Thursday, January 2, 2014

[DMANET] PostDoc in Approximation Algorithms at IDSIA, University of Lugano, Switzerland

The Algorithms and Complexity Group of IDSIA, University of Lugano
(Switzerland), opens one PostDoc position in approximation algorithms.
The position is supported by the ERC Starting Grant "New Approaches to
Network Design" held by Fabrizio Grandoni.

The appointment is for up to 2 years, and it should tentatively start
within Spring 2014.
The salary is roughly 75.000 CHF per year (taxes ~20-25%). There are
no teaching duties and there is a (very) generous
travel support. An ideal candidate should have (or be close to
obtaining) a Ph.D. in Computer Science or in a related area, and
should have a strong publication record in top journals and
conferences in Theoretical Computer Science and Algorithms.
Further details about the position can be found at:

Applicants should email a detailed CV, including a list of
publications and the email addresses of 3 references, to:
Prof. Fabrizio Grandoni,

The deadline for the application (with moderate flexibility) is
January 31st, 2014.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact Prof. Grandoni.
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