Friday, August 30, 2013
[DMANET] NIPS 2013 Workshop on Greedy Algorithms, Frank-Wolfe and Friends - Call for Contributions
International Workshop on
Greedy Algorithms, Frank-Wolfe and Friends - A modern perspective,
to be held as a part of the
26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
(NIPS 2013),
December 9 or 10, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.
Submission Deadline: 16th October 2013
The exciting program includes plenary talks by:
Francis Bach, ENS and INRIA, Paris
Arkadi Nemirovski, Georgia Tech (TBC)
Benjamin Recht, UC Berkeley
Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Hebrew University Jerusalem
Vladimir Temlyakov, University of South Carolina
Greedy algorithms and projection-free first-order optimization
algorithms are at the core of many of the state of the art sparse
methods in machine learning, signal processing, harmonic analysis,
statistics and other seemingly unrelated areas, with different goals
at first sight. Examples include matching pursuit, boosting, greedy
methods for sub-modular optimization, with applications ranging from
large-scale structured prediction to recommender systems. In the field
of optimization, the recent renewed interest in
Frank-Wolfe/conditional gradient algorithms opens up an interesting
perspective towards a unified understanding of these methods, with a
big potential to translate the rich existing knowledge about the
respective greedy methods between the different fields.
The goal of this workshop is to take a step towards building a modern
and consistent perspective on these related algorithms. The workshop
will gather renowned experts working on those algorithms in machine
learning, optimization, signal processing, statistics and harmonic
analysis, in order to engender a fruitful exchange of ideas and
discussions and to push further the boundaries of scalable and
efficient optimization for learning problems.
The main topics are, including, but not limited to:
* Convex Optimization
- Sparse greedy methods
- Sparse first and second order optimization
- Frank-Wolfe / conditional gradient type methods
- Extensions to non-smooth or special problem classes
- Acceleration techniques
- Theoretical convergence rates
* Sparse Methods in Signal Processing
- Atomic decompositions
- Matching pursuit and OMP
- Forward / backward selection methods
- Sparse recovery algorithms
* Statistics and Machine Learning
- Boosting methods
- Graphical model selection
- Sparse methods
* Linear algebra and Matrix analysis
- Matrix and tensor factorizations
- Sparse and low-rank matrix optimization problems
* Harmonic Analysis
- Greedy methods
- Sparse approximation
* Applications
- Empirical comparisons and applications of related methods
Special focus will be given to papers tackling "big data" problems.
We encourage attendees for contribution of an extended abstract (up to
4 pages using NIPS style). Abstracts should be sent via EasyChair
Accepted submissions will be presented as short talks or posters.
Important Dates
October 16 - Deadline for submission
October 30 - Notification of acceptance
December 9 or 10 (TBD) - Workshop day
Zaid Harchaoui, INRIA Grenoble (France)
Martin Jaggi, Simons Institute, Berkeley (USA)
Federico Pierucci, LJK lab, Grenoble (France)
If you have any questions or comments please send an e-mail to
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
[DMANET] Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2 years) at University of Warwick
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2 years), University of Warwick
The Department of Computer Science and the Centre for Discrete
Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) []
at the University of Warwick, UK, are advertising a new postdoctoral
research fellow position (2 years) in the area of Discrete Mathematics
and/or in the area of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
Candidates are required to have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics,
or related discipline, and should be able to demonstrate excellent
research potential in discrete mathematics or applications in algorithms
and/or optimization.
The postdoc will be affiliated with DIMAP and the Foundations of
Computer Science Research Group, and will have the opportunity to work
with world-leading researchers in Algorithms and Discrete Mathematics,
including Graham Cormode, Artur Czumaj, Matthias Englert, Dan Kral,
Vadim Lozin, Mike Paterson, Oleg Pikhurko, Maxim Sviridenko, ...
The position is a part of a new Strategic Alliance between the
University of Warwick and the Queen Mary University of London, and the
postholder will have the opportunity to work with researchers from both
The position is for an "independent researcher" and is not attached to a
particular project. The general areas are Algorithms and Discrete
Mathematics, broadly interpreted.
The closing date is September 23, 2013.
For more details, please see and and the links
Artur Czumaj
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
[DMANET] ADHOC-NOW 2014 : Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks || Benidorm, Spain
ADHOC-NOW 2014 : Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks
June 22 - 27, 2014, Benidorm, Spain
- Submission Deadline: Mar 15, 2014
- Notification Due Apr 15, 2014
- Final Version Due Apr 30, 2014
Since its creation in 2002, the International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW) has become a well-established and well known event dedicated to wireless and mobile computing. It serves as a forum for interesting discussions on ongoing research and new contributions. The conference addresses both experimental and theoretical research in the areas of ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mesh networks and vehicular networks. It focuses on all issues from link layer up to the application layer. The thirteenth edition of ADHOC-NOW will for the first time be organized in Benidorm, Spain,
from the 22nd to the 27th of June, 2014.
We seek original contributions as work in progress, experimental and theoretical research in Wireless Sensor, Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks. Submissions must not be published or under review for another conference or journal. We are interested, but not limited to, research papers in any of the following areas:
-Access Control
-Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
-Algorithmic Issues
-Analytic Methods and Modeling for Performance Evaluation
-Ad Hoc Network Applications and Architectures
-Delay-Tolerant Networking
-Distributed Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks
-Energy Efficiency
-Geometric Graphs
-Location Discovery and Management
-Mobility Handling and Utilization
-Wireless Mesh Networks
-Mobile Ad Hoc Computing Platforms
-Systems and Testbeds
-Mobile Social Networking
-Routing Protocols (Unicast, Multicast, etc.)
-Secure Services and Protocols
-Sensor Networks
-Service Discovery
-Timing Synchronization
Vehicular Networks
-Wireless Internet.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag, as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors are invited to submit either regular papers or short papers. Regular papers should not exceed 14 pages in LNCS format. Short papers must be limited to up to 4 pages in LNCS format. The paper should provide sufficient detail to allow the Program Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance. Each accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings, provided at least one author of the paper registers to present the paper at the conference.
High-quality articles will be invited for submission to a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks and the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems.
-Jaime Lloret Mauri, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
-Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottaw
a, Ottawa, Canada
-Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
-Michel Barbeau, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
-Thomas Kunz, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
-Ioanis Nikolaidis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
-S. S. Ravi, SUNY University, Albany, USA
-Violet Sirotiuk, Arizona State University, Temple, USA
-Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
-Song Guo, University of Aizu, Japan
-Pietro Manzoni, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
-Paul Yongli, Deakin University, Australia
-Gongjun Yan, Indiana University, USA
-Sandra Sendra, Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
-Stefan Ruehrup, FTW - Viena, Austria
-Miguel Garcia, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
-Zhen Huang, University of Ottawa, Canada
-Milos Stojmenovic, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
- The list of members of the Program Committee will be published soon on the web page of the conference.
- Visit Benidorm: see the page
Monday, August 26, 2013
[DMANET] ISAIM 2014: First Call for Papers
Thirteenth International Symposium on
ISAIM 2014
January 6-8, 2014
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence. This is the thirteenth Symposium in the series, which is sponsored by the journal Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence and by Florida Atlantic University. We seek submissions of recent results, with a particular emphasis on the foundations of AI and mathematical methods used in AI. Papers describing applications are also encouraged, but the focus should be on principled lessons learned from the development of the application. Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for scientific exchange. The three-day Symposium includes invited speakers, presentations of technical papers, and special topic sessions. The Symposium takes place at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. Please visit for more information about the venue.
o Boolean and pseudo-Boolean Functions
-Organized by Endre Boros, Rutgers University, and Yves Crama, University of Liège
o Mathematical Theories of Natural Language Processing
-Organized by András Kornai, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
o Theory of Machine Learning
-Organized by Lev Reyzin, University of Illinois at Chicago
o Proposals for organizing additional special sessions can be sent to the chairs for consideration by September 15, 2013.
o Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin
o Csaba Szepesvári, University of Alberta
Paper submission will be electronic via the submission link on the Paper Submission page of the Symposium website (/ Papers must be formatted in accordance with the guidelines given there.
The submission deadline is October 15, 2013 (11:59 PM PDT). Papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by November 15, 2013. Final versions of accepted papers, for inclusion in the conference electronic proceedings, are due by December 15, 2013.
Work that has already been published as of the ISAIM submission deadline should not be submitted to ISAIM unless it introduces a significant addition to the previously published work. However, the ISAIM web site proceedings are not archival, so papers submitted to ISAIM can be under review at the time of submission and can be submitted elsewhere after ISAIM.
Authors of a selected set of papers from the Symposium will be invited to submit full versions of their papers for inclusion in a special volume of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, published by Springer. Those invited submissions will be subject to refereeing at the usual standards of the journal, and authors will receive more details with the acceptance notice. Papers must of course be new and unpublished to be considered for the special volume.
Any questions regarding paper submission should be sent to the program committee chairs at the email address <isaim2014 at cs DOT uic DOT edu>.
Paper submission: October 15, 2013
Notification: November 15, 2013
Final version due: December 15, 2013
Workshop: January 6-8, 2014, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
o General Chair: Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa
o Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University
o Program Committee Chairs: Lisa Hellerstein, Polytechnic Institute of NYU
György Turán, University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Szeged
o Publicity Chair: Dimitrios I. Diochnos, University of Edinburgh
Stéphane Airiau University of Amsterdam
Endre Boros Rutgers University
Arthur Choi University of California Los Angeles
Berthe Choueiry University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Yves Crama University of Liège
Marek Druzdzel University of Pittsburgh
Roni Khardon Tufts University
Richard Korf University of California Los Angeles
Loizos Michael Open University of Cyprus
Maurice Pagnucco University of New South Wales
Barnabás Póczos Carnegie Mellon University
Francesca Rossi University of Padova
Bart Selman Cornell University
Rocco Servedio Columbia University
Hans-Ulrich Simon Ruhr-University Bochum
Stefan Szeider Vienna University of Technology
Balázs Szörényi University of Szeged
Mirosław (Mirek) Truszczyński University of Kentucky
Frank Wolter University of Liverpool
Stefan Woltran Vienna University of Technology
Neil Yorke-Smith American University of Beirut
Send inquiries and requests to isaim2014 at cs DOT uic DOT edu.
Join to receive announcements related to ISAIM.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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[DMANET] CIE 2014: Language, Life, Limits. June 23-27, 2014, Budapest. Preliminary Announcement.
COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2014: Language, Life, Limits
Budapest, Hungary
June 23 - 27, 2014
CiE 2014 is the tenth conference organized by CiE (Computability
in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians,
computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others
interested in new developments in computability and their
underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings
have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena
(2007), Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponte Dalgada (2010),
Sofia (2011), Cambridge (2012), and Milan (2013). Please mark the
conference dates in your agendas for 2014.
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
Alessandra Carbone (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS Paris)
Maribel Fernandez (King's College London)
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (University of Calgary)
Eva Tardos (Cornell University)
Albert Visser (Utrecht University)
History and Philosophy of Computing
organizers: Liesbeth de Mol, Giuseppe Primiero
Computational Linguistics
organizers: Maria Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Gabor Proszeky
Computability Theory
organizers: Karen Lange, TBA
Bio-inspired Computation
organizers: Marian Gheorghe, Florin Manea
Online Algorithms
organizers: Joan Boyar, Csanad Imreh
Complexity in Automata Theory
organizers: Markus Lohrey, Giovanni Pighizzini
The motto of CiE 2014 "Language, Life, Limits" intends to put a
special focus on relations between computational linguistics,
natural computing, and more traditional fields of computability
This is to be understood in its broadest sense including
computational aspects of problems in linguistics, studying models
of computation and algorithms inspired by physical and biological
approaches as well as exhibiting limits (and non-limits) of
computability when considering different models of computation
arising from such approaches.
As with previous CiE conferences, the allover glueing perspective
is to strengthen the mutual benefits of analyzing traditional and
new computational paradigms in their corresponding frameworks
both with respect to practical applications and a deeper
theoretical understanding.
The conference will address these aspects besides the more
established lines of research of Computational Complexity and the
interplay between Proof Theory and Computation.
Novel views that rely on physical and biological processes and
models to find new ways of tackling computations and improving
their efficiency are welcome. Also, massive data analysis and
computations are a recent subject of attention, since the most
recent technologies produce huge amounts of data, and managing
such data requires some theoretical frameworks.
In all cases we are looking for fundamental and theoretical
submissions. In line with other conferences in this series, CiE
2014 has a broad scope and provides a forum for the discussion of
theoretical and practical issues in Computability with an
emphasis on new paradigms of computation and the development of
their mathematical theory.
We particularly invite papers that build bridges between
different parts of the research community.
Gerard Alberts (Amsterdam)
Sandra Alves (Porto)
Hajnal Andreka (Budapest)
Luis Antunes (Porto)
Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
Laurent Bienvenu (Paris)
Paola Bonizzoni (Milan)
Olivier Bournez (Palaiseau)
Vasco Brattka (Munich)
Bruno Codenotti (Pisa)
Barry Cooper (Leeds)
Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju (Budapest, co-chair)
Michael J. Dineen (Auckland)
Erich Graedel (Aachen)
Marie Hicks (Chicago IL)
Natasha Jonoska (Tampa FL)
Jarkko Kari (Turku)
Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh)
Viv Kendon (Leeds)
Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo)
Andras Kornai (Budapest)
Marcus Kracht (Bielefeld)
Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam & Hamburg)
Klaus Meer (Cottbus, co-chair)
Joseph R. Mileti (Grinnell IA)
Georg Moser (Innsbruck)
Benedek Nagy (Debrecen)
Sara Negri (Helsinki)
Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund)
Neil Thapen (Prague)
Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)
Xizhong Zheng (Glenside PA)
In a Call for Papers to be sent out in October 2013, the PC will
invite all researchers in the area of the conference to submit
their papers for presentation at CiE 2014. The best of the
accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
within the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of
Springer, which will be available at the conference.
CiE Conference Series
CiE 2014
CiE Membership Application Form
Computability (Journal of CiE)
CiE on FaceBook
Association CiE on Twitter
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Sunday, August 25, 2013
[DMANET] CFP: ENSSYS and SenseMine 2013 (co-located with SenSys'13)
Note: Submission deadlines fast approaching.
First International Workshop on Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems
in conjunction with SenSys 2013
November 14, 2013,
Rome, Italy
Important Dates:
Submission: August 30, 2013
Notification: October 04, 2013
Camera-ready: October 18, 2013
Workshop Chairs:
Davide Brunelli, Uni. Trento, Italy
Geoff Merrett, Uni. Southampton, UK
Technical Program Committee:
Davide Brunelli. Uni. Trento, Italy
Geoff Merrett, Uni. Southampton, UK
Pai H. Chou, Uni. California, Irvine, USA
Emanuael Popovici, Uni. Cork, Ireland
Christian Renner, Uni. Lübeck, Germany
Paul Wright, UC Berkeley, USA
Yogesh Ramadass, Texas Instruments, USA
Paul Mitcheson, Imperial College, UK
Aravind Kailas, Uni. NC Charlotte, USA
Further Details:
SenseMine 2013
First International Workshop on Sensing and Big Data Mining
in conjunction with SenSys 2013
November 14, 2013
Rome, Italy
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: September 6, 2013, 11:59 PM EDT
Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2013
Technical Program Committee Chairs:
Emiliano Miluzzo, AT&T Labs Research
Deepak S. Turaga, IBM Research
Technical Program Committee (Preliminary):
Deborah Estrin (Cornell)
Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth College)
Yanyong Zhang (Rutgers University)
Marco Conti (CNR Italy)
Immanuel Schweizer (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
Jing Gao (SUNY Buffalo)
Wei Fan (Huawei)
Tarek Abdelzahar (UIUC)
Charu Aggarwal (IBM Research)
Further Details:
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Saturday, August 24, 2013
[DMANET] University of Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellowships (up to 50 posts at Lecturer/Assistant Professor level)
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme: the UK University of the Year seeks applications from bold, imaginative and innovative individuals with exceptional research vision which will underpin a rapid academic career trajectory.
The Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme will accelerate the further realisation of our vision through the appointment up to 50 new early career academic staff members in areas of strategic priority. Fellowships will be for a period of 5 years, normally at Lecturer level, with an expectation that the criteria for promotion to Senior Lecturer or above will be attained during this 5 year period. Fellows who meet the criteria for promotion by the end of the 5 year period and continue to demonstrate a strategic fit in terms of research interests, will be transferred to an open-ended ("tenured" equivalent) academic appointment at the appropriate level.
For more information, see
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
[DMANET] CfP: Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (Reminder)
Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and
Computer Sciences
Submission Deadline: *** September 20, 2013 ***
Publish Date: June 2014
#Deadline for submission is approaching; we are looking forward to your
The IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and
Computer Sciences announces a forthcoming
Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
to be published in June, 2014.
The objective of the special section is to review and promote recent
in the field of discrete mathematics and its applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- algorithms, data structures, and computational complexity
- graphs, networks, and matroids
- combinatorial optimization - parallel and distributed algorithms
- discrete geometry, computational geometry, and computational algebra
- coding theory and mathematical foundations of cryptography
- probabilistic and number theoretic algorithms
- linear programming and mathematical programming
- computational biology and bioinformatics
- Petri nets and concurrent systems - applications of discrete mathematics
- algorithm engineering
- quantum computation, quantum algorithm, and quantum cryptography
For more detailed info, please see:
Call for papers (Japanese)
Call for papers (English)
Yoshio Okamoto, Assoc. Prof. <>
Dept. of Communication Engineering and Informatics
University of Electro-Communications
Chofugaoka 1-5-1, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585
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Monday, August 19, 2013
[DMANET] One PhD Position in Discrete Mathematics at TU Graz
One PhD Position in Discrete Mathematics at TU Graz
One PhD position is available at the Institute of Optimization and
Discrete Mathematics (Math B), Graz University of Technology. This is a
full-time position initially for two years, but extendable. The
preferred starting date is 1 October 2013.
Condition of employment:
-- Diploma/Master's degree or equivalent in mathematics or theoretical
computer science
-- Outstanding academic degree
-- Knowledge and skills in graph theory, probability theory and algorithms
Application documents:
-- Letter of application
-- Curriculum Vitae
-- Statement of research interests and plan (including possible
dissertation topic)
Application quoting the reference number (Kennzahl) 5020/13/009 should
be addressed to
Technische Universität Graz
Dekan der Fakultät für Technische Mathematik und Technische Physik
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Wolfgang Ernst
Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz
and electronically submitted in PDF files to
The application deadline is 28 August 2013.
1 Stelle einer/eines Universitätsassistentin/Universitätsassistenten
für 2 Jahre, 40 Stunden/Woche,
voraussichtlich ab 1. Oktober 2013,
am Institut für Optimierung und Diskrete Mathematik (Math B)
an der Technischen Universität Graz
Abgeschlossenes Diplom- oder Masterstudium der Mathematik, theoretische
Informatik oder eines gleichwertigen Universitätsstudiums.
Gewünschte Qualifikationen: Kenntnisse in Graphentheorie,
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Algorithmen.
Einstufung: B1 nach Kollektivvertrag für die
Arbeitnehmerinnen/Arbeitnehmer der Universitäten; das monatliche
Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt derzeit € 2.562,-- brutto
(14 x jährlich) und kann sich eventuell auf Basis der
kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung
tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen sowie sonstige mit den
Besonderheiten des Arbeitsplatzes verbundene Entgeltbestandteile erhöhen.
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist: 28. August 2013
Kennzahl: 5020/13/009
Bewerbung, Lebenslauf und weitere Unterlagen (in PDF-Datei) sind unter
genauer Bezeichnung der Stelle bzw. der Kennzahl an die
Technische Universität Graz
Dekan der Fakultät für Technische Mathematik und Technische Physik
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Wolfgang Ernst
Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz
und ausschließlich an folgende email-Adresse
zu richten.
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Thursday, August 15, 2013
[DMANET] SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14) - Call for Sessions and Presentations
The SIAM Conference on Optimization will feature the latest research in theory, algorithms, software and applications in optimization problems.
A particular emphasis will be put on applications of optimization in health care, biology, finance, aeronautics, control, operations research,
and other areas of science and engineering. The conference brings together mathematicians, operations researchers, computer scientists,
engineers, software developers and practitioners, thus providing an ideal environment to share new ideas and important problems among
specialists and users of optimization in academia, government, and industry.
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
May 19-22, 2014
Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
Miguel F. Anjos, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Michael Jeremy Todd, Cornell University, USA
Organizing Committee:
Aharon Ben-Tal, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Andrew Conn, IBM Research, USA
Mirjam Duer, University of Trier, Germany
Michael Hintermueller, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany
Etienne de Klerk, Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore
Jon Lee, University of Michigan, USA
Todd Munson, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Warren Powell, Princeton University, USA
Daniel Ralph, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Ariela Sofer, George Mason University, USA
Akiko Yoshise, University of Tsukuba, Japan
The Call for Presentations is available at:
Twitter hashtag:
October 21, 2013: Minisymposium proposals
November 18, 2013: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
November 4, 2013: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career Travel Award Applications
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department (
Miguel F. Anjos, Ph.D.
Professor and Canada Research Chair
Interim Director, Trottier Institute for Energy
Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013
[DMANET] "Graph Algorithms" special issue of Algorithms
"Graph Algorithms".
It is free for readers and available at:
In response to the call for papers, researchers from all over the world
submitted a total of fifteen articles, covering a wide range of related
All submissions were evaluated by experts; based on their anonymous
reviews, nine of the articles were then selected for inclusion in the
special issue.
After several rounds of revision, the final versions were published.
As guest editor of this special issue, I would like to thank all of the
contributing authors for submitting their work to Algorithms, the
reviewers for their valuable and detailed comments that helped us select
the best articles, the publishers, the Editor-in-Chief, and the Assistant
Dr. Jesper Jansson,
Kyoto University, Japan
About the journal:
Algorithms (ISSN 1999-4893; CODEN: ALGOCH), an open access journal
of computer science, theory, methods and interdisciplinary
applications, data and information systems, software engineering,
artificial intelligence, automation and control systems, is
published online quarterly by MDPI.
Journal webpage:
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[DMANET] Call for Papers: Diagrams 2014
Eighth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams
28th July to 1st August
Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia
Diagrams is an international interdisciplinary conference series,
covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of
diagrams. In 2014 it will be held at Swinburne University, Melbourne,
Australia, from the 28th of July 2014 to the 1st of August 2014.
Diagrams 2014 will be co-located with the IEEE Symposium on Visual
Languages and Human-Centric Computing.
Diagrams is the only conference series that provides a united forum
for all areas that are concerned with the study of diagrams, including
architecture, artificial intelligence, biology, cartography, cognitive
science, computer science, education, graphic design, history of
science, human-computer interaction, linguistics, logic, mathematics,
philosophy, psychology, and software modelling. The conference attracts
a large number of researchers from almost all these related fields,
positioning Diagrams as the major international event in the area.
Diagrams 2014 will include presentations of refereed papers, posters,
tutorials, workshop sessions, and a graduate symposium. We invite
submissions that focus on any aspect of diagrams research, as follows.
- long research papers (15 pages)
- short research papers (7 pages)
- posters (3 pages)
- tutorial proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)
- workshop proposals (2 pages; see the conference web page for full details)
- graduate symposium submissions (3 pages; see the conference web page for full details)
All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The proceedings, which will
include accepted long and short papers and posters, will be published by
Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series,
Full details on the preparation of submissions can be found on the conference
web site
Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- applications of diagrams
- computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of, diagrams
- design of diagrammatic notations
- diagram understanding by humans or machines
- diagram aesthetics and layout
- educational uses of diagrams
- evaluation of diagrammatic notations
- graphical communication and literacy
- heterogeneous notations involving diagrams
- history of diagrammatic notations
- information visualization using diagrams
- nature of diagrams and diagramming
- novel technologies for diagram use
- psychological issues pertaining to perception, comprehension or production of diagrams
- software to support the use of diagrams
- usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams
* Submission Dates *
Abstract submissions: 13th December 2013
Paper submissions: 20th December 2013
Workshop proposal submissions: 22nd November 2013
Poster submission: 20th December 2013
Tutorial proposal submissions: 10th January 2014
Graduate symposium submissions: 18th April 2014
Conference dates: 28th of July 2014 to the 1st of August 2014
* Organising Committee *
General Chair: Tim Dwyer (Monash University)
Program Chairs: Aidan Delaney (University of Brighton),
Helen Purchase (University of Glasgow)
Workshops Chair: Karsten Klein (University of Sydney)
Tutorials Chair: Michael Wybrow (Monash University)
Graduate Symposium Chair: Stephanie Schwartz (Millersville University)
Treasurer: Cagatay Goncu (Monash University)
Publicity Chair: Jim Burton (University of Brighton)
* Program Committee *
Lisa Best, University of New Brunswick
Peter Rodgers, University of Kent
Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware
Sun-Joo, Yale University
Ashok Goel, Georgia Institute of Technology
Emmanuel Manalo, Waseda University
Barbara Tversky, Columbia and Stanford
Beryl Plimmer, University of Auckland
Gem Stapleton, University of Brighton
Jacques Fleuriot, University of Edinburgh
Mark Minas, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Paolo Bottoni, University of Rome
Max Egenhofer, University of Maine
Ian Oliver, Nokia Research Center
Ryo Takemura, Nihon University
Hari Narayanan, Auburn University
Kim Marriott, Monash University
Richard Cox, University of Edinburgh
Yuri Uesaka, University of Tokyo
Lopamudra Choudhury, Jadavpur University
John Howse, University of Brighton
Gerard Allwein, US Navy Research Lab
Nik Swoboda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Jim Davies, Carleton University
James Corter, Columbia University
Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria
Jean Flower, Autodesk
Alan Blackwell, Cambridge University
Michael Wybrow, Monash University
Nathaniel Miller, University of Northern Colorado
Luis Pineda Cortes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mateja Jamnik, University of Cambridge
Frithjof Dau, SAP
Peter Cheng, University of Sussex
Mary Hegarty, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stephanie Elzer-Schwartz, Millersville University
Dave Barker-Plummer, Stanford University
Phil Cox, Dalhousie University
John Lee, University of Edinburgh
Atsushi Shimojima, Doshisha University
B. Chandrasekaran, Ohio State University
Apart from submissions to the main Diagrams 2014 conference we are also
soliciting proposals for:
- half-day or full-day workshops
- one or two hour tutorials
- the graduate student symposium
[DMANET] Joint Ph.D. Position: LIX - Ecole Polytechnique and Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Pisa
The successful candidate will spend three years between LIX - Ecole Polytechnique (Saclay, Paris, France) and Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Pisa (Pisa, Italy) to work on complex, real-world energy optimization problems. The salary will be 33,333EUR/year gross for a non-renewable maximum of three years, which should roughly correspond to 1500-1600EUR/net plus social security (the precise amount depends on the personal situation and cannot be foreseen precisely). A substantial part of the work will entail close collaboration with Électricité de France (in particular the Osiris research group) under the auspices of the Gaspard Monge program for Optimization and Operations Research
The expected research line will mainly focus on the interplay between advanced decomposition approaches (inexact, disaggregated, generalized bundle methods ...) and Mixed-Integer (Non)Linear optimization techniques (branch&something, cutting planes/surfaces, reformulations, ...) for the solution of very-large-scale, structured, difficult optimization problems, possibly taking into account uncertainty in the data (such as that related to renewables production). The candidate will be jointly supervised by Antonio Frangioni (Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Pisa), Claudia D'Ambrosio and Leo Liberti (LIX - Ecole Polytechnique); a jointly-issued or doubly-issed Ph.D. degree between the two Doctorate Schools is expected. Collaboration with other prominent researchers of the field is also expected.
Candidates willing to apply for the position are required to send a CV and a motivation letter to Antonio Frangioni (; recommendation letters are welcome but not mandatory. The selection is expected to take place in September, with the position remaining open until fullfilled. The ideal candidate should be interested in all aspects of the development of complex optimization models and solution techniques: (re)formulation, theoretical analysis, implementation, computational testing, verification of the real-world impact of the obtained solutions. Knowledge of basic mathematical optimization methods and reasonable implementation skills (C++ programming, experience with optimization solvers) are expected, although of course each part can and will be honed during the term.
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013
[DMANET] ICC 2014 Call for Papers
ICC 2014
Intelligent Cloud Computing:
Theoretical Foundations and Applications
February 24-26, 2014 -- Muscat, Oman
Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies
(such as computing, storage, and networking) have led to the
development of a new generation of electronic services
and systems that are ubiquitous, at the touch of a button,
and affect all aspects of life and economy.
Cloud computing, one of ICT advances, provides
an important integration of many of these aspects -- combining both
the ability to offer services over distributed, remotely
accessed infrastructure, along with the ability to combine
both off-site, remote infrastructure with local
infrastructure available within an institution.
It is therefore expected that Cloud-based services
will revolutionize the way in which we do business,
maintain our health, conduct education,
and how we secure, protect, inform and entertain ourselves.
Increasing integration across multiple types of computing
infrastructure and deploying services across
such infrastructure leads to significant design,
development, and management challenges.
For instance, how should such remote resources be managed,
accessed, and paid for?
Or how can Cloud computing platforms be used
to host and manage large and complex data sets
(aka ``Big Data'') arising from social media data feeds
(e.g., Twitter), open government data to large scale
scientific simulations?
Due to the significant development effort invested
in these systems, there is a pressing need
to re-visit existing design, development,
and management strategies so that dynamic adaptability,
rapid delivery, and efficient access to
Cloud-based services could take place in a seamless manner.
A variety of intelligent mechanisms and techniques
may be used to develop advanced Cloud systems,
solutions and services that offer new functionalities
and more advanced user-centric services.
Implementing intelligence in Cloud computing systems
will make them more adaptive, flexible, and autonomic
in resource management, service provisioning
and in running large-scale applications.
In addition, it will help organizations build
an intelligent network capable of providing security,
visibility and optimization for a better user experience.
The objective of this event is to bring together researchers,
practitioners and developers working with Cloud systems
and intelligent systems, intending to address
some of the challenges identified above.
1. Cloud Computing: Fundamentals and Theory
-- Modelling Cloud systems
-- Performance analysis & evaluation
-- Quality of Service support
-- Electronic markets for Cloud services
-- Resource management strategies
-- Programming models
2. Cloud Computing: Applications & Experience
-- e-Government
-- Scientific computing
-- Social media analysis and storage
-- Data analytics
-- Healthcare
-- Management of "Big" & "Broad" data
3. Cloud Computing: Platforms
-- Software infrastructure
-- Services
-- Plug-in development
-- Energy efficiency and modelling
-- Standards and interoperability
4. Cloud Computing: Deployment and Design
-- Service oriented approaches
-- Ubiquitous services & Cloud integration
-- Business process automation over Clouds
5. Trust, Security and Privacy for Cloud Computing
-- Trust in Cloud services
-- Secure workflows in Cloud computing
-- Cryptography and encryption techniques for Cloud computing
-- Account and domain management in Cloud computing
-- Malware detection in Cloud systems
Submission Information
We invite submissions of an extended abstract
or full paper of at most 15 pages plus, optionally, an appendix.
The paper should be based on original research,
parallel submission to other conferences and journals is not allowed.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer
in the LNCS series.
Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX using the LNCS style.
Submissions should not exceed 15 pages using the default
formatting settings of the LNCS style.
However, we recommend to add page numbers by adding
\pagestyle{plain} just before \begin{document}.
Proofs and evaluation data omitted due to space constraints
can be placed in an appendix which will be read
by the reviewers at their discretion.
Papers should be submitted in EasyChair:
Important Dates
Paper submission: September 30, 2013 (anywhere on earth)
Notification: November 15, 2013
Camera ready submission: December 10, 2013
Tutorials: February 23, 2014
Conference: February 24-26, 2014
Keynote Speakers
Amer bin Awadh al-Rawas, CEO Omantel, Muscat, Oman
Mohamed M. Hefeeda, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Doha, Qatar
Conference Chairs
Asma Al-Saidi, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Rudolf Fleischer, German University of Technology, Muscat, Oman
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Monday, August 12, 2013
[DMANET] Call for Papers: EvoCOP 2014
EvoCOP 2014 - 14th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in
Combinatorial Optimisation
April 23-25, 2014
Baeza, Spain
Part of EVO* 2014 ( including: EuroGP, EvoCOP,
EvoBIO, EvoMUSART and EvoApplications
The 14th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in
Combinatorial Optimisation is a multidisciplinary conference that brings
together researchers working on metaheuristics for solving difficult
combinatorial optimization problems appearing in various industrial,
economic, and scientific domains. Prominent examples of metaheuristics
include: evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search,
scatter search and path relinking, memetic algorithms, ant colony and
bee colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, variable
neighbourhood search, iterated local search, greedy randomized adaptive
search procedures, estimation of distribution algorithms, and
hyperheuristics. Successfully solved problems include scheduling,
timetabling, network design, transportation and distribution problems,
vehicle routing, travelling salesman, graph problems, satisfiability,
energy optimization problems, packing problems, planning problems, and
general mixed integer programming.
The EvoCOP 2014 conference will be held in the little town of Baeza
located in the south of Spain. It will be held in conjunction with
EuroGP (the 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming), EvoBio
(the 12th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine
Learning and Data Mining in Computational Biology), EvoMUSART (12th
European conference on evolutionary and biologically inspired music,
sound, art and design) and EvoApplications (specialist events on a range
of evolutionary computation topics and applications), in a joint event
collectively known as EVO*.
For more information see the EvoCOP 2014 webpage
Areas of Interest and Contributions
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of metaheuristics to combinatorial optimization problems
Novel application domains for metaheuristic optimisation methods
Representation techniques
Neighborhoods and efficient algorithms for searching them
Variation operators for stochastic search methods
Constraint-handling techniques
Hybrid methods and hybridization techniques
Theoretical developments
Search space and landscape analyses
Comparisons between different (also exact) techniques
Metaheuristics and machine learning
Ant colony optimisation
Artificial immune systems
Bee colony optimization
Genetic programming and Genetic algorithms
Scatter search
Particle swarm optimisation
Tabu search, iterated local search and variable neighborhood search
Memetic algorithms and hyperheuristics
Estimation of distribution algorithms
String processing
Scheduling and timetabling
Network design
Vehicle routing
Graph problems
Packing and cutting problems
Energy optimization problems
Practical solving of NP-hard problems
Mixed integer programming
Multi-objective optimisation
Grid computing
Combinatorial optimisation
Nature and Bio-inspired methods
Quantum computing and quantum annealing
Optimization in Cloud computing
Search-based software engineering
Publication Details
All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and
printed in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series (see
LNCS volumes 2037, 2279, 2611, 3004, 3448, 3906, 4446, 4972, 5482, 6022,
6622, 7245 and 7832 for the previous proceedings).
Submission Details
Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The
submissions will be peer reviewed by members of the program committee.
The authors of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the
basis of the reviewers comments and will be asked to send a camera ready
version of their manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted work
has to register for the conference, attend the conference and present
the work.
The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information
about the authors in the submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in
Springer LNCS format.
Submission link:
Page limit: 12 pages
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 1. November 2013
EVO* event: April 23-25, 2014
Programme Chairs
Christian Blum (Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Spain)
Gabriela Ochoa (University of Stirling, Scotland, UK)
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[DMANET] Short term Visiting Researcher for Distributed Algorithms
Short term Visiting Researcher for Distributed Algorithms
Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) is offering a visiting
academic research fellowship for one to three months in 2013 (or early
2014) for a postdoctoral researcher or a doctoral candidate in the area
of distributed algorithms. The candidate will participate in the
research project "Fault tolerant middle-ware idioms based on
self-stabilizing techniques". This project is conducted by the Institute
of Telematics and is funded by the German Research Foundation. In
particular it is expected that the candidate participates in the
project's research in the area of "Group formation and group
communication in dynamic networks".
Candidates should have an excellent M.S. in computer science or computer
engineering, good English language skills (written and spoken),
demonstrated background in design and analysis of distributed algorithms
or fault tolerant distributed systems.
The fellowship covers subsistence of the fellow only and not of
dependents. For further information about the research fellowship,
please contact Prof. Volker Turau at Hamburg University of Technology
( Complete applications including cover letter,
CV, copies of graduate certificates, list of publications, references,
and date and length of visit should be submitted via E-mail in one PDF
file to Prof. Dr. Volker Turau, Technical University of Hamburg,
Prof. Dr. Volker Turau
Hamburg University of Technology
Schwarzenbergstr. 95
D-21073 Hamburg
Tel.: (+4940) 42878-3530
Fax: (+4940) 42878-2581
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[DMANET] EvoENERGY 2014 call for papers
Evolutionary Algorithms in Energy Applications
23-25 April 2014 - Baeza, Spain
Along with the worldwide incentive to reduce fossil and nuclear based power
generation, the number of distributed generators and other forms of
distributed energy resources which are installed in power networks has been
steadily increasing over the last years. This increased integration has
triggered a transformation of the energy system and challenges the
conventional operation of these networks.
On a network level, this transformation requires new control and communication
approaches, to guarantee the security of energy supplies as well as an optimal
exploitation of available resources. On a generator level, advanced control
strategies as well as morphological optimization (e.g., tuning of wind-blade
design) can help to assure an optimal performance of the generator.
EvoEnergy is intended as a platform for new, innovative computational
intelligence and nature-inspired techniques in the domain of energy-related
optimization research. We seek contributions ranging from new control concepts
for decentralized generation, strategies for their coordination in the network
to the morphological optimization of distributed generators.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, any of
the following:
- management of distributed generation and storage
- evolutionary design and morphological optimization in energy systems
- advanced distribution management system functionalities
- Smart Grid monitoring and control
- real time configurations of energy networks
- distributed optimization in energy networks
- grid planning and asset management
Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of EvoStar, published in a
volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, which will be
available at the Conference.
Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions will
be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The
authors of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of
the reviewers comments and will be asked to send a camera ready version of
their manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted work has to register
for the conference and attend the conference and present the work. The
reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information about the
authors in the submitted paper.
Submission format: Springer LNCS (see EvoENERGY web page)
Page limit: 12 pages
Submission page:
Submission deadline: 1 November 2013
Camera ready:
EvoENERGY: 23-25 April 2014
Paul Kaufmann, University of Kassel, paul.kaufmann(at)
Kyrre Glette, University of Oslo, kyrrehg(at)
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[DMANET] PhD positions with industry at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (site of Provence) / Modeling and optimization in Semiconductor Manufacturing
(Gardanne, France) on semiconductor manufacturing related problems within
projects in cooperation with STMicroelectronics (in Rousset and in
Crolles), one of the worldwide leaders.
Two of the topics are summarized below.
. Optimized management of workshops in semiconductor manufacturing to reduce
Variability in semiconductor manufacturing processes leads to reduced
and yield, i.e. the percentage of good chips on a wafer. The goal is
first to
characterize the impact of local management decisions of lots in
workshops on the
various types of variability. Approaches to minimize variability will
then have
to be developed and validated on various industrial settings.
. Advanced Forecasting and Planning Techniques in Semiconductor
The goal of this thesis is to explore alternative techniques to predict
production volume (i.e. quantities per time period) and schedules of
lots (i.e. single lot trajectories). It includes production planning in
finite capacity by focusing on critical steps (bottlenecks, constraints)
to correctly evaluate future activity and/or the required capacity.
The PhD students will be located either in the site of Rousset (close to
Aix-En-Provence) or Crolles (close to Grenoble) of STMicroelectronics.
The PhD theses will be conducted in cooperation with the research group
Sciences and Logistics" of the Center of Microelectronics in Provence
(Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne), located in Gardanne (South-East of
France, between Aix-en-Provence and Marseille).
The positions are for three years starting October 1, 2013 or later (exact
date to be discussed).
Applicants must have a Master Degree (or equivalent) in Computer Sciences,
Applied Mathematics, Industrial Engineering or any related discipline.
Applicants should demonstrate good programming skills and knowledge in
combinatorial optimization. Experience on the development of solution
methods for planning or scheduling problems would be appreciated.
Please send your application electronically (preferably as a single pdf
file) including a detailed curriculum vitae and examination results,
plus, if available, a list of reference letters and copies of diploma, to:
Professor Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès,,
Associate Professor Claude Yugma,
For further questions regarding the position or details on the research
projects, please contact Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès or Claude Yugma.
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Friday, August 9, 2013
Postdoctoral Scholar Position(s) University of Idaho

[please forward to anyone who may be interested]
Postdoctoral scholar positions
Dr. Jim Alves-Foss
Center for Secure and Dependable Systems at University of Idaho
We are looking for a sharp graduate(s) to join our team as postdoctoral scholars, starting as early as fall 2013. The postdoc(s) would be a fellow of the Center for Secure and Dependable Systems contingent on availability of funding.
The postdoc will be involved in our research on security & privacy for critical infrastructure systems; working with an interdisciplinary group of faculty (including faculty from computer science, electrical and computer engineering, civil engineering, sociology, psychology and business). As such, the postdoc would join an inter-disciplinary team working on funded projects, be responsible for conducting research, managing a team of student researchers, publishing and presenting papers and assisting in the writing of grant proposals.
The candidate must have finished his or her Ph.D in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, have experience with security and/or privacy, have experience writing and presenting research results, have experience conducting experimental computer security research, and have strong programming skills. Ideal candidates will also have experience with embedded computing, formal methods, security policies and software engineering.
The University of Idaho (, the state’s founding doctoral and research-intensive land-grant institution, has its principal campus in Moscow, Idaho, and regional centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene, and Idaho Falls. The University engages its statewide constituents in strategic educational, research, and service programs to enhance the well-being of the state, its communities, and its people, as well as to develop in students, a sense of national and global citizenship.
To enrich education through diversity, the University of Idaho is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Interested candidates should send their vita (pdf, please), and also arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to Dr. Jim Alves-Foss by email to
Those applications arriving by September 1, 2013 will receive first consideration.
Dr. Jim Alves-Foss, Director
Center for Secure and Dependable Systems
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1008
Moscow, ID 83844-1008
ph: 208-885-4114
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Post-doc position (1 year) in applied logic in Vienna (Dates corrected)
[ Please distribute. ]
Do you have a PhD in computer science, logic, mathematics or
equivalent? Are you interested in applying formal reasoning to
medicine? Then this one-year position might be of interest to you.
The Medical University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology
(VUT) and a private company jointly develop a medical decision support
system prototype that assists in diagnosing certain diseases and
serves as a training platform. Its key components are a comprehensive
medical knowledge base (for a particular area), a clinical algorithm
for diagnosing diseases, and a reasoning component based on
computational logic.
As member of the Theory and Logic group (Faculty of Informatics, VUT)
your task will be to co-develop the reasoning component. Based on
symptoms provided by medical practitioners it computes a ranked lists
of possible diagnoses. Most likely we will use methods from
computational logic and fuzzy/vague reasoning, but you should be open
to apply other formal methods as well.
- PhD in computer science, formal logic, or mathematics
- Interest in computational logic (as documented by publications)
- Fluency in English
- Programming skills sufficient for writing experimental code
to evaluate ideas. (The final implementation will be done by the
company, though.)
Some knowledge of German will be useful since you will be working in
Vienna, Austria, but is no requirement.
Salary (40h/week employment): EUR 48.000,- pre-tax per year
Duration: 1 year
Application deadline: September 30, 2013
Start of position: November 2013 or later
Send inquiries and your application to
The application should consist of
- curriculum vitae
- list of publications
- scan of graduation diploma and/or other relevant certificates
- letter of motivation (Why are you interested in this position? Why
are you qualified?)
- recommendation letters or references (optional)
Gernot Salzer, 31 July 2013
[DMANET] 7th Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award || 6.000 Euros Award Sum || 19th August Deadline || Wake Up Call
Nokia Ubimedia Awards 2013 Wake-up Call for Entries
7th Annual International Competition on Ubiquitous Media
1st-3rd October 2013, Tampere FINLAND
*** 6.000 Euros Award Sum
*** Deadline: 19th August 2013
as to date we received quite a few great entries to NUMA 2013, but our jury still
hungers for more challenging projects. This is a "NUMA 2013 Wake-Up Call" for
your ubimedia submissions and we hope that you all you aspiring Ubimedia innovators
out there take the chance to join prople who won the competition in the previous
years - one of them runs a successful startup.
6000 Euros price sum and travels paid to visit MindTrek 2013 for the three best projects.
All we need is a description of your project and if possible a short demonstration
video. And we need it til August 15th. We do especially encourage student and
PhD-projects, as well as innovative start-ups.
Good luck and see you in Tampere!
More about the competition & submission system: http:/
Competition Chairs
Artur LUGMAYR, EMMi Lab, Tampere Univ. of Technology, FINLAND
Cai MELAKOSKI, School of Art, Music and Media, Tampere UAS (TAMK), FINLAND
Ville LUOTONEN, Ubiquitous Computing Tampere Center of Expertise, Hermia Ltd., FINLAND
Head of Jury
Bjoern STOCKLEBEN, Project "Cross Media", University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, GERMANY
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013
[DMANET] Postdoc/Visiting positions at Kyoto
and complexity theory, starting from October, 2013. For postdocs,
the term is one year and extension may be possible. Salary is
negotiable but should be decent. For visiting scholars, the term is
3-6 months and all travel/living costs are covered. For those
interested, please send your CV including your full name in roman
characters (available for standard keyboard) to, by September 15, 2013.
Kazuo Iwama, Professor
School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
+81-75-753-5372, +81-75-753-5972 (fax),
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013
[DMANET] Postdoctoral research associates (two posts) in simulation and optimization, University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK)
The Department of Management Science at Strathclyde Business School and the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde seek two Postdoctoral Research Associates to work in simulation and scheduling optimization. You will work with Dr Kerem Akartunali, Dr Matthew Revie and Prof Sandy Day on an industry-funded project to investigate simulation and optimization of the installation of offshore wind-farms. You will join the Strathclyde Technology Innovation Centre working with other postdoctoral researchers and PhD students working on a range of industry-funded applied research projects.
The appointments are for 14 months with a start date of 01 October 2013 (the start date is negotiable up to 2 months). The annual salary is in the range of £29,541 - £36,298.
In this project, you will do detailed mathematical analysis of the installation of an offshore wind farm. The project, funded by industry collaborators, will investigate how simulation and optimization models can be utilized to assess decisions and to minimize the cost and time of installing a wind farm. It is expected that techniques adopted will include Monte-Carlo simulation and scheduling and stochastic optimization models to take into account uncertainty and dynamic factors inherent within the problem domain. The output of the 14 months project will be an operational tool that can be immediately adopted by the industry partners to make real-time decision making.
You have a PhD (or about to complete) in Operational Research, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, or other relevant discipline. You have fundamental knowledge of optimization and/or Monte-Carlo Simulation and are keen to learn new tools within this field. You have strong programming skills (such as in C, C++, Matlab) and preferably familiar with optimization software (such as Xpress-MP, Cplex). Familiarity with the energy or marine industries is a plus but not essential.
Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, offers a mix of internationally-acclaimed galleries, fascinating architecture (including masterpieces of Rennie Mackintosh), vibrant nightlife, beautiful city parks, and a diverse range of restaurants.
For application, go to and search Job Ref. R77/2013 under 'Research Jobs'. The closing date for applications is 2 September 2013.
For further details about the post and informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Kerem Akartunali,, Dr Matthew Revie, or Prof Sandy Day,
The University is able to sponsor international applicants from outside the European Economic Area.
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[DMANET] Two Lecturer (Assistant Professor)/Senior Lecturer (Tenured Assist. Prof.) posts at Strathclyde Business School (Glasgow, UK)
Lecturer and Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Management Science/Operational Research (2 Posts)
Department of Management Science, Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
The Department of Management Science at the University of Strathclyde is seeking to recruit two Academics in Management Science/Operational Research (MS/OR). One of these posts may be appointed at Senior Lecturer level. These posts are designed to strengthen the Department's research base and contribute to the University's strategic ambition to be recognized as a leading technological university. The appointees are expected to be accomplished researchers in Management Science/Operational Research. We particularly welcome applications from, but are not limited to, those with an interest in the areas of analytics, simulation, soft OR, optimisation, operations/project management. We seek individuals who have a strong methodological basis, the potential to make significant research contributions and an ability to translate theory to practice through collaborative research with user groups. The department has a strong reputation in both theory and collaborative research, runs a popular Masters programme in MS/OR, and has a strong doctoral programme. It is part of Strathclyde Business School, one of the top ranking UK Business Schools.
MS/OR is a key area for the University in developing its Technology and Innovation Centre. This Centre links industry and public bodies with the University through programmes in Energy, Health, Future Cities and Advanced Manufacturing. MS/OR researchers contribute to each of these themes. Strathclyde's Technology and Innovation Centre sits alongside its other industrial research centres and the UK's first Fraunhofer Centre. The University's innovative approach to industrial collaboration is one of the factors that led it to being awarded UK University of the Year in 2012. The University's rapidly developing industrial research collaborations offer tremendous opportunities for MS/OR researchers.
Please note that a Lecturer in the UK is equivalent to Assistant Professor in the US and involves research, teaching and knowledge exchange.
For further details and informal enquiries please contact Professor Susan Howick,; Tel: +44 141 548 3798. Online applications can be found at and should be submitted by the closing date of 8 September 2013. Further information about the department is available at
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