Thursday, April 30, 2015

[DMANET] 24th Workshop "Cycles and Colourings 2015"

We cordially invite you to attend the

24th Workshop "Cycles and Colourings 2015"

which will take place on September 6 - 11, 2015 in Hotel Atrium, Novy
Smokovec in High Tatras, Slovakia.

The invited speakers are

Daniel W. Cranston Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland
Roman Nedela, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Kenta Ozeki, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Jakub Przybyło, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków,
Éric Sopena, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France

The deadlines for the early registration is May 31st, 2015, the late
registration is until July 31st, 2015.

All information can be found at the conference webpage .

With kind regards,

The Organizing Committee

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[DMANET] Third St.Petersburg Days of Logic and Computability

International meeting

Third St.Petersburg Days of

devoted to the memory of
Grigory MINTS (1939--2014)

August 24-26, 2015 St.Petersburg, Russia

Call for papers


This third meeting in the series of St.Petersburg Days of Logic and
Computability is devoted to the memory of Grigory Mints. The main
themes of the meeting are those related to his mathematical interests:

* Proof theory
* Intuitionistic logic
* Modal logic
* Non-classical logics
* Automated deduction
* Constructive mathematics
* Applications of proof theory to category theory


* Vladimir OREVKOV (St.Petersburg), chairperson
* Solomon FEFERMAN (Stanford)
* Boris KONEV (Liverpool)
* Yuri MATIYASEVICH (St.Petersburg)
* Anatol SLISSENKO (Paris)
* Enn Tyugu (Tallinn)
* Yuri MANIN (Germany)


* Boris KONEV (Liverpool)
* Nikolai KOSSOVSKI (St.Petersburg)
* Vladimir OREVKOV (St.Petersburg)
* Alexei PASTOR (St.Petersburg)
* Maxim VSEMIRNOV (St.Petersburg)

Working LANGUAGE: English

SUBMISSION of papers:
If you wish to present a paper, please send an (extended) abstract
in LaTeX on the conference e-mail:
You can find the template for your abstract on our website:
The deadline for submission is May 15, 2015.
Notifications are due before June 15.

Abstracts of talks will be available on WWW and will be delivered to
the participants in printed form.

Please register via

Participation FEE:
The fee will cover common meals and coffee breaks. The fee equivalent
to 120 euro can be paid on arrival. We hope to obtain the support of
Russian Foundation of Basic Research to cover in part the expenses of
Russian participants but unfortunately we cannot provide any financial
support to foreign participants.

Location of the meeting:
The "3rd DAYS" will take place at the Euler International Mathematical
Institute (which is now a part of St.Petersburg Department of Steklov
Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The
building of the Euler Institute is located at 10, Pesochnaya
embankment, St.Petersburg.

The Euler IMI has a preliminary reservation at the Nauka budget hotel
and the Andersen hotel. More information can be found on our website:

Please take into account that participants from most countries need a
visa to enter Russia. After receiving your registration form the
Organizing Committee will start preparing a formal invitation, which
you will have to present together with your visa application form at
a nearby Russian Consulate. It may take a long time before you have
your visa, so we strongly recommend that you register at least
three months in advance.


* Website of the meeting:
* E-mail:
* FAX:
o 7 (812) 310 53 77 (Program Committee)
o 7 (812) 234 58 19 (Organizing Committee)

Useful LINKS:

* The First Days of Logic and Computability:
* The Second Days of Logic and Computability:
* Euler International Mathematical Institute:
* St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics:

More links can be found on the website of the meeting.
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[DMANET] Post-doc position announcement in Pisa

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a
fully-funded, one-year post-doc (Assegno di Ricerca) position at the
Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. This
position is funded by the research project

Mathematical models and computational methods for complex networks.

This is an interdisciplinary effort between the Department of
Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics of the University
of Pisa to foster stricter collaboration between Numerical Analysis
and Operations Research experts, for the solution of complex
numerical and optimization problems related to todays' networks
(telecommunication, transportation, energy, social, ...).

The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in Numerical Analysis,
Operations Research or Computer Science. She/he is expected to choose
and carry forward two different lines of research among the several
ones proposed by the 14 participants to the project, bringing
together aspects of Numerical Analysis and Operations Research, and
possible also of Computer Science. The participants to the project
span several areas of Numerical Analysis and Operations Research, so
finding good matches is not expected to be hard. Proposing her/his
own research lines with analogous characteristics is also welcome,
provided they pick the (varied) interest of some of the participants
to the project.

The position is funded for one year at the standard rate for Italian
"assegno di ricerca" (23336 Euro gross, with low taxation), and some
extra money is available for travel. Candidates of all nationalities
are warmly welcome.

Information about application can be found at

The deadline for application is May 14, 2015. Interviews with the
candidates are expected to be held on May 28, 2015. Remote interviews
are possible. Formal start of the position is expected on mid June to
beginning of July.

Enquiries can be directed to Antonio Frangioni (
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[DMANET] AIRO 2015: deadline extension

This is to announce that the abstract submission deadline to the 45th
Annual Conference of the Italian Operations Research Society, AIRO
2015 (Pisa, September 7-10, 2015), has been prolonged to May 15, 2015.

In order to submit you have first to register at the site:

After you login, you will be able to access the "Abstract Submissions" section.

We encourage perspective session chairs to submit to:


proposals for sessions they could be willing to organize.

More information can be found on the web site of the conference:

Maria Grazia
Scutella' (Conference chair)
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[DMANET] Deadline extension | ICCGI 2015 || October 11 - 16, 2015 - St. Julians, Malta


Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to ICCGI 2015.

The submission deadline is May 24, 2015.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== ICCGI 2015 | Call for Papers ===============


ICCGI 2015, The Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology

October 11 - 16, 2015 - St. Julians, Malta

General page:

Call for Papers:

Submission page:

- regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- ideas: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- extended abstracts: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- demos: two pages [posted at]
- doctoral forum submissions: [in the proceedings, digital library]

Proposals for:
- mini symposia: see
- workshops: see
- tutorials: [slide-deck posed on]
- panels: [slide-deck posed on]

Submission deadline: May 24, 2015

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:

ICCGI 2015 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Industrial systems

Control theory and systems; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Data engineering; Enterprise computing and evaluation; Electrical and electronics engineering; Economic decisions and information systems; Advanced robotics; Virtual reality systems; Industrial systems and applications; Industrial and financial systems; Industrial control electronics; Industrial IT solutions

Evolutionary computation

Algorithms, procedures, mechanisms and applications; Computer architecture and systems; Computational sciences; Computation in complex systems; Computer and communication systems; Computer networks; Computer science theory; Computation and computer security; Computer simulation; Digital telecommunications; Distributed and parallel computing; Computation in embedded and real-time systems; Soft computing; User-centric computation

Autonomic and autonomous systems

Automation and autonomous systems; Theory of Computing; Autonomic computing; Autonomic networking; Network computing; Protecting computing; Theories of agency and autonomy; Multi-agent evolution, adaptation and learning; Adjustable and self-adjustable autonomy; Pervasive systems and computation; Computing with locality principles; GRID networking and services; Pervasive computing; Cluster computing and performance; Artificial intelligence Computational linguistics; Cognitive technologies; Decision making; Evolutionary computation; Expert systems; Computational biology


Models and techniques for biometric technologies; Bioinformatics; Biometric security; Computer graphics and visualization; Computer vision and image processing; Computational biochemistry; Finger, facial, iris, voice, and skin biometrics; Signature recognition; Multimodal biometrics; Verification and identification techniques; Accuracy of biometric technologies; Authentication smart cards and biometric metrics; Performance and assurance testing; Limitations of biometric technologies; Biometric card technologies; Biometric wireless technologies; Biometric software and hardware; Biometric standards

Knowledge data systems

Data mining and Web mining; Knowledge databases and systems; Data warehouse and applications; Data warehousing and information systems; Database performance evaluation; Semantic and temporal databases; Database systems Databases and information retrieval; Digital library design; Meta-data modeling

Mobile and distance education

Human computer interaction; Educational technologies; Computer in education; Distance learning; E-learning; Mobile learning Cognitive support for learning; Internet-based education; Impact of ICT on education and society; Group decision making and software; Habitual domain and information technology; Computer-mediated communications; Immersing authoring; Contextual and cultural challenges in user mobility; Learning process of digital nationality; M-learning's function in business training and in higher education

Intelligent techniques, logics, and systems

Intelligent agent technologies; Intelligent and fuzzy information processing; Intelligent computing and knowledge management; Intelligent systems and robotics; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Fuzzy logic & systems; Genetic algorithms; Haptic phenomena; Graphic recognition; Neural networks; Symbolic and algebraic computation; Modeling, simulation and analysis of business processes and systems

Knowledge processing

Knowledge representation models; Knowledge languages; Cognitive science; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge engineering; Knowledge processing under uncertainty; Machine intelligence; Machine learning; Making decision through Internet; Networking knowledge plan

Information technologies

Information technology and organizational behavior; Agents, data mining and ontologies; Information retrieval systems; Information and network security; Information ethics and legal evaluations; Optimization and information technology; Organizational information systems; Information fusion; Information management systems; Information overload; Information policy making; Information security; Information systems; Information discovery; Content-consumer IT applications for mobile platforms; New ICT-based applications in the digital society; Micro-contents' function on the way of the Web 3.0

Internet and web technologies

Internet and WWW-based computing; Web and Grid computing; Internet service and training; IT and society; IT in education and health; Management information systems; Visualization and group decision making; Web based language development; Web search and decision making; Web service ontologies; Scientific web intelligence; Online business and decision making; Business rule language; E-Business; E-Commerce; Online and collaborative work; Social eco-systems and social networking; Social decisions on Internet; Computer ethics

Digital information processing

Mechatronics; Natural language processing; Medical imaging; Image processing; Signal processing; Speech processing; Video processing; Pattern recognition; Pattern recognition models; Graphics & computer vision; Medical systems and computing

Cognitive science and knowledge agent-based systems

Cognitive support for e-learning and mobile learning; Agents and cognitive models; Agents & complex systems; computational ecosystems; Agent architectures, perception, action & planning in agents; Agent communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics & protocols; Agent-based electronic commerce and trading systems Multi-agent constraint satisfaction; Agent programming languages, development environments and testbeds; Computational complexity in autonomous agents; Multi-agent planning and cooperation; Logics and formal models of for agency verification; Nomadic agents; Negotiation, auctions, persuasion; Privacy and security issues in multi-agent systems

Mobility and multimedia systems

Mobile communications; Multimedia and visual programming; Multimedia and decision making; Multimedia systems; Mobile multimedia systems; User-centered mobile applications; Designing for the mobile devices; Contextual user mobility; Mobile strategies for global market; Interactive television and mobile commerce

Systems performance

Performance evaluation; Performance modeling; Performance of parallel computing; Reasoning under uncertainty; Reliability and fault-tolerance; Performance instrumentation; Performance monitoring and corrections; Performance in entity-dependable systems; Real-time performance and near-real time performance evaluation; Performance in software systems; Performance and hybrid systems; Measuring performance in embedded systems

Networking and telecommunications

Telecommunication and Networking; Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation; Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Information Technology; Network and Decision Making; Networks and Security; Communications protocols (SIP/H323/MPLS/IP); Specialized networks (GRID/P2P/Overlay/Ad hoc/Sensor); Advanced services (VoIP/IPTV/Video-on-Demand; Network and system monitoring and management; Feature interaction detection and resolution; Policy-based monitoring and managements systems; Traffic modeling and monitoring; Traffic engineering and management; Self-monitoring, self-healing and self-management systems; Man-in-the-loop management paradigm

Software development and deployment

Software requirements engineering; Software design, frameworks, and architectures; Software interactive design; Formal methods for software development, verification and validation; Neural networks and performance; Patterns/Anti-patterns/Artifacts/Frameworks; Agile/Generic/Agent-oriented programming; Empirical software evaluation metrics; Software vulnerabilities; Reverse engineering; Software reuse; Software security, reliability and safety; Software economics; Software testing and debugging; Tracking defects in the OO design; Distributed and parallel software; Programming languages; Declarative programming; Real-time and embedded software; Open source software development methodologies; Software tools and deployment environments; Software Intelligence; Software Performance and Evaluation

Knowledge virtualization

Modeling techniques, tools, methodologies, languages; Model-driven architectures (MDA); Service-oriented architectures (SOA); Utility computing frameworks and fundamentals; Enabled applications through virtualization; Small-scale virtualization methodologies and techniques; Resource containers, physical resource multiplexing, and segmentation; Large-scale virtualization methodologies and techniques; Management of virtualized systems; Platforms, tools, environments, and case studies; Making virtualization real; On-demand utilities Adaptive enterprise; Managing utility-based systems; Development environments, tools, prototypes

Systems and networks on the chip

Microtechnology and nanotechnology; Real-time embedded systems; Programming embedded systems; Controlling embedded systems; High speed embedded systems; Designing methodologies for embedded systems; Performance on embedded systems; Updating embedded systems; Wireless/wired design of systems-on-the-chip; Testing embedded systems; Technologies for systems processors; Migration to single-chip systems

Context-aware systems

Context-aware autonomous entities; Context-aware fundamental concepts, mechanisms, and applications; Modeling context-aware systems; Specification and implementation of awareness behavioral contexts; Development and deployment of large-scale context-aware systems and subsystems; User awareness requirements Design techniques for interfaces and systems; Methodologies, metrics, tools, and experiments for specifying context-aware systems; Tools evaluations, Experiment evaluations

Networking technologies

Next generation networking; Network, control and service architectures; Network signalling, pricing and billing; Network middleware; Telecommunication networks architectures; On-demand networks, utility computing architectures; Next generation networks [NGN] principles; Storage area networks [SAN]; Access and home networks; High-speed networks; Optical networks; Peer-to-peer and overlay networking; Mobile networking and systems; MPLS-VPN, IPSec-VPN networks; GRID networks; Broadband networks

Security in network, systems, and applications

IT in national and global security; Formal aspects of security; Systems and network security; Security and cryptography; Applied cryptography; Cryptographic protocols; Key management; Access control; Anonymity and pseudonymity management; Security management; Trust management; Protection management; Certification and accreditation; Virii, worms, attacks, spam; Intrusion prevention and detection; Information hiding; Legal and regulatory issues

Knowledge for global defense

Business continuity and availability; Risk assessment; Aerospace computing technologies; Systems and networks vulnerabilities; Developing trust in Internet commerce; Performance in networks, systems, and applications; Disaster prevention and recovery; IT for anti-terrorist technology innovations (ATTI); Networks and applications emergency services; Privacy and trust in pervasive communications; Digital rights management; User safety and protection

Information Systems [IS]

Management Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Innovation and IS; Enterprise Application Integration; Enterprise Resource Planning; Business Process Change; Design and Development Methodologies and Frameworks; Iterative and Incremental Methodologies; Agile Methodologies; IS Standards and Compliance Issues; Risk Management in IS Design and Development; Research Core Theories; Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS; Research Ontological Assumptions in IS Research; IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities; IS vs Computer Science Research; IS vs Business Studies

IPv6 Today - Technology and deployment

IP Upgrade - An Engineering Exercise or a Necessity?; Worldwide IPv6 Adoption - Trends and Policies; IPv6 Programs, from Research to Knowledge Dissemination; IPv6 Technology - Practical Information; Advanced Topics and Latest Developments in IPv6; IPv6 Deployment Experiences and Case Studies; IPv6 Enabled Applications and Devices


Continuous and discrete Models; Optimal Models; Complex System Modeling; Individual-Based Models; Modeling Uncertainty; Compact fuzzy models; Modeling languages; Real-time modeling; Performance modeling; Decision support systems; Multiple criteria decision aiding; Problem structuring methods


Multicriteria Optimization; Multilervel Optimization; Goal Programming; Optimization and Efficiency; Optimization-based decisions; Evolutionary Optimization; Self-Optimization; Extreme Optimization; Combinatorial Optimization; Disccrete Optimization; Fuzzy Optimization; Lipschitzian Optimization; Non-Convex Optimization; Convexity; Continuous Optimization; Interior point methods; Semidefinite and Conic Programming


Complexity Analysis; Computational Complexity; Complexity Reduction; Optimizing Model Complexity; Communication Complexity; Managing Complexity; Modeling Complexity in Social Systems; Low-complexity Global Optimization; Software Development for Modeling and Optimization; Industrial applications


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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

[DMANET] ACP Summer School 2015 - Call for Participation

Call for Participation

2015 ACP Summer School in Constraint Programming

** New Frontiers in Constraint Programming **

Dates: July 8-11th
Location: University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada

The subject of the 2015 ACP Summer School is "New Frontiers in Constraint
Programming", where we explore some of the most exciting and innovative
applications and research directions in Constraint Programming that have
been shaping the field in recent years. The goal of the school is to
familiarize PhD students, post-docs, and interested researchers with these
new perspectives to foster ideas that can contribute to their own research
and to better position themselves in the field.

** Competition: The school is also hosting a Constraint Programming
competition where winners and their work will be featured at the 21st
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (CP 2015).

* Confirmed Speakers

(More speakers may be confirmed soon)

- Christopher Beck, University of Toronto, Canada
Hybrid Techniques

- Claude-Guy Quimper, Université Laval, Canada
Parallel Constraint Programming

- Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Decision Diagram-Based Constraint Programming

- Pascal Van Hentenryck, Australian National University, Australia
Trends in Real-World Applications of Constraint Programming

- Petr Vilim, IBM Research, Czech Republic
New Developments in Constraint-Based Scheduling

* Registration

- Cost: CAD$ 300
- Link:

* For those attending ISMP 2015, transportation will be arranged from
Toronto to Pittsburgh.

* Organizers & Contact Information:

David Bergman, University of Connecticut

Andre A. Cire, University of Toronto Scarborough


Andre Augusto Cire
Assistant Professor in Operations Management
Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough
Rotman School of Management (cross-appoint.)
Phone: +1-416-208-4838 (UTSC), +1-416-978-5454 (Rotman)

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[DMANET] Registration still open: Optimization & Big Data 2015 (Edinburgh, May 6-8, 2015)

Optimization & Big Data 2015, Edinburgh, May 6-8, 2015
Venue: University of Edinburgh (Informatics Forum / JCMB)

Dear colleagues and friends,

1. Registration

… is still open for the event (fee = £45): <>

2. Workshop Website <>

3. Invited Speakers

Coralia Cartis (Oxford)
Global convergence rate analysis of unconstrained optimization methods based on probabilistic models

Patrick Louis Combettes (Paris 6)
Splitting techniques in the face of huge problem sizes: block-coordinate and block-iterative approaches

Jonathan Eckstein (Rutgers)
Object-parallel solution of large-scale lasso problems

Garud Iyengar (Columbia)
A distributed proximal method for composite convex optimization

Rodolphe Jenatton (Amazon Berlin)
Sparse and spurious: dictionary learning with noise and outliers

Jakub Konecny (Edinburgh)
Distributed optimization with arbitrary local solvers

Francois Glineur (Louvain)
Smooth strongly convex interpolation and exact worst-case performance of first-order methods

Donald Goldfarb (Columbia)
Low-rank matrix and tensor recovery: theory and algorithms

Robert Gower (Edinburgh)
Randomized fixed point methods for linear systems and inverting matrices

Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech) - keynote
Fenchel-type representations and large-scale problems with convex structure on difficult geometry domains

Zheng Qu (Edinburgh) - organizer
Randomized dual coordinate ascent with arbitrary sampling

Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh) - organizer
SDNA: Stochastic Dual Newton Ascent for empirical risk minimization

Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh)
Unconstrained trust region based stochastic optimization with biased and unbiased noise

Mark Schmidt (UBC)
Is greedy coordinate descent a terrible algorithm?

4. Accepted Contributions

In addition to the invited talks, there is a contributed track (spotlight talks + poster sessions) attracting a prize from Amazon (prize committee: Arkadi Nemirovski & Rodolphe Jenatton)

Jose Vidal Alcala-Burgos (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico)
Affine invariant stochastic optimization

Dominik Csiba <> (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Stochastic dual coordinate ascent with adaptive probabilities

Kimon Fountoulakis <> (University of Edinburgh, UK)
A problem generator for big data optimization <>

Gordon Inverarity <> (Met Office, UK)
Data assimilation for weather forecasting <>

Maria Koroliuk <> (University of Warwick, UK)
Analysis of urban traffic data <>

Dimitris Kouzoupis <> (University of Freiburg, Germany)
First-order methods in nonlinear model predictive control <>

Wenting Long <> (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Fixed point algorithm based on proximity and precondition operator for high resolution image reconstruction with displacement errors <>

Aurelien Lucchi <> (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Neighbourhood watch: variance reduction using nearest-neighbours <>

Rodrigo Mendoza Smith <> (University of Oxford, UK)
Expander L0 decoding

Christian Mueller <> (Simons Center for Data Analysis, USA)
Auto-tuned high-dimensional regression with the TREX: theoretical guarantees and non-convex global optimization <>

Thomas Prescott <> (University of Oxford, UK)
Layered synthetic biomolecular systems

Daniel Robinson <> (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
A hybrid ADMM algorithm

Chee-Wei Tan <> (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
A probabilistic approach to rumor source detection and graph-based message passing algorithms <>

Simon Tett <> (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Optimising parameter values in climate models: observational/model synthesis

Weiqi Zhou <> (Jacobs University, Germany)
Kaczmarz iteration with random row permutation


Zheng Qu and Peter Richtarik (organizers)
University of Edinburgh

The School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh

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[DMANET] Call for Prize Nominations: Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing 2016 (Corrections, and DEADLINE MOVED to May 30th, 2015)

Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing 2016

Call for Prize Nominations

DEADLINE May 30th, 2015

Awarded by the Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication
Complexity (SIROCCO).

Nominations are requested for the Prize for Innovation In Distributed Computing.
This prize was established to recognize individuals whose research
contributions expanded the
collective investigative horizon in SIROCCO's area of interest. That
is, they formulated new problems,
or identified new research areas, that were at the time of their
introduction, unorthodox and outside the
mainstream, but later attracted the interest of the SIROCCO community.

This community is interested in the relationships between information
and efficiency in decentralized
computing. The prize recognizes originality, innovation, and
creativity -- the qualities that reflect the
spirit of the SIROCCO conference.

The winner is expected to give an invited talk at SIROCCO NEXT year.
The winner chosen last year
(Michel Raynal) will give a talk at sirocco in the current year:
SIROCCO 2015 is going to be held on
July 15-17, Montserrat, Spain (a few days before PODC, also in Spain
this year; papers submission
deadline is April 30th). (Other invited speakers this current year
are: Nati Linial (Keynote), Amos
Korman, Bernhard Haupler, and Sakat Navlakha).

The prize may not necessarily be awarded every year.

Past prize winners are Nicola Santoro, Jean-Claude Bermond, David
Peleg, Roger Wattenhofer,
Andrzej Pelc, Pierre Fraigniaud, and Michel Raynal.


The following conditions must be met by the nominees to be eligible
for the prize. It is requested
that a nomination letter explains and demonstrates how the nominee
matches these conditions.

(1) The original innovative contribution was introduced by the
nominee(s) for the first time in a
publication at least five years before the nomination deadline, and
the publication must have appeared
in a conference proceedings or a scientific journal.

(2) At least one paper (co)authored by the nominee(s), either the
original paper, or a paper very related
to the innovative contribution, must have appeared in a SIROCCO proceedings.

A nomination letter should identify the paper(s) that make(s) the
nominee eligible according to conditions
(1) and (2) above, as well as explain the contribution, its
originality, and its significance.

Past SIROCCO papers and authors can be found at indexing sites, e.g. Google
Scholar or

Selection process

The prize winners are selected by the Award Committee composed of the
current Steering Committee (SC)
Chair of the SIROCCO conference, the PC chairs, including co-chairs,
of the three SIROCCO conferences
immediately preceding the nominations deadline, plus one additional
member of the Advisory Board,
or one past winner, selected by the Steering Committee for the current year.

In 2015, the Award Committee consists of: Guy Even (Tel Aviv
University), Magnús HalldórssonReykjavik
University), Shay Kutten (Technion)- chair, Thomas Moscibroda
(Microsoft), and Andrzej Pelc
(Universite du Quebec en Outaouais).

Nominations can be made by any member of the scientific community.

DEADLINE : Please send the nomination to the prize committee chair, by MAY 15th, 2015.
(Please note: May 2015, we select this year the winner of next year).


Please help in recognizing the contributions of members of our community.

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[DMANET] Two Research Assistant Positions in Algorithmic Game Theory at University of Oxford

Professor Elias Koutsoupias is looking for two Research Assistants to join the ERC project "Algorithms, Games, Mechanisms, and the Price of Anarchy" (ALGAME) at the University of Oxford.

The "Algorithms, Games, Mechanisms, and the Price of Anarchy" (ALGAME) project involves investigating, designing, and analysing mechanisms, extending the theory of the price of anarchy and stability, and investigating game-playing issues that arise by applying the algorithmic approach (e.g. limitations in computation and communication) to classical game theory.

Candidates should have a first degree and a doctorate in computer science (or related discipline), and a record of research in algorithmic game theory or a related area. Experience of working in collaborative or inter-disciplinary environments is highly desired.

This is a fixed-term contract for up to 2 years (with the possibility of extension). The salary range is £30,434 - £37,394 p.a.

Details and application form at

Deadline for applications: 20 May 2015 at 12 noon.

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[DMANET] Deadline Extension: 6th May 2015 - Short Paper Track and Graduate Student Track SSBSE'15 (International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering)

* DEADLINE EXTENDED: 6th May 2015, Midnight HST

SSBSE 2015
7th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
September 5-7, 2015 - Bergamo, Italy

SSBSE 2015
SSBSE 2015 is the seventh edition of the annual symposium dedicated to Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE). Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE) is the application of meta-heuristic optimization techniques to various software engineering problems, ranging from requirements engineering to software testing and maintenance. The symposium builds on the flourishing interest in SBSE and provides a welcoming forum for discussion and dissemination that will strengthen the rapidly-growing international SBSE community. We invite contributions of different forms in this call for papers as follows:

We invite short papers presenting new ideas, tools, experience reports, or novel techniques and ideas, which will be included in the proceedings and presented at the symposium. Papers submitted to this track should not exceed 6 pages in length using the regular symposium format. The SSBSE Short Paper Track performs double-blind review of all submissions (i.e., authors will not be identified to reviewers and reviewers will not be identified to authors). Please consult the submission information page ( to prepare your manuscript for double-blind process.

We invite students to submit papers to a special Graduate Student track. This track gives students the opportunity to showcase their SBSE research and receive feedback from senior members of the SBSE community. Papers submitted to this track should not exceed 6 pages in length using the regular symposium format. To be eligible, papers should be primarily the work of students currently registered on a doctoral or masters programme that have not yet completed their studies. The paper may have co-authors who are not students but the student author is expected to present the paper at the symposium. The work presented in submitted papers does not have to be complete, although initial experimental results would be very welcome. This track would be an ideal venue for PhD and masters students to present and discuss their research agenda in the company of leading experts in the domain. The SSBSE Graduate Student Track performs double-blind review of all submissions (i.e., authors wil!
l not be identified to reviewers and reviewers will not be identified to authors). Please consult the submission information page ( to prepare your manuscript for double-blind process.

Papers accepted for presentation at SSBSE 2015 will be considered for prizes in the following categories:
* Best Student Paper with industry-relevant SBSE results (1,500 EUR; sponsored by Huawei)
* Challenge Track Award (1,000 EUR)

Papers must not have been previously published, or be in consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference. Papers will be evaluated by members of the program committee based on their originality, technical soundness and presentation quality. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNCS format ( Further information on paper formatting and submission will be soon available from the symposium website. If a paper is accepted, at least one author is expected to attend the symposium and to present the paper. In case of a student paper, the first (student) author is expected to attend and present the paper.

Accepted papers will be published in a volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS).

The authors of best selected symposium papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for a special issue in one of the leading software engineering journals. Details will be announced soon.


Submission May 6, 2015
Notification May 25, 2015

Submission May 6, 2015
Notification May 25, 2015

Submission May 6, 2015
Notification May 25, 2015

To contact the Short Paper and Graduate Student Tracks Chair, please email:<>

Nestling in the Alpine foothills, just 40 km northeast of Milan, Bergamo is one of the prettiest towns in Northern Italy and is the second touristic destination in Lombardy after Milan. Structured in two levels, the lower city, called "Cittv?bassa" is more modern and dynamic, while the famous "upper city", called "Citta Alta", built up on the hills, boasts a stunning historic center with an extremely rich heritage of art and history. The two cities are separated, both physically and symbolically, by the powerful Venetian Walls; nowadays, also a funicular railway "funicolare" brings visitors and residents from the lower city to the upper city. Bergamo hosts several extraordinary art museums: the "Bernareggi" Museum of Sacred Art and the famous Pinacoteca Carrara, an art gallery situated near to the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMEC). It is served by the Orio al Serio Airport, which also serves the Province of Bergamo and the metropolitan area of Milan.


Paolo Tonella, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy.

Yvan Labiche, Carleton University, Canada.
Marcio Barros, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Federica Sarro, University College London, UK.

Shin Yoo, University College London, UK.
Leandro L. Minku, University of Birmingham, UK.

Angelo Gargantini, University of Bergamo, Italy.

Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory
Leonardo Bottaci, University of Hull
John A. Clark, University of York
Thelma Elita Colanzi, State University of Maring?
Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio
Arilo Claudio Dias-Neto, Federal University of Amazonas
Robert Feldt, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield
Mathew Hall, University of Sheffield
Colin Johnson, University of Kent
Marouane Kessentini, University of Michigan
Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Dongsun Kim, Sogang University
Claire Le Goues, Carnegie Mellon University
Raluca Lefticaru, University of Bucharest
Zheng Li, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Phil McMinn, University of Sheffield
Timothy Menzies, North Carolina State University
Mel 'Cinnide, University College Dublin
Justyna Petke, University College London
Pasqualina Potena, University of Alcala
Simon Poulding, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Xiao Qu, ABB Corporate Research
Marc Roper, University of Strathclyde
Guenther Ruhe, University of Calgary
Christopher Simons, University of the West of England
Jerffeson Souza, State University of Ceara
Angelo Susi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Jerry Swan, University of Stirling
Silvia Vergilio, Federal University of Paran
David White, University of Glasgow
Xin Yao, University of Birmingham
Yuanyuan Zhang, University College London

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[DMANET] Deadline extension | INTELLI 2015 || October 11 - 16, 2015 - St. Julians, Malta


Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to INTELLI 2015.

The submission deadline is May 24, 2015.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== INTELLI 2015 | Call for Papers ===============


INTELLI 2015, The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications

October 11 - 16, 2015 - St. Julians, Malta

General page:

Call for Papers:

Submission page:

- regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- ideas: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- extended abstracts: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- demos: two pages [posted at]
- doctoral forum submissions: [in the proceedings, digital library]

Proposals for:
- mini symposia: see
- workshops: see
- tutorials: [slide-deck posed on]
- panels: [slide-deck posed on]

Submission deadline: May 24, 2015

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:

INTELLI 2015 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Fundamentals in intelligent systems and applications
Intelligence by design
Intelligent distributed systems
Context-aware intelligent systems
Symbolic intelligence
Collective intelligence
Ambient Intelligence
Cooperative intelligent applications
Formal ontology and semantics
Persuasive intelligence
Bio-inspired intelligence
Cognitive systems and applications
Real-time intelligence
Hybrid artificial intelligent systems
Heuristic search
Automated planning
Adaptive problem solving
Intelligent signal processing
Intelligent data analysis
Web intelligence
Intelligent web search engines
Intelligent perception and intelligent machines
Intelligent agents
Patterns in intelligent applications
Stability in intelligent systems
Ethical evaluation of intelligent systems
Intelligent communication networks
Cognitive intelligence in vehicular networks
Guidance systems
Intelligent health systems
Indoor special-awareness
Intelligent systems for software computing
Sensor-based intelligent systems
Intelligent systems for wireless applications
Intelligent transport systems
Intelligent applications for disaster management
Intelligence in medical decision applications
Intelligent forecasting applications
Intelligent human-computer interaction systems
Intelligent multimedia
Intelligent recommenders
Intelligent security systems and applications
Intelligent robotics
Intelligent sensors and sensing applications
Mobility intelligence and semantic applications


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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

[DMANET] Graph Theory book iOS app can now be annotated

The iPad app for my book, Graph Theory, now offers annotations: you can scribble in the margins, mark text, add typed text fields and so on. The annotations can be saved and synced between devices via iCloud.

This is a major overhaul of the software, and I'd be very grateful for any feedback you might have. The app itself is free, and the sample chapter that comes with it has all the annotation tools installed. Please try it out and let me know what you think...

For more info, see The direct link to the app is

Thank you! Reinhard Diestel

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[DMANET] CfP - CivicTech 2015 - October 13, 2015 (Bratislava, Slovakia)

International Conference on Civic Technologies for Smart Cities (CivicTech 2015)
collocated with Smart City 360 Summit, 13 October 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia

1st International Conference on Civic Technologies for Smart Cities seeks novel previously unpublished contributions in smart cities research. Smart cities can be characterized as cities that offer sustainable economic environment and high quality of life, while relying on technology in order to achieve these goals. The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers, designers, developers and practitioners interested in smart cities technologies. We invite articles discussing theoretical aspects of smart cities, simulation, modeling and experimentation, case studies and tests as well as review articles.

The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of Smart Cities, ICT and e-Health and will be co-located with the Smart City 360 Summit.
Participation in this event will give attendees the unique opportunity to be exposed to all technical scientific aspects of Smart City related topic areas at co-located conferences, as well as be able to have full access to the Smart City market place and business aspects in practice at the Smart City 360 Summit.

• Big data
• Urban security
• Biometrics
• Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities
• M2M Communications for Smart Cities
• IoT architectures and middleware for smart cities;
• Self-organizing wireless networks for pervasive urban access;
• Mobile-aware cloud computing models, infrastructures, and approaches for smart cities
• Crowd sourcing in smart cities
• Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust in smart cities ecosystems;
• Sensor networks, smart sensors, smart integrated systems
• Communication protocols for smart cities
• Intelligent infrastructure
• Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
• Smart buildings
• Modeling and simulation of smart cities
• Urban population modeling and simulation
• Smart grid
• Energy efficient technologies
• Smart traffic operation systems
• Monitoring technologies
• Fault detection technologies
• Social networks for smart cities
• Information harvesting in smart cities
• Advanced robotic systems for smart cities
• In-building navigation
• Modeling experimentation for Smart Cities
• Case Studies of Smart Cities


Accepted papers will be published in the CivicTech Conference Proceedings and by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST). The proceedings will be available both in book form and via the SpringerLink digital library, which is one of the largest digital libraries online and covers a variety of scientific disciplines.

The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Best Papers will be considered for publication in the ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal (MONET).

Important dates
Full Paper Submission deadline: 15 June 2015
Notification deadline: 31 July 2015
Camera-ready deadline: 31 August 2015

General Chair:
Miloš Oravec, Slovak University of Technology

General Co-Chairs:
Valeria Loscri, Inria Lille-Nord Europe
Athanasios Vasilakos, Lulea University of Technology
Anna Maria Vegni, University of Roma Tre

TPC Chair:
Martin Drozda, Slovak University of Technology

Conference Manager:
Lucia Mrazova, EAI

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Monday, April 27, 2015

[DMANET] CFP: Elsevier PHYCOM Special issue on D2D-based Offloading Techniques

*CFP webpage*

*Scope of the Special Issue*

The Device-to-Device (D2D) communication paradigm was first proposed for
cellular relaying, although it has been later proposed for a large variety
of applications, such as opportunistic routing, peer-to-peer, content
distribution, and cellular offloading. Indeed, the recent emergence of the
D2D paradigm paves the way towards improving the performance of cellular
networks by means of novel opportunistic architectures, e.g, based on
LTE-Direct and WiFi-Direct technologies.

This special issue will focus on theoretical research contributions
presenting new techniques, concepts or analyses, and applied contributions
reporting on experiences and experiments with D2D-based offloading systems.
In particular, within the general framework of D2D communications and
cellular offloading, we solicit manuscripts that present original and
previously unpublished work on topics including, but not limited to, the

- PHY/MAC architectures;
- Opportunistic offloading;
- Opportunistic medium access;
- Spectrum management;
- Resource optimization;
- Energy minimization;
- Security and privacy;
- Interference management;
- Coding and decoding methods;
- MAC protocol coexistence;
- Scheduling;
- HetNets;
- M2M communications;
- Vehicular communications;
- Content distribution architectures.


Submission deadline: May 31, 2015
Acceptance deadline: September 30, 2015
Publication: December 2015

*Guest Editors*

Dr. Vincenzo Mancuso
IMDEA Networks Institute

Dr. Omer Gurewitz
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

*Submission Format and Guideline*

All submitted papers must be clearly written in excellent English and
contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently
under review for any other journal or conference. Papers must not exceed 25
pages (one-column, at least 11pt fonts) including figures, tables, and
references. A detailed submission guideline is available as "Guide to
Authors" at:

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through
Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select as "D2D
OFFLOADING" when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission
process. The EES website is located at:

All papers will be peer-reviewed by three independent reviewers. Requests
for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors.


Dr. Vincenzo Mancuso
PhD in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunications

Research Assistant Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute
Avenida del Mar Mediterraneo, 22
28918 Leganes (Madrid)
Tel. (Office): +34 91 481 6968
Tel. (Mobile): +34 68 235 7169 [Spain]
Tel. (Mobile): +39 327 362 1897 [Italy]

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[DMANET] --- EXTENDED DEADLINE: May 21 --- ITOR: Special Issue on "Applied combinatorial optimization"


International Transactions in Operational Research
Special issue on "Applied combinatorial optimization"

Guest Editors:
- Héctor Cancela, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
- Simone Martins, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
- Antonio Mauttone, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
- María E. Urquhart, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

The International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR) will
publish a special issue dedicated to "Applied combinatorial optimization".

Many decision problems that arise in the real world can be modeled and
solved as combinatorial optimization problems. This is an active
research area, where new formulations, algorithms, practical
applications, and theoretical results are often proposed and published.
Current challenges in the field involve modeling of hard problems,
development of exact methods, design and experimental evaluation of
approximate and hybrid methods, among others.

Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics, including but not
limited to:
- Applications of combinatorial optimization,
- Approximation algorithms,
- Bio-informatics,
- Branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms,
- Computational complexity,
- Energy planning,
- Graph theory,
- Heuristics and metaheuristics,
- Hybrid methods,
- Integer programming,
- Natural resource management,
- Network design and analysis,
- Production planning,
- Telecommunications, and
- Transportation and logistics.

Although we strongly encourage the submission of papers presented at the
VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization that took
place in Montevideo, Uruguay, from December 8 to 10, 2014, this Call for
Papers is also open to the entire community of academics and practitioners.
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy of
published by the International Federation of Operational Research
Societies (IFORS). Papers should be original, unpublished, and not
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should be
prepared according to the instructions to authors that can be found in
the journal homepage. Authors should upload their contributions using
the submission site, indicating in
their cover letter that the paper is intended for this special issue.
The deadline for submissions was extended to May 21, 2015. Other
inquiries should be sent directly to any of the Guest Editors in charge
of this issue: Héctor Cancela (, Simone Martins
(simone@ic.uff. br), Antonio Mauttone (, and María
E. Urquhart (

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[DMANET] CIE45 - Call For Papers - Deadline for submission April 30

** CIE45 Call for Papers **

The 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering
Metz, France,
October 28-30, 2015.
Organized by the LCOMS Lab – Université de Lorraine, France


Deadline for submission of papers: April 30, 2015
Notification: June 15, 2015
Deadline for camera-ready: July 15, 2015
Deadline for author registration: July 15, 2015


The proceedings of CIE 45 will be published on the web page of the
conference and that of Computers & Industrial Engineering. They carry
the identifier ISSN of 2164-8670 for the CD-ROM version and 2164-8689
for the Online version.
A special issue of the international journal "COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL
ENGINEERING - Elsevier" will be dedicated to the best papers presented
at the conference after rigorous reviews.

Guidelines & Template:


The goal of special sessions (5 papers) and special tracks (at least two
sessions) is to provide focused discussions on new topics or innovative
applications. Each prospective session/track organizer must submit a
proposal, including the title of the session, a short description and
the organizer name. Please contact us as soon as possible to help you in
the organization of your special session.

Guidelines & Template:

Sébastien Martin
Maître de Conférences à l'IUT de Metz et au LCOMS.
Bureau B37
IUT de Metz
Ile du Saulcy
57045 Metz cedex
Téléphone : 03 87 31 51 59

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[DMANET] AGT@IJCAI 2015: deadline extended to May 4

Due to popular demand, the deadline of the 1st Workshop on Algorithmic
Game Theory at IJCAI ( has been
extended to May 4.

Submission site is now open at

We remind that there will be no formal publication of workshop
proceedings (but the chance to be selected for a free of charge
publication in a special issue of the peer-reviewed, open-access
journal "Games") . Submissions of preliminary work and papers to be
submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in
the field are welcomed.

Papers published recently in top AI conferences (such as AAMAS15 and
AAAI15) can be submitted, and will be added to the program based on
available space and relevance. Authors of relevant main track IJCAI
papers will get an opportunity to advertise their talk in a special
lightning session (no need to submit, just tell us if you are
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Goldengorin, B. <>
Date: Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 12:48 PM

Call for Manuscripts

The following peer reviewed book "Optimization and Applications in Control
and Data Science" devoted to the 80th birthday of professor Boris Polyak
(see and ) will be
published by Springer Optimization and Its Applications in June 2016 (see

Potential authors are invited to submit the titles and abstracts of their
manuscripts not later than 4th May, 2015.

The final version of a manuscript with at most 50 pages should be submitted
not later than 1st November 2015.

E-mail for submissions:

Boris Goldengorin

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[DMANET] ODYSSEUS 2015: program online and end of early bird registration

Sixth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics
June 1-5 2015, Ajaccio, Corsica, France


***** Deadline for early bird registration : 30, April 2015 *****
***** Program is online *****

Scope of workshop:
This international scientific workshop, 6th in the series of ODYSSEUS meetings, follows in the footsteps of its predecessors (Crete 2000, Sicily 2003, Altea 2006, Çeşme 2009, Mykonos 2012) in bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field of freight transportation and logistics to discuss recent experiences, exchange ideas, disseminate research results, and present advanced applications and technologies. It provides a high quality forum for recent developments, trends and advances in the theory, practice and application of mathematical models, methodologies and decision support systems in the field of freight transportation and logistics.

Topics of interest cover a broad spectrum and include but are not limited to:
• Vehicle Routing
• Fleet and Crew Management
• Modal/Intermodal Transportation
• Terminal Management
• Supply Chain Logistics
• Network Design and Planning
• City Logistics
• Facility Logistics
• Intelligent Transportation Systems
• Humanitarian Logistics

Conference Location and Venue:
The workshop will take place in the city of Ajaccio in Corsica, the island of beauty. Hometown of Napoleon Bonapartes, Ajaccio is called the Imperial City. The city is located between the Mediterranean sea and the mountains of Corsica. The city is charged with history, culture, and gastronomy. The meeting will be held in the Palais des congrès situated on the harbor of Ajaccio in the old Genoese town.

Organizing Committee:

• Luce Brotcorne (INRIA Lille Nord Europe)
• Dominique Feillet (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
• Nicolas Jozefowiez (LAAS-CNRS / INSA de Toulouse)
• Dominique Quadri (Université Paris Sud XI)
• Frédéric Semet (Ecole Centrale de Lille)
• Christèle Mouclier (LAAS-CNRS)

Looking forward to seeing you in Ajaccio!
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[DMANET] Computational optimization final CFP


Call for Papers

8th Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO 2015
Lodz, Poland, September 13 - 16, 2015

FedCSIS - 2015


We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* combinatorial optimization
* continues optimization
* global optimization
* multiobjective optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* large scale optimization
* parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
* random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and other
derivative free optimization methods
* nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant
colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
* hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
*computational biology and optimization
* distance geometry and applications
* optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
* application of optimization methods on real life and industrial problems
* computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering etc.


Important dates:

08.05.2015 (May 08, 2015) – Full paper submission

01.06.2015 (June 01, 2015) - Position paper submission

15.06.2015 (June 15, 2015) – Notification of acceptance

01.07.2015 (July 01, 2015) – Camera-ready version of the accepted
paper and registration


Submission and Publication

* Authors should submit draft papers as PDF.
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
IEEE style templates are available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database (pending) and
indexed in the DBLP.
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference
will be published as Special Issue(s) of Springer Studies of
Computational Intelligence.

If you have any question do not hesitate to send a mail to .

Organizing Committee

Stefka Fidanova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Daniela Zaharie, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Antonio Mucherino, IRISA, France

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

[DMANET] InfoSec 2015: registration deadline 3 May



InfoSec 2015

Bilbao, Spain

July 6-10, 2015

Organized by
Deusto University
Rovira i Virgili University


--- 5th registration deadline: May 3, 2015 ---



InfoSec 2015 will be a major research training event addressed to graduates
and postgraduates in the first steps of their academic career. With a global
scope, it aims at updating them about the most recent advances in the
critical and fast developing area of information security, which covers a
large spectrum of current exciting academic research and industrial
innovation. It refers to procedures to defend information from unauthorized
access, use, modification, recording or destruction, with a critical role to
play in order to avoid or minimize risks in the digital world. Renowned
academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the

Most information security subareas will be displayed, namely: computer
security, cryptography, privacy, cyber security, mobile security, network
security, world wide web security, fraud prevention, data protection, etc.
Main challenges of information security will be identified through 4 keynote
lectures, 30 six-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most
active and promising topics. The organizers believe outstanding speakers
will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be
a main component of the event. An open session will give participants the
opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes.


Graduates and postgraduates from around the world. There are no formal
pre-requisites in terms of academic degrees. However, since there will be
differences in the course levels, specific background knowledge may be
required for some of them.

InfoSec 2015 is also appropriate for more senior people who want to keep
themselves updated on recent developments and future trends. They will
surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers,
industry leaders and innovators.


In addition to keynotes, 4 courses will run in parallel during the whole
event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they will be
willing to attend as well as to move from one to another.


InfoSec 2015 will take place in Bilbao, the capital of the Basque Country
region, famous for its gastronomy and the seat of the Guggenheim Museum. The
venue will be:

DeustoTech, School of Engineering
Deusto University
Avda. Universidades, 24
48014 Bilbao


Jan Camenisch (IBM Research, Zurich), Privacy in a Digital World: a Lost

Hao Chen (University of California, Davis), (In)security of Mobile Apps in
Untrusted Networks

Jennifer Seberry (University of Wollongong), The Global Village: the
Beginning of the Need for Computer Security [via videoconference]

Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine), Off-line Proximity-based
Social Networking


N. Asokan (Aalto University), [intermediate] Mobile Security: Overview of
Hardware Platform Security and Considerations of Usability

Jan Camenisch (IBM Research, Zurich), [introductory/intermediate]
Technologies to Protect Online Privacy

Hao Chen (University of California, Davis), [intermediate/advanced] Security
of the Mobile App Ecosystem

Nicolas T. Courtois (University College London), [introductory/intermediate]
Security of ECDSA in Bitcoin and Crypto Currency

Claude Crépeau (McGill University, Montréal), [introductory/intermediate]
Quantum Computation, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

Joan Daemen (ST Microelectronics Belgium, Diegem),
[introductory/intermediate] Sponge Functions, Keccak and SHA-3

Sajal K. Das (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla),
[intermediate/advanced] Securing Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and

Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (University of Milan),
[introductory/intermediate] Security and Privacy in the Cloud

Hervé Debar (Télécom SudParis), [introductory/intermediate] Detection and
Reaction to Attacks: from Intrusion Detection to Cyber-Defense

Rosario Gennaro (City University of New York), [intermediate/advanced] A
Survey of Verifiable Delegation of Computation

Trent Jaeger (Pennsylvania State University, University Park),
[intermediate/advanced] How to Add Security Enforcement to Legacy Programs

Somesh Jha (University of Wisconsin, Madison), [intermediate/advanced]
Analysis Techniques in Information Security

Antoine Joux (Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris),
[introductory/intermediate] Discrete Logarithms in Finite Fields

Marc Joye (Technicolor R&I, Los Altos), [introductory/intermediate] Secure
Public-Key Cryptosystems

Lars R. Knudsen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby),
[introductory/intermediate] Block Ciphers: the Workhorses in Cryptography

Songwu Lu (University of California, Los Angeles),
[introductory/intermediate] Cellular Network Security: Issues and Defenses

Catherine Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC),
[introductory/intermediate] Formal Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols

Nasir Memon (New York University), [introductory/intermediate] User

Ethan L. Miller (University of California, Santa Cruz),
[intermediate/advanced] Securing Stored Data in a Connected World

Stefano Paraboschi (University of Bergamo), [introductory/intermediate] Data
Protection in Network-enabled Systems

Bart Preneel (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Cryptology: State of
the Art and Research Challenges

Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Catholic University of Louvain),
[introductory/intermediate] The History of RSA: from Babylon to Smart Cards

Shantanu Rane (Palo Alto Research Center), [introductory/intermediate]
Privacy-preserving Data Analytics: Problems, Solutions and Challenges

Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham), [introductory/intermediate] Designing
Security Protocols: Electronic Voting, and Electronic Mail

Stefan Saroiu (Microsoft Research, Redmond), [advanced] Protecting Data on
Smartphones and Tablets Using Trusted Computing

Milind Tambe (University of Southern California, Los Angeles),
[introductory/intermediate] Introduction to the Emerging Science of Security

Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced]
Security and Privacy in Candidate Future Internet Architectures

Yang Xiao (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa), [introductory/advanced]
Security in Smart Grids

Wenyuan Xu (University of South Carolina, Columbia), [intermediate] Security
and Privacy Analysis of Embedded Systems

Yuliang Zheng (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), [introductory]
Cryptography and the Future of Money


An open session will collect 5-minute presentations of work in progress by
participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title,
authors, and summary of the research to by June 29 at
the latest.


Adrian Horia Dediu
Carlos Martín-Vide (co-chair)
Borja Sanz (co-chair)
Florentina Lilica Voicu


The registration form can be found at:

The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is
only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be
helpful to have an approximation of the respective demand for each course.

Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be
processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will
be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity
of the venue will be complete. It is much recommended to register prior to
the event.


Fees are a flat rate covering the attendance to all courses during the week.
There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the
registration deadline.


Accommodation for participants is available at the Colegio Mayor Deusto
(student hostel). Since there may exist problems to find accommodation in
Bilbao at a reasonable price during the week of the event, the organizers'
advice is to book as soon as possible, and anyway by May 27. To do it, write
to Carlson Wagonlit Travel at


Participants will be delivered a certificate of attendance.



Deusto University
Rovira i Virgili University

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