Monday, September 30, 2024

[DMANET] metaheuristcs for optimization

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to participate in the
special session (workshop) on
International Conference on
Large Scale Scientific Computation - LSSC'25, June 16 - 20, 2025, Sozopol,
with arrival: June 15 and departure: noon June 20.

The session is organized by:
Prof. Stefka Fidanova (
from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences and
Gabriel Luque ( from University of Malaga, Spain.


The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

combinatorial optimization
global optimization
multiobjective optimization
optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
large scale optimization
parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
random search algorithms,
simulated annealing,
tabu search
other derivative free optimization methods
nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms,
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing techniques
other global and local optimization methods
optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics, finance,
physics, medicine, biology, engineering etc

We plan to continue publishing the proceedings of only refereed and
presented papers as a
special volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Important deadlines
Deadline for submission of abstracts
January 15, 2025
Notification of acceptance of the talks on the basis of the submitted
January 31, 2025
Deadline for registration
March 01, 2025
Deadline for submission of full papers
March 01, 2025
Notification of acceptance of full papers
April 15, 2025

Abstracts and contributed papers
The abstracts (up to 1 page stating clearly the originality of the results)
are to be written in standard LaTeX.
The length of the contributed papers is limited to 8 pages. It is assumed
that ONE participant
will present not more than ONE talk.

Send the abstracts and papers to special session organizers and conference
indicating the name of the special session.
After sending the abstract go to the conference web page and fill in the
registration form (personal data of the participants, minimum one per
paper, and the name of the special session).

Information about abstract and paper preparation, accommodation,
registration form and conference location you can find at the conference
web page

Special session organizers
Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Prof. Gabriel Luque

Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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[DMANET] [CFP] 5th workshop on Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS’25)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Fifth Workshop on
Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS'25)
<>, which will be co-located with
the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Communications (PerCom'25) <>in Washington DC, USA,
from March 17-21, 2025.

The fifth edition of the Human-Centered Computational Sensing (HCCS'25)
workshop aims to advance and promote research on how unobtrusive
observations of human cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and contextual
data are increasingly enabling innovative computing experiences. The
workshop will also foster discussions about the societal implications of
computational sensing. Traditionally, sensors have been understood narrowly
as devices that capture physiological measurements, often through
wearables. This workshop adopts a broader, human-centric perspective,
envisioning sensing as time-evolving measurable data directly linked to
individuals and their communities. With this approach, sensing encompasses
human reactions and interactions observed through spoken, written, or
signed language, eye gaze, facial and bodily expressions, social networks,
geospatial patterns, and other forms of human-generated data. Advances in
multimodal human data acquisition and fusion have the potential to
significantly impact all areas of human life, including productivity,
health and well-being, training and education, human-computer interaction,
accessibility, safety and security, as well as gaming, sports, and

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

- Context-Aware Sensing for Adaptive Learning Environments
- Emotion Recognition through Physiological and Behavioral Signals
- Personalized Well-being Applications using Continuous Sensing
- Smart Workplaces through Behavioral Sensing
- Human Activity Recognition in Unstructured Environments
- Emotion-Adaptive Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction
- Geospatial Behavior Analysis for Urban Planning
- Fusion of multifaceted, heterogeneous, and/or incommensurable human
sensing data
- Localization and proximity-detection systems
- AI-empowered mobile sensing systems
- Generative AI for synthetic sensor data generation and evaluation
- User acceptance, quality of experience, and social impact studies
- Accessibility of human sensing technologies
- New interventions acting on human-centered computational sensing
- Experimental analysis with human sensing data from real-world
- Human-centered sensing for healthcare, industry, social goods and all
possible application domains
- Experiences and lessons learned from research projects focused on
human-centered computational sensing
- Privacy and ethical considerations for human-centered computational
sensing, including gender equality.

*Organizers will consider the possibility of inviting authors of selected
papers accepted to HCCS'25 to submit an extended work to a Special Issue of
an international journal.*

*Submission and Registration*:
Authors are invited to submit technical or theoretical papers for
presentation at the workshop, describing original, previously unpublished
work, which is not currently under review by another workshop, conference,
or journal. Papers may be no more than 6 pages in length. Authors can
purchase one additional page for the camera-ready version. Papers in excess
of the page limits will not be considered for review or publication. All
papers must be typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US
letter paper, with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word
templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE website.

Submission instructions will be available soon on the workshop and
conference websites.

It is a requirement that all the authors listed in the submitted paper are
also listed in the submission system. Each accepted workshop paper requires
a full PerCom registration (no registration is available for workshops
only). Papers that are not presented in presence at the workshop will not
be published in the proceedings.

*Important Dates*:

- Paper submission deadline: November 17th 2024
- Paper notification: January 8th, 2025
- Camera Ready Deadline: February 2nd, 2025

For more information, including the workshop's scope, submission
guidelines, and topics of interest, please visit the workshop website
<> or find the attached Call for
Papers (CFP).

We look forward to your contributions and participation in HCCS'25. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Rajesh Titung
Rochester Institute of Technology

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Friday, September 27, 2024

[DMANET] Announcement: Innovations in Graph Theory (first papers published)

Dear colleagues,

Just over a year ago, we announced the launch of Innovations in Graph
Theory (IGT), a mathematical journal publishing high-quality research in
graph theory and its interactions with other areas. IGT is diamond open
access, meaning there are no charges for authors and no charges for readers.

The first batch of papers is now published!

IGT website:
IGT submission page:

IGT maintains a transparent single-blind refereeing protocol, which is
coordinated by the managing editors to ensure consistent and high
standards. Submissions are expected to contain novel and significant
contributions of genuine interest to the graph theory community, as
assessed by the editorial board:

Marthe Bonamy (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France)
Johannes Carmesin (TU Freiberg, Germany)
Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton University, USA)
Louis Esperet (CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
Fedor Fomin (University of Bergen, Norway)
Frédéric Havet (CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur, France)
Ross Kang (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), managing editor
Gwenaël Joret (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Tomáš Kaiser (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Peter Keevash (University of Oxford, UK)
Daniel Král' (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Kenta Ozeki (Yokohama National University, Japan)
Alex Scott (University of Oxford, UK)
Jean-Sébastien Sereni (CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, France), managing
Sophie Spirkl (University of Waterloo, Canada), managing editor
Maya Stein (Universidad de Chile, Chile), managing editor

The establishment of IGT has been supported by NWO, grant reference
OCENW.M20.009. IGT is controlled by the non-profit society, "Stichting
Innovations in Graph Theory". IGT operates within the diamond open access
platform, Centre Mersenne, a cooperation of CNRS and Université Grenoble


For general inquiries about IGT, please contact one of the managing editors.

Kind regards,

Ross Kang (on behalf of the editorial board)

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[DMANET] LICS 2025 Call for Papers and Call for Workshops


Here is both a call for papers (deadline 16/23 Jan) and a call for workshop proposals (30 Nov) for LICS 2025 (June 2025).

Fortieth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on
Singapore, June 2025
Conference: 23-26 June 2025.
Workshops: 27 and 28 June 2025.


The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic, broadly construed. We invite submissions on topics that fit under that rubric. Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include: automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures, description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability, foundations of probabilistic, real-time and hybrid systems, games and logic, higher-order logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic, logic programming, logical aspects of AI, logical aspects of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity, logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof theory, reasoning about security and privacy, rewriting, type systems, type theory, and verification.




Authors are required to submit a paper title and a short abstract of about 100 words in advance of submitting the full paper. The exact deadline time on these dates is anywhere on earth (AoE).

Titles and Short Abstracts Due: 16 January 2025 AoE
Full Papers Due: 23 January 2025 AoE
Author Feedback/Rebuttal Period: 17-20 March 2025
Author Notification: 8 April 2025
Conference: 23-26 June 2025.
Workshops: 27 and 28 June 2025.

Submission deadlines are firm; late submissions will not be considered. All submissions will be electronic via easychair.


Submissions should use IEEE Proceedings 2-column 10pt format and may be at most 12 pages, excluding references. Formatting instructions, latex style files and further submission information is at

LICS 2025 will use a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Please see the website for further details and requirements from the double-blind process.

The official publication date may differ from the first day of the conference. The official publication date may affect the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. We will clarify the official publication date in due course.

Programme chairs: Lars Birkedal and Barbara König.




Submission of workshop proposals: November 30, 2024
Notification of the accepted workshops: December, 2024
Program of the workshops ready: May 26, 2025
LICS conference: June 23-26, 2025
Workshops: June 27-28, 2025

We invite proposals for workshops on topics of interest to the LICS conference. Typically, LICS workshops feature a number of invited speakers and a number of contributed presentations. LICS workshops do not usually produce formal proceedings. However, in the past there have been special issues of journals based in part on certain LICS workshops. The conference will provide a room, internet connection and help with some local organization. The workshops selection committee consists of the LICS Workshops Chair (Valentin Blot), the LICS General Chair, the LICS PC Chairs and the LICS Conference Chairs.

Proposals must be limited to three pages, should be submitted to lics25-workshops at and should include:

- Workshop's name and URL if already available or from previous years
- A short scientific summary and justification of the proposed topic; this should include a discussion of the particular benefits of the topic to the LICS community
- A list of workshop organizers with contact information
- Potential invited speakers (how many you would expect and, if possible, tentative names)
- Procedures for selecting presentations (if you plan a call for contributed talks or papers followed by a selection procedure, the submission date should be scheduled after the conference's notification date - Apr 8, 2025 - and the notification should take place before the early registration deadline - late April / early May)
- Plans for dissemination, if any (e.g. proceeding, journal special issue, etc.)
- Proposed format and agenda (e.g. paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions)
- The proposed duration (e.g. 1/2, 1, 2 day(s))
- Expected number of participants, providing some data on previous years, if the workshop has already been organised in the past.

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[DMANET] Call for participation: The Concordia Contest on the cooperative intelligence of language model agents

In collaboration with colleagues from Cooperative AI, Google DeepMind, MIT,
UC Berkeley, and UCL, we are excited to announce that the NeurIPS 2024
Contest <> is now open!

Deadline: October 31st.
Prizes: $10,000 and more.

For further details please see:

Key Dates

September 18: Development phase begins

October 5: Compute credits application deadline

October 31: Development phase ends

November 1: Evaluation and review phase begins

November 20: Finalists notified

December 3: Deadline for submission of entry details

December 9-15: NeurIPS conference and winners announced

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

[DMANET] Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) 25 Call for Proposals

Dear Colleagues,

we are happy to announce that the call for proposals for Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) 25 is live.



Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing


FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Windisch, Switzerland

16-18 Jun 2025<>

Deadline: 06 Dec 2024 (no extensions)


The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) invites research paper submissions for PASC25, co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). PASC25 will be held from June 16 to 18, 2025, at FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland. The guidelines for submissions are published at

The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, workflows, application challenges, and novel techniques in the context of scientific usage of high performance computing.

The technical program of PASC25 is organized around the following scientific domains:

* Chemistry and Materials (incl. ceramics, metals, and polymers)
* Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences (incl. solid earth dynamics)
* Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (incl. behavioral, economic, legal, political and business sciences, philosophy, languages, the arts, ethics in computing including climate impact of HPC, biases in machine learning, etc.)
* Engineering (incl. CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering and materials, turbulent flow)
* Life Sciences (incl. biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience, and computational biology)
* Physics (incl. astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, and quantum information sciences)
* Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics

PASC25 solicits high-quality contributions of original research related to scientific computing in all of these domains. Proposals that emphasize the theme of PASC25 - "Supercomputing for Sustainable Development" - are particularly welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Extreme scalable methods in computational science and engineering, such as algorithms and software for scalable multi-scale, multi-physics, and high-fidelity computational science and engineering problems.
* Numerical methods, algorithms, or large-scale simulations in computational fluid dynamics, computational mechanics, computational engineering materials, turbulent flow, and computational cosmology.
* Effective use of advanced computing systems for large-scale scientific applications, including modern multi- and many-core CPUs and accelerators with deep memory hierarchies, and energy-efficient architectures.
* Best practices and tools for productive and sustainable scientific and engineering software development.
* The integration of large-scale experimental and observational scientific data and high-performance data analytics and computing.
* Reproducibility for computational science and engineering.
* Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification.
* Domain specific languages; toolchains for source-to-source translation/adaption.
* Runtime systems and middleware, such as task- and data-driven computation on heterogeneous architectures.
* Algorithms and strategies for effective use of machine learning, deep learning or AI to accelerate computational science.
* Machine learning / AI in the context of large parallel HPC applications, data sets or workflows.
* Unstructured vs. structured meshes for computational science applications at exascale
* Numerical algorithm development for post-exascale computing, including, but not limited to, communication avoiding algorithms, use of reduced or mixed precision, and integration of scalable numerical libraries in application software.
* Computational approaches for social sciences such as finance, urban planning, mobility or disaster response.

Papers accepted for PASC25 will be presented as talks, and published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. In selecting papers for plenary presentation, the Papers Committee will place particular weight on impact, interdisciplinarity and interest to a broad audience.

The goal of the PASC Conference Papers Program is to advance the quality of scientific communication between the various disciplines of computational science and engineering in the context of HPC. The program was built from an observation that the computer science community traditionally publishes in the proceedings of major international conferences, while domain science communities publish primarily in disciplinary journals - and neither of which is read regularly by the other. The PASC Conference provides a unique venue that enables interdisciplinary exchange in a manner that bridges the two scientific publishing cultures.

The Proceedings of the PASC Conference (PASC25) are published in the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM's) Digital Library. In recognition of the high quality of the PASC Conference papers track, the ACM continues to provide the proceedings as an Open Table of Contents (OpenTOC). This means that the definitive versions of PASC Conference papers are available to everyone at no charge to the author and without any pay-wall constraints for readers.


The PASC25 Papers Program Committee is responsible for the paper evaluation process. The committee is chaired by Sally Ellingson (University of Kentucky, US), and (Xiaoye) Sherry Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US), and comprises of domain co-chairs and committee members who are specialists in their scientific fields. Papers will be evaluated by reviewers in the PASC25 papers committee on their significance, technical soundness, originality, and quality of communication.

We employ a rigorous academic peer-review process: most notably, we allow the possibility for provisional acceptance (revision and author rebuttal). Committee reviewers are solicited for each submission, with additional external reviewers where needed. The paper selection process thus combines the strengths of conference and journal publication schemes to provide an effective, high-impact publication venue in large-scale computational science.

Contributions must be submitted through the PASC Conference online submission portal (<>). Submissions should include the following:

* Title: Maximum 20 words.
* Scientific Domain: Select a primary and optionally secondary scientific domain(s).
* Author details: Full names and contact details of author(s).
* Short Abstract: Maximum 250 words.
* Paper:
- First Stage: Maximum 10 pages including figures, tables, and appendices; but excl. references.
- Second Stage: In the revision phase, an extra page will be granted for the final paper to accommodate review requests.

Papers must be submitted in the current ACM Article Template (sigconf proceedings) format [1].

The PASC Conference highly encourages authors to follow reproducible science principles( for their submissions, to counter the reproducibility crisis in scientific publishing and increase the community value of computational research papers. Paper authors are highly encouraged to link data & software artifacts as a reference (supplementary materials archive), e.g., using open and freely available services such as, but not limited to,<> (,<> (, DRYAD (, institutional data archival platforms, or publicly accessible GitHub/GitLab instances. As guidance, data artifacts may include, as appropriate, the used/modified source code, run & analysis scripts, input files, and/or data (raw/processed as size allows); an artifact description ("README") including used standards/schema where used, a respective data archive license, and persistent link (ie., DOI).

Paper authors should plan to present their content in-person.


The deadline for submissions for Papers is December 06, 2024 at 11:59 pm anywhere on earth ('AoE' or 'UTC-12').

* 06 Dec 2024: Deadline for paper submissions (no extensions!)
* 04 Feb 2025: Review notifications
* 16 March 2025: Deadline for paper revisions
* 15 Apr 2025: Acceptance notifications


Authors of papers that are accepted for PASC25 will be given 20-30 minute presentation slots at the conference, grouped in topically-focused parallel sessions. A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. Papers that are presented at PASC25 will be published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. Please note that speakers must register for the conference and are subject to the corresponding registration fee.


General Chairs
* Sally Ellingson (University of Kentucky, US)
* Xiaoye Sherry Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US)

Domain Chairs
* Mark Adams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US)
* Hannah Cohoon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US)
* Sally Ellingson (University of Kentucky, US)
* Marta Garcia Gasulla (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
* Katharina Kormann (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
* Thomas D. Kühne (Universität Paderborn and CASUS, Germany)
* Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA, Switzerland)
* Andreas Lintermann (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
* Duc Nguyen (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, US)
* Kara Peterson (Sandia National Laboratories, US)
* Simone Pezzuto (University of Trento, Italy)
* Birgit Strodel (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
* Rio Yokota (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

If you have any questions regarding the submission or reviewing process please email<>.


[1]:<>; see section "LaTex Authors" for the link to download the template

Dr. Thorsten Kurth,
Co-Chair for the Climate, Weather and Earth Sciences Domain @ PASC25
NVIDIA, Switzerland

Follow PASC25 on X @PASC_Conference
Follow PASC25 on LinkedIn
Follow PASC25 on Instagram @PASC_Conference
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[DMANET] Dutch Day on Optimization, November 7

Dear colleagues,

On Thursday November 7, 2024, the third edition of the Dutch Day of Optimization will take place at the University of Twente. This is a one-day event, organized by Ruben Hoeksma, Bodo Manthey, Alexander Skopalik, Marc Uetz and Matthias Walter. The plenary speakers are:

* Willem-Jan van Hoeve (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Ulrike Schmidt-Kraeplin (TU Eindhoven)
* Laura Vargas Koch (University of Bonn)
* Wouter Koolen (CWI Amsterdam & University of Twente)

In addition to these plenary talks there are slots for 5min lightning talks. These are open to everyone, and can be announced when registering.

Lunch/refreshments/drinks will be provided. The website for the event, including abstracts, registration information and so on, can be found here:

The deadline for registration is October 25, but registering asap is very much appreciated as it helps us optimizing the catering for the day.

We hope to see many of you on the 7th of November!

Alex, Bodo, Marc, Matthias, Ruben

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[DMANET] Call for nominations: 2024 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award

Dear all,

IFAAMAS <>, the International Foundation for
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, is pleased to announce the call
for the 2024 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
<>. It is awarded for
dissertations written as part of a PhD, defended in the specified period,
and nominated by the supervisor (with supporting references), which show
originality, significance, and impact, and are supported by high quality

Nominations are invited for the award, which will be presented at AAMAS-2025
<>. The award includes a certificate and a 1500 EUR

Eligibility: Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between
October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024 (both endpoints included) in the
area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems.

Submission link:

Submission deadline: October 31, 2024 (anywhere on earth)

A nomination from the dissertation supervisor requires a link to the
dissertation PDF, a PDF with a list of publications, the supervisor's
recommendation, and a PDF with information of at least one and at most
three referees. This nomination (via the Google Form above) along with all
the reference letters must be received by the deadline listed above. For
detailed information (including word limits), please refer to the full call
for nominations on the AAMAS 2025 website

For questions, please contact the chair of the selection committee: Nisarg

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

[DMANET] [Submission deadline approaching - Oct 1] [iSCI-2024] The 12th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization

Dear Professors/Scholars/Researchers,

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this iSCI
2024 Call for Papers (CFPs) with Deadline (October 1, 2024).

*The 12th IEEE International Conference on Smart*

*City and Informatization (iSCI-2024)*

*Sanya, Hainan, China, 17-21 December 2024*



The smart city is a modern urban sustainable development concept and
practice based on digital, networked and intelligent information and
communication technology facilities, with social, environmental and
management as the core elements, and ubiquitous, green and beneficial to
the people as the main features. It is a strategic cognition of the
scientific development of modern cities and a specific method to respond
wisely, another innovative top-level design for the future scientific
development of cities, and an integration and sublimation of previous urban
development concepts.

Smart cities are both intrinsically linked to and have their own
characteristics in relation to city informatisation, digital cities,
knowledge cities and creative cities. In contrast to city informatisation,
the smart city does not only stay at the level of information technology,
but also integrates technology into urbanisation, focusing on citizen
participation, social management, natural resource utilisation and quality
of life improvement in the process of urbanisation, and developing the
information systems formed in informatisation into an omnipresent and
interactive sensory network.

The 12th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization
(iSCI-2024) aims to provide a unique platform for multi-disciplinary
researchers and teams, industry solution vendors, and government agencies
to exchange innovative ideas, challenges, research results and solutions,
as well as project experience reports and successful stories.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to iSCI-2024. Accepted
papers will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to
meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements. The authors of
selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their
contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in
conjunction with the conference.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*Track 1: Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Sensing*

Security Model and Architecture

Smart Sensing in IoT

Trustworthy Data Collection in IoT

Information Security in IoT

Ubiquitous Safety in IoT

*Track 2: Urban Computing and Big Data*

Data Collection and Data Mining for Smart City

Expression and Visualization of Urban Data

Urban Monitoring and Optimization

Intelligent Transport Systems

Urban Traffic Flow Prediction

*Track 3: Sustainable Industry 4.0*

Enterprise Manufacturing and Management Informatization

Green Industry and Sustainable Manufacturing

Resource Allocation Efficiency Promotion Technologies

Integration of Information and Industrialization

Energy Informatics

*Track 4: Smart Society Informatization Technologies*

E-Government for Smart City

E-Health for Smart City

E-Education for Smart City

E-Social Services for Smart City

Social Mobility Analysis and Social Life Informatization

*Track 5: Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing for Smart City*

Cloud Computing for Smart City

Collaborative Cloud and Fog Computing for Smart City

Future Computing with Multiple Clouds

Security and Privacy across Clouds

*Track 6: Applications for Smart City Informatization*

Structural Health Monitoring in Smart City

Smart Grids and Energy

Smart Water and Food Systems

Applications for Smart Community and Smart Pension

Applications for Smart Environment and Smart Economy


*Submission Deadline: 1 **October **2024*

Authors Notification: 15 October 2024

Final Manuscript Due: 10 November 2024

Registration Due: 10 November 2024


All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference
submission website ( with PDF format. The
materials presented in the papers should not be published or under
submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 12 pages with
over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer
Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10
fonts). Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at:

Once accepted, at least one of the authors of any accepted paper is
requested to register the paper at the conference. One of the authors of
the accept paper should present the paper in the conference. Otherwise, the
paper will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.

Publicity Chair

Rui Zhang, Hangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University, China

Best regards!

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[DMANET] PhD positions at the University of Warwick, UK

We are seeking PhD candidates in the topic of Multiagent Systems and related areas, with particular emphasis on one or more of: computational social choice, algorithmic game theory, multiagent learning, and social and economic networks. The multiagent systems researchers at University of Warwick include Markus Brill<>, Debmalya Mandal<>, Ramanujan Sridharan<>, Long Tran-Thanh<>, and Paolo Turrini<>.

The University of Warwick<> has one of the leading Computer Science departments<> in the UK (ranked 4th UK computer science department in the 2021 research excellence framework<>). The department, particularly well-known for its research in theoretical computer science, consistently produces top quality research and has strong links with research in complex systems and mathematics for real-world applications<>. The successful applicant(s) will have the opportunity to work in a vibrant multiagent systems group with a strong record of publications at top-tier venues.

The expected starting date is October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Informal enquiries to any of the involved researchers are strongly encouraged:

* Markus Brill<>
* Debmalya Mandal<>
* Ramanujan Sridharan<>
* Long Tran-Thanh<>
* Paolo Turrini<>

The deadline for our internal application round is 1 November 2024. To apply, please fill out the application form<> (which will ask you to upload a CV and a letter of motivation).

We aim to have interviews between November 11th and 22nd, 2024. Top-ranked candidates will be put forward for a fully funded position through the Computer Science Centre for Doctoral Training and Research (CDT) by January 15th 2025.

For more information on the official application process, including stipends and fees, see

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[DMANET] Professorship in Quantum Computing at Bochum

The Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr University Bochum has an opening
for a Professorship in Quantum Computing (open rank). The deadline is
November 10, 2024. For more information, please see here:

Prof. Dr. Michael Walter, Faculty of Computer Science, Ruhr University
+49 (0)234 32-28555,,

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[DMANET] Final Call for Papers: 13th GameNets 2025


Dear colleagues,

the 13th EAI International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets)
will be held at Magdalene College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 17-18, 2025.

Foundational work is solicited on topics including but not limited to:

– Game theory for networks, including wireless and vehicular networks
– Congestion analysis and network design
– Traffic networks and equilibria
– Mechanism Design for Networks
– Game theory for social and biological networks
– Network pricing and resource allocation
– Game theory as applied to e-commerce and economic networks
– Game theory for emerging technologies
– Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
– Fairness in Resource Allocation
– Cooperative and Coalition games
– Collusion detection approaches
– Game theory for network security/resilience
– Approaches for Multi-agent games (e.g., Diplomacy)


Paper submissions will be handled through EasyChair. Please use the following link to submit your paper:

Full Paper Submission deadline: 15th October, 2024.
Notification deadline: 15th December, 2024
Camera-ready deadline: 15th January, 2025.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
1. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation:
2. ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems:

Further details on the call for papers, including the program committee members and invited speakers can be found on the website at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: <>

Best regards,
Vaneet Aggarwal, Tobias Harks and Sanjiv Kapoor
GAMENETS 2025 PC Co-Chairs and General Chair
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We would like to let you know about the call for papers for our upcoming IFIP SEC 2025 conference. Information bellow.

Call for Papers

40th IFIP TC-11 SEC 2025 International Information Security and Privacy Conference
May 21 – 23, 2025
Hotel City, Maribor, Slovenia

The IFIP SEC conference is the flagship event of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 11 on Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems (TC-11, We seek submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security and privacy protection in ICT Systems. Practitioners and industry representatives are encouraged to submit papers.

We welcome contributions within, but not limited to, the following areas:
Access control and authentication
Applied cryptography
Audit and risk analysis
Big data security and privacy
Cloud security and privacy
Critical infrastructure protection
Cyber-physical systems security
Data and applications security
Digital forensics
Human aspects of security and privacy
Identity management
Industry networks security
Information security education
Information security management
Information technology misuse and the law
IoT security
Managing information security functions
Mobile security
Multilateral security
Network & distributed systems security
Pervasive systems security
Privacy protection and Privacy-by-design
Privacy-enhancing technologies
Quantum computations and post-quantum cryptography
Side-channel attacks
Surveillance and counter-surveillance
Trust management

Submission of full papers deadline December 20, 2024, AoE

General chair
Tatjana Welzer, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor, Slovenia

Programme committee co-chairs
Kai Rannenberg, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lili Nemec Zlatolas, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor, Slovenia

Organizing chair
Marko Hölbl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor, Slovenia

Further information and submission:

We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,

University of Maribor
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Koroška cesta 46, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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[DMANET] October 14, 16.30-17.30 CET, @ the newly created EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning

Dear colleagues,

EURO – The Association of European Operational Research Societies has a new instrument, the EURO Online Seminar Series (EURO OSS), and we are pleased that on October 14, 16.30-17.30 CET, Prof Anita Schöbel (President of EURO) will open the EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning,, followed by the talk of Prof Bart Baesens on "Using AI for Fraud Detection: Recent Research Insights and Emerging Opportunities".

To receive the link to participate online, please join the mailinglist

The EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning is an online seminar series with the goal to brand the role of Operational Research in Artificial Intelligence. The format is a weekly session that takes place every Monday, 16.30-17.30 (CET). It is 100% online-access, and it will have leading speakers from Operational Research, as well as neighbouring areas, that will cover important topics such as explainability, fairness, fraud, privacy, etc. We also have the YOUNG EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning. In each YOUNG session, three junior academics will show their latest results in this burgeoning area. The Online Seminar Series is free thanks to the support given by EURO, as well as Universidad de Sevilla (US) and Copenhagen Business School (CBS). This is gratefully acknowledged.

To follow us
Link to register mailinglist:
X (formerly Twitter): @euroorml

Kind regards,
The organizers of the EURO OSS on Operational Research and Machine Learning
Emilio Carrizosa, IMUS-Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla
Nuria Gómez-Vargas, IMUS-Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla
Thomas Halskov, Copenhagen Business School
Dolores Romero Morales, Copenhagen Business School

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

[DMANET] PhD position in Neurosymbolic Algorithmics at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

Dear Colleagues,

Within the new Cluster of Excellence "Bilateral AI" (, we seek to fill a 4-year PhD position.

The successful candidate will work on integrating symbolic computational reasoning techniques (such as SAT, MaxSAT, #SAT, QBF, and CP) with cutting-edge machine learning approaches, including generative methods like transformer models and predictive techniques like reinforcement learning. The goal is to develop algorithms that surpass traditional methods in efficiency. The ideal candidate has a strong background in both areas (symbolic and subsymbolic techniques). However, we will also consider candidates with a strong background in one area who are willing to gain expertise in the other. Excellent programming skills in languages such as Python and the ability to design efficient algorithms are required.

Detailed information on the position and on how to apply can be found here:

Informal inquiries about the position are welcome and should be sent directly to Stefan Szeider.

Best regards,
Stefan Szeider

Stefan Szeider, Professor
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Algorithms and Complexity Group

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[DMANET] 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024): 2-8 November, 2024; Hanoi, Vietnam: Call for Participation - Early Bird Registration Extended to 4 October

21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024)-Call for Participation

21st International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2024

November 2 - November 8, 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam

Conference web site:

--Call For Participation--

Early Registration: Deadline GMT+7 (i.e. Vietnam time) Friday 20 September, 2024

--Conference Format and Registration--

KR 2024 will be organized as in-person and welcomes all researchers interested in KR to participate! Information about how to register for the main conference and associated events can be found at:

The list of papers accepted at the main conference and special tracks can be found on the conference webpage.

--NSF Student Grants--

If you are a student based in the US, there is an opportunity to receive funding for attending the conference. Please fill out this form here ( no later than September 17.

--Keynote Speakers--

- Meghyn Bienvenu (LaBRI - CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France)
- Subbarao Kambhampati (Arizona State University, USA)
- Sheila McIlraith (University of Toronto, Canada) and Murray Shanahan (Imperial College London, UK)
- Nina Narodytska (VMware Research by Broadcom, USA)

--Special Tracks--

- KR in the Wild
- Reasoning, Learning and Decision-Making
- Recently Published Research
- Video Track

--Special Sessions--

- Demonstration Session
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Doctoral Consortium


- 5th Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2024)
- 1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Language Models for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (NeLaMKRR 2024)
- International Workshop on Logical Aspects in Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS and SR 2024)
- 1st Workshop on Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic Architectures for Intelligent Robotics Technology (SYNERGY)
- Joint Workshop on Knowledge Diversity and Cognitive Aspects of KR (KoDis/CAKR 2024)


- An introduction to approximation fixpoint theory
- Argumentation and Machine Learning
- Fundamental Problems in Statistical Relational AI
- Formal Aspects of Strategic Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems
- Iterated Belief Change
- Large Language Models are Human-like Annotators
- Probing Machine Learning Models in Angluin's Style

--Co-Located Events--

NMR 2024 (23rd International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning)

--Conference Chairs--

- General Chair: Pierre Marquis (University Artois, CNRS, CRIL - Institut Universitaire de France, France)
- Program Chairs: Magdalena Ortiz (TU Wien, Austria) and Maurice Pagnucco (The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia)
- Demonstration Session Chair: Mario Alviano (University of Calabria, Italy)
- Diversity and Inclusion Session Chairs: Shqiponja Ahmetaj (TU Wien, Austria), Daxin Liu (The University of Edinburgh, UK), Renata Wassermann (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
- Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Camille Bourgaux (CNRS, ENS, Paris, France), Johannes P. Wallner (TU Graz, Austria)
- Funding and Scholarship Chairs: Gianluca Cima (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Zeynep Saribatur (TU Wien, Austria)
- KR in the Wild Track Chairs: Matti Järvisalo (University of Helsinki, Finland), Birte Glimm (University of Ulm, Germany)
- Local Arrangement Chairs: Long Tran-Thanh (University of Warwick, UK), Thanh Van Dinh (East Asia University of Technology, Vietnam), Van Dao Hong (East Asia University of Technology, Vietnam), Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University, USA), Phi Le Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
- Publicity Chairs: Yazmin Angelica Ibañez-Garcia (Cardiff University, UK), Stavros Vassos (
- Reasoning, Learning and Decision-Making Track Chairs: Jean Christoph Jung (Dortmund University, Germany), Sebastijan Dumančić (Delft University, The Netherlands), Masoumeh Mansouri (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Recently Published Research Track Chairs: Yongmei Liu (Sun Yat-sen University, China), Mantas Šimkus (TU Wien, Austria)
- Tutorial and Workshop Chairs: Elena Botoeva (University of Kent, UK),

KR Inc., not for profit Scientific Foundation, , Massachusetts, USA , ,

Manage preferences ( )

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[DMANET] EWSN'24: Posters & Demos Deadline Extended - October 1st

EWSN'24: Calls for Posters & Demos
December 10-13, 2024 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks
(EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference that
delves into the latest research on embedded systems and wireless
networking. These are key enablers for scenarios such as the Internet of
Things and Cyber-Physical Systems.

*** SCOPE ***

EWSN 2024 invites poster and demo submissions. The poster session will
serve as a forum for researchers to present ongoing work and receive
early feedback from peers, while the demo session will showcase real
prototypes and systems. The best paper/demo award will be granted with €
1,000 each.
Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to those of the
EWSN'24 Call for Papers (see


The poster and demo co-chairs will review and evaluate each submission
based on its quality and potential to stimulate lively discussions
during the conference.
- Format: Submit a 2-page abstract (plus one additional page for demos
describing the setup). Use the LaTeX template provided. Submissions
should be formatted to an 8.5x11 (letter) two-column layout with
10-point font.
- Title: The abstracts' title must be prepended with ''Poster: '' or
''Demo: '' as applicable.
- Anonymity: all submissions should not be anonymized, i.e., the
abstracts should include all authors' names, affiliations, and contact

Posters and demo abstracts are submitted using HotCRP:
- Posters:
- Demos:
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and
indexed in the ACM Digital Library.


The organization of the poster and demo session during the conference
embraces two major aspects:
- One-minute madness: The poster and demo displays will be preceded by a
quick introductory session. This is intended to pitch your poster/demo
and intrigue the audience to visit your stand.
- Digital presentation: Posters will be displayed on digital A1
displays, supporting multimedia elements (videos are allowed, but there
is no sound). There will be no poster stands or walls. The display of
all posters and demos is restricted to a dedicated poster session.


- Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024 (AoE)
- Notification of Acceptance: October 7, 2024
- Camera-ready Deadline: October 15, 2024
- Posters and Demos session at EWSN 2024: December 11, 2024


- Christian Renner (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
- Martin Andreoni (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
- Longfei Shanguan (University of Pittsburgh, United States)

This call encourages a wide range of contributions, particularly
welcoming early-stage work from students and supplementary materials
from authors of full papers (accepted or otherwise). EWSN 2024 will also
support several travel grants for students and women in science (see If you have any questions about the
suitability of your topic or submission, please contact the poster and
demo co-chairs.

We look forward to your innovative contributions and an exciting
exchange of ideas at EWSN. For more information on submission guidelines
and event details, please visit our website:

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Monday, September 23, 2024

[DMANET] Call For Participation: HCOMP 2024 for the PACE Workshop: Participatory AI for Community Engagement

🚀 Join us at HCOMP 2024 for the PACE Workshop: Participatory AI for
Community Engagement! We are happy to announce the upcoming PACE Workshop
and invite researchers from all fields working on participatory approaches
for public sector responsible AI.

📅 Date: October 16–19, 2024 (Exact day will be announced soon) 📍 Venue:
HCOMP 2024 at Pittsburgh, PA

💡 Submission Categories:


Work-in-progress papers: Present initial research findings or innovative
ideas in the early stages of development.

Position papers: Offer literature reviews, reveal systematic
shortcomings, or propose new Responsible AI solutions for the public sector.

Artifact papers: Include software, prototypes, pictorials, etc.,
described in an accompanying short paper.

All submissions should be 5000 words or less (excluding references and

🔍 Workshop Highlights:


Keynote by a leading community organization in public sector AI

Paper sessions presenting cutting-edge research

Interactive discussion activities on auditing and accessibility in AI

📢 Submission Deadline: Oct 4, 2024

For more details and to submit your work, visit our website: Submissions can be made through CMT

*Nicholas Mattei*
Associate Professor, Tulane University |
Stanley Thomas Hall | 305B
+1 504 865 5782
Department of Computer Science
Tulane University
6823 St Charles Ave
New Orleans, LA 70118

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[DMANET] M-PREF 2024 - 2nd Call for Participation


15th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling

October 20, 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
in conjunction with ECAI 2024

Invited Speakers: Jörg Rothe (HHU) and Khaled Belahcene (MICS)

We invite interested researchers to participate in the 15th
Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF
2024), which is part of the workshop program of ECAI 2024.
Participants need to register for the pre-conference program of ECAI.
The workshop will be held on October 20, 2024 on the North Campus of
the University of Santiago de Compostela.


The workshop on Advances in Preference Handling addresses all
computational aspects of preference handling. This includes methods
for the elicitation, learning, modeling, representation, aggregation,
and management of preferences and for reasoning about preferences. The
workshop studies the usage of preferences in computational tasks from
decision making, database querying, web search, personalized human-
computer interaction, personalized recommender systems, e-commerce,
multi-agent systems, game theory, social choice, combinatorial
optimization, planning and robotics, automated problem solving,
perception and natural language understanding and other computational
tasks involving choices. The workshop seeks to improve the overall
understanding of and best methodologies for preferences in order to
realize their benefits in the multiplicity of tasks for which they are
used. Another important goal is to provide cross-fertilization between
the numerous sub-fields that work with preferences.

- Preference handling in artificial intelligence
- Preference handling in database systems
- Preference handling in multiagent systems
- Applications of preferences
- Preference elicitation and learning
- Preference representation and modeling
- Properties and semantics of preferences
- Practical preferences


The following schedule is tentative. Please check the following web
page for last minute changes:

9:00 - 10:30 Session 1: Fair Allocation

Welcome by Organizers

Regular paper

"Fair Division with Storage and an Application to Water Allocation" by
Eyal Briman, Nimrod Talmon, Stephane Airiau, Umberto Grandi, Jerome
Lang, Jerome Mengin, and Faria Nasiri Mofakham

Regular paper

"Computing Efficient Envy-Free Partial Allocations of Indivisible
Goods" by Robert Bredereck, Andrzej Kaczmarczyk, Junjie Luo, and Bin

Regular paper

"Distribution Aggregation via Continuous Thiele's Rules" by Jonathan
Wagner and Reshef Meir

Regular paper

"Adjusting Adjusted Winner" by Robert Bredereck, Eyal Briman, Bin Sun,
and Nimrod Talmon

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:45 Invited Talk: Khaled Belahcene

Title: "Lincs, a Python library for non-compensatory sorting"

11:45 - 12:30 Session 2: Preference Models

Regular paper

"Defining Compatibility for Moral Preferences: a Condition based on
Suzumura Consistency" by Guillaume Gervois, Gauvain Bourgne, and
Marie-Jeanne Lesot

Published Paper (ADT 2024)

"Learning multiple multicriteria additive models from heterogeneous
preferences" by Vincent Auriau, Khaled Belahcene, Emmanuel Malherbe,
and Vincent Mousseau

12:30–14:00 Lunch Break

14:00–14:45 Invited Talk: Jörg Rothe

Title: "Economics and Computation: The Second Edition"

14:45–15:30 Session 3: Fair Mechanisms

Regular Paper

"Proportional Participatory Budgeting with Projects Interaction" by
Roy Fairstein, Reshef Meir and Kobi Gal

Regular Paper

"Equitable Mechanism Design for Facility Location" by Toby Walsh

15:30–16:00 Coffee Break

16:00–17:30 Session 4: Voting

Regular Paper

"Properties of Egalitarian Sequences of Committees: Theory and
Experiments" by Paula Böhm, Robert Bredereck, and Till Fluschnik

Regular Paper

"Algorithms for Collaborative Harmonization" by Eyal Briman, Eyal
Leizerovich and Nimrod Talmon

Published Paper (AAMAS 2024)

"Fine-Grained Liquid Democracy for Cumulative Ballots" by Matthias
Köppe, Krzysztof Sornat, Martin Koutecký, and Nimrod Talmon

Regular Paper

"A Non-Jury Theorem when Voters Can Abstain" by Ganesh Ghalme and
Reshef Meir

Closing Remarks


Participants need to register for the pre-conference program of ECAI:


Ulrich Junker, France
Anaëlle Wilczynski, Université Paris-Saclay, France


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[DMANET] Postdoc position in SAT solving at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

Dear Colleagues,

We seek a postdoc to work with us on one of the following topics:

(1) using SAT-solving techniques to solve combinatorial problems, and
(2) speeding up SAT solving (or related problems) with ML techniques.

The research-only position is for up to 2 years.

Applications can be made until October 23, 2024, using the following link

Informal inquiries are welcome.

Best regards,
Stefan Szeider

Stefan Szeider, Professor
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Algorithms and Complexity Group

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[DMANET] LAWCG 2024 - Last call for participation

Dear all,

Please remember that the deadline to register for the 11th Latin American
Workshop on Cliques in Graphs (LAWCG 2024) is September 30th, 23h59 (GMT-3).

Further information can be found here:

Thanks for sharing this information with potentially interested colleagues
and students.


The 11th Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs (LAWCG 2024) will
take place in:

Praia do Presídio, Aquiraz - Ceará, Brazil

October 20th to 23rd, 2024.

LAWCG is a venue meant to foster interaction among the Latin American Graph
Theory and Combinatorics community, whose research interests include
cliques, clique graphs, the behavior of cliques and other topics in Graph


Important dates and information


Submissions ended: April 30, 2024

Early registration: until July 15, 2024

Registrations end: September 30, 2024


Special issue of Matemática Contemporânea


After the event, all interested researchers will be invited to submit an
extended abstract to Matemática Contemporânea, a journal of the Brazilian
Mathematical Society. The submitted papers will go through the normal
peer-review process.


Invited Speakers


Marina Esther Groshaus - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil.

César Hernández Cruz - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico.

Andrea Jiménez - Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.

Nicolas Nisse - Inria d'université Côte d'Azur, France.


Programme Committee


Carlos Vinicius Lima, UFCA, Brazil

Ana Karolinna Maia, UFC, Brazil (Chair)

Amanda Montejano, UNAM, Mexico

Martin Safe, UNS, Argentina

Diana Sasaki, UERJ, Brazil

Silvia Tondato, UNLP, Argentina


Organizing Committee


Júlio Araújo, UFC, Brazil (Chair)

Fabricio Benevides, UFC, Brazil

Claudia Linhares Sales, UFC, Brazil

Ana Karolinna Maia, UFC, Brazil (Co-chair)

Rudini Sampaio, UFC, Brazil

Ana Shirley Silva, UFC, Brazil (Co-chair)

On the behalf of the organizing committee,

Júlio Araújo

Júlio Araújo
* <>*
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[DMANET] STACS 2025: Last Call for Papers

This is the last announcement of the Call for Papers for STACS 2025.
The submission deadline is THIS THURSDAY!

=== STACS'25: Call for Papers ===

The 42nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science is planned to take place from March 4th to March 7th in Jena,

STACS 2025 will consist of two tracks, A and B. Track A focuses on
algorithms, data structures and complexity, while track B focuses on
automata, logic, semantics, and theory of programming.

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and
unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science.
Topics covered by the tracks include, but are not limited to the

Track A. Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity

Design of parallel algorithms
Distributed algorithms
Approximation algorithms
Parameterized algorithms
Randomized algorithms
Analysis of algorithms
Combinatorics of data structures
Computational geometry
Algorithms for machine learning
Algorithmic game theory
Quantum algorithms
Computational and structural complexity theory
Parameterised complexity
Randomness in computation

Track B. Automata, Logic, Semantics and Theory of Programming

Automata theory
Games and multi-agent systems
Algebraic and categorical methods
Models of computation
Timed systems
Finite model theory
Database theory
Type systems
Program analysis
Specification and verification
Rewriting and deduction
Learning theory
Logical aspects of computability and complexity

== Important Dates ==

Submission deadline: 26 September 2024, 23:59 AoE
Rebuttal: 15-21 November 2024
Notification: 16 December 2024
Camera ready: mid-January 2025
Conference: 4-7 March 2025

== Submissions ==

Submissions should be made through EasyChair at

For more information on submission format, conflicts of interest,
rebuttal, etc., see .
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.