Wednesday, May 31, 2017

[DMANET] WAOA 2017 - Second call for papers

15th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms

7-8 September 2017. Vienna, Austria

Important Dates

Submission deadline: June 27, 2017
Notification: July 21th, 2017
Workshop: September 7-8, 2017
Camera Ready: September 25, 2017


Approximation and online algorithms are fundamental tools to deal with
computationally hard problems and problems in which the input is gradually
disclosed over time. Both kinds of problems arise from a large number of
applications in a variety of fields. The workshop focuses on the design
and analysis of approximation and online algorithms. It also covers
experimental methods used to design and analyze efficient approximation
and online algorithms.

WAOA 2017 will be part of ALGO 2017 (,
ALGO 2017 will take place 4-8 September 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

Papers are solicited in all research areas related to approximation and
online algorithms, including, but not limited to:

- graph algorithms
- inapproximability results
- network design
- packing and covering
- paradigms for the design and analysis of
approximation and online algorithms
- parameterized complexity
- scheduling problems
- algorithmic game theory
- algorithmic trading
- coloring and partitioning
- competitive analysis
- computational advertising
- computational finance
- cuts and connectivity
- geometric problems
- mechanism design
- resource augmentation
- real-world applications


Proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes
in Computer Science after the workshop takes place. Instructions for
authors can be found at Springer web site (

Submission guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper of at
most 12 pages, not including the references, describing original
unpublished research. Simultaneous submission to other conferences
with published proceedings is not permitted. The title page of the
submission should include the authors' full names, addresses, e-mail
addresses, and an abstract summarizing the results in roughly 100-200
words. The remainder of the submission should contain a description
of the main results, an explanation of their importance, and a clear
comparison with related work. The submission must include full proofs
of the results. Material that cannot be included in the 12 allowed
pages can be placed in an appendix, that will be read at the sole
discretion of the program committee.

Submissions should be formatted for letter-size paper with reasonable
margins and at least 11-point font.

Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission
system at:

By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance
at least one of the authors must register at ALGO 2017 or WAOA 2017,
attend the conference, and present the paper.

Program Committee

Yossi Azar, Tel Aviv University
Danny Chen, University of Notre Dame
Jose Correa, Universidad de Chile
Khaled Elbassioni, Masdar Institute Abu Dhabi
Leah Epstein, University of Haifa
Rudolf Fleischer (co-chair), German University of Technology in Oman
Martin Fürer, The Pennsylvania State University
Klaus Jansen, University of Kiel
Li Jian, Tsinghua University
George Karakostas, McMaster University
Monaldo Mastrolilli, IDSIA Switzerland
Nicole Megow, University of Bremen
Jiri Sgall, Charles University
Roberto Solis-Oba (co-chair), Western University
Frits Spieksma, KU Leuven
Clifford Stein, Columbia University
Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Gerhard Woeginger, RWTH Aachen University
Qin Zhang, Indiana University Bloomington
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[DMANET] IPEC 2017 Second Call For Papers


The 12th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation
(IPEC 2017) covers research in all aspects of parameterized and exact
algorithms and complexity. Papers presenting original research in the
area are sought, including but not limited to: new techniques for the
design and analysis of parameterized and exact algorithms,
fixed-parameter tractability results, parameterized complexity theory,
relationship between parameterized complexity and traditional complexity
classifications, applications of parameterized and exact computation,
and implementation issues of parameterized and exact algorithms. In
particular, studies on parameterized and exact computations for
real-world applications and algorithmic engineering are especially

IPEC 2017 will be part of ALGO 2017, which also hosts ESA 2017 and a
number of more specialized conferences and workshops. ALGO 2017 will
take place September 4-8, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to 12 pages
(including references) in LIPIcs style, in English, describing original
unpublished research. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with
published proceedings is not permitted. All claims made in the extended
abstract must be fully justified, either in an enclosed full version, or
by providing a reference to a full version published on prior
to the conference deadline. The full version will be read at the
discretion of the program committee. Authors must submit their papers
electronically. A detailed description of the electronic submission
process will be available at the symposium website. Program committee
members (except the co-chairs) are allowed to submit papers.

Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings in the
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based
at Schloss Dagstuhl. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present
their work at the symposium, and to incorporate the comments from the
program committee. A journal special issue will be planned for selected
papers presented at IPEC 2017.

The program committee may award a Best Paper Award and an Excellent
Student Paper Award to one or more papers accepted to the symposium. For
the Excellent Student Paper Award, a student is someone who has not
received a PhD degree before the paper submission deadline. A paper is
eligible for the award if at least one co-author is a student, and at
most one co-author is not a student. If there is a non-student author,
the students' contributions must be substantial, and a student must give
the presentation at the conference.

The conference features an invited talk and an invited tutorial. The
invited talk will be given by one of the 2017 EATCS-IPEC Nerode Prize
winners, Fabrizio Grandoni. The prize was awarded for the paper "A
measure & conquer approach for the analysis of exact algorithms." [J.
ACM, 2009] by Fedor V. Fomin, Fabrizio Grandoni, and Dieter Kratsch. The
invited tutorial will be given by Mikolaj Bojanczyk.

The submission server is available here:

The registration information will be available at the ALGO 2017 website:


Important Dates:

Abstract Submission:
June 25, 2017, 23:59 AOE

Paper Submission:
June 28, 2017, 23:59 AOE

Notification of acceptance:
July 25, 2017

September 6-8, 2017


Program Committee:
Christina Boucher
Karl Bringmann
Radu Curticapean
Henning Fernau
Stefan Kratsch
Daniel Lokshtanov (co-chair)
Neeldhara Misra
Jesper Nederlof
Rolf Niedermeier
Naomi Nishimura (co-chair)
Michal Pilipczuk
Venkatesh Raman
M. S. Ramanujan
Virginia V. Williams

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[DMANET] PhD/PostDoc positions in the beautiful and citation-rich Osnabrueck

Citations are important for scientists.
Osnabrueck is home of one of the most-cited newspapers in Germany.
That should be a good omen for your future!

The chair of Theoretical Computer Science
at Osnabrueck University offers
two full-time 3-year positions (TV-L 13)
for PhD students or PostDocs

As a successful applicant, you will join our research in the fields of
algorithms and algorithm engineering, graph drawing and topological
graph theory, and/or combinatorial network optimization. The position
comes with a teaching obligation (typically in German) of 4 SWS.

*) excellent Master degree or PhD in Computer Science,
Mathematics, or a related field;
*) ...deep knowledge in algorithms, combinatorial optimization, graph
theory, and/or algorithm engineering;
*) ...very good programming skills (preferably in C++);
*) ...very good German and English skills;
*) ...experience in teaching (e.g. tutor, teaching assistant, etc.)

The official job advertisement (in German) can be found at
/ stellenausschreibung/112_fb_6_wiss_mitarbeit.html> or at
the group's webpage <>.

Please send your application (including motivation letter, CV,
certificates, letter/s of recommendation) as *one* PDF file to
<> by June 21st, 2017.
--- If you have any questions, please contact me! Looking forward to
hear from you!

PS: According to several studies, people living in Osnabrueck are
amongst the happiest Germans!

Prof. Dr. Markus Chimani

Theoretical Computer Science
Department of Mathematics/Computer Science
Osnabrück University
Tel: +49 (0)541/969-2478
Fax: +49 (0)541/969-2799

Wachsbleiche 27
49090 Osnabrück, GERMANY
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[DMANET] research assistant (Ph.D. student) position

This is to announce a research assistant (Ph.D. student) position in the
complexity theory & efficient algorithms group headed by Christian Sohler
at TU Dortmund University. The application deadline is June 20th 2017.
The position is within the project LPN-Crypt that is a joint project with
Alexander May (Bochum). The project will run until 31.03.2019.

We are looking for outstanding candidates with a MSc. or Diploma degree
and a strong background in Theoretical Computer Science, for example, in
randomized algorithm or cryptography.

More details can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding the announced positions, please
contact Christian Sohler using the following email address:

TU Dortmund University wants to increase the percentage of women in
science and particularly encourages women to apply.
We explicitly note that applications of severely disabled persons are

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[DMANET] Special issue on EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics: Deadline Extension

EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics

Deadline Extension to submit manuscripts: JULY 25, 2017

Special issue on: Models and Methods for the Supply Chain and Logistics

Guest editors: Chefi Triki and Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Topics covered include:

- Supply chain design and control
- Transportation, vehicle routing and fleet management
- Manufacturing & warehousing operations
- Sustainable development
- Decision Making in Industry and Services
- Maritime and Port logistics
- Modelling & simulation of logistics systems
- Planning and scheduling
- IT for Supply Chain Management and logistics
- Reverse and green logistics
- Design and management of logistic infrastructure and networks
- Heuristic and meta-heuristic implementation in logistic-related models
- Smart city logistics
- Strategies and operations of logistic service providers

In order to submit a paper for a Special Issue:

1. Log on the Author Login.
2. Select Submit New Manuscript in the main menu.
3. In the drop down list associated with Choose Article Type, select the
entry corresponding to "S.I.: Models and Methods for the Supply Chain and
Logistics Management"

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

[DMANET] ISAAC 2017 - 2nd call for papers

2nd Call for Papers

The 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC 2017)
December 9-12, 2017, Phuket, Thailand

Submission Deadline: June 29, 2017 11:59PM (PDT)

The 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC 2017) will be held in Phuket, Thailand on December 9-12,
2017. The symposium is intended to provide a forum for
researchers working in algorithms and theory of computation.
Papers presenting original research in the areas of algorithms
and theory of computation are sought. Papers in relevant
applied areas are also welcomed. The topics include, but are
not limited to:
Algorithmic game theory
Algorithms and data structures
Approximation algorithms
Combinatorial optimization
Computational biology
Computational complexity
Computational geometry
Experimental algorithms
Graph drawing and graph algorithms
Internet algorithms
Online algorithms
Parallel and distributed algorithms
Quantum computing
Randomized algorithms.

Important Dates

June 29, 2017: Submission Deadline
August 31, 2017: Notification
October 3, 2017: Camera-Ready Version Due
December 9-12, 2017: ISAAC

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full
paper of at most 12 pages with an optional appendix. The
submission should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas,
techniques, and results, including motivation and a clear
comparison with related work. They must not be submitted
simultaneously to another conference with refereed proceedings
or to a journal. Drafts which contain essentially the same
results as papers under review in other conferences or
journals cannot be submitted to ISAAC 2017. Exempted are
workshops and conferences without formal proceedings, but
possibly with handouts containing short abstracts. At least
one author of an accepted paper is required to present the
paper at the conference as a registered participant.

Papers must be formatted in LaTeX, using the LIPIcs style file,
which is available at .
The maximum length of the paper (including title, the list of
authors, abstract, references, but excluding the optional
appendix) is 12 pages. Do not change the margin size or the
font, do not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LIPIcs
style file as given.

Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an
appendix that is to be read by the program committee members
at their discretion and will not be published as part of the
proceedings. Thus the paper without the appendix should be
able to stand on its own.

Submissions are due on June 29, 2017 11:59PM (PDT). Only
electronic submission will be allowed via the easychair
submission server .

These guidelines are strict: papers failing to adhere to the
guidelines (by not providing the omitted proofs in an appendix,
being more than 12 pages, or not being in LIPIcs format) will
be rejected without consideration of their merits.

Availability of Full Versions

Polished full versions are expected to be published in refereed
journals after the ISAAC conference. Upon acceptance, if there
is an omitted detail in the camera-ready version for ISAAC,
authors are encouraged to upload a full version of the accepted
paper to a preprint server, e.g., arXiv, ECCC, or an
e-repository at universities/institutes, so that interested
readers can access the full proofs that are omitted in ISAAC
proceedings. When authors refer to omitted proofs in ISAAC
proceedings, citation to the accessible full version is
desired. However, uploading a full version is not mandatory
for authors.

Special Issues

Special issues in Algorithmica and International Journal of
Computational Geometry and Applications are planned for
selected papers from ISAAC 2017.


The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper will be awarded. A
paper is eligible for the Best Student Paper if all authors are
full-time students at the time of submission. To indicate that
a submission is eligible, please mark the checkbox ``Eligible
for best student paper'' in the web form on the submission

Invited Speakers

Satoru Iwata (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah, USA)

Program Committee

Isolde Adler (University of Leeds, UK)
Patrizio Angelini (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Markus Bläser (Saarland University, Germany)
Yixin Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Jean Cardinal (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Parinya Chalermsook (Aalto University, Finland)
Erin Wolf Chambers (Saint Louis University, USA)
Kun-Mao Chao (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Sevag Gharibian (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)
Keiko Imai (Chuo University, Japan)
Taisuke Izumi (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
Jesper Jansson (Kyoto University, Japan)
Naoyuki Kamiyama (Kyushu University, Japan)
Akinori Kawachi (Tokushima University, Japan)
Chung-Shou Liao (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Yoshio Okamoto (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Co-Chair
Dömötör Pálvölgyi (University of Cambridge, UK)
C. Pandu Rangan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
Laura Sanità (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Daniel Stefankovic (University of Rochester, USA)
Takeshi Tokuyama (Tohoku University, Japan) Co-Chair
Kei Uchizawa (Yamagata University, Japan)
Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Haitao Wang (Utah State University, USA)
Yajun Wang (Microsoft, USA)
Wei Xu (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Guochuan Zhang (Zhejiang University, P.R. China)
Martin Ziegler (KAIST, Republic of Korea)

Local Arrangement Committee

Thanaruk Theeramunkung (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,
Thammasat University)
Jittat Fakcharoenphol (Kasetsart University)
Natsuda Kaothanthong (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,
Thammasat University)
Pokpong Songmuang (Thammasat University)
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[DMANET] [IEEE MoD@ITSC'17] Call for Papers



1st Workshop on Modelling, Analysis and Control of
Intelligent Mobility-on-Demand Systems

co-located with IEEE ITSC 2017
October 16-19, 2017, Yokohama, Japan


After decades of little innovation, personal urban mobility is undergoing rapid transformations due to the introduction of disruptive technologies (e.g. connected and driverless cars), new IT applications (e.g. app-based services) but also due to changes in individual preferences and social behaviours, with a growing trend towards a shifting from car ownership to sharing. This gave new life to several mobility on demand (MoD) services which were ideated decades ago but never established themselves as viable mobility solutions and created new variations of them, such as ride-sharing, bike-sharing programs, car-pooling and car-sharing services, on-demand bus and delivery services, etc.
The rapid growth and the forecasted (large) scale of these new mobility services is expected to radically change individual travel patterns, and conventional frameworks for the modelling, analysis, simulation and control of transportation systems are not appropriate any more. For instance, novel demand modelling tools are needed for measuring, modelling and predicting behavioural choice and individual preferences for the new mobility solutions, as well as forecasting the level of market uptake of the different mobility services. Similarly, new analytical models and simulation frameworks are required to accurately characterise the peculiar properties of MoD systems. Then, the insights obtained may serve as basic input to advanced optimization frameworks, which can provide decision tools for the planning and optimal operation of such systems. Key issues to address are infrastructure planning, fleet sizing and management, supply rebalancing, and efficient cooperation with other transportation modes (e.g. public transport).

The goal of this workshop session is to provide a forum to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences from industry, researchers and the public sector. We solicit original papers covering different aspects of MoD systems, including modelling, optimisation, management systems, field applications and new paradigms.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Data mining, machine learning, and data analytics for MoD systems
- Large scale simulation of agent-based models for MoD systems
- Modelling, analysis, and control of MoD systems
- On-demand mobility in Public Transport
- Cooperative Systems and Connected Vehicles for MoD services
- Autonomous driving for MoD services
- ITS technologies for MoD services
- Social and emergent behaviours for MoD services
- Travel behaviour and travel demand for MoD systems
- Discrete choice modelling for MoD systems
- Field tests and implementation of MoD services
- Cooperation between different modes of MoD
- MoD and Smart Cities
- Complex network theory for MoD systems
- Robotic MoD systems
- Electric MoD systems
- Operations research in MoD systems
- Drones as the new frontier for MoD

Submitted papers must be no longer than 6 pages, and should adhere to the standard IEEE conference proceedings format. Reviews will be single-blinded.
Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being currently under review by another conference or journal.

Paper should be submitted via EDAS using the following link:


- Submission Deadline: 30 June 2017
- Acceptance Notification: 25 July 2017
- Camera Ready Due: 10 August 2017


Chiara Boldrini (IIT, Italian National Research Council)
Raffaele Bruno (IIT, Italian National Research Council)
Francesco Ciari (Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich)
Hironori Kato (Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo)


To be announced

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[DMANET] WWTF Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators

The Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) has currently an open call in the "Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators" programme in the field of "Mathematics and..." (see The call invites applications of outstanding early-career scientists (2-8 years post PhD), interested in establishing their first independent research group in an interdisciplinary field, connecting "Mathematics" with natural or social sciences.

In this context, the Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Wien (, is looking for outstanding candidates linking Mathematics with (a) computational social choice or (b) big data algorithmics, who are interested in submitting an application to the WWTF call.

Requirements: Applicants should have an excellent track record demonstrating the innovative application of mathematical methods in one of the two above mentioned areas with a particular focus on algorithmic and complexity theoretic questions. Other topics overlapping with the research interests of the Algorithms and Complexity Group are parameterised complexity, fixed-parameter algorithms, and kernelization.

Application procedure: For a first step, informal inquiries, including a CV with publication list, list of research projects, and a two-page description of a potential topic for a WWTF grant application should be sent to Doris Dicklberger<> as soon as possible but no later than June 11, 2017.

Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply.
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[DMANET] SIROCCO 2017: Final Call for Participation

Final Call: Early registration ends 31 May 2017. Registration closes on
9 June 2017.

SIROCCO 2017 : Call for Participation

24th International Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity

June 19-22, 2017
Porquerolles, France
Registration online :

- Early Registration deadline: May 31, 2017 (UTC)
- Registration Closes on: June 9, 2017
- Conference dates: June 19-22, 2017

SIROCCO is devoted to the study of the interplay between structural knowledge, communication, and computing in decentralized systems of multiple communicating entities. Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches leading to better understanding of the relationship between computing and communication.
SIROCCO has a tradition of interesting and productive scientific meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading researchers in a variety of fields in which communication and knowledge play a significant role. SIROCCO 2017 will be held in the Porquerolles island, a beautiful location close to Marseille in the south of France.

The scope of the conference includes the topics: Distributed computing, communication networks, game theory, parallel computing, social networks, mobile computing (including autonomous robots), peer to peer systems, communication complexity, fault tolerance, graph algorithms, and randomized/probabilistic issues in networks.

The scientific program of SIROCCO 2017 will include 4 invited lectures and presentations of 21 contributed papers, including the best paper.
The talks will be held over 3 days, allowing enough time for scientific discussions and collaborations.

Keynote speakers:

Faith Ellen, U. Toronto
Christoph Lenzen, MPI
Christian Scheideler, Paderborn

"Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing" Award Lecture:

Shmuel Zaks, Technion

The full conference program is now available at:

Conference Venue:

The conference will be held at the IGESA resort facility in Porquerolles, France. All participants will be accommodated at the conference venue and all meals will be provided, including a welcome reception and a banquet dinner.
The Porquerolles island is part of a Natural Park and offers many opportunities for recreation, including swimming, snorkelling, diving, hiking or bike riding, sandy beaches, calanques, and boat excursions.

Please refer to the conference web page at for more information on SIROCCO 2017. If you have any question about registration and traveling to the conference, please email to <>

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Monday, May 29, 2017

[DMANET] CFP ICPRAM 2018 - 7th Int.l Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (Funchal, Madeira/Portugal)


7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2017

January 16 - 18, 2018
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

ICPRAM is organized in 2 major tracks:

- Theory and Methods
- Applications

In Cooperation with AIXIA, APRP, INNS, AAAI.

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Rita Cucchiara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Edwin Hancock, York University, United Kingdom
Xiaoyi Jiang, University of Münster, Germany
Alfred Bruckstein, Technion, Israel

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer.

All papers presented at the congress venue will also be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (

Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
ICPRAM Secretariat

Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186

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(Apologies for cross-posting)

Dear Colleagues,

The 4th Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and
Applications (ECC 2017), to be held on October 9-11, 2017, in Málaga, Spain


NEW paper submission deadline: June 20, 2017
Invited session application deadline: June 5, 2017
Acceptance notification: July 20, 2017
Camera-ready papers due: July 28, 2017
Conference dates: October 9-11, 2017

ECC 2017 hosted by Immersion Co., Ltd the NEO Group of the University of
Málaga (Spain) is the fourth Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data
Analysis and Applications.
The aim of this conference is to provide an internationally respected
forum for scientific research in the broad area of intelligent data
analysis, computational intelligences, signal processing, and all
associated applications of AIs. We sincerely invite submissions of
papers presenting high-quality original research and development related
to following topics.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Machine Learning
- Information Hiding
- Knowledge-based Systems
- Intelligent Applications
- Information Retrieval and Integration
- Intelligent Control
- Databases and Data Mining
- Modeling and Visualization
- Signal Analysis and Visualization
- Signal Mining and Data Fusion
- Multimedia Sensing and Sensory Systems
- Watermarking
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Signal control (Wired & Wireless)
- Computational Intelligence
- Granular Computing
- Bioinformatics
- Robotics and Control
- Fuzzy Systems
- Agents
- Social Networking
- Web Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- E-Learning
- Expert Systems

Best regards, and hope see you in Málaga!!


Christian Cintrano
E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática
University of Málaga (Spain)
Tel: +34 95213 3303
cintrano [at]

Publicity Chair for ECC 2017

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[DMANET] CFP: The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS 2017)

******************************** IEEE DSS-2017 CFP =
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS =
Bangkok, Thailand
December 18 - 20, 2017 <>
In parallel with Petrol as a driving resource in this world, Data is =
becoming an increasingly decisive resource in modern societies, =
economies, and governmental organizations. Gradually and steadily, it is =
being world-wide recognized that data and talents are playing key roles =
in modern businesses.
As an interdisciplinary area, Data Science draws scientific inquiry from =
a broad range of subject areas such as statistics, mathematics, computer =
science, machine learning, optimization, signal processing, information =
retrieval, databases, cloud computing, computer vision, natural language =
processing and etc. Data Science is on the essence of deriving valuable =
insights from data. It is emerging to meet the challenges of processing =
very large datasets, i.e. Big Data, with the explosion of new data =
continuously generated from various channels such as smart devices, web, =
mobile and social media.
Data Systems are posing many challenges in exploiting parallelism of =
current and upcoming computer architectures. Data volumes of =
applications in the fields of sciences and engineering, finance, media, =
online information resources, etc. are expected to double every two =
years over the next decade and further. With this continuing data =
explosion, it is necessary to store and process data efficiently by =
utilizing enormous computing power. The importance of data intensive =
systems has been raising and will continue to be the foremost fields of =
research. This raise brings up many research issues, in forms of =
capturing and accessing data effectively and fast, processing it while =
still achieving high performance and high throughput, and storing it =
efficiently for future use. Innovative programming models, high =
performance scalable computing platforms, efficient storage systems and =
expression of data requirements are at immediate need.
DSS (Data Science and Systems) was created to provide a prime =
international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain =
experts to exchange the latest advances in Data Science and Data Systems =
as well as their synergy. 2017 is the 3rd event following the success in =
2015 (DSDIS 2015) and 2016 (DSS 2016).



A. Data Science

=E2=80=A2 Foundational theories and models of data science

=E2=80=A2 Foundational algorithms and methods for big data

=E2=80=A2 Data classification and taxonomy

=E2=80=A2 Data metrics and metrology

=E2=80=A2 Machine learning and deep learning

=E2=80=A2 Data analytics

=E2=80=A2 Data provenance

=E2=80=A2 Fault tolerance, reliability, and availability

=E2=80=A2 Security, privacy and trust in Data


B. Data Processing Technology

=E2=80=A2 Data sensing, fusion and mining

=E2=80=A2 Data representation, dimensionality reduction, processing and =
proactive service layers

=E2=80=A2 Data capturing, management, and scheduling techniques

=E2=80=A2 Stream data processing and integration

=E2=80=A2 Knowledge discovery from multiple information sources

=E2=80=A2 Statistical, mathematical and probabilistic modeling and =

=E2=80=A2 Information visualization and visual data analytics

=E2=80=A2 Information retrieval and personalized recommendation

=E2=80=A2 Parallel and distributed data storage and processing =

=E2=80=A2 MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, scalable computing and storage =

=E2=80=A2 Security, privacy and data integrity in data sharing, =
publishing and analysis

=E2=80=A2 Replication, archiving, preservation strategies

=E2=80=A2 Stream data computing

=E2=80=A2 Meta-data management

=E2=80=A2 Remote data access


C. Data Systems

=E2=80=A2 Storage and file systems

=E2=80=A2 High performance data access toolkits

=E2=80=A2 Programming models, abstractions for data intensive computing

=E2=80=A2 Compiler and runtime support

=E2=80=A2 Future research challenges of data intensive systems

=E2=80=A2 Real-time data intensive systems

=E2=80=A2 Network support for data intensive systems

=E2=80=A2 Challenges and solutions in the era of multi/many-core =

=E2=80=A2 Green (power efficient) data intensive systems

=E2=80=A2 Data intensive computing on accelerators and GPUs

=E2=80=A2 Productivity tools, performance measuring and benchmark for =
data intensive systems

=E2=80=A2 Big Data, cloud computing and data intensive systems


D. Data Applications

=E2=80=A2 HPC system architecture, programming models and run-time =
systems for data intensive applications

=E2=80=A2 Innovative applications in business, finance, industry and =
government cases

=E2=80=A2 Data-intensive applications and their challenges

=E2=80=A2 Innovative data intensive applications such as health, energy, =
cybersecurity, transport, food, soil and water, resources, advanced =
manufacturing, environmental Change, and etc.

=C2=B7 Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2017
=C2=B7 Authors Notification: August 15, 2017
=C2=B7 Camera-Ready Paper Due: September 15, 2017
=C2=B7 Early Registration Due: September 15, 2017
=C2=B7 Conference Date: December 18 - 20, 2017
Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of =
the corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main =
conference, including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template =
files for LATEX or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions =
must represent original and unpublished work. Each submission will be =
peer reviewed by at least three program committee members. Submission of =
a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be =
accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference =
and present the work. Submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the submission =
Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference =
Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted papers, or =
at least one of them, are requested to register and present their work =
at the conference, otherwise their papers may be removed from the =
digital libraries of IEEE CS after the conference.
Distinguished papers presented at the conference, after further =
revision, will be published in special issues of Journal of Network and =
Computer Applications, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of =
Computer and System Sciences and IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in =

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] FOCLASA 2017 - Final Call for Papers

[Apologies in case of multiple posting]

------ FOCLASA 2017: Final Call for Papers ------

15th International Workshop on Foundations
of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptive Systems

September 5, 2017, Trento (Italy)
Colocated with SEFM 2017 -

Follow us on Twitter: @foclasa2017


FOCLASA 2017 is a workshop colocated with the 15th International
Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017).
The goal of FOCLASA is to put together researchers and
practitioners to share and identify common problems, and to devise
general solutions in the context of coordination languages and
self-adaptive systems.

------ IMPORTANT DATES ------

June 2, 2017: Deadline for abstract submission
June 9, 2017: Deadline for paper submission
July 7, 2017: Notifications
July, 2017: Final versions (precise date TBA)
September 5, 2017: Workshop in Trento

------ TOPICS OF INTEREST ------

* Theoretical models and frameworks for component and/or service
coordination, service composition, adaptation and concurrent
system modeling.

* Applications and usability studies for the aforementioned theoretical
models, interaction and coordination challenges in decentralized
self-adaptive systems and various application domains (Cloud Computing,
Internet of Things, Smart cities, Big Data, etc.).

* Languages and specification protocols for component and/or service
interaction, their semantics, expressiveness, validation and
verification, type checking, static and dynamic analysis.

* Models and architectures for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud
systems; dynamic software architectures, such as self-adaptive and
self-organizing systems.

* Service composition and coordination for Future Internet
applications, service orchestration and choreographies, related
theories and methods, and possible model-driven development

* Formal methods for self-adaptive systems, stochastic modeling and
analysis, reasoning under uncertainty, run-time synthesis.

* Tools and environments for the development of concurrent and
customizable self-monitoring, self-adaptive and self-organizing

* Algorithms, mathematical models and realization frameworks for
quality-of-service observation, storage, history-based analysis in
self-adaptive systems (queuing models, load balancing, fault-tolerance
analysis, machine learning systems, etc.)

In particular, practice, experience and methodologies from the
following areas are solicited as well:

* Business process modeling
* Component-based systems
* Service-oriented computing
* Cloud computing
* Internet of Things
* Large-scale distributed systems
* Grid computing
* Multi-agent systems
* Networked embedded systems
* Peer-to-peer systems

Survey works analysing and comparing literature on the topics of
FOCLASA are also welcome.

------ PAPER SUBMISSION ------

Submissions must describe authors' original research work and their
results. Description of work-in-progress with concrete results is also
encouraged. The contributions should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS style
and should be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files using
the EasyChair submission site:

All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee
who will make a selection among the submissions based on the novelty,
soundness and applicability of the presented ideas and results.
Concurrent submission to other venues (conferences, workshops or
journal) and submission of papers under consideration elsewhere is
not allowed.

All accepted papers will be included in the LNCS Workshop Proceedings of
SEFM 2017, to be published by Springer after the workshop. Additionally,
and following the tradition of past editions, a special issue of Science
in Computer Programming (SCP, Elsevier) will be devoted to the best papers
accepted at FOCLASA 2017. Selected participants will be invited to submit
an extended version of their papers after the workshop. These extended
versions will be reviewed by an international program committee, which
will decide on their final publication on the special issue.


* Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain
* Gwen Salaun, University of Grenoble Alpes, France


* Pedro Alvarez, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
* Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
* Simon Bliudze, EPFL, Switzerland
* Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
* Javier Camara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
* Flavio De Paoli, University of Milano, Italy
* Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
* Jean-Marie Jacquet, University of Namur, Belgium
* Nima Kaviani, IBM, USA
* Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Technical University of Denmark
* Sun Meng, Peking University, China
* Hernan C. Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Mohammad Mousavi, Halmstad University, Sweden
* Marc Oriol, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
* Pascal Poizat, Universite Paris Ouest, France
* Jose Proenca, INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho, Portugal
* Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
* Marjan Sirjani, Reykjavik University, Iceland
* Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
* Massimo Tivoli, University of L'Aquila, Italy
* Lina Ye, CentraleSupelec, France
* Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy

------ PUBLICITY CHAIR ------

* Gianluca Barbon, University of Grenoble Alpes, France

------ WEB CHAIR ------

* Alejandro Perez Vereda, University of Malaga, Spain


* Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
* Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy
* Carlos Canal, University of Malaga, Spain
* Jean-Marie Jacquet, University of Namur, Belgium
* Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain
* Gwen Salaun, University of Grenoble Alpes, France

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* via DMANET.

[DMANET] ICTCS 2017: call for papers---extended deadlines

We are happy to announce extended deadlines for the following event.
Feel free to forward this message to whom it might interest.


18th Italian Conference on
Theoretical Computer Science

ICTCS 2017 --

Naples, Italy, September 26-29, 2017


The Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS) is the
conference of the Italian Chapter of the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science. ICTCS 2017 is the 18th edition of ICTCS
and will take place in Naples, September 26-29, 2017.

The purpose of the meeting is to foster the cross-fertilization of
ideas stemming from different areas of theoretical computer science.
In particular, it provides an ideal environment where junior
researchers and PhD students can meet senior researchers.

ICTCS 2017 is co-located with the 32nd Italian Conference on
Computational Logic CILC 2017 ( with which
it will share part of the program. The two events will feature plenary
events, on September 29, to be specified later.

Contributions in any area of theoretical computer science are warmly
solicited from researchers of all nationalities.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

agents, algorithms, argumentation, automata theory, automated theorem
proving, complexity theory, computational logic, computational social
choice, concurrency, cryptography, discrete mathematics, distributed
computing, dynamical systems, formal methods, game theory, graph
theory, knowledge representation languages, model checking,
multi-agent systems, process algebras, quantum computing, rewriting
systems, security and trust, semantics, specification and
verification, systems biology, type theory

Program co-chairs:
Aniello Murano (University of Naples "Federico II")
Sasha Rubin (University of Naples "Federico II")

Program Committee:
Ezio Bartocci, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Stefano Bistarelli, University of Perugia, Italy
Diego Calvanese, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Antonio Caruso, University of Salento, Italy
Annalisa De Bonis, University of Salerno, Italy
Michele Loreti, University of Firenze, Italy
Giovanni Michele Pinna, University of Cagliari, Italy
Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy
Mimmo Parente, University of Salerno, Italy
Andrea Pietracaprina, University of Padova, Italy
Davide Sangiorgi, University of Bologna, Italy
Armando Tacchella, University of Genova, Italy
Paolo Torroni, University of Bologna, Italy
Carmine Ventre, Teesside University, UK

Invited Speakers:

The invited speakers for this joint ICTCS/CILC event are:
Mario Alviano, University of Calabria
Laura Giordano, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London

Important dates:
Abstract and paper submission deadline: 7 June 2017
Notification of acceptance: 7 July 2017
Final version and early registration deadline: 24 July 2017
Conference: 26-29 September 2017

Two types of contributions are solicited.

Regular papers: up to 12 pages in LNCS style. Full original papers,
presenting novel results, not appeared or submitted elsewhere.

Communications: up to 5 pages in LNCS style. Suitable for extended
abstracts of papers already appeared, or submitted, or to be
submitted, elsewhere; papers reporting ongoing research on which
the authors wish to get feedback at ICTCS; overviews of PhD-theses,
research projects, etc...

To ease the reviewing process, the authors of regular papers may add
an appendix (although reviewers are not required to consider it in
their evaluation). All contributions must be written in English.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via EasyChair:

For each accepted contribution, at least one of the authors is
required to attend the conference and present the paper.

All accepted original contributions (communications and regular
papers) will be published on

Non-original communications will be given visibility on the conference
web site including a link to the original publication if already

As in previous years, we plan to publish a selection of the best
papers in a special issue of an international top-rated journal. This is
open to regular papers as well as communication
papers that have not been published in a journal.

The conference will take place at the "Complesso di San Giovanni a
Teduccio---Complesso Napoli Est", in Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani,
70, 80146 Napoli.

For more information email

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[DMANET] Postdoctoral position in algorithms in Bergen, Norway

We have an opening for a two-year position concerning algorithms on
graph classes in Bergen. Application deadline June 15. Details:

Pinar Heggernes
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[DMANET] PhD/postdoc position at University of Wuppertal

Applications are invited for aPostdoctoral Researcheror aPhD studentat the Department of Production and Logistics of the University of Wuppertal, Germany. The position is full-time and can be started as soon as possible for the applicant. The position is funded for three years (salary according to level E13).
We have a research focus on operations research methods with application in logistics, production planning and supply chain management. Applicants should have a business administration and/or theoretical/mathematical background and an interest in at least one of the following topics:

- operational research
- auction theory
- computational complexity theory
- scheduling theoryPostdoctoral researchers from other fields may apply as well, but should be prepared to detail how they fit in the research profile of the group.All applicants should have an excellent first academic degree in computer science, mathematics, business administration or a related discipline. Applications should include a detailed CV, a copy of master (or PhD) thesis, a brief statement of research interests, and a list of publications (if applicable). Please send the application not later than June 13th, 2017 to

Bergische Universität Wuppertal,

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Schumpeter School of Business and

Lehrstuhl für Produktion und Logistik,

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dirk Briskorn, 42097 Wuppertal

and via email to _** <>_


Prof. Dr. Dirk Briskorn

Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Produktion und Logistik

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Schumpeter School of Business and Economics

Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21

42119 Wuppertal


Phone: +49 202 439-1104 <>


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* via DMANET.

Friday, May 26, 2017

[DMANET] PODC 2017 Call for Participation

Call for Participation

PODC 2017
36th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
July 25-27, 2017, Washington, D.C., USA
Twitter: @podc_conference


Keynote speakers:

Guy Blelloch, CMU
Rosario Gennaro, CUNY
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University

Conference program:

Workshops on Friday, July 28:

Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA)
Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing (ARMS-CC)

Tutorials on Friday, July 28:

Recent Advances in R/W Computability with Speculations
High-Level Specification of Distributed Algorithms

Celebration of David Peleg's 60th birthday


This year, PODC is co-located with the 29th Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA). The conference will take place in the Marvin Center at the George Washington University:

Registration for PODC 2017 and workshops is now open. The early registration deadline is June 26:

Student travel grants are available, and we encourage all eligible students to apply for the grants. The application deadline is June 13:

For information on the venue, hotels, and travelling, please see the following page:

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

[DMANET] news on BigDSSAgro 2017 : 1st International Conference on Agro Big Data and Decision Support Systems in Agriculture

Dear colleagues,

we would like to share the following news on BigDSSAgro 2017:
- we are glad to announce that the keynote speakers of the conference
will be Dr. Walter Rossing from Wageningen University, The Netherlands,
and Dr. Pascale Zarate from Université de Toulouse Capitole 1, France.
The conference program will also include a seminar on Data Science
by Dr. Emilio Carrizosa from U. de Sevilla, Spain.
- Special issues have been agreed for this conference with two ISI Journals:
(1) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
(2) Annals of Operations Research <>.

The extended deadline for submissions closes soon, on June 4, 2017,
contributions must be submitted at the following site:
Below you can find more details on the CFP and the conference.
Best regards
Antonio Mauttone (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)

BigDSSAgro 2017
3rd Call for Papers - ****EXTENDED DEADLINE 4 June 2017****
1st International Conference on Agro Big Data and Decision Support
Systems in Agriculture
September 27-29 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay

The BigDSSAgro conference is devoted to decision support systems in
agriculture, which combine models, databases and algorithms to support
many real-world decision-making problems.

The access to cheap sensor technology, drones, climate data and
forecasts, satellite information about soils, humidity and more is
provoking a revolution with the irruption of Big Data and opening the
door to the development and application of novel optimization and
simulation models in Agriculture and the Agri-food industries.
The main question to solve is how to transform the huge amount of data
into useful information to decision-makers. Current applications cover
a wide range of different areas, from food production or animal
welfare to sustainability or climate change impact; and they are
expected to still increase in future. The scope of the conference
includes findings on established and new Operational Research, Big
Data and Analytics methods in effective decision-making applications
in Agriculture and in the Agri-food industry, including their supply
chain, and also problems in Forestry and in Environment studies.

Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

• Operational Research methods relevant to agriculture, forestry and
• Sustainability indicators in agriculture and environment
• Modelling sensor based data to get useful information
• Big Data techniques with potential applications in agriculture
• Optimization and simulation models, including agent based simulation
• Decision support tools based on Big Data and Operational Research techniques
• Decision support tools based on GIS and their implications with Big Data
• Economic aspects of adoption of Big Data analytics

Applications of the above mentioned methods in the following settings:
• Smart farms, sensing applications in agriculture
• Precision agriculture, digital agriculture
• Industrial agriculture
• Small scale farming
• Agri-business supply chain
• Forestry
• Land Use
• Environment studies and environmental protection

Keynote speakers include Dr. Walter Rossing from Wageningen University,
The Netherlands, and Dr. Pascale Zarate from Université de Toulouse
Capitole 1, France.
The conference program will also include a seminar on Data Science
by Dr. Emilio Carrizosa from U. de Sevilla, Spain.

BigDSSAgro 2017 will be held September 27-29 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Important Dates

-Abstract submission deadline: (EXTENDED) June 4, 2017 (Anywhere on Earth)
-Paper notification: July 17, 2017
-Camera-ready deadline: July 30, 2017
-Conference: September 27-29, 2017

General Information on Submissions
Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format using the
easychair system at the link, and should be
between 1 and 3 pages long, using the format available at the
conference web page.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and complete
the registration payment before July 30 in order for the paper to be
included in the conference schedule and proceedings.

Authors are invited to submit full article versions for consideration
in one of the following two journal special issues:
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
- Annals of Operations Research.


General Chairs
Héctor Cancela, UDELAR, Uruguay
Lluis Miquel Plá, UDL, Spain

Program Chairs
Antonio Mauttone, UDELAR, Uruguay
Adela Pagès-Bernaus, UDL, Spain

Technical Program Committee
Renzo Akkerman, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Víctor Albornoz, UTFSM, Chile
Walter E. Baethgen, Columbia University, USA
Sandro Bimonte, IRSTEA, France
Carlos Bouza, UH, Cuba
Pablo Chilibroste, UDELAR, Uruguay
Ángel Cobo, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Sergio Serra da Cruz, UFRRJ, Brazil
Santiago Dogliotti, UDELAR, Uruguay
Fernando Garagorry, EMBRAPA, Brazil
Frederick Garcia, DigitAg, France
Marcela González Araya, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Andrew Higgins, CSIRO, Australia
Anders R. Kristensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Concepcion Maroto , UPV, Spain
Lorena Prádenas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Luiz Henrique Antunes Rodrigues, Unicamp, Brazil
Daniel Rodriguez, University of Queensland, Australia
Sara Rodríguez, UANL, Mexico
Pablo Rodriguez-Bocca, UDELAR, Uruguay
Lorena Rodríguez-Gallego, UDELAR, Uruguay
Walter Rossing, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Christian von Lücken, UNA, Paraguay
Andrés Weintraub, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Pascale Zarate, IRIT, France

Local Organizing Committee
Jorge Corral, UDELAR, Uruguay
Gastón Notte, UDELAR, Uruguay
Martín Pedemonte, UDELAR, Uruguay
Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca, UDELAR, Uruguay
Omar Viera, UDELAR, Uruguay

For more information, visit the conference website:

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[DMANET] PDP 2018 - Call for Papers


PDP 2018 - Call for Papers -


Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing has undergone
impressive changes over recent years. New architectures, advanced
programming models, improved efficiency and novel application
domains have rapidly become the central focus of this discipline.

These changes are often a result of cross-fertilisation of parallel
and distributed computational paradigms with other rapidly evolving
technologies in different disciplines. It is of paramount importance
to review and assess these new developments in relation with the recent
research achievements in the different areas of parallel and distributed
computing, considering both the industrial and scientific point of view.

PDP 2018 will provide a forum for the discusssion of these and other issues
through original research presentations and will facilitate the exchange of
knowledge and new ideas at the highest technical and applicative level.

PDP 2018 will be held in Cambridge, UK, March 21-23, 2018.

Conference web site


* Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

- Parallel Computing: massively parallel machines; embedded
parallel and distributed systems; multi- and many-core systems; GPU
and FPGA based parallel systems; parallel I/O; memory organisation.

- Distributed and Network-based Computing: Cluster, Grid, Web and
Cloud computing; mobile computing; interconnection networks.

- Big Data: large scale data processing; distributed databases and
archives; large scale data management; metadata; data intensive

- Models and Tools: programming languages and environments; runtime
support systems; performance prediction and analysis; simulation of
parallel and distributed systems.

- Systems and Architectures: novel system architectures; high data
throughput architectures; service-oriented architectures;
heterogeneous systems; shared-memory and message-passing systems;
middleware and distributed operating systems; dependability and
survivability; resource management.

- Advanced Algorithms and Applications: distributed algorithms;
multi-disciplinary applications; computations over irregular domains;
numerical applications with multi-level parallelism; real-time
distributed applications.

* In addition, special sessions will address upcoming novel topics:

- GPU computing and Many Integrated Core Computing

- Advances in High-Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine

- Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing

- Energy Efficient Management of Parallel Systems, Platforms, and Computations

- Cloud Computing on Infrastructure as a Service and its Applications

- High Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation

- On-chip parallel and network-based systems

- Storage architectures and Data Transfer systems for BigData and
Exascale Computing

- High Performance Computing for Neuroscience

- High Performance Computing in Astronomy and Astrophysics

- Parallel and distributed high-performance computing solutions in
Systems Biology

- Parallel Numerical Methods and Libraries for Heterogeneous Multi/Manycores


* Important dates:

- Paper submission: 15 Sep, 2017

- Acceptance notification: 13 Oct, 2017

- Camera ready due: 17 Nov, 2017

- Conference: 21 - 23 Mar, 2018


* Submission of papers

Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages
in the Conference proceedings format ( double-column, 10pt) to the
conference main track
through the EasyChair conference submission system
( The possibility
to submit a paper to a special session
will appear soon.

Double-blind review: the paper should not contain authors names and
affiliations; in the reference list, references to the authors' own
work entries should be
substituted with the string "omitted for blind review".

Publication: All accepted papers will be included in the same volume,
published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS). The Final Paper
Preparation and
Submission Instructions will be published after the notification of
acceptance. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and
present their papers at
the Conference. Conference proceedings will be submitted to IEEE
explore, CDSL, and for indexing among others, to DBLP, Scopus
ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of


Ivan Merelli
Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
93, via F.lli Cervi, 20090 Segrate (Mi), Italy
Phone: +39 02 2642-2606

Pietro Liò
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
15, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1223-763604

Igor Kotenko
Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, SPIIRAS
39, 14th. Liniya, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 328-71-81


Euromicro is an international scientific organization advancing
sciences and applications of Information Technology and
Microelectronics. A major focus is on
organizing conferences and workshops in Computer Science and Computer
Engineering. Euromicro is a non-profit association founded in 1974 and
annual conferences
have taken place in more than 20 countries all over Europe. Find out
more at

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[DMANET] Postdoc in Graph Drawing and related areas at Roma Tre University

Expressions of interest are invited for a postdoc position in graph
drawing and related areas at the graph drawing research group led by
Prof. Giuseppe Di Battista at the Department of Engineering at Roma Tre
University. The research group includes Fabrizio Frati, Maurizio
Patrignani, and Maurizio Pizzonia as permanent members, together with
several postdocs and PhD students. The postdoc position is funded by the
PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) Project "MODE" - Morphing
graph drawings efficiently.

The ideal candidate for the position should have a PhD in Mathematics or
Computer Science and should have a background in algorithms, theoretical
computer science and/or discrete mathematics, preferably with an
interest in graph drawing, graph theory, and/or combinatorial geometry.

Should any candidate be considered fit for the postdoc position, a call
for applications will be opened. The postdoc appointment is to begin at
any time during 2017 (or early 2018), the sooner the better. The
position is for one year, renewable for a second year. The position is
full-time and research-only. The position is open to candidates of any
nationality; in particular, no knowledge of Italian is required. The
gross salary is 27K, which will result in ~1650 net per month. Travel
funding will be available.

The reply to this call should consist of an email, sent to, containing: (1) a curriculum vitae, including a
list of publications; and (2) the names and contact details of at least
two references. Expressions of interest should be sent no later than the
15th of July, 2017.

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
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[DMANET] 10 funded positions for PhD studies in Computer Science at GSSI in L'Aquila (Italy) - Call for applications

The Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI - ), a
recently established international PhD school and a Centre for advanced
studies in L'Aquila (ITALY), offers 10 PhD positions in Computer Science

The PhD program in CS is mainly concerned with heterogeneous distributed
systems and their interactions. Different perspectives are offered to
provide students with the necessary tools for the design, the
implementation, the management and the use of distributed systems. The
main research areas of interest are:
- Efficient algorithms for communication networks and social networks;
- Formal methods for systems correctness and analysis;
- Software engineering for efficient and resilient applications.

Apart from pursuing their own research studies, the successful
candidates will have the opportunity to cooperate with members of the
research group and of the Scientific Board, as well as with the frequent
guests of the Institute. Detailed information about the CS research
group and about the activities for the PhD program in CS can be found at

The fellowships are awarded for three years and their yearly amount is €
16.159,91 gross. Moreover all PhD students:
- will have free accommodation at the GSSI facilities and luncheon vouchers;
- will have tuition fees waived;
- will be covered by insurance against accident and/or injury.

The application must be submitted through the online form available at and must be accompanied by the curriculum vitae
and by a letter of motivation describing expertise and general research
interests together with future plans and reasons for having chosen GSSI
for PhD studies.

The deadline for application is: 31st May 2017 at 18.00 (Italian time zone).
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.


Apologies for duplicate postings. Please notice the deadline extension
due to multiple requests.


Call for Papers


13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments
for Wireless Sensor Networks


ALGOSENSORS will be in Vienna, Austria, as part of ALGO 2017

Abstract Submission (extended-firm): June 1, 2017
Submission (extended-firm): June 8, 2017
Notification: July 10, 2017
Camera Ready: July 31, 2017
Symposium: September 7-8, 2017


ALGOSENSORS is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic
aspects of wireless networks. Originally focused on sensor networks, it
now covers algorithmic issues arising in wireless networks of all types
of computational entities, static or mobile, including sensor networks,
sensor-actuator networks, autonomous robots. The focus is on the design
and analysis of algorithms, models of computation, and experimental analysis.

In year 2017 ALGOSENSORS has two tracks:

- Algorithms & Theory
- Experiments & Applications

Each paper must be submitted to a single track that fits the topic of the
paper best.

For the first time ALGOSENSORS will recognize its best papers. The
best paper from each track will be selected, and it will be given a
Best Paper Award.

A non-exhaustive list of topics relevant to ALGOSENSORS is the following:

Approximation Algorithms
Communication Protocols
Complexity and Computability
Computational Models
Cryptography, Security and Trust
Cyber Physical Systems
Data Aggregation and Fusion
Energy Management
Error Correcting Codes
Experimental Analysis
Fault Tolerance and Dependability
Game Theoretic Aspects
Infrastructure Discovery
Internet of Things (IoT)
Medium Access Control
Mobility & Dynamics
Obstacle Avoidance
Pattern Formation
Performance Evaluation
Power Saving Schemes
Randomized Algorithms
Resource Efficiency
RFID Algorithms
Routing and Data Propagation
Self-stabilization, Self-* Properties
Swarm Computing
Systems and Testbeds
Time Synchronization
Topology Control
Virtual Infrastructures


Full papers are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair
server at
Original research papers must contain results that have not previously
appeared and have not been concurrently submitted to a journal or
conference with published proceedings. Each paper should select one of
the two tracks (Algorithms & Theory or Experiments & Applications) for
submission. Authors need to ensure that for each accepted paper at
least one author will register and attend the symposium.
Submissions are limited to twelve (12) single-column pages in the LNCS
format (see LNCS author guidelines at
This includes figures, but excludes references and an optional
appendix (to be read at the program committee's discretion).


As in previous years, the proceedings of ALGOSENSORS will be published
by Springer-Verlag as a volume of the LNCS series. Selected papers will
be invited to a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science.


Antonio Fernández Anta, Institute IMDEA Networks, Spain (Program co-Chair)
Tomasz Jurdzinski, University of Wroclaw, Poland (Algorithms & Theory
Track Chair)
Miguel A. Mosteiro, Pace University, USA (Program co-Chair)
Yanyong Zhang, Rutgers University, USA (Experiments & Applications Track Chair)


Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University, USA
Evangelos Bampas, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Amotz Bar-Noy, City University of New York, USA
Fernando Boavida, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Jacek Cichon, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Gianluca De Marco, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Robert Elsässer, University of Salzburg, Austria
Martín Farach-Colton, Rutgers University, USA
Ben Firner, NVidia Corp., USA
Leszek Gąsieniec, University of Liverpool, UK
James Gross, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Canada
Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Stony Brook University, USA
Jorge Ortiz, IBM Research, USA
Hui Pan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China HK
Gopal Pandurangan, University of Houston, USA
Dror Rawitz, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Guiling Wang, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Dongxiao Yu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Lan Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Rong Zheng, McMaster University, Canada


Josep Diaz, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, University of Southern California, USA
P.R. Kumar, Texas A&M University, USA
Sotiris Nikoletseas, University of Patras and CTI, Greece
José Rolim, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Paul Spirakis, University of Liverpool, UK
Adam Wolisz, TU Berlin, Germany

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