Friday, August 23, 2024

[DMANET] Postdoc position at University Lyon 1 (France) on algorithmic aspects of positional games

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies.]

Dear collegues,

A full-time 1-year postdoctoral position
<>in Computer Science
is available at the Laboratoire d'Informatique en Image et Systèmes
d'information (LIRIS), Université Lyon 1, France on algorithmic aspects
of positional games, funded by the french ANR project P-GASE
<> (Positional Games:
complexity, Algorithms and StrategiEs) .

   *Duration : 12 months
   *Starting date : January 2025
   *Salary: Between roughly 2000 and 2300 EUR of monthly net salary
according to experience, which includes social benefits like healthcare.
   *Working language: English or French
   *Location: LIRIS Laboratory, University of Lyon 1.
   *Academic requirements:
        -Completed PhD (by the start of the contract) in Computer
Science or Mathematics
        -Good research track record in game theory, algorithms and/or
graph theory
        -A strong interest to work within the project

  *Application deadline: applications will be processed until
*September 10th, 2024.*

 *The position comes with no teaching duties. However, teaching in
computer science (in French) should be possible as additional
"vacations" if the successful candidate is interested.

 *How to apply: Send a detailed CV including a complete list of
publications, and contact details of at least 2 academic references, to, as well as a cover letter mentioning
your interest for the themes of the P-GASE project. Informal inquiries
beforehand are welcome. Female candidature are welcome.

Aline Parreau

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