Thursday, August 13, 2020

[DMANET] Postdocs & PhD students in the theory of distributed & parallel computing at Aalto University

Please notice that the deadline for the applications is soon (31.8.2020).
This ad can also be found at

The research groups of Jukka Suomela and Jara Uitto at Aalto University
(Helsinki, Finland) are among the leading research groups in the areas of
theory of distributed and parallel computing. Our work frequently appears
in the top conferences of the field and we have received a number of
awards, e.g., the best paper award at FOCS 2019.

Our research groups are now looking for several postdoctoral researchers
and/or doctoral students to work on the foundations of distributed and
parallel computing. The candidates are funded by the following research
projects supported by the Academy of Finland:
"Local Checking, Solving, and Mending—New Perspectives on Distributed
"Massively Parallel Algorithms for Large-Scale Graph Problems"
"Parallel and distributed computing for Bayesian graphical models"

The candidates for the postdoctoral researcher positions are expected to
have a doctoral degree and relevant publications in leading conferences or
journals. A good command of English is necessary. In addition to research
work, postdocs participate in the supervision of students and teaching. The
salary for the position is between 3660 and 3840 EUR per month depending on
experience and qualifications. These are fixed-term contracts typically for
1–2 years.

The candidates for the doctoral student positions are expected to have a
Master's degree and a good command of English. The starting salary for the
position is 2537 EUR per month. The expected length of the doctoral studies
in Finland is 4 years.

The starting dates of the contracts are also negotiable, and we can offer
flexible terms of employment. In addition to the salary, the contracts
include occupational health benefits. Finland has a comprehensive social
security system and is particularly suitable for families. Diversity is
part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure our community's
diversity and inclusiveness in the future as well; this is why we warmly
encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join our community.

To apply for the positions, please send an email to both and by the end of August 2020.
Your application should be a single PDF file that contains a cover letter,
your CV and list of publications, a brief research statement, and the
relevant transcripts of studies and certificates of the degrees. Please
also ask two or three senior academics to send their recommendation letters
to the same email addresses, by the same deadline. While all applicants who
have submitted an application by the deadline will be appropriately
considered, Aalto University reserves the right to consider also other
candidates for the announced positions.

For more information, please contact:

Jukka Suomela
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Aalto University

Jara Uitto
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Aalto University


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