Tuesday, January 29, 2019

[DMANET] Conference on graphs, networks and their applications in Moscow SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT


Dear Colleagues,
The 2019 Conference on Graphs, Networks, and their Applications will be held in Moscow on May 13-18.
The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in graph and hypergraph theory, random graphs and complex networks.
There will be a number of invited and contributed talks.
Plenary speakers include:
• Armen Asratian (Linköping University, Sweden)
• Nikhil Bansal (Eindhoven University of Technology)
• Stefano Boccaletti (CNR- Institute of Complex Systems, Florence, Italy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China)
• Colin Cooper (King's College London)
• Reinhard Diestel (University of Hamburg)
• Santo Fortunato (Indiana University Bloomington)
• Ehud Friedgut (Weizmann Institute)
• David Gamarnik (MIT)
• Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven University of Technology)
• Alexander Kostochka (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
• Michael Krivelevich (Tel-Aviv University)
• Daniela Kühn (University of Birmingham)
• Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)
• Dhruv Mubayi (University of Illinois at Chicago)
• Marc Noy (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
• Deryk Osthus (University of Birmingham)
• János Pach (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
• Panos Pardalos (University of Florida)
• Romualdo Pastor-Satorras (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
• Bruce Reed (McGill University)
• Joel Spencer (NYU)
• Benjamin Sudakov (ETH)
• Lutz Warnke (Georgia Institute of Technology)
• Paul Wollan (University of Rome)
• Jozsef Balogh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) tentatively
• Peter Frankl (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) tentatively
• Ravi Kumar (Google) tentatively
• VojtÄ›ch Rödl (Emory University) tentatively
• Ola Svensson (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) tentatively

If you wish to attend, please register following the link on the webpage.

Registration fee:
• Full rate - €100
• Reduced rate - €0
Reduced rate applies to students.

Call for contributed talks:

A limited number of contributed talks will be included in the program of the conference. When registering, please indicate as soon as possible if you wish to give a talk. The abstracts of the talks should be submitted by 01.03.2019. A decision will be made by 15.03.2019.

For information concerning visas, getting to the venue, and accommodation, please consult the conference webpage https://mipt.ru/education/chairs/dm/conferences/workshop-on-graphs-networks-and-their-applications-may-13-18-moscow-2019.php
Organizing committee
• Andrei M. Raigorodskii (MIPT, Yandex)
• Andrei Kupavskii (MIPT, University of Oxford)
• Liudmila Prokhorenkova (MIPT, Yandex)
• Maxim Zhukovskii (MIPT)
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