Saturday, May 30, 2020

[DMANET] The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Networks 20--22 OCTOBER 2020 Canada

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The 2nd *International Workshop on Machine Learning for Next *
*Generation Systems and Networks (MLNGSN'2020) *

*to be held in conjunction with IEEE ISNCC 2020*

*20-21-22 OCTOBER* * 2020, Montreal, Canada.*

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit Full Papers to the second
International Workshop on Machine Learning for Next Generation Systems and
Networks Workshop co-located with IEEE ISNCC 2020, will be held on June
16-18, 2019 Montreal, Canada.

The future network world will be embedded with many network architectures
such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), Internet of things (IoT), Cloud
networks (CN), Fetmocellus networks (FN), Vehicular networks (VN), and
others. As innovative services and applications arise in these network
architectures, network management service approaches will need to support
scalability and robustness in a more proactive and intelligent fashion.

In recent years, Machine learning (ML) techniques have shown promise to be
powerful tools in various domains, such as computer vision, natural
language processing (NLP), speech recognition, computational biology, and
others. Motivated by these successes, researchers all over the world have
recently started to investigate applications of this technology to deal
with problems ranging from radio access technology (RAT) selection to
low-latency communication, to low energy consumption in WSN, to manage a
massive number of IoT devices in real-time as well as the development of
networked systems that support machine learning practices.

The objective of this Workshop is to bring together researchers to discuss
recent developments related to all aspects of machine learning applied to
communication and networking systems.


Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished papers to this
Workshop. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Machine learning applied to 5G
- Machine learning for next-generation wireless networks
- Machine learning for next-generation cognitive networks
- Machine learning for communication and network resource optimization
- Machine learning for communication and network operation and control
- Machine learning applied to WSN Applications
- Machine learning applied WSN Data Management
- Machine learning applied to WSN Data processing
- Machine learning applied to IoT Applications
- Machine learning applied IoT Data Management
- Machine learning applied to IoT Data processing
- Machine learning applied to Vehicular network applications
- Performance analysis of machine learning algorithms in next generation

==========Submission Link: ============

==========Technically sponsored by: ==========
IEEE and IEEE ComSoc


*Dr. M.Lahby*

Laboratory of Mathematics and Applications, University Hassan II, Ecole
Normale Supérieure (ENS) Casablanca, Morocco
GSM : +212 6 65 29 23 76
In the world of Linux, who needs Windows and Gates

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Friday, May 29, 2020

[DMANET] CFP: IEEE Int. Conferences (ISPA, BDCloud, SocialCom, SustainCom) in Exeter, England, UK, 15-17 October 2020

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]

*** IEEE (ISPA-2020, BDCloud-2020, SocialCom-2020, SustainCom-2020
International Conferences ***

To be held in Exeter, England, UK, 15-17 October 2020.

The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing with Applications (ISPA-2020)

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing

The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and
Communications (SustainCom-2020)

Sponsored by

IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable
Computing (TCSC)



Workshop/Special Session Proposal Due: 1 May 2020

Paper Submission Deadline: 1 July 2020

Authors Notification: 18 August 2020

Camera-Ready Paper Due: 8 September 2020

Early Registration Due: 8 September 2020

Conference Date: 15-17 October 2020



All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
websites with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not
be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8
pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and
references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two
columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). You can confirm the IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at

Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). The
authors of selected papers will be invited to extend their contributions
for special issues of prestigious journals.

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]

*** IEEE (ISPA-2020, BDCloud-2020, SocialCom-2020, SustainCom-2020
International Conferences ***

To be held in Exeter, England, UK, 15-17 October 2020.

The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing with Applications (ISPA-2020)

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing

The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and
Communications (SustainCom-2020)

Sponsored by

IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable
Computing (TCSC)



Workshop/Special Session Proposal Due: 1 May 2020

Paper Submission Deadline: 1 July 2020

Authors Notification: 18 August 2020

Camera-Ready Paper Due: 8 September 2020

Early Registration Due: 8 September 2020

Conference Date: 15-17 October 2020



All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
websites with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not
be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8
pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and
references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two
columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). You can confirm the IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at

Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). The
authors of selected papers will be invited to extend their contributions
for special issues of prestigious journals.

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[DMANET] ICPR-Americas 2020 - Update - COVID-19

[Apologies for multiple cross-posting]

The 10th International Conference of Production Research - Americas 2020
- ICPR-Americas2020 -
December 9-11, 2020
Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Dear colleagues,

We wanted to tell you some news regarding "The International Conference of Production Research - Americas" ICPR- Americas 2020.

COVID-19 Update:

Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, we have decided to held the ICPR-Americas 2020 conference in VIRTUAL form.

The new features of ICPR-Americas 2020 are:

* ICPR-Americas 2020 will be a "Virtual Conference".
* The submission and review process will be carried out as previously announced (see details on the website of the conference).
* Papers accepted for presentation will be delivered virtually on a streaming platform. Registered authors will present the papers at the virtual conference.
* Registration is mandatory. Please consult the updated registration information.
* Indexed (post-conference) publications maintain the same conditions published on the conference website.

Please, keep updated:

Additionally, the important dates are:

* Full papers and extended abstracts due: July 31st, 2020
* Acceptance notification: October 20th, 2020
* Deadline for final papers: November 4th, 2020
* Conference dates: 9th, 10th and 11th December 2020

Submissions can be made through:

For Submissions Guidelines and templates, visit:

For Registration information and fees, visit:

We would much appreciate your colaboration with the difussion of these news.

The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you all to a fruitful virtual conference with open discussions inside and across the different fields involved in the conference.

ICPR-Americas 2020 committee

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[DMANET] Open Problem Session and GraphMasters workshop held @ IWOCA 2020 (online)

Open Problem Session and GraphMasters workshop held @ IWOCA 2020 (online)


Since its earliest gatherings, the International (originally Australasian)
Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) has had collaborative problem
solving as an essential part of its meetings. This takes place alongside
the formal progamme of invited and contributed talks, although there is now
one timetabled meeting to fire-up activity! This provides an enjoyable and
fraternal element and contributes to the special nature of these workshops.

Following a well-established tradition there will be an (online) open
problems session at IWOCA 2020, on June 10 at 17:00 CEST time.

If you have an open problem you would like to present, or have presented,
at the conference, we would like to invite you to suggest it for the open
problem section. You can just write to either of the IWOCA Problem Section
Chairs (or both):

Alessio Conte (conte [at]
Gabriele Fici (gabriele.fici [at]

During and after the conference, open problems are collected and documented
on the IWOCA homepage:

Our aim is to publish each problem in the form of 1-2 page PDFs, that also
provide some background information and references for the problems, like

Please be ready to put your problem into this format if we ask you to.

To attend you must register to IWOCA 2020 at (free of charge)


For the second time, IWOCA will also host a GraphMasters workshop. The
workshop will be on June 11, and its goal is to foster collaboration
between researchers interested in graph algorithms and problems. The spirit
of the workshop is informal: (virtual) working space is provided to the
participants, who are welcome to group as they like and seek each other's
counsel and opinion. More details can be found at .

The workshop will start with participants introducing interesting
graph-related problems: ideally these should be problems that can be
introduced quickly and without excessive technical detail (which can be
further discussed later on in the working sessions), while grabbing the
attention of a wide range of graph-savy researchers.

Please send a demonstration of interest to the organizer:

Alessio Conte (conte [at]

In the email, we encourage to mention whether you have an interesting
problem to share. We also encourage to already present the problems during
the IWOCA Open Problems Session.

Best regards,
Alessio Conte and Gabriele Fici

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[DMANET] 6-year Post-Doc Position in Operations Research/Discrete Optimization

At the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the University of Graz, Austria, we are looking for a Post-Doc for a 6-year position (non extendible) in the area of Operations Research/Discrete Optimization. This full-time position can be filled from September 2020 (or upon agreement).
Note that some knowledge of German is required.
Your duties

* Independent research in Operations Research, in particular discrete optimization
* Publications in high-level international journals
* Contributing to applied research projects in Operations Research (industrial cooperations, grant-funded projects)
* Contributing to applications for grant-funded research projects
* Teaching basic courses of Mathematics and Statistics and specialized courses in Management Science
(teaching load: 4 hours per week)
* (Co-)Supervising bachelor and master theses
* Contributing to the administration of the department

Your profile

* PhD in Business Administration or Applied Mathematics with a focus on Operations Research or in a similar field
* Successful publications in discrete optimization
* International experience (e.g. cooperations, research visits, conference presentations)
* Experience in completing applied research projects (desirable)
* Very good knowledge in business mathematics and statistics
* Teaching experience at university level
* Ability to teach in German and English
* Knowledge of optimization and modelling software
* Knowledge of a current programming language (e.g. C++, Java, Python) (desirable)
* Very good knowledge of English

Deadline for applications: June 10, 2020
Detailed information can be found at

Informal inquiries can be sent to

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[DMANET] FedCSIS conference


15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS'2020)

Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-9 September, 2020

Strict submission deadline: July 3, 2020, 23:59:59 pm HST (no extensions)

(FedCSIS IEEE conference number: #49059)

Accepted regular papers, presented during the conference, will appear as a
volume of the ACSIS Series (with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers) and will be
submitted to the IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library.

***************************** COVI-19 Information

Taking into account lack of certainty that it will be possible to organize
the conference on-site (in Sofia) in September, we have decided that there
is no other way but to organize the conference 100% telepresence-based.
This decision makes us very sad, but we believe that this is the best one
we can make. This decision has consequences. First, the new conference fee
has been reduced to 150 euro. Second, since we do not have to deal with
local arrangements, we can use the extra time we have to establish the new
submission deadline. It is now July 3, 2020 for the regular papers. We are
looking forward to e-meet you.

FedCSIS organizers


Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and
associates who could be interested in it.

KEY FACTS: expected Proceedings: IEEE Digital Library; indexing: Web of
Science (since 2012); 22 Technical Sessions in 5 Tracks; Doctoral
Symposium; in 2020 a video/telepresence-based conference; conference fee
150 euro.

FedCSIS is an annual international conference, this year organized jointly
by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), IEEE Poland Section
Computer Society Chapter and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The mission of
the FedCSIS Conference Series is to provide a highly acclaimed forum in
computer science and information systems. We invite researchers from around
the world to contribute their research results and participate in Technical
Sessions focused on their scientific and professional interests in computer
science and information systems.

As in the previous years, FedCSIS 2020 will host a data mining challenge.
It will be organized on a, recently re-designed, Knowledge Pit platform:

There will also be a special session devoted to this challenge at the
FedCSIS 2020 conference.

Since 2012, Proceedings of the FedCSIS conference are indexed in the Web of
Science, SCOPUS and other indexing services. This already includes
Proceedings of FedCSIS 2018 (we are awaiting the decision for the FedCSIS
2019). Information about FedCSIS indexing / bibliometry / rankings can be
found at:


The FedCSIS 2020 consists of five conference Tracks, hosting Technical

Track 1: Artificial Intelligence
* Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications (15th Symposium AAIA'20)
* Advances in Semantic Information Retrieval (9th International Workshop
* Formal Approaches to Vagueness in Relation to Mereology (1st Symposium
* Language Technologies and Applications (5th Workshop LTA'20)
* Computational Optimization (13th Workshop WCO'20)

Track 2: Computer Science & Systems
* Advances in Computer Science & Systems (ACSS'20)
* Actors, Agents, Assistants, Avatars (1st Workshop 4A'20)
* Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (13th Workshop CANA'20)
* Multimedia Applications and Processing (13th Symposium MMAP'20)
* Scalable Computing (11th Workshop WSC'20)

Track 3: Network Systems and Applications
* Advances in Network Systems and Applications (ANSA'20)
* Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications (4rd Workshop
* Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust (1st International Forum NEMESIS'20)

Track 4: Information Systems and Technologies
* Advances in Information Systems and Technologies (AIST'20)
* Data Science in Health (DSH'19) (2nd Special Session DSH'20)
* Information Systems Management (15th Conference ISM'20)
* Knowledge Acquisition and Management (26th Conference KAM'20)

Track 5: Software and System Engineering
* Advances in Software and System Engineering (ASSE'20)
* Cyber-Physical Systems (7th Workshop IWCPS'20)
* Lean and Agile Software Development (4th International Conference LASD'20)
* Model Driven Approaches in System Development (6th Workshop MDASD'20)
* Software Engineering (40th IEEE Workshop SEW'20)

Track 6: DS-RAIT'20 - 7th Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in
Information Technology


* Christian Blum, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC),
Barcelona, Spain
Keynote title: Are you a Hybrid? Yes, of course, everyone is a Hybrid

* George Boustras, European University Cyprus
Keynote title: Critical Infrastructure Protection – on the interface of
safety and security

* Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Keynote title: From Digital Transformation to Digital Ubiquity: The Role of
Enterprise Modeling


+ Papers should be submitted by July 3, 2020 (strict deadline, no
extensions, submission system is open).

+ Preprints will be published on a USB memory stick and provided to the
FedCSIS participants.

+ Only papers presented during the conference will be submitted to the IEEE
for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library. Furthermore, proceedings,
published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers, will posted within
the conference Web portal (as a link to the ACSIS Book Series volume – open
access). Moreover, most Technical Session organizers arrange quality
journals, edited volumes, etc., and may invite selected extended and
revised papers for post-conference publications (information can be found
at the websites of individual events, or by contacting Chairs of said


+ Paper submission (strict deadline): July 3, 2020, 23:59:59 pm HST (there
will be no extension)
+ Position paper submission: July 24, 2020
+ Author notification: August 7, 2020
+ Final paper submission and registration: August 21, 2020
+ Conference date: September 6-9, 2020


Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki


FedCSIS in Social Media:
FedCSIS on Facebook:
FedCSIS on LinkedIN:
FedCSIS on Twitter:

Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

[DMANET] [ICSOC 2020]: Last call for research/industry/vision papers

[Apologies for multiple cross-posting]

The 18th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
- ICSOC 2020 -
December 14-17, 2020
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
CALL FOR PAPERS (including Research, Industry, and Vision papers)
Social links:
Submission site:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Due to ongoing uncertainty about future travel caused by COVID-19, ICSOC'2020 is monitoring the situation and will consider adequate arrangements for the presentations of accepted papers as the situation evolves. We will update this information on a regular basis.

Special issues

As per its tradition, ICSOC 2020 will feature two special issues in high impact journals. In fact, a selection of the top accepted papers will be invited for special issues in the following journals:

1. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (

2. Computing, Springer. (

ICSOC, the International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, is the premier international forum for academics, industry researchers, developers, and practitioners to report and share groundbreaking work in service-oriented computing. ICSOC fosters cross-community scientific excellence by gathering experts from various disciplines, such as business-process management, distributed systems, computer networks, wireless and mobile computing, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, networking, scientific workflows, services science, data science, management science, and software engineering.

ICSOC provides a high-quality forum for presenting results and discussing ideas that further our knowledge and understanding of the various aspects (e.g. application and system aspects) related to Service Computing applied to new application areas and gain insights into a variety of computing, networked, and cyber-physical systems ranging from mobile devices and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications to large-scale cloud computing systems and the smart grid.

ICSOC 2020, the 18th event in this series, will take place in Dubai, UAE from December 14 to December 17, 2020. Following on the ICSOC tradition, it will feature visionary keynote presentations, research and industry presentations, a vision track, workshops, tool demonstrations, tutorials, and a Ph.D. track. We invite interested researchers, students, practitioners, and professionals to submit their original contributions to the research and industry tracks of ICSOC 2020.

Important Dates

n Abstract submission: May 3, 2020 May 31, 2020 (Firm and Final)

n Full Paper submission: May 10, 2020 May 31, 2020 (Firm and Final)

n Notification to authors: July 31, 2020

n Camera-ready papers due: August 30, 2020

n Authors registration due: August 30, 2020

n Early registration due: October 18, 2020

n Conference: December 14-17, 2020

Areas of interest

ICSOC 2020 will be divided into three main tracks, the research track, the industry track, and the vision track. The research/industry tracks will focus on the following four main areas.

Focus Area-1: Service Oriented Technology Trends

This focus area targets outstanding, original contributions, including theoretical and empirical evaluations, as well as practical and industrial experiences, with emphasis on results that solve open research problems and have significant impact on the field of digital services and service-oriented computing.

Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:
* Service-oriented Engineering: Service design, specification, discovery, customization, composition, and deployment ; Service validation and test; Service change management; Intelligent context-aware interfaces; Theoretical foundations of Service Engineering; Transformation of monolithic applications to microservices
* Run-time Service Operations and Management: Service execution middleware; Service monitoring and adaptive management; Workload compliance management; Microservices deployment and management
* Security, privacy and trust for services: Secure service lifecycle development ; Privacy management aspects for services; Contract based security approaches; Secure service composition; Trust management for services
* Services and Data: Services for big data; Service mining and analytics; Data-provisioning services; Services related linked open data
* Services on the Cloud: Cloud service management; Cloud workflow management; Cloud brokers and coordination across multiple resource managers; XaaS (everything as a service including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS); Workload partitioning, balancing, and transformation
* Services at the Edge: Cloud and fog computing; Edge service orchestration; Lightweight service deployment and management; Quality of Service (QoS) in edge services; Security, privacy, and trust of edge services
* Services in the Internet of Things (IoT)/Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); Embedded and real-time services; RFID, sensor data, and services related to the IoT/CPS; Services for IoT/CPS platforms and applications; Service oriented protocols for IoT/CPS applications
* Services in Organizations, Business, and Society: Social networks and services; Cost and pricing of services; Service marketplaces and ecosystems; Innovative service business models
Focus Area-2: Industry 4.0 Technologies

Industry 4.0 (or smart manufacturing) sets the foundations for completely connected factories that are characterized by the digitization and interconnection of supply chains, production equipment and production lines, and the application of the latest advanced digital information technologies to manufacturing activities. The manufacturing paradigm championed by the Industry 4.0 brings together processes, software services and systems, machines, devices, IoT, sensors, valves, actuators, manufacturing systems, and connected digital factories. All these computer-driven systems create a virtual copy of the physical world and help make decentralized decisions with much higher degree of accuracy.

Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:

* Digital twins and digital threads
* Digital product management
* Digital manufacturing
* Digital transformation
* Digital reality
* Embedded systems
* Internet of Things in Industry 4.0
* 3D printing/additive manufacturing techniques
* Machine-To-Machine communication for smart manufacturing
* Smarter analytics
* Manufacturing Intelligence
* Smart factories
* Smart asset management
* Smart Cyber-Security in Industry 4.0
* Blockchain in Industry 4.0

Focus Area-3: Smart services, Smart data and Smart applications

Smart data systems and services support the processing and integration of data and services into a meaningful unified view to enable more effective decision making and problem solving. The decisive criterion here is not necessarily the amount of data or services available, but smart content techniques that promote not only the collection and accumulation of related data and services, but also its context, and understanding. This requires finding useful insights and discovering patterns and trends within the data and services to reveal a wider picture that is more relevant to the problem in hand and react to them.

Smart applications are context aware, intelligent and autonomous industrial strength applications that incorporate data-driven, actionable contextual insights into the user experience to enable users to more efficiently complete a desired task usually taking the form of recommendations, estimates, and suggested next course of actions in context.

Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:

* Smart Big Data
* Predictive Modeling
* Visualization & Augmented Reality
* Smarter Analytics
* Machine Learning
* Multidimensional Data
* Sensor Networks
* Smart cities
* Smart applications for the construction industry
* Smart transportation systems
* Smart logistics & distribution
* Smart agriculture and food chains
* Smart government
* Smart sensors & IoT for large scale industrial applications
* Traceability and Tracking
* Detection of data and key performance metrics to improve application efficiency
* Conceptual structures and knowledge architectures for smart applications
* Agile & DevOps methodologies for smart applications

Focus Area-4: Blockchain Technologies

A blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that records and stores transactions among a number of interacting parties in a network. Each transaction must be validated via a consensus mechanism executed by the network participants before being permanently added as a new "block" at the end of the "chain." Disruptive technologies such as blockchain, AI, services, and cloud enable companies and administrations to provide decentralized, trusted, transparent and user-centric digital services while enhancing user/consumer experience. These technologies have the ability to transform the way we use the internet and digital services globally. Topics that are part of this focus area may include but are not limited to:

* Blockchain in digital services
* Block chain and smart business transactions
* Block chain and smart contracts
* Blockchain in the Internet of things (IoT)
* Blockchain in cyber physical systems
* Blockchain in edge and cloud computing
* Disintermediation and collaboration mechanisms in block chains
* Peer-to-peer networks
* Block chain platforms
* Blockchain in supply chain management
* Trust and security services in block chains
* Cutting edge cipher algorithms
Paper Submission
The conference solicits outstanding original research, industry, and short (vision) papers on all aspects of service-oriented computing. Papers should clearly demonstrate the research/practical contribution(s) or a solid vision, the relevance to the field, and the relationship to prior work. Submitted papers to the research and industry tracks will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, maturity, technical quality, exposition, in addition to the practical/industrial value of the contribution (for the industry track).
The vision track solicits short papers that present new research ideas that are interesting, challenging, disruptive and have a promising technical validity but have not yet reached the maturity for the research/industry track. Papers submitted to the vision track will be evaluated based on innovation, novelty, significance, impact/far-reaching of research ideas, breakthrough, and introduction of a new research directions. All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program.
Research/Industry papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS Formatting Guidelines<>. Submissions must be in English. The limit length of accepted papers should be 15 pages for the Research/Industry track and 8 pages for the Vision (short paper) track (including abstract, figures and references) with a maximum of 2 extra paid pages (90EUR per extra page). All papers must be submitted electronically to the Conference Submission System<>. The final submission should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS Camera ready instructions.

For each accepted paper for any track, at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper. The deadline for identifying and registering this individual author will be at the time when the camera-ready version is submitted.

Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award, sponsored by Springer, will be given to the paper that the Program Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution, and impact among all the accepted papers in the research/industry tracks.
All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS<>) series.

General Chairs
Hakim Hacid, Zayed University (ZU)
Athman Bouguettaya, University of Sydney (USYD)
Program Co-chairs
Eleanna Kafeza (ZU) Boualem Benatallah (UNSW) Fabio Martinelli (IIT-CNR)

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[DMANET] ALGOSENSORS 2020: International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks


Call for Papers


16th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems,

Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and - Autonomous Mobile Entities

September 9-10, 2020 virtual event (*)

In view of the constraints imposed by the current pandemic, ALGOSENSORS
2020 announces a 2nd round deadline for submission.

Papers submitted until May 10 (AoE) will be considered as part of the 1st
round. We will follow the schedule given below.

Important dates:
First round submission: May 10 (AoE), 2020
First round of Notification: June 15, 2020
Second round submission: June 22 (AoE), 2020
Second round of Notification: July 21, 2020

Papers accepted in both rounds will appear together in the proceedings and
will be presented online together during the conference.


ALGOSENSORS 2020 is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic
aspects of wireless networks co-located with ALGO 2020. The ALGOSENSORS
symposium aims to bring together research contributions related to diverse
algorithmic aspects of sensor networks, wireless networks as well as
distributed robotics, both from a theoretical and an experimental
perspective. This year ALGOSENSORS has three tracks:

- (A) Algorithms and Theory

- (B) Distributed and Mobile

- (C) Wireless Sensor Networks and Emergent applications

Each paper will be initially submitted to a single track but will be
handled by the same program committee. The program committee will make sure
that all papers are reviewed by PC members in the expertise area.

Topics include but are not limited to:
Algorithms, Complexity and Computability, Computational Models,
Experimental Analysis, Performance Evaluation, Systems and Testbeds, Cyber
Physical Systems, Game Theoretic Aspects, Communication Protocols, Fault
Tolerance and Dependability, Data Aggregation and Fusion, Deployment,
Routing and Data Propagation, Energy Management, Infrastructure Discovery,
Localization, Mobility and Dynamics, Obstacle Avoidance, Swarm Computing,
Time Synchronization, Topology Control, Delivery with Drones, Smart
Farming, Precision Agriculture, Wireless Sensor Networks, Ad-Hoc Networks,
Internet of Things.

(*) IMPORTANT NOTE: The Organization Committee (OC) and the Chairs of ALGO
2020 decided to run the conferences online in a virtual way. What is most
important is that the scientific activity of the Programme Committees of
the ALGO conferences is not suspended or stopped: peer review, accepted
papers, camera ready and proceedings will be accomplished as usual.
Instructions for authors on how to give their talks online in the virtual
room will be provided.

Amitabha Bagchi, IIT Delhi, India
Alfredo Navarra, Univ. of Perugia, Italy
Cristina M. Pinotti, Univ. of Perugia, Italy

Program Committee
John Augustine, IIT Madras, India
Stefano Carpin, Univ. of California, Merced, USA
Jérémie Chalopin, CNRS Marseille, France
Xavier Defago, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Mattia D'Emidio, Univ. of L'Aquila, Italy
Irene Finocchi, Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Italy
Paola Flocchini, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
Leszek Gasieniec, Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Ralf Klasing, CNRS Bordeaux, France
Irina Kostitsyna, TU/e, Netherlands
Euripides Markou, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece
Miguel A. Mosteiro, Pace U., USA
Dominik Pająk, Wroclaw Univ., Poland
Giuseppe Prencipe, Univ. of Pisa, Italy
Tomasz Radzik, King's College London, UK
Theofanis P. Raptis, IIT-CNR Pisa, Italy
Vlady Ravelomanana, CNRS Paris Diderot, France
Christian Scheideler, Paderborn University, Germany
Subrahmanyam Kalyanasundaram, IIT Hyderabad, India
Mordohay Shalom, Institute of Technology, Israel
Christopher Thraves, U. Concepcion, Chile
Dimitrios Zorbas, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork,

Publicity Chair
Francesco Betti Sorbelli, MS&T Rolla, USA

Contact: All questions about submissions should be emailed to

Francesco Betti Sorbelli

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[DMANET] 12 PhD positions (all genders welcome) at Univ. Klagenfurt (Austria)

The doc.funds doctoral school Modeling -- Analysis -- Optimization of discrete,
continuous, and stochastic systems at Univ. Klagenfurt (Austria) announces 12
PhD positions.

The successful candidates will be employed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Departments for Mathematics and Statistics. The starting date is negotiable,
September, 1, 2021 at the latest, preferably October 1, 2020.

A Master's degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field and profound
knowledge in one or more of the following fields is required: discrete
optimization, combinatorics, regularization methods, parameter identification,
computational stochastics and stochastic control, dynamical systems, Bayesian

Every PhD student will have one of our faculty members (of whom 45% are female)
as supervisor and they will have a co-supervisor and an international mentor on
their side.

For further details please visit .

The direct link to the job announcement is this one:

Application deadline: 2 July 2020
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[DMANET] 2nd CFP: International Workshop on Predictive Maintenance (IWPM20) / IEEE FRUCT27

*IEEE FRUCT27 International Workshop on Predictive Maintenance (ISPM20) -
2nd CFP.*

*Submission deadline:* 15 June 2020.
*Workshop: *8 Sep. 2020, Trento, Italy.

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward to interested colleagues and
mailing lists.]

Call for Contributions

Dear All,

the International Workshop on Predictive Maintenance (IWPM20) that will be
held in Trento (Italy) provides a forum to disseminate and discuss research
in this emerging research area that is increasingly attracting industrial
and academic researchers. It will be held on 8 September 2020 in Trento, in
conjunction with FRUCT27.

*About FRUCT*
The 27th FRUCT Conference is organized by the University of Trento and the
Open Innovations Association FRUCT, a large regional cooperation framework
that promotes open innovations of academia and industry. Participants comes
from Italy, Finland, Russia, UK, Denmark, India, and other countries and
industry is primarily represented by Dell EMC, Nokia, MariaDB, Intel,
Jolla, Open Mobile Platform, Skolkovo, etc.

*Background and Workshop Objectives*
Predictive maintenance is a new trend in research and industry involving
several application domains. Where in standard maintenance models the
maintenance procedures follow the failure or are scheduled at fixed time
intervals, in Predictive maintenance monitoring data and measurement of
process performance are used to trigger equipment maintenance. This data is
often used in conjunction with analyzed historical trends to evaluate the
system health and predict breakdowns before they happen. This approach is
based on fast analysis of large amount of data, as such it needs accurate
and complete information for optimal decision-making. As big data
technology is getting a mature, systematic analysis of massive streaming
data and more advanced Machine Learning techniques have been employed for
exploring hidden patterns in the monitoring data. Predictive maintenance
has found its place in many industrial sectors, with automotive leading the
way to introduce more involved approaches that both help in scheduling
maintenance procedures and suggest plans of action to mitigate failures.
This research area finds strong links with recent methodologies and
industry trends such as the Internet of Things, to extract actionable
insights directly from the equipment, and Digital Twins, digital replicas
of the equipment to model its state and simulate its performance.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following subject
- Predictive maintenance using AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
- Modeling and optimization of processes
- Condition-based monitoring and decision support systems
- Time series based predictive maintenance
- Predictive maintenance with online data
- Fault detection and diagnosis
- Prescriptive maintenance model for decision support
- Digital Twins for fault simulation and analysis
- Estimation of Remaining Useful Life of components
- Data visualization for predictive maintenance

- Full papers (min 6 full pages and up to 12 pages)
- Short papers (min 2, max 5 pages)
- Position papers (max 2 pages)
- Poster or demo summary (min 1, max 5 pages)
All papers must include references in the allotted page limits. Please note
that an author can be a co-author of a maximum of three documents of all
Paper submission is via EasyChair accessible from the FRUCT submission
site: (LaTeX and MS Word templates are

All workshop papers will be published as Open Access in the FRUCT
Proceedings. Full papers will also be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed
by Scopus, ACM, DBLP, RSCI, Google Scholar. The FRUCT Proceedings are
included in the Scimago Journal Rank. Selected papers will be recommended
for CPCI indexing (Web of Science). FRUCT proceedings are included in DOAJ.
In addition, in case of successful presentation and recommendation by the
session chair some papers will be invited to make free of charge
publication of an extended version of the paper in the IJERTCS journal
(indexed by Scopus).

Important dates:
- Conference dates: from 7 to 9 September 2020
- Workshop dates: 8 September 2020
- Conference Location: Trento, Italy
- Early bird submission deadline: 29 May 2020
- Short Paper submission deadline: 15 June 2020
- Full Paper Submission deadline: 15 June 2020
- Notification of acceptance date: 6 July 2020
- Camera-ready submission deadline: 13 July 2020
- Authors registration deadline: 13 July 2020
- Demos/Posters submission deadline: 31 August 2020

The 27th FRUCT Conference will be hosted by the University of Trento. For
further details, please consult the IWPM20 web page ( or the homepage of the 27th FRUCT Conference (

*Organisers: *

- Fabio Viola, Centro EuroMediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC),
Lecce, Italy
- Simone Rossi Tisbeni, INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy
- Leticia Decker de Sousa, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN),
Bologna, Italy
- Luca Giommi, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Bologna,

FRUCT technical committee:

Best regards,

* ===========================*

* Letícia Decker de Sousa. Ph.D. Candidate
Data Science and Computation Università di Bologna (UNIBO) *
* ===========================*

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[DMANET] Postdoc position in Greifswald / Deutschland

At the University of Greifswald's Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, there is a job vacancy expected to be available from 01/07/2020 or for earliest possible appointment, subject to budgetary regulations, for a full-time

Research Assistant.

The fixed-term contract shall end on 30/06/2022. The position is suitable for part-time employment. Payment will be made according to pay group 13 TV-L Wissenschaft.

The position on offer is being provided within the research consortium DIG-IT!– "Digitisation of natural complexity for the solution of socially relevant ecological problems", as part of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's research excellence programme "Digitisation in Research".

The DIG-IT! project:
DIG-IT! seeks to advance digitisation, in particular deep learning, making it accessible for use in ecological sciences. For this purpose, DIG-IT! combines the developmental expertise for the automated analysis of image data (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Rostock and Biomathematics University Greifswald), as well as the mathematical expertise of the Biomathematics and Stochastics research group, with the application of the results for tackling urgent ecological questions (Botany / Landscape Ecology / Zoology University Greifswald). More information can be found here: <>
Job description:
DIG-IT! has been running since mid-2019, meaning that numerous digitisation tasks have already been concluded. The DIG-IT! consortium is thus able to access a broad variety of digitised data, ranging from bat images and bat sound recordings to tree cross-sections and pollen images and 3D root data. First analyses of this data has already been performed. The position advertised here, which belongs to the Biomathematics and Stochastics research group, shall now bring the understanding and findings gained from this data to a new level ("explorer" function). The postdoc shall ask and find the answers to new questions, which are only possible thanks to the new data: for instance, can the classification of bat image data be improved by also considering bat sound data or genetic data? Can 3D root growth be predicted if the distribution of nutrients in the soil is known? Can multidimensional data support the deep learning techniques in order to obtain useful presumptions?

There is an immense variety of mathematical, statistical and computer science questions in this project . The postdoc can therefore play an active role and make the most of his or her individual strengths and creativity in order to contribute to the level of knowledge gained by DIG-IT!. In particular, the postdoc is able to choose the mathematical and computer science tools and techniques used to tackle these questions in accordance with his/her strengths and interests.

The digitisation of image and acoustic data is not a core task of the position on offer. However, support with programme adjustment and possibly with the digitisation of some extra data are part of the job description. In particular, the successful candidate is expected to support PhD candidates with digital experience from the fields of both ecology and biomathematics with regard to aspects of machine learning.

Job requirements:

Completed PhD in (bio-)mathematics, bioinformatics, computer science or a closely related discipline
Mathematical experience, e.g. in the areas of graph theory and mathematical modelling
Sound knowledge of statistics
Knowledge in the area of machine learning
Mastery of at least one programming language; ideally Python
Excellent knowledge of the English language (both written and spoken)
Willingness to collaborate in an interdisciplinary team
Biological experience and German language proficiency are desirable, but not essential.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with outstanding qualifications, who is an enthusiastic and experienced researcher, and willing to contribute to this joint project.

This advertisement is directed at all persons, irrespective of gender.
The University would like to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented and thus applications from women are particularly welcome and will be treated with priority if they have the same qualifications and as long as there are no clear reasons which make a fellow applicant more suitable.

Severely disabled applicants with the same qualifications will be considered with preference.

In accordance with § 68(3) PersVG M-V, the Staff Council will only be involved in staff matters of the academic or artistic staff on request.

Please only submit copies of original documents with your application as these cannot be returned. Unfortunately, application costs (e.g. travel expenses for interviews) will not be reimbursed by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Applications comprising all usual documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates, list of publications) should be sent by 7June 2020, via email (one PDF file), to:

Universität Greifswald
Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Frau Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 47
17489 Greifswald <>

Do not hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions!

The official announcement can be found here:

Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer

Biomathematics and Stochastics

Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science
Greifswald University
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 47
Office 3.15
17487 Greifswald

+49 (0) 3834 420 46 43

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[DMANET] Haifa Graph Workshop—on ZOOM—June 7-8, 2020

Haifa Graph Workshop—on ZOOM—June 7-8, 2020

Registration: free but mandatory

Please visit: <>*

20th Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of
Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms

June 7-8, 2020* (Sunday – Monday)
11:00-13:00 and 16:00-17:30 Israel time*
(Sydney: +7h; Paris: -1h, London: -2h, Rio: -6h, New York: -7h, L.A.: -10h)

Sponsored by University of Haifa, Caesarea Rothschild Institute

Ignasi Sau (LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France)
Shakhar Smorodinsky (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
Meirav Zehavi (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
See the schedule below
or the website <>
Registration is free but mandatory.
Zoom details will be sent before the workshop to those registered.

General Chair: Martin Charles Golumbic <>
Program co-Chairs:* Nili Beck <>
and Michal Stern <>
Publicity and Abstracts Chair: Abhiruk Lahiri <>
Organizing Chair: Tamir Gadot <>


Session A Sunday Morning 11:00-13:00 June 7, 2020

11:00-11:45 Shakhar Smorodinsky (invited talk)

An extension of the notion of a median

11:50-12:10 Konrad K. Dabrowski, Tomáš Masařík, Jana Novotná*, Daniël
Paulusma and Paweł Rzążewsk
Clique-Width: Harnessing the power of atoms

12:15-12:35 O. Herscovici, J.A. Makowsky*, and V. Rakita
Harary polynomials

12:40-13:00 Fiona Skerman*, Michael Albert, Cecilia Holmgren and Tony
Permutations in binary trees and random trees

Session B Sunday Afternoon 16:00-17:35 June 7, 2020

16:00-16:20 Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Esther Galby, and Carolina Luc´ıa
Characterising circular-arc contact B0–VPG graphs

16:25-16:45 Eranda Cela and Elisabeth Gaar*
On the relationship of k-bend and monotonic l-bend edge
intersection graphs of paths on a grid

16:50-17:35 Meirav Zehavi (invited talk)
Parameterized analysis, graph minors and planar disjoint paths

Session C Monday Morning 11:00-13:00 June 8, 2020

11:00-11:45 Ignasi Sau (invited talk)
FPT algorithms for hitting forbidden minors

11:50-12:10 Amir Abboud, Shon Feller* and Oren Weimann
On the fine-grained complexity of parity problems

12:15-12:35 Yuval Emek, Shay Kutten, Mordechai Shalom* and Shmuel Zaks
Multicast communications in tree networks with heterogeneous
capacity constraints

12:40-13:00 Ioana Bercea* and Guy Even
Upper tail analysis of bucket sort and random tries

Session D Monday Afternoon 16:00-17:10 June 8, 2020

16:00-16:20 Michal Stern *, Nili Guttmann-Beck and Sayag Hadas
Vertices removal for feasibility of CTSP

16:25-16:45 Jordan Barrett, Salomon Bendayan*, Yanjia Li, and Bruce Reed
Partitioning into prescribed number of cycles and mod k t-join
with slack

16:50-17:10 Diptapriyo Majumdar*, Rian Neogi Venkatesh Raman, and S.
Tractability of K¨onig edge deletion problems
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[DMANET] IEEE PerCom 2021: Call For Workshop Proposals

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

CALL FOR Workshop Proposals
The 19th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications (PerCom 2021), March 22-26, 2021
in Kassel, Germany.

IEEE PerCom is the premier conference for presenting scholarly research in pervasive computing and communications. Advances in this field are leading to innovative platforms, protocols, systems, and applications for always-on, always-connected services. In 2021, PerCom will visit Kassel, situated at the geographic center of Germany and a dynamic industrial and cultural city. It is known for its UNESCO World Heritage site 'Bergpark Wilhemshohe' and famous for a leading exhibition of contemporary art 'documenta'.

The PerCom 2021 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day or half-day workshops, to be held prior to or immediately after the main conference. The purpose of the workshops is to stimulate discussions on state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and also controversial topics. Workshops should be organized to promote lively interaction and plans to promote interaction and discussion must be clearly addressed in the written workshop proposals. The organizers of accepted workshops are required to publicize the workshop through disseminating the call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program. At least one organizer must be physically present at the workshop.

Workshop proposals are solicited in all areas and topics pertaining to research and applications in pervasive computing and communications. Workshops addressing new emerging research directions in pervasive computing and communication are especially welcome. Further, workshops with novel formats, e.g., focused on a specific topic in a tutorial-style fashion, are strongly encouraged. Workshop papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE digital library (Xplore). The page limit for accepted regular workshop papers is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.

Workshop proposals should be submitted (in PDF format) no later than June 19, 2020 by e-mail to, with 'PerCom 2021 Workshop Proposal' in the subject. For more information on the proposal submission requirements, please send an email with the subject line 'Proposal Submission Guidelines' to

* Workshop proposal submission deadline: June 19, 2020
* Notification: July 10, 2020

* Paper submission deadline: November 9, 2020
* Paper notification date: January 5, 2021

Peizhao Hu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Stephan Sigg, Aalto University, Finland

Klaus David, University of Kassel, Germany
Jadwiga Indulska, The University of Queensland, Australia

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[DMANET] INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize - Deadline: June 30, 2020

The Undergraduate Operations Research Prize Competition is held each year
to honor a student or groups of students who conducted original and
significant theoretical and/or applied research in the field of operations
research or management science during their undergraduate enrollments. The
prize is given each year at the INFORMS Annual Meeting if there is a
suitable recipient. However, a little less clear for now is how much of
this year's meeting will take place as a physical event and how much will
happen virtually.

Winner(s) of the competition will share a prize of $500 in addition to
receiving travel support to the INFORMS Annual Meeting (if the conference
is not held virtually). All finalists of the competition will be invited to
present their research in designated Undergraduate Research Showcase
sessions at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Applications are due by *June 30, 2020* (11:59 EST) and must consist of the
following documents:

*1) **Article co-authored by the entrant(s):* An original research
paper from the entrants' project or work (no need to be published)
presenting the problem, methods used and results reached. One or more
faculty, and doctoral student(s) or post-doctoral advisor(s) may appear as
co-authors of the article, but the first author must be the entrant(s) as
they must have made substantial contribution to the project and to the
writing of the paper with only minor editorial assistance.

*2) **Reference letter:* A brief letter (not exceeding two-pages) by
the entrants' research advisor or another faculty member familiar with the
entrants' work confirming the entrants' eligibility and detailing their
contribution to the research. We encourage submissions involving
multidisciplinary research.

All applications including reference letters should be submitted online at
the following address:

*An entrant *to the competition is defined as *any co-authors of the
submitted article who were enrolled as undergraduate students for at least
one academic term between June 15, 2019 and June 15, 2020*, and the
following eligibility criteria must be met by the entrants and their
submitted articles.

- The research must have been conducted during the entrants'
undergraduate enrollment(s).

- An entrant can be a co-author in at most one paper submitted to this
year's competition.

- The article must not be awarded by a prize in a previous year of this

Submitted articles must also satisfy the following formatting requirements:

- All pages except references must be typed at double spaced with an 11
point or larger fonts, and 1 inch or wider margins from left, right, top,
and bottom.

- The article must not exceed 25 pages including bibliography,
appendices, figures, and any supplementary sections.

- All pages of the article except references should contain no more than
35 lines of text and the abstract should not exceed 100 words (the
abstracts will be used in the program for the Undergraduate Research
Showcase session of the INFORMS Annual Meeting).

The criteria for review will be based on the significance of the work,
creative and novel use of modeling and/or solution methodology using
operations research techniques, promise of the research for future work in
the field of operations research and the quality of the writing of the
article in terms of its coherency and the clarity of exposition. The work
may be building a different modeling approach to an established problem or
providing a new insight into an emerging or important problem.
Demonstration of substantial value for project sponsors (if there is any)
is also a plus in evaluation.

All applicants should expect to be notified with the results of the
competition by August 31, 2020.

The 2020 committee members:

*Thiago Serra*, Bucknell University
* (chair)Lincoln Chandler*, Chandler Decision Services
*Saurav Kumar Dubey*, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
*Xiaolei Xie*, Tsinghua University
*Xuying Zhao*, University of Notre Dame
*Shannon Harris*, Ohio State University
*Eduardo Perez*, Texas State University
*Destenie Nock*, Carnegie Mellon University
*Dong "Michelle" Li*, Babson College
*Kayse Lee Maass*, Northeastern University
*Neda Mirzaeian*, Carnegie Mellon University
*Pengyi Shi*, Purdue University

Thiago Serra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Business Analytics
Freeman College of Management
Bucknell University

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[DMANET] [Algorithms, MDPI] The Special Issue on Graph Coloring Algorithms - Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce the launch of Special Issue dedicated to
"Graph Coloring Algorithms" in the journal Algorithms, an EI-, ESCI-,
and Scopus-indexed open access journal.

We are looking for new developments in classical graph coloring problems
and also algorithms using graph coloring as a tool to improve
computations for other graph invariants, such as the independence number
or maximum cuts. We encourage submissions of results on algorithms
dealing with coloring with additional constraints, which have been
applied in other areas of science.

Further information can be found at the Special Issue website:

The submission deadline is 30 October 2020. Papers will be published on
an ongoing basis, so you can submit your paper at any point before the

We look forward to receiving your submission.

Best regards,
Ms. Hortensia Hou

CiteScore of Algorithms (2018): 1.46
CiteScoreTracker 2019 (updated on 9 April, 2020): 2.00

Skype: live:8869fb0f2dd74ce5

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[DMANET] SCIP Online Workshop - NEXT WEEK - 3rd and 4th June 2020

The SCIP Online Workshop will be held next week on the 3rd and 4th June 2020.

The registration deadline has been extended to the 1st June. Please email to register your interest in attending the workshop. The details on how to connect will be sent out in the days prior to the workshop.

We have two days of talks dedicated to SCIP. We are excited to have Elina Ronnberg (Linkoping University) to give a plenary talk on Day 1. Dr Ronnberg will speak about the mathematical and computational aspect of applying decomposition approaches to solve large-scale scheduling problems.

There will be plenty of opportunities to learn about SCIP and talk with the developers. On Day 1 there will be 5 Q&A sessions with the SCIP developers. Sessions will be available to discuss Benders' decomposition, Branch-and-Price, MINLP, PySCIPOpt and FiberSCIP. Day 2 will consist of 4 talks about applications of SCIP and new developments for the optimisation suite.

All of the details of the SCIP Online Workshop can be found at

I look forward to seeing you there.


Stephen Maher

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

[DMANET] ACM SIGAI Activities Fund: Second Call for Proposals

[Apologies for Multiple Postings]

A reminder that proposals to the SIGAI activites fund are due in a little
over two weeks! We hope to receive exciting proposals from our membership!

ACM SIGAI Activities Fund 2020: Call for Proposals

ACM SIGAI invites funding proposals for artificial intelligence (AI)
activities that can take place entirely virtually and that have a strong
outreach component to students, researchers, practitioners not working on
AI technologies, or to the public in general.

We funded several proposals with a similar outreach thrust last year, but
those were largely based around physical interactions. With the necessity
of responding to the current situation and the Covid-19 pandemic, we are
instead focusing this year on activities that can both take place virtually
and provide resources, material, or engagement to the broader community
through virtual means. Nevertheless, a focus of, and knowledge of, local
populations that this could reach, and evidence of the ability to reach
such populations, will be positively viewed.

The purpose of this call is to promote a better understanding of current AI
technologies, including their strengths and limitations, as well as their
promise for the future. Examples of fundable activities include (but are
not limited to), virtual panels on AI technology (including on AI ethics)
with expert speakers, creating podcasts or short films on AI technologies
that are accessible to the public, and holding AI programming competitions
virtually. ACM SIGAI will look for evidence that the information presented
by the activity will be of high quality, accurate, unbiased (for example,
not influenced by company interests), and at the right level for the
intended audience.

ACM SIGAI will fund up to five proposals. The funding will be provided
either as reimbursement (up to $2000), or as an honorarium (up to $1000),
keeping in mind that the honorarium option has tax consequences for the
recipient. In the case of honorarium payments, we plan to ensure that the
final "deliverable" is in keeping with what was promised in the proposal
before sending funding, and that you produce a writeup of the project for
submission to AI Matters, the SIGAI newsletter.

We will prioritize the following types of proposals:


a) proposals from ACM affiliated organizations other than conferences
(such as ACM SIGAI chapters or ACM chapters).

b) out-of-the-box ideas that can be delivered rapidly,

c) new activities (rather than existing and recurring activities),

d) activities with long-term impact, and

e) activities that reach many people. We prefer not to fund activities
for which sufficient funding is already available from elsewhere or that
result in profit for the organizers.

Note that expert talks on AI technology can typically be arranged with
financial support of the ACM Distinguished Speaker program (
and are not appropriate for funding via this call. Likewise, webinars can
be hosted in partnership with ACM SIGAI (e.g.,
If you want to participate in programs such as these please reach out to us
Submission Guidelines

A proposal should contain the following information on at most 3 pages:


A description of the activity (including when and where it will be held);

A budget for the activity and the amount of funding requested, and
whether other organizations have been or will be approached for funding
(and, if so, for how much). This could also be a request for an honorarium
payment instead;

An explanation of how the activity fits this call (including whether it
is new or recurring, which audience it will benefit, and how large the
audience is);

A description of the organizers and other participants (such as
speakers) involved in the activity (including their expertise and their
affiliation with ACM SIGAI or ACM);

A description of what will happen to the surplus in case there is,
unexpectedly, one; and the name, affiliation, and contact details
(including postal and email address, phone number, and URL) of the
corresponding organizer.

Grantees are required to submit reports to ACM SIGAI following
completion of their activities with details on how they utilized the funds
and other information which might also be published in the ACM SIGAI
newsletter "AI Matters."

The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm on June 15, 2020 (UTC-12).
Proposals should be submitted as pdf documents in any style at


The program is organized by the SIGAI Executive Committee, and will be
evaluated by them with the help of other SIGAI officers and external

The funding decisions of ACM SIGAI are final and cannot be appealed. Some
funding earmarked for this call might not be awarded at the discretion of
ACM SIGAI, for example, in case the number of high-quality proposals is not
sufficiently large.

In case of questions, please first check the ACM SIGAI blog for
announcements and clarifications:
Questions should be directed to Sanmay Das ( and Nicholas
Mattei (, the SIGAI Chair and Vice-Chair.

*Nicholas Mattei*
Assistant Professor, Tulane University |

Stanley Thomas Hall | 402B
+1 504 862 8391
Department of Computer Science
Tulane University
6823 St Charles Ave
New Orleans, LA 70118

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[DMANET] IEEE BCCA - Deadline EXTENDED: June 25th- REDUCED REGISTRATION FEES and Virtual Presentations

*The Second IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and
Applications (BCCA 2020)*

*Nov. 02 – NOV 05, 2020 – ANTALYA, TURKEY*

*COVID-19 Update:*

The organizing team is closely monitoring the development of the COVID-19
situation. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our
priority. Considering the current circumstances, *BCCA 2020* *will run as
a virtual conference* *and the registration fees will be reduced.*

As a revolutionary technology, Blockchain provides a practical solution to
enable a secure and decentralized public ledger that a huge plethora of
exciting new technology applications in several areas, such as the Internet
of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems, Manufacturing, Supply-Chain, etc.
Blockchain technology has infiltrated all areas of our lives, from
manufacturing to healthcare and beyond. Cybersecurity is an industry that
has been significantly affected by this technology and maybe more so in the
future. Blockchain Technology is defined as a decentralized system of
distributed registers that are used to record data transactions on multiple
computers. The reason this technology has gained popularity is that you can
put any digital asset or transaction in the blocking chain, the industry
does not matter. Blockchain technology can be used to prevent any data
breach, identity theft, cyber-attacks or criminal acts in transactions.
This ensures that data remains private and secure. The main goal of this
workshop is to encourage both researchers and practitioners to share and
exchange their experiences and recent studies between academia and industry
in the Blockchain field.

Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all
major areas, which include, but not limited to:

· State-of-the-art of the Blockchain technology and cybersecurity

· Blockchain Technologies and Methodologies

· Recent development and emerging trends Blockchain for Cybersecurity
and Privacy

· New models, practical solutions and technological advances related
to Blockchain

· Theory of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

· Blockchain-based security for the Internet of Things and
cyber-physical systems

· Blockchain-based security solutions of smart cities infrastructures

· Authentication and authorization in Blockchain

· Applications of blockchain technologies in digital forensic

· Privacy aspects of blockchain technologies

· Applications of blockchain technologies in computer & hardware

· Implementation challenges facing blockchain technologies

· Blockchain-based threat intelligence and threat analytics techniques

· Blockchain-based open-source tools

· Forensics readiness of blockchain technologies

· Vulnerabilities of smart contracts

· Open issues and trends in Blockchains

*Full paper Important Dates:*

Submission deadline: May 25th, 2020 June 25th, 2020

Notification of Acceptance: Aug 15th, 2020

Submission of camera-ready: Sept 10th, 2020

*Journal Special Issues:*

Selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit an extended
version to the following journal(s). Confirmed Special Issues:

- Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (IF: 2.397)

- Springer Cluster Computing (IF: 1.85)

- Springer Journal of Network and System Management (IF: 1.676)

Papers will be selected based on their reviewers' scores and
appropriateness to the Journal's theme. All extended versions will undergo
reviews and must represent original unpublished research work. Further
details will be made available at a later stage.


*General Co-Chair*

Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Öznur Özkasap, Koç University, Turkey

*Program Co-Chairs*

Moayad Aloqaily, xAnalytics Inc., Canada

Rasheed Hussain, Innopolis, Russia

Ali Dorri, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia


Professor Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia


Moayad Aloqaily, xAnalytics Inc., Canada

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* via DMANET.

[DMANET] DCFS 2020: Call for Papers

DCFS 2020 collected papers - Call for Papers

Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems 2020

The 22nd International Conference on Descriptional Complexity of Formal
Systems (DCFS 2020) was expected to be organized by Rudolf Freund at the
TU Wien as part of the Summer of Formal Languages 2020 in Wien, Austria,
and by the IFIP Working Group 1.02 "Descriptional Complexity".
Unfortunately, due to development of the crisis caused by the Corona virus,
the conference had to be canceled as an event with the participants meeting
in person in Wien. However, in order to allow researchers in the area of
descriptional complexity to still present their recent results in some form,
the DCFS steering committee decided to prepare a volume, collecting papers
which will be selected by a committee after a standard review process
( <>).
The volume will be published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
The Steering Committee is also considering the possibility of offering to
the authors of accepted papers the option of giving a short presentation
during DCFS 2021.


• Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2020
• Author notification: July 31, 2020
• Final version: August 15, 2020


Submissions concerning the descriptional complexity of formal systems
and structures (and its applications) are invited for DCFS 2020
collected papers. Original papers are sought in all aspects of descriptional
complexity, topics include, but are not limited to:

• Automata, grammars, languages and other formal systems; various
modes of operations and complexity measures.
• Succinctness of description of objects, state-explosion-like phenomena.
• Circuit complexity of Boolean functions and related measures.
• Size complexity of formal systems.
• Structural complexity of formal systems.
• Trade-offs between computational models and mode of operation.
• Applications of formal systems -- for instance in software and
hardware testing, in dialogue systems, in systems modeling or in
modeling natural languages -- and their complexity constraints.
• Co-operating formal systems.
• Size or structural complexity of formal systems for modeling
natural languages.
• Complexity aspects related to the combinatorics of words.
• Descriptional complexity in resource-bounded or structure-bounded
• Structural complexity as related to descriptional complexity.
• Frontiers between decidability and undecidability.
• Universality and reversibility.
• Nature-motivated (bio-inspired) architectures and unconventional
models of computing.
• Blum Static (Kolmogorov/Chaitin) complexity, algorithmic information.


• Cezar Câmpeanu, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
• Pawel Gawrychowski, University of Wrocław, Poland
• Dora Giammarresi, Università di Roma, Italy
• Galina Jirásková, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia, co-chair
• Martin Kutrib, University of Giessen, Germany
• Florin Manea, University of Göttingen, Germany
• František Mráz, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
• Dana Pardubská, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
• Andrei Păun, University of Bucharest, Romania
• Giovanni Pighizzini, University of Milan, Italy, co-chair
• Rogério Reis, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
• Michel Rigo, University of Liege, Belgium
• Marinella Sciortino, University of Palermo, Italy
• Shinnosuke Seki, The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Japan
• Klaus Sutner, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
• Bianca Truthe, University of Giessen, Germany
• György Vaszil, University of Debrecen, Hungary


Authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 12 pages in LNCS
style, and including bibliography in BibTeX using bibliography style
splncs04.bst. Proofs omitted due to space constraints may be put into
an appendix to be read by the reviewers at their discretion. Moreover,
to make the work of reviewers easier, relevant papers needed for a
better understanding of the submitted paper should be appended at the
end, too. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences or workshops
with published proceedings and submitting previously published papers
are not allowed. Papers should be submitted electronically as a PDF
document via EasyChair at the following link: <>.

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions!

Galina Jirásková and Giovanni Pighizzini
(Co-chairs of the Selection Committee)
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