and Programming on one side, and of Deduction
and Proof engines on the other side. This workshop is a joint follow-up of
series of workshops, held since 1997: the Strategies workshops held by the
CADE-IJCAR community and the Workshops on Reduction Strategies (WRS) held
by the RTA-RDP community.


The submission process is in two stages.

1) Before the workshop, authors are invited to submit an extended abstract
(max. 5 pages) to be formatted in the EasyChair class style

through the EasyChair submission site:

Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop and included in
the preliminary proceedings, available at the workshop.

2) After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit a
full paper of their presentation (typically a 15-pages paper), which
will be refereed and considered for publication in the electronic
journal: Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science

Beyond original ideas and recent results not published nor submitted
elsewhere, we also invite authors to submit a 5-pages abstract describing
relevant work that has been or will be published elsewhere, or work in
progress. These submissions will be only considered for presentation
at the workshop and inclusion in the preliminary proceedings but not
in the final proceedings.

Invited Speakers
Dan Dougherty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Assia Mahboubi, INRIA Saclay

Helene Kirchner, INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France
Cesar Munoz, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, USA

Program Committee
Maria Paola Bonacina, Univ. degli Studi di Verona, Italy
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS, France
Bernhard Gramlich, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
Salvador Lucas, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Pierre-Etienne Moreau, LORIA-INRIA Nancy, France
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA
Eelco Visser, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
Christoph Weidenbach, MPI-INF, Saarbrucken, Germany


[DMANET] Postdoc and PhD student positions at Durham University

Postdoc and PhD positions at Durham University

"Submodular optimization, lattice theory, and maximum constraint
satisfaction problems"

Applications are invited for one postdoc and one PhD student position at
Durham University, UK.
The positions are within the EPSRC-funded project "Submodular
optimization, lattice theory, and
maximum constraint satisfaction problems". A short description of the
project can be found here:

The postdoc position is for three years. The candidates should have (or
be close to completing)
a PhD in Mathematics or Computer Science, and have excellent knowledge
of at least two of the
following areas: algorithms, computational complexity, combinatorial
optimization, discrete
mathematics, and algebra. The starting salary is (up to) 31,671 pounds
per year.
Applications for the postdoc position should be made through the
following website: (reference 3667)

A PhD studentship for 3.5 years is available within this project. The
current maintenance payment
for studentship is 13,290 pounds per year. The UK/EU tuition fee is paid
by the project.
Applications materials for PhD studentship (including CV and the names
of two referees) should
be sent by email to Dr Andrei Krokhin.

The successful candidates will join the Algorthms and Complexity
Research Group at Durham:

The deadline for applications for both positions is March 18, 2010.
The start date for the project is July 1, 2010.

For any further enquiries, contact Dr Andrei Krokhin
phone: +44 (0)191 3341743

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

[DMANET] EIDMA mini-course by P. Parrilo at CWI, Amsterdam


EIDMA mini-course on Algebraic Optimization and Semidefinite Programming

by Pablo Parrilo (MIT)

Place: CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dates: May 31 - June 4, 2010


This minicourse will focus on theoretical and computational techniques for
optimization problems with algebraic structure (in particular, those
involving polynomial equations and inequalities), emphasizing the
connections with techniques based on semidefinite programming (SDP). The
course will develop in a parallel fashion several algebraic and numerical
approaches to polynomial systems, with a view towards methods that
simultaneously incorporate both elements. We will study both the complex
and real cases, developing techniques of general applicability, and
stressing convexity-based ideas, complexity results, and efficient
We will use examples from several applied math and engineering areas,
including systems and control, geometric theorem proving, and classical
and quantum
information theory. Among the topics covered we will have: semidefinite
relaxations, sum of squares representations, hyperbolic polynomials, SDP
representability of convex sets, complex and real Nullstellensatz, convex
algebraic geometry, sparsity and rank minimization problems, etc.


Registration is open till May 6, 2010.

For details on registration and the admission fee, please consult the
EIDMA webpage:

For more information about the location of the mini-course at CWI, please

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[DMANET] LATIN 2010 - call for participation


Call for Participation

*** Early Registration Deadline is Feb. 1st, 2010 ***



9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium

LATIN 2010

April 19-23, 2010

Oaxaca, Mexico


The early registration deadline is *Feb. 1st, 2010*. Discounted
is available for students. For registration details, please visit

Accepted Papers
A complete list of accepted papers is available on our webpage.

Conference Schedule
The conference is single-track, and each day begins with a keynote speaker.
The full program is now available online.

Invited Speakers
Piotr Indyk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cristopher Moore, University of New Mexico and Santa Fe Institute
Sergio Rajsbaum, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Leslie Valiant, Harvard University

In addition, there will be a special session, `Vignettes on the work of
Imre Simon.'

The Hotel Victoria has provided special rates for conference attendees at a
significant discount. Details, along with a comprehensive listing of other
options, is available on our accommodations page.

The conference venue is in historic Oaxaca, part of a UNESCO World Heritage
Site along with the nearby Monte Alban archaeological site. There are
of interesting and enriching attractions, both natural and historic, in the
region around Oaxaca. There will be a conference excursion to explore some
of these areas.

This conference is sponsored by Microsoft Research, Yahoo! Research,
the University of Waterloo, and the University of Oaxaca (UABJO).

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[DMANET] Postdoc position in Combinatorics in Reykjavik

The Reykjavik Combinatorics Group announces a postdoc position
starting in the Fall of 2010 (exact starting date is negotiable). The
position will be for up to two years and is funded as part of a Grant
for Excellence from the Icelandic Research Fund. (This is dependent
on continued funding, which should be clear before the application
deadline.) The salary will be 330.000 ISK/month.

Applications, including a CV, should be sent by email to Also, please arrange to have three letters of
recommendation sent to the same address. To ensure consideration,
applications should be submitted by February 28, 2010, but later
applications may be considered.

We are looking for candidates with research interests in Enumerative
and Algebraic Combinatorics and Combinatorics on Words, who will
benefit from working with us and who will contribute to the group's

The Combinatorics Group's web site is

For further information, please contact Einar Steingrimsson,, or Luca Zamboni,

Mark Dukes
Science Institute, University of Iceland
Dunhaga 5, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland
t: +354 525 5871
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FINAL CFP, ICLP 2010 - Extended Deadline: Jan 31 / Feb 7

[Apologies in case of receiving multiple copies.]

Please note the following important changes:
- Deadline extension
- Format of submissions
- Technical Communications (10 pages)

26th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010)
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 16-19, 2010
ICLP 2010 will be held as part of the
Fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010)

*Extended* deadline: ** Jan 31 / Feb 7, 2010 ***


Since the first conference held in Marseilles in 1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference for presenting research in logic
programming. Contributions (papers and posters) are sought in all
areas of logic programming including but not restricted to:

Theory: Semantic Foundations, Formalisms, Non-monotonic Reasoning,
Knowledge Representation.
Implementation: Compilation, Memory Management, Virtual Machines,
Environments: Program Analysis, Transformation, Validation,
Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.
Language Issues: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher
Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.
Related Paradigms: Abductive Logic Programming, Inductive Logic
Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming.
Applications: Databases, Data Integration and Federation, Software
Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Web and Semantic Web,
Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics.

In addition to the presentations of accepted papers, the technical
program will include plenary invited talks in association with other
FLoC conferences, as well as ICLP invited talks, advanced tutorials,
the doctoral consortium, and several workshops.


The four broad categories for submissions are: (1) technical papers
for describing technically sound, innovative ideas that can advance
the state of the art of logic programming; (2) application papers,
where the emphasis will be on their impact on the application domain;
(3) system and tool papers, where the emphasis will be on the novelty,
practicality, usability and general availability of the systems and
tools described; and (4) technical communications, aimed at describing
recent developments, new projects, and other materials that are not
ready for main publication as standard papers.

All papers must describe original, previously unpublished research,
and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere.
They must be written in English. Technical papers, application
papers, and system and tool papers must not exceed 15 pages plus
bibliography. The limit for technical communications is 10 pages.
Submissions must be made in TPLP format
( via
the Easychair submission system, available at

IMPORTANT DATES (All midnight, Samoa time)
Paper registration deadline: January 31, 2010 [extended]
Submission deadline: February 7, 2010 [extended]
Notification to authors: March 20, 2010
Camera-ready copy due: April 21, 2010
Conference: July 16-19, 2010


All accepted regular papers will be published in the journal Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge U. Press (CUP), in
one or more special issues. In order to ensure the quality of the
final version, papers may be subject to more than one round of
refereeing (within the decision period) and/or "shepherding." The
program committee may also recommend standard papers to be published
as technical communications.

At the time of the conference CUP will make the web page for this(ese)
TPLP issue(s) available including volume and issue numbers, table of
contents, page numbers, and the papers themselves. All registered
attendants at the conference will get a password for on-line access to
this web page during the conference and indefinitely from then on
("lifetime access"), which can be used to read papers on line,
download them, or print them for personal use. Attendants will also
receive all the papers in a memory stick at the conference.

The collection of technical communications will appear as a volume of
the LIPIcs (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics) series,
and published online through the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication
Server (DROPS). All technical communications will also get space in
the program for presentation. The journal issue(s) will also include
a listing of the technical communications, with pointers to the
LIPIcs/DROPS volume.


General Chair:
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Program Co-chairs:
Manuel Hermenegildo (IMDEA Soft. and UPM, Spain)
Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Workshops Chair:
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Doctoral Consortium:
Marcello Balduccini (Kodak Research Labs, USA)
Alessandro Dal Palu' (Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italy)
Prolog Programming Contest:
Tom Schrijvers (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)


Maria Alpuente (Technical U. of Valencia, Spain)
Pedro Cabalar (Corunya University, Spain)
Manuel Carro (Technical U. of Madrid, Spain)
Luc De Raedt (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
Marina De Vos (University of Bath, UK)
James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Marc Denecker (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Agostino Dovier (University of Udine, Italy)
Esra Erdem (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey)
Wolfgang Faber (University of Calabria, Italy)
Thom Fruehwirth (University of Ulm, Germany)
Maurizio Gabbrielli (University of Bologna, Italy)
John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Samir Genaim (Complutense University, Spain)
Haifeng Guo (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
Joxan Jaffar (National U. of Singapore, Singapore)
Tomi Janhunen (Helsinki U. of Technology, Finland)
Michael Leuschel (U. of Duesseldorf, Germany)
Alan Mycroft (U. of Cambridge, UK)
Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota, USA)
Lee Naish (Melbourne University, Australia)
Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University, USA)
Vitor Santos Costa (University of Porto, Portugal)
Tom Schrijvers (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University, USA)
Peter J. Stuckey (Melbourne University, Australia)
Terrance Swift (CENTRIA, Portugal)
Peter Szeredi (Budapest U. of Tech. and E., Hungary)
Frank Valencia (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Wim Vanhoof (University of Namur, Belgium)
Kewen Wang (Griffith University, Australia)
Stefan Woltran (Vienna U. of Technology, Austria)
Neng-Fa Zhou (City University of New York, USA)


The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming.


The Association for Logic Programming has funds to assist financially
disadvantaged participants and, specially, students in order to be
able to attend the conference.


The ICLP 2010 program will include several workshops, held also as
part of FLoC. They are perhaps the best places for the presentation of
preliminary work, undeveloped novel ideas, and new open problems to a
wide and interested audience with opportunities for intensive
discussions and project collaboration.


The 6th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming provides
research students with the opportunity to present and discuss their
research directions, and to obtain feedback from both peers and
world-renown experts in the field. Accepted participants will receive
partial financial support to attend the event and the main
conference. The best paper and presentation from the DC will be given
the opportunity to present in a special session of the main ICLP


In 2010 (as in the previous two FLoC editions) ICLP will be held as
part of the Fifth Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2010 in Edinburgh,
Scotland, U.K., July 16-19, 2010. FLoC is held every four years
bringing together several international conferences related to
mathematical logic and computer science. Other participating
conferences are:

- Computer-Aided Verification (CAV),
- Int'l Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR),
- Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP),
- Logic in Computer Science (LICS),
- Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA), and
- Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT).

Plenary events involving multiple conferences are planned.

The Third Israel CS Theory Day

The Third Israel CS Theory Day will take place on March 22nd at the Open
University. For more details and (most appreciated) registratrion –

Monday, January 25, 2010

ICALP 2010 - Submission site is open


                 CALL FOR PAPERS

                  ICALP 2010

 37th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming

                 July 5-12, 2010
                 Bordeaux, France


Supported by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)


Important Dates:
* Submission Deadline: Feb 10, 2010
* Author Notification: Apr 6, 2010
* Final Manuscript Due: Apr 27, 2010

The 37th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming, the main conference and annual meeting of the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), will take place
from the 5th to the 12th of July 2010 in Bordeaux, France. The main
conference will be preceded and followed by a series of
Workshops. Papers presenting original research on all aspects of
theoretical computer science are sought. Typical but not exclusive
topics of interest are:


Track A - Algorithms, Complexity and Games

Topics: Algorithmic Game Theory * Approximation Algorithms *
Combinatorics in Computer Science * Computational Biology *
Computational Complexity * Computational Geometry * Cryptography *
Data Structures * Design and Analysis of Algorithms * Internet
Algorithmics * Machine Learning * Parallel, Distributed and External
Memory Computing * Randomness in Computation * Quantum Computing

Track B - Logic, Semantics, Automata and Theory of Programming

Topics: Algebraic and Categorical Models * Automata Theory, Formal
Languages * Non-standard Approaches to Computability * Databases,
Semi-Structured Data and Finite Model Theory * Principles of
Programming Languages * Logics, Formal Methods and Model Checking *
Models of Concurrent, Distributed, and Mobile Systems * Models of
Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems * Program Analysis and
Transformation * Specification, Refinement and Verification * Type
Systems and Theory, Typed Calculi

Track C - Foundations of Networked Computation: Models, Algorithms and Information Management

Topics: Algorithmic Aspects of Networks * Auctions * Computing with
Incentives * E-commerce, Privacy, Spam * Formal Methods for Network
Information Management * Foundations of Trust and Reputation in
Networks * Internet Algorithmics * Mobile and Wireless Networks *
Models of Complex Networks * Models and Algorithms for Global
Computing * Models of Mobile Computation * Networks Economics *
Networks of Low Capability Devices * Overlay Networks and P2P Systems
* Social Networks * Specification, Semantics, Synchronization of
Networked Systems * Theory of Security in networks and Distributed
Computing * Web Searching, Ranking * Web Mining and Analysis


Invited Speakers:
* Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS and Univ. Paris Diderot)
* Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan and LSV)
* Burkhard Monien (Univ. Paderborn)
* Joel Ouaknine, (Oxford Univ. Computing Lab.)
* Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich)
* Emo Welzl (ETH Zurich)


Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be made through the on-line submission site:

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12
pages in LNCS style presenting original research on the theory of
Computer Science. Submissions should indicate to which track (A, B, or
C) the paper is submitted. No simultaneous submission to other
publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed. The
proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series by Springer-Verlag.

It is recommended that submissions adhere to the specified format and
length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected
immediately. Additional material intended for the referee but not for
publication in the final version - for example details of proofs - may
be placed in a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the
page limit.


Conference Chairs:
* Cyril Gavoille, Univ. of Bordeaux (LaBRI) & INRIA, Bordeaux.
* Claude Kirchner, INRIA, Bordeaux.

Program Committees:

Track A. - Algorithms, Complexity and Games
* Dimitris Achlioptas, Univ. Santa Cruz
* Kwstis Daskalakis, MIT
* Anuj Dawar, Cambridge Univ.
* Xiaotie Deng, City Univ. Hong Kong
* Philippe Flajolet, INRIA
* Micelle Flammini, Univ. L\'Acquilla
* Oscar Ibarra, UCSB (Santa Barbara)
* Giuseppe Italiano, Univ. Roma 2
* Kazuo Iwama, Univ. Kyoto
* Klaus Jansen, Univ. Kiel
* Elias Koutsoupias, Univ. Athens
* Ludek Kucera, Charles Univ.
* Daniel Marx, Budapest Univ.
* Burkhard Monien, U Paderborn
* Amin Coja Oghlan, Univ. Edinburgh
* Tonyann Pitassi, Univ. Toronto
* John Reif, Duke Univ.
* Jose Rolim, Univ. Geneva
* Paul Spirakis, Univ. Patras and RACTI (PC Chair)
* Leslie Valiant, Harvard Univ.
* Emo Welzl, ETH
* Gerhard Woeginger, Univ. Eindhoven

Track B - Logic, Semantics, Automata and Theory of Programming

* Samson Abramsky, Oxford Univ. (PC Chair)
* Luca Aceto, Univ. Rejkjavik
* Lars Birkedal, Univ. Copenhagen
* Mikolaj Bojanczyk, Univ. Warsaw
* Patricia Bouyer, CNRS, LSV Cachan
* Josée Desharnais, Univ. Laval
* Gilles Dowek, Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA
* Manfred Droste, Univ. Leipzig
* Peter Dybjer, Univ. Chalmers
* Jose Felix Costa, Univ. Lisbon
* Phokion Kolaitis, IBM Almaden
* Ugo Dal Lago, Univ. Bologna
* Daniel Leivant, Univ. Indiana
* Andrzej Murawski, Oxford Univ.
* Filip Murlak, Univ. Edinburgh
* Flemming Nielsen, Univ. Copenhagen
* Dominique Perrin, Univ. Paris Est
* Alex Rabinovich, Univ. Tel Aviv
* Lutz Schroder, DFKI Bremen
* Ian Stark, Univ. Edinburgh

Track C- Foundations of Networked Computation: Models, Algorithms and
Information Management

* Debora Donato, Yahoo! Research Barcelona
* Faith Ellen, Univ. Toronto
* Phil Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh
* Rob van Glabbeek, Stanford Univ. and National ICT Australia
* Monika Henzinger, EPFL Lausanne
* Christos Kaklamanis, Univ. of Patras
* Fabian Kuhn, MIT
* Miroslaw Kutylowski, Wroclaw University of Technology
* Christian Lengauer, Univ. Passau
* Stefano Leonardi, Sapienza Univ. of Rome
* Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Univ. Paderborn (PC chair)
* Dusko Pavlovic, Oxford Univ. and Kestrel Institute
* Andrzej Pelc, Univ. du Québec en Outaouais
* Giuseppe Persiano, Univ. Salerno
* Frank Pfenning, CMU
* Geppino Pucci, Univ. Padova
* Christian Scheideler, Univ. Paderborn
* Nir Shavit, Tel Aviv Univ.
* Berthold Vöcking, RWTH Aachen
* Gerhard Weikum, MPI-Saarbrücken

Workshops Chair:
* Ralf Klasing, CNRS & Univ. Bordeaux (LaBRI) & INRIA

Publicity Chairs:
* Nicolas Bonichon, Univ. Bordeaux (LaBRI) & INRIA
* Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, INRIA & Univ. Bordeaux (LaBRI)
* Frédéric Mazoit, Univ. Bordeaux (LaBRI)

Conference Secretariat:
* Laetitia Grimaldi, INRIA, Bordeaux

ICALP 2010 is organised by the INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest research
center in collaboration with the LaBRI, computer science laboratory of
CNRS and the University of Bordeaux.


[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]


7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc
and Sensor Systems

November 2010 - San Francisco, CA, USA


Abstract Due: March 26, 2010
Manuscript Due: April 2, 2010
Acceptance Notification: July 12, 2010
Camera-ready Submission: August 20, 2010


The 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor
Systems (IEEE MASS 2010) is to be held in San Francisco, CA between
October TBD, 2010. Wireless ad-hoc communication has applications in a
variety of environments, such as conferences, hospitals, battlefields
and disaster-recovery/rescue operations, and is also being actively
investigated as an alternative paradigm for Internet connectivity in
both urban and rural areas. Wireless sensor and actuator networks are
also being deployed for enhancing industrial control processes and
supply-chains, and for various forms of environmental monitoring. The
IEEE MASS 2010 aims at addressing advances in research on multi-hop
ad-hoc and sensor networks, covering topics ranging from technology
issues to applications and test-bed development. Please keep checking
this web-space for more information and regular updates about MASS 2010.


Original, unpublished contributions are solicited in all aspects of
(mobile) ad-hoc networks and wireless sensor networks (WSN), systems and
applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Vehicular networks and protocols
* Wireless mesh networks and cognitive networks
* MAC layer design for ad-hoc networks and WSNs
* MAC protocols (802.11, 802.15.4, UWB)
* Multi-channel, multi-radio and MIMO technologies
* Cross layer design and optimization
* P2P, overlay, and content distribution architectures for ad-hoc and
sensor networks
* Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking
* Power-aware architectures, algorithms and protocols design
* Clustering, topology control, coverage and connectivity
* Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, broadcast, geocast)
* Data transport and management in WSNs
* Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination in WSNs
* Localization and synchronization in WSNs
* Cooperative sensing in WSNs
* Capacity planning and admission control in ad-hoc and sensor networks
* Handoff / mobility management and seamless internetworking
* Resource management and wireless QoS Provisioning
* Key management, trust establishment in wireless networks
* Security and privacy issues in ad hoc and sensor networks
* Reliability, resiliency and fault tolerance techniques
* Security, privacy issues in vehicular, DTNs, and mesh networks
* Operating systems and middleware support
* Novel applications and architectures for WSNs
* Modeling, analysis and performance evaluation
* Measurements and experience from experimental systems and


Proposals for full day workshops are solicited. Selections will be made
considering the expertise and experience of the workshop organizers and
the relevance of the topic to the central theme of the conference.
Proposals of at most 4 pages, including a 1-page biographical sketch,
should be submitted to the Workshops Chair by March 31, 2009.


Mario Gerla, University of California, Los Angeles
Katia Obraczka, University of California, Santa Cruz


Guohong Cao, Pennsylvania State University
Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis


- Protocols and Cross-Layer Technologies
Ahmed Helmy, University of Florida

- Systems, and applications
Chenyang Lu, Washington Unviersity in St. Louis

- Algorithms and theory
Dong Xuan, Ohio State University

- Reliability, security and privacy
Radha Poovendran, University of Washington


Cedric Westphal, DoCoMo Labs
Christine Pepin, DoCoMo Labs


Rajeev Koodli, Starent Networks
Marcelo Dias Amorim, LIP 6, Universite' Paris 6


Venkatesh Rajendran, Wionics


Zhen Jiang, West Chester University


Dajin Wang, Montclair State University


Aline Carneiro Viana, INRIA


Kumar Viswanath, NTT Labs
Ignacio Solis, PARC


Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnati


Jie Wu, US National Science Foundation


Dave Cavalcanti, Phillips Research
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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

SIROCCO 2010: Submission deadline in less than a week!

*** Apologies for multiple copies ***

Less than one week remaining before the submission deadline!
REMINDER: *January 31, 5pm CET*

Call for papers


17th International Colloquium on
Structural Information and Communication Complexity

June 7-11, 2010
Sirince, Turkey

Important dates

Submission deadline: January 31, 2010 (5pm CET)
Author notification: March 21, 2010
Camera-ready submission: April 4, 2010


Submissions should be made through the on-line submission site:
Submitted papers must be written in English and must not exceed 12
pages, including the title page, figures, tables and references. The
submission must be made using 11-point font and reasonable margins.
Submissions deviating from these guidelines risk rejection without
consideration of their contents. The deadline for submitting a
paper is *January 31, 5pm CET*. Notification of acceptance will be
sent out by March 21, and the camera-ready papers are due on April 4.


The proceedings of SIROCCO 2010 will be published by Springer-Verlag
as a part of the LNCS series. Selected papers will be invited to a
special issue of the journal /Theoretical Computer Science/.


SIROCCO is devoted to the study of communication and knowledge in
multi-processor systems from both the qualitative and quantitative
viewpoints. Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches and
fundamental understanding, in addition to efforts to optimize current


SIROCCO has a tradition of interesting and productive scientific
meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading
researchers in a variety of fields in which communication and
knowledge play a significant role. This year, SIROCCO is held in
Turkey, in the Nesin Mathematics Village, located in the midst of a
beautiful scenery, close to the sea and to the ancient city of


Original papers are solicited from all areas of study of local
structural knowledge and global communication and computational
complexities. Among the typical areas are distributed computing,
communication networks, game theory, parallel computing, social
networks, mobile computing (including autonomous robots), peer to peer
systems, and communication complexity. Keeping with the tradition of
SIROCCO, new areas are always welcome.


The Prize for Innovation In Distributed Computing is awarded annually
in the SIROCCO conference to recognize individuals whose research
contributions had a major impact on the understanding of the
relationships between information and efficiency in decentralized
computing. Only authors of papers that were published in SIROCCO are
eligible to receive the award. More details are available in the
SIROCCO 2010 web site.


Conference Committees

Program Committee Chair
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv U.)

Program Committee
Amotz Bar-Noy (CUNY)
Joffroy Beauquier (U. Paris-Sud, LRI)
Andrea Clementi (U. Roma)
Tinaz Ekim (Bogazici U.)
Robert Elsasser (U. Paderborn)
Pinar Heggernes (U. Bergen)
Elias Koutsoupias (U. Athens)
Alex Kesselman (Google)
Thomas Moscibroda (Microsoft)
Dariusz Kowalski (U. Liverpool)
Thomas Sauerwald (SFU & PIMS)
Maria Serna (U. Pol. Catalunya)
Peter Widmayer (ETH)

Steering Committee Chair
Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS & U. Paris Diderot)

Steering Committee
Pascal Felber (U. Neuchatel)
Paola Flocchini (U. Ottawa)
Lefteris Kirousis (U. Patras)
Rastislav Kralovic (Comenius U.)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton U.)
Danny Krizanc (Wesleyan U.)
Bernard Mans (Macquarie U.)
David Peleg (Weizmann)
Giuseppe Prencipe (Pisa U.)
Nicola Santoro (Carleton U.)
Alex Shvartsman (U. Connecticut)
Pavlos Spirakis (CTI & U. Patras)
Shmuel Zaks (Technion)
Janez Zerovnik (U. Ljubljana)

Local Arrangements
Tinaz Ekim (Bogazici U.)
Arman Boyaci (Bogazici U.)

Publicity Chair
David Ilcinkas (CNRS & U. Bordeaux)

[DMANET] SIROCCO 2010: Submission deadline in less than a week!

*** Apologies for multiple copies ***

Less than one week remaining before the submission deadline!
REMINDER: *January 31, 5pm CET*

Call for papers


17th International Colloquium on
Structural Information and Communication Complexity

June 7-11, 2010
Sirince, Turkey

Important dates

Submission deadline: January 31, 2010 (5pm CET)
Author notification: March 21, 2010
Camera-ready submission: April 4, 2010


Submissions should be made through the on-line submission site:
Submitted papers must be written in English and must not exceed 12
pages, including the title page, figures, tables and references. The
submission must be made using 11-point font and reasonable margins.
Submissions deviating from these guidelines risk rejection without
consideration of their contents. The deadline for submitting a
paper is *January 31, 5pm CET*. Notification of acceptance will be
sent out by March 21, and the camera-ready papers are due on April 4.


The proceedings of SIROCCO 2010 will be published by Springer-Verlag
as a part of the LNCS series. Selected papers will be invited to a
special issue of the journal /Theoretical Computer Science/.


SIROCCO is devoted to the study of communication and knowledge in
multi-processor systems from both the qualitative and quantitative
viewpoints. Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches and
fundamental understanding, in addition to efforts to optimize current


SIROCCO has a tradition of interesting and productive scientific
meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading
researchers in a variety of fields in which communication and
knowledge play a significant role. This year, SIROCCO is held in
Turkey, in the Nesin Mathematics Village, located in the midst of a
beautiful scenery, close to the sea and to the ancient city of


Original papers are solicited from all areas of study of local
structural knowledge and global communication and computational
complexities. Among the typical areas are distributed computing,
communication networks, game theory, parallel computing, social
networks, mobile computing (including autonomous robots), peer to peer
systems, and communication complexity. Keeping with the tradition of
SIROCCO, new areas are always welcome.


The Prize for Innovation In Distributed Computing is awarded annually
in the SIROCCO conference to recognize individuals whose research
contributions had a major impact on the understanding of the
relationships between information and efficiency in decentralized
computing. Only authors of papers that were published in SIROCCO are
eligible to receive the award. More details are available in the
SIROCCO 2010 web site.


Conference Committees

Program Committee Chair
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv U.)

Program Committee
Amotz Bar-Noy (CUNY)
Joffroy Beauquier (U. Paris-Sud, LRI)
Andrea Clementi (U. Roma)
Tinaz Ekim (Bogazici U.)
Robert Elsasser (U. Paderborn)
Pinar Heggernes (U. Bergen)
Elias Koutsoupias (U. Athens)
Alex Kesselman (Google)
Thomas Moscibroda (Microsoft)
Dariusz Kowalski (U. Liverpool)
Thomas Sauerwald (SFU & PIMS)
Maria Serna (U. Pol. Catalunya)
Peter Widmayer (ETH)

Steering Committee Chair
Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS & U. Paris Diderot)

Steering Committee
Pascal Felber (U. Neuchatel)
Paola Flocchini (U. Ottawa)
Lefteris Kirousis (U. Patras)
Rastislav Kralovic (Comenius U.)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton U.)
Danny Krizanc (Wesleyan U.)
Bernard Mans (Macquarie U.)
David Peleg (Weizmann)
Giuseppe Prencipe (Pisa U.)
Nicola Santoro (Carleton U.)
Alex Shvartsman (U. Connecticut)
Pavlos Spirakis (CTI & U. Patras)
Shmuel Zaks (Technion)
Janez Zerovnik (U. Ljubljana)

Local Arrangements
Tinaz Ekim (Bogazici U.)
Arman Boyaci (Bogazici U.)

Publicity Chair
David Ilcinkas (CNRS & U. Bordeaux)
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] CFP: IEEE ICESS-2010, SCalCom-2010 and CIT-2010

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this


The 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (
CIT-10), Bradford, UK, 29 June - 1 July, 2010

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and
(ScalCom-10), Bradford, UK, 29 June - 1 July, 2010

The 7th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems
0), Bradford, UK, 29 June - 1 July, 2010

Sponsored by
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable

The paper submission deadline is: 08 February, 2010


Distinguished selected papers from the conferences, after further
extensions, w
ill be published in special issues of the following prestigious Journals
d by SCI:

* Journal of Supercomputing, Springer
* Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Elsevier
* Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience - John Wiley
& Sons
* Telecommunication Systems - Springer
* Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory - Elsevier
* Future Generation Computer Systems - Elsevier
* The Computer Journal - The British Computer Society




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[DMANET] New MSc course in Computation and Game Theory (Liverpool U., UK)

New one-year MSc degree course in Computation and Game Theory

Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK

This is a specialized research-led degree programme, offered by the
Department of Computer Science, with contributions from the University
of Liverpool Management School.

First intake anticipated for September 2010.

A general trend in Computer Science over the past 20 years is the
perception of computers as managing the interactions between people
and organisations, as opposed to performing self-contained computations.

Who is the course aimed at?

Recent graduates in either computer science/maths or business/economics,
with interests in design of systems to support online transactions,
and associated research issues.

Course structure: one year, full time

Semester 1: modules specific to type of background of student
(computer science or economics)
Semester 2: common set of modules
Summer: research project

For information on how to apply, tuition fees, etc., see

There is no formal deadline for applications, but we advise interested applicants to
apply as soon as possible, certainly well before September 2010.

Contact for enquiries: Piotr Krysta,


As computer systems become more interconnected, there is a trend towards
usage of computers to manage human iteraction, including e-commerce
systems that support trade and negotiation, systems that may make
recommendations to users. At the same time, competition for resources
on the internet has led to economic phenomena such as network congestion.

Our day-to-day activities are increasingly dominated by the use of
Internet, ranging from on-line shopping and auctioning, e-banking,
search for information, web conferencing to participating and sharing
information in social web-based networks. Behind these applications
there are hidden complex computer systems and technologies, whose
development requires knowledge and skills beyond traditional computer
science university curricula. Not only development but sometimes also
the effective use of these systems requires such advanced knowledge as
is, for instance, the case in sponsored search advertising mastered by
the search engines as Google or Yahoo!. Sponsored search advertising is
nowadays one of the most successful and vibrant market segments, not to
mention also being the most effective means of advertising, with
revenues counted in billions of dollars in quarter of a year.

The academic research field

Algorithmic Game Theory has developed and expanded within the Computer
Science community during the past 10 years. It comprises synergies
between economics and computer science at large, and game theory and
algorithmics in particular. By now this research area has grown
considerably with immense efforts of computer scientists worldwide and
even with its own dedicated fora -- conferences and workshops -- for
disseminating and exchanging research results. On the more applicable
side, companies like Google or Yahoo! have established branches and R&D
centers all around the world and recruit CS graduates for new exciting


The Economics and Computation research group forms part of the Dept
of Computer Science at Liverpool; it is the first of its kind in the UK
although others exist internationally. The department itself ranked in
the top 10 nationally in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.
The course also benefits from contributions from the University of Liverpool
Management School.

Extract from the prospectus entry

The success stories of the Internet giants like Google on the one hand
fire one's imagination and on the other hand create new professional
careers' pathways and new demands for such professionals. From the
scientific viewpoint the base for such careers is provided by the new
research area in the intersection of economics and computer science. The
MSc in Computation and Game Theory program is aimed at providing
students with a broad understanding of current issues in this new
research area while at the same time providing a focus on the underlying
algorithmic aspects; thus allowing students to gain specialist
qualification in a rapidly expanding field. The program covers a number
of foundational theoretical areas used in designing and building
electronic commerce computer systems. It includes cutting edge modules
in such areas as algorithmic mechanism design, communication
networks, and covers modern applications such as Google's sponsored
search auctions.
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[DMANET] SAT 2010 Final Call for Papers (Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing)

| SAT 2010 - Final Call for Papers |
| 13th International Conference on |
| Theory and Applications of |
| Satisfiability Testing |
| July 11 - July 14, 2010 |
| Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |
| Part of FLoC 2010 |
| |


Ofer Strichman, Technion, Israel
Stefan Szeider, TU Vienna, Austria


Yehuda Naveh, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Ramamohan Paturi, University of California, USA


Abstract Submission: February 1, 2010
Paper Submission: February 8, 2010
Author Notification: March 15, 2010
Final Version: April 5, 2010


The International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing SAT is the primary annual meeting for
researchers studying the propositional satisfiability problem. SAT
2010 is the thirteenth SAT conference. SAT 2010 features the SAT
Race, the Pseudo-Boolean evaluation, and the MAX-SAT evaluation.

Many hard combinatorial problems can be encoded into SAT. Therefore
improvements on heuristics on the practical side, as well as
theoretical insights into SAT, apply to a large range of real-world
problems. More specifically, many important practical verification
problems can be rephrased as SAT problems. This applies to
verification problems in hardware and software. Thus SAT is becoming
one of the most important core technologies to verify secure and
dependable systems. The topics of the conference span practical and
theoretical research on SAT and its applications, and include, but
are not limited to:

* Proof Systems and Proof Complexity
* Search Algorithms and Heuristics
* Analysis of Algorithms
* Combinatorial Theory of Satisfiability
* Random Instances vs Structured Instances
* Problem Encodings
* Industrial Applications
* Applications to Combinatorics
* Solvers, Simplifiers and Tools
* Case Studies and Empirical Results
* Exact and Parameterized Algorithms

SAT is interpreted in a rather broad sense: besides propositional
satisfiability, it includes the domain of quantified boolean
formulae (QBF), constraints programming techniques (CSP) for
word-level problems and their propositional encoding and
particularly satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).


Paper submissions should contain original material and can either be
regular research papers up to 14 pages or short papers up to 6
pages. Submitted papers may include a technical appendix in addition
to the page restriction; however, the paper must be intelligible
without the appendix and PC members are not required to read the
appendix. Regular papers may be accepted as short papers, by
decision of the program committee. Double submissions including
submissions as short and long papers will be rejected. Submissions
should use the Springer LNCS style (see All tables, figures and
the bibliography must fit into the page limit. Appendices that the
author considers as part of the final submission should fit in the
page limit as well. Submissions deviating from these requirements
may be rejected without review. All accepted papers including short
papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference, which
are expected to be published in Springer's LNCS series. The
submission page is
Papers have to be submitted electronically as PDF files.


SAT'10 Workshop Chair:
Carsten Sinz, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

SAT'10 Workshops:

* PPC10 - Propositional Proof Complexity: Theory and Practice
* POS-10 - Pragmatics of SAT
* LoCoCo 2010 - Workshop on Logics for Component Configuration
* SMT 2010 - International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo
Theories (with CAV)
* LaSh 2010 - 3rd International Workshop on Logic and Search
(with ICLP)

SAT'10 Competitions:

* MAX-SAT Evaluation 2010
* Pseudo-Boolean Competition 2010
* SAT-Race 2010

Information about SAT affiliated events can be found through the
conference's web site

SAT 2010 is one of eight conferences in the Federated Logic
Conference FLoC 2010, see

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