Wireless Sensor Networks
Polo Didattico delle Piagge, Giacomo Matteotti, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Pisa, Italy, September 9-10, 2020
The Organization Committee (OC) is committed to ALGO 2020 aware of the
pandemic situation for the COVID-19 outbreak, announced by the World Health
Organization. As already happened for other conferences, the OC is
preparing backup plans such as moving the events or (partially) running
them in a virtual way. What is most important is that the scientific
activity of the Programme Committees of the ALGO conferences is not
suspended or stopped: peer review, accepted papers, camera ready and
proceedings will be accomplished as usual. As for the talks and the
participation, the health and safety of our community is our priority:
attending and giving the talks will be safe, and virtual presence will be
possible in case of remaining safety concerns or travel restrictions.
The ALGOSENSORS symposium aims to bring together research contributions
related to diverse algorithmic aspects of sensor networks, wireless
networks as well as distributed robotics, both from a theoretical and an
experimental perspective. This year ALGOSENSORS has three tracks:
- (A) Algorithms and Theory
- (B) Distributed and Mobile
- (C) Wireless Sensor Networks and Emergent applications
Each paper will be initially submitted to a single track but will be
handled by the same program committee. The program committee will make sure
that all papers are reviewed by PC members in the expertise area.
Link: http://algo2020.di.unipi.it/ALGOSENSORS2020/index.html
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=algosensors2020
Important Dates
Abstract registration deadline April 15, 2020
Submission deadline April 22, 2020
ALGOSENSORS is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic
aspects of wireless networks. Originally focused on sensor networks, it now
covers algorithmic issues arising in wireless networks of all types of
computational entities, static or mobile, including sensor networks,
sensor-actuator networks, autonomous robots. The focus is on the design and
analysis of algorithms, models of computation, and experimental analysis.
It is colocated with ALGO 2020.
List of Possible Topics
Complexity and Computability
Computational Models
Experimental Analysis
Performance Evaluation
Systems and Testbeds
Cyber Physical Systems
Game Theoretic Aspects
Social Networks and Algorithms
Communication Protocols
Fault Tolerance and Dependability
Data Aggregation and Fusion
Routing and Data Propagation
Energy Management
Infrastructure Discovery
Mobility and Dynamics
Obstacle Avoidance
Swarm Computing
Time Synchronization
Topology Control
Delivery with Drones
Smart Farming
Precision Agriculture
Precise Localization
Autonomous Navigation
Wireless Sensor Networks
Ad-Hoc Networks
Internet of Things
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair server at:
The submissions must contain original results that have not already been
published and are not concurrently submitted to a journal or conference
with published proceedings. Each paper should select one of the two tracks
(Algorithms & Theory or Experiments & Applications). Authors need to ensure
that for each accepted paper at least one author will register and attend
the symposium.
Submissions are limited to twelve (12) single-column pages in the LNCS
format. This includes figures, but excludes references and an optional
appendix (to be read at the program committees discretion). Authors should
consult Springer's authors' guidelines and use their proceedings templates,
either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.
Accepted papers will be published as ALGOSENSORS 2020 post-proceedings in
the Springer LNCS series. Springer encourages authors to include their
ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each
paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete
and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the
copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper.
Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the
authorship of the papers cannot be made.
Steering Committee
Josep Diaz, U.P. Catalunya, Spain
Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik U., Iceland
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, U. of Southern California, USA
P.R. Kumar, Texas A&M U., USA
Sotiris Nikoletseas, U. of Patras and CTI, Greece (Chair)
Jose Rolim, U. of Geneva
Paul Spirakis, U. of Patras and CTI, Greece
Adam Wolisz, T.U. Berlin, Germany
Program committee
John Augustine, IIT Madras, India
Stefano Carpin, Univ. of California, Merced, USA
Jérémie Chalopin, CNRS Marseille, France
Mattia D'Emidio, Univ. of L'Aquila, Italy
Irene Finocchi, Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Italy
Paola Flocchini, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
Leszek Gasieniec, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Subrahmanyam Kalyanasundaram, IIT Hyderabad, India
Ralf Klasing, CNRS Bordeaux, France
Irina Kostitsyna, TU/e, Netherlands
Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece
Dominik PajÄ…k, Wroclaw Univ., Poland
Giuseppe Prencipe, Univ. of Pisa, Italy
Tomasz Radzik, King's College London, UK
Christian Scheideler, Paderborn University, Germany
Mordohay Shalom, Institute of Technology, Israel
Dimitrios Zorbas, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork,
Vlady Ravelomanana, CNRS Paris Diderot, France
Christopher Thraves, U. Concepcion, Chile
Theofanis P. Raptis, IIT-CNR Pisa, Italy
Miguel A. Mosteiro, Pace U., USA
Xavier Defago, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Amitabha Bagchi, IIT Delhi, India
Alfredo Navarra, Univ. of Perugia, Italy
Cristina M. Pinotti, Univ. of Perugia, Italy
Publicity Chair
Francesco Betti Sorbelli, MS&T Rolla, USA
Contact: All questions about submissions should be emailed to
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
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