Wednesday, October 30, 2019

[DMANET] Research School on Graph Packing

LMS Research School on Graph Packing

We are inviting applications for participation in a research school on
"Graph Packing":

19 - 25 April 2020,
in Eastbourne, UK.

- Felix Joos (University of Hamburg, Germany): "Regularity and absorbing
for packing"
- Diana Piguet (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague): "Random processes
and packings"
- Alexey Pokrovskiy (Birkbeck, University of London): "Rainbow matchings
and packings"

Plenary Speakers:
- Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- VojtÄ›ch Rödl (Emory University, USA)
- Peter Keevash (University of Oxford, UK)

Organisers: Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jozef Skokan  (London School of

Application deadline: 31.1.2020

More information & application form at:



The application of random processes, the regularity method, and the
absorbing method are three powerful modern techniques in Extremal
Combinatorics which featured in many significant advances in the field
over the last 20 years. One topic that brings all these three approaches
together is that of graph and hypergraph packing. Packing problems study
conditions under which copies of different graphs can be embedded
edge-disjointly into a given host graph. There are applications of this
in such diverse areas as information theory, computational complexity,
computational biology, experiment design, and the theory of
combinatorial games. With the help of the above-mentioned techniques,
celebrated breakthroughs were recently possible on a number of
long-standing and difficult questions in this area.

The purpose of this Research School is to introduce young researchers to
these problems, results, and techniques, and to explore open questions
in the field and in related research areas.

The research school is financially supported by the London Mathematical
Society and the Heibronn Institute for Mathematical Science. Limited
need-based financial support is available for participants.

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