23rd Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference
14th-16th August 2013, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
The 23rd Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference will be held at Royal
Holloway, University of London on 14th-16th August 2013.
The Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC) is an established
annual conference organised by, and for, current research students in
all areas of combinatorial and discrete mathematics, under the
auspices of the British Combinatorial Committee. The PCC is mainly
aimed at UK-based students, but also open to those from abroad.
The aim of the conference is to allow research students to meet and
discuss their research in a relaxed environment, to gain practice at
presenting their research outside of their own department, and to meet
pre-eminent researchers in their area. Each student is encouraged to
contribute by giving a talk which will last 25 minutes (including 5
minutes question and answer time).
The invited speakers will include;
Dr Julia Böttcher, LSE
Dr Carolyn Chun, Brunel University London
Professor Daniel KráΔΎ, Warwick
To register, and for further details, visit the website at
Registration will close on the 7th July.
The conference is supported by an LMS Postgraduate Research Conference
Scheme 8 grant and a grant from the British Combinatorial Committee.
The British Combinatorial Committee is a charity registered in
Scotland, number SC019723
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