Sunday, January 15, 2023

[DMANET] FoCM 2023 -- Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop; call for poster

Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop at FoCM 2023
Paris, 12 to 14 June 2023
Call for participation/posters; travel funding

Graph theory and combinatorics are thriving fields, closely connected to
many other areas of Mathematics such as probability, topology, number
theory and geometry, as well as optimization and algorithms. Recently,
computational aspects are also becoming more and more central to the core
theoretical problems of the field. These include flag algebras,
reinforcement learning and other AI approaches, including machine assisted
proof verification and computer algebra systems. This workshop will cover a
broad spectrum of topics from analytic, enumerative, extremal and
probabilistic combinatorics, as well as random graphs. Talks will expose
the latest trends and methods in these areas and provide a springboard for
future collaboration amongst participants.

Researchers interested in the Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop
are cordially invited to attend, and are encouraged to submit a poster
for the poster session of this workshop.

For details, please visit

Call for posters (deadline, 9th April)

A limited amount of funding for travel support will be available with
priority given to doctoral and postdoctoral students. Application for
travel support is now open on

For further details, please visit Foundations of Computational Mathematics


Semi-plenary speakers of the workshop "Graph Theory and Combinatorics"
* Bonamy, Marthe - CNRS and Université de Bordeaux, France
* Král', Dan - Masaryk University, Czech Republic - , Czech Republic

Invited speakers of the workshop "Graph Theory and Combinatorics"
* Balogh, József - University of Illinois, United States
* Bloom, Thomas - University of Oxford, England
* Falgas-Ravry, Victor - Umeå University, Sweden
* Groenland, Carla - Utrech University, The Netherlands
* Grzesik, Andrzej - Jagiellonian University, Poland
* Heule, Marijn - Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America
* KamĨev, Nina - University of Zagreb, Croatia
* Lidický, Bernard - Iowa State University, United States of America
* Mond, Adva - Tel-Aviv University, Israel
* Mubayi, Dhruv - University of Illinois Chicago, United States of America
* Parczyk, Olaf - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
* Spiegel, Christoph - Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
* Tan, Jane - University of Oxford, England
* Volec, Jan - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
* Wagner, Adam Zsolt - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States of

Organizers of the Graph Theory and Combinatorics workshop:
* Natasha Morrison, University of Victoria
* Juanjo Rue, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
* Tibor Szabo, Free University of Berlin

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