Saturday, January 31, 2015

[DMANET] 1st CFP: SIROCCO 2015 (Montserrat, Spain. July 15-17, 2015)


22nd International Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity

July 15-17, 2015
Montserrat, Spain
Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2015

SIROCCO is devoted to the study of communication and knowledge in
multi-processor systems from both the qualitative and quantitative viewpoints.
Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches and fundamental
understanding, in addition to efforts to optimize current designs. SIROCCO has
a tradition of interesting and productive scientific meetings in a relaxed and
pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading researchers in a variety of fields in
which communication and knowledge play a significant role. This year, SIROCCO
is held in Montserrat, a beautiful location not far from Barcelona, Spain.

SCOPE: Original papers are solicited from all areas of study of local
structural knowledge and global communication and computational complexities.
Among the typical areas are distributed computing, communication networks,
game theory, parallel computing, social networks, mobile computing (including
autonomous robots), peer to peer systems, communication complexity, fault
tolerant graph theories, and randomized/probabilistic issues in networks.
Keeping up with the tradition of SIROCCO, new areas are always welcome. In
fact, this time we will have a special track on bio-inspired systems.

BEST STUDENT PAPER: A Best Student Paper Award will be awarded to a paper
coauthored by one or more full-time students at the time of submission. The
program committee may decline to make this awards or split it.

SUBMISSION: Papers are to be submitted electronically (through EasyChair).
Submission instructions and guidelines are available at the conference web
page. Authors are invited to submit their work in one of the three acceptable
formats: novel research contributions, position papers, and surveys. Original
research papers must contain results that have not previously appeared and
have not been concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published
proceedings. In all cases, any partial overlap with any published or
concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Papers must be
prepared using the LNCS style and be electronically submitted in PDF format
using EasyChair. The main part of a submission should not exceed 15 pages
(including the title, authors, abstract, figures, and references). Any
additional information may be supplied in a clearly marked appendix.

PUBLICATION: As in previous years, the proceedings of SIROCCO 2015 are planned
to be published by Springer Verlag as a volume of the LNCS series. Selected
papers are planned to be invited to a special issue of the journal Theoretical
Computer Science.

- Paper submission due: April 30, 2015 (UTC-12)
- Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2015
- Conference dates: July 15-17, 2015


James Aspnes, Yale University, USA
Andrea Clementi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Colin Cooper, King's College London, UK
Faith Ellen, University of Toronto, Canada
Robert Els‰sser, University of Salzburg, Austria
Pascal Felber, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Pierre Fraigniaud, CNRS and University Paris Diderot, France
Taisuke Izumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Adrian Kosowski, Inria Paris, France
Christoph Lenzen, MPI Saarbr¸cken, Germany
Boaz Patt-Shamir, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Sriram Pemmaraju, University of Iowa, USA
Seth Pettie, University of Michigan, USA
Harald R‰cke, TU M¸nchen, Germany
Sergio Rajsbaum, UNAM, Mexico
Nicola Santoro, Carleton University, Canada
Christian Scheideler, University of Paderborn, Germany (chair)
Christian Schindelhauer, University of Freiburg, Germany
Philippas Tsigas, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Philipp Woelfel, University of Calgary, Canada


Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, CTI and University of Patras, Greece
Yuval Emek, Technion, Israel
S·ndor Fekete, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Andrea Richa, Arizona State University, USA (chair)
Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Xavier Munoz, Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Spain


Chen Avin, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


Guy Even, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Ralf Klasing, CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France
Shay Kutten, Technion, Israel (chair)
Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft, China
Boaz Patt-Shamir, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Masafumi Yamashita, Kyushu University, Japan


Chen Avin, PhD.
Communication Systems Engineering Department
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

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[DMANET] Call for Papers: EJCO Special Issue on Disaster Risk Management

Call for Papers

With great pleasure we announce a special issue of the EURO Journal on
Computational Optimization about "Computational Optimization in Disaster
Risk Management".

Optimization methods have been playing a successful role in all parts of
disaster risk management (DRM) for natural and man-made disasters,
including preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. With this
special issue we aim at collecting new modeling approaches and solution
algorithms for DRM. We are looking forward to new, original research in
quantitative methods with direct reference to its practical
applications. The focus of submitted papers should be on the derivation
of new optimization models, their implementation, and computational
experiments with realistic datasets.

Invited topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
- Location problems
- Scheduling and logistics problems
- Routing problems
- Traffic control and contraflows
- Algorithms for decision support
- Network optimization
- Multi-objective optimization
- Optimization under uncertainty
- Data aggregation

Following the journal's high standards, we expect high quality
contributions that will undergo the strict reviewing process of EJCO.
Submission deadline is

*March 31, 2015.*

In order to submit a paper for the special issue,

1. Log on the editorial manager using the <Author Login> via the website

2. Select <Submit New Manuscript> in the main menu.

3. In the drop down list associated with <Choose Article Type>, select
the desired special issue ("SI: Emergency Planning"). Note that all
entries corresponding to the special issues start with SI.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions.

The Guest Editors

Horst W. Hamacher
Marc Goerigk

Dr. rer. nat. Marc Goerigk
Department of Mathematics
University of Kaiserslautern

Phone: +49 (0)631 205 3878
Fax: +49 (0)631 205 4737
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[DMANET] AlCoB 2015: 3rd call for papers



AlCoB 2015

Mexico City, Mexico

August 4-6, 2015

Organized by:

Centre for Complexity Sciences (C3)
School of Sciences
Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS)
Graduate Program in Computing Science and Engineering
National Autonomous University of Mexico

Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University



AlCoB aims at promoting and displaying excellent research using string and
graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization to deal with problems in
biological sequence analysis, genome rearrangement, evolutionary trees, and
structure prediction.

The conference will address several of the current challenges in
computational biology by investigating algorithms aimed at: 1) assembling
sequence reads into a complete genome, 2) identifying gene structures in the
genome, 3) recognizing regulatory motifs, 4) aligning nucleotides and
comparing genomes, 5) reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and 6)
inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species.

Particular focus will be put on methodology and significant room will be
reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career.


AlCoB 2015 will take place in Mexico City, the oldest capital city in the
Americas and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world. The venue will
be the main campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not
limited to:

Exact sequence analysis
Approximate sequence analysis
Pairwise sequence alignment
Multiple sequence alignment
Sequence assembly
Genome rearrangement
Regulatory motif finding
Phylogeny reconstruction
Phylogeny comparison
Structure prediction
Compressive genomics
Proteomics: molecular pathways, interaction networks ...
Transcriptomics: splicing variants, isoform inference and quantification,
differential analysis …
Next-generation sequencing: population genomics, metagenomics,
metatranscriptomics ...
Microbiome analysis
Systems biology


AlCoB 2015 will consist of:

invited lectures
peer-reviewed contributions


Julio Collado-Vides (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Cuernavaca),
>From Curation of Information to Knowledge Encoding

Gaston Gonnet (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich),
Human-Dog-Mouse, Probably and Provable Non-trivial Evolution Close to the
Root of the Mammalian Clade

Peter D. Karp (SRI International, Menlo Park), Algorithms for Metabolic
Route Search and Determination of Reaction Atom Mappings


Stephen Altschul (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda,
Yurii Aulchenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Daniel G. Brown (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Yuehui Chen (University of Jinan, China)
Keith A. Crandall (George Washington University, Washington, USA)
Joseph Felsenstein (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
Michael Galperin (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda,
Susumu Goto (Kyoto University, Japan)
Igor Grigoriev (DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, USA)
Martien Groenen (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Yike Guo (Imperial College, London, UK)
Javier Herrero (University College London, UK)
Karsten Hokamp (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Hsuan-Cheng Huang (National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan)
Ian Korf (University of California, Davis, USA)
Nikos Kyrpides (DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, USA)
Mingyao Li (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
Yun Li (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
Jun Liu (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
Rodrigo López (European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK)
Andrei N. Lupas (Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen,
B.S. Manjunath (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Carlos Martín-Vide (chair, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain)
Tarjei Mikkelsen (Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA)
Henrik Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)
Zemin Ning (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK)
Christine Orengo (University College London, UK)
Modesto Orozco (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain)
Christos A. Ouzounis (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki,
Manuel Peitsch (Philip Morris International R&D, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
David A. Rosenblueth (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City,
Julio Rozas (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Alessandro Sette (La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, USA)
Peter F. Stadler (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Guy Theraulaz (Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France)
Alfonso Valencia (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid, Spain)
Kai Wang (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
Lusheng Wang (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Zidong Wang (Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK)
Harel Weinstein (Cornell University, New York, USA)
Jennifer Wortman (Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA)
Jun Yu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Mohammed J. Zaki (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA)
Louxin Zhang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Hongyu Zhao (Yale University, New Haven, USA)


Adrian Horia Dediu (Tarragona)
Francisco Hernández-Quiroz (Mexico City)
Carlos Martín-Vide (Tarragona, co-chair)
David A. Rosenblueth (Mexico City, co-chair)
Florentina Lilica Voicu (Tarragona)


Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting
original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced
pages (including eventual appendices, references, proofs, etc.) and should
be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS
series (see

Submissions have to be uploaded to:


A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNBI series will
be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing
peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers
contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.


The registration form can be found at:


Paper submission: March 2, 2015 (23:59 CET)
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: April 10, 2015
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNBI proceedings: April 19, 2015
Early registration: April 19, 2015
Late registration: July 21, 2015
Submission to the journal special issue: November 6, 2015



AlCoB 2015
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain

Phone: +34 977 559 543
Fax: +34 977 558 386


National Autonomous University of Mexico
Rovira i Virgili University

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June 9-­12, 2015, Rennes, France

Call for Papers


Tools for Teaching Logic seeks for original papers with a clear
significance in the following topics (but are not limited to): teaching
logic in sciences and humanities; teaching logic at different levels of
instruction (secondary education, university level, and postgraduate);
didactic software; facing some difficulties concerning what to teach;
international postgraduate programs; resources and challenges for
e­Learning Logic; teaching Argumentation Theory, Critical Thinking and

Informal Logic; teaching specific topics, such as Modal Logic, Algebraic
Logic, Knowledge Representation, Model Theory, Philosophy of Logic, and
others; dissemination of logic courseware and logic textbooks; teaching
Logic Thinking.


Submitted papers in PDF format should not be longer than 8 pages and
must be submitted

electronically using the EasyChair system

A demonstration is expected to accompany papers describing software tools.

At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered and attend
TTL 2015 to present the paper or the tool.


All accepted papers will be published electronically in the LIPICS style
by University of Rennes 1 with an ISBN (a USB key will be provided to
the conference participants).

After the conference, a special issue containing extended versions of
the best accepted papers is going to be published in the IfCoLogJournal
of Logics and their Applications


Papers presentations will be presented in parallel sessions along the
week. Half-a-­day slot will be dedicated to demo tools.


Abstract submission: 13 February 2015;

Paper submission: 20 February 2015;

Notification: 6 April, 2015;

Final camera­ ready due: 20 April, 2015;

Conference: 9­-12 June 2015.

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Friday, January 30, 2015

[DMANET] Post-doctoral position in Graph Theory in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in graph theory at Dalhousie University, under the supervision of Dr. Jeannette Janssen. The position is for one year, starting September 1, 2015.

Preference will be given to candidates specializing in random graph theory, graph colouring, modelling of complex networks, or spectral graph theory, but candidates from all areas of graph theory will be considered. Candidates must have completed their PhD between 2013 and 2015.

Salary is 44K CAD. The post-doctoral fellow is expected to teach two courses.

To apply, please send your CV and the names of two references before February 28 to<>?

Jeannette Janssen
Professor, Mathematics Director, AARMS
Dalhousie University<>

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

from Rolf Fagerberg: Postdoc in Online Algorithms


A CS postdoc position in online algorithms is available at the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA),
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, supported by
the Villum Foundation grant "On-Line Algorithms and Advice".
It is a one year position with a starting date of September 1,
2015 (somewhat negotiable). The project is centered around
online algorithms with a special focus on the relatively new
framework of advice complexity. See the project home page
( for earlier activities and
publications in this project, as well as home pages for the
people involved. This is a research position, though there is
a possibility of minor teaching or advising responsibilities.

The candidate should have a PhD degree in Computer Science
before the starting date of the position. Research experience
at a postdoctoral level is an advantage. A successful
candidate should have an excellent research record in
algorithms. Experience in online algorithms or approximation
algorithms would be an advantage. Fluency in English is

The base salary is DKK 31,951 per month (approx. 4300 Euro).
For non-residents of Denmark, the pension savings can be
converted to an additional salary increase of DKK 5350. With
higher than normal career seniority, both numbers increase.
Reasonable travel funding will be available.

The application deadline is Monday, February 16, 2015. For
information on how to apply, please see:

Informal inquiries by email to Professor Kim S. Larsen
( are welcome.

[DMANET] Special Track on ‘Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents’ as part of ADHOC-NOW 2015 (Call for Papers)

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce a special track on ''Distributed Algorithms with Mobile Agents'' as part
of ''Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks'' (ADHOC-NOW 2015), June 29 - July 2, 2015, Athens, Greece.


Special Track on ''Distributed Computing with Mobile Agents''
Part of ''Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks'' (ADHOC-NOW 2015)
June 29 – July 02, 2015, Athens, Greece


The concept of Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing has been studied a lot, especially during the last 15 years. A mobile agent is an autonomous, goal-oriented software entity that can migrate from one host to the next, while executing its orders and interacting with the environment. Mobile agents have proved to be a powerful tool for designing and analyzing distributed algorithms for applications in network maintenance, electronic commerce, robotic exploration, wireless mobile ad-hoc networks, and networks of mobile sensors. Although many applications one has in mind for mobile agents can generally be solved by more traditional distributed computing approaches (i.e., message passing), often the use of mobile agents offers a number of advantages including efficiency, fault-tolerance, flexibility and ease of use. Many algorithmic models for the agents (usually modelled as automata) and their working environment have appeared in the literature in an effort to study and evaluate theoretically and also practically the above claims in the exploration of an unknown and possibly hostile environment. The complexity and computability of more basic tasks have also been studied, like the gathering of agents at a point, the discovering of harmful nodes or agents, building a map or verifying some global property of the environment etc.

The goal of this session is to bring together researchers working in this area in order to present their work and exchange new ideas and results, to identify new outstanding open problems and to foster new collaborations. Apart from regular submissions and presentations we plan to have a couple of invited talks on current research topics and open problems. We encourage the participation of PhD students and post-doctoral fellows willing to be exposed to important problems in this growing field.


The topics of the session focus on the algorithmic aspects in mobile agent computing and include (but are not limited to):

- Distributed algorithms, computability and complexity
- Fault tolerance, reliability and security
- Game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- Cryptographic techniques in distributed computing
- Distributed computing issues in social networks
- Autonomous robots in terrains
- Graph searching


- Evangelos Bampas, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Shantanu Das, LIF, Aix-Marseille Univ., France
- Stefan Dobrev, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
- Panagiota Fatourou, FORTH, Univ. of Crete, Greece
- Loukas Georgiadis, Univ. of Ioannina, Greece
- David Ilcinkas, CNRS & Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Ralf Klasing, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Rastislav Kralovic, Comenius Univ., Slovakia
- Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton Univ., Canada
- Danny Krizanc, Wesleyan Univ., USA
- Arnaud Labourel, LIF, Aix-Marseille Univ., France
- Flaminia Luccio, Univ. Ca Foscari Venezia, Italy
- Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece (co-chair)
- Nicolas Nisse, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
- Katerina Potika, Santa Clara Univ., USA
- Peter Widmayer, ETHZ, Switzerland (co-chair)


- Evangelos Bampas, LaBRI, Univ. of Bordeaux, France
- Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece
- Katerina Potika, Santa Clara Univ., USA


- Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2015
- Notification of acceptance: March 23, 2015
- Camera-ready due: April 10, 2015


The proceedings of the special track will be published by Springer-Verlag, as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. High‐quality articles may be invited for submission to a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks at the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems.

Submission will be through the OCS system used for the main workshop, in a separate track. Upon submission the authors should choose the appropriate track label for their papers. For more information please contact Dr. Euripides Markou ( More details on the submission guidelines and the electronic submission can be found here:


Euripides Markou

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Biomedical Informatics
University of Thessaly
2-4, Papasiopoulou str., 35100, Lamia, Greece

Tel / Fax: +30-22310-66718 / 66939



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[DMANET] SustainIT 2015: Call for WORK IN PROGRESS AND DEMO PAPERS (Due: February 2)

A reminder to submit work in progress and demo papers for SustainIT 2015
by February 2, 2015.

Kind regards,
Malisa Vucinic

The 4th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability

April 14-15 2015, Madrid, Spain


SustainIT 2015 will feature a work-in-progress (WiP) and
demonstration (demo) track providing a forum for researchers and
developers from academia, industry, and government to interact and
share latest results on the areas of Sustainable Internet and ICT for

WiP papers are expected to report on early and emerging results and
raise novel research questions, approaches, and directions. The
specific aim of the WiP track is to provide a forum for timely
presentation, discussion, and feedback for novel, controversial, and
provoking ideas. All selected papers will be presented as posters in a
special conference session. In addition, all selected papers will be
included in conference proceedings.

Demos offer the opportunity to present novel ideas and emerging
results through hardware and tools, innovative applications, new
research prototypes, testbeds, etc. The corresponding demo paper
should highlight the main contributions and describe the details of
the demonstrations, with a focus on the interaction with the audience.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished manuscripts in
standard IEEE proceedings format in PDF. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft
Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the
IEEE Computer Society website. Submitted papers must include the
contact information of all the authors.

WiP papers are extended abstracts and must be up to 3 pages in size
(including figures, tables, and references). They are expected to
present early or ongoing research activities. Novel approaches and
preliminary results are especially appreciated. Manuscripts must be
submitted electronically through EDAS, WiP track.

Demos papers are extended abstracts must be up to 2 pages in size
(including figures, tables, and references). They should explicitly
state what will be demonstrated to the audience, and how the attendees
will be able to interact, enjoy, and experiment. Manuscripts must be
submitted electronically through EDAS, Demo track.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: February 02, 2015
Acceptance notification: March 02, 2015
Camera-ready version due: March 15, 2015

SustainIT 2015 WiP and Demo Co-Chairs

Karin Anna Hummel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland -
Daniele Puccinelli, SUPSI, Switzerland -


Lachlan Andrew, Monash University
Mikael Asplund, Link��ping University
Gergely Bicz��k, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Carlo Alberto Boano, Graz University of Technology
Eleonora Borgia, IIT-CNR
Georges Da Costa, IRIT
Marco Di Felice, University of Bologna
Alan Ferrari, SUPSI
Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Anna F��rster, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland
Domenico De Guglielmo, University of Pisa
Laurent Lefevre, INRIA
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR
Alicia Rodriguez-Carrion, University Carlos III of Madrid
Christian Rohner, Uppsala University
Salvatore Vanini, University of Applied Science - SUPSI

[DMANET] CFP: First International Workshop on Agile Development ,of Secure Software (ASSD’15)

Call for papers: First International Workshop on Agile Development of
Secure Software (ASSD'15)
to be held in conjunction with the 10th International Conference on
Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'15)

Université Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France

Submission Deadline: April 15, 2015


Most organizations use the agile software development methods, such as
Scrum and XP for developing their software. Unfortunately, the agile
software development methods are not well suited for the development of
secure systems; they allow change of requirements, prefer frequent
deliveries, use lightweight documentation, and their practices do not
include security engineering activities. These characteristics limit
their use for developing secure software. For instance, they do not
consider conflicting security requirements that emerge in different

The goal of the workshop is to bring together security and software
development researchers to share their finding, experiences, and
positions about developing secure software using the agile methods. The
workshop aims to encourage the use of scientific methods to investigate
the challenges related to the use of the agile approach to develop
secure software. It aims also to increase the communication between
security researchers and software development researchers to enable the
development of techniques and best practices for developing secure
software using the agile methods.

Topics of interest

The list of topics that are relevant to the ASSD workshop includes the
following, but is not limited to:
• Challenges for agile development of secure software
• Processes for agile development of secure software
• Incremental development of cyber-physical systems
• Secure software development training and education
• Tools supporting incremental secure software development
• Usability of agile secure software development
• Security awareness for software developers
• Security metrics for agile development
• Security and robustness testing in agile development

Important dates

Submission Deadline: April 15, 2015
Author Notification: May 11, 2015
Proceedings version: June 8, 2015
Conference: August 24-28, 2015

Workshop Chairs

Juha Röning
University of Oulu, Finland

Lotfi ben Othmane
Fraunhofer SIT, Germany

Program committee

Benjamin Aziz, University of Portsmouth, UK
Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University, USA
Eric Bodden, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Mark van den Brand, The Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, Ireland
Andrey Hoursanov, SAP AG, Germany
Igor Kotenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Lotfi ben Othmane, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany
Andreas Poller, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany
Juha Röning, University of Oulu, Finland
Klaas-Jan Stol, Lero, Ireland
Sven Türpe, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany
Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen's University, Canada


Authors are invited to submit research and case studies papers according
the following guidelines: two columns, single-spaced, including figures
and references, using 10 pt fonts and number each page. The selected
papers will be published in the ARES proceedings by the Conference
Publishing Services (CPS) of IEEE.

Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition.

Workshop website:

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[DMANET] 4th International Conference on Green IT Solutions (ICGREEN 2015) - CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the Fourth International Conference on Green IT Solutions (ICGREEN 2015), to be held in Milan, Italy, July 9-10, 2015.

4th International Conference on Green IT Solutions (ICGREEN 2015)
July 9-10, 2015, Milan, Italy

Special Session Proposal submission deadline: 15 February 2015
Special Session Submission papers: 23 March 2015
Notification of acceptance: 23 April 2015


ICT and Green are two tightly related concepts. ICT systems in fact might support sustainability in different ways. On the one hand, the design of more efficient ICT systems can contribute in decreasing the energy consumption related to ICT that is continuously increasing. For example, in some regions of the world (e.g., US and UK) the energy consumed by the data centers is close to 10% of the total energy consumed in the area by the country. On the other hand, ICT can be used to monitor the impact of other systems (e.g., buildings, transportation) on the environmental sustainability and to support green-aware decisions. The purpose of ICGreen is to bring together researchers and practitioners that deal with the design of Green ICT systems or of ICT use for environmental sustainability.

More information on the conference can be found at the Conference Web site:


Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

Energy efficient software
Green business processes
Green Software metrics

Design of energy efficient data centers
Green monitoring and middleware for systems adaptation
Data centers energy storage and thermal control for energy efficiency
Performance optimization under power constraints

Energy efficient communication
Power consumption of networking infrastructure
Power-aware protocols and algorithms
Green network design for high density data centers and cloud computing

Renewable energy models and prediction
Green/federated data centers powered by renewable energy systems
Management and control of variability and uncertainty in energy supply and demand

Software and services for sustainable environment
Using ICT to reduce carbon emissions
Smart grid and microgrids
Smart transportation and manufacturing
Smart buildings and urban development
Climate and ecosystem monitoring

User studies and behavioral change enabled by computing and communication technologies
Power measurements and data from empirical studies of computer and communication infrastructure
Industrial experiences

We accept proposals for the organization of special sessions.
The session should focus on a very specific topic. Please, send your session title, the estimated number of registered papers, the list of potential reviewers and your CV to

The sessions will be inserted in the conference program and advertised on the conference Web page. Papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by SciTePress. The authors of the best paper will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue published by the Springer "Computing" journal.

The session chair is in charge to manage the publicity of the session while the revision process will be managed at the conference level.

Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Bernardetta Addis, LORIA, France
Marco Aiello, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Claudia Canali, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Georges Da Costa, Universite Paul Sabatier, France
Parijat Dube, IBM Research, USA
Daniel Gmach, Hewlett-Packard, USA
Jinho Hwang, IBM Research, USA
Burak Kantarci, Clarkson University, USA
Dagmar Koss, Fortiss, Germany
Diwakar Krishnamurthy, University of Calgary, Canada
Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Riccardo Lancellotti, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alma Riska, NetApp, USA
Cristina Rottondi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ioan Salomie, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Boris Shishkov, IICREST, Bulgaria
Christopher Stewart, Ohio State University, USA
Giordano Tamburrelli, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jordi Torres, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Usman Wajid, University of Manchester, UK
Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia, USA


Address: IICREST c/o B. Shishkov (ICGREEN 2015 Event); P.O. Box 104; 1618 Sofia; Bulgaria
e-Mails: Conference General Chair (Dr. Danilo Ardagna -; Program Chair (Dr. Cinzia Cappiello -, Secretariat (

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[DMANET] FRICO 2015 - notification

We invite young researchers from the field of Combinatorial Optimization
to the 19th workshop "Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization
(FRICO)" at the University of Cologne.

11 August - 14 August 2015

The workshop aims at bringing together young researchers and encouraging
the exchange of new ideas. FRICO is intended to be a workshop in the
original meaning of the word. We encourage the submission and
presentation of own results (even work containing gaps and unsolved
problems) from various areas of combinatorial optimization.

Besides plenty of time between sessions, there will be a social program
that allows participants to exchange ideas and have fruitful discussions.

Participation is free of charge. As in the tradition of previous FRICOs,
there will be an award for the best talk. Further, we also plan to have
an industry day where practitioners from industry will highlight the
application of combinatorial optimization in practice.

Best regards

FRICO 2015 Team


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[DMANET] POST-DOC Announcement / France, Metz

Visualizations for analyzing news' propagation in social networks

Communication specialists seek to understand the process of news'
dissemination in social
networks: How the news published on online newspapers is consumed and
shared? What are
practices? ... They therefore seek to identify topics, communities and
their influences in the
spread of the news.
In this context, our project is to provide users with interactive
visualizations to help them in
their needs. The most important goal is to identify and to design visual
structures and
interactions that allow users to explore their data to find answers to
their questions. One of the
most important questions that users ask is: How a subject treated by
journalists is relayed in
social networks?

Tasks to be performed:
1. Make a study and proposals of visualizations to interactively explore
large masses of data
from online newspapers and social networking web sites.
2. Develop a web tool implementing the proposals. The visualization tool
should allow,
among other things, select topics and/or online media and visualize
tweets that share the
papers published by the media on the given topics in a time perspective.
We also need to
visualize user profiles and other data to facilitate the understanding
of the news flow.
3. Evaluate the solutions.

Required skills:
- Design of graphical user interfaces.
- Information visualization.
- Data analysis (text data).
- Web oriented programming languages: Java, JavaScript, ...

The work is within the scope of an ANR project in progress in the
laboratory LCOMS.
Salary: almost 44 KE/year (before taxes).
Period : February 2015 – January 2016 (possible extension for a second
Place : Metz - France

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[DMANET] PhDs in Logic VII (May 14-16, 2015), Final call for abstracts and participation

PhDs in Logic VII

May 14-16th, 2015



PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference in logic. Each year we

invite four established researchers in various branches of logic to do a

tutorial on their work in two 45-minute sessions. We also give PhD

students the opportunity to do a twenty-minute presentation on (a) their

own work or (b) an overview of some topic in their field.

The conference includes the following tutorial speakers.

Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology)

Michael Moortgat (Universiteit Utrecht)

Revantha Ramanayake (Vienna University of Technology)

Torsten Schaub (University Potsdam)

PhD students in logic with a background in philosophy, computer science,

mathematics or linguistics are the intended audience for these

tutorials. They are also the type of students we have in mind for our

thirty-minute student sessions. Students interested in doing a talk

should send a 500-1000 word blinded abstract to by February 12th, 2015.

The selection of the talks will follow a double-blind review process.

Please make sure that your name and affiliation are not included in the


We welcome students to participate in PhDs in Logic VII regardless of

whether they want to do a presentation. We also invite master students

in logic, first year postdocs, and logicians from disciplines other than

philosophy, computer science, mathematics and linguistics to apply.

Students interested in participating without giving a talk should

contact us at

For more information, visit our website at In case you have any questions, please

do not hesitate to contact us via

Organizing Committee: Ronald de Haan, Martin Kronegger.

Scientific Committee: Agata Ciabattoni, Jan van Eijck, Chris Fermüller,

Nina Gierasimczuk, Thomas Icard, Eric Pacuit, Jakub Szymanik, Anna Zamansky.

Advisory Board: Stefan Szeider, Helmut Veith.

Sponsors: Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, Doctoral Program

Logical Methods in Computer Science.

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[DMANET] Computational Optimization

Call for Papers

8th Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO 2015
Lodz, Poland, September 13 - 16, 2015

FedCSIS - 2015


We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* combinatorial optimization
* continues optimization
* global optimization
* multiobjective optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* large scale optimization
* parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
* random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and other
derivative free optimization methods
* nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant
colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
* hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
*computational biology and optimization
* distance geometry and applications
* optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
* application of optimization methods on real life and industrial problems
* computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering etc.


Important dates:

24.04.2015 (April 24, 2015) – Full paper submission

01.06.2015 (June 01, 2015) - Position paper submission

15.06.2015 (June 15, 2015) – Notification of acceptance

01.07.2015 (July 01, 2015) – Camera-ready version of the accepted
paper and registration


Submission and Publication

* Authors should submit draft papers as PDF.
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
IEEE style templates are available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database (pending) and
indexed in the DBLP.
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference
will be published as Special Issue(s) of Springer Studies of
Computational Intelligence.

If you have any question do not hesitate to send a mail to .

Organizing Committee

Stefka Fidanova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Daniela Zaharie, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Antonio Mucherino, IRISA, France

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

[DMANET] STAR Workshop on Random Graphs, Nijmegen, 9-10 April 2015, first announcement

Dear colleagues,

We hope to welcome you for a workshop on random graphs taking place in
Nijmegen on 9th and 10th of April 2015.

All are welcome, however we ask that you register by sending an email
to, with specific registration details.

Our programme includes plenary talks by Remco van der Hofstad
(Eindhoven), Nelly Litvak (Twente), Mathew Penrose (Bath), Andrzej
Ruciński (Poznań/Emory), Angelika Steger (ETH Zürich), and Andrew
Thomason (Cambridge).

Opportunities to contribute short talks will be available to
early-career participants, who are asked to provide details with their
registration email.

For more details and information, visit

Kind regards,

The organisers

(Ross Kang and Tobias Müller)
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[DMANET] Associate Professor position (tenured) in Theoretical Computer Science

The Computer Science Institute of the University of Tartu (Estonia) is
seeking to fill the position of an

Associate Professor in Theoretical Computer Science.

This is a tenured position. Proficiency in the Estonian language is
not required.

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2015

Read more:
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[DMANET] IFIP/IEEE SustainIT 2015: PhD Forum - Call for extended abstracts - deadline in 5 days (Feb. 2)

A reminder to submit an extended abstract for SustainIT 2015 PhD forum
by February 2.

Malisa Vucinic

The 4th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability

April 14-15 2015, Madrid, Spain


SustainIT 2015 will host a PhD Forum on Sustainable Internet and ICT
for Sustainability. The forum will give an opportunity to PhD students
for presenting their research work, including work in progress. A
major aim of the PhD Forum is to provide feedback to PhD work by
experienced researchers from industry and academia on the important
topics of eco-sustainability and energy-awareness by means of novel
ICT solutions. The forum will be organized as a poster session and
will include a short introduction by each student.

Current PhD students and researchers who completed their PhD
dissertations after December 2014 are encouraged to submit extended
abstracts. The PhD student and his/her advisor(s) are the envisioned
only authors. Submissions will be reviewed to ensure quality and
relevance. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend
SustainIT 2015 and present their work in form of a poster at the PhD
Forum. Accepted extended abstracts will appear in conference

Submission Guidelines

PhD students are invited to submit an extended abstract describing
current research and potential contributions to theory and innovation
in the areas of Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability.
Extended abstracts should include the authors' names, affiliation, and
email address. Submissions must be PDF files, written in English, and
should adhere to the IEEE format and be no more than 3 pages in size
(all inclusive). Extended abstract papers must be submitted
electronically in PDF format through EDAS, PhD Forum track.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: February 02, 2015
Acceptance notification: March 02, 2015
Camera-ready version due: March 15, 2015

SustainIT 2015 WiP and Demo Co-Chairs

Karin Anna Hummel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland -
Daniele Puccinelli, SUPSI, Switzerland -


Lachlan Andrew, Monash University
Carlo Alberto Boano, Graz University of Technology
Eleonora Borgia, IIT-CNR
Georges Da Costa, IRIT
Marco Di Felice, University of Bologna
Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Anna Foerster, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland
Omprakash Gnawali, University of Houston
Domenico De Guglielmo, University of Pisa
Sonja Klingert, University of Mannheim
Brent Lagesse, University of Washington Bothell
Laurent Lefevre, INRIA
Petteri Nurmi, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR
Christian Rohner, Uppsala University
Marco Zuniga, Delft University of Technology
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[DMANET] CPM 2015 - Last Call for Papers

============== Call for Papers - CPM 2015 ===========

CPM 2015
26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching
June 29 - July 1, 2015, Ischia Island, Italy

Submission deadline: ** February 2, 2015 **
Notification: ** March 31, 2015 **

SCOPE: Papers in all areas related to combinatorial pattern
matching and its applications are sought, including, but not
limited to: bioinformatics and computational biology, coding
and data compression, combinatorics on words, information
retrieval, data mining, natural language processing, pattern
discovery, string algorithms, string processing in databases,
and text searching.

Both papers reporting on original research unpublished else-
where and surveys of important results are welcome.

PROCEEDINGS: The proceedings will be published in the
Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

SPECIAL ISSUE: A selection of papers presented at the
conference will be invited to a special issue of ALGORITHMICA
dedicated to CPM 2015.

Submission: February 2, 2015
Notification: March 31, 2015
Final version: April 15, 2015
Symposium: June 29- July 1, 2015


• Sorin Istrail (Brown University, USA)
• Rasmus Pagh (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
• Wojciech Szpankowski (Purdue University, USA)


• Francine Blanchet-Sadri (University of North Carolina, USA)
• Timothy Chan (University of Waterloo, Canada)
• Ferdinando Cicalese (University of Salerno, Italy, co-chair)
• Raphaël Clifford (University of Bristol, UK)
• Paolo Ferragina (University of Pisa, Italy)
• Travis Gagie (University of Helsinki, Finland)
• Leszek Gąsieniec (University of Liverpool, UK)
• Raffaele Giancarlo (University of Palermo, Italy)
• Inge Li Gørtz (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
• Roberto Grossi (University of Pisa, Italy)
• John Iacono (New York University, USA)
• Tsvi Kopelowitz (University of Michigan, USA)
• Gregory Kucherov (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
• Eduardo Sany Laber (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
• Gad Landau (University of Haifa, Israel)
• Jesper Larsson (Malmö University, Sweden)
• Noa Lewenstein (Netanya College, Israel)
• Stefano Lonardi (University of California, Riverside, USA)
• Veli Mäkinen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
• Ian Munro (University of Waterloo, Canada)
• Gonzalo Navarro (University of Chile, Chile)
• Ely Porat (Bar-Ilan University, Israel, co-chair)
• Simon Puglisi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
• Kunihiko Sadakane (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
• Marie-France Sagot (INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, Lyon, France)
• Tatiana Starikovskaya (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
• Jens Stoye (Bielefeld University, Germany)
• Oren Weimann (University of Haifa, Israel)


• Ferdinando Cicalese (University of Salerno, Italy)
• Travis Gagie (University of Helsinki, Finland)
• Luisa Gargano (University of Salerno, Italy)
• Zsuzsanna Lipták (University of Verona, Italy)
• Ugo Vaccaro (University of Salerno, Italy)


• Alberto Apostolico (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
• Maxime Crochemore (King's College London, UK)
• Zvi Galil (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Further details are available at the symposium web site:

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[DMANET] DEMADYN’15 Heidelberg - Mathematics & Cognition


Hengstberger Symposium on (Non-)Optimal human decision making
in dynamic environments

March 2–4, 2015,
Internationales Wissenschaftsforum (IWH), Heidelberg, Germany.

Real-world decisions take place in complex dynamic environments under imperfect information. Situations develop dynamically and change as a consequence of decision made, often in ways that are difficult to predict. This poses particular challenges for decision makers and scientific investigators alike. Different scientific disciplines have applied different approaches to understand the problem from their particular perspective. The goal of this symposium is to explore opportunities for interaction: Complementary theories and methods provided by mathematics, economics, and psychology should be integrated for a more profound understanding of dynamic decision making. The symposium will focus on the questions of (a) what it means to make "optimal" decisions in dynamic situations, (b) how and under which conditions optimal solutions can be determined, (c) to what extent formal optimality is an appropriate yardstick for often non-optimal human behavior, and (d) how human cognitive limitations can be integrated into models of (non-) optimal decision making.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- The role of learning in dynamic decision making
- Learning theories in dynamic environments and games
- Bounded rationality and deviations from rationality
- Formal models of dynamic decision processes
- Modeling and integration of cognitive limitations
- Optimal actions versus human decision makers' heuristics

Confirmed Invited Speakers

- Ido Erev (Technion, Haifa, Israel)
- John Hey (Centre for Experimental Economics, University of York, United Kingdom)
- Magda Osman (Queen Mary College, University of London, United Kingdom)
- Sebastian Sager (Otto von Guericke Universität, Magdeburg, Germany)

Target Audience

Researchers interested in an interdisciplinary approach to decision making in dynamic environments. Relevant fields include psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, mathematics, economics, computer science, statistics, and related disciplines. The workshop welcomes young researchers and is open to attendance of doctoral and graduate students.


- Peter Duersch (Alfred-Weber Institute for Economics, Heidelberg University)
- Daniel Holt (Institute of Psychology, Heidelberg University)
- Christian Kirches (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Heidelberg University)

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[DMANET] CCA 2015: First Call for Papers

First Call for Papers (with apologies for possible duplicates):

Twelfth International Conference on

Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2015)

July 12-15, 2015, Tokyo, JAPAN

The conference topic combines discrete and continuous
aspects of mathematics and computer science.


Scientific Program Committee

* Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
* Stephen A. Cook (Toronto, Canada)
* Guido Gherardi (Munich, Germany)
* Daniel Graça (Faro, Portugal)
* Hajime Ishihara (Ishikawa, Japan)
* Ker-I Ko (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
* Timothy McNicholl (Ames, USA)
* André Nies (Auckland, New Zealand)
* Mariko Yasugi (Kyoto, Japan)
* Martin Ziegler, chair (Darmstadt, Germany)

Organizing Committee

* Naohi Eguchi (Chiba University, Japan)
* Kojiro Higuchi (Chiba University, Japan)
* Akitoshi Kawamura, chair (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Kenshi Miyabe (Meiji University, Japan)
* Ryuhei Mori (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
* Hideki Tsuiki (Kyoto University, Japan)


Authors are invited to submit 1-2 pages abstracts in PDF format
by March 31st via

Conference Web Page
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[DMANET] MISTA 2015: Call for Papers (deadline extended to 21st Feb 2015)

MISTA 2015: Call for Papers (deadline extended to 21st Feb 2015)
25-28 August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic

Following numerous requests, we have extended the MISTA 2015 deadline until
21st Feb 2015.

We would like to thank all those authors that have already submitted and, if
you have a submission almost ready, we would encourage you to submit as soon
as possible as we plan to start the review process before the extended

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Premysl Sucha

Department of Control Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague,
Karlovo namesti 13, 121 35 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
Phone: + 420 2 2435 5714

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

[DMANET] Postdoctoral Position at Universidad de Chile


Up to two postdoctoral fellowship are available at Universidad de
Chile (Santiago) starting in June 2015, or by mutual agreement at any
date thereafter. We are looking for applicants with interests in the
broad areas of Discrete Mathematics, Optimization, Game Theory, or

The selected candidate will work within a team of researchers gathered
in the Núcleo Milenio project "Information and Coordination in
Networks" (see, and is expected to devote
fully to research. The appointment will be for a period of 12 months,
renewable by mutual agreement, with a monthly salary of 1.500.000 CLP
(approx. US$2.500 tax free). Shorter periods may also be considered.
Travel support is available.

Applicants must hold a recent PhD or be close to finishing their
thesis. Applications including curriculum vitae, list of publications,
research plan (1 or 2 pages), and names of references with their
e-mail addresses, should be sent electronically to Jose Correa . To ensure full consideration the application should
be sent before the deadline of March 15th, 2015. Late applications
will be considered on a case by case basis.

For further information please feel free to contact any of the group members.

Roberto Cominetti
Universidad de Chile
Departamento de Ingenieria Industrial
Republica 701, Santiago
Tel. (56 2) 9784033 - Fax. (56 2) 9784011

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from Susanne Albers: Postdoctoral Position in Algorithms TU Munich

A postdoctoral position in the area of efficient algorithms is available in
the research group of Prof. Susanne Albers. Department of Computer Science,
Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TU Munich).

The postdoc may pursue his/her own line of research but a research interest
in approximation and online algorithms, algorithmic game theory or algorithm
engineering is very welcome. More information about Susanne Albers and
the research group can be found at

The position is supported by a grant of the German Research Foundation and
provides a competitive 12 month salary with standard benefits. The appointment
is for a period of 12 months. The expected start date of the position is
summer 2015.

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science or
mathematics. Furthermore, he/she should be interested in collaborating with
PhD students and participating in the teaching activities of the group.
The application material should include (1) a cover letter describing the
interest in the position, (2) a CV and list of publications, (3) a short
research summary, and (4) the names and contact information of at least
two references. The material should be sent electronically to

Applications will be reviewed starting from February 15, 2015.

from Francesco Silvestri: ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2015 (CF'15)

ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2015 (CF'15)
May 18 - 21, 2015, Ischia, Italy




Computing Frontiers represents an engaged, collaborative community
of researchers who are excited about transformational technologies
in the field of computing. We are presently on the cusp of several
revolutions, including new memory technologies, networking
technologies, algorithms for handling large-scale data, power-saving
and energy-efficient solutions for data centers, systems solutions
for cloud computing, new application domains that affect every day
life and many, many more. Boundaries between the state-of-the-art
and revolutionary innovation constitute the computing frontiers that
must be pushed forward to advance science, engineering, and
information technology. Before revolutionary materials, devices,
and systems enter the mainstream, early research must be performed
using far-reaching projections of the future state of technologies.

Computing Frontiers is a gathering for people to share and discuss
such work, focusing on a wide spectrum of advanced technologies and
radically new solutions relevant to the development of the whole
spectrum of computer systems, from embedded to high-performance

This year we are adding Industry Sessions and Workshops that focus
on special topics. These sessions should have a special computing
frontiers focus and can run between 1/2 and a full day.


Submissions deadline: January 30, 2015
Notification: March 2, 2015
Camera-Copy Papers Due: March 20, 2015


We seek contributions that push the envelope in a wide range of
computing topics, from more traditional research in architecture and
systems to new technologies and devices. We seek contributions on
novel computing paradigms, computational models, algorithms,
application paradigms, development environments, compilers, operating
environments, computer architecture, hardware substrates, memory
technologies and smarter life applications. We are also interested in
emerging fields that may not fit within traditional categories.

* Algorithms and Models of Computing
approximate and inexact computing, quantum and probabilistic

* Biological Computing Models
brain computing, neural computing, computational neuroscience,
biologically-inspired architectures

* Big Data
analytics, machine learning, search and representation, system

* System Complexity Management
cloud systems, datacenters, exa-scale computing

* Computers and Society
education, health and cost/energy-efficient design, smart cities,
emerging markets

* Security
architecture and systems support for protection against malicious

* Limits on Technology Scaling and Moore's Law
defect- and variability-tolerant designs, graphene and other
novel materials, nanoscale design, optoelectronics, dark silicon

* Uses of Technology Scaling
3D stacked technology, challenges of manycore designs,
PCM's, novel memory architectures, mobile devices

* Compiler technologies
novel techniques to push the envelope on new technologies,
applications, hardware/software integrated solutions, advanced

* Networking
technology and protocols, bandwidth management, social networks,
internet of things

* Interdisciplinary Applications
applications that bridge multiple disciplines in interesting ways

* Position Papers, Trend Papers and Crazy Ideas

* Industry Sessions and Workshops
Sessions should have a special computing frontiers focus and can
run between 1/2 and full day.


### Future Information Security, Privacy and Forensics for Complex Systems

FISP-2015 is the first International Workshop on Future Information
Security, Privacy, and Forensics for Complex Systems. The aim of
FISP-2015 is to provide a premier international platform for scholars,
researchers, and practitioners in academia and industry to discuss the
most recent challenges and developments in "Information Security,
Privacy and Forensics for Complex systems" from the perspective of
providing security awareness and its best practices for the real
world. This workshop is open to submit novel and high quality research
contributions in the field of information security and privacy. We
anticipate that this workshop will open new entrance for further
research and technology improvements in this important area.

Paper Submission Deadline: January 16, 2015 (Fri), 11:59:59 PM (PST)
Workshop website:

### LP-EMS15 - Design of Low Power Embedded Multimedia Systems

Digital Media Technologies (DMTs) constitute one of the widest and most
important research areas in the ICT domain. Digital technologies allowed
the design of complex systems for creation, fruition and sharing of
audio/video/image contents pervading consumer electronics. A key
challenge in this domain regards the possibility of implementing
real-time high-performance multimedia systems minimizing,
contemporarily, their power consumption. Complexity on algorithmic side
and heterogeneity on processing platform side, are normally colliding
system constraints. It is necessary to close the gap between efficient
processing and optimal hardware support by adopting smart
hardware-software co-design solutions and flexible design frameworks.
In this perspective, dataflow-streaming based system models are
naturally capable of capturing domain-specific knowledge into formal
abstract system specifications capable of exposing the intrinsic
potential parallelism of the algorithms. Such representations result
very appropriate to model and explore the design space of DMTs

Paper Submission Deadline: Monday February 2, 2015, 11:59.59 PM (PST)
Workshop website:

### Analytics Platforms for the Cloud

Cloud computing has become popular because of cost, agility, scale, and
flexibility. At the same time, the use of flexible analytic platforms
such as Hadoop, Spark, etc. have grown in popularity and are being used
to drive the computational side of many types of workloads. Many are
now starting to bring these two together to drive efficient deployment
of analytic capabilities which can specifically leverage the flexibility
and agility of Cloud delivery. The purpose of this workshop is to
provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in analytics and cloud
computing an end-to-end view on the challenges and opportunities of
cloud-based analytics, and enable idea sharing.

Paper Submission Deadline: February 8th, 2015
Workshop website:

### Making Sense of Sensed Data - Issues in Developing Heterogeneous
Cognitive Systems

A new frontier in computing is evolving around developing systems that
'sense' and respond to data in ways that represent or mimic human
'cognition'. These advancements represent the intersection of
developments in processor hardware, software, and sensing devices.
Examples include the implementation of low power architectures that
mimic the type of synaptic information transmission that occur in
animal brains (Neuromorphic systems), improvements in probability
based software for big data analysis systems such as Natural Language
Processing, the development of "deep learning systems" which have
demonstrated systems that 'learn' representations of data, and the
explosive growth of user based content in data systems such as cell
phone video etc.. The evolution of these systems is leading to new
possibilities for computing systems to interpret a vast amount of big
data collected by sensors into a meaningful representations and to
learn from that data or draw inferences from it.

Paper Submission Deadline: Friday, Feb 13, 2015
Workshop website:


Authors are invited to submit full papers or posters to the main
conference. Full papers and poster abstracts must be submitted
through the conference paper submission site. Full papers should
not exceed eight double-column pages in standard ACM conference format.
Poster abstracts should not exceed two pages in the same format.
These limits include figures, tables, and references. Our review
process is double-blind. Thus, please remove all identifying
information from the paper submission (also if citing own work).
Abstracts for accepted posters will be published in the proceedings
and in the ACM Digital Library (note that authors of these works
retain their copyright rights to publish more complete versions
later). The best papers from the Computer Frontiers Conference and
Workshops will be invited to be published in special issues of IJPP
or PARCO. As per ACM guidelines, at least one of the authors of
accepted papers is required to register for the conference.

For information on workshop submissions, please see the individual
workshop websites.


Computing Frontiers 2015 Chairs

General Chairs: Claudia Di Napoli, ICAR-CNR, IT
Valentina Salapura, IBM, US
Program Chairs: Hubertus Franke, IBM Research, US
Rui Hou, Institute for Computing Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC
Finance Chair: Jens Breitbart, TU Munich, DE
Local Arrangements Chair:
Silvia Rossi, Universite degli Studi di Napoli
"Federico II", IT
Poster Chair: Alexander Heinecke, Intel Parallel Computing Lab, US
Publicity Chairs:
Kun Wang, Microsoft, PRC
Raymond Namyst, University of Bordeaux, FR
Publication Chair:
Michela Taufer, University of Delaware, US
Web Chair: Kristian Rietveld, Leiden University, NL

Computing Frontiers 2015 Steering Committee

Monica Alderighi, INAF, IT
Claudia Di Napoli, ICAR-CNR, IT
Hubertus Franke, IBM, US
Diana Franklin, University of California at Santa Barbara, US
Georgi Gaydadijev, Chalmers University, SE
Alexander Heinecke, Intel Parallel Computing Lab, US
Paul Kelly, Imperial College, GB
Sally A. McKee, Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Krishna Palem, Rice University, US / Nanyang Technological University, SG
Francesca Palumbo, University of Cagliari, IT
Valentina Salapura, IBM, US
Pedro Trancoso, University of Cyprus, CY
Carsten Trinitis, Technische Universität Muenchen, DE
Eli Upfal, Brown University, US
Josef Weidendorfer, Technische Universität Muenchen, DE

Ackermann Award 2015


Nominations are now invited for the 2015 Ackermann Award.
PhD dissertations in topics specified by the EACSL and LICS
conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a
university or equivalent institution between 1.1.2013 and 31.12.2014
are eligible for nomination for the award. The deadline for submission
is 15 April 2015.
Submission details follow below.
Nominations can be submitted from 1 January 2015 and should be sent
to the chair of the Jury, Anuj Dawar, by

The Award
The 2015 Ackermann award will be presented to the recipient(s) at the
annual conference of the EACSL, 7-10 September 2015, in Berlin (Germany).
The award consists of

* a certificate,
* an invitation to present the thesis at the CSL/LICS conference,
* the publication of the laudatio in the CSL/LICS proceedings,
* travel support to attend the conference, and
* an invitation to present the work to the Kurt Gödel Society in Vienna.

The jury is entitled to give the award to more (or less) than one
dissertation in a year.

The jury consists of:

* Thierry Coquand (Chalmers University of Gothenburg);
* Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge), the president of EACSL;
* Dexter Kozen (Cornell University), ACM SigLog representative;
* Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem);
* Daniel Leivant (Indiana University, Bloomington);
* Luke Ong (University of Oxford);
* Jean-Eric Pin (CNRS and University of Paris 7);
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (University of Torino), the
vice-president of EACSL;

How to submit
The candidate or his/her supervisor should submit

1. the thesis (ps or pdf file);
2. a detailed description (not longer than 20 pages) of the thesis
in ENGLISH (ps or pdf file);
3. a supporting letter by the PhD advisor and two supporting letters
by other senior researchers (in English);
supporting letters can also be sent directly to Anuj Dawar
4. a short CV of the candidate;
5. a copy of the document asserting that the thesis was accepted as
a PhD thesis at a recognized University (or equivalent institution) and
that the candidate has received his/her PhD within the specified period.

The submission should be sent by e-mail as attachments to the chairman
of the jury, Anuj Dawar:
With the following subject line and text:

* Subject: Ackermann Award Submission
* Text: Name of candidate, list of attachments

Submission can be sent via several e-mail messages. If this is the case,
please indicate it in the text. Letters of support and documents can
also be faxed to:
Anuj Dawar
Ackermann Award
+44 1223 334678

The Jury has the right to declare submissions to be out of scope or not
to meet the requirements.

The Award is sponsored by the Kurt Gödel Society.