Sunday, April 24, 2022

[DMANET] [fm-announcements] MOVEP: Early-bird rate ends April 30th


- Early-bird rate ends April 30th
- Submission deadline for student presentations: May 1st

15th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP)

Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

June 13 - 17, 2022

MOVEP is a five-day summer school on modelling and verification of infinite state systems. It aims to bring together researchers and students working in the fields of control and verification of concurrent and reactive systems.

MOVEP 2022 will consist of ten invited tutorials. In addition, there will be special sessions that allow PhD students to present their on-going research (each talk will last around 20 minutes). Extended abstracts (1-2 pages) of these presentations will be published in informal proceedings.


Giovanni Bacci (Aalborg University, Denmark): From Bisimulations to Metrics via Couplings

David Baelde (ENS Rennes & IRISA): Formal Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols with Squirrel

Christel Baier (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany): From Verification to Causality-based Explications

Wojciech CzerwiƄski (University of Warsaw, Poland): The Reachability Problem for Vector Addition Systems

Bartek Klin (Oxford University, United Kingdom): Computation Theory over Sets with Atoms

Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire

Anca Muscholl (LaBRI & Université Bordeaux, France): A View on String Transducers

Nir Piterman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden): Reactive Synthesis

Amaury Pouly (IRIF, France): Linear Dynamical Systems: Reachability and Invariant Generation

Renaud Vilmart (LMF & Inria): How to Verify Quantum Processes


Please visit


Organising committee

* Peter G. Jensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
* Florian Lorber (Aalborg University, Denmark)
* Martin Zimmermann (chair, Aalborg University, Denmark)

Program committee

* Saddek Bensalem (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
* Patricia Bouyer-DeCitre (LMF, CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
* Emmanuel Filiot (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
* Dana Fisman (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
* Radu Grosu (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* Holger Hermanns (Saarland University, Germany)
* Nils Jansen (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
* Marcin Jurdzinski (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
* Steve Kremer (Inria Nancy - Grand Est, France)
* K Narayan Kumar (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
* Denis Kuperberg (ENS Lyon, France)
* Anca Muscholl (LaBRI & Université Bordeaux, France)
* Paritosh K. Pandya (IIT Bombay, India)
* Gabrielle Puppis (Udine University, Italy)
* Nir Piterman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Kristin Rozier (Iowa State University, United States)
* César Sánchez (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
* Szymon Torunczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
* Martin Zimmermann (chair, Aalborg University, Denmark)

Steering committee

* Nathalie Bertrand (INRIA Rennes, France)
* Benedikt Bollig (LMF, CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
* Radu Iosif (CNRS & Verimag, France)
* Didier Lime (Ecole centrale de Nantes, France)
* Christof Löding (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
* Nicolas Markey (CNRS & INRIA & Univ. Rennes 1, France)

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