Paris, France)
Among numerous possibles applications of Artificial Intelligence, games
are convenient and efficient testbeds to develop innovating techniques
and methods. By games, we mean every game playable through a computer:
video games, board games, serious games, etc.
Behind the fun side, games propose a simplified environment regarding to
the real world, while remaining rich enough to also propose
scientifically pertinent problems: understanding of a dynamic
environment, knowledge extraction, decision-making upon incomplete
information, planning, cooperation, learning or mimicking credible
behaviors, optimization, path-finding, etc.
Many of these problems are common to others research fields such as
robotics, but games offer a greater flexibility: thanks to their
dematerialized nature, these environments are inexpensive,
transportable, need no physical maintenance and propose a highly
controllable time flow (accelerated, paused, etc).
Topics of interest for this special track on Game AI include, but are
not limited to:
* Planning;
* Decision-making in a dynamic and/or incomplete information environment;
* Data-mining;
* CSP/SAT, combinatorial optimization;
* Cooperative or competitive multi-agent systems;
* Game rules and/or behaviors learning;
* Spacial and temporal reasoning;
* Credible behaviors (emotion, personality), player immersion;
* Storytelling generation;
* User experience;
* Path-finding;
* Game play programming;
* Engine programming;
* Serious games/applications, Game with A Purpose (GWAP).
Important dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 8th 2016
Paper Submission Deadline: December 15th 2016
Preliminary Program Committee
Carole Adam (Universite de Grenoble)
Stephane Cardon (Saint-Cyr Coetquidan)
Tristan Cazenave (Universite Paris Dauphine), Chair
Eric Jacopin (Saint-Cyr Coetquidan)
Mehdi Kaytoue (Insa Lyon)
Philippe Mathieu (Universite Lille 1)
Eric Piette (Universite d'Artois)
Chedy Raissi (Inria Nancy Grand-Est)
Florian Richoux (Universite de Nantes), Chair
Abdallah Saffidine (University of New South Wales)
Florian RICHOUX - Associate Professor | LINA - Université de Nantes | 2 chemin de la Houssinière, BP92208
+33 (0)2 51 12 58 44 | 44322 NANTES cedex 3, FRANCE
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