Monday, August 31, 2020
[DMANET] Postdoctoral Positions in TCS at EPFL
Applicants should send their CV, Research Statement and a list of 3 references to Applications will be considered when completed and the soft deadline is September 13, 2020. Any queries may be directed to the same address or directly to,, or
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Online, September 7-10, only afternoons EU time
ALGO 2020 includes:
ATMOS (from 7th-8th),
ALGOSENSORS (from 9th to 10th),
ESA (from 7th to 9th),
WABI (from 7th to 9th),
WAOA (from 9th to 10th)
... but **mandatory** (to gain access to the virtual rooms)
Please register by writing an email by Sept. 5, 2020, to
Registration is valid for all ALGO conferences
Ronitt Rubinfeld, CSAIL, MIT, Cambridge, USA
— Local Computation Algorithms (on Monday)
Martin Savelsbergh, Georgia Tech, USA
— Algorithms for Large-Scale Service Network Design and Operations (on
Dan Gusfield, University of California Davis, USA
— From Integer Programming to SAT-Solving in Computational Biology (on
Pierre Fraigniaud, IRIF, Université Paris-Diderot, France
— Local Distributed Certification of Global States (on Thursday morning)
Clifford Stein, Columbia University, USA
— Parallel Approximate Undirected Shortest Paths Via Low Hop Emulators
(on Thursday afternoon)
+ ATMOS and WABI Invited Speakers
+ ESA Test-of-Time Award
+ ESA Social Junior-Senior Event
See you at ALGO!!!
ALGO 2020 Organization Committee
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Sunday, August 30, 2020
[DMANET] Position at the Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering UC - Chile
and Data Science, the Institute for Mathematical and Computational
Engineering (IMC) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) is
offering one or more full-time positions at the assistant (tenure-track) or
associate level. We invite applications from highly qualified candidates in
the areas of Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization, Statistics and
Stochastics, although other areas from Computational Science and
Engineering, Optimization and Applied Mathematics will also be considered.
The selected candidates will be expected to teach and contribute to the
Mathematical and Computational Engineering curriculum, to conduct
interdisciplinary research and to connect with other institutes in the
University. Typical teaching load is three semester-long courses a year, at
the graduate or undergraduate level, and priority will be given to courses
required by the newly created Bachelor in Engineering in Data Science
program. For the first year, selected candidates can opt for a reduced
teaching load of only two courses. Command of Spanish is not required for
applying, but the selected candidates are expected to start teaching in
Spanish in the short term (maximum two years).
Starting salary is about US$48,000 per year, before taxes, health
insurance, and pension fund contribution, at the assistant professor level.
The University offers a startup funding support for the first 3-years of
tenure-track faculty.
Further information and instructions for applying can be found at
Application Deadline: October 7, 2020
Contact Information: Prof. Pablo Barceló, Director of IMC,
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[DMANET] [Last day for submission][14+ Special Issues] CFP IEEE DependSys 2020: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications, Dec. 14-16, Fiji
Call For Papers
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud,
and Big Data Systems and Applications (IEEE DependSys 2020), 14-16 December
2020, Fiji [Submission Deadline: Sep. 1][**14+ Special Issues**]
IEEE DependSys 2020 conference is the 6th event in the series of
conferences which offers a timely venue for bringing together new ideas,
techniques, and solutions for dependability and its issues in sensor,
cloud, and big data systems and applications. As we are deep into the
Information Age, huge amounts of data are generated every day from sensors,
individual archives, social networks, Internet of Things, enterprises and
Internet in various scales and format which will pose a major challenge to
the dependability of our designed systems. As these systems often tend to
become inert, fragile, and vulnerable after a period of running.
Effectively improving the dependability of sensor, cloud, big data systems
and applications has become increasingly critical.
This conference provides a forum for individuals, academics, practitioners,
and organizations who are developing or procuring sophisticated computer
systems on whose dependability of services they need to place great
confidence. Future systems need to close the dependability gap in face of
challenges in different circumstances. The emphasis will be on differing
properties of such services, e.g., continuity, effective performance,
real-time responsiveness, ability to overcome data fault, corruption,
anomaly, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, prevention of deliberate
privacy intrusions, reliability, availability, sustainability,
adaptability, heterogeneity, security, safety, and so on.
IEEE DependSys 2020 is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE
Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC). All accepted papers will
be submitted to IEEE Xplore and Engineering Index (EI). Best Paper Awards
will be presented to high quality papers. Distinguished papers, after
further revisions, will be published in 14+ SCI & EI indexed prestigious
journals (confirmed).
1. Information Fusion (IF: 13.669)
SI on Fusion from Big Data to Smart Data
2. Information Fusion (IF: 13.669)
SI on Data Fusion for Trust Evaluation
3. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 9.112)
SI on Digital Twinning: Integration AI-ML and Big Data Analytics for
Virtual Representation
4. Future Generation Computer Systems (IF: 6.125)
SI on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defence and Smart Policing
5. Digital Communications and Networks (IF: 5.382)
SI on Blockchain-enabled Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems and Big
Data Applications
6. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IF: 5.213)
SI on Computing and Networking for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
7. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatics Sinica (IF: 5.129)
SI on Blockchain for Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical Systems:
Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges
8. Neurocomputing (IF: 4.438)
SI on Edge Intelligence: Neurocomputing Meets Edge Computing
9. IEEE Access (IF: 3.745)
SI on Reliability in Sensor-Cloud Systems and Applications (SCSA)
10. Journal of Cloud Computing (IF: 2.788)
SI on Security and Privacy Issues for AI in Edge-Cloud Computing
11. Journal of Systems Architecture (IF: 2.552)
SI on Ubiquitous Edge Computing for Next Generation IoT and 6G:
Architecture, Modelling and Systems
12. Journal of Systems Architecture (IF: 2.552)
SI on High-Performance-Computing-Communications for Cyber-Physical-Social
13. MDPI Electronics (IF: 2.412)
SI on Blockchain-based Technology for Mobile Application
14. Software: Practice and Experience
SI on Software and Hardware Co-Design for Sustainable Cyber-Physical
* More special issues will be added later.
Important Dates
Workshop Proposal/Special Session Due: 30 June 2020
Submission Deadline: 1 September 2020
Authors Notification Date: 15 October 2020
Final Manuscript Due: 10 November 2020
Conference Date: 14-16 December 2020
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Track 1: Dependability and Security Fundamentals and Technologies
- Concepts, theory, principles, standardization and modelling, and
- Dependability of sensor, wireless, and Ad-hoc networks, software defined
- Dependability issues in cloud/fog/edge
- Security and privacy
- Security/privacy in cloud/fog/edge
- Homomorphic encryption, differential privacy
- Blockchain security
- Artificial intelligence
- Big data foundation and management
- Dependable IoT supporting technologies
Track 2: Dependable and Secure Systems
- Dependable sensor systems
- Dependability and availability issues in distributed systems
- Cyber-physical systems (e.g. automotive, aerospace, healthcare, smart
grid systems)
- Database and transaction processing systems
- Safety and security in distributed computing systems
- Self-healing, self-protecting, and fault-tolerant systems
- Dependability in automotive systems
- Dependable integration
- Dependability in big data systems
- Software system security
Track 3: Dependable and Secure Applications
- Sensor and robot applications
- Big data applications
- Cloud/fog/edge applications
- Datacenter monitoring
- Safety care, medical care and services
- Aerospace, industrial, and transportation applications
- Energy, smart grid, IoT, CPS, smart city, and utility applications
- Decentralized applications, federated learning applications
- Mobile sensing applications, detection and tracking
Track 4: Dependability and Security Measures and Assessments
- Dependability metrics and measures for safety, trust, faith, amenity,
easiness, comfort, and worry
- Levels and relations, assessment criteria and authority
- Dependability measurement, modeling, evaluation, and tools
- Dependability evaluation
- Software and hardware reliability, verification and validation
- Evaluations and tools of anomaly detection and protection in sensor,
cloud, big data systems
Paper Submission
All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
submission website ( with PDF format. The
materials presented in the papers should not be published or under
submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with
over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10
fonts). You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author
Guidelines at the following web page:
Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at:
Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At
least one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the
paper at the conference.
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
- Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen's University, Canada
- Aniello Castiglione, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
- Alireza Jolfaei, Macquarie University, Australia
Program Chairs
- Salimur Choudhury, Lakehead University, Canada
- Qinghua Lu, CSIRO, Australia
- Jun Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Steering Committee
- Jie Wu, Temple University, USA (Chair)
- Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fordham University, USA (Chair)
- Guojun Wang, Guangzhou University, China
- Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy
- Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
- Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
- A. B. M Shawkat Ali, The University of Fiji, Fiji
- Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA
- Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Southeast University, Bangladesh
- Kenli Li, Hunan University, China
- Shui Yu, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
- Yang Xiang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
- Kamruzzaman Joarder, Federation University and Monash University,
Dr. Jun Feng
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Mobile: +86-18827365073
WeChat: junfeng10001000
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[DMANET] [ICSOC 2020] ICSOC 2020 is going online & Accepted Papers
The 18th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
- ICSOC 2020 - December 14-17, 2020
**** FULLY ONLINE ****
Social links:
Last year ICSOC was run as a presence event similar to all the years before since 2003. But this year, everything will be different: In the spirit of physical distancing, and in order to secure the well-being of the members of the community, we are moving completely into a digital format - with new topics and new ideas. All lectures and discussions can be found in our lecture area that will be available soon. As a result, the participation will be fully free of charge. The participants still need to register to collect their access information though.
************* Accepted papers **********************<>
- A Decentralized Reactive Approach to Online Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing Environments
Peng, Qinglan; Xia, Yunni; Wang, Yan; Wu, Chunrong; Luo, Xin; Lee, Jia
- Detecting User Significant Intention via Sentiment-Preference Correlation Analysis for Continues App Improvement
Xiao, Jianmao; Chen, Shizhan; He, Qiang; Wu, Hongyue; Feng, Zhiyong; Xue, Xiao
- Optimal Evolution Planning and Execution for Multi-Version Coexisting Microservice Systems
He, Xiang; Tu, Zhiying; Liu, Lei; Xu, Xiaofei; Wang, Zhongjie
- Fault-tolerating Edge Computing with Server Redundancy based on a Variant of Group Degree Centrality
Du, Wei; Zhang, Xiran; He, Qiang; Liu, Wei; Cui, Guangming; Chen, Feifei; Ji, Yuan; Cai, Chenran; Yang, Yanchao
- Tail-Latency-Aware Fog Application Replica Placement
Fahs, Ali J.; Pierre, Guillaume
- TD-EUA: Task-decomposable Edge User Allocation with QoE Optimization
Zou, Guobing; Liu, Ya; Qin, Zhen; Chen, Jin; Xu, Zhiwei; Gan, Yanglan; Zhang, Bofeng; He, Qiang
- RESTest: Black-Box Constraint-Based Testing of RESTful Web APIs
Martin-Lopez, Alberto; Segura, Sergio; Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio
- A Trust and Energy-Aware Double Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheduling Strategy for Federated Learning on IoT Devices
Rjoub, Gaith; Abdel Wahab, Omar; Bentahar, Jamal; Bataineh, Ahmed
- ICS-Assist: Intelligent Customer Inquiry Resolution Recommendation in Online Customer Service for Large E-Commerce Businesses
Fu, Min; Guan, Jiwei; Zheng, Xi; Zhou, Jie; Lu, Jianchao; Zhang, Tianyi; Zhuo, Shoujie; Zhan, Lijun; Yang, Jian
- A Knowledge Graph based Approach for Mobile Application Recommendation
Zhang, Mingwei; Zhao, Jiawei; Dong, Hai; Deng, Ke; Liu, Ying
- FAST: A Fairness Assured Service Recommendation Strategy Considering Service Capacity Constraint
Wu, Yao; Cao, Jian; Xu, Guandong
- Real-time Automatic Configuration Tuning for Smart Manufacturing with Federated Deep Learning
Zhang, Yilei; Li, Xinyuan; Zhang, Peiyun
- Fine-Grained Task Distribution for Mobile Sensor Networks with Agent Cooperation Relationship
- Mobility-Aware Service Placement for Vehicular Users in Edge-Cloud Environment
Mudam, Rahul; Bhartia, Saurabh; Chattopadhyay, Soumi; Bhattacharya, Arani
- Feature-Model-Guided Online Reinforcement Learning for Self-Adaptive Services
Metzger, Andreas; Quinton, Clément; Mann, Zoltan Adam; Baresi, Luciano; Pohl, Klaus
- A Type-Sensitive Service Identification Approach for Legacy-to-SOA Migration
Abdellatif, Manel; Tighilt, Rafik; Moha, Naouel; Mili, Hafedh; Elboussaidi, Ghizlane; Privat, Jean; Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël
- Topology-aware Continuous Experimentation in Microservice-based Applications
Schermann, Gerald; Oliveira, Fabio; Wittern, Erik; Leitner, Philipp
- A Spectrum of Entropy-Based Precision and Recall Measurements Between Partially Matching Designed and Observed Processes
Kalenkova, Anna; Polyvyanyy, Artem
- Energy Minimization for Cloud Services with Stochastic Requests
Wang, Shuang; Sheng, QuanZ.; Li, Xiaoping; Mahmood, Adnan; Zhang, Yang
- Scalable Joint Optimization of Placement and Parallelism of Data Stream Processing Applications on Cloud-Edge Infrastructure
de Souza, Felipe Rodrigo; da Silva Veith, Alexandre; Dias de Assunção, Marcos; Caron, Eddy
- A game-based secure trading of big data andIoT services: Blockchain as a two-sided market
Bataineh, Ahmed; Bentahar, Jamal; Abdel Wahab, Omar; Mizouni, Rabeb; Rjoub, Gaith
- Allocation Priority Policies for Serverless Function-execution Scheduling Optimisation
De Palma, Giuseppe; Giallorenzo, Saverio; Mauro, Jacopo; Zavattaro, Gianluigi
- Accelerate Personalized IoT Service Provision by Cloud-Aided Edge Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study on Smart Lighting
Na, Jun
- Metrics for Assessing Architecture Conformance to Microservice Architecture Patterns and Practices
Ntentos, Evangelos; Zdun, Uwe; Plakidas, Konstantinos; Meixner, Sebastian; Geiger, Sebastian
- Latest Image Recommendation Method for Automatic Base Image Update in Dockerfile
Kitajima, Shinya; Sekiguchi, Atsuji
- Online Topic Modeling for Short Texts
Roy, Suman; Malladi, Vijay Varma; Sengupta, Ayan; Das, Souparna
- Impact of Service- and Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing Architectures on System Reliability
Amiri, Amirali; Zdun, Uwe; Simhandl, Georg; van Hoorn, André
- A Practice-Oriented, Control-Flow-Based Anomaly Detection Approach for Internal Process Audits
Schumann, Gerrit; Kruse, Felix; Nonnenmacher, Jakob
- On Discovering Data Preparation Modules Using Examples
Belhajjame, Khalid
- API-Prefer: An API Package Recommender System based on Composition Feature Learning
Liu, Yancen; Cao, Jian
- Fast Replica of Polyglot Persistence in Microservice Architectures for Fog Computing
Cantarutti, Michele; Plebani, Pierluigi; Salnitri, Mattia
- Automated Quality Assessment of Incident Tickets for Smart Service Continuity
Baresi, Luciano; Quattrocchi, Giovanni; Tamburri, Damian Andrew; Van Den Heuvel, Willem-Jan
- A Dynamic Cost Model to Minimize Energy Consumption and Processing Time for IoT Tasks in Mobile Edge Computing Environment
Grave Gross, João Luiz; Matteussi, Kassiano José; dos Anjos, Julio C. S.; Resin Geyer, Cláudio Fernando
- PATRIoT: A data sharing platform for IoT using a service-oriented approach based on blockchain
Loukil, Faiza; Ghedira-Guegan, Chirine; Benharkat, Aïcha-Nabila
- Two-Sided Matching Scheduling using Multi-Level Look-Ahead Queue of Supply and Demand
Chen, Mincheng; Yuan, Jingling; Wang, Nana; Luo, Yi; Luo, Pei
- Dynamic Edge User Allocation with User specified QoS preferences
Panda, Subrat Prasad; Ray, Kaustabha; Banerjee, Ansuman
- Designing Optimal Robotic Process Automation Architectures
Mahala, Geeta; Sindhgatta, Renuka; Khanh Dam, Hoa; Ghose, Aditya
- Exploring Interpretability for Predictive Process Analytics
Sindhgatta, Renuka; Ouyang, Chun; Moreira, Catarina
- Charting Microservices to Support Services' Developers: the Anaximander Approach
Mosser, Sébastien; Caissy, Jean-Philippe; Juroszek, Florian; Vouters, Florian; Moha, Naouel
- Automated SLA Negotiation in the IoT Environment - A Metaheuristic Approach
Li, Fan; Clarke, Siobhán
- Pricing in the Competing Auction-based Cloud Market: A Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Approach
Shi, Bing; Huang, Lianzhen; Shi, Rongjian
- Adaptive Recollected RNN for Workload Forecasting in Database-as-a-Service
Liu, Chenzhengyi; Mao, Weibo; Gao, Yuanning; Gao, Xiaofeng; Li, Shifu; Chen, Guihai
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Friday, August 28, 2020
[DMANET] Online Award Ceremony for ITC 2019 International Timetabling Competition
ITC 2019: Online Award Ceremony, September 2, 2020 at 2 PM CEST,
PROGRAM (about 2 hours)*
* Introduction
* Short description of the competition problems and data instances
* Short presentations of solution approaches by the finalists (5
minutes per participant)
* Competition results, winners & diploma
* Questions
* Videoconference using Zoom, see the link at
* Advance testing of the Zoom using the provided link
* Send questions in advance using mailing list
* Questions during videoconference using chat in Zoom
* Assignment of times and rooms to events
* Student sectioning based on course demands
* Optimization by minimizing penalties of
o time and room assignments,
o violated soft constraints,
o student conflicts
* Course structure for student sectioning
* Rooms with travel times and unavailabilities
* Events not meeting every week
* Diverse characteristics
* 10 institutions from five continents
* Early, middle and late instances, 10 instances each
* Data collected from the UniTime educational scheduling system
* The ITC 2019 website remains available
* Tracking the best-known solutions and related papers
* Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT)
* ORTEC: optimization software and analytics solutions
* Apereo Foundation: supporting open-source software for higher education
* EURO working group on Automated Timetabling (EWG PATAT)
* UniTime educational scheduling system
* Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
* Tomas Muller, Purdue University, UniTime, s.r.o.
* Hana Rudova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
* Zuzana Mullerova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
UniTime, s.r.o.
See for more details.
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Thursday, August 27, 2020
[DMANET] CFP: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC) 2021
3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
3-6 May, 2021
Sydney, Australia
Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE, IEEE ComSoc
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
(ICBC) will be held in Sydney, Australia during 3-6 May, 2021. ICBC is a
premier international conference dedicated to advances in blockchain,
distributed ledgers and cryptocurrency. The conference is a yearly event
for a world-class gathering of researchers from academia and industry,
practitioners, and business leaders, providing a forum for discussing
cutting edge research, and directions for new innovative business and
The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting
of submitted papers and poster session of work in progress. Focused
tutorials and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow
for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and government
leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, and will complement
the technical program.
ICBC 2021 is seeking submissions of technical papers (both full and short),
posters and tutorial proposals in the following areas related to
Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies:
Distributed Consensus & Fault Tolerance Algorithms
Performance, Scalability Issues
Distributed Database Technologies for Blockchain
Blockchain Platforms
Blockchain-based Applications & Services
Decentralized App Development
Smart Contracts and Verification
Security, Privacy, Attacks, Forensics
Transaction Monitoring and Analysis
Token Economy and Stablecoin
Regulations & Policies in Cryptocurrency
Novel Mechanisms for the Creation, Custody, and Exchange of Cryptoassets
Anonymity and Criminal Activities of the cryptocurrency
Managing the Risks of Cryptocurrency
Distributed Trust
Decentralized Internet Infrastructure
Decentralized Financial Services
Blockchain for Internet of Things/Cyber Physical Services
Blockchain and Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Authors are invited to submit original papers that have not been published
or submitted for publication elsewhere. Technical papers must be formatted
using the IEEE 2-column format and not exceeding 8 pages for full papers, 4
pages for short papers, or 2 pages for poster papers (all excluding
references). We will follow a single-blind review policy. Please check the
conference website for more details.
Authors of selected ICBC 2021 papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their paper to IEEE Transactions of Network and Service
Management (2019 Impact factor: 3.878), with a fast track review process.
Important Deadlines:
Paper submission: 4th December, 2020, 11:59pm AoE
Notification of Acceptance: 19th February, 2021
Camera-ready Submission: 5th March, 2021
Organizing Committee:
General Chair:
Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia
General Co-Chairs:
Steve Vallas, Blockchain Australia
Liming Zhu, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Raja Jurdak, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
William Knottenbet, Imperial College, UK
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, University of Southern California, USA
Poster Co-Chairs:
Qinghua Lu, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Kanchana Thilakaratna, University of Sydney, Australia
Finance Chair:
Helen Paik, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Publications Co-Chairs:
Ali Dorri, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Zissis Poulos, University of Toronto, Canada
Tutorials Co-Chairs:
Volkan Dedeoglu, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Gowri Ramachandran, University of Southern California, USA
Panel Co-Chairs:
David Hyland-Wood, CosenSys, Australia
Yang Xiang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Artem Bager, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Sandip Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur, India
Sushmita Ruj, CSIRO's Data61, Australia
Patrons Chair:
Katrina Donaghy, Civic Ledger, Australia
Local Arrangements Chair:
Regio Michelin, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Web Chair:
Arash Shaghaghi, Deakin University, Australia
Project Manager:
Jimmy Le, IEEE ComSoc, USA
Bruce Worthman, IEEE ComSoc, USA
Steering Committee:
James Won-Ki Hong, Postech, Korea (Chair)
Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada
Sushmita Ruj
Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Data61, Australia
*E * *P* +61 2 9372 4151
Address: Corner Vimiera and Pembroke Rd, Marsfield NSW 2122
Mailing address: PO Box 76, Epping NSW 1710, Australia
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[DMANET] Senior researcher position in Data Science/Algorithms at Hamburg University of Technology
The Institute for Algorithms and Complexity at TUHH: Hamburg University
of Technology ( in Hamburg, Germany invites
applications for one 5-year position at the rank of Senior Researcher.
The focus of this position is research in the general area of
algorithms, applied to combinatorial optimization, operations research,
discrete mathematics in the natural sciences. The position is attached
to "DASHH – Data Science in Hamburg – Helmholtz Graduate School for the
Structure of Matter" ( and offers exciting
opportunities to work on big data obtained at Germany's largest particle
The position is within the Institute for Algorithms and Complexity,
whose research covers a broad spectrum of algorithmic research; this
includes big data algorithms, foundations of data science, combinatorial
optimization, approximation and parameterized algorithms, and
applications in operations research and discrete mathematics. The
Institute for Algorithms and Complexity at TU Hamburg currently hosts
several international researchers, so English is used on a daily basis
as a working language.
The institute is located in the newly built Hamburg Innovation Port
which is located right at the Harburg harbour with great views of the
harbour and Hamburg's famous opera house (Elbphilharmonie). TU Hamburg
offers several attractive benefits, including subsidized public
transport for the Hamburg metropolitan area, a sports centre on campus,
family-friendly working hours, healthy campus initiatives, and more.
Several other institutes of the TU Hamburg, the Helmholtz Center for
Data Science, and the German Air and Space Research Center (DLR) are
located in the area. They are all located in the Free and Hanseatic City
of Hamburg, which is Germany's second largest city, home to a population
of ca. 1.8 million people. It is a famous city of trade and commerce,
with several universities and much research in algorithms.
TU Hamburg offers several attractive benefits, including subsidized
public transport for the Hamburg metropolitan area, a sports centre on
campus, family-friendly working hours, healthy campus initiatives, and more.
A Ph.D. degree and evidence of excellence in research and teaching are
required. Successful applicants are expected to maintain an active
program of research, to attract and supervise graduate students, and to
participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching. Teaching is
generally conducted in English. Knowledge of German is not strictly
necessary but considered an advantage.
The salary of the position is determined according to level TV-L E-14 of
German public sector. The exact amount of salary depends on experience,
family circumstances, tax classification and other factors. The position
is available with immediate effect.
Interested individuals should apply using the official application
portal of the vacancy
Applications can also be submitted in English. Applications received by
30 September 2020 will receive full consideration. Applications should
include a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and a
publication list. Any questions regarding the position should be
directed to Matthias Mnich (
Hamburg University of Technology regards diversity as an integral part
of academic excellence and is committed to employment equity and
accessibility for all employees. As such, we encourage applications from
women, persons with disabilities, members of diverse gender identities,
and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
In Hamburg, you will have the opportunity to work across disciplines and
collaborate with an international community of scholars and a diverse
student body.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
[DMANET] 2 PhD positions at the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization (VGSCO)
joint research and training program of the University of Vienna, TU
Wien, IST Austria and Vienna University of Economics and Business funded
by the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). Its main goal is to give PhD
candidates a comprehensive training in different areas of optimization
with special emphasis on algorithmic and numeric aspects. It fosters
scientific collaboration between the PhD students and their advisors
representing a broad spectrum of topics and areas in the field of
The VGSCO currently announces *2 PhD positions* each associated with one
of the participating institutions, in the following areas:
*1. Optimization and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Real-World
NP-hard Problems*
(TU Wien, Supervisor: Nysret Musliu)
Techniques in Data Science, with Applications to Molecular Chemistry
(*University of Vienna, Supervisor: *Arnold Neumaier)*
The successful candidates will become members of the *Vienna Graduate
School on Computational Optimization* and must actively contribute to
its activities. The VGSCO offers lecture series given by international
experts in optimization related fields, organizes research seminars,
retreats, soft skills courses, scientific workshops, and social events,
provides travel grants, and supports research stays abroad. The duration
of the employment is of 3 years with possibility of extension. The
planned start of the positions is autumn 2020. Female candidates are
encouraged to apply.
Application Requirements and Procedure
The candidates must have a master degree (or equivalent) in
/Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science/ or /Statistics/ (depending
on the position(s) they apply for) at the moment the PhD position
starts. The application documents should contain a letter of motivation;
the scientific CV with publication list, if available; higher education
certificates/diplomas; the diploma/master thesis and letter(s) of
recommendation. Applications have to be submitted at:
<>/./ The deadline for
applications is *August 31, 2020.*
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[DMANET] CFP IFIP PERFORMANCE Workshops -- submissions due mid September
IFIP PERFORMANCE 2020 workshops are open for submissions. We solicit
contributions on themes related to the three workshops: Artificial
Intelligence in Networks and Distributed Systems (WAIN), Cryptocurrency
Analysis (SOCCA) and System Analytics and Characterization (SAC). The
deadlines are September 15th for WAIN and September 14th for SOCCA and SAC.
All accepted papers will appear at Performance Evaluation Review (PER) and
will be presented virtually at the conference, which will go fully online.
Submissions should take the form of a short paper, not to exceed 4 pages in
length, in ACM PER format.
More details on the workshops follow below.
WAIN - 2nd Workshop on AI in Networks and Distributed Systems
Co-located with IFIP Performance 2020
6th November 2020, remote presentation only
Submission deadline: September 15th, 2020 (Anywhere on Earth), papers must
be 3-4 pages long
Thanks to rapid growth in network bandwidth and connectivity, networks and
distributed systems have become critical infrastructures that underpin much
of today's Internet services. They provide services through the cloud,
monitor reality with sensor networks of IoT devices, and offer huge
computational power with data centers or edge and fog computing.
At the same time, AI and Machine Learning is being widely exploited in
networking and distributed systems. Examples are algorithms and solutions
for fault isolation, intrusion detection, event correlation, log analysis,
capacity planning, resource management, scheduling, and design
optimization, just to name a few. The scale and complexity of today's
networks and distributed systems make their design, analysis, optimization
and management a daunting task. For this, smart and scalable approaches
leveraging machine learning solutions must be deployed to take full
advantage of these networks.
WAIN workshop aims at showing to the community new contributions in these
fields. The workshop looks for smart approaches and use cases for
understanding when and how to apply AI. WAIN will allow researchers and
practitioners to share their experiences and ideas and discuss the open
issues related to the application of machine learning to computer networks.
Topics of Interest:
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of interest for WAIN
Applications of ML in communication networks and distributed systems
Data analytics and mining in networking and distributed systems
Traffic monitoring through AI
AI applied to IoT and 5G
Application of reinforcement-learning
ML-based methodologies for anomaly detection and cybersecurity
Performance optimization through AI/ML and Big Data
Experiences and best-practices using machine learning in operational
Reproducibility of AI/ML in networking and distributed systems
Methodologies for performance evaluation of distributed infrastructure
Machine Learning application in cloud, edge, and fog computing
Performance evaluation of Content Delivery Networks
Application of AI/ML in sensor networks
AI/ML for data center management
AI/ML for cyber-physical systems
ML-driven resource management and scheduling
AI-driven fault tolerance in distributed systems
Important dates:
Submission deadline: September 15th, 2020 (Anywhere on Earth)
Notification of acceptance: October 7th, 2020
Camera ready version deadline: October, 15th, 2020
Workshop presentation: November 6th,2020
[The conference will be fully virtual]
Submission Guidelines:
Papers will be published at ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
(PER,, 3 to 4 pages long).
Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration
at another conference or journal. The format for the submissions is that of
PER (two-column 10pt ACM format)), between 3 and 4 pages, including all
figures, tables, references, and appendices. Papers must include authors'
names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the TPC. Authors
of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.
The submission page is available at
Program Chairs:
Luca Vassio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA
Danilo Giordano, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
SOCCA – 2nd Symposium on Cryptocurrency Analysis
Co-located with 38th International Symposium on Computer Performance,
Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation 2020 (IFIP WG 7.3 PERFORMANCE 2020)
This symposium aims to bring together researchers, performance modellers
and practitioners interested in quantitative aspects of cryptocurrency and
blockchain technology, such as performance, dependability,
energy-efficiency, profitability and scalability.
Topics of Interest
Topics include, but are not limited to:
cryptocurrency mining algorithms and selfish mining strategies
modelling/simulation studies of blockchain algorithms and protocols
optimal design of blockchain algorithms and protocols
modelling/simulation studies of applications of blockchain
simulation tools for the analysis of cryptocurrencies and blockchain
benchmarking of cryptocurrencies and blockchains
Submitted papers must be original and contain work that has not been
published before or is under review elsewhere.
Papers will be published at ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (2
to 4 pages).
This workshop will include papers from both academia and industry.
The submission page is available at
SAC – 2nd International Workshop on System Analytics and Characterization
Co-located with IFIP WG 7.3 PERFORMANCE 2020
The statistical techniques at the forefront of the big data movement are
uniquely suited to the systems community; even modest sized systems can
easily produce hundreds of millions of data entries per hour . Efficiently
tracking and mining this data has the potential for significant benefits,
ranging from performance optimization in data centers to fundamental
architectural changes in how we design and organize scalable systems. To
apply these techniques successfully, as well as to understand the new
challenges in data-driven systems design and administration, we must take a
close look at current best practices and explore novel techniques in trace
collection, validation, and analysis.
Submissions on applications, results and experiences are of course welcome,
but we have a particular interest in submissions with novel applications,
new unsolved problems, and 'moonshot'' ideas to stimulate discussions and
new collaborations.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Efficient Data Gathering: Possible topics include low-overhead workload
collection, sub-sampling, and synthetic workload generation.
Trace Validation and Replay: Possible topics include instrumentation, trace
reconstruction, and hint generation.
Characterization and Prediction: Possible topics include novel applications
of data mining to system traces and performance analysis, predicting and
analysis in real time systems, and workload characterization.
Storage in Novel Systems: Possible topics include DNN storage, IoT storage,
and autonomous vehicles. For this area, we will favor position papers.
Important dates:
Submission deadline: September 1, 2020 (Anywhere on Earth) Extended to
September 14, 2020 (AoE)
Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2020
Workshop day: November 6, 2020
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should take the form of a short paper, not to exceed 4 pages in
length, in ACM format. Submissions will be double-blind. Please do not
include identifying information in the submission. If you are building on
your past work, please cite it as you would any other paper. For an
accepted paper, at least one author must attend. Submissions that include
public release of code and datasets will be given special consideration.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and given a
10-15 minute time slot for presentation, with at least 5 minutes for
questions and discussion after each presentation. Come prepared!
Submissions under NDA will not be considered. All submissions should be
original, unpublished work. Papers will be submitted through Easychair.
The submission page is available at
Avani Wildani, Emory University, US
Ian Adams, Intel Research, US
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[DMANET] ICTCS 2020 - call for participation
ICTCS 2020 - 21st Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
14-16 September 2020, online.
The program of ICTCS 2020 is available at:
It includes the presentation of 18 regular papers and 11 communications,
together with:
- invited talks by Paolo Boldi, Paolo Ferragina, Pietro Sala;
- IC-EATCS awards for best young researcher, PhD thesis, master thesis;
- IC-EATCS annual meeting;
- panel on GRIN ed Informatica teorica.
All the conference talks, meetings and panels will be live-streamed.
If you wish to participate in ICTCS 2020, please register at
The registration is mandatory for all participants. Note that, in order to
promote the Italian EATCS chapter,
ICTCS registration is subject to EATCS and EATCS Italian Chapter membership.
We look forward to your participation in ICTCS 2020.
Gennaro Cordasco
Universita' degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
Viale Ellittico, 81100 Caserta ITALY
e-mail: gennaro.cordasco[@]
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[DMANET] Call for Participation: GD Contest 2020 with Remote Live Challenge
the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network
Visualization will be held online from September 16 to 18 due to the
uncertainty regarding future travel and physical meeting restrictions
caused by the Corona virus outbreak. Nevertheless, as has been tradition
since 1994, the symposium will be accompanied by a Graph Drawing
Contest, allowing all community members to demonstrate their graph
drawing skills in a fun competitive setting. The contest has two parts:
the Live Challenge and the Creative Topics.
1) Live Challenge
Following popular tradition, a live challenge will be held the day
before the symposium in a format similar to a typical programming
contest. Teams are presented with a collection of challenge graphs and
have approximately one hour to submit their highest scoring drawings.
This year, the challenge focuses on minimizing the number of crossings
in a straight-line upward drawing on a fixed grid. Teams may either draw
the graphs manually, or use their own customized tools. This year,
remote participation will be possible for both categories!
The live challenge will take place on September 15, 2020, 09:00 PDT
To solve the instances and submit your solutions, you are provided with
a dedicated tool:
For more details, visit
2) Creative Topics
For your entertainment and inspiration, we have composed two nice graphs
that you may draw with full artistic freedom.
1. Hrafnkels Saga: This is an Icelandic saga which tells of struggles
between chieftains and farmers in the east of Iceland in the 10th
century. The provided Hrafnkel Saga Network models relationships between
the actants of the saga. This graph consists of 43 vertices and 117 edges.
2. K-Pop: K-pop, short for Korean pop, is an umbrella term for popular
music originating from South Korea. The provided K-pop network models
relations between Korean artists, bands (groups), and management &
recording companies (labels). This is a larger graph with 4675 vertices
and 5094 edges.
In both cases, you may visualize the graph in any way you like.
Submissions will be judged on a list of criteria that includes, but is
not limited to, readability, aesthetics, novelty, and design quality.
The weighting of the criteria might be different for the two graphs.
Submissions will be handled through EasyChair:
For more details, visit
Submission deadline: September 08 (23:59 PDT)
3) Awards
Due to the Corona crisis and the conference being hosted completely
online, this year there will unfortunately not be any monetary prizes
(except eternal fame on the contest website).
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Best regards,
the Graph Drawing Contest Committee,
Philipp Kindermann, Tamara Mchedlidze, Wouter Meulemans, and Ignaz Rutter
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[DMANET] Online Seminar Series on Frontiers of Parameterized Complexity: August 27, 2020 -- Karthik C.S.
We are pleased to inform that the online seminar series on 'Frontiers
of Parameterized Complexity' has been running now in full form after a
short summer break in July. To receive weekly emails about the
upcoming talks please send an email to with the
subject line 'Subscribe FrontPC' (if you haven't already). More
details about the series can be found at
and below.
The talks are conducted every Thursday at 17:00 hours GMT+2.
The link to join the meeting on Zoom is
Meeting ID: 423 116 9675
Password: Name of the W[1]-complete problem, 6 letters, all capital.
Also known as a set of pairwise adjacent vertices.
The details of the latest upcoming talk in the series are given below.
Date and Time: August 27, 2020 at 17:00 hours GMT+2.
Speaker: Karthik C.S., Tel Aviv University
Title: Towards a Unified Framework for Hardness of Approximation in P
Abstract: Currently there are two popular techniques to create a gap
and prove fine-grained/fixed-parameter inapproximability results in P.
One is the Distributed PCP framework established by Abboud,
Rubinstein, and Williams (2017), and the other is the Threshold
Composition technique introduced by Lin (2015). In this talk we will
survey results proved using these two techniques and also explore the
connections between them.
Further information about the series and links to the available slides
of the previous talks can be found here
The recordings of the past talks of this seminar series are available
at our YouTube channel 'Frontiers of Parameterized Complexity'
Other upcoming talks in the series include:
September 03, 2020
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
September 10, 2020
Speaker: Peter Gartland, University of California Santa Barbara
Title: TBA
September 17, 2020
Speaker: Meirav Zehavi, Ben-Gurion University
Title: TBA
For more details please contact one of the following.
Roohani Sharma:
Saket Saurabh:
Fedor Fomin:
Best regards and cheers!
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[DMANET] Call for registration and participation: Highlights of Logic, Games, and Automata, Online, 15 - 18 Sept
15-18 September 2020, Online
The registration is open (and free)!
The conference will be hosted on
Each participant controls an avatar moving around a "town" designed for the
conference (with lecture halls and such). Each Contributed presentation
will be five minutes long (plus two minutes for questions). There are a
couple of innovations to make this online experience as interactive as
possible. More details will be given to registered participants.
HIGHLIGHTS 2020 is the 8th conference on Highlights of Logic, Games, and
Automata that aims to integrate the diverse research community working in
the areas of Logic and Finite Model Theory, Automata Theory, and Games for
Logic and Verification. Individual papers are dispersed across many
conferences, which makes them challenging to follow. Participating in the
annual Highlights conference offers a wide picture of the latest research
in the field and a chance to meet and interact with most of the members of
the research community. The speakers are encouraged to present their best
recent work at Highlights, whether already published elsewhere or not.
The conference is short (from 15 to 18 September). The participation costs
are modest (zero) and the location is easy to reach (your office).
The programme is online:
TUTORIAL (September 15)
Two tutorials of 3 hours each:
+ Laure Daviaud, Probabilistic Automata,
+ Uri Zwick, Algorithms for Turn-based Stochastic games.
+ Michael Benedikt
+ Stéphane Demri
+ Mehryar Mohri
+ Anca Muscholl
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
[DMANET] PhD position in Parameterized Complexity in Artificial Intelligence at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Application deadline: September 30.
The position is part of the prestigious START project "Parameterized Analysis in Artificial Intelligence" of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), with the aim of building a bridge between parameterized complexity theory and artificial intelligence. The position will be supervised by Robert Ganian (the principal investigator of the project).
● Excellent mathematical skills
● Interest in discrete algorithms
● Expected to receive a Master's degree in Computer Science or Mathematics within the next 12 months (or has already received one)
● High motivation to succeed in academia
● Very good English writing skills (no German language is required)
● The starting date is flexible and the position is offered for 3.5 years, with the possibility of extension.
● No teaching obligations (but teaching opportunities may be arranged upon request).
● The salary will follow the FWF's salary tables, starting at 31000 EUR gross/year for 30 hours/week (23.000 EUR net/year)
● A department that offers top research expertise, and a stimulating and supportive environment.
● TU Wien is a great place for professional growth (e.g., the Austrian Science Fund offers multiple funding opportunities for young researchers to advance their independent scientific careers).
● Vienna is a beautiful city that offers excellent quality of life
September 30, 2020
Please send your application to Robert Ganian ( <> ).
Informal enquiries and questions about the position are very welcome and should also be sent to <> .
● Curriculum Vitae
● Short motivation letter
● A letter of recommendation or the name and email address of a referee
Informal enquiries and questions about the position are very welcome and should also be sent to <> .
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[DMANET] PostDoc Position in Sample Complexity or Machine Learning at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Application deadline: September 30.
● A record of research in sample complexity or machine learning, for instance demonstrated by a publication at ICML, NeurIPS, COLT or a suitable journal.
● A PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics, or the expectation to receive one within the next 12 months
● High motivation to succeed in academia
● Very good English writing skills
● The starting date is flexible and the position is offered for 2 years, with the possibility of extension.
● No teaching obligations (but teaching opportunities may be arranged upon request).
● The salary will follow the FWF's salary tables starting at 55000 EUR gross/year for 40 hours/week (36000 EUR net/year)
● A department that offers top research expertise, and a stimulating and supportive environment.
● TU Wien is a great place for professional growth (e.g., the Austrian Science Fund offers multiple funding opportunities for young researchers to advance their independent scientific careers).
● Vienna is a beautiful city that offers excellent quality of life
September 30, 2020
Please send your application to Robert Ganian ( <> Informal enquiries and questions about the position are very welcome and should also be sent to <>
● Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications
● Short motivation letter
● Two letters of recommendation or the names and email addresses of two referees
Informal enquiries and questions about the position are very welcome and should also be sent to <>
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[DMANET] Research Mobility into Turkey for Young Researchers and Postdocs
I'm interested in hosting postdocs and early career researchers with the European Commission Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund program "Co-Funded Brain Circulation2 Scheme" (CoCirculation2): All fellowships must have an international component, and intersectoral and interdisciplinary elements in each project are highly encouraged.
All researchers holding a PhD degree are eligible for application. The support consists in:
1. Living allowance : €4.500 (before tax, excellent wage for Turkey)
2. Mobility allowance : €550
3. Research, Training and Networking costs : €800
4. Special Needs fund for eligible researchers, it is subject to SC approval : €400
Application deadline: October 30, 2020
Announcement of the results: February, 2021
Fellowship period: 2 years (cannot be shorter) (To start within 5 months from the notification. It can be extended 6 months in case of extraordinary circumstances (such as COVID19))
My research interests include Algorithmic and Structural Graph Theory, Computational Complexity, Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming. For further information, please visit my web page:
I will be able to endorse max 2-3 applications since the preparation of a plausible application requires hard work from both sides. Here is the procedure I will follow:
1. Read carefully the Eligibility Requirements, Evaluation Criteria and the template Research Proposal Form (from
2. Send your CV and 1 page of possible research topics satisfying Cocirculation2 conditions by September 15, 2020
3. Announcement of the shortlists for zoom interview September 20, 2020
4. Interviews September 21-28, 2020
5. Preparation of the selected applications until the submission deadline October 30, 2020.
Please circulate this announcement. All interested can contact me directly for further information about Bogazici University, life in Istanbul and my research.
Have an excellent and healthy end of summer!
Tınaz Ekim, PhD
Boğaziçi University
Department of Industrial Engineering
34342, Bebek-İstanbul, Turkey
Tel : ++ 90 (212) 359 66 76
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Monday, August 24, 2020
[DMANET] Second Call for Papers: EvoCOP 2021 - The 21st European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation
Second Call for Papers: EvoCOP 2021 - The 21st European Conference on
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation
April 7 - 9, 2021
Seville, Spain
held as part of EvoStar (
Submission deadline: November 1, 2020
The 21st European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial
Optimisation is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together researchers
working on applications and theory of evolutionary computation methods and
other metaheuristics for solving difficult combinatorial optimisation problems
appearing in various industrial, economic, and scientific domains.
Successfully solved problems include, but are not limited to, multi-objective,
uncertain, dynamic and stochastic problems in the context of scheduling,
timetabling, network design, transportation and distribution, vehicle routing,
stringology, graphs, satisfiability, energy optimisation, cutting, packing,
planning and search-based software engineering.
The EvoCOP 2021 conference will be held in the city of Seville, Spain, together
with EuroGP (the 24th European Conference on Genetic Programming), EvoMUSART
(the 10th European conference on evolutionary and biologically inspired music,
sound, art and design) and EvoApplications (the 24th European Conference on the
Applications of Evolutionary Computation), in a joint event collectively known
as EvoStar (Evo*).
Accepted papers will be published by Springer Nature in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. (See for
previous proceedings.)
Download the CFP in PDF format:
The best regular paper presented at EvoCOP 2021 will be distinguished
with a Best Paper Award.
**** Areas of Interest and Contributions ****
EvoCOP welcomes submissions in all experimental and theoretical aspects of
evolutionary computation and other metaheuristics to combinatorial optimisation
problems, including (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Applications of metaheuristics to combinatorial optimisation problems
* Theoretical developments
* Neighbourhoods and efficient algorithms for searching them
* Variation operators for stochastic search methods
* Constraint-handling techniques
* Parallelisation and grid computing
* Search space and landscape analyses
* Comparisons between different (also exact) methods
* Automatic algorithm configuration and design
Prominent examples of metaheuristics include (but are not limited to):
* Evolutionary algorithms
* Estimation of distribution algorithms
* Swarm intelligence methods such as ant colony and particle swarm optimisation
* Artificial immune systems
* Local search methods such as simulated annealing, tabu search, variable
neighbourhood search, iterated local search, scatter search and path relinking
* Hybrid methods such as memetic algorithms
* Matheuristics (hybrids of exact and heuristic methods)
* Hyper-heuristics and autonomous search
* Surrogate-model-based methods
Notice that, by tradition, continuous/numerical optimisation is *not* part of
the topics of interest of EvoCOP. Interested authors might consider submitting
to other EvoStar conferences such as EvoApplications.
**** Submission Details ****
Paper submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions
will be peer reviewed by members of the program committee. The reviewing
process will be double-blind, please omit information about the authors in the
submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in Springer LNCS format:
Page limit: 16 pages
Submission link: coming soon
The authors of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of
the reviewers' comments and will be asked to send a camera-ready version of
their manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted work has to register
for the conference, attend the conference and present the work.
**** Important Dates ****
Submission deadline: November 1, 2020
EvoStar: April 7-9, 2021
**** EvoCOP Programme Chairs ****
Sébastien Verel
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (ULCO), France
Christine Zarges
Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK
Pantycelyn yn agor mis Medi 2020.
Pantycelyn opening September 2020.
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Prifysgol y Flwyddyn yng Nghymru - The Times & The Sunday Times 2020.
Aberystwyth University
Welsh University of the Year - The Times & The Sunday Times 2020.
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of Technology (KIT) has one open PhD position. The starting date is
flexible. Topics include stochastic optimization, decomposition and
piecewise linear function fitting. This PhD position is partially funded by
the DFG project "COmPwise: Computing Optimal Piecewise Linear Functions and
Their Applications".
More information can be found here <>
If interested, please send an e-mail to
<> including your CV.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Operations Research (IOR)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Rebennack
Chair of Stochastic Optimization
Editor European Journal of Operational Research
Blücherstraße 17
Building 09.21
76185 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-44397
Fax: +49 721 608-46057
E-mail: <>
Web: <>
KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association
Since 2010, the KIT has been certified as a family-friendly university.
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[DMANET] Open postdoctoral position in Operations Research at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
The main tasks of the postdoctoral researcher involve establishing and implementing mathematical models and combinatorial optimization algorithms for new waste collections strate-gies and developing a (web-based) decision support system enabling to specify the inputs and to display the results of the optimization process for different collection strategies.
The postdoctoral position is fully funded for 1.5 years (with possible extension). Starting date is flexible. We offer a competitive gross salary starting at 75'000 CHF per year. The postdoc-toral researcher gets the opportunity to attend international conferences and to travel and learn from leading experts through our wide network of academic and industrial collabora-tions.
The candidate must:
- have a PhD degree in Operations Research, Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, or related domain.
- have a strong background in applied combinatorial optimization and integer programming.
- have strong programming skills.
- be able to develop and implement optimization methods for large-scale, real-world problems.
To apply, please send a complete CV, a motivation letter and some references to Prof. Bernard Ries: For further information, please contact Dr. Reinhard Bürgy
Formal evaluation of the applications will begin on October 1, 2020. Applications beyond that date might be considered.
Prof. Dr. Bernard Ries
Vice rector (International Relations, Digitalisation, Interdisciplinarity)<>
University of Fribourg - Department of Informatics
Decision Support & Operations Research Group<>
Bd. de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg
Phone : +41 26 300 83 33 - Fax: +41 26 300 97 26
Personal homepage<>
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[DMANET] CO@Work summer school final reminder
This is a final reminder for the CO@Work online summer school.
This workshop addresses master students, PhD students, post-docs and everyone else interested in mathematical optimization for industrial applications.
Lectures will be held by around 30 experts from 11 different countries, including leading researchers from TU Berlin, FU Berlin, Polytechnique Montréal, RWTH Aachen, University of Southern California, the Chinese Academy of Science, University of Edinburgh, TU Darmstadt, University of Exeter, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Escuela Politécnica Nacional Quito as well as developers and managers of FICO, Google, SAP, Siemens, IBM, SAS, Gurobi, Mosek, GAMS, Litic, NTT Data and many more speakers.
We arranged a setup that allows us to cover all time zones: pre-recorded lectures plus two live Q&A sessions and two hands-on exercise sessions per day (11 hours apart).
You can find more information and a registration link here:
Registration closes by the end of September 6, so register soon!
Registration is for free, and as a TU Berlin course, this summer school gives 10 ECTS credit points.
The course takes place from September 14 to 25, 2020.
The final online exam (mandatory for ECTS credits) takes place on October 2.
Best regards,
Timo Berthold
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