Thursday, February 28, 2013
[DMANET] ECCO 2013: Submission deadline extended to March 8
The 26th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
will be held in Paris, France, at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
from May 30 to June 1, 2013.
Abstract submission: from January 14 to March 8th, 2013.
Notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2013.
The ECCO XXVI - 2013 conference will be organized jointly by the
LAMSADE-CNRS UMR 7243 of the University Paris-Dauphine and the
laboratory CEDRIC of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM).
ECCO (European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization) is a working group
of EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) that
provides an excellent opportunity to discuss recent and important issues
in Combinatorial Optimization and its applications with European
combinatorialists by organizing annual conference meetings.
The primary objectives are:
- exchanging results and experiences in solving real-world combinatorial
optimization problems,
- reporting on development and implementation of appropriate models and
efficient solution methods for combinatorial optimization problems,
- establishing networking contacts between individuals and research
groups working on related topics,
- promoting the work on combinatorial optimization (theory and
applications) to the broader scientific community,
- identifying challenging research problems for the field, as well as
promising research outlets (both in theory and applications),
- promoting interactions with researchers in other related fields.
Topics of interest:
- applications of combinatorial optimization in logistics and supply
chain management, manufacturing, energy production and distribution,
telecommunications, bioinformatics, finance, discrete and hybrid
dynamical systems, and other fields,
- exact solution algorithms, approximation algorithms, heuristics, and
meta-heuristics for combinatorial optimization problems,
- graph theory and network flows,
- integer programming, global optimization, stochastic integer
programming, multiobjective programming.
Plenary Speakers:
Dorit S. Hochbaum, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research – University of California
Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica – Università di Roma
Peter Gritzmann, Mathematics Department, Technische Universität München
Stéphan Thomassé, Laboratoire de l'informatique du parallélisme - Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Program Committee:
Cédric BENTZ, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Jacek BLAZEWICZ, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Denis CORNAZ, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Van-Dat CUNG, Grenoble INP, France
Alain HERTZ, École Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Ridha MAHJOUB, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Silvano MARTELLO, University of Bologna, Italy
Vangelis PASCHOS, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Christophe PICOULEAU, Co-Chair, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France
Bernard RIES, Co-Chair, Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Paolo TOTH, University of Bologna, Italy
Organizing Committee:
Cédric BENTZ,
Katerina KINTA,
Vangelis PASCHOS,
Christophe PICOULEAU (Co-Chair),
Bernard RIES (Co-Chair)
Dr Bernard Ries
Associate Professor
LAMSADE - Université Paris-Dauphine
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[DMANET] Assistant Professorship Combinatorial Optimization TU Ilmenau
Assistant professor position Combinatorial Optimization (Junior-Professor), 4 years, plus 2 years after successful evaluation
in the Discrete Mathematics group at the Ilmenau University of Technology, Chair Matthias Kriesell. We are looking for a strong researcher (for example documented by an excellent PhD) in Combinatorial Optimization with close connections to Graph Theory and/or Theoretical Computer Science. The position includes teaching in English or German. The positions starts 1.10.2013, the deadline for applications is 31.3.2013.
For the complete official announcement (in german) see
Applications to
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Dekanat der Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Postfach 10 05 65
D-98684 Ilmenau
*and* electronically to
For further questions, please contact Matthias Kriesell,
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kriesell
Ilmenau University University of Technology
Department of Mathematics
PF 10 05 65
D-98684 Ilmenau
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013
[DMANET] Staff member in the area of transport logistics
The main tasks will be:
* Collaboration in national and international research projects
* Conception and close to market implementation of projects in the area of transport logistics
* Data analysis and simulation
* Liaison with cooperation partners from industry
* Project management
Official application information in German can be found at:
For informal inquiries please contact Jakob Puchinger.
Jakob Puchinger
Senior Scientist
Mobility Department
Dynamic Transportation Systems
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550-6461 | M +43 664 210 65 09 | F +43 50550-6439 |
FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506
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[DMANET] PostDoc/PhD position in Bioinformatics/Parameterized Algorithms at FSU Jena, Germany
The Chair for Bioinformatics, Institute of Computer Science at the
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena offers the following position:
PostDoc/PhD student as a research associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
The position is part of the project Parameterized Algorithmics for
Bioinformatic, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Scope of
this project is to develop efficient algorithms for NP-hard
bioinformatics problems, in particular using parameterized algorithmics.
Focus of research is, besides developing such algorithms, also their
implementation, evaluation, algorithm engineering, and biological case
studies. Other methods for solving NP-hard optimization problems, such
as Integer Linear Programming, will also be considered.
Requirements for PhD students: Applicants for this project must have or
be about to obtain a Master's degree or a qualification equivalent to
the German Diploma in bioinformatics, computer science, or mathematics.
The applicant should have an very good background in algorithmics.
Introductory course level knowledge or better in biology and molecular
biology is required. Good programming skills are required, and
experience in software design would be helpful.
Requirements for Postdocs: Applicants for this project must have a PhD
in bioinformatics, computer science, or mathematics. It is required that
the applicant has research experience in developing paramterized
algorithms, preferably for bioinformatics problems, documented by
publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings.
Salary is according to Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, either a full position
(for PostDocs) or 3/4 position (for PhD students). These positions are
temporary appointments.
Handicapped applicants will be given preference in case of equal
Please send your application with the usual documents (CV, list of
publications, copies of certificates, preferred via email) until March
29th 2013 to:
Kathrin Schowtka
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
07743 Jena, Germany
Am Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik, Institut für Informatik der
Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
die Stelle eines
Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters (Post-Doktorand oder Doktorand)
zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist Teil des von der DFG geförderten Projekts
Parametrisierte Algorithmik bioinformatischer Probleme. Im Rahmen dieses
Projektes sollen effiziente Algorithmen, insbesondere aus dem Bereich
der parametrischen Algorithmik, für NP-schwere Probleme der
Bioinformatik entwickelt werden. Fokus der Forschung sind, neben der
Entwicklung solcher Algorithmen, auch ihre Implementierung, Evaluierung,
Algorithm Engineering und biologische Fallstudien. Im Projekt sollen, wo
dies möglich ist, auch andere informatische Methoden zu lösen
NP-schwerer Optimierungsprobleme zum Einsatz kommen (beispielsweise
Integer Linear Programming).
Anforderungen für Doktoranden. Bewerber müssen über ein abgeschlossenes
Diplom- oder Master-Studium in den Bereichen Bioinformatik, Informatik
oder Mathematik verfügen, oder ein solches Studium in naher Zukunft
abschließen. Notwendig sind sehr gute Kenntnisse in Bereich Algorithmik
sowie Grundkenntnisse in den Bereichen Biologie und Molekularbiologie.
Die Projektarbeit erfordert gute Programmierkenntnisse, Erfahrung im
Bereich Software Design ist wünschenswert.
Anforderungen für Post-Doktoranden. Bewerber müssen über eine
abgeschlossene Promotion in den Bereichen Bioinformatik, Informatik oder
Mathematik verfügen, oder ihre Dissertation bereits eingereicht haben.
Für Post-Doktoranden zwingend erforderlich sind Vorarbeiten im
Forschungsbereich parameterisierter Algorithmen, vorzugsweise für
bioinformatische Probleme, nachgewiesen durch Publikationen in
Fachzeitschriften oder Konferenz-Proceedings.
Die Vergütung erfolgt gemäß Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, es handelt sich um
volle Stellen (für Post-Doktoranden) bzw. 3/4 Stellen (für Doktoranden).
Die Möglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Qualifikation wird geboten. Die
Stellen sind befristet.
Beiträge zur Lehre der Studiengänge Bioinformatik (Diplom, B.Sc., M.Sc.)
werden in geringen Umfang erwartet.
Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher
Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Publikationsliste,
Zeugniskopien) sind vorzugsweise via EMail bis zum 29.03.2013
einzureichen bei:
Kathrin Schowtka
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
07743 Jena, Germany
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Boecker, Lehrstuhl fuer Bioinformatik
Institut fuer Informatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, 07743 Jena, Germany
Office 3405, Phone +49 (0)3641 9-46451, Fax +49 (0)3641 9-46452
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[DMANET] PhD fellowship on Theory of Constraint Satisfaction
available at the DTIC department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Victor Dalmau, on
the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of Constraint Satisfaction.
Applicants should have a master degree or equivalent and are expected
to have an strong academic background in logic, discrete mathematics,
algorithms, and/or computational
complexity. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Victor Dalmau,
Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra.
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[DMANET] BCTCS 2013: call for participation. More student bursaries now available!
Bath, UK
24th-27th March 2013
*** NEW!! 6 additional student bursaries available. Apply by March 7th 2013. ***
*** Deadline for booking on-campus accommodation: March 5th 2013. Five rooms left! ***
Deadline for abstract submission: 10th March 2013
Deadline for registration: 10th March 2013
The 29th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science will be
hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Bath,
from 24th to 27th March 2013.
The purpose of BCTCS is to provide a forum in which researchers in
theoretical computer science can meet, present research findings, and
discuss developments in the field. It also aims to provide an
environment in which PhD students can gain experience in presenting
their work, and benefit from contact with established researchers.
We are pleased to announce that a further 6 fully-funded PhD Student
Bursaries are available, covering UK
travel, accommodation at the on-campus rate, and full registration.
It is easy to apply for one. Please see the website for details.
The scope of the colloquium includes all aspects of theoretical
computer science, including automata theory, algorithms, complexity
theory, semantics, formal methods, concurrency, types, languages and
logics. Both computer scientists and mathematicians are welcome to
attend, as are participants from outside of the UK.
The colloquium features both invited and contributed talks. This
year's invited speakers are
Susanne Albers, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the LMS-sponsored
keynote speaker in Discrete Mathematics
Samson Abramsky, University of Oxford
Assia Mahboubi, INRIA - École Polytechnique
Angela Wallenburg, Altran UK.
Participants wishing to give 30 minute contributed talks may simply to
submit a title and abstract (100--300 words) by the deadline given
Further details are available from the Colloquium website:
Important dates:
18/1/2013: Registration open
18/1/2013: Abstract submissions open
5/3/2013: Deadline for booking on-campus accommodation
7/3/2013: EXTENDED!! Deadline for application for bursaries
10/3/2013: Deadline for registration
10/3/2013: Deadline for submission of abstracts
24 - 27/3/2013: Colloquium
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[DMANET] Final Call for Participation - NetSys 2013 - March 11-15, 2013
======================= FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION =================
International Conference on Networked Systems 2013 (NetSys 2013)
March 11-15, 2013. Stuttgart, Germany
Registration is open now:
Early registration deadline: January 31st, 2013
The Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2013) provides an
international forum for engineers and scientists in academia,
industry, and government to discuss innovations in the realm of
networked systems – including aspects of networking, distributed
systems, communications, middleware, and applications.
This biennial international conference is the successor of the
conference series Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), which
was started more than 30 years ago and developed to the major
scientific event in German-speaking countries in the field of
communications and distributed systems.
Please note this event is sponsored by IEEE, GI, and ITG.
This year's conference highlights include an outstanding technical
program on recent advances in computer communications and networking
* Keynote addresses by F. Brockners (Principal Engineer, Cisco Central
Network Software Organization), A. Feldmann (Professor, Deutsche
Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin), V. Hilt (Head of Networked Services
Research, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs Germany), and A. Rowstron
(Principle Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge)
* 16 technical papers reporting original research on networking,
distributed systems middleware, security, and networked applications
* Industry track with 6 invited talks from well-known experts in the
field of cloud computing, network virtualization, and
virtualization of embedded systems
* Two half-day workshops and six half-day tutorials
* Communication software demonstrations
* Doctoral forum with poster sessions
* K. Rothermel, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* A. Kirstädter, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* J. Charzinski, HdM Stuttgart, Germany
* M. Matthiesen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* C. Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany
* K. Wehrle, RWTH Aachen, Germany
* Cisco
* requisimus
* infos
Looking forward to seeing you in Stuttgart!
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[DMANET] Position in Stralsund (Germany)
Professor in Business Intelligence and Statistics
The position includes teaching for students of Business Informatics at bachelor and master level (mainly in German). Applicants should have a solid background in statistics and mathematics and practical experience in business intelligence applications.
Starting date: September 1, 2013 (or by mutual agreement).
Application deadline: March 1, 2013
For the complete announcement (in German) see,id,4647,cal_time,1361874523,nodeid,19.html
Prof. Dr. Petra Scheffler
FH Stralsund, FB Wirtschaft
Zur Schwedenschanze 15
D-18435 Stralsund
Telefon: +49 (0) 3831 456615
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[DMANET] CSEDays 2013: student school on algorithms and complexity (application form activated)
Ekaterinburg, Russia, June 29 -- July 01, 2013
Konstantin Makarychev (Microsoft Research, US)
Semidefinite programming and approximation algorithms
Alexander Shen (Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics,
and Microelectronics and Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RU)
Kolmogorov complexity
Mario Szegedy (Rutgers University, US)
Lovász Local Lemma
Ryan Williams (Stanford University, US)
Connections Between Algorithms and Lower Bounds
The school will be held in Ekaterinburg, Russia on June 29 -- July 01, 2013.
The topic of the school is "Algorithms and Complexity". The program will
consist of 4 short lecture courses as well as student presentations and
poster sessions. Students are encouraged to submit not only published or
completed research, but also a short summary of work in progress or even a
concise review of a problem area. The primary goal of submitting a paper,
as we see it, is getting feedback from experts in complexity theory as well
as school lecturers and participants.
The school will be held right after the 8th International Computer Science
Symposium in Russia (CSR 2013, June 25--29):
Any participant of the school may arrive earlier and attend the talks of
the CSR 2013 without paying the conference registration fee.
Application form:
Deadline: April 10, 2013
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
[DMANET] 5th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling Competition
5th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling Competition
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the fifth AIMMS/MOPTA
Optimization Modeling Competition. The competition is jointly
organized by the conference organizers of MOPTA and Paragon Decision
Technology ( Finalists are expected to attend
and present their results at the 2013 MOPTA Conference to be held
August 14-16, 2013 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA.
Teams of at most three students can participate. The team leader has to
be a graduate student, though the other members of the team can be
advanced undergraduate students. Each member of the team must be
registered as a full-time student at a recognized educational institution
during the Spring term of the 2012-2013 academic year. Students with a
background in optimization, regardless of their actual field of study, are
eligible. Collaboration between students from different departments is
strongly encouraged. Each team must declare a team advisor with which
the team may consult about the problem and their solution. It is the team
advisor's responsibility to ensure that the students have appropriate
knowledge for the competition. The team advisor should not be involved
as a participant in the solution process.
As the conference is international, so is the competition. Teams from all
over the world can participate, as long as at least one team member can
come to the conference, should the team make it to the final round. The
official language of the competition is English.
The competition problem has been posted; please visit:
for a description of the problem and further details.
All teams must *register* for the competition in order to participate.
Important Dates:
Registration Due: 14 June 2013
Solutions Due: 14 June 2013
Finalists Chosen: 28 June 2013
Conference Begins: 14 August 2013
For questions, please contact Luis F. Zuluaga,
Luis F. Zuluaga,
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
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[DMANET] LATA 2013: call for participation
LATA 2013
Bilbao, Spain
April 2-5, 2013
Tuesday, April 2:
8:00 - 8:50 Registration
8:50 - 9:00 Opening
9:00 - 9:50 Jin-Yi Cai: Complexity Dichotomy for Counting Problems - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:40
Brink Van der Merwe, Mark Farag, Jaco Geldenhuys: Counting Minimal Symmetric Difference NFAs
Henning Fernau, Pinar Heggernes, Yngve Villanger: A Multivariate Analysis of Some DFA Problems
Rodrigo de Souza: Uniformisation of Two-Way Transducers
Kenji Hashimoto, Ryuta Sawada, Yasunori Ishihara, Hiroyuki Seki, Toru Fujiwara: Determinacy and Subsumption for Single-Valued Bottom-Up Tree Transducers
11:40 - 12:10 Coffee Break
12:10 - 13:50
Aistis Atminas, Vadim Lozin, Mikhail Moshkov: Deciding WQO for Factorial Languages
Eli Shamir: Pumping, Shrinking and Pronouns: from Context Free to Indexed Grammars
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Siddhesh Chaubal, Sasha Rubin: How to Travel Between Languages
Cewei Cui, Zhe Dang, Thomas R. Fischer, Oscar H. Ibarra: Execution Information Rate for Some Classes of Automata
13:50 - 15:30 Lunch
15:30 - 17:10
Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Jean-Philippe Dubernard, Hadrien Jeanne, Ludovic Mignot: Two-Sided Derivatives for Regular Expressions and for Hairpin Expressions
Stuart Haber, William Horne, Pratyusa Manadhata, Miranda Mowbray, Prasad Rao: Efficient Submatch Extraction for Practical Regular Expression
Daniel Goc, Hamoon Mousavi, Jeffrey Shallit: On the Number of Unbordered Factors
Jörg Endrullis, Clemens Grabmayer, Dimitri Hendriks: Mix-Automatic Sequences
17:10 - 17:20 Break
17:20 - 18:10 Joël Ouaknine: Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems (I) - Invited Tutorial
Wednesday, April 3:
9:00 - 9:50 Joël Ouaknine: Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems (II) - Invited Tutorial
9:50 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:40
Giorgio Delzanno, Riccardo Traverso: Decidability and Complexity Results for Verification of Asynchronous Broadcast Networks
Tim Smith: Infiniteness and Boundedness in 0L, DT0L, and T0L Systems
Fabrizio Biondi, Axel Legay, Bo Friis Nielsen, Andrzej Wasowski: Maximizing Entropy over Markov Processes
Olga Tveretina: A Conditional Superpolynomial Lower Bound for Extended Resolution
11:40 - 12:10 Coffee Break
12:10 - 13:50
Sebastian Bala, Artur Koninski: Unambiguous Automata Denoting Finitely Sequential Functions
Benedikt Bollig, Aiswarya Cyriac, Loïc Hélouët, Ahmet Kara, Thomas Schwentick: Dynamic Communicating Automata and Branching High-Level MSCs
Parisa Babaali, Christopher Knaplund: On the Construction of a Family of Automata that are Generically Non-Minimal
Sebastian Bala, Dariusz Jackowski: Limited Non-Determinism Hierarchy of Counter Automata
13:50 - 15:30 Lunch
15:30 - 16:20
Rusinš Freivalds, Thomas Zeugmann, Grant Pogosyan: On the Size Complexity of Deterministic Frequency Automata
Johanna Björklund, Henning Fernau, Anna Kasprzik: MAT Learning of Universal Automata
16:20 - 16:30 Break
16:30 - 17:20 Luke Ong: Recursion Schemes, Collapsible Pushdown Automata, and Higher-Order Model Checking (I) - Invited Tutorial
17:30 Visit to the City
Thursday, April 4:
9:00 - 9:50 Luke Ong: Recursion Schemes, Collapsible Pushdown Automata, and Higher-Order Model Checking (II) - Invited Tutorial
9:50 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:40
Victor Selivanov, Anton Konovalov: Boolean Algebras of Regular ?-Languages
Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala: Interval Logics and ?B-Regular Languages
Karin Quaas: Model Checking Metric Temporal Logic over Automata with one Counter
Takahito Aoto, Munehiro Iwami: Termination of Rule-Based Calculi for Uniform Semi-Unification
11:40 - 12:10 Coffee Break
12:10 - 13:50
Jurriaan Rot, Marcello Bonsangue, Jan Rutten: Coinductive Proof Techniques for Language Equivalence
Xiaojie Deng, Yu Zhang, Yuxin Deng, Farong Zhong: The Buffered p-calculus: A Model for Concurrent Languages
Michael Luttenberger, Maximilian Schlund: Convergence of Newton's Method over Commutative Semirings
Milka Hutagalung, Martin Lange, Etienne Lozes: Revealing vs. Concealing: More Simulation Games for Büchi Inclusion
13:50 - 15:30 Lunch
15:30 - 17:10
Oscar Ibarra, Bala Ravikumar: On Bounded Languages and Reversal-Bounded Automata
Katsuhiko Nakamura, Keita Imada: Eliminating Stack Symbols in Push-Down Automata and Linear Indexed Grammars
Véronique Bruyère, Marc Ducobu, Olivier Gauwin: Visibly Pushdown Automata: Universality and Inclusion via Antichains
Florent Jacquemard, Michael Rusinowitch: Rewrite Closure and CF Hedge Automata
17:10 - 17:20 Break
17:20 - 18:10 Thomas Schwentick: XML Schema Management: a Challenge for Automata Theory - Invited Lecture
Friday, April 5:
9:00 - 9:50 Kousha Etessami: Algorithms for Analyzing and Verifying Infinite-state Recursive Probabilistic Systems - Invited Lecture
9:50 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:40
Friedrich Otto: Asynchronous PC Systems of Pushdown Automata
Stanislav Žák, Jirí Šíma: A Turing Machine Distance Hierarchy
Éric Laugerotte, Nadia Ouali Sebti, Djelloul Ziadi: From Regular Tree Expression to Position Tree Automaton
Rajeev Alur, Sampath Kannan, Kevin Tian, Yifei Yuan: On The Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs
11:40 - 12:10 Coffee Break
12:10 - 13:50
Francine Blanchet-Sadri, Justin Lazarow: Suffix Trees for Partial Words and the Longest Common Compatible Prefix Problem
Daniel Goc, Kalle Saari, Jeffrey Shallit: Primitive Words and Lyndon Words in Automatic and Linearly Recurrent Sequences
Francine Blanchet-Sadri, Michelle Bodnar, Nathan Fox, Joe Hidakatsu: A Graph Polynomial Approach to Primitivity
Luke Schaeffer: Ostrowski Numeration and the Local Period of Sturmian Words
13:50 - 15:30 Lunch
15:30 - 16:45
Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen: Online Matching of Multiple Regular Patterns with Gaps and Character Classes
Billel Benzaid, Riccardo Dondi, Nadia El-Mabrouk: Duplication-Loss Genome Alignment: Complexity and Algorithm
Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski, Wojciech Rytter, Tomasz Walen: Linear-Time Version of Holub's Algorithm for Morphic Imprimitivity Testing
16:45 - 16:55 Break
16:55 - 17:45 Andrei Voronkov: The Lazy Reviewer Assignment Problem in EasyChair - Invited Lecture
17:45 Closing
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[DMANET] MIC 2013: Submission deadline extended to March 14!
please note that the submission deadline of MIC 2013 has been extended to
** March 14, 2013 **
Please appologize cross-postings.
Best regards
August 5-8, 2013, Singapore
The Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC) is a forum for the
exchange of new algorithmic developments, high-impact and novel
applications, new research challenges, theoretical developments,
implementation issues, and in-depth experimental studies in metaheuristics.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing, iterated local
search, variable neighborhood search, memory-based optimization,
evolutionary algorithms, memetic algorithms, ant colony optimization,
particle swarm optimization, scatter search, path relinking, etc.
- Techniques that enhance the usability and increase the potential of
metaheuristic algorithms such as parallelization of algorithms, reactive
search mechanisms for self-tuning, offline metaheuristic algorithm
configuration techniques, algorithm portfolios, etc.
- Empirical and theoretical research in metaheuristics including
large-scale experimental analyses, algorithm comparisons, new
experimental methodologies, engineering methodologies for stochastic
local search algorithms, search space analysis, theoretical insights
into properties of metaheuristic algorithms.
- High-impact applications of metaheuristics in fields such as
bioinformatics, data mining, planning and scheduling,
telecommunications, logistics and supply chains, etc. Particularly
welcome are innovative applications of metaheuristics that have a
potential of widening research frontiers.
- Contributions on the interface of metaheuristics with other
disciplines, such as agent-based models, integer programming, constraint
programming, machine learning, etc.
- Challenging problems such as multi-objective, stochastic, or dynamic
MIC2013 will feature refereed and invited presentations and panels on
emerging issues that bring academic and industry participants together
in dialogue. We plan to organize special sessions on Meta-Heuristics and
Big Data Analytics, Meta-Heuristics and Constraint Programming, Dynamic
Vehicle Routing, Distributed Problem Solving, Meta-Heuristics and
Multi-Objective Optimization.
Program Chairs
Hoong Chuin Lau (, Singapore Management University,
Günther Raidl (, Vienna University of Technology,
Pascal Van Hentenryck (, NICTA and University of
Melbourne, Australia
Invited Speakers
Pablo Moscato, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, University of Newcastle
Steven Kimbrough, Professor, Wharton Business School, University of
Panos M. Pardalos, Distinguished Professor, Industrial and Systems
Engineering, and Director, Centre for Applied Optimization, University
of Florida
Invited are original full papers of up to 10 pages as well as extended
abstracts of work-in-progress and position notes of up to 3 pages.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings that will be
available at the conference. In addition, a post-conference special
issue of an appropriate journal (to be announced later) is planned to be
published. Participants will be invited to submit extended versions of
their work for consideration.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must be formatted according to MIC 2013 guidelines and
submitted electronically through the MIC 2013 paper submission site.
Full instructions including formatting guidelines and electronic
templates (both LaTeX and Microsoft Word) are available on the MIC 2013
Key Dates and Deadlines
Electronic paper submission deadline: March 14, 2013 Notification
of acceptance: April 30, 2013 Camera-ready papers:
May 30, 2013
Workshops and tutorials: August 5, 2013
Main conference: August 6-8, 2013
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
[DMANET] Final Call For Papers WG 2013
39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer
Science, June 19-21, 2013, in Lübeck, Germany
Scope: WG conferences aim to connect theory and practice by
demonstrating how graph-theoretic concepts can be applied to
various areas of computer science and by extracting new problems
from applications. The goal is to present recent results and to
identify and explore directions of future research. Submitted
papers should describe original results in any aspects and areas
of graph theory related to computer science, including but not
restricted to
- structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity
- design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized,
parameterized, and distributed graph and network algorithms,
- computational complexity of graph and network problems,
- computational geometry,
- graph grammars, graph rewriting systems, and graph modeling,
- graph drawing and layouts,
- random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks,
- support of these concepts by suitable implementations and
Submissions: Please submit your contribution via EasyChair:
The submission must not exceed 12 pages in Springer-
Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX style. Proofs omitted due to space
constraints must be placed in an appendix to be read by the
program committee members at their discretion.
Simultaneous submission of papers to any other conference
with published proceedings or submitting papers previously
accepted for journal publication is not allowed. Only
electronic submissions in PostScript or Portable Document
Format (PDF) are accepted. Authors are encouraged to post full
versions of their submissions in a freely accessible repository
such as the arXiv or ECCC.
Proceedings: Invited papers and accepted contributions will be
published in the conference proceedings in Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
Plenary Speakers:
Feodor F. Dragan (Kent State University, USA)
Ola Svensson (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland)
Berthold Vöcking (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Program Committee:
Andreas Brandstädt (Rostock, Germany, co-chair)
Artur Czumaj (Warwick, United Kingdom)
Pinar Heggernes (Bergen, Norway)
Juraj Hromkovic (Zürich, Switzerland)
Klaus Jansen (Kiel, Germany, co-chair)
Jan Kratochvil (Praha, Czech Republic)
Van Bang Le (Rostock, Germany)
Bodo Manthey (Twente, Netherlands)
Daniel Marx (Budapest, Hungary)
Monaldo Mastrolilli (Lugano, Switzerland)
Ernst W. Mayr (München, Germany)
Haiko Müller (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Rolf Niedermeier (Berlin, Germany)
Christophe Paul (Montpellier, France)
Dieter Rautenbach (Ulm, Germany)
Rüdiger Reischuk (Lübeck, Germany, co-chair)
Heiko Röglin (Bonn, Germany)
Christian Sohler (Dortmund, Germany)
Ioan Todinca (Orleans, France)
Dorothea Wagner (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Raphael Yuster (Haifa, Israel)
Important Dates:
Submission of papers March 1, 2013
Acceptance notification April 30, 2013
Early registration May 15, 2013
Final version due July 30, 2013
Local Organizers:
Andreas Brandstädt (Rostock, Germany)
Klaus Jansen (Kiel, Germany)
Rüdiger Reischuk (Lübeck, Germany)
Conference Website:
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
Monday, February 25, 2013
ISAAC 2013 Call For Papers
ISAAC 2013
The 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
December 16-18, 2013
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2013)
will be held in Hong Kong, December 16-18, 2013. The symposium is intended
to provide a forum for researchers working in algorithms and theory of
computation. Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms
and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant applied areas are
also welcome.
Muthu Muthukrishnan, Rutgers University, USA.
Moni Naor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
Submission deadline: June 15, 2013 (23:59 Honolulu Time)
Notification date: Late August, 2013
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS
series. Selected papers will be invited to special issues of Algorithmica
and International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications.
The submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas,
techniques, and results, including motivation and a comparison with
related work. The main text, including title, abstract, and references,
should not exceed 11 pages in LNCS style. An optional appendix should be
used to provide proof details that do not fit in the main text. Submitted
papers must describe unpublished work. Authors should not submit papers
with the same results or essentially the same results that are accepted
or published or under review by a conference with refereed proceedings
or a journal. Only electronic submission will be allowed and only pdf
files will be accepted. It will be done via Easychair:
A Best Paper and a Best Student Paper may be awarded. A paper is eligible
for the Best Student Paper Award if all authors are full-time students
at the time of submission. To indicate that a submission is eligible,
please add the phrase "Eligible for the Best Student Paper Award" in
the abstract.
Chung-Keung Poon, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hing-Fung Ting, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Leizhen Cai, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Siu-Wing Cheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Tak-Wah Lam, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Pankaj Agarwal, Duke University, USA
Hee-Kap Ahn, POSTECH, South Korea
Boris Aronov, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Therese Biedl, University of Waterloo, Canada
Hubert Chan, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jianer Chen, Texas A&M University, USA
Xi Chen, Columbia University, USA
Pavol Hell, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Wing-Kai Hon, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan
Jesper Jansson, Kyoto University, Japan
Ming-Yang Kao, Northwestern University, USA
Stefan Kratsch, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany
Stefan Langerman, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Lap-Chi Lau, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
James Lee, University of Washington, USA
Jian Li, Tsinghua University, China
Hsueh-l Lu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Julian Mestre, University of Sydney, Australia
Pat Morin, Carleton University, Canada
Benjamin Moseley, Toyota Institute of Technology at Chicago, USA
Evanthia Papadopoulou, Universita della Svizerra italiana, Switzerland
Christophe Paul, CNRS, LIRMM, France
Rajeev Raman, University of Leicester, UK
Kunihiko Sadakane, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Wing-Kin Sung, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jan Arne Telle, University of Bergen, Norway
Hing Fung Ting, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Rob van Stee, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
Antoine Vigneron, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Saudi Arabia
Lusheng Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yajun Wang, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Prudence Wong, University of Liverpool, UK
Yitong Yin, Nanking University, China
Neal Young, University of California, Riverside, USA
Shengyu Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
CALCO 2013: Deadline Extension
*** -------------------- DEADLINE EXTENSION ------------------------- ***
To allow for some delays in submission of papers to CALCO 2013, the
deadline has been moved by one week. See the new dates in the call for
papers below and at the CALCO'13 web page
5th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
September 3 - 6, 2013
Warsaw, Poland
Abstract submission: March 1, 2013
Paper submission: March 8, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
-- SCOPE --
CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with
interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging
uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer science.
It is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the
forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on
Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place
in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009)
and Winchester (UK, 2011). The fifth edition will be held in Warsaw,
the capital of Poland.
Andrej Bauer - University of Lubljana, Sl
Mikołaj Bojańczyk - Warsaw University, PL
Neil Ghani - University of Strathclyde, UK
Damien Pous - CNRS, ENS-Lyon, F
We invite submissions of technical papers that report results of
theoretical work on the mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the
way these results can support methods and techniques for software
development, as well as experience with the transfer of the resulting
technologies into industrial practice. We encourage submissions in
topics included or related to those listed below.
* Abstract models and logics
- Automata and languages
- Categorical semantics
- Modal logics
- Relational systems
- Graph transformation
- Term rewriting
- Adhesive categories
* Specialised models and calculi
- Hybrid, probabilistic, and timed systems
- Calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, mobile, and
context-aware computing
- General systems theory and computational models (chemical,
biological, etc.)
* Algebraic and coalgebraic semantics
- Abstract data types
- Inductive and coinductive methods
- Re-engineering techniques (program transformation)
- Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques
- Semantics of programming languages
* System specification and verification
- Algebraic and coalgebraic specification
- Formal testing and quality assurance
- Validation and verification
- Generative programming and model-driven development
- Models, correctness and (re)configuration of
- Process algebra
This edition of CALCO will feature two new topics, and submission of
papers on these topics is especially encouraged.
* Corecursion in Programming Languages
- Corecursion in logic / constraint / functional / answer set
- Corecursive type inference
- Coinductive methods for proving program properties
- Implementing corecursion
- Applications
* Algebra and Coalgebra in quantum computing
- Categorical semantics for quantum computing
- Quantum calculi and programming languages
- Foundational structures for quantum computing
- Applications of quantum algebra
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English
presenting original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. Experience papers are
welcome, but they must clearly present general lessons learned that
would be of interest and benefit to a broad audience of both
researchers and practitioners. As with previous editions, the
proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Final
papers should be no more than 15 pages long in the format specified by
Springer (see It is
recommended that submissions adhere to that format and
length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected
immediately. Proofs omitted due to space limitations may be included
in a clearly marked appendix. Both an abstract and the full paper must
be submitted by their respective submission deadlines.
A special issue of the open access journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science (, containing extended versions of
selected papers, is also being planned.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair
For the first time, this edition of CALCO will feature two kinds of
awards: a best paper award whose recipients will be selected by the PC
before the conference and a best presentation award, elected by the
Abstract submission: February 22, 2013
Paper submission: March 1, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
Luca Aceto - Reykjavik University, Iceland
Jiří Adámek - TU Braunschweig, D
Lars Birkedal - IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Filippo Bonchi - CNRS, ENS-Lyon, F
Corina Cirstea - University of Southhampton, UK
Bob Coecke - University of Oxford, UK
Andrea Corradini - University of Pisa, I
Mai Gehrke - Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, F
H. Peter Gumm - Philipps University Marburg, D
Gopal Gupta - University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Ichiro Hasuo - Tokyo University, Japan
Reiko Heckel - University of Leicester, UK (cochair)
Bart Jacobs - Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
Ekaterina Komendantskaya - University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Barbara König - University of Duisburg-Essen, D
José Meseguer - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Marino Miculan - University of Udine, I
Stefan Milius - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, D (cochair)
Larry Moss - Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Till Mossakowski - DFKI Lab Bremen and University of Bremen, D
Prakash Panangaden - McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Dirk Pattinson - Australian National University, AUS
Dusko Pavlovic - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Daniela Petrisan - University of Leicester, UK
John Power - University of Bath, UK
Jan Rutten - CWI Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
Lutz Schröder - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, D
Monika Seisenberger - Swansea University, UK
Sam Staton - University of Cambridge, UK
Alexandra Silva - Radboud University Nijmegen and CWI Amsterdam, NL
Pawel Sobocinski - University of Southampton, UK
Yde Venema - University of Amsterdam, NL
Uwe Wolter - University of Bergen, NO
Bartek Klin (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Andrzej Tarlecki (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is a lively city with many historic
monuments and sights, but also with a thriving business district. It
is easily accessible via two airports: the main Chopin Airport, used by
most international carriers, and the recently open Warsaw Modlin
Airport (30 minutes away by rail), used by budget airlines.
CALCO 2013 will be preceded by the CALCO Early Ideas Workshop, chaired
by Monika Seisenberger (Swansea University). The workshop is dedicated
to presentation of work in progress and original research
proposals. PhD students and young researchers are particularly
encouraged to contribute. Attendance at the workshop is open to all -
it is anticipated that many CALCO conference participants will want to
attend the CALCO Early Ideas workshop (and vice versa).
A workshop dedicated to tools based on algebraic and/or coalgebraic
principles, CALCO Tools, will be held alongside the main conference,
chaired by Lutz Schröder (Friedrich Alexander Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg). Papers of this workshop will be included in the
CALCO proceedings.
-- CALCO Early Ideas Overview --
The CALCO Early Ideas Workshop invites submissions on the same topics
as the CALCO conference: reporting results of theoretical work on the
mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the way these results can
support methods and techniques for software development, as well as
experience with the transfer of the resulting technologies into
industrial practice. The list of topics of particular interest is
shown on the main CALCO 2013 page.
CALCO Early Ideas presentations will be selected according to originality,
significance, and general interest, on the basis of submitted 2-page short
contributions. It can be work in progress, a summary of work submitted to a
conference or workshop elsewhere, or work that in some other way might be interesting to
the CALCO audience. A booklet with the accepted short contributions will be
available at the workshop.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair
The use of LNCS style is strongly encouraged.
After the workshop, authors will have the opportunity to submit
a full 10-15 page paper on the same topic. The reviewing will be carried out by
the CALCO Early Ideas PC, with the support of the CALCO PC. The volume of
selected papers will be available online. Authors will retain copyright, and are
also encouraged to disseminate the results by subsequent publication elsewhere.
-- CALCO Early Ideas Dates --
2-page short contribution submission: May 27, 2013
Notification for short contribution: June 24, 2013
Final short contribution due: July 15, 2013
CALCO Early Idead Workshop: September 2, 2013
10-15 page paper submission: October 15, 2013
Notification for paper: December 15, 2013
Final paper version due: January 15, 2014
-- CALCO Early Ideas Program Committee --
Bartek Klin, University of Warsaw, Poland
John Power, University of Bath, UK
Monika Seisenberger, Swansea University, UK (chair)
-- CALCO-Tools Overview --
CALCO-Tools will take place on the same dates as the main CALCO
conference, with no overlap between the technical programmes of the
two events. Topics of interest include systems, prototypes, and tools
developed specifically for the design, checking, execution, and
verification of (co)algebraic specifications, but also tools targeting
different application domains while making core or interesting use of
(co)algebraic techniques.
Tool submissions should not exceed 5 pages in LNCS format. The
accepted tool papers will be included in the final proceedings of the
conference. The tools should be made available on the web at the time
of submission. Each submission will be evaluated by at least three
reviewers; one or more of the reviewers will be asked to download and
use the tool. At least one of the authors of each tool paper must
attend the conference to demo the tool.
-- CALCO-Tools Dates --
Paper submission: April 8, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
-- CALCO-Tools Programme Committee --
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Mark Hills, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Barbara König, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania
Dominik Luecke, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Till Mossakowski, DFKI, Germany
Lutz Schröder, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (chair)
Alexandra Silva, Radboud University Nijmegen and CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Queries related to submission, reviewing, and programme should be sent
to the relevant conference or workshop chairs.
Queries related to the organisation should be emailed to
[DMANET] CALCO 2013: Deadline Extension
*** -------------------- DEADLINE EXTENSION ------------------------- ***
To allow for some delays in submission of papers to CALCO 2013, the
deadline has been moved by one week. See the new dates in the call for
papers below and at the CALCO'13 web page
5th International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
September 3 - 6, 2013
Warsaw, Poland
Abstract submission: March 1, 2013
Paper submission: March 8, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
-- SCOPE --
CALCO aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with
interests in foundational aspects, and both traditional and emerging
uses of algebra and coalgebra in computer science.
It is a high-level, bi-annual conference formed by joining the
forces and reputations of CMCS (the International Workshop on
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), and WADT (the Workshop on
Algebraic Development Techniques). Previous CALCO editions took place
in Swansea (Wales, 2005), Bergen (Norway, 2007), Udine (Italy, 2009)
and Winchester (UK, 2011). The fifth edition will be held in Warsaw,
the capital of Poland.
Andrej Bauer - University of Lubljana, Sl
Mikołaj Bojańczyk - Warsaw University, PL
Neil Ghani - University of Strathclyde, UK
Damien Pous - CNRS, ENS-Lyon, F
We invite submissions of technical papers that report results of
theoretical work on the mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the
way these results can support methods and techniques for software
development, as well as experience with the transfer of the resulting
technologies into industrial practice. We encourage submissions in
topics included or related to those listed below.
* Abstract models and logics
- Automata and languages
- Categorical semantics
- Modal logics
- Relational systems
- Graph transformation
- Term rewriting
- Adhesive categories
* Specialised models and calculi
- Hybrid, probabilistic, and timed systems
- Calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, mobile, and
context-aware computing
- General systems theory and computational models (chemical,
biological, etc.)
* Algebraic and coalgebraic semantics
- Abstract data types
- Inductive and coinductive methods
- Re-engineering techniques (program transformation)
- Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques
- Semantics of programming languages
* System specification and verification
- Algebraic and coalgebraic specification
- Formal testing and quality assurance
- Validation and verification
- Generative programming and model-driven development
- Models, correctness and (re)configuration of
- Process algebra
This edition of CALCO will feature two new topics, and submission of
papers on these topics is especially encouraged.
* Corecursion in Programming Languages
- Corecursion in logic / constraint / functional / answer set
- Corecursive type inference
- Coinductive methods for proving program properties
- Implementing corecursion
- Applications
* Algebra and Coalgebra in quantum computing
- Categorical semantics for quantum computing
- Quantum calculi and programming languages
- Foundational structures for quantum computing
- Applications of quantum algebra
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English
presenting original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. Experience papers are
welcome, but they must clearly present general lessons learned that
would be of interest and benefit to a broad audience of both
researchers and practitioners. As with previous editions, the
proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Final
papers should be no more than 15 pages long in the format specified by
Springer (see It is
recommended that submissions adhere to that format and
length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected
immediately. Proofs omitted due to space limitations may be included
in a clearly marked appendix. Both an abstract and the full paper must
be submitted by their respective submission deadlines.
A special issue of the open access journal Logical Methods in Computer
Science (, containing extended versions of
selected papers, is also being planned.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair
For the first time, this edition of CALCO will feature two kinds of
awards: a best paper award whose recipients will be selected by the PC
before the conference and a best presentation award, elected by the
Abstract submission: February 22, 2013
Paper submission: March 1, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
Luca Aceto - Reykjavik University, Iceland
Jiří Adámek - TU Braunschweig, D
Lars Birkedal - IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Filippo Bonchi - CNRS, ENS-Lyon, F
Corina Cirstea - University of Southhampton, UK
Bob Coecke - University of Oxford, UK
Andrea Corradini - University of Pisa, I
Mai Gehrke - Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, F
H. Peter Gumm - Philipps University Marburg, D
Gopal Gupta - University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Ichiro Hasuo - Tokyo University, Japan
Reiko Heckel - University of Leicester, UK (cochair)
Bart Jacobs - Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
Ekaterina Komendantskaya - University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Barbara König - University of Duisburg-Essen, D
José Meseguer - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Marino Miculan - University of Udine, I
Stefan Milius - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, D (cochair)
Larry Moss - Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Till Mossakowski - DFKI Lab Bremen and University of Bremen, D
Prakash Panangaden - McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Dirk Pattinson - Australian National University, AUS
Dusko Pavlovic - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Daniela Petrisan - University of Leicester, UK
John Power - University of Bath, UK
Jan Rutten - CWI Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
Lutz Schröder - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, D
Monika Seisenberger - Swansea University, UK
Sam Staton - University of Cambridge, UK
Alexandra Silva - Radboud University Nijmegen and CWI Amsterdam, NL
Pawel Sobocinski - University of Southampton, UK
Yde Venema - University of Amsterdam, NL
Uwe Wolter - University of Bergen, NO
Bartek Klin (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Andrzej Tarlecki (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is a lively city with many historic
monuments and sights, but also with a thriving business district. It
is easily accessible via two airports: the main Chopin Airport, used by
most international carriers, and the recently open Warsaw Modlin
Airport (30 minutes away by rail), used by budget airlines.
CALCO 2013 will be preceded by the CALCO Early Ideas Workshop, chaired
by Monika Seisenberger (Swansea University). The workshop is dedicated
to presentation of work in progress and original research
proposals. PhD students and young researchers are particularly
encouraged to contribute. Attendance at the workshop is open to all -
it is anticipated that many CALCO conference participants will want to
attend the CALCO Early Ideas workshop (and vice versa).
A workshop dedicated to tools based on algebraic and/or coalgebraic
principles, CALCO Tools, will be held alongside the main conference,
chaired by Lutz Schröder (Friedrich Alexander Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg). Papers of this workshop will be included in the
CALCO proceedings.
-- CALCO Early Ideas Overview --
The CALCO Early Ideas Workshop invites submissions on the same topics
as the CALCO conference: reporting results of theoretical work on the
mathematics of algebras and coalgebras, the way these results can
support methods and techniques for software development, as well as
experience with the transfer of the resulting technologies into
industrial practice. The list of topics of particular interest is
shown on the main CALCO 2013 page.
CALCO Early Ideas presentations will be selected according to originality,
significance, and general interest, on the basis of submitted 2-page short
contributions. It can be work in progress, a summary of work submitted to a
conference or workshop elsewhere, or work that in some other way might be interesting to
the CALCO audience. A booklet with the accepted short contributions will be
available at the workshop.
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair
The use of LNCS style is strongly encouraged.
After the workshop, authors will have the opportunity to submit
a full 10-15 page paper on the same topic. The reviewing will be carried out by
the CALCO Early Ideas PC, with the support of the CALCO PC. The volume of
selected papers will be available online. Authors will retain copyright, and are
also encouraged to disseminate the results by subsequent publication elsewhere.
-- CALCO Early Ideas Dates --
2-page short contribution submission: May 27, 2013
Notification for short contribution: June 24, 2013
Final short contribution due: July 15, 2013
CALCO Early Idead Workshop: September 2, 2013
10-15 page paper submission: October 15, 2013
Notification for paper: December 15, 2013
Final paper version due: January 15, 2014
-- CALCO Early Ideas Program Committee --
Bartek Klin, University of Warsaw, Poland
John Power, University of Bath, UK
Monika Seisenberger, Swansea University, UK (chair)
-- CALCO-Tools Overview --
CALCO-Tools will take place on the same dates as the main CALCO
conference, with no overlap between the technical programmes of the
two events. Topics of interest include systems, prototypes, and tools
developed specifically for the design, checking, execution, and
verification of (co)algebraic specifications, but also tools targeting
different application domains while making core or interesting use of
(co)algebraic techniques.
Tool submissions should not exceed 5 pages in LNCS format. The
accepted tool papers will be included in the final proceedings of the
conference. The tools should be made available on the web at the time
of submission. Each submission will be evaluated by at least three
reviewers; one or more of the reviewers will be asked to download and
use the tool. At least one of the authors of each tool paper must
attend the conference to demo the tool.
-- CALCO-Tools Dates --
Paper submission: April 8, 2013
Author notification: May 6, 2013
Final version due: June 3, 2013
-- CALCO-Tools Programme Committee --
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Mark Hills, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Barbara König, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania
Dominik Luecke, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Till Mossakowski, DFKI, Germany
Lutz Schröder, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (chair)
Alexandra Silva, Radboud University Nijmegen and CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Queries related to submission, reviewing, and programme should be sent
to the relevant conference or workshop chairs.
Queries related to the organisation should be emailed to
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Ackermann Award 2013 - Call for Nominations
Eligible for the 2013 Ackermann Award are PhD dissertations in topics
specified by the EACSL and LICS conferences, which were formally
accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between
1.1.2011 and 31.12.2012. The deadline for submission is 15 April 2013.
Submission details follow below.
Nominations can be submitted from 1 January 2013 on and should be sent
to the chair of the Jury, Anuj Dawar, by e-mail:
The Award
The 2013 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at the
annual conference of the EACSL (CSL'13), 2-5 September 2013, in Torino
(Italy). The award consists of
* a diploma,
* an invitation to present the thesis at the CSL conference,
* the publication of the laudatio in the CSL proceedings,
* travel support to attend the conference.
The jury is entitled to give more (or less) than one award per year.
The jury consists of:
* Thierry Coquand (Chalmers University of Gothenburg);
* Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge), the president of EACSL;
* Thomas A. Henzinger (IST Austria);
* Daniel Leivant (Indiana University, Bloomington);
* Damian Niwinski (University of Warsaw);
* Luke Ong (University of Oxford), LICS representative;
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (University of Torino), the
vice-president of EACSL;
* Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH, Aachen).
How to submit
The candidate or his/her supervisor has to submit
1. the thesis (ps or pdf file);
2. a detailed description (not longer than 20 pages) of the thesis
in ENGLISH (ps or pdf file);
3. a supporting letter by the PhD advisor and two supporting letters
by other senior faculty or researchers in equivalent positions (in
English); supporting letters can also be sent directly to Anuj Dawar
4. a short CV of the candidate;
5. a copy of the document asserting that the thesis was accepted as
a PhD thesis at a recognized University (or equivalent institution) and
that the candidate has received his/her PhD within the specified period
(scanned as pdf-file or faxed).
The submission should preferably be sent by e-mail as attachments to
professor Anuj Dawar:
With the following subject line and text:
* Subject: Ackermann Award Submission
* Text: Name of candidate, list of attachments
Submission can be sent via several e-mail messages. If this is the case,
please indicate it in the text. Letters of support and documents can
also be faxed to:
Prof. Anuj Dawar
Ackermann Award
+44 1223 334678
The Jury has the right to declare submissions to be out of scope or not
to meet the requirements.
The Ackermann Award is sponsored by the Kurt Gödel Society.
[DMANET] PhD Studentship at Portsmouth Business School
I would like to draw your attention to our three-year PhD Studentship in
the Portsmouth Business School, starting 1 October 2013.
The persistent surveillance problem consists of covering a particular
area of interest (AOI) in order to detect abnormal conditions. In
real-life applications, this problem is mainly found in the context of
security, for example, in airborne, land-based and sea-based border
surveillance scenarios. With differing conditions, vehicle constraints
may vary and, therefore, different conditions have to be taken into
account including motion and endurance constraints. The problem is
mainly solved by using default patterns to ensure a balanced coverage of
the AOI. This approach imposes the challenge of adapting to particular
scenario-dependent conditions including prioritised regions, obstacles
and non-regular shaped AOIs. The supervisory team has worked on the FP7
EU funded project SEABILLA (, where one milestone has
been the design of an optimal routing algorithm for Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAV) in a persistent surveillance mission. The routing must be
efficient (for example, minimise the distance travelled) and effective
(for example, maximise the detection rate of abnormal behaviour). This
problem has been solved under the assumption that all UAVs have the same
capabilities (speed, sensors range, turning angle, etc.). However, in
practice UAV fleet capabilities may vary which introduces an additional
substantial level of complexity.
This PhD project aims to extend our research in persistent coverage for
UAVs with a possible focus on:
• The integration of UAV platforms with different capabilities in the
coverage exercise.
• The incorporation of a learning-based concept that is able to adapt
the routing in accordance to the new suspicious categorised area by
learning from previously detected abnormal behaviour of maritime vehicles.
• The outline of a performance comparison of traditional pattern routing
and the new proposed approach.
Qualifications: Applicants will have a good first degree (minimum 2.1 or
equivalent) and ideally a Masters (or equivalent) in a relevant subject
Enquiries relating to the topic should be directed to: Dr. Jana Ries
( or Dr Alessio Ishizaka (
Qualifications: Applicants will have a good first degree (minimum 2.1 or
equivalent) and ideally a Masters (or equivalent) in a relevant subject
Applications should include:
• a full CV including personal details, qualifications, educational
history and, where applicable, any employment or other experience
relevant to the application
• contact details for TWO referees able to comment on your academic
• a statement of 1,000 (words) outlining your proposed project,
identifying the objectives of the research and discussing how the work
will build on or challenge existing research in the above field.
Application Deadline: 19 April 2013
Interviews will be conducted on Thursday 23 May 2013.
Applications should be sent to: Jana Ries, Postgraduate Centre,
University of Portsmouth, Richmond Building, Portland Street,
Portsmouth, PO1 3DE (applications can be submitted electronically via: cc to
Funding Notes:
Funding Status:The studentship will cover tuition fees and an annual
grant equivalent to that offered by the ESRC – set at £13,720 per annum
for 2013/14 for a maximum of three years. UK/EU residence eligibility
conditions apply.
This full-time studentship is open to Home/EU students and is located in
Portsmouth Business School. Potential applicants are advised to examine
our Research Degree Pages at
to applying.
Alessio Ishizaka
Dr Alessio Ishizaka
Reader in Decision Analysis
Leader of the Operations Research and Logistics Team
University of Portsmouth
PBS, Operations & Systems Management
Portsmouth PO1 3DE
United Kingdom
Tel: 0044(0)23 9284 4171
New Book!
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software
Alessio Ishizaka, Philippe Nemery
Wiley, July 2013
ISBN: 978-1-1199-7407-9
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[DMANET] PostDoc position multi-modal recommendation engine
We are looking for a PostDoc (1 year) for the project described below. The position is located at AIT ( in Vienna.
If you are interested please contact:
Project: "multimodal recommendation engine".
There is a multitude of routing services that provide real time route planning capabilities based on current traffic observations. These services are based on an A-to-B basis and do not respect the current situation. However, this situation influences the possible routes and means of transport. Furthermore the personal preferences and the situation also have an influence on the chosen modes.
The topic of the project hence is to combine these two components:
1. Estimation and adaptation of individual mode choice preferences based on previous choices, situational context (determining the current choice set) and mobility history.
2. Ranking and thus recommendation of route/mode choice depending on the personal mobility profile based on provided route/mode alternatives.
Currently to the best of our knowledge no such service exists. The innovation here lies in the summarization of past observed behaviour for the ranking of alternative routes.
The work will include
+ the development of the models (of the mixed logit discrete choice type),
+ implementation of the estimation algorithms including appropriate online adaptation methods,
+ theoretical analysis of the properties of the resulting estimators,
+ development and implementation of the ranking algorithms
+ testing and validation of the methods on extensive data sets.
Special emphasis will be given to the identification and implementation of the choice set determination.
Jakob Puchinger
Jakob Puchinger
Senior Scientist
Mobility Department
Dynamic Transportation Systems
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550-6461 | M +43 664 210 65 09 | F +43 50550-6439 |
FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506
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* via DMANET.