The TEMPOGRAL ANR Project (LaBRI, LITIS, IRIF) is offering a postdoc
position for one or two years on the topic of *temporal graph
algorithms* in the CS department of the University of Bordeaux (LaBRI).
Temporal graphs arise when the edges of a graph appear at certain points
in time. Classical graph problems can then be revisited to take into
account temporal aspects. The project aims at understanding the nature
of temporal graph problems and how to overcome their specific
difficulties. A description is available at :
The position is full-time and fixed-term for 12 months (possibly
renewable for another 12 months), to start in September 2023 or later.
It is required to have defended a PhD thesis in computer science or
mathematics before starting. The net salary after taxes is between 2100€
and 2500€ depending on the candidate experience. The gross salary before
taxes includes all the social benefits of a usual French contract
(health benefits, free school for the kids, ...).
The candidate is expected to have a solid background and a strong
interest in any of the following topics: graph algorithms, structural
aspects of graphs, modeling of dynamic networks, distributed algorithms,
and computational complexity. Experience with temporal graphs is not
necessary but appreciated.
The candidate must be able to interact (in English or French) on some
of the above topics with the members of the project (see the link above)
and possibly also with other local sympathizers from our group.
Contact: Contact by e-mail, with a CV, a link
to your PhD thesis, and some motivation text (either as a letter or in
the email).
Application deadline: June 30, 2023.
Best regards,
Arnaud Casteigts
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