We are looking forward to hosting the 16th edition of the QMUL/LSE Colloquia in Combinatorics in London next week, on the 10th and the 11th of May 2023.
Please note that registration is required for the Colloquia (see https://tiny.cc/2dayCC ).
Our schedule is as follows.
May 10 (QMUL)
10:00 coffee/tea
10:30 Carla Groenland: Skipless chain decompositions and antichain saturation
11:20 Louis Theran: Globally rigid graphs and maximum likelihood inference in Gaussian graphical models
12:10 lunch break
13:40 Cécile Mailer: Scaling limit of critical random trees in random environment
14:30 Thomas Bloom
15:20 coffee/tea
15:50 Mihyun Kang: Isoperimetric inequalities and supercritical percolation on product graphs
16:40 Torsten Mütze: On Hamilton cycles in highly symmetric graphs
17:30 pub
May 11 (LSE)
09:30-10:00 coffee/tea
10:00-10:50 Annika Heckel: The chromatic number of G(n,1/2): bounds, concentration and conjectures
10:50-11:35 Robin Wilson: A Century of Graph Theory
11:35-12:00 Norman Biggs
12:00-13:15 lunch break
13:15-14:05 Paul Seymour: Bounded diameter tree-decompositions
14:05-14:55 Nina Kamčev: Canonical colourings in random graphs
14:55-15:20 tea/coffee
15:20-16:10 Guus Regts: The chromatic polynomial: complex zeros and computational complexity
16:10-17:00 Martin Anthony: Probabilistic Modelling in Machine Learning: Combinatorial Parameters, Margin and Width
17:00 reception
On the LSE day of the Colloquia we will also celebrate the contributions of Norman Biggs to combinatorics in the UK, in view of his recent 80th birthday.
For more details please see https://tiny.cc/2dayCC.
We are looking forward to seeing you in London,
Julia Böttcher, Jan van den Heuvel, Felix Fischer, Yani Pehova, Justin Ward
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