Monday, June 12, 2017

[DMANET] [GECCO 2017] Job Market

*GECCO Job Market*

The GECCO Job Market will be an event where people offering jobs can*advertise open positions and meet with potential candidates*. Any kind of positions are eligible (PhD, Postdoc, Professor, Engineer, etc.) - from the academia as well as the industry.

The job market will be organized as a short session at the beginning of the lunch break on Monday, July 17. After brief presentations of the available positions, participants will have the possibility to set up face-to-face meetings for further discussions.

To participate with a job offer, create a new ad at the SIGEVO web site ( Make sure to check the "GECCO availability" option that confirms your attendance at the job market. In addition, prepare one slide describing the job (in PDF) and send it to tea.tusar[at] by Friday, July 7.


Friday, July 7: Deadline for submitting the ad and sending the slide
Monday, July 17: Job Market at GECCO 2017

Tea TuĊĦar,
Organizer of the GECCO Job Market

Javier Ferrer
E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática
University of Málaga
Tel: +34 95213 2815
Fax: +34 95213 1397
ferrer [at]

Publicity Chair for GECCO 2017

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