*Image Matching: Local Features & Beyond*
*CVPR 2025 Workshop*
*submission deadline extended*: March 17, 2025 (+ 6 days)
Workshop: https://image-matching-workshop.github.io
CMT website for paper submission:
___*Overview* ___
The 7th edition of the Image Matching Workshop is co-located as every
year with CVPR 2025. Our goal is to encourage and highlight novel
strategies for image matching that deviate from and advance traditional
formulations, with a focus on large-scale, wide-baseline matching for 3D
reconstruction and pose estimation.
___*Challenge* ___
The workshop will once again feature an open challenge on Kaggle, which
we expect to announce very soon.
___*Topics* ___
Workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
- Formulations of keypoint extraction and matching pipelines with deep
- Application of geometric constraints into the training of deep networks.
- Large-scale evaluation of classical and modern methods for image
matching, by means of our open challenge.
- Matching across different data modalities such as aerial versus ground.
- Leveraging additional cues such as semantics and mono-depth estimates.
- Attention mechanisms to match salient image regions.
- Connecting local descriptors/image matching with global
descriptors/image retrieval.
- Methods addressing adversarial conditions where current methods fail
(weather changes, day versus night, etc.).
- Integration of differentiable components into 3D reconstruction
- New perception devices such as event-based cameras.
- Other topics related to image matching, structure from motion,
mapping, and relocalization, such as privacy-preserving representations.
___*Invited speakers* ___
- Johannes Schoenberger, Meta
- Jonáลก Kulhánek, CTU Prague
___*Paper submission* ___
We invite paper submissions up to 8 pages, excluding references and
acknowledgements. They should use the CVPR template (reviews are
double-blind, so please hide author data in the pdf) and be submitted to
the CMT site (linked above). Submissions must contain novel work and
will be indexed in IEEE Xplore/CVF. They will receive at least two
double-blind reviews.
___*Important dates* ___
- Paper submission deadline: March 17, 2025
- Notification to authors: April 2, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: April 4, 2025 (hard deadline on April 7)
- Workshop date: TBC (June 11 or 12, 2025)
___*Organizers* ___
- Fabio Bellavia, University of Palermo
- Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Dmytro Mishkin, Czech Technical University in Prague/HOVER Inc.
- Luca Morelli, University of Trento/Bruno Kessler Foundation
- Fabio Remondino, Bruno Kessler Foundation
- Eduard Trulls, Google
- Kwang Moo Yi, University of British Columbia
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