Friday, April 8, 2022

[DMANET] Postdoc position in Operations Research at KU Leuven

The research group ORSTAT of KU Leuven (Belgium) works in the areas of Operations Research (OR) and Statistics. The ongoing research projects cover a wide range of challenging subjects in these two fields.

ORSTAT has a vacancy (ref. BAP-2022-150) for one full-time postdoctoral researcher in OR starting in September 2022, for a period of one year. The researcher to be hired will work together with prof. Hande Yaman and prof. Roel Leus. Some of our research interests are: combinatorial optimization, integer (linear) programming, stochastic and robust optimization, algorithm design, ... The candidate will be able to fully spend his/her time on research; we hope to stimulate collaboration between the different members of our group. We also expect the candidate to be willing to co-supervise some of the junior PhD-researchers in the group. We offer a dynamic and pleasant working environment, in a group that is actively involved in scientific research at the highest international level.

Profile: candidates should have a strong research profile in OR, preferably with a sound expertise in mathematical programming and algorithm design. Candidates who have recently obtained their PhD-degree (in the last three years) are especially encouraged to apply.

Offer: we offer employment as postdoctoral researcher for 1 year. The tentative starting date is September 19, 2022, depending on the availability of the candidate.

Interested? For more information please contact Prof. Hande Yaman (<>) or Prof. Roel Leus (<>). You can apply for this job no later than April 22, 2022, via the online application tool; see

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