2nd German Day on Computational Game Theory
February 11th, 2015, Department of Mathematics, TU Berlin
URL: www.tu-berlin.de/?155119
The 2nd German Day on Computational Game Theory will take place on
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015, at the Department of Mathematics, TU
Berlin. The event will be preceded by a reception and an open problems
session in the afternoon of Tuesday 10th.
We want to bring together researchers who are interested in algorithmic or
computational aspects of game theory, social choice, and related areas.
The aim of this one-and-half-day-event is to provide an opportunity to
foster collaboration, present research and exchange ideas at an informal
and relaxed level.
The program will start about 10am, consist of two invited talks and about
10 contributed presentations of 15-20min. If you want to give a talk,
please send an email with title and abstract to klimm@math.tu-berlin.de no
later than January 28th, 2015.
We will be organizing a dinner for all participants after the end of the
Participation in the workshop is free of charge and lunch and coffee will
be provided. For organizational purposes, please send an email to
klimm@math.tu-berlin.de by January 28th, 2015 if you plan to attend.
Please indicate in your registration email if you are interested in
joining the dinner.
Best regards,
Max Klimm
Max Klimm
Junior Research Group Leader
TU Berlin
Department of Mathematics
Office MA-502
Strasse des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 (0)30 314-28043
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