Monday, July 31, 2017

[DMANET] Postdoctoral Position at the University of Arizona

Postdoctoral Position at the University of Arizona

The University of Arizona Data Science Institute (Data 7) invites
applications for a post-doctoral research position in the theory of
large scale graph visualization. The Institute's goal is to facilitate
next generation data-driven interdisciplinary research, by fostering
collaborations between domain scientists and experts in computer
science, mathematics and statistics.

The specific research projects involve the study of connections
between geometry, topology and combinatorics in the context of graphs
and graph theory, as well as developing graph analysis and
visualization algorithms with theoretical and practical guarantees.

Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science or a related field
and an established research track record. Ideally, we seek a
postdoctoral researcher with a background in information
visualization, graph theory, as well as computational geometry and

The work will be carried out at the University of Arizona, in Tucson,
Arizona. The position is available starting September 1, 2017
initially for 1 year, with the possibility of extension for another 2
years dependent upon performance and availability of funds.

The University of Arizona has been recognized as one of America's Best
Employers (according to Forbes 2015) and has been awarded the
Work-Life Seal of Distinction by the Alliance for Work-Life Progress.
For more information about working at the University of Arizona,
please see

To apply, please, send CV to Stephen Kobourov,; applications will be accepted on an ongoing
basis until the position is filled.

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[DMANET] CFP COMPLEXIS 2018 - 3rd Int.l Conf. on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (Funchal, Madeira/Portugal)


3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk

Submission Deadline: October 16, 2017

March 20 - 21, 2018
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

COMPLEXIS is organized in 7 major tracks:

- Complexity in Informatics, Automation and Networking
- Complexity in Biology and Biomedical Engineering
- Complexity in Social Sciences
- Complexity in Computational Intelligence and Future Information Systems
- Complexity in EDA, Embedded Systems, and Computer Architecture
- Network Complexity
- Complexity in Risk and Predictive Modeling

In Cooperation with IFSR, EATCS.

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Ernesto Estrada, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer.

All papers presented at the congress venue will also be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (

Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
COMPLEXIS Secretariat

Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +351 265 520 186

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[DMANET] Special Issue on Information and Opinion Diffusion in Online Social Networks and Media


Elsevier - Online Social Networks and Media Journal
Special Issue on Information and Opinion Diffusion in Online Social Networks and Media

Submission Deadline: October 1st, 2017

Online Social Networks are a massively successful phenomenon, used by billions of users to interact. Nowadays, information diffusion in Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) has a major role, among many others, for recommendation systems, advertising, and political campaigns. Moverover, the way information circulates in OSNEM impacts on the formation of opinions and on the social roles of users and their influence on others. OSNEM are extensively used for spreading information, opinions and ideas, but also to propagate fake news and rumors. Therefore, prevention of spam, bots and fake accounts, information leakage, trustworthiness of information and trust between users are relevant research issues associated with information diffusion.

This special issue seeks contributions pushing the state of the art in all facets of information and opinion diffusion in online social networks and media. We solicit manuscripts where quantitative and/or data-driven approach is used to investigate information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Dynamics of trends, information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM
- Recommendations and advertising in OSNEM
- Spread of news, topics, and opinions
- Trust, reputation, privacy in OSNEM information and opinion diffusion
- Rumors and fake news spreading in OSNEM
- Bots and fake users detection
- Influence analysis and social influence
- Identification of diffusion sources and influencers
- Methods to modify/control/maximise information and opinion diffusion
- Measurements of information and opinion diffusion??in OSNEM
- Models of information and opinion diffusion
- Data-driven approaches to study information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM

*** Tentative Schedule ***
Manuscript submission deadline: October 1, 2017
First notification: November 10, 2017
Submission of revised paper: December 10, 2017
Notification of acceptance: January 10, 2018

Guest Editors
Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy
Andrea Passarella, IIT-CNR, Italy

*** Instructions for submission ***
Manuscripts must not have been previously published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Papers previously published in conference proceedings are eligible for submission if the submitted manuscript is a substantial revision and extension of the conference version. In this case, authors should indicate the previous publication(s) in the cover letter and are also required to submit their published conference article(s) and a summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version.
The submission website for this journal is located at Please select "Research Paper" when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified, for consideration by the special issue, the authors should indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript has been submitted for the special issue on Information and Opinion Diffusion in Online Social Networks and Media.

For further information, please contact the guest editors at {m.conti,a.passarella} at
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Sunday, July 30, 2017

[DMANET] 7th Int. Conf. HPSC Hanoi, March 2018

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
March 19-23, 2018
Hanoi, Vietnam

Detailed information can be found at the conference
(Participants can register, reserve hotel and submit data needed for
applying for a Vietnamese visa by using these conference websites.)

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: September 29, 2017.
Notification of acceptance for presentation: December 22, 2017.
Deadline for applying a business visa through the organizers: January 19, 2018.
Deadline for hotel reservation: January 19, 2018.

Contact address:

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

[DMANET] =?Windows-1252?Q?Lecturer_=96_University_of_Glasgow, _School_of_Computing_?= Science

The School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow seeks a Lecturer to pursue a world-class research programme in Computing Science within the topics of the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms (FATA) section; to teach related topics in Computing Science at all undergraduate and postgraduate levels; to carry out allocated administrative tasks.

The research topics covered by the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms section include:

* algorithms and complexity;
* formal modelling and model-checking;
* programming language theory.

The School seeks applications from outstanding candidates to develop and lead research of international standard in these or related topics.

Further information can be found at:

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Friday, July 28, 2017

[DMANET] Call for Participation: ADT 2017 -- the 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Luxembourg, 25--27 October 2017

Dear colleagues,

my apologies for cross-postings:

====================================================================== Call for Participation: ADT 2017

The International Research Group on Algorithmic Decision Theory(CNRS/GDRI ALGODEC) in collaboration with the EURO working group onpreference handling and the Computer Science and CommunicationsResearch Unit (CSC) of the University of Luxembourg is proud toannounce

ADT 2017, the 5th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory Luxembourg, 25--27 October 2017[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


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[DMANET] PhD position at University of Leicester

Department of Informatics - University of Leicester

PhD student (Graduate Teaching Assistant) vacancy

Stipend and salary package worth £14,553 per annum,
plus UK/EU fee waiver, for four years.

The position is available for 25th September 2017 start.

Open until Filled - Apply soon

Applications are invited for a Graduate Teaching Assistant
position in Computer Science. A Graduate Teaching Assistant is
expected to undertake teaching related duties within the
Department of Informatics, not normally exceeding seven contact
hours per week during term time, while conducting research
leading to a PhD supervised by a member of academic staff.

Candidates must submit a short research statement outlining the topic
in which they would like to do a PhD and name one or two members of
academic staff under whose supervision they would be willing to work.

A list of research interests of staff in the department can be found

In particular, the research theme on "Algorithms: Complexity and
Engineering" may be relevant to DMANET readers:

Further information:

Informal enquiries are welcome - please contact potential supervisors or
Prof. Alexander Kurz:

Informal enquiries regarding the application process are also
welcome – please contact the PGR Administrator:
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[DMANET] CFP ICORES 2018 - 7th Int.l Conf. on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (Funchal, Madeira/Portugal)


7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2017

January 24 - 26, 2018
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

ICORES is organized in 2 major tracks:

- Methodologies and Technologies
- Applications

In Cooperation with EurAgEng.

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Aharon Ben-Tal, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Aaron Burciaga, Accenture, United States
Abdelkader Sbihi, EM Normandie, France

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer.

All papers presented at the congress venue will also be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (

Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
ICORES Secretariat

Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel: +351 265 100 033
Fax: +351 265 520 186

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[DMANET] CFP ICPRAM 2018 - 7th Int.l Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (Funchal, Madeira/Portugal)


7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2017

January 16 - 18, 2018
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

ICPRAM is organized in 2 major tracks:

- Theory and Methods
- Applications

In Cooperation with AAAI, AIXIA, APRP, INNS.

With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speakers:
Rita Cucchiara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Edwin Hancock, York University, United Kingdom
Xiaoyi Jiang, University of Münster, Germany
Alfred Bruckstein, Technion, Israel

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published by Springer.

All papers presented at the congress venue will also be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library (

Should you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me.

Kind regards,
ICPRAM Secretariat

Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setubal, Portugal
Tel: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

[DMANET] Post-doc position at TU Dortmund

At TU Dortmund University, we are looking for talented and motivated

post-doctoral researchers (or PhD students)

interested in joining the project

Dynamic Expressiveness of Logics,

which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

The opening is in the working group of Thomas Schwentick.
The position is limited to two years, until 30.09.2019, and does not involve teaching obligations.

The official, complete job opening is available at

Interested? Please do not hesitate to contact us:

TU Dortmund, Dept. of Computer Science
Chair I - Logic in Computer Science
Thomas Schwentick
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12
44227 Dortmund

Nils Vortmeier
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

[DMANET] CfP: EvoCOP 2018 (submission deadline: November 1, 2017)

EvoCOP 2018 - The 18th European Conference on
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation

April 5 - April 6, 2018
Parma, Italy

Part of Evo* 2018 (

The 18th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial
Optimisation is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together researchers
working on evolutionary computation methods and other metaheuristics for
solving difficult combinatorial optimisation problems appearing in various
industrial, economic, and scientific domains. Prominent examples of
metaheuristics include: evolutionary algorithms, estimation of distribution
algorithms, swarm intelligence methods such as ant colony and particle swarm
optimisation, local search methods such as simulated annealing, tabu search,
variable neighbourhood search, iterated local search, scatter search and path
relinking, and their hybridisation, such as memetic algorithms. Automatic
algorithm configuration and design, meta-optimisation, model-based methods, and
hyperheuristics are also topics of interest. Successfully solved problems
include, but are not limited to, multi-objective, uncertain, dynamic and
stochastic problems in the context of scheduling, timetabling, network design,
transportation and distribution, vehicle routing, graph problems,
satisfiability, energy optimisation, cutting, packing, and planning problems.

The EvoCOP 2018 conference will be held in the city of Parma, Italy, together
with EuroGP (the 21st European Conference on Genetic Programming), EvoMUSART
(7th European conference on evolutionary and biologically inspired music,
sound, art and design) and EvoApplications (specialist events on a range of
evolutionary computation topics and applications), in a joint event
collectively known as EvoStar (Evo*).

**** Areas of Interest and Contributions ****

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Applications of metaheuristics to combinatorial optimisation problems
* Representation techniques
* Practical solution of NP-hard problems
* Neighbourhoods and efficient algorithms for searching them
* Variation operators for stochastic search methods
* Theoretical developments
* Constraint-handling techniques
* Parallelisation and grid computing
* Search space and landscape analyses
* Comparisons between different (also exact) methods
* Heuristics
* Genetic programming and Genetic algorithms
* Tabu search, iterated local search and variable neighbourhood search
* Ant colony optimisation
* Artificial immune systems
* Scatter search
* Particle swarm optimisation
* Memetic algorithms
* Hybrid methods and hybridisation techniques
* Matheuristics (hybrids of exact and heuristic methods)
* Hyper-heuristics and autonomous search
* Automatic algorithm configuration and design
* Metaheuristics and machine learning
* Surrogate-model-based methods
* Estimation of distribution algorithms
* String processing
* Scheduling and timetabling
* Network design
* Vehicle routing
* Graph problems
* Satisfiability
* Packing and cutting problems
* Energy optimisation problems
* Multi-objective optimisation
* Search-based software engineering

**** Publication Details ****

EvoCOP 2018 will accept two types of submissions:

* Regular papers will be presented orally at the conference and printed in the
proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series (see LNCS volumes 2037,
2279, 2611, 3004, 3448, 3906, 4446, 4972, 5482, 6022, 6622, 7245, 7832, 8600,
9026, 9595 and 10197 for the previous proceedings).

* Late-breaking abstracts (LBAs) summarising ongoing research, recent studies
and applications of evolutionary computation and other meta-heuristics to
real-world or academic combinatorial optimization problems. LBAs will be
presented as posters during the conference.

**** Submission Details ****

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions will
be peer reviewed by members of the program committee. The authors of accepted
papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of the reviewers' comments
and will be asked to send a camera ready version of their manuscripts. At least
one author of each accepted work has to register for the conference, attend the
conference and present the work.

The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information about the
authors in the submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in Springer LNCS format.

Page limit (Regular papers): 16 pages
Page limit (LBAs): 1 page

**** Important Dates ****

Submission deadline (Regular papers): November 1, 2017
Submission deadline (LBAs): January 15, 2018
EvoStar: April 4-6, 2018

**** EvoCOP Programme Chairs ****

Arnaud Liefooghe
University of Lille, France

Manuel Lopez-Ibanez
University of Manchester, United Kingdom

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[DMANET] ISAIM 2018: First Call for Papers


Fifteenth International Symposium on
ISAIM 2018
January 3-5, 2018
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence. This is the fifteenth Symposium in the series, which is sponsored by Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. We seek submissions of recent results with a particular emphasis on the foundations of AI and mathematical methods used in AI. Papers describing applications are also encouraged, but the focus should be on principled lessons learned from the development of the application. Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for scientific exchange. The three-day Symposium includes invited speakers, presentations of technical papers, and special topic sessions.


o Boolean and pseudo-Boolean Functions
-Organized by Endre Boros, Rutgers University, and Yves Crama, University of Liege

o Formalising Robot Ethics
-Organized by Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, and Marija Slavkovik, University of Bergen

o Topological Reasoning and Data Analyses
-Organized by Debasis Mitra, Florida Istitute of Technology

o Theory of Machine Learning
-Organized by Lev Reyzin, University of Illinois at Chicago


Paper submission will be electronic via the submission link to EasyChair on the Paper Submission page of the Symposium website (/ Papers must be formatted in accordance with the guidelines given there.

The submission deadline is Tuesday, October 3, 2017 (11:59PM PDT). Papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by Tuesday, October 31, 2017. Final versions of accepted papers, for inclusion in the conference electronic proceedings, are due by Monday, November 27, 2017.

Work that has already been published as of the ISAIM submission deadline should not be submitted to ISAIM unless it introduces a significant addition to the previously published work. However, the ISAIM web site proceedings are not archival, so papers submitted to ISAIM can be under review at the time of submission and can be submitted elsewhere after ISAIM.

Authors of a selected set of papers from the Symposium will be invited to submit full versions of their papers for inclusion in a special volume of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, published by Springer. Those invited submissions will be subject to refereeing at the usual standards of the journal, and authors will receive more details with the acceptance notice. Papers must of course be new and unpublished to be considered for the special volume.

Any questions regarding paper submission should be sent to the program committee chair at the email address <isaim2018 at mail DOT cs DOT virginia DOT edu>.


Paper submission: Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Notification: Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Final version due: Monday, November 27, 2017
Workshop: January 3-5, 2018, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


o General Chair: Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa
o Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University
o Program Committee Chairs: Juergen Dix, TU Clausthal
Guillermo R. Simari, Universidad Nacional del Sur
o Publicity Chair: Dimitrios I. Diochnos, University of Virginia


Franz Baader TU Dresden
Salem Benferhat Universite d'Artois
Endre Boros Rutgers University
Gerhard Brewka Leipzig University
Yixin Chen Washington University in St. Louis
Berthe Choueiry University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Yves Crama University of Liege
Dimitrios I. Diochnos University of Virginia
Agostino Dovier Università degli Studi di Udine
Michael Fisher University of Liverpool
Georg Gottlob University of Oxford
Warren Hunt The University of Texas at Austin
Anthony Hunter University College London
Vladimir Lifschitz The University of Texas at Austin
Gerhard Lakemeyer Aachen University of Technology
Hector Levesque University of Toronto
Vladimir Lifschitz University of Texas at Austin
Larry M. Manevitz University of Haifa
Debasis Mitra Florida Institute of Technology
Leora Morgenstern Leidos, Inc., Reston
Maurice Pagnucco University of New South Wales
Francesca Rossi IBM Research and University of Padova
David Sarne Bar-Ilan University
Marija Slavkovik University of Bergen
Christine Solnon INSA Lyon
Miroslaw (Mirek) Truszczynski University of Kentucky
Gyorgy Turan University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Szeged
Miroslav N. Velev Aries Design Automation
Kristen Brent Venable Tulane University and IHMC
Toby Walsh NICTA and University of New South Wales
Neil Yorke-Smith American University of Beirut

Send inquiries and requests to isaim2018 at mail DOT cs DOT virginia DOT edu.
Join to receive announcements related to ISAIM.

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Monday, July 24, 2017


Apologies for duplicate postings.


Call for Papers

LATIN 2018

The 13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium


In 2018, LATIN will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abstract Submission: October 10th, 2017
Submission: October 17th, 2017
Notification: December 5th, 2017
Camera Ready: December 20th, 2017
Symposium: April 16-19, 2018

All deadlines are AOE time zone.


LATIN is devoted to different areas in theoretical computer science
including, but not limited to: algorithms (approximation, online,
randomized, algorithmic game theory, etc.), analytic combinatorics
and analysis of algorithms, automata theory and formal languages,
coding theory and data compression, combinatorial algorithms,
combinatorial optimization, combinatorics and graph theory,
complexity theory, computational algebra, computational biology,
computational geometry, computational number theory, cryptology,
databases and information retrieval, data structures, formal
methods and security, Internet and the web, parallel and distributed
computing, pattern matching, programming language theory, and
random structures.


Full papers are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair
server at

Submissions are limited to twelve (12) single-column letter-size
pages in Springer LNCS format (see LNCS author guidelines at
This limit includes figures and references. An optional appendix
(to be read at the program committee's discretion) may be included
if desired. Simultaneous submission of papers to any other
conference with published proceedings, as well as the submission
of previously published papers, is not allowed. Papers must be
written in English. For each accepted paper at least one author
must register and attend the symposium to present it. Moreover, an
author cannot register for multiple papers. That is, each accepted
paper must have its own registrant.


Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of LATIN, which
will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science


Martín Farach-Colton, Rutgers University, USA


Michael A. Bender, Stony Brook University, USA (Chair)
Miguel A. Mosteiro, Pace University, USA (Chair)

Eric Allender, Rutgers University, USA
Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Esther Arkin, Stony Brook University, USA
Jérémy Barbay, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Vladimir Braverman,Johns Hopkins University, USA
Luciana Buriol, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Armando Castañeda, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Keren Censor-Hillel, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Witold Charatonik, University of Wrocław, Poland
Jing Chen, Stony Brook University, USA
Giorgos Christodoulou, University of Liverpool, UK
Guy Even, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Cristina G. Fernandes, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Antonio Fernández Anta, IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain
Paolo Ferragina, Università di Pisa, Italy
Celina de Figueiredo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jeremy Fineman, Georgetown University, USA
Johannes Fischer, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Paola Flocchini, University of Ottawa, Canada
Lance Fortnow, Georgia Tech, USA
Pierre Fraigniaud, CNRS and University Paris Diderot, France
Juan Garay, Yahoo! Research, USA
Leszek Gąsieniec, University of Liverpool, UK
Seth Gilbert, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Inge Li Gørtz, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Julián Gutierrez, University of Oxford, UK
John Iacono, New York University, USA
Taisuke Izumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Jesper Jansson, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Gabriela Jeronimo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Artur Jeż, University of Wrocław, Poland
Rob Johnson, Stony Brook University, USA
Tomasz Jurdzinski, University of Wrocław, Poland
Shuji Kijima, Kyushu University, Japan
Michal Koucky, Charles University, Czech Republic
Yiannis Koutis, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Sławomir Lasota, University of Warsaw, Poland
Reut Levi, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
Min Chih Lin, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Claudia Linhares Sales, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
Javier Marenco, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento & Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Moti Medina, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Stony Brook University, USA
Marco Molinaro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marcelo Mydlarz, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento & CONICET, Argentina
Calvin Newport, Georgetown University, USA
Igor Potapov, University of Liverpool, UK
Jared Saia, University of New Mexico, USA
Rodrigo I. Silveira, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Jose A. Soto, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Paul Spirakis, University of Liverpool, UK and U. Patras, Greece
Grzegorz Stachowiak, University of Wrocław, Poland
Maya Stein, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Frank Stephan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Christopher Thraves, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Denis Trystram, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
José Verschae, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Andreas Wiese, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Prudence Wong, University of Liverpool, UK
Yukiko Yamauchi, Kyushu University, Japan
Maxwell Young, Mississippi State University, USA


Flavia Bonomo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Chair)
Santiago Figueira, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paula Zabala, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


David Fernández-Baca, Iowa State University, USA
Joachim von zur Gathen, Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology, Germany
Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Canada
Kirk Pruhs, University of Pittsburgh
Alfredo Viola, Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, Uruguay
Yoshiko Wakabayashi, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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[DMANET] Department Chair Position in Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University invites
applications and nominations for the position of Department Chair.
Candidates are expected to hold the rank of Full Professor, or
equivalent, and possess administrative and leadership experience. The
department is the largest unit within the College of Science and offers
B.A., B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs. It houses 52 tenured/tenure-track
faculty members, 28 lecturers, 8 full-time staff members, as well as
116 graduate and 231 undergraduate students. Research areas of the
faculty include algebra, discrete mathematics, applied analysis,
bioinformatics, computational mathematics, operations research,
probability, and pure and applied statistics.

Applications received by August 15, 2017 will receive full
consideration, but later applications may be considered until the
position is filled. For the complete job posting and more details,
please visit
Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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[DMANET] Hausdorff Center for Mathematics: Postdoctoral Positions in Bonn

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) at Bonn University offers
several Postdoctoral Positions in all fields of mathematics and
quantitative economics. The duration of these positions is up to 2
years. Expected starting date is no later than October 2018. There may
be an option of extension by up to one further year, depending on the
availability of funding. Generally there are no teaching obligations but
such opportunities are provided if desired by the candidates.

Daniela Schmidt

Administrative Assistant
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Endenicher Allee 62, Villa Maria, Room 0.005
53115 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-73-4881, Fax: +49-228-73-62251
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[DMANET] ALGO 2017 2nd Call for Participation (early registration till July 31)

ALGO is the leading annual event on algorithms in Europe combining the premier algorithmic conference European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) with several specialized conferences and workshops.

*** Early registration ends on July 31 ***

ALGO 2017 will be held in Vienna, Austria, September 4-8, 2017, and will comprise the following six conferences and workshops:

ESA 2017 – The 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
IPEC 2017 – The 12th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation
WAOA 2017 – The 15th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms
ALGOSENSORS 2017 – The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Networks
ATMOS 2017 – The 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems
ALGOCLOUD 2017 – The 3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing

ALGO 2017 keynote speakers:

- Daniel Delling, Apple Inc.
- Babak Falsafi, EcoCloud and EPFL
- Jie Gao, Stony Brook University
- Fabrizio Grandoni, University of Lugano
- David Mount, University of Maryland
- Kirk Pruhs, University of Pittsburgh
- David Woodruff, IBM Almaden

ALGO 2017 will also host a Parameterized Complexity Summer School as a pre-congress event (September 1-3).

Registration is open at

Please note that the early registration period ends in a few days, on July 31, 2017.

Further information can be found at the ALGO website

The ALGO 2017 organizing committee:

Doris Dicklberger
Wolfgang Dvorak
Robert Ganian (co-chair)
Ronald de Haan
Fabian Klute
Andreas Müller
Nysret Musliu
Martin Nöllenburg (co-chair)
Sebastian Ordyniak
Günther Raidl
Mihaela Rozman
Stefan Szeider (chair)
Stefan Woltran

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

[DMANET] PCSS 2017: Early Registration Deadline is Approaching

The early registration deadline for the Parameterized Complexity
Summer School is 31 July 2017.

when: 1-3 September 2017
where: Freihaus TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.

The 3rd Parameterized Complexity Summer School will be held in Vienna,
Austria, from 1 to 3 September 2017 (Friday-Sunday). The school is
co-located with ALGO 2017 and will take place at the same venue.

Apart from providing an introduction to the basics of parameterized
complexity, the school covers some recent advances and emphasizes
applications of parameterized algorithms in economics, logic, and
Artificial Intelligence. The school is aimed at researchers of all
levels in parameterized complexity as well as researchers from other
areas who are interested in applying parameterized techniques in their
respective domains.
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[DMANET] FSTTCS 2017 --- LAST Call for Papers [***extended deadline July 31***]

(apologies for multiple copies/cross posting)


37th Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and
Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2017)
Kanpur, India, December 11 - 15, 2017

***** DEADLINE Extension to July 31, 2017 *****

Conference website:
Submission website:

EXTENDED Paper submission deadline: Monday, July 31, 2017 (Anywhere on
Notification to Authors: Friday, September 22, 2017
Camera-ready deadline: Monday, October 16, 2017
Conference: December 11 - 15, 2017

The 37th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer
Science (FSTTCS) conference will take place at the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur, during December 11 (Mon) - 15 (Fri), 2017, under the
auspices of the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science
(IARCS). Submissions presenting original results in foundational aspects
of Computer Science and Software Technology are invited. Representative
areas include, but are not limited to, the following.

- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Approximation Algorithms
- Automata and Formal Languages
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Communication Complexity
- Computational Biology
- Computational Complexity
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Learning Theory
- Cryptography and Security
- Game Theory and Mechanism Design
- Logic in Computer Science
- Model Theory, Modal and Temporal Logics
- Models of Concurrent and Distributed Systems
- Models of Timed, Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
- Parallel, Distributed and Online Algorithms
- Parameterized Complexity
- Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages
- Program Analysis and Transformation
- Proof Complexity
- Quantum Computing
- Randomness in Computing
- Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
- Theorem Proving, Decision Procedures, and Model Checking
- Theoretical Aspects of Mobile and High-Performance Computing

Invited Speakers
Sham Kakade (University of Washington, USA)
Anca Muscholl (LaBRI & Universite' de Bordeaux, France)
Devavrat Shah (MIT, USA)
Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT CSAIL, USA)
Thomas Wilke (Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany)

Submission Information
Submissions must be in electronic form via EasyChair using the LIPIcs
LaTeX style file. Submissions must not exceed 12 pages (excluding
bibliography), but may include a clearly marked appendix containing
technical details. The appendix will be read only at the discretion of
the program committee. Simultaneous submissions to journals or other
conferences with published proceedings are disallowed. More detailed
submission instructions are provided on the FSTTCS 2017 submission page.

Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in
the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) as a free,
open, electronic archive with access to all. Authors will retain full
rights over their work. The accepted papers will be published under a
CC-BY license. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings,
one of the authors must commit to presenting the paper at the

Program Committee
Alexandr Andoni (Columbia University),
Arnab Bhattacharyya (IISc Bangalore),
Eshan Chattopadhyay (IAS Princeton),
Nicola Galesi (Sapienza Universita Roma, Italy),
Sumit Ganguly (IIT Kanpur),
Prateek Jain (MSR Bangalore),
Rahul Jain (NUS, Singapore),
Neeraj Kayal (MSR Bangalore),
Satya Lokam (MSR Bangalore, co-chair),
Daniel Lokshtanov (University of Bergen, Norway),
Ruta Mehta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Manoj Prabhakaran (IIT Bombay),
Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya, Israel),
Alex Samorodnitsky (HUJI, Israel),
Srikanth Srinivasan (IIT Bombay),
Nikhil Srivastava (University of California, Berkeley),
Justin Thaler (Georgetown University),
Kasturi Varadarajan (University of Iowa),

S Akshay (IIT Bombay),
Christel Baier (TU Dresden),
Stephanie Delaune (IRISA & CNRS Rennes),
Tim French (UWA, Perth),
Prasad Jayanti (Dartmouth College),
Daniel Kroening (University of Oxford),
Ranko Lazic (University of Warwick),
Rupak Majumdar (MPI),
Stephan Merz (INRIA Nancy & LORIA),
Paritosh K. Pandya (TIFR, Mumbai),
Pavithra Prabhakar (Kansas State University),
R Ramanujam (IMSc Chennai, co-chair),
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (Universita di Torino),
Sunil Simon (IIT Kanpur),
Sonja Smets (University of Amsterdam),
B Srivathsan (CMI, Chennai),
Lidia Tendera (Uniwersytet Opolski),
Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College).
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Friday, July 21, 2017

[DMANET] Summer School "Operations Research - Machine Learning", June 25 - 29, 2018, Fréjus (French Riviera)

First Announcement

The École des Ponts ParisTech will organize a Summer School on the interactions between Operations Research and Machine Learning, which will be held June 25 - 29, 2018 in Fréjus (French Riviera), with the following lecturers:

Sébastien Bubeck (Microsoft Research): Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory
Marco Lübbecke (Aachen University): Title coming soon
Yinyu Ye (Stanford University): Data Driven Optimization and Applications

Note that it takes place precisely the week before ISMP 2018, which will also be held in France.

Website. <>

Location. Villa Clythia in Fréjus, a wonderful resort of the French Riviera

Dates. June 25 - 29, 2018

Registrations. Not open yet

Organizers. Axel Parmentier (first name dot last name @ enpc dot fr) and Frédéric Meunier

Sponsor. The "Operations Research and Machine Learning" chair of Air France and École des Ponts ParisTech

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[DMANET] Research Assistant Mathematical Optimization [German]

[apologies: as a proficient command of the German language is indispensable
for this post, the opening is in German]

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in E13

Mathematik, Informatik oder Operations Research

RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl für Operations Research

Unser Profil

Am Lehrstuhl für Operations Research der Rheinisch-Westfälischen
Technischen Hochschule Aachen ( ist ab sofort eine
Stelle in Vollzeit als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Wissenschaftlicher
Mitarbeiter zu besetzen. Diskrete Mathematik, theoretische Informatik und
Operations Research bilden den interdisziplinären Hintergrund der
Arbeitsgruppe. Unsere Interessen sind ganzzahlige und kombinatorische
Optimierung, algorithmische Graphentheorie, Scheduling, Algorithm
Engineering, und verwandte methoden-orientierte Bereiche des Operations
Research. Grundlagenforschung und praktische Anwendungen gehen Hand in Hand.

Insbesondere ist der Lehrstuhl für die wissenschaftliche, und zum Teil auch
informationstechnische Begleitung des "carpe diem!" Projekts an der RWTH
federführend: dort sind wir für die optimierte Hörsaal- und Terminplanung
sämtlicher Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen verantwortlich.

Ihr Profil

Sie haben zum Zeitpunkt der Einstellung ein Hochschulstudium (Master oder
vergleichbar) in Mathematik oder Informatik mit weit überdurchschnittlichem
Erfolg abgeschlossen. Sie besitzen vertiefte Kenntnisse in der
mathematischen (insb. ganzzahligen) Optimierung in Theorie und Praxis (z.B.
aus Ihrer Abschlussarbeit). Idealerweise bringen Sie einerseits große
mathematisch-wissenschaftliche Begabung mit und sind andererseits an der
Lösung echter praktischer Probleme sehr interessiert. Eine generell große
Computeraffinität und sehr gute Implementationskenntnisse sind daher
unerlässlich. Persönliches Engagement, Durchhaltevermögen, hohes
Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Kreativität und Team- und
Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sind Eigenschaften, die wir an Ihnen sehr
schätzen. Hervorragende Deutschkenntnisse sind unverzichtbar.

Bitte übersenden Sie mit Ihrer Bewerbung zusätzlich zu den üblichen
Unterlagen ein knappes Motivationsschreiben und eine PDF-Datei Ihrer
Abschlussarbeit, sofern diese schon vorliegt. Gerne beifügen können Sie
Empfehlungen oder weitere Unterlagen, die Ihre Bewerbung unterstützen.

Ihre Aufgaben

Die erfolgreiche Bewerberin/der erfolgreiche Bewerber ist verantwortlich
für den wissenschaftlichen und informationstechnischen Teil des "carpe
diem!" Projekts. Dazu gehört die Weiterentwicklung mathematischer
Optimierungsmodelle und -algorithmen, Pflege und Weiterentwicklung der
bestehenden Softwarelandschaft in Kooperation mit den bisherigen
Entwicklern und einem Team unterstützender Hiwis. Letzteres Team werden Sie
führen. Kommunikation und Kooperation mit weiteren Angehörigen der RWTH
machen Sie zu einem Knotenpunkt in diesem Projekt.

Das Anstreben einer Promotion wird erwartet; die Möglichkeit dazu wird
gegeben. Das Thema "Optimierung von Semester- und Prüfungsplänen" hat sehr
reizvolle Fragen auch aus z.B. spieltheoretischer Sicht und auch aus Sicht
der ganzzahligen und robusten Optimierung. Generell muss das
Promotionsthema aber nicht an das Projekt gebunden sein.

Unser Angebot

Die Einstellung erfolgt im Beschäftigtenverhältnis. Die persönlichen
Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein.

Die Stelle ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen und befristet auf
zunächst ein Jahr. Eine Verlängerung bis zum Ende des Jahres 2020 ist
möglich und erwünscht.

Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle.

Eine Promotionsmöglichkeit besteht. Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach
TV-L E13.

Die RWTH ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.

Wir wollen an der RWTH Aachen besonders die Karrieren von Frauen fördern
und freuen uns daher über Bewerberinnen.

Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung
bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern sie in der Organisationseinheit
unterrepräsentiert sind und sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers
liegende Gründe überwiegen.

Bewerbungen geeigneter schwerbehinderter Menschen sind ausdrücklich

Für Vorabinformationen steht Ihnen

Herr Prof. Dr. Marco Lübbecke
zur Verfügung.

Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie bitte bis zum 11.08.2017 an

Prof. Dr. Marco Lübbecke
Lehrstuhl für Operations Research
Kackertstr. 7
D-52072 Aachen

Gerne können Sie Ihre Bewerbung auch per E-Mail an senden (bevorzugt, bitte als einzelne
PDF-Datei). Bitte beachten Sie, dass Gefährdungen der Vertraulichkeit und
der unbefugte Zugriff Dritter bei einer Kommunikation per unverschlüsselter
E-Mail nicht ausgeschlossen werden können.

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Thursday, July 20, 2017

[DMANET] Call for Papers - Discrete Applied Mathematics Special Volume CTW2017

*Call for Papers**
**Special Issue Discrete Applied Mathematics**
**15th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
(CTW 2017)**

The Cologne-Twente Workshops on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
have a long tradition of by now annual
events that are organized alternatingly by several academic research
groups at European universities.
The CTW 2017 took place at the University of Cologne (Cologne, Germany)
on June 6-8, 2017.

CTW Workshops usually publish a selection of fully refereed papers in a
special issue of the prestigious
journal ''Discrete Applied Mathematics'' (DAM). Topics either have been
presented at the conference or are
otherwise close to the workshop themes. Submissions of contributions are
welcome also from researchers who
have not personally attended the workshop.

The deadline for submission to this issue is September 29, 2017, in
order to publish the articles as quickly as
possible. If needed, however, extensions of the deadline may be obtained
upon request.

The submission of your contribution should be done via the Elsevier
Editorial System (accessible through the
DAM homepage []
). The special issue is referred to as
"Special Issue: CTW 2017" within the DAM submission system.

Instructions for authors can be found at:

Please see Author Instructions on the site if you have not yet submitted
a paper through this web-based system.
Be sure to note that your work is intended for the Special Issue and to
select the article type
"Special Issue: CTW 2017" so that your paper is assigned to the guest

Papers will be subject to a strict review process managed by the guest
editors and accepted papers will be published
online individually, before print publication.

Guest Editors:

Bert Randerath (TH Cologne)
Heiko Röglin (University of Bonn)
Britta Peis (RWTH Aachen)
Oliver Schaudt (RWTH Aachen)
Rainer Schrader (University of Cologne)
Frank Vallentin (University of Cologne)

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[DMANET] Saint Petersburg Academic University is looking for a Lead Bioinformatics Scientist

We are looking for a full-time senior bioinformatics researcher for St.
Petersburg Academic University, the first and the only university in the
Russian Academy of Sciences, with one of the leading CS programs in Russia.

SPbAU was established in 1997 by the highly acclaimed physicist and Nobel
Prize laureate Zhores Alferov as a research and educational facility for
physics and IT. It is one of the very few state-accredited universities in
Russia to provide advanced BSc/MSc programs in cutting-edge computer
science fields, including bioinformatics or data science.

With a lack of bureaucracy in regards to the educational process, the
academic staff at SPbAU has exceptional flexibility in developing and
updating curriculum to keep up with the students' progress and recent
advancements in the rapidly changing world of computer science.

All students enrolled in the program stand out for their talent and great
potential, thanks to highly competitive entrance examinations. A third of
the freshmen had won prizes at the All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad for
high school students (the oldest and most reputable nationwide competition
in the country). In 2015, SPbAU had a highest average USE (Unified State
Exam) score among all Russian universities.

The Lead Bioinformatics Scientist will be responsible for:


setting up a computational research lab in the Academic University,

supervising PhD/MSc/BSc students on research projects,

teaching courses and supervise the curriculum.

You will get access to the brightest CS students of the Academic University
and Russia.

Desired Skills and Experience:


PhD or Postdoc in Bioinformatics or Computer Science.

Great track record in research (published tools & papers, collaborations

Experience in graduate students supervision (MSc or PhD).

Experience in teaching.

Extreme self-sufficiency and self-direction – you will set your own
research goals and directions, and you will direct others.



Salary is about 150000 Russian rubles/month (can be discussed)

Funds to hire students.

Please send your CV, list of publications, references and any additional
information to

Kind regards,
Uliana Egina
Recruiter in Incubator
LinkedIn <>
Telegram <>
The Drive to Develop

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[DMANET] Research Fellowship in Complex Networks - University of Melbourne

The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne is currently looking to fill a two year Research Fellowship in Optimization and Machine Learning of Disrupted Flows in Complex Networks, aimed towards understanding, design and management of resilient networked systems.

You will work with a multidisciplinary team working on challenges at the interface of research fields such as graph theory, data analysis, computer science, operations research, and statistics.

Position description:
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

[DMANET] Reminder: WINE 2017 deadline is on Aug 2nd.

Reminder: WINE 2017 Deadline is in roughly 2 weeks, on Aug 2nd. The
conference will be held during December 17-20, 2017, at the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

The CFP is here.

Submission server is here:

Some points to raise awareness.

1. A selection of papers accepted to the conference is invited to
2. WINE has had the best paper award for a couple of years now. In some
years the committee has chosen not to give the award to any paper, but the
option has been there.
3. WINE is seen as being narrower than EC, and some subset of the EC
community doesn't typically submit to WINE. We would like to broaden the
scope of WINE to include all those topics covered in EC. In particular, we
welcome and encourage papers from the AI, OR, and Econ communities.
4. We also welcome experimental papers, and in particular papers that
have both a theoretical and an experimental part are strongly encouraged.

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[DMANET] [CP / ICLP / SAT 2017] Call for Participation, early registration deadline July 24, 2017

CP / ICLP / SAT 2017: Call for Participation

This year CP, ICLP and SAT 2017 will be co-located in Melbourne, Australia
from August 28th to September 1st, 2017 (the week immediately following
2017). We invite researchers, practitioners and businesses in the areas of
Constraint Programming (CP), Logic Programming (LP), and Boolean
satisfiability (SAT) to register and attend this unique scientific trifecta.

In addition to the main technical tracks and the thematic tracks, CP, ICLP
and SAT 2017 will feature a series of co-located workshops, and a co-located
Doctoral Program with funding available to support a limited number of

The early registration for all three conferences is July 24, 2017.

Below you'll find more information about the and the registration.

Venue & accommodation

CP, ICLP, and SAT 2017 will be held August 28 to September 1, 2017 at the
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (the X marks the spot).

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Venue and visa information

There are many accommodation options in the proximity of the venue, so that
you can comfortably reach the conference. Our accommodation page includes
special promotions for the attendants of CP, ICLP and SAT 2017

Accommodation information

The events

CP 2017

The 23rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (CP 2017) is the 23rd edition of the annual conference on all
aspects of computing with constraints, including: theory, algorithms,
environments, languages, models, systems, and applications such as decision
making, resource allocation, scheduling, configuration, and planning.

More information at
Registration at

ICLP 2017

Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, the International
Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) has been the premier international
event for presenting research in logic programming. ICLP 2017 is the 33rd
edition of ICLP.

More information at
Registration at

SAT 2017

SAT 2017 is the 20th edition of the International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), the premier annual meeting for
researchers focusing on the theory and applications of the propositional
satisfiability problem, broadly construed.

More information at
Registration at

Invited speakers

CP, ICLP and SAT 2017 will host co-located plenary talks, by

- Agostino Dovier, University of Udine
- Holger Hoos, University of British Columbia and Universiteit Leiden
- Mark Wallace, Opturion and Monash University
- Nina Narodytska, VMWare Research
- Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University

Doctoral Program

CP, ICLP and SAT 2017 will also host a co-located doctoral program, a place
student researchers to discuss ongoing work in a relaxed atmosphere, as
well as
getting some mentoring from an experienced researcher in the field.

More information at


CP, ICLP and SAT 2017 are also made possible by our generous sponsors and
donors. Please take some time to check them out on our Sponsors & Donors

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

[DMANET] Call for participation - Summer School on Network Performance Evaluation and Optimization (28.8.-1.9.2017)

Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to the summer school on network
performance evaluation and optimization, which takes place from 28. August
to 1. September, 2017 at TU Chemnitz, Germany:
The registration is now open. Please forward the CfP to interested
colleagues, researchers and students.
Thomas Bauschert

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Chair for Communication Networks
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bauschert
D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany
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Monday, July 17, 2017

[DMANET] DCC '18 special session: Computation over Compressed Data

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the next *Data Compression Conference* (DCC
'18) will feature a special session on *Computation over Compressed Data*.
This session extends the special sessions at DCC '14 and '16 on Compact
Data Structures, and we invite you to submit interesting new results you
may have both on *compact data structures* and on *compression-aware
algorithms* (i.e., those that run faster on compressible inputs).

The session will be an opportunity for members of our community to confer
with each other and reinforce our topics' relevance to the wider field of
data compression. If we receive enough suitable papers, we will arrange a
special issue of *Information and Computation* for extended versions of
some of them. Selected papers from the 2014 and 2016 sessions were invited
to special issues of the *Journal of Discrete Algorithms* (published March
2017) and *Algorithmica* (in preparation).

Papers are due by *November 1st*, 2017 (23:59 PST) and the conference will
take place from March 27th to 30th, in Snowbird, Utah (a premier ski resort
in the Rocky Mountains). The DCC submission process (see will allow authors to direct
their papers to the special session, but submissions will be otherwise
handled in the same way, will be subject to the same review process and, if
accepted, will be included in the same proceedings.

Best regards,
Travis Gagie and Gonzalo Navarro
(session co-chairs)

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Friday, July 14, 2017

[DMANET] ANALCO18 accepting submissions until 3 August 2017

All submissions are welcome for ANALCO18 until 3 August 2017.

The Call for Papers for the Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO18) is available here: <>

ANALCO18 will occur 8-9 January 2018, in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).

ANALCO occurs as a session within the SODA meeting.

The deadline for submissions is 3 August 2017.

Submissions can be uploaded to EasyChair: <>

Please feel welcome to send this information broadly.

Best wishes,
Markus Nebel and Stephan Wagner
ANALCO18 Co-chairs <> <>

Prof. Dr. Markus Nebel
AG Algorithmik & Bioinformatik
Universität Bielefeld

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[DMANET] Helsinki ICT Network: Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students (deadline July 30, 2017)

The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information and
Communications Technology (HICT) is a joint initiative by Aalto
University and the University of Helsinki, the two leading universities
within this area in Finland. The network involves at present over 60
professors and over 200 doctoral students, and the participating units
graduate altogether more than 40 new doctors each year.

The activities of HICT are structured along five research area specific

Algorithms and machine learning
Life science informatics
Networks, networked systems and services
Software and service engineering and systems
User centered and creative technologies

The supervising professors of HICT, whose research groups you can apply
to join via this call, are listed at "".
For more information on the call, go to "".

The online application form closes July 30, 2017 at midnight Finnish
time. For more information and application instructions, see
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[DMANET] 20 Postdoctoral Researchers in Computer Science (Helsinki, Finland)

Aalto University is looking for excellent researchers in several areas
of Computer Science. For the full call text, topic descriptions and
information about the application process, please visit The deadline for
the call is September 24, 2017 Finnish time.
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[DMANET] PhD program in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) - University of Brescia

The University of Brescia offers a new PhD program in /Analytics for
Economics and Management/ (AEM) with courses starting in November. The
PhD program aims at giving answers to the need of expertsin the high
leveluse of data for decision making, with a state of the art education
on a variety oftools and techniques andresearch projects oriented to a
broad range of applications.

The PhD program will cover the areas of:

-Operations Research


-Economics and Finance

Details on the PhD program can be found at

Motivated and committed students with interest in operations research
are encouragedto applyfor one of the 8 places, 6 of which are with
fellowships. Details on how to apply can be found at

M.Grazia Speranza


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Thursday, July 13, 2017

[DMANET] FCT 2017 - Early registration ends on July 16th


*** Second Call for Participation ***

FCT 2017

21st International Symposium on
Fundamentals of Computation Theory

September 11-13, 2017
Bordeaux, France


*** Registration is now open at
*** Early registration: July 16, 2017.



The Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) was established in 1977 for researchers interested in all aspects of theoretical computer science, and in particular algorithms, complexity, formal and logical methods. FCT is a biennial conference. The last preceding Symposia were held in Gdansk, Liverpool, Oslo, Wrocław, Budapest, Lübeck.

FCT 2017 will take place in Bordeaux, which is located in the South West of France. The region is famous for its wines and its gastronomy. The city centre of Bordeaux is classified at the Unesco World Heritage.


There will be four invited talks at FCT 2017. The invited speakers are:

- Thomas Colcombet (CNRS, Université Paris Diderot, France).
- Martin Dietzfelbinger (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Allemagne).
- Juraj Hromkovic (ETH Zürich, Suisse).
- Anca Muscholl (Université de Bordeaux, France).

There will also be one invited talk in memoriam of Zoltan Esik given by:

- Jean-Eric Pin (CNRS, Université Paris Diderot, France).

ACCEPTED PAPERS (in submission order)

1. Christof Löding and Christopher Spinrath. Decision Problems for Subclasses of Rational Relations over Finite and Infinite Words
2. Max Kanovich, Stepan Kuznetsov and Andre Scedrov. Undecidability of the Lambek calculus extended with subexponential and bracket modalities
3. Endre Boros, Ondrej Cepek and Kazuhisa Makino. Strong Duality in Horn Minimization
4. Joost Engelfriet and Andreas Maletti. Multiple Context-free Tree Grammars and Multi-Component Tree Adjoining Grammars
5. George Manoussakis. Listing all fixed length simple cycles in sparse graphs in optimal time
6. Emmanuel Filiot, Nicolas Mazzocchi and Jean-François Raskin. Decidable Weighted Expressions with Presburger Combinators
7. Holger Petersen. Busy Beaver Scores and Alphabet Size
8. Pierre Ganty and Elena Gutiérrez. Parikh Image of Pushdown Automata
9. Matthias Bentert, Till Fluschnik, André Nichterlein and Rolf Niedermeier. Parameterized Aspects of Triangle Enumeration
10. Dariusz Dereniowski, Andrzej Lingas, Mia Persson, Dorota Urbańska and Paweł Żyliński. The Snow Team Problem (Clearing Directed Subgraphs by Mobile Agents)
11. Anurag Anshu, Peter Høyer, Mehdi Mhalla and Simon Perdrix. Contextuality in multipartite pseudo-telepathy graph games
12. Alexander Shen. Automatic Kolmogorov complexity and normality revisited
13. Tomasz Jurdzinski and Michał Różański. Deterministic Oblivious Local Broadcast in the SINR Model
14. Jérémie Cabessa and Olivier Finkel. Expressive Power of Evolving Neural Networks Working on Infinite Input Streams
15. Maxime Crochemore, Alice Héliou, Gregory Kucherov, Laurent Mouchard, Solon Pissis and Yann Ramusat. Minimal absent words in a sliding window & applications to on-line pattern matching
16. Luc Sanselme and Simon Perdrix. Determinism and Computational Power of Real Measurement-based Quantum Computation
17. Nicolas Bousquet, Aline Parreau and Arnaud Mary. Token Jumping in minor-closed classes
18. Christian Engels, Raghavendra Rao B V and Karteek Sreenivasaiah. On depth five Sum-Power-Sum-Power-Sum Circuits: The Role of Middle Σ Fan-in, Homogeneity and Bottom Degree.
19. Albert Atserias, Phokion Kolaitis and Simone Severini. Generalized Satisfiability Problems via Operator Assignments
20. Till Fluschnik, Marco Morik and Manuel Sorge. The Complexity of Routing with Few Collisions
21. Pushkar Joglekar, Raghavendra Rao B V and Siddhartha Sivakumar. On Weak-Space Complexity over Complex Numbers
22. Dima Grigoriev and Vladimir Podolskii. Tropical Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and Fewnomials Testing
23. Gianluca De Marco, Tomasz Jurdziński, Michał Różański and Grzegorz Stachowiak. Subquadratic Non-adaptive Threshold Group Testing
24. Aris Pagourtzis, Giorgos Panagiotakos and Dimitris Sakavalas. Reliable communication via semilattice properties of partial knowledge
25. Indranil Banerjee and Dana Richards. New Results On Routing Via Matchings On Graphs
26. Markus Blaeser, Raghavendra Rao B V and Jayalal Sarma. Testing Equivalence of Polynomials under Scaling
27. Charis Papadopoulos and Spyridon Tzimas. Polynomial-time algorithms for the subset feedback vertex set problem on interval graphs and permutation graphs
28. Andreas Bärtschi and Thomas Tschager. Energy-efficient fast delivery by mobile agents
29. Kord Eickmeyer and Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi. FO Model Checking on Map Graphs


For more details, please visit the FCT 2017 website: (now open for registration).

For further information, please send an e-mail

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