SIAM ACDA'21 Early Registration Deadline July 5
The SIAM Conference on Applied & Computational Discrete Algorithms is just around the corner, being held virtually on July 19-21, 2021. The full program is now available at, including a list of accepted papers/talks and handy at-a-glance agenda.
The early registration deadline is Monday, July 5. In addition, SIAM recently announced an extension for travel awards for students and early-career attendees, who may apply for a registration waiver through Thursday, July 8!
In addition to the technical talks, ACDA'21 will host plenary talks by Lenore Cowen, Andrew Goldberg, Dorit Hochbaum, Madhav Marathe, Henning Meyerhenke, and Uwe Naumann.
The conference will also feature two Mini-Tutorials -- An Introduction to Combinatorial Scientific Computing (Tuesday) and Combinatorial Frontiers in Computational Biology (Wednesday).
Finally, we are excited to announce a curated Industrial Problems Session (Monday), with speakers from VMWare, Google Research, NVIDIA, and Gurobi Optimization.
We hope to see you there!
Bruce Hendrickson & Blair Sullivan, Organizing Committee Chairs
Michael Bender & John Gilbert, Program Committee Chairs
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