Tuesday, February 28, 2017

[DMANET] PhD position in Graph Algorithms - University of Orléans, France

PhD position in Graph Algorithms - University of Orléans, France

PhD position in Graph Algorithms
The Graph, Algorithms and Models of Computation research group at the Computer Science Laboratory of Orleans (LIFO)
of University of Orléans, France, has the financial support for a PhD position.
The position is for three years starting October 1, 2017 (standard french PhD support).
The successful candidate will be working under the supervision of Dr Mathieu Liedloff and Professor Ioan Todinca.

The application deadline is March 22, 2017.

The main goal of this PhD project is to design exponential-time algorithms to solve NP-hard graph problems.
Indeed, we cannot expect polynomial worst-case time algorithms solving exactly such problems, except if P=NP.
Thus we aim at designing and analyzing algorithms with running-time O(c^n), where n is the instance size
and c is a (suitably small) constant. An exponential running-time is also unavoidable when we want to enumerate
an exponential number of objects (e.g., subset of vertices in a graph fulfilling some properties). Other
algorithmic approaches will be studied as well during the PhD project, especially parameterized algorithms.

The monthly gross salary is about 1760 euros. The PhD student will be located in Orléans in
the research group GAMoC (Graphs, Algorithms and Computational Models). The city of Orléans
is situated in the Center of France, 1 hour by train from Paris.

We are looking for highly motivated Ph.D. candidates, with a strong background
in construction and analysis of algorithms. Background in algorithmic graph theory is highly desirable.
Knowledge in discrete mathematics, complexity, computability and graph theory is appreciated.
Background in moderately exponential algorithms or FPT algorithms would be an asset.

The applicants must have a Master's degree in Computer Science or related fields.
English is a required language; French may be useful in every day life, teaching, etc.

Applications (including detailed CV, examination results from last 2 years, letter of motivation, possibly letters of recommendation) should be send
to Dr. Mathieu Liedloff (Mathieu.Liedloff@univ-orleans.fr <mailto:Mathieu.Liedloff@univ-orleans.fr>) and Prof. Ioan Todinca (Ioan.Todinca@univ-orleans.fr <mailto:Ioan.Todinca@univ-orleans.fr>),
the supervisors of the PhD project.

The application deadline is March 22, 2017.

Mathieu Liedloff (Mathieu.Liedloff@univ-orleans.fr <mailto:Mathieu.Liedloff@univ-orleans.fr>)
Ioan Todinca (Ioan.Todinca@univ-orleans.fr <mailto:Ioan.Todinca@univ-orleans.fr>)
LIFO - Université d'Orléans

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[DMANET] Open Ph.D. position on Adaptive Routing of Connected Vehicles at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

The SARA team of LAAS-CNRS (http://www.laas.fr), Toulouse, France, is
inviting applications for an open Ph.D. position.

*Title*: Real-Time Adaptive Routing of Connected Vehicles

*Description*: Connected vehicle technologies will enable safe,
interoperable, networked wireless communications among vehicles, the
infrastructure, and passengers' personal communications devices. They
will enable a broad range of new online services for making road traffic
safer, smarter and greener. In particular, these technologies will
provide a connected, datarich
travel environment based on information collected in realtime from
thousands of vehicles. One such example on an enhanced driving
experience is realtime travel time information on roads segments. The
collection of this information will enable the service provider to give
advance warning to drivers of the state of congestion on the roads, and
suggest alternative routes to them.

The goal of this thesis is to design new traffic management schemes that
will use the real-time collected data to suggest shorter alternate
routes to drivers in order to reduce their journey times. Solutions
based on Machine Learning techniques that take into account previous
behaviour of drivers will be explored. In addition, any new technology
for such services will be
adopted only progressively by users. Some of the questions that arise in
this context are : what is the proportion of drivers that need to adopt
this technology in order to benefit a large fraction of drivers? How
should drivers react if they get conflicting suggestions from two
different service providers. These question shall be investigated within
the framework of game theory and distributed algorithms.

*Key words*: adaptive routing, game theory, connected vehicles

*Desired profile of candidate*: The candidate has (or is in the final
year) of an engineering degree or a master's degree in Computer Science,
Mathematics, or related areas. She/he has an inclination towards
mathematical analysis, and will have strong skills in programming
languages (C/C++/Java).

*Work conditions*: The position is funded by a CIFRE (Industrial)
contract on connected vehicles between LAAS-CNRS and Continental Digital
Services France (CDSF). The fellow will be employed on a fixed-term
contract of three years by CDSF, and will spend a part of their time at
LAAS-CNRS. The monthly salary will be negotiated with CDSF based on the
experience and qualifications of the fellow.

*Expected starting date*: 01 October, 2017.

Application material should include a CV, a letter of motivation, and
names and contact details of two referees should be uploaded via


*Contacts for queries*: Olivier BRUN (brun@laas.fr,
http://homepages.laas.fr/brun), and Balakrishna PRABHU
(balakrishna.prabhu@laas.fr, http://homepages.laas.fr/bala ).

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[DMANET] Deadline extension (firm) - International Workshop on Deep Learning for Music

*To allow more time for finishing submissions, the paper deadline for the
workshop on deep learning and music has been extended until March 12th.
This will be a firm deadline. Whoever submitted already will be able to
modify their submission until this final deadline. *

============Call for Papers============

International Workshop on Deep Learning for Music

In conjunction with the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural

(IJCNN 2017))

18-19 May, Anchorage

More info <http://dorienherremans.com/dlm2017/>

Invited speakers

Invited speakers include Dr. Oriol Nieto (*Pandora*), Prof. Dr. Douglas Eck
(the Head of the *Google* Magenta team) (tentatively confirmed), and Dr.
Kat Agres (*A*STAR* Institute of High Performance Computing).

Submissions of Papers

Papers of up to 5 pages using the following template are welcomed for a
talk. Submissions will be evaluated according to their originality,
technical soundness, and relevance to the workshop. The guidelines outlined
in the workshop's latex template
<http://dorienherremans.com/dlm2017/dlm17template.zip> should be followed.
Contributions should be in PDF format and submitted to
d.herremans@qmul.ac.uk with the subject line: [DLM17 paper
submission]. Submissions
do not need to be anonymised. Papers will be peer-reviewed and published in
the proceedings of the workshop.

Submissions of Abstracts

Structured abstracts of max 2 pages can be submitted for a shorter talk.
The abstracts should follow the same template as the papers and will be
included in the proceedings. Abstracts should be in PDF format and
submitted to d.herremans@qmul.ac.uk with the subject line: [DLM17 abstract
submission]. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and included in the
proceedings of the workshop.

Special Issue in Journal

Authors will be invited to submit a full paper version of their extended
abstract for a special issue in an indexed journal (such as Journal of New
Music Research or IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (tbc)). More details
on this will be available soon.


Papers and abstracts on the application of deep learning techniques on
music are welcomed, including but not limited to:


Deep learning applications for computational music research

Modeling hierarchical and long term music structures using deep learning

Modeling ambiguity and preference in music

Software frameworks and tools for deep learning in music

More info <http://dorienherremans.com/dlm2017/>

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: March 12th (extended deadline - firm)

Acceptance Notification: March 22th

Final versions due: March 30th

Workshop Date: May 18-19, 2017


Workshop registration will be handled by the main conference, please check
IJCNN for more details.


Dorien Herremans (Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Ching-Hua Chuan (University of North-Florida, US)

Programme Committee

Maarten Grachten (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Austria)Dorien Herremans (Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Ching-Hua Chuan (University of North-Florida, US)

Louis Bigo (Université Lille 3, France)

Sebastian Stober (University of Potsdam, Germany)

More info <http://dorienherremans.com/dlm2017/>

Dorien Herremans, PhD
Marie-Curie Fellow

Queen Mary University of London
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
C4DM - Centre for Digital Music, London

Workshop on Deep Learning and Music <http://dorienherremans.com/dlm2017>,
May'17 Anchorage, Alaska.

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* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/

[DMANET] Two jobs in OR at Lancaster

The Department of Management Science at Lancaster University currently has two vacancies
for lecturer or senior lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor and associate professor,
respectively) in Operational Research. For details, please see:


Professor Adam N. Letchford
Department of Management Science
Lancaster University
United Kingdom

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* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/

[DMANET] Assistant professorship (TENURED) Large Networks and Random Graphs Ilmenau

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Technische Universität Ilmenau offers an

Assistant Professorship (TENURED, ``Juniorprofessur'') on Large Networks and Random Graphs

initially funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation.

The professorship is settled in the area of Discrete Mathematics with ties to Stochastics. The main research area of the successful applicant should be Random Graphs, Large Networks, or Graph Limits. The professorship contributes to the general teaching obligations of the Institute of Mathematics, in particular by courses on Discrete Mathematics and Stochastics on both bachelor and master level. Collaboration with colleagues from mathematics, computer science and engineering sciences is expected.

Further questions are supposed to be directed to the chair of the hiring comittee, Prof. Dr. Carsten Trunk (carsten.trunk@tu-ilmenau.de). Applications including CV, certificates, publication list, copies of the five most relevant publications, research plan, teaching record, and a summary of fund raising activities should be send to the

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Postfach 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau

Deadline is

19th of May 2017.

A detailed authoritative announcement in german can be found here:


Employment as assistant professor is initially temporary for three years with an extension after a successful first evaluation (see paragraph 82 ThürHG). A successful second evaluation will lead to a promotion to a full university professorship. - The Technische Universität Ilmenau seeks an increase in the proportion of women in teaching and research, and thus encourages qualified female scientists to apply. In case of equal qualification, disabled applicants will be hired with priority.

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* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/

Monday, February 27, 2017

[DMANET] [ICLP 2017] Second Call for Papers

ICLP 2017 Call for Papers

The 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2017)
will take place in Melbourne, Australia alongside SAT 2017 and CP 2017,
from August 28th to September 1st, 2017 which is the week immediately
following IJCAI 2017.

Full information at http://iclp17.a4lp.org
Call for Papers at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/call_for_papers.html

Conference Scope

Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference for presenting research in logic
programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic
programming, including but not restricted to:

- Theory: Semantic Foundations, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
Knowledge Representation.

- Implementation: Compilation, Virtual Machines, Parallelism,
Constraint Handling Rules, Tabling.

- Environments: Program Analysis, Transformation, Validation,
Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.

- Language Issues: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility,
Higher Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.

- Related Paradigms: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic Programming,
Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming, SAT-Checking.

- Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data Integration and Federation,
Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Web and Semantic
Web, Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and

In addition to the presentations of accepted papers, the technical
program will include invited talks, advanced tutorials, the doctoral
consortium, and several workshops.

Important Dates (RP: Regular Paper / TC: Technical Communication)

- RP registration (abstract): 10 March, 2017
- RP submission: 17 March, 2017
- First notification (RPs): 24 April, 2017
- TC submission (extra round): 1 May, 2017
- Revision submission (RPs): 15 May, 2017
- Final notifications (RPs + TCs): 29 May, 2017
- Camera-ready copy (RPs + TCs): 19 June, 2017
- Conference: 28 Aug / 1 Sep, 2017

Submission Details

All submissions must be made via the EasyChair conference system
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclp2017). Submissions of
regular papers (RPs) must follow the condensed TPLP format (template
available from ICLP's web page) and not exceed 14 pages including
bibliography. RPs may be supplemented with appendices for proofs and
details of datasets which do not count towards the page limit and
which will be available as appendices to the published paper. Three
kinds of RPs will be accepted:

* Technical papers for technically sound, innovative ideas that can
advance the state of logic programming;

* Application papers that impact interesting application domains;

* System and tool papers which emphasize novelty, practicality,
usability, and availability of the systems and tools described.

Application, system, and tool papers need to be clearly marked in
their title.

All submissions must be written in English and describe original,
previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be
submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply
to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or
without archival proceedings.

Papers of the highest quality will be selected to be published in the
journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge
University Press (CUP). In order to ensure the quality of the final
version, papers may be subject to more than one round of refereeing
(within the decision period).

The program committee may recommend some RPs to be published as
Technical Communications (TCs). TCs will be published by Dagstuhl
Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). TCs must
follow the OASIcs format (template available from ICLP's web page) and
not exceed 14 pages excluding the bibliography and a short appendix
(up to 5 more pages). TC's authors can also elect to convert their
submissions into extended abstracts, of 2 or 3 pages, for inclusion in
the OASIcs proceedings. This should allow authors to submit a long
version elsewhere.

There is also a second submission round only for TCs. Submissions to
this extra round must also follow the OASIcs format indicated
above. RPs accepted as TCs do not need to be resubmitted to the TC
extra round. Rejected RPs cannot be resubmitted as TCs.

All RPs and TCs will be presented during the conference. Authors of
accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the
list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic
Programming Newsletter at no cost.

Conference Organization

General Chairs:
- Maria Garcia de la Banda Monash University, Australia
- Guido Tack Monash University, Australia

Program Chairs:
- Ricardo Rocha University of Porto, Portugal
- Tran Cao Son New Mexico State University, USA

Workshop Chair:
- Enrico Pontelli New Mexico State University, USA

Publicity Chair:
- Tommaso Urli Australian National University, Australia

Sponsorship Chair:
- Maria Garcia de la Banda Monash University, Australia

Doctoral Consortium Chair (joint event with CP and SAT):
- Neda Saeedloei University of Minnesota Duluth, USA
- Christopher Mears Monash University, Australia

Programming Contest Chairs:​
- Paul Fodor Stony Brook University, USA
- Graeme Gange University of Melbourne, Australia

Web Presence:
- Tommaso Urli Australian National University, Australia

Program Committee

See full program committee at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/program_committee.html


The ICLP 2017 program will include several workshops. They are perhaps
the best places for the presentation of preliminary work,
underdeveloped novel ideas, and new open problems to a wide and
interested audience with opportunities for intensive discussions and
project collaboration.

See call for workshop proposals at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/call_for_workshop_proposals

Doctoral Consortium

The Thirteen Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming [this year
being co-organized and taking place together with CP 2017 and SAT
2017] provides research students with the opportunity to present and
discuss their research directions, and to obtain feedback from both
peers and experts in the field. Accepted participants will receive
partial financial support to attend the event and the main
conference. The best paper from the DC will be given the opportunity
to present in a session of the main ICLP conference. Doctoral
consortium position papers, of between 10 and 14 pages, will also be
published as TCs.

Conference Venue

The venue will be the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition
Centre. Melbourne is the second most populous city in Australia and
the coastal capital of the south-eastern Australian state of
Victoria. Set on the shores of beautiful Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne
has been named the World's Most Liveable City for six years running
and it is widely recognised as the cultural and culinary capital of
Australia. It is a safe, creative and multi-cultural city full of
exciting places to see, delicious foods to eat, and excellent events
to experience; from the Arts precinct to the river bank parks and
gardens to the buzzing city centre and the hidden thrills of
Melbourne's laneways. It is also an air-hop away from breathtaking
destinations like The Great Barrier Reef, Sydney and Uluru.

The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) is located on
the banks of the iconic Yarra River in Melbourne's South Wharf. Given
its central location, it has a huge variety of accommodation close-by,
with more than 6000 rooms within walking distance. MCEC is easily
accessible by public transport, particularly as the Melbourne's city
centre has a free tram zone that makes it easier for tourists to move
around the city.

Related Events

Several other AI events will be held in Melbourne and other parts of
Australia close to these dates, offering attendees a variety of
choices for an extended itinerary. These events will include the
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (CP 2017) and the International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2017), both co-located
with ICLP 2017. The International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI 2017), the Australasian Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AusAI 2017), the Australasian Conference on
Data Mining (AusDM 2017), and the International Conference on
Knowledge Science, Engineering, and Management (KSEM 2017) will all to
be held in Melbourne one week before ICLP. The International
Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2017) will also be held in Sydney
Australia shortly before ICLP 2017.


The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming
(ALP), the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP), Monash
University, and CSIRO Data61.

See the sponsor information at http://iclp17.a4lp.org/sponsors.html

Financial Assistance

The Association for Logic Programming has funds to assist financially
disadvantaged participants and, especially, students to enable them to
attend the conference. Inquiries should be made to the general chairs.


Unsubscribe *|EMAIL|* from this list:

Dr Tommaso Urli

Researcher | Optimisation Platforms


E tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au<mailto:tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au> T +61 2 6218 3862 M +61 403 464 731

Tower A Level 3, 7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601


CSIRO's Digital Productivity business unit and NICTA have joined forces to create digital powerhouse Data61

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[DMANET] [CP 2017] Second Call for Workshops

CP2017: Call for Workshops

Information also available at http://cp2017.a4cp.org/call_for_workshops<http://cp2017.a4cp.org/call_for_workshops/>.

The CP conference is the premier annual international conference on constraint
programming. It is concerned with all aspects of computing with constraints,
including but not limited to algorithms, environments, languages, models,
systems, theory, and applications such as decision making, resource allocation,
configuration, planning, and scheduling.

We invite proposals for workshops associated to the main conference program of
CP 2017 (http://cp2017.a4cp.org/), which will be held in Melbourne (Australia) from
August 28 to September 1, 2017, colocated with SAT 2017 (http://sat2017.gitlab.io/)
and ICLP 2017 (http://iclp17.a4lp.org/), and following IJCAI 2017

The purpose of the CP workshops is to provide an informal venue in which
participants can:

- explore specific research areas in depth,
- discuss new research directions,
- study specific application areas of CP, or
- bring together researchers from different fields with shared interests.

In previous years, workshop topics included data analytics, smart cities,
packing & placement, cloud computing, configuration, teaching, testing &
verification, bioinformatics, constraint-based modelling, CP solvers,
cross-fertilisation with other solving technologies, etc. We encourage
proposals for workshops on new topics, especially multi-disciplinary ones.

Based on successful experiments made in the last three years, we particularly
encourage workshops that break away from the tradition of reviewing
("publishing") and presenting submitted papers: instead, the better attended
workshops tended to foster much more interaction by having several invited
talks, if not introductory or specialist tutorials, and/or presentations
selected only on the basis of brief submitted abstracts. We encourage any other
innovations that are likely to increase the audience and interaction.

All workshops will take place at the site of the main conference, and follow
either a half-day format or a full-day format.

Incubator Workshop

The Association for Constraint Programming (ACP) will provide a sponsorship for
an Incubator Workshop. An Incubator Workshop should address a promising novel
topic, be multi-disciplinary in nature, and have the aim to broaden the
application of CP or deepen its methodologies. The ACP will make 1,500 euros
available for this purpose.

The call for Incubator Workshop will be issued by the ACP. Workshop organizers
who want to apply as an Incubator Workshop should check the ACP specific call
and follow its guidelines, and also submit their Workshop as described below.

Important Dates (for proposers of Workshop)

- March 27, Workshop proposal submission deadline
- April 10, Workshop acceptance notification
- May 13, Workshop webpage available on CP website
- May 13, First call for papers (or abstracts, participation...)
- July 2017, Early registration deadline (accepted speakers must have received
- August 28, CP 2017 Workshops

The exact schedule for workshops will be confirmed in due time.

Proposal Format

Each workshop proposal should include the following information, in a single
PDF file or in plain text

- Title
- Abstract outlining the goals and scope of the workshop
- Description of the target audience
- Motivation for running the workshop at CP 2017
- If the workshop also applies as Incubator workshop, motivation for this
- Estimate of the number/list of (invited) speakers, tutors, and participants
- History of the workshop (if applicable), with the number of applications and
the number of attendees (if available)
- Tentative duration of the workshop: half day or full day
- Relevant chairing experience of the main organizers (if any)
- Organizing committee members (if already known)
- Contact information of the main organizers

The Workshop Chair will acknowledge receipt of the proposal.

Responsibilities of the Workshop Organizers

1. Creating several calls for abstracts (or papers) and calls for
participation, and distributing them on specialist channels not used by the
Publicity Chair of CP 2017.
2. The call for abstracts (or papers), if any, must clearly describe the review
& selection process and indicate that at least one author of every accepted
abstract (or paper) must attend the workshop and pay the workshop fee;
otherwise the presentation (and paper) will be withdrawn from the
proceedings, if any, and program.
3. Creating and publishing, in a timely manner, a webpage at the CP 2017
website, including all the relevant calls and information pertaining to the
4. Providing a short description for the conference program.
5. Reviewing and selecting abstract (or paper) submissions.
6. Scheduling the presentations within the workshop.

It should be noted that the conference organization does not budget for free
registration, accommodation, or travel expenses for the workshop organizers or
their invited speakers. The workshop organizers should therefore secure any
source of funding or sponsorship deemed necessary for their invited speakers
(if any).

Responsibilities of the CP 2017 Organizing Committee

- Provide publicity for the workshop program as a whole.
- Provide logistics at the conference venue (meeting room, catering, etc.).
- Coordinate the allocation of time blocks for each workshop.
- Collect the workshop fees covering the rental and catering costs.
- Publicize the workshop calls with the help of the Publicity Chair.

Submission Process

Please send your proposal of Workshop by email to the CP 2017 Workshop Chair
(Charlotte Truchet, Charlotte.Truchet@univ-nantes.fr).?

Dr Tommaso Urli

Researcher | Optimisation Platforms


E tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au<mailto:tommaso.urli@data61.csiro.au> T +61 2 6218 3862 M +61 403 464 731

Tower A Level 3, 7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601


CSIRO's Digital Productivity business unit and NICTA have joined forces to create digital powerhouse Data61

[Data61 | CSIRO logo]

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[DMANET] ICCL 2017: First Call for Papers

8th International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL'17)
18 to 20 October 2017
Southampton, United Kingdom

Call for Papers

The University of Southampton is pleased to be hosting the 8th
International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL'17) at the Grand
Harbour Hotel in Southampton, UK.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their contributions in the area of
logistics management, operations, control, and information systems,
relevant to all types of logistics activities and on any mode of
transportation, with a particular focus on practical cases providing
insight and real-world experience.

Extended abstracts for presentation only are also welcome.

Key Dates

Full papers (presentation & proceedings): May 25, 2017
Abstracts (presentation only): June 25, 2017
Notification of acceptance: July 10, 2017
Camera-ready papers: July 25, 2017
Early Registration until August 10, 2017
Registration for inclusion in the proceedings: August 10, 2017

Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings including accepted full papers will be
published by Springer as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
series. Proceedings of the recently held ICCL are available at:


Further details will soon be made available on the conference website.

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[DMANET] Call for Papers: Graph Drawing and Network Visualization GD 2017

Call for Papers
GD 2017
25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network
Visualization September 25-27, 2017 - Boston, MA,
PDF version:
Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs
and constitutes the algorithmic core of Network Visualization. Graph
Drawing and Network Visualization are motivated by applications where it
is crucial to visually analyze and interact with relational datasets.
Examples of such application areas include data science, social
sciences, Web computing, information systems, biology, geography,
business intelligence, information security and software engineering. GD
has been the main annual event in this area for more than 20 years. Its
focus is on combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of graph drawing as
well as the design of network visualization systems and interfaces. GD
2017 will take place September 25-27, 2017 at the Northeastern
University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Researchers and practitioners
working on any aspects of graph drawing and network visualization are
invited to contribute papers and posters and to participate in the
symposium and the graph drawing contest. PAPERS------ We invite authors
to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or
practical significance to graph drawing and network visualization.
Regular papers must be submitted explicitly to one of two distinct
tracks. Papers submitted to one track will not compete with papers
submitted to the other track. Track 1: Combinatorial and algorithmic
aspects ---------------------------------------------- This track is
mainly devoted to fundamental graph drawing advances, such as
combinatorial aspects and algorithm design. The range of topics for
this track includes (but is not limited to): • Design and analysis of
graph drawing algorithms • Geometric graph theory• Geometric computing •
Planarity and topological graph theory• Optimization on graphs Track 2:
Experimental, applied, and network visualization aspects
----------------------------------------------------------------- This
track is mainly devoted to the practical aspects of graph drawing, such
as the development of network visualization systems and interfaces in
different application areas. The range of topics for this track
includes (but is not limited to): • Visualization of graphs and networks
in real world applications, including big data • Engineering of network
visualization algorithms and systems • Experimental results in graph
theory and algorithms • Benchmarks and experimental studies of network
visualization systems and user interfaces • Cognitive studies on graph
drawing readability and user interaction • Interfaces and methods for
interacting with graphs Short papers ------------ In addition to the
above two tracks, there will be a separate category for short papers,
describing theoretical or applied contributions of shorter length.
Papers in this category will be assigned a shorter time for presentation
during the conference. Demos -----
Authors of applied papers will have the opportunity to show a demo of
their software/system during the poster session. Submission format
----------------- All submissions must be formatted using the LaTeX
style file for the conference series Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) provided by Springer. The default margins and fonts must not be
modified; in particular, the use of packages such as times.sty is not
allowed. Submissions that do not comply with this format risk rejection
without consideration of their merits. The length of regular papers is
limited to 12 pages (excluding references), while the length of short
papers is limited to 6 pages (excluding references). The claims of the
paper should be fully substantiated, including full proofs or
appropriate experimental data. If this information does not fit within
the page limits, the authors should include it in a clearly marked
appendix, whose length is not constrained and which the reviewers may
read at their own discretion. POSTERS ------- Submissions of posters on
graph drawing, network visualization, and related areas are solicited.
The poster session will provide a forum for the communication of
late-breaking research results (which may also appear elsewhere) to the
GD community. Authors of posters should prepare an abstract (up to 2
pages in the LNCS style) that must be submitted together with the poster
itself. CONTEST ------- Details about the traditional Graph Drawing
Contest held at the conference will be provided on the conference Web
site. PUBLICATION ----------- All accepted papers (including the
two-page poster abstracts) will appear in the conference proceedings,
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series. Twelve pages (excluding references) will be allocated for
regular papers and six pages (excluding references) for short papers.
The LNCS proceedings will be made freely accessible to the GD community
upon publication and openly accessible to anyone after four years.
Authors will be required to submit their accepted papers to the arXiv
repository, in order to provide immediate and unrestricted open access
to them. The self-archived arXiv papers shall consist of an identical
copy of the LNCS proceedings plus an optional clearly marked appendix,
possibly containing a long version of the entire paper or proofs that
have been omitted from the main text. Subsequent submissions of
different versions of the paper to the arXiv (known as arXiv
``replacements'') are allowed. Upon submission of the camera-ready
version of an accepted paper, the authors will be required to specify
the arXiv identifier associated with the paper for inclusion in a
conference index, which will be also published in the ArXiv repository.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will impede the publication of
the paper. Each paper must be presented at the conference by an author
(baring unforeseen circumstances), otherwise the paper will not be
included in the proceedings. Should any visa restriction prevent an
author from attending the conference and presenting a paper, he/she will
be given ways to participate and give the talk via electronic means.
Selected papers from both tracks will be invited for submission to a
special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
(JGAA). The authors of the best paper in Track 2 will be invited to
submit a substantially extended and enhanced version of their work to
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). AWARDS
------ For each of the two tracks, the Program Committee of GD 2017 will
give a Best Paper Award. In addition, to recognize the effort of
participants to present their work and to prepare their posters in a
clear and elegant way, there will be a Best Presentation Award and a
Best Poster Award voted on by the GD 2017 attendees. IMPORTANT DATES
--------------- • Paper submission deadline: June 11 (23:59 PDT)
– Updates possible until June 13 (23:59 PDT) • Notification of paper
acceptance: July 28 • Poster submission deadline August
17 (23:59 PDT) • Notification of poster acceptance August 28 • Final
versions due September 3 • Contest submission
deadline September 13 • Symposium September
25-27 INVITED SPEAKERS ----------------
Timothy M. Chan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA TBA
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ----------------- Daniel Archambault, Swansea
University, GB Benjamin Bach, University of Edinburgh, GB Fabian Beck,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE Michael Bekos, Universität Tübingen,
DETherese Biedl, University of Waterloo, CA Giordano Da Lozzo, UC
Irvine, USVida Dujmović, University of Ottawa, CAStephane Durocher,
University of Manitoba, CATim Dwyer, Monash University, AUFabrizio Frati
(co-chair), Università Roma Tre, ITMartin Gronemann, Universität zu
Köln, DEJohn Alexis Guerra Gómez, Universidad de los Andes, COMichael
Hoffmann, ETH Zürich, CHYifan Hu, Yahoo Research, USTakayuki Itoh,
Ochanomizu University, JPAnna Lubiw, University of Waterloo, CAKwan-Liu
Ma (co-chair), UC Davis, USFabrizio Montecchiani, Università degli Studi
di Perugia, ITMartin Nöllenburg, Technische Universität Wien, ATArnaud
Sallaberry, LIRMM, FRAndrew Suk, University of Illinois at Chicago,
USAntonios Symvonis, National Technical University of Athens, GRIoannis
Tollis, University of Crete, GRCsaba Tóth, California State University
Northridge, USAlexander Wolff, Universität Würzburg, DEJian Zhao, FX
Palo Alto Laboratory, USORGANIZING COMMITTEE--------------------
Cody Dunne (co-chair), Northeastern University, US Alan Keahey
(co-chair), Conversant, US CONTEST COMMITTEE -----------------
Philipp Kindermann, Universität Würzburg, DE Maarten Löffler (chair),
Utrecht University, NL Ignaz Rutter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE

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[DMANET] CFP: Special Issue of the AMAI on the Formalization of Geometry, Automated and Interactive Geometric Reasoning

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

special issue on

Formalization of Geometry, Automated and Interactive Geometric Reasoning

Geometry is a privileged field of investigation for various domains of
computer science from image processing to geometric modeling via
artificial intelligence in education and automated proof in geometry or
semantic indexation of multimedia databases and so on.

This special issue of AMAI is devoted to formal computational aspects of
geometry. Formalizing geometry can be investigated in several different
ways. At the beginning of the 1960s, the seminal work of Gelernter in
the domain of automated proof was about synthetic geometry as taught in
school. Then, in the late 1970s, a kind of revolution occurred with the
work of Wu consisting in translating geometry into algebra and in using
pseudo-division to perform proofs of a high-level theorem in both
Euclidean and hyperbolic geometries.

Subsequently, much work has been done continuing that geometry/algebra
relation by considering other aspects of geometry, like differential
geometry, distance geometry, discovering geometric theorems in figures
with dynamic geometry software or from graphical figures, etc.
Moreover, several researchers studied the foundations of geometry
through various set of axioms; this way, the classical axiomatic
approaches of Hilbert and Tarski have been formalized, as well as
computational origami or incidence geometry. Outside the domain of
automated proof, formalization of geometry is also encountered almost
everywhere in geometric modeling --for instance with geometric
constraint solving, declarative modeling or topological modeling-- and
also in computational geometry or combinatorial geometry.


For this special issue of AMAI, we are seeking original contributions on
various aspects of formalization of geometry having in view
computational applications mainly oriented to proof but also to modeling
in geometry. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

* Polynomial algebra, invariant and coordinate-free methods,
probabilistic, synthetic, and logical approaches, techniques for
automated geometric reasoning from discrete mathematics,
combinatorics, and numerics;
* Symbolic and numeric methods for geometric computation, geometric
constraint solving, automated generation/reasoning and manipulation
with diagrams;
* Design and implementation of geometry software, special-purpose tools,
automated theorem provers, experimental studies;
* Applications of formalization of geometry to mechanics, geometric
modeling, CAGD/CAD, computer vision, robotics, and education.

Important dates:

September 1, 2017: paper submission
via http://www.editorialmanager.com/amai/
selecting the issue: S688 Formalization of Geometry and Reasoning
January 1, 2018: author notification
March 1, 2018: revisions and camera-ready paper submission

Guest Editors:
Pascal Schreck <schreck@unistra.fr>,
Tetsuo Ida <ida@cs.tsukuba.ac.jp>,
Laura Kovacs <lkovacs@forsyte.tuwien.ac.at>

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

[DMANET] postdoctoral position in graph theory in Iran!

This is to announce

one-year postdoc positions (with possible extensions to two- year )

at the faculty of mathematics .university of tabriz, Iran.(*mathematic*.
The positions are supported by the " Iranian national elites foundation" under
the supervision of Prof. Afshin Behmaram.

Requirements: * Ph.D. in Mathematics or computer science between
* Strong academic background in graph theory.
* Strong research record and potential on graph theory
specially matching, domination and distance in graph.

Duties: Research in the above areas. NO teaching duties.
Duration: 12 months
Beginning: September 2017 (flexible)
Stipend: around $20 000 per year

Applications including a detailed CV (with e-mail address),
a statement of research interests, a complete list of publications and
reprints (preprints) of 2 best papers
should be sent in a zipped file by e-mail to behmaram@tabrizu.ac.ir

Please arrange to have at least one letters of reference sent directly to
the same
e-mail address. Deadline for applications and reference letters is March
15, 2017

any inquiries : behmaram@tabrizu.ac.ir
with best regards

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[DMANET] Two Assistant Professor (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer) jobs at the University of Bristol

As part of a number of new hirings, the University of Bristol is
seeking to appoint at least two Lecturers or Senior Lecturers
(Assistant Professors) to the Department of Computer Science.
Candidates are sought with expertise and research interests in any
areas that complement and extend those already pursued by the
department. The successful candidate(s) will be expected to take a
major role in strengthening and growing research and teaching in
computer science at Bristol.

These roles are in addition to the two recently advertised jobs in
Data Science/AI and HPC.

Deadline: 28-Mar-17
Details: http://bit.ly/2lYMH64
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11th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2017)

29 - 31 March, 2017

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

URL: http://walcom2017.nctu.edu.tw/


This year, the name of our conference has been updated

as "International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms

and Computation". The goal of the conference is to provide

an international forum for researchers working in the areas

of algorithms and computation and foster collaboration among

researchers interested in the related research topics.

The scientific program will consist of three keynotes:

1) A Few Steps Beyond Planarity
Speaker: Peter Eades (University of Sydney, Australia)

2) Why Genome Assembly is Difficult?
Speaker: Francis Chin (Hang Seng Management College, and

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

3) Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum and Maximal Cliques

and Their Applications
Speaker: Etsuji Tomita (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)

Moreover, out of 83 submissions, 35 of them have been accepted and will

be included in the Springer LNCS proceedings. For a list of the accepted papers,

you may access it though the following link at the conference website:


Registration is via the conference website of WALCOM 2017

The registration fee will be TWD 11000 (by 28 Feb.) or TWD 12,000 (after 28 Feb.),

and covers three lunches, one reception, one banquet, and an excursion.

The organizers,

Chun-Cheng Lin (Co-chair), National Chiao Tung University (cclin321@nctu.edu.tw)

Sheung-Hung Poon (Co-chair), University of Technology Brunei (sheunghung.poon@utb.edu.bn)

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

[DMANET] 20th International Conference on Theory and Application of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2017) - Call for workshops

--- SAT 2017 ---
20th International Conference on Theory and Application of Satisfiability Testing
August 28 to September 1, 2017, Melbourne, Australia


The International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT) is the premier annual meeting for researchers focusing on the theory and applications of the propositional satisfiability problem, broadly construed. In addition to plain propositional satisfiability, it also includes Boolean optimization (such as MaxSAT and Pseudo-Boolean (PB) constraints), Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF), Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), and Constraint Programming (CP) for problems with clear connections to Boolean-level reasoning.

We invite proposals for workshops associated to the main conference program of SAT 2017, which will be held in Melbourne (Australia) from August 28 to September 1, 2017, colocated with CP 2017 (http://cp2017.a4cp.org) and ICLP 2017 (http://iclp17.a4lp.org), and following IJCAI 2017


Proposals should be submitted in pdf format to the following address:

Proposals should consist of two parts. First, a short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if relevant). A second, organizational part should include:

* Contact information of the workshop organizers
* Estimate of the audience size
* Proposed format and agenda (for example, paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions, etc.)
* Potential invited speakers
* Procedures for selecting talks and participants
* Plans for dissemination, if any (for example, proceedings or special issue of journals)
* duration: half day or full day
* Relevant chairing experience of the organizers (if any)
* Organizing committee members (if already known)


- March 27, Workshop proposal submission deadline
- April 10, Workshop acceptance notification
- August 28, SAT 2017 Workshops


Questions regarding workshop proposals should be sent to sat17workshops@gmail.com

SAT 2017 Workshop Chair
Stefan Ruemmele
University of Sydney and UNSW Sydney

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Friday, February 24, 2017

[DMANET] Postdoc Position in Algorithms

Postdoctoral Position in Algorithms
TU Munich

A postdoctoral position in the area of efficient algorithms is available in
the research group of Prof. Susanne Albers, Department of Computer Science,
Technical University of Munich (TU Munich).

The position will be funded by an ERC Advanced Grant. Hence a research
in approximation and online algorithms, algorithmic game theory or algorithm
engineering is very welcome. More information about Susanne Albers and
the research group can be found at http://wwwalbers.in.tum.de/index.html.en

The position provides a competitive 12 month salary with standard
benefits. The
initial appointment is for a period of one or two years, depending on
the research
profile of the candidate. An extension is possible based on the progress
in research.
The expected start date of the position is summer 2017.

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science or
mathematics. Furthermore, he/she should be interested in collaborating with
PhD students. The application material should include (1) a cover letter
the interest in the position, (2) a CV and list of publications, (3) a
research summary, and (4) the names and contact information of at least
two references. The material should be sent electronically to

Applications will be reviewed starting from March 20, 2017.

Susanne Albers
Department of Computer Science
Technical University Munich
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching (near Munich), Germany
E-mail: albers@in.tum.de

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[DMANET] BGSMath Monthly Program: 'Random Discrete Structres and Beyond': Financial support

Dear all,

The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) offers an
intensive 1-week advanced graduate courses on Random Discrete
Structures on May/June 2017. The calendar is the following:

- Discrete Fourier analysis: combinatorics and percolation (Tobias
Müller, Week 1: 22nd May - 26th May)
- Embedding large structures in random graphs (David Conlon, Week 2:
29th May - 2nd June)
- Random trees: from Darwin to Janson (Luc Devroye, Week 4: 12th June
- 16th June)
- Random graphs from constrained graph classes (Colin McDiarmid, Week
4: 12th June - 16th June)

The monthly program will also include the workshop "Random Discrete
Structures and Beyond" will take place on Week 3: 7th June - 9th June

We offer financial support for graduate students and Postdoctoral
researchers in order to attend the courses. The deadline for financial
support is 24th March.

All the information and registration is available in the following website:


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Thursday, February 23, 2017

[DMANET] Faculty Positions in CS at NIIT University, Rajasthan, India

Nestled in the foothills of Aravalli Range, the picturesque NIIT University is located in Neemrana in Rajasthan, India which is approximately 100 kms from the New Delhi Airport. The 100 acres green campus is equipped with state-of-the-art technology enabled teaching methodology backed by a strong research focused curriculum for facilitating a continuous process of learning and development.

The University invites applications for faculty positions in Computer Science and Engineering. Candidates in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering may apply but those with specialization in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Networking, Databases, Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Information Security and Data Analytics will be given preference. Positions remain open until filled.

Candidates must have earned (or expect shortly) a Ph.D for Assistant Professor, Ph.D with 6 years of experience for Associate Professor, Ph.D with 10 years of experience for Professor in the above disciplines. Candidates must have a good publication record; proven ability to establish an independent research program; demonstrate flair for innovation; be open to participate in developing new interdisciplinary programs of study; have the commitment to excel both in research and teaching and establish strong linkages with industry. Industry experience and/or post-doctoral experience will be considered an asset.

The University provides an intellectual environment and is committed to academic excellence. The four core principles of NIIT University, namely, Industry-linked, Research-driven, Technology-based, and Seamless define the DNA of the University. For more information, please visit the university website www.niituniversity.in<http://www.niituniversity.in>

NIIT University offers a competitive compensation at par with the best academic institutions in India. In addition, NU provides a start up research grant at the time of joining, travel support for presenting papers in reputed International Conferences and Workshops. NU provides research incentives, such as monetary award for refereed Journal publications. In line with the Industry-linked as a core principle, the university will enable faculty to consult with industry in India and abroad.

Interested applicants who are keen to re-locate to India are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including employment history, a statement outlining research and teaching interests, list of consultancies and projects undertaken and names of at least three referees.

Applications may be sent electronically in PDF format to HR Manager, ritwik.rituraj@niituniversity.in<mailto:ritwik.rituraj@niituniversity.in> or the Area Director, prosenjit.gupta@niituniversity.in<mailto:prosenjit.gupta@niituniversity.in>

Phone: +91-9251083130

NIIT University is committed to principles of fair employment & is an equal opportunity employer. We will extend equal opportunity to all individuals based on merit without regard for race, religion, sex, national origin or age.
Visit us at: http://www.niituniversity.in
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[DMANET] GoTHA workshop on Robust scheduling

Dear colleagues,

you are cordially invited to participate in the 1-day workshop on "Robust
Scheduling" at the University of Montpellier on the 27th of April 2017. The
aim of the workshop is to gather researchers interested in theoretical
aspects of robust scheduling, such as moderately exponential algorithms,
FPT, exact polynomial algorithms, and approximation algorithms. The
workshop is organized in the context of the GOThA working group
<http://gotha.lcoms.univ-lorraine.fr/> on scheduling and the ROBUST ANR

We are delighted to announce the following invited speakers:

Imed Kacem
Klaus Jansen
Sebastian Stiller

In addition, there is room for 2 or 3 contributed presentation, lasting
between 30 and 45 minutes. If you are interested in giving a
presentation, or simply to participate to the workshop, please send your
name and affiliation to Marin Bougeret (marin.bougeret@lirmm.fr). The
participation is free but registration is necessary for organizing the
lunch and coffee breaks. The deadline for registration is on the 15th of
April 2017. Please contact us before that if you wish to give a

The workshop will be held at the LIRMM laboratory, which is 40 minutes by
tramway from Montpellier train station.

More details on access can be found at: https://www.lirmm.fr/

More details on the workshop can be found at:

We are looking forward to meeting you in Montpellier!

Marin Bougeret
Michael Poss

Michael Poss, HdR
CNRS researcher in computer science.
Université de Montpellier

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[DMANET] Assistant Professor (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer) in Data Science and AI (Bristol University, UK)

The University of Bristol is seeking to appoint a Lecturer or Senior
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) to the Department of Computer Science.
Candidates are sought with expertise and research interests in the
technologies and methods that underpin modern data science. With this
appointment the department seeks to expand its activity at the
intersection between data science, artificial intelligence, machine
learning and cloud computing.

Deadline: 22-Mar-2017
Details: http://bit.ly/2ltOjDE
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[DMANET] CfP: Special issue on "Algorithms for community detection in complex networks" of open-access journal "Algorithms"

=== Call for Papers ===
(apologies for cross-posting)

Special Issue "Algorithms for community detection in complex networks"
of open-access journal "Algorithms" (ISSN 1999-4893)

This Special Issue shall reflect recent algorithmic advancements in the
field, in particular for scenarios beyond disjoint communities in static
undirected one-layer networks. We invite original high-quality research
on all algorithmic aspects (both theoretical and applied) of community
detection in complex networks, including (but not limited to):

- overlapping community detection
- dynamic community detection
- local community detection
- multi-objective community detection
- community detection in directed and/or multilayer networks
- exact, approximate, and heuristic methods
- complexity of community detection tasks
- methods combining graph topology and semantic data (attributes)
- community detection methodology, e.g. novel objective functions
- experimental methodology for community detection
- parallel and distributed algorithms for community detection

Submission deadline: May 31, 2017

Additional information such as submission guidelines can be obtained
from the Special Issue website at


or from the Guest Editor.

Guest Editor:

Henning Meyerhenke, meyerhenke@kit.edu
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
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[DMANET] Book "The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability", edited by Andrei Krokhin and Stanislav Živný , published open access (Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, Vol. 7)

= Book Announcement =

Title: The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability
Editors: Andrei Krokhin and Stanislav Živný
Series: DFU (Dagstuhl Follow-Ups)
Volume: 7
Publisher: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl
Publication Date: February, 2017
ISBN: 978-3-95977-003-3

== Open Access ==

Accessible online and free of charge at

You may also check the DBLP entry at

== About the Book ==

The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) provides a unifying framework
in which it is possible to express a wide variety of computational
problems dealing with mappings and assignments, including
satisfiability, graph colourability, and systems of equations. The CSP
framework originated independently in artificial intelligence (AI),
database theory, and graph theory, under three different guises, and it
was realised only in the late 1990s that these are in fact different
faces of the same fundamental problem. Nowadays, the CSP is extensively
used in theoretical computer science, being a mathematical object with
very rich structure that provides an excellent laboratory both for
classification methods and for algorithmic techniques.

An instance of CSP consists of a set of variables, a set of values for
the variables, and a set of constraints that restrict the combinations
of values that certain subsets of variables may take. Given such an
instance, the possible questions include (a) deciding whether there is
an assignment of values to the variables so that every constraint is
satisfied, or optimising such assignments in various ways, (b) counting
satisfying assignments, exactly or approximately, or (c) finding an
assignment satisfying as many constraints as possible.

Constraint satisfaction has always played a central role in
computational complexity theory and it is only natural that CSPs play a
role in many high-profile conjectures in complexity theory, exemplified
by the Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi and the Unique Games
Conjecture of Khot.

The Dagstuhl Seminar 15301 "The Constraint Satisfaction Problem:
Complexity and Approximability" brought together 43 researchers from
different highly advanced areas of constraint satisfaction and involved
many specialists who use universal-algebraic, combinatorial, geometric
and probabilistic techniques to study CSP-related algorithmic problems.
For some of the topics presented at the seminar there are excellent
surveys. Some other topics are still too nascent to justify survey
articles at this point. For several topics for which no surveys
presently exist or the current ones are already outdated due to the
recent progress, we felt that the time is ripe to produce such surveys
as a follow-up to the Dagstuhl Seminar 15301.

== Table of Contents ==

1. Polymorphisms, and How to Use Them. Libor Barto and Andrei Krokhin
and Ross Willard
2. Absorption in Universal Algebra and CSP. Libor Barto and Marcin Kozik
3. Constraint Satisfaction Problems over Numeric Domains. Manuel
Bodirsky and Marcello Mamino
4. Hybrid Tractable Classes of Constraint Problems. Martin C. Cooper and
Stanislav Živný
5. Backdoor Sets for CSP. Serge Gaspers, Sebastian Ordyniak, and Stefan
6. On the Complexity of Holant Problems. Heng Guo and Pinyan Lu
7. Parameterized Constraint Satisfaction Problems: a Survey. Gregory
Gutin and Anders Yeo
8. Counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Mark Jerrum
9. The Complexity of Valued CSPs. Andrei Krokhin and Stanislav Živný
10. Algebra and the Complexity of Digraph CSPs: a Survey. Benoît Larose
11. Approximation Algorithms for CSPs. Konstantin Makarychev and Yury
12. Quantified Constraints in Twenty Seventeen. Barnaby Martin

See also:
* Frontmatter incl. table of contents and preface:
* CompleteVolume-PDF (7 MB):


== About the Dagstuhl Follow-Ups Series ==

The Dagstuhl Follow-Ups (DFU) series is a publication series which
offers a frame for the publication of peer-reviewed paper collections
based on Dagstuhl Seminars. DFU volumes are published according to the
principle of OpenAccess, i.e., they are available online and free of

See also:
* http://www.dagstuhl.de/dfu
* http://drops.dagstuhl.de/dfu

Dr. Marc Herbstritt
Scientific Staff | \\\/ Dagstuhl Publishing
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH

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[DMANET] Highlights of Algorithms (HALG 2017) - Call for Contributed Talks and Posters

Highlights of Algorithms - HALG 2017
June 9-11, 2017, Berlin, Germany

The Highlights of Algorithms conference is designed to be a forum for
presenting the highlights of recent developments in algorithms and for
discussing potential further advances in this area. The conference will
provide a broad picture of the latest research in algorithms through a
series of survey and invited talks, as well as possibility for all
researchers and students to present their recent results through a series
of short talks and poster presentations. Attending the Highlights of
Algorithms conference will also be an opportunity for networking and
meeting leading researchers in algorithms.



The HALG 2017 conference (http://highlightsofalgorithms.org/) seeks
submissions for short (5 – 10 minutes) contributed talks and posters. There
will be no conference proceedings. As a result, presenting work already
published at a different venue or journal (or to be submitted there) is

If you would like to present your results during the conference please
submit the abstract of the talk or the contribution of the poster via
EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=halg2017. The abstract
should (if possible) include information about a conference where your
results have been accepted/presented or where they are publicly available.
All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee. The authors of the
contributed talks will also be invited for a poster presentation.

Submissions deadline: March 5th, 2017.
Late submissions will be accepted subject to space constraints.

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[DMANET] Tenure track or tenured position in Cryptology

Professor in Cryptology


Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future. Aalto University has six schools with nearly 20 000 students and more than 400 professors. Our campuses are located in Espoo and Helsinki, Finland.

Aalto University School of Science invites applications for:

Tenure track or tenured position in Cryptology

The vacancy is open to talented individuals who are interested in an excellent opportunity to pursue a successful scientific career. The position is targeted primarily at candidates for the Assistant Professor level. However, candidates with an outstanding record for Associate or Full Professor levels may be considered.

The professorship is a joint position between the Department of Computer Science (http://cs.aalto.fi/en/) and the Department of Mathematics and Systems analysis (http://math.aalto.fi/en/). With strong research groups in systems security, theoretical computer science, algebra and discrete mathematics, and stochastics, Aalto University is emerging as a leader in information security. The selected candidate is expected to establish independent research and teaching in cryptology. We solicit applications from candidates with expertise in any area of modern cryptology including, but not limited to, symmetric-key and public-key cryptography and cryptanalysis, information-theoretic and complexity-theoretic perspectives of cryptology, as well as implementational and applicational aspects of cryptographic primitives.

The applicants are expected to hold a doctoral degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related discipline. Excellent research record in cryptology, evidenced by publications in relevant top venues, is expected and a strong background in both computer science and mathematics is considered as an advantage. Suitable background and enthusiasm for teaching cryptology courses at bachelor's and master's level are essential. We value ability for and interest in engaging in research collaboration with industry.

A person at any level of the academic tenure track system in Aalto University is expected to perform world-class research, to teach, supervise and otherwise advance academic education, to be an active member of the international scientific community, and to exhibit academic leadership. Career advances on the tenure track are based on scheduled performance assessments, which take into account the candidate's merits in all these areas.

The salary for the position follows the salary scale in use at Aalto University, but applicants may also provide salary requirements.

How to apply

Applications with attachments for the tenure track position are to be addressed to the President of Aalto University and submitted through the "Apply for this job" link at the page http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/jobs/view/1210/ . Review of the applications will begin on April 1, 2017. The position will remain open until filled. Applications shall consist of one single pdf file, with file name "lastname_firstname_application.pdf". All material should be in English.

The application material shall include:

1. cover letter including a summary of merits and most important achievements (one page),
2. curriculum vitae (with contact details; recommended length two pages),
3. research statement describing past research and plans for future,
4. teaching statement,
5. names, positions, affiliations and e-mail addresses of five senior research leaders available for providing recommendation letters,
6. list of publications (top-5 publications relevant for this position highlighted).

The applicants will be reviewed on the basis of their research achievements, teaching credentials and activity in scientific community in relation to their career stage. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to supplement their applications with a more detailed teaching portfolio.Aalto University reserves the right to use external reviewers to support the evaluation of applicants during the recruitment process.

While all applicants who have submitted their application according to instructions will be appropriately considered, Aalto University reserves the right to consider also other candidates for the announced position, or leave the position open.

Further information

For additional information, please contact Professor N. Asokan, tel +358 50 4836465 or Professor Camilla Hollanti, tel. +358 50 5628987, or in recruitment process-related questions HR Coordinator Laura Kuusisto-Noponen. e-mails: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi.

For more information about Aalto University, the two departments, and information security research at Aalto University, please download the brochure for this position:


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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

[DMANET] MIP 2017: poster submission reminder


We would like to remind all interested participants that the deadline
for poster submission to the 2017 Mixed Integer Programming workshop
(MIP 2017) is March 1, approximately one week from now.

The workshop will be held June 19–22 at HEC Montréal (Quebec, Canada),
and registration is open. MIP 2017 will be the fourteenth in a series
of annual workshops held in North America designed to bring the
integer programming community together to discuss very recent
developments in the field. The workshop consists of a single track of
invited talks and features a poster session that provides an
additional opportunity to share and discuss recent research in MIP.

All workshop participants are invited to submit a poster abstract
before March 1, 2017. There will be an award for the best poster
presented by a student, and thanks to our sponsors we will be able to
cover part of the travel expenses for some students and postdocs. To
submit an abstract, please follow the instructions at:


We expect to send out acceptance notifications around March 15, and
funding decisions will be communicated as soon as possible afterwards.

For more information and registration, see the workshop website at

Confirmed speakers:
- Miguel Anjos, École Polytechnique de Montréal
- Yoshua Bengio, University of Montréal
- David Bergman, University of Connecticut
- Pierre Bonami, IBM ILOG
- Austin Buchanan, Oklahoma State University
- Christoph Buchheim, TU Dortmund
- Philipp Christophel, SAS
- Bill Cook, University of Waterloo
- Daniel Dadush, CWI Amsterdam
- Santanu Dey, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Dinakar Gade, Sabre
- Angelos Georghiou, McGill University
- Hassan Hijazi, Australian National University
- Dorit Hochbaum, UC Berkeley
- Volker Kaibel, Otto von Guericke Universitat Magdeburg
- Thorsten Koch, TU Berlin
- Burak Kocuk, Carnegie Mellon University
- Matthias Koeppe, UC Davis
- Vahab Mirrokni, Google Research
- Pablo Parrilo, MIT
- Michael Perregaard, FICO
- Maurice Queyranne, University of British Columbia
- Francisco Trespalacios, ExxonMobil
- Sven Wiese, University of Bologna
- Sercan Yildiz, University of North Carolina

Program Committee:
- Merve Bodur, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Daniel Espinoza, Gurobi
- Fatma Kılınç-Karzan (chair), Carnegie Mellon University
- Andrea Lodi, École Polytechnique de Montréal
- Giacomo Nannicini, IBM Research

Local Committee:
- Miguel Anjos, École Polytechnique de Montréal
- Jean-François Cordeau, HEC Montréal
- Andrea Lodi, École Polytechnique de Montréal
- Odile Marcotte, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Louis-Martin Rousseau, École Polytechnique de Montréal

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