Friday, February 28, 2025

[DMANET] ICDT 2026 - Final Call for Papers

** ICDT 2026 - Final Call for Papers (for the first submission round) **

ICDT is a series of international scientific conferences on research of
data management theory ( Since 2009,
it is annually and jointly held with EDBT (Extending DB Technology).

The 29th edition of ICDT, in 2026, will take place in Tampere, Finland.

** Topics of Interest **

We welcome research papers on every topic related to the principles and
theory of data management, provided that there is a clear connection to
foundational aspects. This includes, for example, articles on "classical"
data management topics such as:
- The theoretical investigation of various aspects of underlying data
management systems (e.g., Indexes, Concurrency and recovery, Distributed
and parallel databases, Cloud computing, Privacy and security, Graph
databases, Data streams and sketching, Data-centric (business) process
management and workflows, Data and knowledge integration and exchange, Data
provenance, Views, Data warehouses, Domain-specific databases - multimedia,
scientific, spatial, temporal, text data, ...),
- The design and study of data models and query languages,
- The development and analysis of algorithms for data management,
but also includes papers exploring existing or identifying new connections
between data management and other areas, such as the areas of: knowledge
representation, semantic web, web services, information retrieval and data
mining, machine learning/AI, distributed computing, theoretical computer

In all of the above, a clear emphasis on foundational aspects is expected.
You may want to check to get an
overview of previous editions of ICDT.

The Program Committee reserves the right to desk reject a submission when
it is regarded to be out of scope.

** Submission Cycles and Dates **

ICDT will have two submission cycles for 2026, with deadlines as follows:

All times are Anywhere on Earth (UTC + 12)

** ICDT Submission Cycle 1 **

March 13, 2025: Abstract submission
March 20, 2025: Paper submission
June 1, 2025: Notification

** ICDT Submission Cycle 2 **

September 3, 2025: Abstract submission
September 10, 2025: Paper submission
December 1, 2025: Notification

Papers rejected in the first submission cycle cannot be submitted to the
second submission cycle unless explicitly requested by the reviewers.

** Program Committee **

** ICDT 2026 Program Committee Chair **

Balder ten Cate, ILLC, University of Amsterdam

** ICDT 2026 Program Committee Members **

Antonella Poggi, University of Rome Sapienza
Batya Kenig, Technion
Carsten Lutz, University of Leipzig
Cristina Sirangelo, CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Diego Figueira, CNRS, Univ Bordeaux
Dominik Freydenberger, Loughborough University
Emanuel Sallinger, TU Wien
Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp
Francesco Scarcello, Università della Calabria
Hubie Chen, King's College London
Jeff M. Phillips, University of Utah
Liat Peterfreund, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Luc Segoufin, INRIA, ENS Ulm
Mahmoud Abo Khamis, RelationalAI
Marco Calautti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Markus Schmid, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University
Matthias Niewerth, Bayreuth University
Miika Hannula, University of Tartu
Sanjay Krishnan, University of Chicago
Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden
Stavros Sintos, University of Illinois Chicago
Stefan Mengel, CNRS, Université d'Artois

** Submission Instructions **

All submissions will be electronic via EasyChair. Link:
Papers must be written in English and provide sufficient detail to allow
the program committee to assess their merits. Papers must be submitted as
PDF documents, using the LIPIcs style (

** Tracks **

1. ** Regular Research Papers (15 pages, anonymized) **

The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops. Papers
must be at most 15 pages, excluding references. Additional details may be
included in a clearly marked appendix, which, however, will be read at the
discretion of the program committee (online appendices are not allowed).
Papers not conforming to these requirements may be rejected without further

2. ** Database Theory in Action (4 pages, non-anonymized) **

To broaden the scope of ICDT and showcase the impact of database theory,
ICDT 2026 includes again a "Database Theory in Action" track that calls for
short papers illustrating interesting applications of database theory in
other domains or in solving real-world problems. These papers will be 4
pages + references, and can be based on a previously published paper at
another venue. In particular, we invite papers that demonstrate novel and
important connections between database theory and neighboring communities
such as Database Systems, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Machine
Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Distributed
Computing, and Industry. At the discretion of the program committee, there
may be invited papers to this track as well. The title of the papers
submitted to this track must start with "Database Theory in Action:". These
papers should also include clear pointers to all relevant previous
publications, websites, tools, repositories, etc.

The proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. This guarantees
that the proceedings will be available online and free of charge, while the
authors retain the rights over their work.

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register at the
conference and to present the paper.

** Anonymous Submission **

>From 2024, ICDT has adopted anonymous submission (only for regular track
papers; submissions for the "database theory in action" track should not be
anonymous), in line with other leading conferences in the database
community such as SIGMOD and PODS. The intent of anonymous submission is to
ensure that the identity of the authors is not presented to the reviewers
during the review process. Specifically, submitted papers must not list
authors or affiliations, and must not include acknowledgments to funding
sources, or other colleagues or collaborators. References to the authors'
own prior work must not be distinguished from other references. Where this
is not possible (for instance, when referring to a specific system to which
the authors have privileged access), anonymized citations are permissible.
For more background on the motivation for anonymous submissions, and the
mechanisms to achieve it, please consult [Snodgrass, 2007]
Simultaneously, the authors may make their submissions available to the
community via pre-print services such as ArXiv and through talks. We do
require that work is not labeled as "under submission at ICDT" or indicates
that it is under review, but otherwise place no restrictions on sharing
results. This does not conflict with the anonymous submission requirement.


An award will be given to the Best Paper. Also, an award will be given to
the Best Newcomer Paper written by newcomers to the field of database
theory. The latter award will preferentially be given to a paper written
only by students; in that case the award will be called Best Student-Paper
Award. The program committee reserves the following rights: not to give any
award; to split an award among several papers; and to define the notion of
a newcomer. Papers authored or co-authored by program committee members are
not eligible for a best paper or a best newcomer paper award.

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] CFP: London Stringology Days & London Algorithmic Workshop Special Issue in Theoretical Computer Science

Dear friends and colleagues of LSD/LAW workshops,

We thank you for your interest and participation in this series of workshops held at King's College London since 1993. The 2025 edition was held in honour of Professor Costas Iliopoulos, known in the community simply as Costas, who initiated these workshops in the heart of London, thus creating an academic hub in the field. It was wonderful to see such a collegiate scientific gathering at this 2025 event.

We warmly invite you to submit your LSD/LAW related research contributions to a Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science.

The theme of the special issue is strings, graphs, and applications. The scope of the special issue encompasses both theory and applications: stringology, graph theory, combinatorics on words, data patterns & analysis, algorithms and data structures, bioinformatics, musicology, information retrieval, algorithm engineering & implementation.

We invite original previously unpublished research contributions to the special issue from:

* Participants of LSD/LAW workshops held 2019-2025 where participants include: presenters, attendees, committee members, and organisers. (Please contact the editors if you want to discuss a potential submission related to an earlier workshop.)

* Past collaborators of Costas where the topic of the submission fits the theme/scope of the special issue. Note these submissions may include posthumous publication with Costas.

* Survey papers that are clearly focussed on the theme/scope of the special issue with substantial content (guideline at least 20 PDF pages).

* Full versions of conference papers on the theme/scope of the special issue which include additional novel content (guideline 30%). In this case please concatenate the conference paper(s) for the convenience of the reviewers (format: journal submission appears first before the conference paper(s)).

All submissions must be made in PDF format to the submission portal:
All submissions must be made in PDF. Please select "VSI:LSD/LAW 2025" when they reach the “Article Type� step in the submission process.

Please refer to the useful links below for further submission information.
The publication schedule follows with submission subject to at least 2 reviews:

* Submission 30th June 2025.
* Notification 15th November 2025.
* Revised versions 15th January 2026.
* Final versions 31st January 2026.

We look forward to your submission!

Any questions? please contact the editors.

Kind regards,
W.F. Smyth, Senior Executive Editor

Zara Lim, Co-editor

Jacqueline W. Daykin, Co-editor

[DMANET] [CFP] IEEE SMARTCOMP 2025 - Tutorials, PhD Forum, Posters/Demos/WIP

*Call for Tutorials*

SMARTCOMP is the premier forum for exploring cutting-edge research,
innovation, and applications in the rapidly evolving domain of smart
computing, encompassing advancements in sensor-based technologies, IoT,
cyber-physical systems, edge and cloud computing, big data, machine
learning, and AI.

The IEEE SMARTCOMP 2025 organizers invite proposals for tutorials. We will
consider tutorials on any topic if highly relevant for the SMARTCOMP
community. Tutorials should be of interest for a substantial part of the
SMARTCOMP audience and represent a sufficiently mature area of research or
a particular emerging topic. Topics can include pervasive/ubiquitous
computing, edge/cloud computing, software defined networking, sensor
networks, decision making under uncertainty, IoT, AI/deep learning,
security and privacy, cyber- physical systems and their application, social
computing, cognitive computing, and validation within smart computing
environments (smart buildings, cities, grids, healthcare, transport,
precision agriculture and other innovations contributing to smart living).

*Submission Guidelines*

The tutorial proposals should include:

- Title of the tutorial;

- Short biography of the organizer(s);

- An extended abstract describing objectives, motivation and
references of the tutorial. This will be included in the conference
proceedings in case of acceptance.

- Timeliness, duration (e.g., 1.5h; 3h) and estimated audience.

- An outline of the tutorial content, including its tentative

- Pre-required environment (e.g., Virtual machine, PC
characteristics, AWS account, etc. if necessary)

- If appropriate, a description of the past/relevant experience of
the speaker(s) on the topic of the tutorial.


In the previous year, tutorials were organized on the 2nd day of the

Proposals should be submitted, no later than *April 16, 2025*, in PDF
format by email to * <>*
and * <>* with the subject line "*SMARTCOMP
2025 Tutorial Proposal*".

Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance for the SMARTCOMP
community, quality of the proposal and expertise of the presenters. If
accepted, the tutorial organizers could provide tutorial materials that
will be made available on a dedicated section of the main conference
website. A call for participation will be disseminated by publicity chairs

*Important Dates*

*Paper submission: 16 April 2025*

Acceptance notification: 2 May 2025

Tutorial Day: TBA

*Tutorial Co-chairs*

*Fabrizio De Vita*, University of Messina, Italy

*Aisling O'Driscoll*, University College Cork

*Call for Contributions: SmartComp 2025 PhD Forum*

The Ph.D. Forum at SmartComp 2025 provides an opportunity for Ph.D.
students to present their work in progress to the scientific community and
obtain individual feedback from leading researchers in the field. This
forum is intended to provide doctoral students with a platform to interact
with established researchers from both academia and industry and get useful
guidance on the broader impacts of their research.

The Forum will be structured as a poster presentation session and
discussions. The poster presentations will be interleaved with speeches by
leading researchers, who will provide their own perspectives on research in
the field, as well as on how to best pursue a Ph.D. in this context.

Current Ph.D. students at any stage of their career are encouraged to
submit a 3-page extended abstract about their research to be considered for
the Ph.D. Forum. The student should be the sole author, although the
contributions of the advisor and others should be acknowledged. Submissions
will be reviewed by the Ph.D. Forum program committee to ensure quality,
relevance, and potential benefit from attendance at the Forum. Submissions
are expected to include motivation of the importance and challenges to the
particular problem, and initial results that support either the importance
of the research problem or viability of solutions. Authors of accepted
submissions are expected to participate in-person. The proceedings of the
Forum will be included in the proceedings of the main conference.
*Submission Guidelines*

Abstract should be no more than 3 pages in length, including figures,
tables, and references.

A brief statement by the Ph.D. advisor in support of the submission as
well as a CV of the PhD candidate (max. 3 pages) should be submitted
together with the abstract.

Authors are requested to submit manuscripts in standard IEEE proceedings
format in PDF. All submissions must be typeset in double-column IEEE format
using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with all fonts embedded. Submitted
abstracts must include the contact information of the authors. Please make
sure you use the latest version of the templates to prepare your
*Important Dates*

*Submission: March 1st 2025 *

Acceptance notification: April 15th 2025

Camera ready: May 1st 2025
*SMARTCOMP 2024 PhD Forum Chairs*

*Cormac Sreenan (University College Cork)*

*Stephan Sigg (Aalto University)*


*Call for Posters/Demos/WIP*

SMARTCOMP 2025 is the 11th edition of the premier conference on Smart
Computing. Smart computing is a multidisciplinary domain based on the
synergistic influence of advances in sensor-based technologies, the
Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems (CPS), edge computing, big data
analytics, machine learning, cognitive computing, and artificial
intelligence. Applications of smart computing can be found in different
societal domains including, but not limited to, transportation, energy,
environmental protection, smart and connected communities, healthcare,
banking, industrial systems, entertainment, and social media. Algorithmic
and system advancements in cloud computing, mobile/pervasive computing,
cyber-physical systems, sensor networking, and social computing are taking
smart computing to a new dimension and improving our ways of living.

The Posters and Work in Progress (WIP) session will provide a forum to
discuss novel ideas, preliminary results, present innovative applications
and tools, and bring about novel research questions, approaches, and

The Demo session will focus on hands-on demonstrations of preliminary works
on novel platforms, implementations, and case studies. We particularly
welcome demos that present innovative designs or advancements in CPS,
providing attendees with the opportunity to experience cutting-edge
technology firsthand.

We encourage both academia and industry to contribute by sharing valuable
insights into real-world applications and innovative solutions in Smart

Industry submissions are invited to reflect practical experiences, field
trials, and emerging trends from an industrial perspective, demonstrating
the impact and applicability of Smart Computing technologies.

Authors of papers that received favorable reviews but could not be accepted
to the Main track may be offered the opportunity to publish their submitted
work in the Posters/Demos/WIP track.

* Topics*

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

· Future Smart Computing Paradigms

· Models of Smart Environments

· Algorithms for Smart Computing

· AI and Machine Learning in Smart Computing

· Security, Privacy, and Trust Issues in Smart Computing

· Fairness and Socio-technical Issues of Smart Computing

· Cyber-physical System Platforms for Smart Environments

· Middleware Platforms for Smart Environments

· Mobile and Ubiquitous Platforms for Smart Environments

· Cloud, Edge and Fog Computing Platforms for Smart Systems

· Data Architectures and Analytics for Smart Computing

· Smart Computing for Smart and Connected Communities

· Smart Green Computing

· Social Computing and Smart Systems

· Wearable Computing and IoT for Smart Systems

· Architectures and Software for Smart Computing

· Novel Communication Paradigms (e.g., 5G/6G, VLC, DSA) in smart

· Quantum Computing in Smart Systems

· Interdisciplinary Approaches to Smart Computing

· Applications of Smart Computing include:

· Smart healthcare and digital epidemiology

· Smart agriculture

· Smart infrastructures

· Smart cities

· Smart energy, transportation, water distribution systems

· Smart factories

· Smart workspace

*Submission Guidelines*

Posters, Demos, and WIP papers should be no more than 3 pages in length,
including figures, tables, and references.

All the submissions must be formatted according to the two-column IEEE
proceedings template. IEEE provides corresponding formatting templates at
IEEE proceedings template ( Make sure to
use the conference mode of the template, i.e., LaTeX users must use the
conference option of the IEEEtran document class. While the submission
format is the same, the goals for Posters/WIP and Demos are different:

· *Posters/WIP:* We welcome papers up to 3 pages discussing early
or ongoing research. Posters/WIP are intended to present ongoing research
with a focus on novel methodologies, preliminary results, or innovative
concepts that hold promise for future development, highlighting key ideas,
or research directions in a concise format, fostering discussion and
feedback on emerging work/applications.

· *Demo:* We welcome papers up to 3 pages focused on the specific
component that will be demonstrated to the audience and how the attendees
will be able to interact. They should also provide an overview of the
background research leading up to the demo.

All submitted Posters/WIP, and Demos will be subject to peer reviews by
SMARTCOMP Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the
field. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend
the conference to present the work.

Papers must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file on US Letter
size paper (not A4), with all fonts embedded (the PDF-A standard complies
with that), through EDAS. Select Posters/WIP or Demos Track at the
following link:

*Best Poster/Demo/WIP Award*

In recognition of outstanding contributions to the field, SMARTCOMP 2025
will present the Best Posters/Demos/WIP Award to the submission that
demonstrates exceptional quality, innovation, and potential impact in Smart
Computing. This award will honor the work that best exemplifies
forward-thinking approaches and technological advancements showcased during
the Posters/Demos/WIP presentation.

*Important Dates*

· *Paper submission: 23rd March 2025*

· Acceptance notification: 6th April 2025

· Camera ready (tentative): 10th May 2025

*Posters/Demos/WIP Co-Chairs*

· *Nasibeh Zohrabi* (Penn State Brandywine, USA)

· *Francesca Righetti* (University of Pisa, Italy)

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] DISC 2025 - Call for Papers


*DISC 2025 Call for Papers*


39th International Symposium on Distributed Computing
October 27th – October 31st, 2025
Berlin, Germany


*DISC Conference Overview*


The International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) is an
international forum on the theory, design, analysis, implementation and
application of distributed systems and networks. It is organized in
cooperation with the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
(EATCS). The symposium was established *40 years ago*, in 1985, as a
biannual International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms on Graphs (WDAG).


*Important Dates*


*Paper registration:* May 20, 2025
*Submission deadline:* May 23, 2025

*Rebuttal phase:* July 7-14, 2025

*Notification:* August 7, 2025

All deadlines are at 23:59 AoE.




Submissions are sought in all areas of distributed algorithms and
distributed systems, including theory, design, implementation, modelling,
analysis, and application of distributed systems and networks. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

- Biological and nature-inspired distributed algorithms
- Blockchain protocols
- Coding and reliable communication
- Communication networks: algorithms, protocols, and applications
- Complexity, lower bounds, and impossibility results
- Design and analysis of distributed algorithms
- Distributed and concurrent data structures
- Distributed algorithms for clouds and IoT
- Distributed graph algorithms
- Distributed machine learning and data science
- Distributed operating systems, middleware, database systems
- Distributed resource management
- Fault tolerance, reliability, self-organization, self-stabilization
- Formal methods for distributed computing: verification, synthesis and
- Game-theoretic and knowledge-based approaches to distributed computing
- Internet and web applications, social networks and recommendation systems
- Massively-parallel, high-performance, cloud and grid computing
- Mobile agents, autonomous distributed systems, swarm robotics
- Multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms
- Overlay networks and peer-to-peer networks
- Population protocols and chemical reaction networks
- Quantum distributed algorithms
- Replication, consensus, and consistency
- Security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
- Synchronization, persistence and transactional memory
- Wireless, mobile, sensor and ad-hoc networks




A submitted paper should clearly motivate the importance of the problem
being addressed, discuss prior work and its relationship to the paper,
explicitly and precisely state the paper's key contributions, and outline
the key technical ideas and methods used to achieve the main claims. A
submission should strive to be accessible to a broad audience, as well as
having sufficient details for experts in the area.

There are two types of submissions: regular papers and brief announcements.
Regular papers must report on original research that has not previously
been published (and may not be concurrently submitted to other journals or
conferences with proceedings). All ideas necessary for an expert to fully
verify the central claims in a paper, including experimental results,
should be included in the submission. A brief announcement may describe
work in progress or work presented elsewhere. A brief announcement may also
present a result that is short and elegant, but does not require a longer
paper. It may also be used to announce a software distribution or an
experimental result of interest that can be concisely described.

A paper that is not accepted as a regular paper may be invited as a brief


*Submission format*

Submissions must be in English in pdf format and they must be prepared
using the LaTeX style template for LIPIcs ( with


Submissions must be anonymous, without any author names, affiliations, or
email addresses. The contact information of the authors will be entered
separately in the submission metadata.

For regular papers, there is no page limit, and authors are encouraged to
use the "full version" of their paper as the submission. The initial 15
pages, excluding the title page and a table of contents, should contain a
clear presentation of the merits of the paper, including a discussion of
the paper's importance within the context of prior work and a description
of the key technical and conceptual ideas used to achieve its main claims.
(Illustrative figures are encouraged.) The submission must contain all
necessary details, including full proofs of all claims in the paper.

Although there is no bound on the length of a submission, material other
than the first 15 pages, excluding the title page and a table of contents,
will be read at the committee's discretion. Papers submitted as brief
announcements should comply with the above rules, replacing 15 pages with 5

Submissions not conforming to the submission guidelines and papers outside
of the scope of the conference will be rejected without consideration.


*Use of Large Language Models (LLMs)*

The use of LLMs for submission preparation is permitted, although it is
highly recommended that they only be used for cosmetic changes, e.g.
proofreading of the text. The use of LLMs in technical parts should be
treated in the same way as any other software or system, and thus carefully
described and documented in the submission. Ultimately, the authors are
responsible for the content of their submission, and mis-use of LLM may
result in rejection. Any questions about the LLM use policy should be
directed to the PC chair, Dariusz Kowalski (


*Anonymous Submissions*

We will use a relaxed implementation of double-blind peer review.
Submissions must not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In
particular, authors' names and affiliation should not appear in the
document itself. Authors should ensure that any references to their own
related work are in the third person (e.g., not "We build on our previous
work …" but rather "We build on the work of …"). The purpose of this
process is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an initial
judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them
to discover the authors if they were to try.

You are free to disseminate your work through arXiv and other online
repositories and give presentations on your work as usual. Moreover,
nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission
or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular,
important references should not be omitted or anonymized.

Brief announcements should also be submitted without author names and
affiliations so that a reviewer can form an initial judgment without bias,
but they can contain a reference to the full version of the work in the

Please feel free to ask the PC chair if you have any questions about the
double-blind policy of DISC 2025.


*Conflict of Interest*

The submission form provides an opportunity to specify conflicts of
interest with any of the PC members and other member of research community.
A conflict of interest is limited to the following:

- A family member or close friend;

- A Ph.D. advisor or advisee (no time limit), or postdoctoral or
undergraduate mentor or mentee within the past five years;

- A person with the same affiliation;

- A person involved in an alleged incident of harassment;

- Frequent collaborators, or collaborators who have jointly published
papers within the last two years.

If you feel that you have a valid reason for a conflict of interest beyond
listed above, or any other issues related to the fair treatment of your
submission, contact the PC chair, Dariusz Kowalski (,
or the SafeTOC representative for DISC, listed at


*Participation at DISC*


It is expected that accepted papers and brief announcements be presented
in-person at the conference.




The proceedings will be published by LIPIcs. The final version of the paper
has to be formatted following the LIPIcs guidelines. Regular papers will
have 15 pages in the final proceedings (excluding references), and brief
announcements will have 5 pages in the proceedings (including everything).
If more space is needed, the authors are encouraged to post the full
version e.g. on arXiv and refer to it in their paper.

Accepted papers and brief announcements must be presented by one of the
authors, with a full registration and according to the final schedule.

Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for a
special issue of the journal Distributed Computing.

The best paper at DISC will be considered for publication in the Journal of
the ACM.




Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. To be
eligible for the best student paper award, at least one of the paper
authors must be a full-time student at the time of submission, and the
student(s) must have made a significant contribution to the paper.

William K. Moses Jr.
Publicity Chair, DISC 2025

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] IFIP Networking – Paper Submission Deadline in One Week.

We are pleased to announce that IFIP NETWORKING 2025 (The International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2025) will be held
in Limassol, Cyprus, between 26-29 May 2025. This is the 24th event of the
series, sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems.
High-quality papers will be recommended for fast-track publications in
selected journals.

The main objective of IFIP NETWORKING 2025 is to bring together members of
the networking community, from both academia and industry, to discuss
recent advances in the broad and quickly-evolving fields of computer and
communication networks, to highlight key issues, identify trends, and
develop a vision for future Internet technology, operation, and use.


*Topics of Interest*


The technical sessions are typically structured around a broad set of
networking topics, which include (but are not limited to):

· *Network Architectures and Operations:* Covering different types
of networks, including data center, edge, enterprise, heterogeneous and
integrated, local, quantum, and wide area networks and different
operational considerations, including resource management, automation,
sharing, resilience, and environmental impact.

· *Network Applications and Services:* Covering innovations in
existing and emerging applications and services of networks, including
in-network computing, edge computing, overlay networking, and support for
AI/ML applications.

· *Network Modeling, Analysis, and Economics:* Covering the theory,
modeling, measurement-based techniques for traffic analysis, performance
measurements, network economics and game theory, pricing, socio-economic
aspects of networking, and user behavior profiling and tracking.

· *Network Security, Trust, and Privacy:* Covering the design and
analysis of secure and private networking applications and protocols,
including secure routing, privacy-preserving communication and in-network
computation, network forensics, intrusion detection and mitigation, and
networking-centric blockchain applications.

· *Wireless Networking:* Covering innovations in existing and
emerging wireless technologies and their applications, including 5G/6G
networks and beyond, delay tolerant networks, device-to-device
communications, drone networking, Internet of Things (IoT), and
crowdsensing/crowdsourcing, localization, long-range communications,
mmWave, and THz communications, and non-terrestrial networks.


*Submission Guidelines*


We welcome submissions of:

· *Research Papers*: Full-length papers presenting original

· *Posters and Demos:* Posters should concisely present research
ideas, preliminary results, or innovations in progress, while demos should
showcase working systems, tools, or prototypes.

All submissions must adhere to the following:

· *Research Papers*: 9-pages (submit a full paper, IEEE format via

· *Posters and Demos:* 3-pages (abstract including all figures,
references, and appendices and submit via


*Important Dates*


- *Conference Dates*: 26 - 29 May 2025
- *Submissions (Full paper, Main Track): *March 7, 2025
- *Demo/Poster submission deadline:* April 18, 2025
- *Notification of acceptance (Main Track):* April, 18, 2025
- *Notification of acceptance (Demo/Poster):* April 25, 2025
- *Camera-ready version: *May 2, 2025

Deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth




*3rd IOCRCI Workshop: Impact of IT/OT Convergence on the Resilience of
Critical Infrastructures*

Workshop Organizing Team

- Prof. Robert Kooij, Delft University of Technology and TNO, the
- Dr. Sridar Adepu, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
- Ir. Romain Dagnas, IRT System X, France

Important Dates

- Workshop: May 26, 2025
- Paper submission deadline: March 28, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 2, 2025


*Slices Workshop:* *Data-Driven Research, Reproducibility, and FAIR
Practices in Future G Networks*

TPC Co-Chairs

- Panayiotis Andreou, UCLan Cyprus, Cyprus
- Georg Carle, Technical University of Munich
- Serge Fdida, Sorbonne Université, EU ESFRI SLICES
- Abhimanyu (Manu) Gosain, Northeastern University, NSF PAWR Office
- Stavroula Maglavera, UTH, Greece

Important Dates

- Workshop: May 26, 2025
- Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 2, 2025


*2nd International Workshop on Smart Water Management (SmartWater) 2025*

Workshop General co-chairs

- Tiziana Cattai, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
- Domenico Garlisi, University of Palermo, Italy

Important Dates

- Workshop: May 26, 2025
- Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 2, 2025


*International Workshop on Trustworthy and eXplainable Artificial
Intelligence for Networks (TX4Nets)*

General Co-chairs

- Omran Ayoub, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland,
- Tania Panayiotou, University of Cyprus

Important Dates

- Workshop: May 26, 2025
- Paper submission deadline: March 31st, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 24th, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 2nd, 2025


*Extended Reality (XR) and 6G Networks (XR&6GNet)*

Workshop Chair

- Stefania Colonnese, Sapienza University of Rome

Important Dates

- Paper submission deadline: March 22, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 2, 2025


*Thought experiments, data and reproducibility for networking and FutureG
research: Hackathon*

TPC Co-Chairs

- Panayiotis Andreou, UCLan Cyprus
- Nikos Makris, University of Thessaly
- Damien Saucez, Inria

Important Dates

- Expression of Interest (EoI) submission: 21 March 2025.
- Feedback on EoI (notification): 25 April 2025.
- Final Lightning talk slides: 2 May 2025.


*Publication and Indexing*


Abstracts of the accepted and presented posters, demos, and accepted papers
will be published in the IFIP Digital Library and submitted for inclusion
into IEEE Xplore, subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality



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[DMANET] CFP: IEEE International Conferences (HPCC, DSS, DependSys, ICESS, SmartCity, DIKW), UK, 13-15 August 2025

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]

The 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2025)

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS-2025)

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys-2025)

The 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS-2025)

The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity-2025)

The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom (DIKW-2025)

To be held in Exeter, UK, 13-15 August 2025

The conference is planned to be hosted in Exeter. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI). The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.


Workshop Proposal: 1 March 2025
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2025
Authors Notification: 15 June 2025
Final Manuscript Due: 15 July 2025
Registration Due: 15 July 2025

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference websites with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts).

Accepted will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At least one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the paper at the conference.

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[DMANET] Call for paper and workshops: 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2025), UK, 13-15 August 2025

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]
************************* HPCC-2025 Call for paper and workshops **********************
The 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2025)

Exeter, UK, 13-15 August 2025
With the rapid growth in computing and communications technology, the past decade has witnessed a proliferation of powerful parallel and distributed systems and an ever increasing demand for practice of high performance computing and communications (HPCC). HPCC has moved into the mainstream of computing and has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches, especially when the solution of large and complex problems must cope with very tight timing schedules.
Among a series of highly successful International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), the HPCC-2025 conference is the 27th edition of a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address the resulting profound challenges and to present and discuss their new ideas, research results, applications and experience on all aspects of high performance computing and communications.
HPCC-2025 will be hosted in Exeter, the capital city of Devon and provides the county with a central base for education, medicine, religion, commerce and culture. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to HPCC-2025. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI). The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: High Performance Computing and Applications
Track 2: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Track 3: Communications and Networking
Track 4: Computing Power Network (CPN) and Network for AI Computing

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website ( with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 12 pages with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts).
Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At least one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the paper at the conference.

HPCC-2025 is inviting proposals for high-quality workshops to complement its scientific program. Workshop topics should fall within the broad area of High Performance Computing and Communications. The workshop organizers are highly encouraged to include interactive and hands-on working sessions.
The organizers of approved workshops are responsible for advertising their workshops, collecting papers, managing the review process, making accepted papers available to workshop participants (e.g., workshop website). Conference facilities such as meeting rooms, wireless Internet and meals will be provided by the main conference local organizers.

Workshop proposals should be formatted as a single PDF document of 1-2 pages, describing the following:

* The full name and acronym of the workshop
* A description of the theme of the workshop and its key topics
* A tentative list of workshop chairs
* A tentative CFP

To Submit: Please email your proposal to with the title "HPCC Workshop Proposal".


* Workshop Proposal: 1 March 2025
* Submission Deadline: 30 April 2025
* Authors Notification: 15 June 2025
* Final Manuscript Due: 15 July 2025
* Registration Due: 15 July 2025
* Conference Date: 13-15 August 2025

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

[DMANET] [ICLP 2025 - First Call for Papers] 41st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP’25) University of Calabria, Rende, Italy | September 12-19, 2025

*[apologize for multiple postings]*

*First Call for Papers*

41st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'25)

University of Calabria, Rende, Italy | September 12-19, 2025


Since the first conference In Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been the premier
international event for presenting research in logic programming.
Contributions are sought in all areas of logic programming, including but
not restricted to:

*Theoretical Foundations:*

Formal and operational semantics, Non-monotonic reasoning, Reasoning under
uncertainty, Knowledge representation, Semantic issues of combining logic
and neural models, Complexity results.

*Language Design and Programming Methodologies:*

Concurrency and parallelism, Mobility, Interacting with ML, Logic-based
domain-specific languages, Hybrid logical and imperative/functional
languages, Programming techniques, Theory reasoning, Answer set
programming, Inductive logic programming, Coinductive logic programming.

*Program Analysis and Optimization:*

Analysis, Transformation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling,
Visualization, Logic-based validation of generated programs.

*Implementation Methodologies and Applications:*

Compilation, Constraint implementation, Ethics and trustworthiness,
Explainability, Parallel/distributed execution, Search and optimization
problems, Heuristic methods, Logic-based prompt engineering, Tabling, User


- Paper registration (regular papers): April 13, 2025

- Paper submission (regular papers): April 18, 2025

- Notification (regular papers): May 25, 2025

- Paper submission (TC papers, IJCAI Fast Track papers): June 15, 2025

- Revision submission (TPLP papers): June 15, 2025

- Final notification: July 6, 2025

- Final version: July 27, 2025

- Main conference: September 15-19, 2025


In addition to the main track, ICLP'25 will host:

- IJCAI Fast Track: The notification date for IJCAI'25 does not allow
authors of rejected papers to submit to ICLP'25. In coordination with the
IJCAI'25 program chairs, we have therefore instituted a process by which
authors can submit revised versions of such rejected papers directly to
ICLP'25. Authors must submit a cover letter explaining how they have
addressed the critical issues raised by IJCAI'25 reviewers before
submitting their revised paper to the IJCAI Fast Track of ICLP'25. The
submission will then enter the "revision" phase and be considered for
publication in TPLP.

- Recently Published Research Track: Detailed information will be announced


- Workshops: September 12-14, 2025

- Autumn School in Computational Logic: September 12-14, 2025

- Doctoral Consortium: September 12-14, 2025

- Logic Programming Contest: September 16 or 17, 2025

- International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative
Programming (PPDP 2025)

- International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and
Transformation (LOPSTR 2025)


All submissions must be written in English. Papers accepted at ICLP may
appear either in

- The journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) published
by Cambridge University Press. TPLP format is described at:

- The ICLP 2025 Technical Communication Proceedings published by
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). EPTCS
format is described at:

Submissions may have one of two forms:

1) Regular papers and IJCAI Fast Track papers are at most 14 pages in TPLP
format, including references. Accepted regular and IJCAI Fast Track papers
will be published in a special issue of TPLP. IJCAI Fast Track papers must
be accompanied by a PDF cover letter detailing:

- The improvements made to the paper compared to the previous
(IJCAI'25) submission, including clarifications on any perceived errors in
the reviewers' assessments, if applicable

- The paper ID of the IJCAI'25 submission

- The authors listed on the IJCAI'25 submission

- The title of the IJCAI'25 submission

- The original PDF submitted to IJCAI'25

- The IJCAI'25 reviews, including scores and text evaluations

The authors of IJCAI Fast Track papers must explicitly give consent for
IJCAI'25 to share all submitted information with ICLP'25 to verify its
accuracy. ICLP'25 may summarily reject papers for several reasons,
including submissions that (a) are outside the thematic scope of ICLP, (b)
inaccurately disclosed required information, or (c) omitted original
authors without justification.

Regular papers that are not (provisionally) accepted for TPLP may be
invited to the Technical Communication Proceedings of ICLP'25. The authors
can choose to convert a regular paper accepted for the Technical
Communication Proceedings into an extended abstract (2 or 3 pages in EPTCS
format), which should allow for submitting a long paper version elsewhere.

2) Technical Communication (TC) papers are at most 12 pages in EPTCS
format, excluding references. Accepted TC papers will be published in the
Technical Communication Proceedings.

Submissions will be made via EasyChair, following the link

All papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and
must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These
restrictions do not apply to Recently Published Research Track submissions
as well as previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience
and/or without archival proceedings.

All accepted papers will be presented during the conference. Authors of
accepted papers will be automatically included in the list of ALP members,
who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at
no cost.


ICLP'25 will be held on the campus of the University of Calabria in Rende,
Italy, during 12-19 September 2025. The University of Calabria is one of
Italy's leading academic institutions, renowned for its innovative research
and vibrant campus life. Located in the scenic city of Rende, it offers a
modern learning environment surrounded by natural beauty and cultural
richness. Calabria is a region rich in culture, offering a blend of
historical heritage and stunning natural beauty. From its breathtaking
coastal spots to its easily accessible mountains, the region provides an
unforgettable cultural and culinary experience, savoring authentic dishes
made from fresh, local ingredients, such as spicy 'nduja, pasta, potatoes
and exquisite desserts.


General Chair: Francesco Ricca

Program Co-chairs: Martin Gebser and Daniela Inclezan

Publicity Chairs: Manuel Borroto and Francesco Calimeri

Local Chairs: Antonio Ielo and Giuseppe Mazzotta



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[DMANET] 30 Years of Graph Sandwich Problems

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the online event:

*Event:* *30 Years of Graph Sandwich Problems: A Celebration*
*Date:* March 27, 2025
*Time:* 2:00 PM (GMT -3), São Paulo, Brazil


In 1995, the publication of the seminal paper:

*"M.C. Golumbic, H. Kaplan, R. Shamir, "Graph Sandwich Problems," Journal
of Algorithms 19 (1995) 449-473"*

opened a rich and extensive research area that continues to inspire
publications worldwide.

To celebrate the *30th anniversary* of this influential work, we are
honored to welcome *Professors Martin Golumbic and Ron Shamir*, who will
give talks during this special session.

Join us and be part of this tribute and please help us share this
invitation with your colleagues.

Kind regards,
*Simone Dantas*
*Full Professor *
*Institute of Mathematics and Statistics*
*Fluminense Federal University*

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[DMANET] Workshop on Choice-Based Optimisation and Demand Modelling

We are pleased to announce that a workshop on choice-based optimisation and demand modelling will be taking place in Lancaster, UK on 26th and 27th June (Just after the EURO Conference).

Plenary speakers include Kalyan Talluri, Christine Currie and Pelin Pekgun. The deadline for regular abstract submissions is 30th April.

For more details, please see this web page:

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Re: [DMANET] Tenure-Track position in MIS, Ad Astra Fellowship, College of Business, UCD


Dear Colleagues

University College Dublin (UCD, Dublin, Ireland) has recently opened the
competitive *Ad Astra Fellowship positions*. I am writing here to
highlight possibilities within the *UCD College of Business, Management
Information Systems Subject Area*.

- Ad Astra Fellowships are *tenure-track*, highly competitive, faculty
posts as you can see from the appointment terms below:
- Ad Astra Fellow appointees will normally be appointed at the first
salary point of Assistant Professor/Lecturer Above-the-Bar pay scale.
- The initial term will be five years with the possibility of
permanency after a four-year review of performance against targets set with
the Head of School at commencement and approved at College and University
level. These targets will include applying for a minimum of one
externally-funded research grant each year, and there will normally be an
expectation that at least one of these grant applications is successful for
the four-year review to be satisfactory.
- Relocation expenses will be paid in accordance with the UCD
Relocation Policy up to a maximum of €4500.
- Appointees will have a reduced teaching load for up to three years,
with a teaching load of between one third and one half of the standard
teaching load in the first year, between one half and two thirds in the
second year and between two thirds and one of the standard teaching load in
the third year.
- Appointees will receive research support for the first five years,
which will normally consist of a PhD student scholarship and a budget for
research costs of €5000 per annum.
- Appointees without a formal university teaching qualification will
be expected to undertake the UCD Professional Certificate in University
Teaching and Learning. Further requirements for satisfactory performance
will be determined and will include a specified number of high-quality
research publications appropriate for the discipline.

The Management Information Systems (MIS
<>) subject
area within the College of Business at UCD
<> is seeking applications
from candidates with an interest and track record in *Artificial
Intelligence, Analytics and Data, Digital Transformation*. The salary
scale is the one of Lecturer/Asst Professor Above The Bar (7943): *€62,855
- €99,533 per annum*.

If interested, please apply here
<> and select
Management Information Systems, the deadline is *March 21, 2025 at 12
noon (Irish time)*.

Informal enquiries can be directed to the Head of the MIS Subject Area,
Professor Michael O'Neill (

Kind regards

Dr Annunziata Esposito Amideo

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[DMANET] EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award: call for nominations

Nominations are sought for the EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award 2024.
Deadline: 07 March 2025 AoE

The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) established the Distinguished Dissertation Award to promote and recognize outstanding dissertations in the field of Theoretical Computer Science.

Any PhD dissertation in the field of Theoretical Computer Science that has been successfully defended in 2024 is eligible.

Up to three dissertations will be selected by the committee for year 2024. The dissertations will be evaluated on the basis of originality and potential impact on their respective fields and on Theoretical Computer Science.

Each of the selected dissertations will receive a prize of 1000 Euro. The award receiving dissertations will be published on the EATCS web site, where all the EATCS Distinguished Dissertations will be collected.

The dissertation must be submitted by the author as an attachment to an email message sent to the address with subject EATCS Distinguished Dissertation Award 2024 by March 7th, 2025. The body of the message must specify:

* Name and email address of the candidate;
* Title of the dissertation;
* Department that has awarded the PhD and denomination of the PhD program;
* Name and email address of the thesis supervisor;
* Date of the successful defence of the thesis.

A five page abstract of the dissertation and a letter by the thesis supervisor certifying that the thesis has been successfully defended must also be included. In addition, an endorsement letter from the thesis supervisor, and possibly one more endorsement letter, must be sent by the endorsers as attachments to an email message sent to the address with subject EATCS DDA 2024 endorsement. The name of the candidate should be clearly specified in the message.

The dissertations will be selected by the following committee:

* Standa Zivny (chair)
* Petra Berenbrink
* Veronique Bruyere
* Kasper Green Larsen
* Emanuela Merelli

The award committee will solicit the opinion of members of the research community as appropriate.
Theses supervised by members of the selection committee are not eligible.
The EATCS is committed to equal opportunities, and welcomes submissions of outstanding theses from all authors.
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[DMANET] Digital Data Processing 2025

Fifth International Conference on Digital Data Processing (DDP 2025)
University of Bedfordshire. Luton. (Near London) UK.
August 18-20, 2025
(IEEE approval pending)

As technology advances in different sub-domains of computing, data-driven models are becoming increasingly important. The data-dependent world now faces many challenges in terms of data accuracy and data privacy. High-impact advancements include machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning and many more. Data is growing exponentially in terms of diversity and complexity. One organization or industry processes over a few million transactions per hour and stores hundreds of billions of data. We live in a world with a great need for more efficient data analysis and processing. Data analytics can reveal hidden patterns, complex relationships, internal information relations, and even segmentation. Data applications have opened up new possibilities in every aspect of our lives. Studying data and its structure, dynamics, and modern data technologies is ongoing. There is a great deal of literature and research on data management, but it does not address the data processing needs. Many studies focus on developing models and systems for analysing large datasets.

Data analysis leads to application domains that have a systematic impact on decisions. The knowledge gained from the data analysis enables the generation of critical information for multiple domains. In this conference, we review and discuss the latest trends in data management, the opportunities and challenges, and how they have affected organizations' ability to develop effective business and technology strategies and stay up-to-date in data technology. We also highlight current open research directions in data analytics that need further attention.

The proposed conference will discuss topics not limited to

Data applications in various domains and activities
Data in cloud
Real-world data processing
Data inaccuracy and reliability issues
Data Ecosystem
Business Analytics
New data analytics techniques
Physical and management challenges
Synthetic data
Data synthesis
Crowdsourcing and Sensing
Data modelling
Deep learning techniques
Data fusion
Descriptive analytics, Diagnostic analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive analytics
Machine learning impact on data processing
Network optimization
Data in Biomedical Engineering
Data in Materials science and mechanics
Data handling and applications in domains
Wireless Networking Data Management
Data of Electronic & Embedded Systems
Multi-media Systems Data
Artificial Intelligence Models and Systems Data
E-Computing Data
Renewable Energies Data

General Chair

General Chair
Ezendu Ariwa
Warwick University, UK

Program Chairs
Youshan Zhang, Yeshiva University, USA
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Duong Van Hieu, Tien Giang University, Vietnam

Program Co-chairs
Martin Lopez Nores, University of Vigo, Spain
Frankie Wilson, University of Oxford. UK


All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication and indexing.

The DDP 2025 has co-located workshops.

Modified versions of the papers will appear in the following journals.

Journal of Digital Information Management
International Journal of Computational Linguistics
Information Services & Use

Important Dates

Submission of Papers: June 20, 2025
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: July 15, 2025
Camera-ready: August 10, 2025
Registration: August 10, 2025
Conference Dates: August 18-20, 2025
Post-Conference Proceedings Release: November 30, 2025

Paper submission

Papers should follow the IEEE template. Submissions at


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[DMANET] AICrypt 2025 - 2nd Call for Abstracts

AICrypt 2025 - Call for Abstracts

4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cryptography

May 3, 2025

Event affiliated with Eurocrypt 2025 (
Madrid, Spain

*** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 14, 2025 (AoE) ***


The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and security has
gained significant attention, driven by the need for secure solutions
that deploy AI. Cryptography, in particular, stands as a notable
example of the benefits of AI integration. AI techniques and methods
are already being applied to address challenges in cryptography, such
as improving cryptanalysis and physical attacks and relevant
countermeasures. Additionally, the use of cryptography to address
security and privacy issues in AI systems is emerging as a crucial
area of focus. As attacks on AI systems become more powerful, there is
a growing need to explore how cryptographic strategies can mitigate
these threats. Examples include the development of cryptographic
backdoors in neural networks, the use of cryptographic techniques to
watermark the output of LLMs, or model stealing attacks based on
cryptanalysis techniques. Our goal is to bring together experts from
academia and industry, each with a unique perspective on cryptography
and AI, to foster knowledge exchange and collaborative innovation. We
are particularly interested in exploring how techniques can be
transferred across different cryptographic applications and in
enhancing AI security mechanisms. Moreover, we will review recent
advancements, including those discussed at previous AICrypt events, to
provide a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving field.


Topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Deep learning-based cryptanalysis (e.g., neural distinguishers)
- Explainability and interpretability of AI models for
- Deep learning techniques for Side-Channel Analysis
- AI-assisted design of cryptographic primitives and protocols
- AI-driven attacks on cryptographic protocols (e.g.,
searchable symmetric encryption)
- Application of homomorphic encryption and secure multiparty
computation for privacy-preserving ML
- Cryptographic approaches to enforce security and traceability
of AI models (e.g., cryptographic backdoors of neural networks
and statistical watermarking of LLM-generated content)


We encourage researchers working on all aspects of AI and cryptography
to take the opportunity and use AICrypt to share their work and
participate in discussions. The authors are invited to submit an
extended abstract using the EasyChair submission system:

Submitted abstracts for contributed talks will be reviewed by the
workshop organizers for suitability and interest to the AICrypt
audience. There are no formal proceedings published in this workshop,
thus authors can submit extended abstracts related to works submitted
or recently published in other venues, or work in progress that they
plan to submit elsewhere. Every accepted submission must have at
least one author registered for the workshop. All submitted abstracts
must follow the original LNCS format with a page limit of up to 2
pages (excluding references):

The abstracts should be submitted electronically in PDF format.


- Abstract submission deadline: March 14, 2025
- Notification to authors: March 28, 2025
- Workshop date: May 3, 2025


The workshop will be held in Madrid, Spain, as an affiliated
event of Eurocrypt 2025. For further information about registering
to the event, please refer to the main Eurocrypt website:


- Stjepan Picek, Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL) -
- Lejla Batina, Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL) -
- Luca Mariot, University of Twente, Enschede (NL) -


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[DMANET] **** DM-SMARTHEALTH 2025 - Call for Papers ****

**** DM-SMARTHEALTH 2025 - Call for Papers ****

The 2nd International Workshop on Digital and Mobile Smart Health Systems
(DM-SMARTHEALTH 2025) will be held in conjunction with the 11th
International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2025) 16th - 19th
June, 2025 in Cork, Ireland.

The healthcare sector is experiencing a profound transformation through the
integration of digital technologies. Smart health solutions, powered by
mobile and wearable devices, artificial intelligence, and context-aware
systems, are driving this revolution in patient care and health monitoring.
The second edition of this workshop aims to bring together researchers,
practitioners, and industry leaders to explore the latest advancements in
digital and mobile health systems.
This year, the workshop will expand its focus to include cutting-edge
topics, such as the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in digital health
applications, addressing the challenges of integrating these models in
real-time healthcare solutions. The workshop will also delve into critical
areas like context-aware behavioral modeling, the use of AI for early
diagnosis, remote monitoring, and decision support, as well as privacy and
security concerns in health data. Participants will have the opportunity to
discuss and share insights on a wide range of topics, fostering
cross-disciplinary collaboration aimed at advancing the state of the art in
smart health systems.
By engaging in discussions on these emerging topics, the workshop will
contribute to the development of more efficient, reliable, and secure
digital health solutions that are crucial for improving patient outcomes
and revolutionizing healthcare delivery.

Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Context-aware behavioral modeling techniques for personalized health
- Innovative approaches for collecting, labeling, and validating
multimodal health and behavioral data
- Novel smart health applications for early diagnosis, remote monitoring,
and decision support using mobile and wearable technologies
- Middleware solutions for smart health and care systems to facilitate
interoperability and seamless integration of devices and services
- Decentralized architectures for mobile health solutions to enable
peer-to-peer data sharing and privacy-preserving analytics
- Federated, Distributed, and Personalized learning solutions for
privacy-preserving smart health systems
- AI optimization techniques for enhancing the performance and reliability
of mobile health applications
- Digital phenotyping: Leveraging IoT and wearable devices to identify
digital biomarkers for early detection of health conditions
- Human-computer interaction solutions to improve user engagement and
support decision-making in smart health applications
- Social interaction analysis: Understanding the role of personal mobile
devices and social media in monitoring health and well-being
- Synthetic data generation for accelerating the development of AI
solutions in digital healthcare
- Causal AI in healthcare: Exploring the potential for causal inference in
precision medicine and personalized health interventions
- Explainable AI (XAI) approaches to enhance trustworthiness and
interpretability of digital health models
- Security, privacy, and ethical challenges in the development and
deployment of smart health applications
- Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: Integrating hardware and software for
real-time healthcare monitoring and intervention
- The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in digital health: Applications
in patient communication, decision support, and predictive modeling
- Challenges of deploying LLMs in mobile health systems: Issues of data
privacy, model accuracy, and real-time performance
- Human-AI collaboration: The future of AI-driven decision support and the
human role in healthcare delivery

Papers including new datasets and clinical/on-the-field validations will be
highly appreciated.

Authors are invited to submit technical or theoretical papers for
presentation at the workshop, describing original, previously unpublished
work, which is not currently under review by another workshop, conference,
or journal. Papers should present novel perspectives within the general
scope of the workshop.

All accepted papers presented in the workshop will be published in the
proceedings of the conference and published in the IEEE Xplore Digital
Library and Scopus indexed. Papers that are not presented at the workshop
will not be published in the proceedings.

Papers may be no more than 6 pages in length. Authors can purchase one
additional page for the camera-ready version. Papers above the page limits
will not be considered for review or publication. All papers must be
typeset in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper,
with all fonts embedded. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as
well as related information, can be found on the IEEE website.

Submission must be made via EDAS using. Submission link

It is a requirement that all the authors listed in the submitted paper are
also listed in EDAS. The author section of EDAS will be locked after the
workshop submission deadline to ensure that conflict of interest can be
properly enforced during the review process. If the list of authors differs
between the paper and EDAS, the paper may not be reviewed.

Each accepted workshop paper requires a full SMARTCOMP registration (no
registration is available for workshops only) and in-person presentation.
Papers that are not presented at the workshop will not be published in the

Paper submission deadline: March 30, 2025
Paper notification: April 30, 2025
Camera Ready Deadline: May 18, 2025
Workshop Date: Monday, 16 June 2025


Ziyu Wang
Ph.D. student in Computer Science, Donald Bren School of Information and
Computer Sciences University of California, Irvine

6210 Donald Bren Hall Irvine, CA 92697-3425
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

[DMANET] WORDS 2025, Nancy, June 30 - July 4, 2025 - Submission deadline extension

*--> Please note the one week submission deadline extension to submit
full papers (abstracts are still due at the previous date). See below.*


   WORDS 2025, Nancy, June 30 - July 4, 2025


WORDS is a biannual international conference devoted to combinatorics on
words (sequences of symbols) and its links to algorithms, algebra,
dynamics and number theory, as well as its applications. Submissions
from all these areas are welcome as soon as they mention words or
sequences over finite or infinite alphabets.

**-- **Important dates*

*Submission deadline: *
*        March 3, 2025 (23:59 anywhere on earth) for _title + abstract_, and
        March 10, 2025 (23:59 anywhere on earth) for the complete <=12
pages paper (which must correspond to _title + abstract_ sent before
March 3).*

Notification:    April 16, 2025
Final Version:    April 25, 2025
Early Bird registration ends on :    May 6, 2025
Registration deadline :    May 30, 2025*
Conference:    June 30 to July 4, 2025 in Nancy (France).

*If you are a non-Schengen resident, please register as early as
possible since there are additional local administrative formalities to

*-- Conference website*

**-- **Submission Guidelines*

Papers (including bibliography) should not exceed 12 pages in LaTeX LNCS
All proofs omitted due to page constraints may be given in an appendix
or a freely available electronic preprint (e.g. Arxiv).
Please note that the paper should be self-contained: reviewers may or
may not read appendices, it is up to them.

*_Submission_* via mail to:


*-- **Registration fees and Registration (to be confirmed, please check

Early Bird = registration before May 6, 2025 : 88 EUR (student / PhD /
postdoc),  132 EUR (other participants)
Standard = registration after May 7, 2025 : 110 EUR (student / PhD /
postdoc), 165 EUR (other participants)
(all taxes are included)

Registration website will open soon.

Registration includes all 5 lunches (5 days forfait), coffee breaks,
conference dinner, touristic afternoon.

*-- * *Invited Speakers*

Daniel Gabrić
France Gheeraert
Idrissa Kaboré
Martin Lustig
Markus Whiteland

*-- **Program Committee*

To reach the program committee, contact guilhem.gamard at

- Mélodie Andrieu
- Nicolas Bédaride
- Lubomíra Dvořáková
- Gabriele Fici
- Guilhem Gamard (co-chair)
- Jarosław Grytczuk
- Julien Leroy (co-chair)
- Svetlana Puzynina
- Narad Rampersad
- Aleksi Saarela
- Arseny Shur
- Lama Tarsissi

*-- **Local Organizing Committee*

The organizing committee can be reached at words2025 at

- Marie Baron (administrative assistant)
- Julien Bernat
- Mathilde Bouvel
- Guilhem Gamard
- Damien Jamet
- Thomas Stoll
- Pierre-Adrien Tahay
- Benjamin Testart

*-- **Steering Committee*

- Golnaz Badkobeh
- Valérie Berthé
- Julien Cassaigne
- Émilie Charlier
- Lubomíra Dvoráková
- Gabriele Fici
- Anna Frid
- Robert Mercas
- Jean Néraud
- Jarkko Peltomäki
- Dominique Perrin
- Narad Rampersad
- Daniel Reidenbach
- Christophe Reutenauer
- Jeffrey Shallit
- Mikhail Volkov


*-- **Past editions*

The previous WORDS conferences have been in:

- Rouen (1997, 1999, 2021),
- Palermo (2001),
- Turku (2003, 2013),
- Montreal (2005, 2017),
- Marseille (2007),
- Salerno (2009),
- Prague (2011),
- Kiel (2015),
- Loughborough (2019), and
- Umeå (2023).

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.


[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]

Call for Papers


The 29th International Conference on Implementation and Application of
Automata (CIAA 2025) will be held in Palermo, Italy, September 22 – 25,

CIAA 2025 website:

The International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
(CIAA) is an annual conference in the field of theoretical computer
science. The website of the conference series is:

The purpose of CIAA is to bring together members of the academic, research,
and industrial community who have an interest in the theory,
implementation, and application of automata and related structures. The
conference concerns research on all aspects of implementation and
application of automata and related structures, including theoretical

The "Sheng Yu Award", will be presented to the author(s) of the paper
judged to be the best on the basis of the referee reports.

List of Topics


We solicit papers on all aspects of implementation and application of
automata and related structures, including theoretical aspects, including
but not limited to:


Algorithms on automata

Automata and logic


Complexity of automata operations


Computer-aided verification


Data structure design for automata

Data and image compression

Design and architecture of automata software

Digital libraries

DNA/molecular/membrane computing

Document engineering

Editors, environments

Experimental studies and practical experiences

Industrial applications

Natural language processing


New algorithms for manipulating automata

Object-oriented modeling


Quantum computing

Speech and speaker recognition

Structured and semi-structured documents

Symbolic manipulation environments for automata


Text processing

Techniques for graphical display of automata


Viruses, related phenomena

World-wide web

Important Dates



Submission deadline: May 3rd

Notification deadline: June 20th

Final version deadline: June 30th

Early registration: July 18th

Invited Speakers



Marie-Pierre Béal, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France

Dirk Nowotka, University of Kiel, Germany

Alberto Policriti, University of Udine, Italy

Submission Guidelines


Submissions must be written in LaTeX using the LNCS LaTeX2e style and must
not exceed 12 single-spaced pages, excluding the title page and the
references. If the authors believe that more details are essential to
substantiate the main claims, they may include a clearly marked appendix
that will be read at the discretion of the program committee. Simultaneous
submissions of papers to journals or any other conference with published
proceedings or submitting previously published papers is not allowed. Only
electronic submission of PDF documents is possible.

Authors should submit their contributions through Easychair:



CIAA 2025 proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS).

Special Issue


Extended versions of selected papers from the conference will be invited
for consideration in a special issue of International Journal of
Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science (IJFCS).

Program Committee



Marcella Anselmo, Università di Salerno, Italy

Frédérique Bassino, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France

Luca Breveglieri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Martin Berger, University of Sussex

Pascal Caron, Université de Rouen, France

Giuseppa Castiglione, Università di Palermo, Italy (co-chair)

Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Frank Drewes, Umeå University, Sweden

Szilárd Zsolt Fazekas, Akita University, Japan

Dora Giammarresi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

Yo-Sub Han, Yonsei University, South Korea

Markus Holzer, University of Giessen, Germany

Galina Jirásková, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia

Nataša Jonoska, University of South Florida, USA

Jarkko Kari, University of Turku, Finland

Ondřej Klíma, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Martin Kutrib, University of Giessen, Germany

Julien Leroy, Université de Liège, Belgium

Andreas Malcher, University of Giessen, Germany

Andreas Maletti, University of Leipzig, Germany

Florin Manea, University of Göttingen, Germany

Sebastian Maneth, University of Bremen, Germany

Sabrina Mantaci, Università di Palermo, Italy (co-chair)

Victor Mitrana, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Nelma Moreira, University of Porto, Portugal

Cyril Nicaud, Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Giovanni Pighizzini, Università di Milano Statale, Italy

Luca Prigioniero, University of Loughborough, UK

Rogerio Reis, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Michel Rigo, University of Liège, Belgium

Giuseppe Romana, Università di Palermo, Italy

Kai Salomaa, Queen's University, Canada

Shinnosuke Seki, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

Mikhail Volkov, Ural Federal University, Russia

Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Organizing Committee



Giuseppa Castiglione (University of Palermo)

Chiara Epifanio (University of Palermo)

Gabriele Fici (University of Palermo)

Estéban Gabory (University of Palermo)

Dora Giammarresi (University of Roma Tor Vergata)

Sabrina Mantaci (University of Palermo)

Giuseppe Romana (University of Palermo)

Marinella Sciortino (University of Palermo)



The conference will be held in the Sala Lanza of the University of
Palermo's Botanical Garden. Address: Via Lincoln 2, 90123, Palermo, Italy.



All questions should be addressed to:

Giuseppa Castiglione and Sabrina Mantaci, University of Palermo.

Giuseppa Castiglione
Ricercatrice INF/01
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Via Archirafi 34, 90123 Palermo

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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