Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[DMANET] Travel Grants for IEEE MASS 2010: DEADLINE 30 SEPTEMBER 2010

[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]


7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc
and Sensor Systems

November 8-12, 2010 - San Francisco, CA, USA

Co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Commitee on Distributed
Processing and IEEE Computer Society Technical Commitee on Simulation


* *
Travel Grants for IEEE MASS 2010:
We are pleased to announce that IEEE MASS 2010 will provide a limited
number of travel grants thanks to the generosity of the National Science
Foundation and the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing and
Technical Committee on Simulation. Applications are to be submitted by
September 30, 2010. Application submissions must be done by e-mail and
supporting documents must be included as a single pdf attachment. Award
notifications will be sent out by Oct. 15, 2010. Travel by award
recipients will be supported on a reimbursement basis; awardees must
submit all reimbursement requests by Nov 22, 2010 including original
receipts. Submission of reimbursement requests must be done electronically
and supporting documents must be included as a single pdf document.

Student Travel Awards:
A limited number of student travel grants to students from the United
States for up to $800 will be granted thanks to the generosity of the
National Science Foundation. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to
the General Chair, Dr. Katia Obraczka, <>, by
September 30, 2010. Applicants should provide a one page statement
explaining expected benefits of attending the conference (e.g., to their
current research, career, etc), a one page CV, the title of papers to be
presented including the list of authors, and a short letter of support
from the academic adviser. Award is limited to one per paper and each
awardee is required to register for the conference.

Travel Subsidiary for Researchers:
A limited number of travel support of up to $500 is available to
researchers thanks to the generosity of the IEEE Technical Committee on
Distributed Processing and Technical Committee on Simulation. Applications
must be submitted by e-mail to the MASS Steering Committee Chair, Dr.
Dharma Agrawal, <> by_*September 30, 2010*_.
Applicants should provide a one page statement concerning the expected
benefits of attending the conference, the title of papers to be presented
along with the list of authors, and reasons why support is needed. The
award is limited to one author per paper and priority will be given to
junior researchers.Each awardee is required to register for the
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* via DMANET.

[DMANET] IEEE MASS 2010: Call for Participation

[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]


7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc
and Sensor Systems

November 8-12, 2010 - San Francisco, CA, USA

Co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Commitee on
Distributed Processing and IEEE Computer Society Technical Commitee on


The 7th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor
Systems (IEEE MASS 2010) will be held at the Hilton San Francisco Airport
in San Francisco, California, USA.

Wireless ad-hoc communication has applications in a variety of
environments, such as conferences, hospitals, battlefields and
disaster-recovery/rescue operations, and is also being actively
investigated as an alternative paradigm for Internet connectivity in
both urban and rural areas. Wireless sensor and actuator networks are
also being deployed for enhancing industrial control processes and
supply-chains, and for various forms of environmental monitoring. The
IEEE MASS 2010 aims at addressing advances in research on multi-hop
ad-hoc and sensor networks, covering topics ranging from technology
issues to applications and test-bed development. Please keep checking
the IEEE MASS 2010 web-space for more information and regular updates.

Registration to IEEE MASS is now available at the conference website.


- The Third Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking (MELT)
- The Second Workshop onS CEnarios for Network Evaluation Studies (SCENES)
- The Sixth Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Network Security (WSNS)
- The Fourth Workshop on Enabling Technologies and Standards for Wireless Mesh Networking (MESHTECH)
- The Second International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicular Networks (InVeNet)

Abstract submission deadline: 30 July 2010
Acceptance notification: 27 August 2010
Camera-ready submission: 10 September 2010
IEEE MASS 2010: 8-12 November 2010


Mario Gerla, University of California, Los Angeles
Katia Obraczka, University of California, Santa Cruz

Guohong Cao, Pennsylvania State University
Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis

- Protocols and Cross-Layer Technologies
Ahmed Helmy, University of Florida

- Systems, and applications
Chenyang Lu, Washington Unviersity in St. Louis

- Algorithms and theory
Dong Xuan, Ohio State University

- Reliability, security and privacy
Radha Poovendran, University of Washington

Cedric Westphal, DoCoMo Labs
Christine Pepin, DoCoMo Labs

Rajeev Koodli, Starent Networks
Marcelo Dias Amorim, LIP 6, Universite' Paris 6

Venkatesh Rajendran, Wionics

Zhen Jiang, West Chester University

Dajin Wang, Montclair State University

Aline Carneiro Viana, INRIA

Kumar Viswanath, NTT Labs
Ignacio Solis, PARC

Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnati

Jie Wu, US National Science Foundation

Dave Cavalcanti, Phillips Research
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[DMANET] Post-doc fellowship at Osaka University and Hokkaido University

Dear dmanet members,

On behalf of Yoshinobu Kawahara, I'm sending a job announcement
at Osaka University and Hokkaido University, Japan. For further
information please have a contact with Yoshinobu Kawahara

Best regards,
Yoshio Okamoto


See the project site:

Our project is currently recruiting several postdoc fellows who can
work on
(1)theories and applications of Binary Decision Diagram (BDD), or on
(2)problems in machine learning and data mining in collaboration with
researchers in these fields, based on combinatorial optimization theories
and algorithms.

Postdoctoral fellow

Full-time (nontenured)

Period of employment:
Fixed term contracts (update every fiscal year by evaluation. Until March
2015 for the maximum.)

Determined in accordance with the existing employment regulations of Osaka
University (Annual salary system)

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual
Society of Heath Insurance and Employment Insurance

Work location:
Any of the following two locations:
1) C306, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido
University,Kita 14, Nishi 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
2) 5FC, Shibata-machi Building, 1-4-14 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka,
(or, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka
University, 8-1, Mihoga-oka, Ibaraki-shi, Osaka)

Qualifications Requirement:
Ph. D. degree (including students who will obtain a Ph. D shortly)

Number of positions:
Several (in Osaka or Hokkaido)

Starting time:
Any time

Where to make contact:
(Yoshinobu Kawahara, Assist. Prof., Osaka Univ.)

Feel free to contact me for any question.
After receiving your email, I will contact with you about necessary
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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] AIRO 2011 - First call for papers

42nd Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society
Semptember 6-9, 2011 - Brescia - Italy

The conference will address all areas of Operational Research,
with special emphasis on models and solution methods for decision
support in transportation and logistics.

Researchers are invited to submit an abstract of at most 2000
characters (spaces included), without mathematical formulas, by
April 30th, 2011. Required information for the submission are:
title, authors, affiliations, addresses and emails, three keywords
and at most five references. The speaker has to be indicated as
first author. The abstracts should be uploaded at the conference
web-site ( according to the specified
Proposals for invited sessions are welcome. Researchers who are
interested to organize an invited session should contact the chair
of the Program Committee.

The AIRO 2011 Program Committee will select the papers to be
presented at the conference.

The conference is organized into plenary and parallel sessions.
Opportunities for software demonstrations are available. The
conference languages are Italian and English. Each speaker can
give only one talk.

April 30, 2011: deadline for abstract submission
May 30, 2011: notification of acceptance
June 10, 2011: deadline for early registration
September 6-9, 2011: conference


Università degli Studi di Brescia
Associazione Italiana Ricerca Operativa (AIRO)

M. Grazia Speranza
Chair of the Program Committee

Luca Bertazzi
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee

Renata Mansini
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee

AIRO 2011 - Organizing Committee

September 6-9, 2011 - Brescia - Italy
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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Monday, September 27, 2010

[fm-announcements] NFM 2011 : Second Call for Papers

                         SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS

                               NFM 2011

                  Third NASA Formal Methods Symposium
                       Pasadena, California, USA
                          April 18 - 20, 2011


                ** NEW: invited speakers and tutorials **


Submission deadline : December 19, 2010
Notification of acceptance/rejection : January 21, 2011
Final version due : February 18, 2011
Conference : April 18-20, 2011


The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia, government and industry, with the goals
of identifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving
assurance in mission- and safety-critical systems. The focus of the
symposium is on formal methods, and aims to foster collaboration
between NASA researchers and engineers and the wider aerospace and
academic formal methods communities. The symposium will be comprised
of a mixture of invited talks by leading researchers and
practitioners, presentation of accepted papers, and panels.


* Theorem proving
* Model checking
* Real-time, hybrid, stochastic systems
* SAT and SMT solvers
* Symbolic execution
* Abstraction
* Compositional verification
* Program refinement
* Static analysis
* Dynamic analysis
* Automated testing
* Model-based testing
* Model-based development
* Fault protection
* Security and intrusion detection
* Application experiences
* Modeling and specification formalisms
* Requirements specification and analysis


Rustan Leino
Microsoft Research, USA
"From Retrospective Verification to Forward-Looking Development"

Oege de Moor
University of Oxford, UK
"Do Coding Standards Improve Software Quality?"

Andreas Zeller
Saarland University, Germany
"Specifications for Free"


Bart Jacobs
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
"VeriFast: a Powerful, Sound, Predictable, Fast Verifier for C and Java"

Michal Moskal
Microsoft Research, USA
"Verification of Functional Correctness of Concurrent C Programs with VCC"


NFM 2011 is the third edition of the NASA Formal Methods Symposium,
organized by NASA on a yearly basis. The first in 2009 and was
organized at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The
second in 2010 was organized at NASA head quarters, Washington
D.C. The symposium originated from the earlier Langley Formal Methods
Workshop series.


There are two categories of submissions:

* Regular paper: up to 15 pages, describing fully developed work and
  complete results.  Papers can present theory, software engineering aspects,
  or case studies.

* Tool papers: up to 6 pages, describing an operational tool. The
  authors of accepted tool papers will give demonstrations of their
  tools in tool demo sessions.  Tool papers should explain enhancements
  that have been done compared to previously published work.  A tool
  paper does not need to present the theory behind the tool but can
  focus more on its features, and how it is used, with screen shots and

All papers should be in English and describe original work that has
not been published or submitted elsewhere.

Submissions will be fully reviewed and the symposium proceedings will
appear as a volume in Lecture Notes of Computer Science.  Papers must
use the LNCS style, and be in pdf format.


There will be no registration fee charged to participants.


Mihaela Bobaru, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Klaus Havelund, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gerard Holzmann, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Tom Ball, Microsoft Research, USA
Howard Barringer, University of Manchester, UK
Saddek Bensalem, Verimag Laboratory, France
Nikolaj Bjoerner, Microsoft Research, USA
Eric Bodden, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada
Rance Cleaveland, University of Maryland, USA
Dennis Dams, Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium
Ewen Denney, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Matt Dwyer, University of Nebraska, USA
Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, USA
Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA
Radu Grosu, Stony Brook, USA
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University, USA
Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota, USA
Mike Hinchey, Lero - the Irish SW. Eng. Research Centre, Ireland
Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Orna Kupferman, Jerusalem Hebrew University, Israel
Kim Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Kenneth McMillan, Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA
Cesar Munoz, NASA Langley, USA
Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft Research, USA
Kedar Namjoshi, Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research, USA
Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Nicolas Rouquette, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Kristin Rozier, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
John Rushby, SRI International, USA
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, USA
Koushik Sen, Berkeley University, USA
Sanjit Seshia, Berkeley University, USA
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International, USA
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Mahesh Viswanathan, University of Illinois, USA
Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley, USA
Mike Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA


Ewen Denney, NASA Ames Research Center
Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames Research Center
Klaus Havelund, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gerard Holzmann, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cesar Munoz, NASA Langley
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames Research Center
James Rash, NASA Goddard
Kristin Y. Rozier, NASA Ames Research Center
Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley

Tenure-track position in Operations Research and Statistics at MIT Sloan

To Whom It May Concern;


Below and attached please find the text of an announcement regarding a tenure track position at MIT Sloan in the field of Operations Research and Statistics. Please disseminate this opportunity to any and all interested parties.


Thank you,


Professor Georgia Perakis - Chair

Operations Research and Statistics Search Committee



The MIT Sloan School of Management invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of Operations Research and Statistics beginning July 2011.  Strong applicants will demonstrate the potential for research and teaching excellence in the area of Operations Research and Statistics. We are especially interested in candidates who can build a strong methodological research base, contribute to application areas of high impact, and be a successful teacher for the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. programs.


Applicants should possess or be close to the completion of a Ph.D. in a relevant field by the date of appointment. We especially want to identify qualified female and minority candidates for consideration in these positions.  Applicants must submit their 1) up-to-date curriculum vitae, 2) relevant information about teaching as well as research experience and performance, and 3) three letters of recommendation by November 1, 2010. If papers are available, please provide electronic copies.



Please send applications to:


Operations Research and Statistics Faculty Search Committee

c/o Ms. Shiba Nemat-Nasser

MIT Sloan School of Management


MIT is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities.



Shiba Nemat-Nasser

Faculty Search Assistant

MIT Sloan School of Management

Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A.


[DMANET] Valuetools 2011: 2nd CFP


VALUETOOLS'11 2nd Call for Papers

5th Intl. Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools



VALUETOOLS is an interdisciplinary conference which aims at gathering
people from different communities using common advanced methodologies
and tools for the purposes of performance evaluation, design, and
model reduction.

Topics of interest include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: advanced simulation
tools, control theory, discrete event systems, game theory, large system
performance analysis, learning, Monte Carlo methods, queueing theory,
stochastic models, etc.

For more details please see
-- Applied Mathematics
-- Communication Network
-- Computer Science
-- Control Theory
-- Operation Research
-- Signal Processing

-- Location: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, South of Paris,
-- Submission date (conference): 05 November 2010
-- Submission date (workshops ): 20 December 2010 (exception for NCMIP)
-- Conference date: 17-19 May 2011
-- Workshop dates : 16 May and 20 May 2011

PLENARY SPEAKERS (those already confirmed)

Prof. Vincent POOR (SECURENETS, 20 May 2011)
Prof. Roberto TEMPO (VALUETOOLS, 17 May 2011)


16 May 2011: GAMECOMM
(Intl. Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks)
16 May 2011: NCMIP
(Intl. Workshop on New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems)
20 May 2011: SECURENETS
(Intl. Workshop on Secure Wireless Networks)
20 May 2011: SMCTOOLS
(Intl. Workshop on Tools for Solving Markov Chains)


Requests have been made to publish the proceedings in
the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Explore.

-- Sponsored by ICST
-- Technically co-sponsored by ACM Sigmetrics, Create-Net, ENS Cachan,
GDR MACS, Institut Carnot C3S, Orange Labs
-- Under request: IEEE Sig. Proc. Society, SCS.

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tenure-Track Professor in Computer Science at Harvard

The Computer Science program at Harvard benefits from its outstanding undergraduate and graduate students, an excellent location, significant industrial collaboration, and substantial support from the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

We invite applications for a position as a tenure-track professor in Computer Science. The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2011.
We welcome outstanding applicants in all areas of computer science. We are particularly interested in areas related to machine learning, probabilistic modeling, and artificial intelligence. In terms of applications, areas of interest include computational science, engineering, or the social sciences. We encourage applications from candidates whose research examines computational issues raised by very large data sets or massively parallel processing.
Candidates should have an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and graduate training. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. by September 1, 2011. Information about Harvard's current faculty, research, and educational programs is available at
Candidates should send, ideally as a single PDF document, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research and teaching interests, and up to three representative papers to the following email address: In addition, candidates should have at least three letters of reference sent to the above address.
Alternatively, material may also be sent via surface mail to:
CS Search Committee
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University
Maxwell Dworkin 153
33 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Applications will be reviewed as they are received. For full consideration, applications should be received by December 1, 2010.
Harvard is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.
Applications from women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged.

Friday, September 24, 2010

CCA 2011: Computability and Complexity in Analysis - Second Call for Papers


Second Call for Papers and Announcement
Eighth International Conference on

Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2011)

January 31-February 4, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

Submission deadline: October 1, 2010 (Abstracts only!)

co-located with the Sixth International Conference on
Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2011).

Invited Speakers

* Abbas Edalat (London, UK)
* Mathieu Hoyrup (Nancy, France)
* Matthias Schröder (Munich, Germany)
* Peter Schuster (Leeds, UK)
* Stephen G. Simpson (Pennsylvania, USA)
* Michael Yampolsky (Toronto, Canada)

Scientific Program Committee

* Mark Braverman (Toronto, Canada)
* Stefano Galatolo (Pisa, Italy)
* Peter Hertling, chair (Munich, Germany)
* Hajime Ishihara (Ishikawa, Japan)
* Vladik Kreinovich (El Paso, USA)
* Robert Rettinger (Hagen, Germany)
* Alex Simpson (Edinburgh, UK)
* Frank Stephan (Singapore)

Organizing Committee

* Margaret Archibald (Cape Town, South Africa)
* Vasco Brattka, chair (Cape Town, South Africa)
* Holger Spakowski (Cape Town, South Africa)


The venue for CCA 2011 will be on the Upper Campus
of the University of Cape Town, South Africa.


Authors are invited to submit a PDF abstract (typically
1-2 pages) via the following web page:

No full papers will be required for this conference.


No proceedings will be published before the conference.
A booklet with abstracts will be made available at the
conference. It is planned to publish post-conference
proceedings in a special issue of some journal afterwards.


Funding opportunities for student members of the Association
for Symbolic Logic (ASL) are available. Applications should
be directed to the Association for Symbolic Logic three months
prior to the meeting.


Submission deadline: October 1, 2010
Notification of authors: October 22, 2010
Early registration: November 1, 2010
Final version of abstract: November 22, 2010

Conference Web Page


CCR 2011: Computability, Complexity and Randomness - Second Call for Papers


Second Call for Papers and Announcement
Sixth International Conference on

Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2011)

January 31-February 4, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

Submission deadline: October 1, 2010 (Abstracts only!)

co-located with the Eighth International Conference on
Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2011).

The conference CCR, also known as conference on Logic,
Computability and Randomness, will be in the tradition
of the previous meetings in Córdoba (Argentina) 2004,
Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2007, Nanjing (China) 2008,
Luminy (France) 2009 and Notre Dame (USA) 2010.

Cape Town is very beautiful at this time of year, and we
expect another equally successful conference.

Invited Speakers

* Verónica Becher (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Willem Fouché (Pretoria, South Africa)
* Noam Greenberg (Wellington, New Zealand)
* Wolfgang Merkle (Heidelberg, Germany)
* André Nies (Auckland, New Zealand)
* Theodore A. Slaman (Berkeley, USA)

Scientific Program Committee

* Eric Allender (Rutgers, USA)
* Luis Antunes (Porto, Portugal)
* Laurent Bienvenu (Paris, France)
* Vasco Brattka, co-chair (Cape Town, South Africa)
* Rod Downey, co-chair (Wellington, New Zealand)
* Denis Hirschfeldt (Chicago, USA)
* Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Hawaii, USA)
* Antonín Kučera (Prague, Czech Republic)
* Steffen Lempp (Madison, USA)
* Jan Reimann (Pennsylvania, USA)

Organizing Committee

* Margaret Archibald (Cape Town, South Africa)
* Vasco Brattka, chair (Cape Town, South Africa)
* Holger Spakowski (Cape Town, South Africa)


The venue for CCA 2011 will be on the Upper Campus
of the University of Cape Town, South Africa.


Authors are invited to submit a PDF abstract (typically
1-2 pages) via the following web page:

No full papers will be required for this conference.


No proceedings will be published before the conference.
A booklet with abstracts will be made available at the
conference. It is planned to publish post-conference
proceedings in a special issue of some journal afterwards.


Funding opportunities for student members of the Association
for Symbolic Logic (ASL) are available. Applications should
be directed to the Association for Symbolic Logic three months
prior to the meeting.


Submission deadline: October 1, 2010
Notification of authors: October 22, 2010
Early registration: November 1, 2010
Final version of abstract: November 22, 2010

Conference Web Page


MEMICS 2010, Call for Participation

6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering
Methods in Computer Science

October 22--24, 2010, Hotel Galant, Mikulov, Czech Republic

Call for Participation


Early registration: October 1, 2010


The MEMICS 2010 workshop is organized jointly by the Faculty of Information
Technology, Brno University of Technology, and the Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University. MEMICS provides a forum for doctoral students
interested in applications of mathematical and engineering methods in
computer science.

Computer security; software and hardware dependability;
parallel and distributed computing; formal analysis and verification;
simulation; testing and diagnostics; grid computing; computer networks;
modern hardware and its design; non-traditional computing architectures;
quantum computing; as well as all areas of theoretical computer science
underlying the previously mentioned subjects. Moreover, this year, we
specifically invite submissions in computer graphics and vision, signal and
image processing, text and speech processing, human-computer interaction,
especially when related with security or parallel or distributed

Invited talks
Alan Chalmers (Univ. of Warwick, UK) on
Real Virtuality: High-fidelity multi-sensory virtual environments
Andreas Steininger (Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria) on
New approaches to fault tolerant systems design
Antti Valmari (Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland) on
Recent results on DFA minimization and other block splitting algorithms
Stefan Wörz (Univ. of Heidelberg and DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany) on
Model-based segmentation of biomedical images

Regular Papers:
Jan Balach.
Designing Fault-Tolerant system using reconfiguration
Petr Bauch and Milan Ceska.
CUDA accelerated LTL Model Checking - revisited
Nikola Benes and Jan Kretinsky.
Process Algebra for Modal Transition Systemses
Jaroslav Borecky, Kohlik Martin and Hana Kubatova.
How to Measure Dependability Parameters of Programmable Digital Circuits
Jakub Chaloupka.
Algorithm for Two-Energy Games
Ondrej Danek and Martin Maska.
A Simple Topology Preserving Max-Flow Algorithm for Graph Cut Based Image
Jan Fousek, Tomas Golembiovsky, Igor Peterlik and Jiri Filipovic.
Haptic Rendering Based on RBF Approximation from Dynamically Updated Data
Jan Gaura and Eduard Sojka.
A Level Set Method without Reinitialisation and with GPU Acceleration
Artur Gintrowski, Kamila Wolnica and Pawel Kostka.
Modeling Gene Networks using Fuzzy Logic
Tomas Golembiovsky and Ales Krenek.
Compression of Vector Field Changing in Time
Adam Husar, Tomas Hruska, Karel Masarik, Miloslav Trmac, Jan Hranac,
Dusan Kolar and Zdenek Prikryl.
Automatic C Compiler Generation from Architecture Description Language ISAC
Pavel Karas.
Efficient Computation of Morphological Greyscale Reconstruction
Jan Krupka and Ivan Simecek.
Parallel solvers of Poisson's equation
Ilja Kucevalovs.
On reliability and refutability in nonconstructive identification
Martin Maska, Pavel Matula and Michal Kozubek.
Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm
Jiri Matela, Vit Rusnak and Petr Holub.
GPU-Based Sample-Parallel Context Modeling for EBCOT in JPEG2000
Zdenek Prikryl, Jakub Kroustek, Tomas Hruska and Dusan Kolar.
Fast Translated Simulation of ASIPs
Boris Prochazka, Tomas Vojnar and Martin Drahansky.
Hijacking of Linux Kernel
Thomas Reinbacher, Joerg Brauer, Martin Horauer, Andreas Steininger and
Stefan Kowalewski.
Test-Case Generation for Embedded Binary Code Using Abstract Interpretation
Stepan Srubar.
A Survey of Image Segmentation Evaluation Algorithms
Miloslav Trmac, Adam Husar, Jan Hranac, Tomas Hruska and
Karel Masarik.
Instructor Selector Generation from Architecture Description
Pavel Troubil and Hana Rudova.
Integer Programming for Media Streams Planning Problem
Tim Wegner, Claas Cornelius, Andreas Tockhorn and Dirk Timmermann.
Monitoring and Control of Temperature in Networks-on-Chip

Tomas Babiak, Vojtech Rehak and Jan Strejcek.
Almost Linear Buchi Automata
Jiri Barnat, Petr Bauch, Lubos Brim and Milan Ceska.
Employing Multiple CUDA Devices to Accelerate LTL Model Checking
Jan Bouda, Matej Pivoluska, Libor Caha, Paulo Mateus and
Nikola Paunkovic.
Quantum Simultaneous Contract Signing
Jonathan Cederberg.
Automated Analysis of Data-Dependent Programs with Dynamic Memory
Antoine Durand-gasselin and Peter Habermehl.
On the Use of Non-deterministic Automata for Presburger Arithmetic
Ivan Fialik.
Unitary Noise and the Mermin-GHZ Game
Robert Ganian, Petr Hlineny, Jan Obdrzalek, Joachim Kneis, Peter Rossmanith,
Somnath Sikdar and Daniel Meister.
Are there any good digraph width measures?
Radim Hatlapatka and Petr Sojka.
Document Engineering for a Digital Library
Lukas Holik, Tomas Vojnar, Richard Mayr, Parosh A.
Abdulla and Yu-Fang Chen.
When Simulation Meets Antichains
Dalibor Klusacek and Hana Rudova.
The Use of Incremental Schedule-based Approach for Efficient Job Scheduling
Filip Konecny, Radu Iosif and Marius Bozga.
Fast Acceleration of Ultimately Periodic Relations
Jan Krcal and Jan Kretinsky.
Timed Automata Objectives in Stochastic Real-Time Games
Bohuslav Krena, Zdenek Letko, Tomas Vojnar and Shmuel Ur.
A Platform for Search-Based Testing of Concurrent Software
Silvie Luisa Brazdilova and Michal Kozubek.
Image division technique in automated fluorescence microscopy
Vladislav Martinek and Michal Zemlicka.
Remarks on Complex Navigation Systems
Petr Pospichal.
Simple genetic algorithm running on GPU
Michal Prochazka, Daniel Kouril and Ludek Matyska.
User Centric Authentication for Web Applications
Jan Samek and Frantisek Zboril.
Hierarchical Model of Trust in Contexts
Andriy Stetsko, Lukas Folkman and Vashek Matyas.
Neighbor-based Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks

The workshop will be held in Mikulov, a lovely town near the
Austrian borders at the edge of the Palava Landscape Protected Area.
Mikulov, situated in the centre of vineyard area, is also famous for
numerous examples of architecture. Tourists attractions include the Mikulov
Castle, the Piarist College, the Dietrichstein Sepulchre, and the former
Jewish ghetto.

The workshop is organized within project No. 102/09/H042 of the Czech
Science Foundation.

General Chair
Ludek Matyska, Czech Rep.

Programme Committee Chairs
Michal Kozubek, Czech Rep., Tomas Vojnar, Czech Rep., Pavel Zemcik, Czech Rep.

Organizing Committee Chair
Jan Staudek, Czech Rep.

Postdoc vacancies in OUCL Information Systems Group




The Computing Laboratory has a vacancy for three postdoctoral research assistants to work in the Information Systems Group. The posts are funded by EPSRC as part of the LogMap project (1 post) and ExODA project (2 posts) - see and for more information. The posts are available immediately and will be of 24 months (for LogMap) or 36 months (for ExODA) duration.

Applicants should have, or expect shortly to obtain, a PhD in computer science or some other relevant discipline, and should have a strong background in theoretical computer science. Experience in some or all of the following areas would be useful but is not essential: logics and automated reasoning; databases and database theory; ontologies and ontology languages; knowledge representation. Implementation experience would also be useful. The posts will require occasional travel to international conferences and workshops.

The successful applicants will join an internationally leading and rapidly growing research group led by Professor Georg Gottlob and Professor Ian Horrocks - see - and with more than 25 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working on a range of projects in the area of databases and knowledge representation and reasoning.

Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available from

The closing date for applications is 22nd October 2010.

Postdoc vacancies in OUCL Information Systems Group




The Computing Laboratory has a vacancy for three postdoctoral research assistants to work in the Information Systems Group. The posts are funded by EPSRC as part of the LogMap project (1 post) and ExODA project (2 posts) - see and for more information. The posts are available immediately and will be of 24 months (for LogMap) or 36 months (for ExODA) duration.

Applicants should have, or expect shortly to obtain, a PhD in computer science or some other relevant discipline, and should have a strong background in theoretical computer science. Experience in some or all of the following areas would be useful but is not essential: logics and automated reasoning; databases and database theory; ontologies and ontology languages; knowledge representation. Implementation experience would also be useful. The posts will require occasional travel to international conferences and workshops.

The successful applicants will join an internationally leading and rapidly growing research group led by Professor Georg Gottlob and Professor Ian Horrocks - see - and with more than 25 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working on a range of projects in the area of databases and knowledge representation and reasoning.

Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available from

The closing date for applications is 22nd October 2010.

[simu-conf] The Journal on Computational Science!

Elsevier's International Journal on Computational Science is soliciting
for original papers and special issues in the field of modeling and
simulation and computational science at large. Please visit

SPAA 2011 Call for Papers


SPAA 2011 Call for Papers

23rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures

San Jose, California, USA
June 4-6, 2011

[Part of the 2011 Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC 2011)]


Contributed papers are sought in all areas of parallel algorithms and
architectures. SPAA defines the term "parallel" broadly, encompassing
any computational system that can perform multiple operations or tasks

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Applications
- Parallel and Distributed Data Structures
- Green Computing and Power-Efficient Architectures
- Management of Massive Data Sets
- Parallel Complexity Theory
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Multi-Core Architectures
- Instruction Level Parallelism and VLSI
- Compilers and Tools for Concurrent Programming
- Supercomputer Architecture and Computing
- Transactional Memory Hardware and Software
- The Internet and the World Wide Web
- Game Theory and Collaborative Learning
- Routing and Information Dissemination
- Resource Management and Awareness
- Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
- Robustness, Self-Stabilization, and Security
- Synergy of parallelism in algorithms, programming and architecture

Regular presentations will be allotted a 25-minute talk and up to 10
pages in the proceedings. This format is intended for contributions
reporting original research, submitted exclusively to this conference.

Brief announcements will be allotted a 10-minute talk and a 2-page
abstract in the proceedings. This format is a forum for brief
communications, which may be published later in other conferences.

Every regular paper is eligible for the best paper award. The program
committee may decline to make this award or may split the award among
multiple papers.


Authors of contributed papers are encouraged to submit their
manuscript electronically. To submit electronically, visit for instructions. This
is the preferred method of submission. Authors unable to submit
electronically should contact the program chair Rajmohan Rajaraman at to receive instructions.

The cover page should include (1) title, (2) authors and affiliation,
(3) postal and email address of the contact author, (4) a brief abstract
describing the content of the paper, and (5) an indication if this is a
regular presentation or a brief announcement. If requested by the
authors, an extended abstract that is not selected for a regular
presentation will also be considered for the SPAA brief announcements
session. Such a request will not affect the consideration of the paper
for a regular presentation.

Submissions for regular presentations should include an introduction
understandable to a nonspecialist including motivation and previous
work, and a technical exposition directed to a specialist. A submission
should not exceed 10 printed pages in 11-point type or larger (excluding
cover, figures, and references). More details may be supplied in a
clearly marked appendix to be read at the discretion of the program
committee. A submission for brief announcements should be no longer
than three pages using at least 11-point font.


Submission deadlines:
- Regular papers: January 12, 2011 11:59pm EST
- Brief Announcements: January 19, 2011, 11:59pm EST

Notification: TBA

Camera-ready copy: TBA


SPAA Program Chair
Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern U.)

SPAA Conference Chair
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide (U. of Paderborn)

SPAA Secretary
Christian Scheideler (U. of Paderborn)

SPAA Treasurer
David Bunde (Knox College)

SPAA Publicity Chair
Andrea Richa (Arizona State U.)

SPAA Local Arrangements
FCRC Organizing Committee (Dean Tullsen, UCSD)


Prof. Andrea W. Richa |Phone: 480-965-7555
Computer Science & Eng. |FAX: 480-965-2751
Arizona State University |E-mail:
PO Box 878809, Tempe AZ 85287-8809|

[DMANET] Assistant professorship at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique

Tenure-track assistant professorship at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique

The Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX) of Ecole Polytechnique opens a
tenure-track assistant professorship with associated CNRS Chair, on
one of the following profiles:
- algorithmic geometry and computer vision
- safety and security of distributed and concurrent systems
- software engineering for industrial complex systems

Deadline for application: 25 october 2010.

The application material (in PDF) includes:
- full CV
- recommendation letters
- research plan
- teaching statement
- full list of publications
- a set of selected publications.

An online application process is being prepared; it will be announced
soon on:


*Visual computing*
within the research team led by Prof. Frank Nielsen

Algorithmic methods of Images is undergoing a renaissance with the
spread of cross-disciplinary techniques and availability of large
online image databases. Nowadays, image processing relies on several
scientific areas such as computer vision, computational geometry and
machine learning among others. We study algorithmic questions
pertaining to modern Image processing such as personalized multimedia
search engines based on information geometry, or computational
photography: a creative field which aims at redefining the very
essence of photography.


*Safety and security of distributed and concurrent systems*
within the COMETE research team led by Dr. Catuscia Palamidessi

Modern computation systems are often distributed on heterogenous
networks based on several different technologies. Nevertheless,
they have to conform to specifications of security, performance,
reliability and so on. The objective of this chair is to conceive
distributed and concurrent computational models that allow a
systematic treatment of such difficult tasks, particularly for what
concerns formal verification methods.


*Software engineering for industrial complex systems*
within the SYSMO research team led by Prof. Leo Liberti

The SYSMO team is looking for a candidate with a research track on
software engineering:
- formal models of computation (formal software engineering,
distributed systems, synchronous systems, logic, semantics, etc.),
software-oriented system engineering and architecture
- knowledge of an application domain: information systems, embedded
- research: modelling, optimization and/or verification of
software-oriented systems.
Contact: Prof. Daniel Krob (


*Teaching requirements*
Chair-endowed assistant professors are a relatively new statute which
allows for a reduced teaching load, corresponding to 1/3rd of the
standard load (i.e. 64h instead of 192h per academic year). CNRS
provides the Chair endowment for a period of 2 years (which can be
renewed once). Teaching will take place within the Department of
Computer Science (DIX), Ecole Polytechnique.
Contact: Prof. Benjamin Werner (

The affiliation of the successful candidate will be at LIX, Ecole
Polytechnique (Director ad interim: Prof. Olivier Bournez)

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Call for papers - NIPS Workshop - Low-rank Matrix Approximation for Large-scale Learning


Low-rank Matrix Approximation for Large-scale Learning
NIPS 2010 Workshop, Whistler, Canada
December 11, 2010

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2010


Today's data-driven society is full of large-scale datasets. In the
context of machine learning, these datasets are often represented by
large matrices representing either a set of real-valued features for
each point or pairwise similarities between points. Hence, modern
learning problems in computer vision, natural language processing,
computational biology, and other areas often face the daunting task of
storing and operating on matrices with thousands to millions of
entries. An attractive solution to this problem involves working with
low-rank approximations of the original matrix. Low-rank approximation
is at the core of widely used algorithms such as Principle Component
Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Latent Semantic Indexing, and
manifold learning. Furthermore, low-rank matrices appear in a wide
variety of applications including lossy data compression,
collaborative filtering, image processing, text analysis, matrix
completion and metric learning.

The NIPS workshop on "Low-rank Matrix Approximation for Large-scale
Learning" aims to survey recent work on matrix approximation with an
emphasis on usefulness for practical large-scale machine learning
problems. We aim to provide a forum for researchers to discuss several
important questions associated with low-rank approximation techniques.
The workshop will begin with an introductory talk and will include
invited talks by Emmanuel Candes (Stanford), Ken Clarkson (IBM
Almaden) and Petros Drineas (RPI). There will also be several
contributed paper talks as well as poster session for contributed

We encourage submissions exploring the impact of low-rank methods for
large-scale machine learning in the form of new algorithms,
theoretical advances and/or empirical results. We also welcome work on
related topics that motivate additional interesting scenarios for use
of low-rank approximations for learning tasks. Some specific areas of
interest include randomized low-rank approximation techniques, the
effect of data heterogeneity on randomization, performance of various
low-rank methods for large-scale tasks and the tradeoff between
numerical precision and time/space efficiency in the context of
machine learning performance, e.g., classification or clustering


Submissions should be written as extended abstracts, no longer than 4
pages in the NIPS latex style. Style files and formatting instructions
can be found at
Submisssions must be in PDF format. Authors names and affiliations
should be included, as the review process will not be double blind.
The extended abstract may be accompanied by an unlimited appendix and
other supplementary material, with the understanding that anything
beyond 4 pages may be ignored by the program committee.

Please send your PDF submission by email to
by October 31. Notifications will be given on or before November 15.
Topics that were recently published or presented elsewhere are
allowed, provided that the extended abstract mentions this explicitly.


Michael Mahoney (Stanford), Mehryar Mohri (NYU, Google Research),
Ameet Talwalkar (Berkeley)


Alexandre d'Aspremont (Princeton), Christos Boutsidis (Rensselear
Polytechnic Institute), Kamilika Das (NASA Ames Research Center),
Maryam Fazel (Washington), Michael I. Jordan (Berkeley), Sanjiv Kumar
(Google Research), James Kwok (Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology), Gunnar Martinsson (Colorado at Boulder)

29th Colloquium on Combinatorics

* *
* Colloquium on Combinatorics *
* Saarbrücken *
* 12th & 13th of November 2010 *
* *

The 29th Colloquium on Combinatorics will take place in
Saarbrücken (Germany), November 12 and 13. This conference
traditionally attracts both young researchers and well
established scientists.

The colloquium covers all parts of Combinatorics and Discrete
Mathematics in a broad sense, including combinatorial aspects
in Algebra, Geometry and Computer Science.

This year's plenary talks will be given by
- Dominique Foata (Strasbourg)
- Daniela Kühn (Birmingham)
- Gabriele Nebe (RWTH Aachen)
- Marc Noy (UPC Barcelona)

Participants are invited to give a 20-minute presentation on their
current work. Please register for the conference before October 21 via
the conference webpage at

If you intend to give a talk, please send us an abstract using the
template provided on the webpage before October 29.

See you in Saarbrücken!

Benjamin Doerr
MPI Informatics and Saarland University
Saarbrücken, Germany

[DMANET] 29th Colloquium on Combinatorics


* *
* Colloquium on Combinatorics *
* Saarbrücken *
* 12th & 13th of November 2010 *
* *

The 29th Colloquium on Combinatorics will take place in
Saarbrücken (Germany), November 12 and 13. This conference
traditionally attracts both young researchers and well
established scientists.

The colloquium covers all parts of Combinatorics and Discrete
Mathematics in a broad sense, including combinatorial aspects
in Algebra, Geometry and Computer Science.

This year's plenary talks will be given by
- Dominique Foata (Strasbourg)
- Daniela Kühn (Birmingham)
- Gabriele Nebe (RWTH Aachen)
- Marc Noy (UPC Barcelona)

Participants are invited to give a 20-minute presentation on their
current work. Please register for the conference before October 21 via
the conference webpage at

If you intend to give a talk, please send us an abstract using the
template provided on the webpage before October 29.

See you in Saarbrücken!

Benjamin Doerr
MPI Informatics and Saarland University
Saarbrücken, Germany
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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Call for applications: Full professor for discrete mathematics and optimization, TU Graz, Austria

(Shortened) English version (knowledge of German is required for the

The Faculty for Technical Mathematics and Technical Physics at Graz
University of Technology calls for applications for the following position
which is available from October 1, 2011:

University professor (tenured) for Discrete Mathematics and Optimization
(position formerly held by Prof. Dr. R.E. Burkard)

The successful candidate will have an excellent research and teaching
record in a topical area of discrete mathematics, such as combinatorial
optimization or algorithmic graph theory. Experience in acquisition and
management of funded research projects is a prerequisite.

The candidate is expected to teach both service courses for engineering
students as well as courses for students of mathematics (at bachelor,
master and Ph.D. level). Due to the teaching duties fluency in German is

The university aims at increasing the percentage of women in research and
teaching, in particular at the professor level. Therefore qualified women
are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female
candidates will be given preference.

Please send your application (including all relevant documents and
an English summary of all past and future research activities)
by mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Technical
Mathematics and Technical Physics, Prof. Wolfgang. E. Ernst,
Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz, Austria
and electronically (pdf-format) to

Deadline for applications: November 30, 2010 (date of postmark)


Deutscher Ausschreibungstext:

Universitaetsprofessur fuer Diskrete Mathematik und Optimierung

An der Fakultaet fuer Technische Mathematik und Technische Physik der
Technischen Universitaet Graz ist die Stelle einer Universitaetsprofessorin/
eines Universitaetsprofessors fuer Diskrete Mathematik und Optimierung am
entsprechenden Institut (Nachfolge von Prof. R.E. Burkard) in Form eines
zeitlich unbefristeten privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhaeltnisses zur
Technischen Universitaet Graz ab 01.10.2011 zu besetzen.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Bewerberin/der Bewerber auf einem aktuellen
Gebiet der Diskreten Mathematik, z.B. in Kombinatorischer Optimierung,
Algorithmischer Graphentheorie oder Komplexitaetstheorie, in Lehre und
Forschung hervorragend ausgewiesen ist. Bereitschaft zur aktiven Mitarbeit
und Leitung von Forschungsprojekten sowie Erfahrungen bei der Einwerbung
von Drittmittelprojekten werden vorausgesetzt. Zu den Lehraufgaben zaehlt
die Beteiligung an der mathematischen Grundausbildung ingenieur-
wissenschaftlicher Studienrichtungen und die Mitwirkung an der Studienrichtung
"Technische Mathematik" auf Bachelor-, Master-und Doktoratsniveau.

Die Technische Universitaet Graz strebt eine Erhoehung des Frauenanteils,
insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen und beim wissenschaftlichen Personal, an
und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen ausdruecklich zur Bewerbung auf.
Bei gleicher Qualifikation werden Frauen vorrangig aufgenommen.

Bewerbungen einschliesslich der ueblichen Unterlagen sowie einer
englischsprachigen Zusammenfassung der bisherigen und beabsichtigten
Forschungsaktivitaeten sind schriftlich bis spaetestens 30.11.2010
(Datum des Poststempels/E-Mail-Einganges) an den Dekan der Fakultaet fuer
Technische Mathematik und Technische Physik der Technischen Universitaet
Graz, Univ.-Prof. Wolfgang E. ERNST, Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz, sowie
elektronisch in PDF-Format an zu uebermitteln.

Weitere Informationen und die Anstellungserfordernisse entnehmen Sie bitte
dem Mitteilungsblatt der TU Graz vom 15.9.2010 (
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
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* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Job Announcement: Ph.D. position - University of Antwerp

*** PhD position on multi-level vehicle routing problems ***
Application deadline: 1 December 2010

At the University of Antwerp (Belgium), there is a vacant position for a
pre-doctoral researcher in operations research (vehicle routing) at the
Faculty of Applied Economics. The ideal candidate has a good background in
operations research ( and mathematics, including
good programming skills and a good command of the English language.

The position is meant to conduct research on multi-level vehicle routing
problems. The work, which involves the implementation and testing of
heuristic optimization strategies, will be carried out in close
collaboration with Kenneth Sörensen and Peter Goos. The candidate is
expected to enroll the university's Ph.D. program and to obtain a Ph.D. at
the end of the project. A short project description can be found below. We
offer a four-year position (with annual evaluation), a net monthly grant of
about 1900 euro, and a stimulating working environment in a lively
cosmopolitan city.

For more information, please contact Kenneth Sörensen at Applications should be sent by email, and should
include [1] a detailed CV including description of background in operations
research as well as programming skills, [2] complete transcripts of
bachelor and master degrees, [3] a motivation letter and [4] (if available)
results on TOEFL/GMAT/GRE tests.

The deadline for application is 1 December 2010. Preferably, the candidate
should start working on 1 January 2011.

Short project description

The main aim of this project is to develop efficient solution methods for
several reallife multi-level vehicle routing problems. In multi-level
vehicle routing problems, decisions are taken on different levels. For
* In multi-depot vehicle routing problems, decisions need to be taken on
which customer to service from which depot, besides the typical routing
decisions (determining the sequence of the customers in the routes and the
assignment of customers to vehicles).
* In school bus routing problems, decisions to be taken include the
assignment of students to bus stops, the selection of bus stops to use, as
well as the typical routing decisions.
* In location-routing problems, the algorithm decides the optimal location
of distribution facilities, as well as the typical routing decisions.

A second research topic of this project is the search for the most
appropriate type of solution method for multi-level routing problems:
iterative or integrated. We will examine specifically whether integrated
optimization yields better results than sequential or iterative
optimization, and what the main influencing factors are for the differences
in performance.

A third important research topic that we intend to study is the interaction
between different neighborhoods that operate on different levels of a
multi-level problem. This will lead to a better understanding of the
working of these neighborhoods and their interaction, and make the design
of more powerful metaheuristics possible.

Finally, as a fourth research topic we intend to study the integration of
exact methods into the developed heuristics. More and more, the study of
so-called matheuristics, heuristics integrating mathematical programming
methods, are being viewed as an interesting research avenue. Progress in
the development of general integer programming solvers (such ILOG's Cplex)
during the last decade has been impressive, and has become such that using
these solvers for real-life (sub)problems has become an attractive option.
In fact, multi-level problems offer an interesting playground for this type
of methods, as some of the sub-problems can potentially be solved using
exact methods, whereas others
can be solved using neighborhood search heuristics.

For a more extensive description of the project, contact
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* via DMANET.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SAT 2011 Preliminary Call for Papers


SAT 2011
14th International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing
June 19-22, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Associated Workshops: June 18 and June 23

The International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing is the primary annual meeting for researchers
studying the propositional satisfiability problem. SAT 2011
( is the fourteenth SAT conference and
features the SAT competition, the Pseudo-Boolean evaluation, and the
MAX-SAT evaluation.

Many hard combinatorial problems can be encoded as SAT instances,
including problems that arise in hardware and software verification,
AI planning and scheduling, OR resource allocation, etc. The
theoretical and practical advances in SAT research over the past dozen
years have contributed to making SAT technology an indispensable tool
in many of these domains. The SAT conference aims to further advance
the field by soliciting original theoretical and practical
contributions on a wide range of topics including, but are not limited
to proof systems, proof complexity, search algorithms, heuristics,
analysis of algorithms, hard instances, randomized formulae, problem
encodings, industrial applications, solvers, simplifiers, tools, case
studies and empirical results. SAT is interpreted in a rather broad
sense: besides propositional satisfiability, it includes the domain of
quantified boolean formulae (QBF), constraints programming techniques
(CSP) for word-level problems and their propositional encoding and
particularly satisfiability modulo theories (SMT).

Submissions should contain original material up to 14 page, and use
the Springer LNCS style. All appendices, tables, figures and the
bibliography must fit into the page limit. Submissions deviating from
these requirements may be rejected without review. All accepted papers
will be published in the proceedings of the conference. The conference
proceedings will be published within the Springer LNCS series.

The paper submission page is

LNCS style authors instructions is

December 17, 2010: Workshop Proposals
February 11, 2011: Abstract Submission
February 18, 2011: Paper Submission
March 18, 2011: Author Notification
April 1, 2011: Final Version

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for
associated workshops on related topics. Workshops will have to be
financially self-supporting. Proposals should consist of two
parts. First, a short scientific justification of the proposed topic,
its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the
community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if
relevant). A second, organizational part should include contact
information of the workshop organizers, procedures for selecting
papers and participants, estimate of the audience size and a tentative
list of the program committee. Proposals are due by December 17, 2010
and must be submitted electronically as a PDF files, by email, to both
SAT Conference Chairs: and

Karem A. Sakallah, University of Michigan, USA
Laurent Simon, University of Paris-Sud 11, France


SAT Competition 2011
web site:
- Daniel Le Berre
- Matti Jarvisalo
- Olivier Roussel

MAX-SAT Evaluation 2011
web site:
- Josep Argelich
- Chu-Min Li
- Felip Manya
- Jordi Planes

PB Evaluation 2011
web site:
- Vasco Manquinho
- Olivier Roussel

[DMANET] MIC 2011, Call for Papers

*** Apologies if you have received this CFP more than once ***

9th Metaheuristics International Conference

MIC 2011

25-28 July, 2011 in Udine, Italy

More details and up-to-date information at

Scope of the Conference

The Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC) series was established
in 1995 and this is its 9th edition. MIC is the main event focusing on the
progress of the area of metaheuristics and their applications. As in
previous editions, MIC 2011 will provide an opportunity to the
international research community in metaheuristics to discuss recent
research results, to develop new ideas and collaborations, and to meet old
and make new friends in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Presentations covering all aspects of metaheuristic research such as new
algorithmic developments, high-impact applications, new research
challenges, theoretical developments, implementation issues, and in-depth
experimental studies are welcome. MIC 2011 strives for a high-quality
program that will be completed by a number of invited talks, tutorials,
and special sessions.

Relevant Research Areas

MIC 2011 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of metaheuristics.
Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:

+ Metaheuristic techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing,
iterated local search, variable neighborhood search, memory-based
optimization, dynamic local search, evolutionary algorithms, memetic
algorithms, ant colony optimization, variable neighborhood search,
particle swarm optimization, scatter search, path relinking, etc.

+ Techniques that enhance the usability and increase the potential of
metaheuristic algorithms such as reactive search mechanisms for
self-tuning, offline metaheuristic algorithm configuration techniques,
algorithm portfolios, parallelization of metaheuristic algorithms, etc.

+ Empirical and theoretical research in metaheuristic including
large-scale experimental analyses, algorithm comparisons, new experimental
methodologies, engineering methodologies for stochastic local search
algorithms, search space analysis, theoretical insights into properties of
metaheuristic algorithms, etc.

+ High-impact applications of metaheuristics in fields such as
bioinformatics, electrical and mechanical engineering, telecommunications,
sustainability, business, scheduling and timetabling. Particularly welcome
are innovative applications of metaheuristic algorithms that have a
potential of pushing research frontiers.

+ Contributions on the combination of metaheuristic techniques with
those from other areas, such as integer programming, constraint
programming, machine learning, etc.

+ Challenging applications areas such as continuos, mixed
discrete-continuous, multi-objective, stochastic, or dynamic problems.

Important Dates

Submission deadline March 6, 2010
Notification of acceptance May 13, 2010
Camera ready copy May 27, 2010
Early registration June 6, 2010
Conference July 25-28, 2010

Submission Details

We will accept submissions in three different formats.

S1) Original research contributions for publication in the conference
proceedings of a maximum of 10 pages

S2) Extended abstracts of work-in-progress and position papers on a
important research aspect of a maximum of 3 pages

S3) High-quality manuscripts that have recently, within the last six
months, been submitted or accepted for journal publication

Accepted contributions of categories S1 and S2 will be published in the
MIC 2011 conference proceedings. The proceedings will have an ISBN number.
Accepted contributions of category S3 will be orally presented at the
conference, but not be included into the conference proceedings (neither
in the post-conference proceedings). The submission server will be
available in January 2011.

Post-conference Publication

It has become a tradition of MIC conferences to publish post-conference
proceedings in an edited book. Authors of accepted papers in categories S1
and S2 (see submission details) are invited to submit improved and
extended versions of their conference papers for publications in the MIC
2011 post-conference volume. The post-conference volume will appear in the
Operations Research / Computer Science Interfaces series of Springer
Verlag (confirmation pending).

Best Paper Award

A best paper award will be presented at the conference. Only papers
submitted in category S1 will be eligible for the best paper award.

Special Sessions

The conference will integrate a number of special sessions. Currently
confirmed are the following.

- Dynamic Optimization, organized by Amir Nakib and Patrick Siarry
- Matheuristics, organized by Karl Doerner, Vittorio Maniezzo, Celso Ribeiro, and Stefan Voss
- Metaheuristics for real production planning and scheduling, organized by Ruben Ruiz
- Metaheuristics in Health Care Management and Services, organized by Ana Viana and Abdur Rais
- Methodologies for Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization organized by Walter Gutjahr and Frank Neumann
- Quadratic Binary Programs, organized by Fred Glover, Jin-Kao Hao, and Gary Kochenberger

The submission to the special sessions will be through the same submission
site as for the main conference. For submission details and paper
categories, we refer to the main submission information.

Conference Location

The conference will be held in Udine, Italy. The conference site is
Palazzo Antonini, the main site of the University of Udine. This is a 16th
century palace in the city center of Udine.

Further Information

Up-to-date information will be published on the web site For information about local arrangements,
registration forms, etc., please refer to the above-mentioned web site or
contact the local organizers at the address below.

Conference Address

MIC 2011 Organization
Luca Di Gaspero / Andrea Schaerf
DIEGM, University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208
33100 Udine, Italy
Fax: +39 0432 55 8251

MIC 2011 Conference Committee

Technical Program Chairs
Andrea Schaerf
Luca Di Gaspero
Thomas Stuetzle

Local organization
Sara Ceschia
Raffaele Cipriano
Luca Di Gaspero
Mirko Loghi
Andrea Schaerf
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