Monday, April 8, 2019

[DMANET] Postdoc position at Aix-Marseille University on foundations of automata networks

Dear colleagues,

Hereafter, you will find an announcement for an 18 months postdoc position in the Natural Computation research group ( at LIS (Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes - Laboratory of Computer and System Sciences) in Marseille (Luminy), France. Of course, feel free to forward it to anybody who might be interested.

Sylvain Sené


** Post-doc announcement **

(*) Funding ANR project:

FANS - Foundations of Automata Networks
Duration: 48 months from January 2019.

(*) Postdoc position in FANs project:

A postdoc position for 18 months (possibly renewable for 6 more months) is opened, starting from September 2019 (or later). The postdoc fellow will join the ANR-funded project FANs that aims at studying dynamics, complexity and computabilty aspects of automata networks (or finite dynamical systems, including for instance Boolean networks). More details on FANs are available on the webpage of the project (see above).

(*) Topics and requirements for applicants

We are looking for young researchers who can contribute to the research
topics of FANs. Candidates should hold a PhD in computer science or
mathematics (or be close to complete and defend their PhD), with a strong background in theoretical computer science, especially in discrete dynamical systems, complexity theory, computability theory, and combinatorics.

The successful applicant will conduct research in Luminy, Marseille, with members of the project from CANA research group of LIS (, and their close collaborators of the GDAC research group of the Institute of Mathematics (I2M).

(*) Application submission guidelines

Applications should be sent to Sylvain Sené before the 1st of June 2019 in an email entitled "FANs postdoc application", providing a detailed curriculum with publication list and a research statement. Recommandation letters are also expected to be sent directly to Sylvain Sené at [sylvain dot sene at lis-lab dot fr].

Potential candidates are invited to contact the project coordinator together with other permanent members of the FANs project for any question related to the application. Once again, the start date is not mandatorily September 2019; as a consequence, potential candidates can ask for starting later.


Sylvain Sené
Aix-Marseille Univ., LIS

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