Friday, November 13, 2020

[DMANET] REACT Online Workshop for Graduate Students

Dear colleagues,

We would appreciate it if you could spread the word about this upcoming workshop.

REACT<> (Research Encounters in Algebraic and Combinatorial Topics) is an online workshop for graduate students that will take place February 15 - March 5, 2021 on Zoom. The goals of this workshop are

1. To bring students together and help them build a professional network despite the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic, and
2. To provide a collaborative research experience for students via accessible open problems in combinatorics and algebra.

The first week (February 15-19) will consist of three courses, where speakers will introduce open problems in their fields:

* Matthias Beck (SFSU/FU Berlin) - Classifying combinatorial polynomials

* Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke (Universität Osnabrück) and Uwe Nagel (Kentucky) - Symmetries in algebra and combinatorics in finite and infinite settings

* Mateusz MichaƂek (Universität Konstanz) - Applications of enumerative algebraic geometry: complete quadrics in statistics

During the second and third weeks, students will work on the problems in small groups. There will also be online social activities. Please see the REACT website for course abstracts and more details.

In order to ensure a productive and interactive experience, the number of participants is limited. For this reason we ask students to submit a short paragraph (~max. 400 words) discussing any prior research experience and explaining their interest in the workshop. To apply, fill out this form<> by December 31, 2020. In case the number of applications exceeds 35, a selection will be made by the organizing committee. Preference will be given to graduate students with less research experience.

Please feel free to email the organizing committee at<> if you have any questions. We appreciate you passing along this announcement to any students who may be interested!

REACT Organizing Committee

Alessio D'Alì (Universität Osnabrück, Germany)Mariel Supina (UC Berkeley, USA)Lorenzo Venturello (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)

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