Wednesday, February 29, 2012

[DMANET] ICME 2012 Workshop on (RE)CREATING LIVELY CITIES THROUGH AMBIENT TECHNOLOGIES (Deadline 12th March - Position Papers)




Deadline for 2-5 pages position papers extended till 12th March 2012 (strict deadline)

Artur Lugmayr (Tampere Univ. of Technology), Tampere, Finland,
Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Urban Informatics Research Lab, QUT, Brisbane Australia,


Digital and interactive technologies are becoming increasingly embedded in everyday lives of people around the world.
Application of technologies such as real-time, context-aware, and interactive technologies; augmented and immersive
realities;, social media; and location-based services has been particularly evident in urban environments where
technological and sociocultural infrastructures enable easier deployment and adoption as compared to non-urban areas.
There has been growing consumer demand for new forms of experiences and services enabled through these emerging technologies.
We call this ambient media, as the media is embedded in the natural human living environment. This workshop focuses on
ambient media services, applications, and technologies that promote people?s engagement in creating and re-creating
liveliness in urban environments, particularly through arts, culture, and gastronomic experiences.

The workshop takes a multidisciplinary and future oriented approach, and welcomes participants from diverse disciplinary
domains for open discussions about technological, sociocultural, and content-related aspects of ambient media services
that support people?s engagement in (re)creating their urban environments into a livelier place through art, cultural,
and gastronomic experiences.

Within this context, we welcome submissions relating to (but not limited to) the following:
? case-studies (successful, and especially unsuccessful ones);
? speculative and innovative concepts or design;
? demonstrations of services and applications;
? user-experience studies and evaluations;
? artistic installations and contents;
? social and/or economic studies, businesses models, and marketing
? technological novelties, evaluations, and solutions;

The following topics fit within the scope of the workshop:
? Analysis of videos related to art, culture, and gastronomy
? Ubiquitous environments and interfaces in lively city environments
? Intelligent appliances and gadgets supporting art, culture and gastronomy
? Multimedia learning for activities around smart city environments
? Archiving, distribution, and processing of multimedia material
? Safety, security, and privacy in lively cities
? Locative media and context sensor technologies
? Systems supporting government, institutions, and associations
? Artistic, cultural, and gastronomic services and applications;
? Consumer and human-computer interaction design studies;
? Socio-economic studies, business models, advertising, and marketing;
? Applied ambient media technologies in city environments (e.g. P2P, 3D, augmented reality, QoE, protocols, networks, security, and privacy);
? Engagement and persuasion in smart environments;
? QoE and for ambient urban city applications.

? Submit your contribution by using the ICME template (a description can be found
[-->]) with the...
? submission system that can be found [-->].
? The submission system for workshops and ICME 2012 paper submissions are identical,
thus please follow the instruction on the website carefully.
? Selected publications will be published in an edited book after the workshop!


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[DMANET] conference announcement

International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (CO 2012)
17-19 September 2012, University of Oxford, UK


CO 2012 is an International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization. It is the next in a series of biennial conferences. The last few conferences were held in Malaga (2010), Warwick (2008), Porto (2006), Lancaster (2004), Paris (2002), Greenwich (2000), Brussels (1998), and London (1996). CO 2012 is hosted by the University of Oxford.

The program topics will be on any subject related to theory and applications of combinatorial optimization, which includes but not limited to:


* Computational complexity
* Constraint satisfaction
* Crew scheduling
* Cutting and packing
* Data Mining
* Exact and approximation algorithms
* Frequency assignment
* Graphs
* Heuristic methods
* Integer programming
* Location
* Meta-heuristics
* Network design
* Polyhedral theory
* Production and logistics scheduling
* Timetabling
* Vehicle routing and scheduling


Contributed papers are cordially invited. Please submit your contribution
on-line via EasyChair at Your submission should be a one-page (A4) abstract, which includes a list of key words and is in the PDF format.


Further information can be found on the conference website:


18 May 2012 Deadline for Abstract Submission
15 June 2012 Notification of Acceptance
31 July 2012 Early registration deadline
17 September 2012 Start of Conference
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Professor/Associate professor in Formal Methods

CHALMERS University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Professor/Associate professor in Formal Methods

The Department has 76 faculty members and enrols about 70 PhD students
from more than 30 countries. The research spans the whole spectrum, from
theoretical underpinnings to applied systems development. There is
extensive national and international collaboration with academia and
industry all around the world.

The Division of Software Technology has around 15 faculty members and 25
postdocs and PhD students. We conduct successful research in functional
programming, automatic theorem-proving, hardware design and
verification, property-based testing of software, language-based
security, and software verification.

The scientific area of the new position is Formal Methods, interpreted
broadly so as to include at least

- formal specification, development and verification of software,
- automatic theorem-proving and model-checking,
- lightweight formal methods, including testing,
- program semantics and analysis.

Application deadline: March 22nd

For more information see that full advertisement at
(Select "Professor/Associate professor in formal methods", published

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

[DMANET] CFP: 7th International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2012)

** Apologies for multiple copies **

C a l l     F o r     P a p e r s

7th International Workshop on
Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2012)

Radisson Blu Lillehammer Hotel
Turisthotellveien 6, 2609 Lillehammer, Norway

September 17-18, 2012

Scope of the 7th Conference

Critical key sectors of modern economies depend highly on Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT). Disruption, disturbance or loss
of information flowing through and processed by ICT infrastructures
can, as well as incidents in the sector infrastructure itself, lead to
various damages such as high economical, material, or ecological
impact, loss of vital societal functions and social well-being of
people, and in the most unfortunate cases loss of human lives. As a
consequence the security, reliability and resilience of these
infrastructures are critical for the society. The topic of Critical
(Information) Infrastructure Protection (C(I)IP) is therefore a major
objective for governments, companies and the research community of the
major industrial countries worldwide.

The CRITIS'12 conference is the well-established continuation of the
series and aims to explore the new challenges posed by C(I)IP bringing
together researchers and professionals from academia, industry and
governmental agencies interested in all different aspects of C(I)IP.
Especially promoted by CRITIS'12 are multi-disciplinary approaches
within the scientific communities at national, European and global

Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting
research papers, work-in-progress reports, R&D project results,
surveying works and industrial experiences describing significant
advances in C(I)IP. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

• Resilient (Information) Infrastructures
• Resilience and Stability
• Infrastructures Survivability
• Protection of Complex Cyber - Physical Systems
• All Aspects in respect to Interaction of multiple CI.
• Self-healing, Self-protection, and Self-management Architectures
• Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities
• SCADA Security
• Cyber Attacks and Cyber Defence of Critical Information(-based)
• Cyber Security of Smart Grids
• Cyber Security, Dependability and Cloud Computing
• Critical (Information-based) Infrastructures Exercises & Contingency Plans
• Advanced Forensic Methodologies for C(I)I
• Economics, Investments and Incentives of C(I)IP
• Infrastructure and CII dependencies Modelling, Simulation, Analysis
and Validation
• C(I)I Network and Organisational Vulnerability Analysis
• C(I)I threat and Attack Modelling
• Trust Models in Normal Situations and During Escalation
• Public – Private Partnership for C(I)I Resilience
• C(I)IP Polices at National and Cross-border levels
• C(I)IP R&D Agenda at National and International levels

Instructions for Paper Submission

All submissions will be subjected to a thorough blind review by at
least three reviewers. Papers should be no longer than 12 pages in
English, including bibliography and well-marked appendices. As in
previous years, it is planned that post-proceedings are published by
Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Pre-proceedings will appear at the time of the conference. At least
one author of each accepted paper is required to register with the
Conference and present the paper. Paper submission will be done via
EasyChair. To submit a paper, please follow the specific instructions
posted on the Conference website
( The submitted paper (in PDF
or PostScript format) should follow the respective template offered by
Springer ( The paper
must start with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords.
However, the submission should be anonymised and all author names,
affiliations, acknowledgements, and obvious traceable references
should be eliminated.
Extended and fully revised versions of the best papers accepted for
CRITIS'12, after a further peer-reviewed process, will be published in
a special issue of the International Journal of Critical
Infrastructures (Inderscience).

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of papers: May 15, 2012
Notification to authors: June 30, 2012
Camera-ready papers: August 15, 2012

Programme Committee Co-Chairs

Bernhard M. Hämmerli (University of Applied Sciences Lucerne,
Switzerland, Gjøvik University College, Norway, and CEO Acris GmbH)
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)

Programme Committee (Invitations are sent out, confirmations partly pending)

Eirik Albrechtsen (SINTEF and Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Norway)
Jan Audestad (Gjøvik University College, Norway)
Robin Bloomfield (City University London, UK)
Matt Broda (Microsoft, UK)
João Batista Camargo (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Genseric Cantournet (Telecom Italia, Italy)
Emiliano Casalicchio (Università di Tor Vergata, Italy)
Jorge Cuellar (Siemens, Germany)
Peter Daniel (Selex Communication Ltd, UK)
Gregorio D'Agostino (ENEA, Italy)
Geert Deconinck (K. U. Leuven, Belgium)
Giovanna Dondossola (RSE, Italy)
Stelios Dritsas (Athens Univ. of Economics & Business, Greece)
Myriam Dunn (ETH Centre for Security Studies, Switzerland)
Claudia Eckert (Fraunhofer SIT, Germany)
Steven Furnell (Univ. of Plymouth, UK)
Richard Garber (DRDC Centre for Security Science, Canada)
Robert Ghanea-Hercock (British Telecom, UK)
Adrian Gheorghe (Old Dominion University, USA)
Janusz Gorski (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Stefanos Gritzalis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Jan Hovden (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Jorge Lopez (INDRA, Spain)
Chris Johnson (Glasgow University, UK)
Floor Koornneef (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Panos Kotzanikolaou (Univ. of Piraeus, Greece)
Eric Luiijf (TNO, The Netherlands)
Paulo Maciel (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
Fabio Martinelli (CNR, Italy)
Marcelo Masera (EU Joint Research Centre Petten, The Netherlands)
Amin Massoud (University of Minnesota, USA)
Tom McCutcheon (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, UK)
Doug Montgomery ( U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology, USA)
Igor Nai Fovino (EU Joint Research Centre Ispra, European Commission)
Janne Hagen (Proactima, Norway)
Eiji Okamoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Cirian Osborn (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, UK)
Evangelos Ouzounis (European Network and Information Security Agency, Greece)
Stefano Panzieri (University Roma Tre, Italy)
Margrete Raaum, CERT University of Oslo, Norway
Dirk Reinermann (German Information Security Agency, Germany)
Arturo Ribagorda (Univ. Carlos III, Spain)
Andrea Rigoni (Global CyberSecurity Center, Italy)
Steven M. Rinaldi (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Erich Rome (Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany)
Michael Samsa (Argonne National Laboratories, USA)
William H. Sanders (University of Illinois, USA)
Roberto Setola (Università CAMPUS Bio-Medico, Italy)
Sujeet Shenoi (University of Tulsa, USA)
James P. Smith (Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA)
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University, USA)
Ketil Stølen (SINTEF and University of Oslo, Norway)
Neeraj Suri (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Nils Kalstad Svendsen (Gjøvik University College, Norway)
Barend Taute (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa)
Marianthi Theoharidou (Athens Univ. of Economics & Business, Greece)
Paul Theron (Thales Information Systems Security, France)
Panagiotis Trimintzios, Network Resilience, ENISA, EU Greece
Paul Trushell (Attorney General's Department, Australia)
Rita A. Wells (Idaho National Lab., USA)
Paolo Verissimo (Universidad de Lisboa)
Rhys Williams (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, UK)
Stephen Wolthusen (Gjøvik University College, Norway and Royal
Holloway, U. of London, UK)
Christos Xenakis (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Annemarie Zielstra (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, NL)

Steering Committee Chairs

Bernhard M. Hämmerli (University of Applied Sciences Lucerne,
Switzerland, Gjøvik University College, Norway, and CEO Acris GmbH)
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)

Steering Committee Members

Robin Bloomfield (City University London, UK)
Sandro Bologna (AIIC, Italy)
Sokratis Katsikas (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Reinhard Posch (Technical Univ. Graz, Austria)
Saifur Rahman (Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech, US)
Roberto Setola (Università CAMPUS Bio-Medico, Italy)
Eric Rome (Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany)
Stephen Wolthusen (Gjøvik University College, Norway and Royal
Holloway, U. of London, UK)
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[DMANET] RECOMB-AB - Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology - Call for Papers


RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology
August 27-29, 2012
St. Petersburg, Russia
recombab2012 at gmail dot com


The First RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic
Biology (RECOMB-AB) will be held August 27-29, 2012 in St. Petersburg,
Russia. This workshop brings together leading researchers in the
mathematical, computational, and life sciences to discuss current
challenges in computational biology, with an emphasis on open
algorithmic problems. The program will consist of invited speakers,
contributed speakers, posters, and discussion panels.

Saint Petersburg (formerly known as Leningrad) is Russia's second
largest city. The large historic center of Saint Petersburg, threaded
with canals dotted with baroque bridges, is a UNESCO World Heritage
site. Its Hermitage Museum, housed in the Winter Palace (formerly
called the Palace of the Russian Tsars), is one of the world's
greatest collections of art.


Max Alekseyev (University of South Carolina)
Vineet Bafna (University of California, San Diego)
Mikhail Gelfand (Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University)
Sorin Istrail (Brown University)
Richard Karp (University of California, Berkeley)
Bernard Moret (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Stephen O'Brien (Saint Petersburg University)
Pavel Pevzner (University of California, San Diego)
Marie-France Sagot (INRIA, Université Lyon 1)
Cenk Sahinalp (Simon Fraser University)
Ron Shamir (Tel Aviv University)
Glenn Tesler (University of California, San Diego)
Tandy Warnow (The University of Texas at Austin)
Michael S. Waterman (University of Southern California)


RECOMB-AB aims to discuss recent advances and present open algorithmic
problems in different areas of life sciences. Today, life sciences are
in the midst of a major paradigm shift driven by computational
sciences. RECOMB-AB emphasizes that this is a two-way street: while
life sciences have greatly benefited from new computational ideas,
they also are a major source of new open problems and inspiration for
computational sciences. RECOMB-AB brings together leading researchers
in the mathematical, computational, and life sciences to discuss
interesting, challenging, and well-formulated open problems in
algorithmic biology.

Many areas of computational sciences started as an attempt to solve
applied problems and later became more theoretically-oriented. These
theoretical aspects may be very valuable even if they stray away from
the applied problems that originally motivated them. Thus, RECOMB-AB
is interested in a wide range of well-formulated open problems. Some
of them may be rather theoretical and have limited biological
application. The solutions of others might provide valuable tools for
biologists or might lead to new biological discoveries. This blend of
theoretical and applied problems is a fascinating feature of
algorithmic biology.

The discussion panels at RECOMB-AB will also address the worrisome
proliferation of ill-formulated computational problems in
bioinformatics. While some biological problems can be translated into
well-formulated computational problems, others defy all attempts to
bridge biology and computing. This may result in computational biology
papers that lack a formulation of a computational problem they are
trying to solve. While some such papers may represent valuable
biological contributions (despite lacking a well-defined computational
problem), others may represent computational "pseudoscience."
RECOMB-AB will address the difficult question of how to evaluate
computational papers that lack a computational problem formulation.

Open problems should address a problem of interest in Biology, whose
solution may depend on development of new ideas in Computing, or
problems of interest in Computing that were initially motivated by
Biology. Open problems may be completely new; they may be problems
that were studied in the past but without a precise formulation as an
algorithmic problem; or they may be new and improved self-contained
formulations of previously published problems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

* Machine learning, statistical, combinatorial, and other algorithms
in biology
* Molecular sequence analysis
* Molecular evolution
* Gene expression
* Biological networks
* Sequencing and genotyping techniques
* Genomics
* Population genetics
* Systems biology
* Bio-imaging
* Molecular structural biology
* Proteomics


Selected speakers (invited and contributed) will be invited to
participate in an article on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology, to
be published in the Journal of Computational Biology in Fall
2012. This multi-author article will be a compilation of the problems
posed in the abstracts and invited talks.


RECOMB-AB will have a somewhat unusual format. In addition to research
abstracts, RECOMB-AB will showcase open problems in algorithmic
biology. We invite submissions in two categories: Algorithmic Biology
Open Problems, and Algorithmic Biology Research Abstracts. Submissions
should be submitted through the links provided on the RECOMB-AB
website and must be received by April 27, 2012.

Algorithmic Biology Open Problems. Each submission should cover a
single well-formulated open problem in algorithmic biology. Each
submission should be self-contained and should start from a statement
of biological problem and end with a well-formulated computational
problem addressing the biological problem. Authors should include the
motivation for studying the problem and any known partial or
conjectured solutions of the problem. A single submission may include
multiple computational problems motivated by the same biological
problem. Authors of selected papers will be invited to present their
problem at RECOMB-AB either as a talk or as a poster. Selected authors
will also be invited to participate in a multi-author article on Open
Problems in Algorithmic Biology, to be published in the Journal of
Computational Biology.

Algorithmic Biology Research Abstracts. Unpublished work and recently
published work will both be considered. If the work is published,
please include it in the references. Authors of selected papers will
be invited to present their paper at RECOMB-AB either as a talk or as
a poster. Abstracts will be distributed to conference participants,
but there is no formal publication through the conference.


Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website in PDF
format. All abstracts should be in English. Abstracts consist of up to
two pages of text (plus cover page, references, figures, and tables,
which do not count towards the two pages). Please see the conference
website for further details.


Abstract submission deadline Friday April 27, 2012
Notification of acceptance Friday May 18, 2012
Request for visa Friday May 25, 2012
Final abstract due Friday June 15, 2012
Registration period To be announced
Conference August 27-29, 2012
(arrival on August 26)


Glenn Tesler (University of California, San Diego) (Chair)
Pavel Pevzner (University of California, San Diego) (Co-chair)

Max Alekseyev (University of South Carolina)
Guillaume Bourque (McGill University)
Michael Brudno (University of Toronto)
Mark Chaisson (Pacific Biosciences)
Francis Chin (University of Hong Kong)
Dannie Durand (Carnegie Mellon University)
Eran Halperin (Tel Aviv University)
Uri Keich (University of Sydney)
Alexander Kulikov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.
Petersburg and St. Petersburg Academic University)
Laxmi Parida (IBM Research)
Alkes Price (Harvard University)
Mona Singh (Princeton University)
Jens Stoye (Bielefeld University)
Haixu Tang (Indiana University)
Olga Troyanskaya (Princeton University)
Nikolay Vyahhi (St. Petersburg Academic University)
Kira Vyatkina (St. Petersburg Academic University)

Alexander Kulikov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.
Petersburg and St. Petersburg Academic University) (Chair)
Nikolay Vyahhi (St. Petersburg Academic University) (Co-chair)
Max Alekseyev (University of South Carolina)
Mikhail Gelfand (Moscow State University)
Alexander Omelchenko (St. Petersburg Academic University)
Kira Vyatkina (St. Petersburg Academic University)
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[DMANET] CFP:: ICIA2012- Malaysia- Kuala Terengganu

Apologies in advance for multiple received copies of the CFP.

The International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA2012)
University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
June 3-5, 2012
The proposed conference on the above theme will be held at University
Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, From June 3-5, 2012
which aims to enable researchers build connections between different
digital applications.

The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:

- Information Ethics
- Information Content Security
- Data Compression
- E-Technology
- E-Government
- E-Learning
- Cloud Computing
- Grid Computing
- Green Computing
- Access Controls
- Data Mining
- Social Search
- Computer Forensics
- Computer Security
- Peer-to-Peer Social Networks
- Information and Data Management
- Network Security
- Social Networks
- Real-Time Systems
- Internet Modeling
- Assurance of Service
- Image Processing
- Web Services Security
- Multimedia Computing
- Software Engineering
- Biometrics Technologies
- Wireless Communications
- Semantic Web, Ontologies
- Mobile Social Networks
- Distributed and Parallel Applications
- Embedded Systems and Software
- Critical Computing and Storage
- Critical Infrastructure Management
- Soft Computing Techniques
- Confidentiality Protection
- Mobile Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity
- Anti-cyberterrorism
- Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications
- Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications
- Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems -
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
- User Interfaces,Visualization and Modeling
- Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
- Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
- Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
- Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
- Computational Intelligence
- Data Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
- Indexing and Query Processing for Moving Objects
- User Interfaces and Usability Issues form Mobile Applications
- Sensor Networks and Social Sensing
- XML-Based Languages
- Cryptography and Data Protection
- Information Propagation on Social Networks
- Resource and Knowledge Discovery Using Social Networks
- Computer Crime Prevention and Detection

Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All papers
will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before
final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.

Important Dates

Submission Date : Apr. 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance: Apr. 15, 2012
Camera Ready submission : May 2, 2012
Registration : May 2, 2012
Conference dates : June 3-5, 2012

Please contact us in facebook:

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[DMANET] FUN 2012: Call for Participation

FUN 2012


Early Registration Deadline: MARCH 28, 2012
Conference Hotel Deadline: March 11, 2012

The Sixth International Conference on FUN WITH ALGORITHMS
San Servolo

June 4-6, 2012
San Servolo Island,
Venice, Italy

The Sixth International conference on Fun with Algorithms
(FUN 2012) is dedicated to the use, design, and analysis
of algorithms and data structures, focusing on results
that provide amusing, witty but nonetheless original and
scientifically profound contributions to the area. The
previous FUNs were held in Elba Island, in Castiglioncello,
Tuscany, Italy, and in Ischia Island, Italy.

The program will consist of 34 contributed talks as well

Paola Flocchini, University of Ottawa
Giuseppe Persiano, Universita di Salerno
Jorge Urrutia, UNAM, Mexico City

A list of the accepted papers is available at:


The early registration deadline is MARCH 28, 2012. To register visit:


There are limited accommodations available at the conference site.
Information on how to reserve a room as well as information on nearby
hotels can be found at:


Additional details can be found at the conference web page:
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[DMANET] Workshop on the Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses, Mariehamn 23.-26.5.2012

Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses,
Mariehamn 23-26 May 2012

Nordita (the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics,
and the Aalto University Science Institute (, co-organise
a workshop on "Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses" in
Mariehamn, Åland Islands, on 23-26 May 2012. The list of invited
speakers includes some of the internationally most prominent scientists
working in this exciting area interfacing deep research issues in
computer science and statistical mechanics.

Attendance at the workshop is free, however all participants need to
arrange for their travel to either Mariehamn or Stockholm. (The workshop
begins on the ferry trip rom Stockholm to Mariehamn).

For more information, see the workshop's web site at
Registration closes on 1 April.

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Professor position in "design and simulation of industrial engineering systems" at Ghent University

The Department of Industrial Management ( of the
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University (Belgium) has a
vacancy for a full time professor in the rank of lecturer in the field of
study: "design and simulation of industrial engineering systems".

The application deadline is March 26, 2012.
Job description
One full-time professor position, with a focus on scientific research and a
starting rank of lecturer (assistant professor), will be available via the
Tenure Track system with effect from October 1, 2012.
This is initially a five-year appointment in a Tenure Track system focusing
primarily on research. If the university board positively evaluates the
performance of the person involved, the position may lead to a permanent
position as senior lecturer (associate professor).

The Department wishes to strengthen its expertise in simulation and design
of industrial engineering systems. The candidate should have a proven
research record, based on peer-reviewed international publications, in at
least one of these domains, simulation or design of industrial systems, and
be willing to perform research in this area. Representative publications of
the department can be found through the UGent library system

Teaching is an important element of the workload given the limited size of
the staff of the department. The courses are allocated among the academic
staff based on background and interests. Because the department undergoes
considerable changes in its academic staff between 2010 and 2012, the
allocated teaching subjects can change after 2012. Initial teaching load
will be two 6 credit courses at master level (60 teaching hours per

Candidates are expected to:
- Hold a PhD degree with doctoral thesis or a degree recognized as
equivalent. The PhD or equivalent should have been obtained after October 1,
2005, but not later than October 1, 2010;
- Have carried out excellent research in the academic field mentioned above,
proven by, among other things, recent outstanding publications in national
and international peer reviewed journals and/or books;
- Have experience in supervising research and/or coaching Ph.D. students;
- Possess the necessary didactic, organizational and communication skills
for teaching at university level;
- International research experience will be an advantage, in particular
scientific work in research institutions abroad.
No prior knowledge of Dutch is necessary at the time of appointment, but
candidates will be expected to acquire a working knowledge of the language
within three years. The official language at Ghent University is Dutch.

For more information on the position, contact Prof. E.-H. Aghezzaf at, Prof. P. Vansteenwegen at, or Prof. H. Van Landeghem at
For application, contact Prof. Gert De Cooman, chair of the evaluation
committee, by telephone (phone: +32 (0)9 264 56 53) or e-mail:

Even more information and method of application can be found here:

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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
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* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Postdoctoral Research Position in Optimization - Call for Applications

KEP Project - Postdoctoral Research Position in Optimization

*Application Period*: 2012-02-22 to 2012-03-07

INESC PORTO is accepting applications to award one scientific research
grant to work in the project "New models for enhancing the kidney
transplantation process" in the following work area: Optimization. We
are looking for candidates holding a PhD in Computer Engineering,
Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Operational Research or
similar. Candidates must have knowledge of Combinatorial Optimization,
experience in programming, and proficiency in English. Preference will
be given to candidates with advanced knowledge in Combinatorial
Optimization and strong experience in programming.

Project Summary:

This project concerns research and development of decision-support
tools to facilitate and improve the kidney transplantation process
involving living kidney donors. It promotes an important project of
public healthcare planning and management for developing advanced
models and solution techniques to "optimally" match up kidney patients
with donors.

New optimization models will be developed based on thorough analysis
of several significant issues involving the kidney transplantation
process that were not addressed before. In particular, critical
aspects such as concurrence or inconsistency of the regulatory
policies with final decisions of physicians will be captured; guidance
from national initiatives will be incorporated to keep the models
realistic and purposeful.

For efficiently solving the models, innovative solution approaches
will be formulated to achieve beyond state-of-the-art results. By
integrating new paradigms and methodologies, prototype software tools
will be designed, implemented and validated. Entire development work
will be done with close collaboration and guidance of Portuguese
healthcare organizations responsible for kidney transplantation
(Central Hospitals and National Authority for Blood and
Transplantation Services - ASST).

*Project Team*:
Prof. Ana Viana (Coordinator)
Dr. Abdur Rais
Prof. Filipe Alvelos
Prof. Gerardo Oliveira (MD)
Prof. João Pedro Pedroso
Prof. Miguel Fragoso Constantino
National Authority for Blood and Transplantation Services

*Application Period*: 2012-02-22 to 2012-03-07
Duration of the Grant: 12 months (Renewable)

*Additional information regarding the application is available in:

* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] AOR - Call for papers: Special volume on Electoral Systems in Memory of Bruno Simeone: new deadline for submission

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to announce that the deadline for submission of papers for the Special Volume of Annals of Operations Research on:

Mathematical Modeling of Electoral Systems - Analysis, Evaluation, Optimization
in Memory of Bruno Simeone (1945-2010).

has been moved to May 31st, 2012.

The new call for papers is now available at

Best Regards,
Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, and Friedrich Pukelsheim

Dr. Federica Ricca
Dip. di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza, Università di Roma
P.le Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Roma
Tel: +39 06 49910474
Fax: +39 06 4959241
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
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* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Monday, February 27, 2012

[DMANET] Full professor position at Kyoto

******* Full Professor Position at Kyoto University ***********

Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Graduate
School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan has one full
professor position starting from April 1st, 2012. Kyoto University
is one of the top universities in Japan. See
This position belongs to the Computer Engineering Division. The
successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in computer science
or related areas, an outstanding record in his/her research in the
field of the core computer science/engineering, such as hardware,
software and theory, and proper experiences in graduate and/or
undergraduate education of those areas. Typical keywords for the
research area we are interested in include, but not limited to,
programming languages, programming language systems, parallel/
distributed/cooperative processing, foundation of software science,
operating systems, computer architectures, design and analysis of
algorithms, computational complexity theory, etc.
Applications should include
(i) CV,
(ii) publication list,
(iii) summary of 3-5 major publications and copies of these papers,
(iv) awards, academic activities, etc.,
(v) names and mail addresses of two references, and
(vi) self-evaluation of the ability of Japanese language if the native
language of the applicant is not Japanese (course activities can
be done in English, but the ability of Japanese may be considered
in the selection process.)
All documents should be submitted in PDF files to Prof. Naofumi Takagi
( by email. At the same time, hard-copies of all
the documents should be sent by postal mail to

Prof. Naofumi Takagi
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University,
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan.

Deadline for both email and postal mail submissions is May 11, 2012.
Contact phone number is +81-75-753-5373 (Naofumi Takagi) and fax number
is +81-75-753-5986 (also Naofumi Takagi).

The university is an equal opportunity employer and encourages
applications from female and handicapped candidates.
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.




        Computability in Europe 2012: How the World Computes
                     University of Cambridge
                    Cambridge, 18-23 June 2012

CiE 2012 is one of a series of special events, running throughout the Alan
Turing Year, celebrating Turing's unique impact on mathematics, computing,
computer science, informatics, morphogenesis, artificial intelligence,
philosophy and computational aspects of physics, biology, linguistics,
economics and the wider scientific world.

CiE 2012 is planned to be an event worthy of the remarkable scientific
career it commemorates, and will be the largest ever conference centred on
the Computability Theoretic legacy of Turing and his contemporaries.


Andrew Hodges (Oxford, Special Invited Lecture), Ian Stewart (Warwick,
Special Public Lecture), Dorit Aharonov (Jerusalem), Veronica Becher
(Buenos Aires), Lenore Blum (Carnegie Mellon, The 2012 APAL Lecture),
Rodney Downey (Wellington), Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft, The EACSL Lecture),
Juris Hartmanis (Cornell), Richard Jozsa (Cambridge, jointly organised
lecture with King's College), Stuart Kauffman (Vermont/ Santa Fe), James
Murray (Oxford/Princeton, Microsoft Research Lecture), Stuart Shieber
(Harvard), Paul Smolensky (Johns Hopkins) and Leslie Valiant (Harvard,
jointly organised lecture with King's College).

historic event.

For submission details, see:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE for Informal Presentations:  MAY 11, 2012

Authors will be notified of acceptance, usually within two weeks of

All accepted papers become eligible for consideration for post-conference
journals: COMPUTABILITY will consider journal versions of papers presented
at CiE conferences as a general rule; and there will be special issues of

Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) and Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic (APAL).

CiE 2012 CONFERENCE TOPICS include, but not exclusively -
* Admissible sets
* Algorithms
* Analog computation
* Artificial intelligence
* Automata theory
* Bioinformatics
* Classical computability and degree structures
* Cognitive science and modelling
* Complexity classes
* Computability theoretic aspects of programs
* Computable analysis and real computation
* Computable structures and models
* Computational and proof complexity
* Computational biology
* Computational creativity
* Computational learning and complexity
* Computational linguistics
* Concurrency and distributed computation
* Constructive mathematics
* Cryptographic complexity
* Decidability of theories
* Derandomization
* DNA computing
* Domain theory and computability
* Dynamical systems and computational models
* Effective descriptive set theory
* Emerging and Non-standard Models of Computation
* Finite model theory
* Formal aspects of program analysis
* Formal methods
* Foundations of computer science
* Games
* Generalized recursion theory
* History of computation
* Hybrid systems
* Higher type computability
* Hypercomputational models
* Infinite time Turing machines
* Kolmogorov complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* L-systems and membrane computation
* Machine learning
* Mathematical models of emergence
* Molecular computation
* Morphogenesis and developmental biology
* Multi-agent systems
* Natural Computation
* Neural nets and connectionist models
* Philosophy of science and computation
* Physics and computability
* Probabilistic systems
* Process algebras and concurrent systems
* Programming language semantics
* Proof mining and applications
* Proof theory and computability
* Proof complexity
* Quantum computing and complexity
* Randomness
* Reducibilities and relative computation
* Relativistic computation
* Reverse mathematics
* Semantics and logic of computation
* Swarm intelligence and self-organisation
* Type systems and type theory
* Uncertain Reasoning
* Weak systems of arithmetic and applications

We particularly welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as
bioinformatics and natural computation, where they have a basic connection
with computability.

CiE 2012 will have a special relationship to the scientific legacy of Alan
Turing, reflected in the broad theme: How the World Computes, with all its
different layers of meaning. Contributions which are directly related to
the visionary and seminal work of Turing will be particularly welcome.


* Cryptography, Complexity, and Randomness
Chairs: Rod Downey and Jack Lutz
Speakers so far: Eric Allender, Lance Fortnow, Valentine Kabanets, Omer
Reingold, Alexander Shen + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* The Turing Test and Thinking Machines
Chairs: Mark Bishop and Rineke Verbrugge
Speakers: Bruce Edmonds, John Preston, Susan Sterrett, Kevin Warwick, Jiri
Wiedermann + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* Computational Models After Turing: The Church-Turing Thesis and Beyond
Chairs: Martin Davis and Wilfried Sieg
Speakers: Giuseppe Longo, Peter Nemeti, Stewart Shapiro, Matthew
Szudzik, Philip Welch, Michiel van Lambalgen

* Morphogenesis/Emergence as a Computability Theoretic Phenomenon
Chairs: Philip Maini and Peter Sloot
Speakers: Jaap Kaandorp, Shigeru Kondo, Nick Monk, John Reinitz, James
Sharpe, Jonathan Sherratt

* Open Problems in the Philosophy of Information
Chairs: Pieter Adriaans and Benedikt Loewe
Speakers: Patrick Allo, Luis Antunes, Mark Finlayson, Amos Golan, Ruth
Millikan + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* The Universal Turing Machine, and History of the Computer
Chairs: Jack Copeland and John Tucker
Speakers so far: Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Mark
Priestley, Robert I. Soare + Panel Discussion

Information of funding for students (including ASL grants) and the
attendance of female researchers is at:

There will be the annual Women in Computability Workshop, supported by a
grant from the Elsevier Foundation.

CiE 2012 will be associated/co-located with a number of other Turing
centenary events, including:

* ACE 2012, June 15-16, 2012

* Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2012), June 24-27, 2012

* Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2012), June 17, 2012

* THE INCOMPUTABLE at Kavli Royal Society International Centre
 Chicheley Hall, June 12-15, 2012


* Samson Abramsky (Oxford)             * Pieter Adriaans (Amsterdam)
* Franz Baader (Dresden)               * Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
* Mark Bishop (London)                 * Paola Bonizzoni (Milan)
* Luca Cardelli (Cambridge)            * Douglas Cenzer (Gainesville)
* S Barry Cooper (Leeds, Co-chair)     * Ann Copestake (Cambridge)
* Anuj Dawar (Cambridge, Co-chair)     * Solomon Feferman (Stanford)
* Bernold Fiedler (Berlin)             * Luciano Floridi (Hertfordshire)
* Martin Hyland (Cambridge)            * Marcus Hutter (Canberra)
* Viv Kendon (Leeds)                   * Stephan Kreutzer (Oxford)
* Ming Li (Waterloo)                   * Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam)
* Angus MacIntyre (London)             * Philip Maini (Oxford)
* Larry Moss (Bloomington)             * Amitabha Mukerjee (Kanpur)
* Damian Niwinski (Warsaw)             * Dag Normann (Oslo)
* Prakash Panangaden (Montreal)        * Jeff Paris (Manchester)
* Brigitte Pientka (Montreal)          * Helmut Schwichtenberg (Munich)
* Wilfried Sieg (Carnegie Mellon)      * Mariya Soskova (Sofia)
* Bettina Speckmann (Eindhoven)        * Christof Teuscher (Portland)
* Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)      * Jan van Leeuwen (Utrecht)
* Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen)

The PROGRAMME COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers (European and
non-European) in computability related areas to submit abstracts of their
proposed presentations (in PDF-format, max 1 page) for CiE 2012. We
particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of
the research community.

ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Arnold Beckmann (Swansea), Luca Cardelli
(Cambridge), S Barry Cooper (Leeds), Ann Copestake (Cambridge), Anuj Dawar
(Cambridge, Chair), Martin Hyland (Cambridge), Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam),
Arno Pauly (Cambridge), Andrew Pitts (Cambridge), Bjarki Holm (Cambridge)

The conference is sponsored by the ASL, EACSL, EATCS, Elsevier Foundation,
IFCoLog, King's College Cambridge, The University of Cambridge and
Microsoft Research.

For a small poster to download and display:

Contact: Anuj Dawar - anuj.dawar(at)





        Computability in Europe 2012: How the World Computes
                     University of Cambridge
                    Cambridge, 18-23 June 2012

CiE 2012 is one of a series of special events, running throughout the Alan
Turing Year, celebrating Turing's unique impact on mathematics, computing,
computer science, informatics, morphogenesis, artificial intelligence,
philosophy and computational aspects of physics, biology, linguistics,
economics and the wider scientific world.

CiE 2012 is planned to be an event worthy of the remarkable scientific
career it commemorates, and will be the largest ever conference centred on
the Computability Theoretic legacy of Turing and his contemporaries.


Andrew Hodges (Oxford, Special Invited Lecture), Ian Stewart (Warwick,
Special Public Lecture), Dorit Aharonov (Jerusalem), Veronica Becher
(Buenos Aires), Lenore Blum (Carnegie Mellon, The 2012 APAL Lecture),
Rodney Downey (Wellington), Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft, The EACSL Lecture),
Juris Hartmanis (Cornell), Richard Jozsa (Cambridge, jointly organised
lecture with King's College), Stuart Kauffman (Vermont/ Santa Fe), James
Murray (Oxford/Princeton, Microsoft Research Lecture), Stuart Shieber
(Harvard), Paul Smolensky (Johns Hopkins) and Leslie Valiant (Harvard,
jointly organised lecture with King's College).

historic event.

For submission details, see:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE for Informal Presentations:  MAY 11, 2012

Authors will be notified of acceptance, usually within two weeks of

All accepted papers become eligible for consideration for post-conference
journals: COMPUTABILITY will consider journal versions of papers presented
at CiE conferences as a general rule; and there will be special issues of

Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) and Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic (APAL).

CiE 2012 CONFERENCE TOPICS include, but not exclusively -
* Admissible sets
* Algorithms
* Analog computation
* Artificial intelligence
* Automata theory
* Bioinformatics
* Classical computability and degree structures
* Cognitive science and modelling
* Complexity classes
* Computability theoretic aspects of programs
* Computable analysis and real computation
* Computable structures and models
* Computational and proof complexity
* Computational biology
* Computational creativity
* Computational learning and complexity
* Computational linguistics
* Concurrency and distributed computation
* Constructive mathematics
* Cryptographic complexity
* Decidability of theories
* Derandomization
* DNA computing
* Domain theory and computability
* Dynamical systems and computational models
* Effective descriptive set theory
* Emerging and Non-standard Models of Computation
* Finite model theory
* Formal aspects of program analysis
* Formal methods
* Foundations of computer science
* Games
* Generalized recursion theory
* History of computation
* Hybrid systems
* Higher type computability
* Hypercomputational models
* Infinite time Turing machines
* Kolmogorov complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* L-systems and membrane computation
* Machine learning
* Mathematical models of emergence
* Molecular computation
* Morphogenesis and developmental biology
* Multi-agent systems
* Natural Computation
* Neural nets and connectionist models
* Philosophy of science and computation
* Physics and computability
* Probabilistic systems
* Process algebras and concurrent systems
* Programming language semantics
* Proof mining and applications
* Proof theory and computability
* Proof complexity
* Quantum computing and complexity
* Randomness
* Reducibilities and relative computation
* Relativistic computation
* Reverse mathematics
* Semantics and logic of computation
* Swarm intelligence and self-organisation
* Type systems and type theory
* Uncertain Reasoning
* Weak systems of arithmetic and applications

We particularly welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as
bioinformatics and natural computation, where they have a basic connection
with computability.

CiE 2012 will have a special relationship to the scientific legacy of Alan
Turing, reflected in the broad theme: How the World Computes, with all its
different layers of meaning. Contributions which are directly related to
the visionary and seminal work of Turing will be particularly welcome.


* Cryptography, Complexity, and Randomness
Chairs: Rod Downey and Jack Lutz
Speakers so far: Eric Allender, Lance Fortnow, Valentine Kabanets, Omer
Reingold, Alexander Shen + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* The Turing Test and Thinking Machines
Chairs: Mark Bishop and Rineke Verbrugge
Speakers: Bruce Edmonds, John Preston, Susan Sterrett, Kevin Warwick, Jiri
Wiedermann + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* Computational Models After Turing: The Church-Turing Thesis and Beyond
Chairs: Martin Davis and Wilfried Sieg
Speakers: Giuseppe Longo, Peter Nemeti, Stewart Shapiro, Matthew
Szudzik, Philip Welch, Michiel van Lambalgen

* Morphogenesis/Emergence as a Computability Theoretic Phenomenon
Chairs: Philip Maini and Peter Sloot
Speakers: Jaap Kaandorp, Shigeru Kondo, Nick Monk, John Reinitz, James
Sharpe, Jonathan Sherratt

* Open Problems in the Philosophy of Information
Chairs: Pieter Adriaans and Benedikt Loewe
Speakers: Patrick Allo, Luis Antunes, Mark Finlayson, Amos Golan, Ruth
Millikan + Panel Discussion on Future Directions

* The Universal Turing Machine, and History of the Computer
Chairs: Jack Copeland and John Tucker
Speakers so far: Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Ivor Grattan-Guinness, Mark
Priestley, Robert I. Soare + Panel Discussion

Information of funding for students (including ASL grants) and the
attendance of female researchers is at:

There will be the annual Women in Computability Workshop, supported by a
grant from the Elsevier Foundation.

CiE 2012 will be associated/co-located with a number of other Turing
centenary events, including:

* ACE 2012, June 15-16, 2012

* Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2012), June 24-27, 2012

* Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2012), June 17, 2012

* THE INCOMPUTABLE at Kavli Royal Society International Centre
 Chicheley Hall, June 12-15, 2012


* Samson Abramsky (Oxford)             * Pieter Adriaans (Amsterdam)
* Franz Baader (Dresden)               * Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
* Mark Bishop (London)                 * Paola Bonizzoni (Milan)
* Luca Cardelli (Cambridge)            * Douglas Cenzer (Gainesville)
* S Barry Cooper (Leeds, Co-chair)     * Ann Copestake (Cambridge)
* Anuj Dawar (Cambridge, Co-chair)     * Solomon Feferman (Stanford)
* Bernold Fiedler (Berlin)             * Luciano Floridi (Hertfordshire)
* Martin Hyland (Cambridge)            * Marcus Hutter (Canberra)
* Viv Kendon (Leeds)                   * Stephan Kreutzer (Oxford)
* Ming Li (Waterloo)                   * Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam)
* Angus MacIntyre (London)             * Philip Maini (Oxford)
* Larry Moss (Bloomington)             * Amitabha Mukerjee (Kanpur)
* Damian Niwinski (Warsaw)             * Dag Normann (Oslo)
* Prakash Panangaden (Montreal)        * Jeff Paris (Manchester)
* Brigitte Pientka (Montreal)          * Helmut Schwichtenberg (Munich)
* Wilfried Sieg (Carnegie Mellon)      * Mariya Soskova (Sofia)
* Bettina Speckmann (Eindhoven)        * Christof Teuscher (Portland)
* Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)      * Jan van Leeuwen (Utrecht)
* Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen)

The PROGRAMME COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers (European and
non-European) in computability related areas to submit abstracts of their
proposed presentations (in PDF-format, max 1 page) for CiE 2012. We
particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of
the research community.

ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Arnold Beckmann (Swansea), Luca Cardelli
(Cambridge), S Barry Cooper (Leeds), Ann Copestake (Cambridge), Anuj Dawar
(Cambridge, Chair), Martin Hyland (Cambridge), Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam),
Arno Pauly (Cambridge), Andrew Pitts (Cambridge), Bjarki Holm (Cambridge)

The conference is sponsored by the ASL, EACSL, EATCS, Elsevier Foundation,
IFCoLog, King's College Cambridge, The University of Cambridge and
Microsoft Research.

For a small poster to download and display:

Contact: Anuj Dawar - anuj.dawar(at)

* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Structural graph theory and Parameterized algorithms Postdoc position

Apologies for multiple copies of this email.

The Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic is seeking candidates for a 3-year
postdoctoral position in the areas of structural graph theory and parameterized
algorithms. The selected candidate will work under the supervision of Petr Hliněný.

All relevant information (including how to apply, salary, requirements etc.) is now available at:
* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] CTW 2012: Second Call For Papers

(Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this
CTW 2012
11th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs & Combinatorial Optimization
UniBw Muenchen, Munich, May 29-31, 2012

The eleventh Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial
Optimization 2012 welcomes contributions on theory and applications of
discrete algorithms, graphs and combinatorial structures in the wide
sense, discrete and continuous optimization, and Operations Research.

The previous editions were held in
Rome, I (2011), Cologne, D (2010, 2005, 2001), Paris, F (2009),
Gargnano, I (2008), Enschede NL (2007,2003), Lambrecht, D (2006),
Menaggio, I (2004).

Following a well established tradition, the 11th edition of the workhop
aims to disseminate scientific results, especially by young researchers,
in a friendly and interactive atmosphere.

Abstract submission:
Authors wishing to submit a contribution, should prepare an extended
abstract of at most *4 pages* by March, 18, 2012 following the
guidelines on the conference website.

Important dates:
*Deadline for abstract submission: March 18, 2012;
*Acceptance notice: April 2, 2012;
*Deadline for early registration: April 23, 2012;
*Conference: May 29-31, 2012.

Participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to submit
full-length papers to a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics
and Central European Journal of Operations Research.

Conference website:


Scientific Comittee:
Ulrich Faigle (U. Cologne), Johann L. Hurink (U. Twente),
Renato de Leone (U. di Came(U. di Camerino, Italy),
Leo Liberti (École Polytechnique, Paris), Bodo Manthey (U. Twente), Gaia
Nicosia (U. Roma Tre), Andrea Pacifici (U. Roma Tor Vergata), Stefan
Pickl (UBw München), Giovanni Righini (U. Milano),
Rainer Schrader (U. Cologne), Rüdiger Schultz (U. Duisburg-Essen)

* *
* See you in Munich, best regards Stefan Pickl *
* *

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pickl
Chair for Operations Research
UniBw Munich, Germany

* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] Alan Turing Centenary Conference, University of Manchester, 22-25 June, 2012

Manchester, UK, June 22-25, 2012

First announcement and call for submissions


(1) Ten Turing Award winners, a Templeton Award winner and
Garry Kasparov as invited speakers
(2) 20,000 pounds worth best paper award program, including
5,000 pounds best paper award
(3) Three panels and two public lectures
(4) Turing Fellowship award ceremony
(5) and many more ...

For more details please check


Confirmed invited speakers:

- Fred Brooks (University of North Carolina)
- Rodney Brooks (MIT)
- Vint Cerf (Google)
- Ed Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- George Francis Rayner Ellis (University of Cape Town)
- David Ferrucci (IBM)
- Tony Hoare (Microsoft Research)
- Garry Kasparov (Kasparov Chess Foundation)
- Don Knuth (Stanford University)
- Yuri Matiyasevich (Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg)
- Roger Penrose (Oxford)
- Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Michael Rabin (Harvard)
- Leslie Valiant (Harvard)
- Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Andrew Yao (Tsinghua University)

Confirmed panel speakers:

- Ron Brachman (Yahoo Labs)
- Steve Furber (The University of Manchester)
- Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
- Pat Hayes (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Pensacola)
- Bertrand Meyer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- Moshe Vardi (Rice University)


Submissions are welcome in all areas related to the work of
Alan Turing in computer science, mathematics, cognitive science
and mathematical biology. A non-exclusive list of topics is
shown below:

- computation theory
- logic in computation
- artificial intelligence
- social aspects of computation
- models of computation
- program analysis
- mathematics of evolution and emergence
- knowledge processing
- natural language processing
- cryptography
- machine learning

for more details.


A subset of poster session submissions will be selected as
candidates for best paper awards:

- The best paper award of 5,000 pounds
- The best young researcher best paper award of 3,000 pounds
- The second best paper award of 2,500 pounds
- The second best young researcher best paper award of 1,500 pounds
- Sixteen (16) awards of 500 pounds each

for more details.


The number of participants is limited. Register early to avoid


February 23: Paper submission opens
March 1: Registration opens
March 15: Extended abstract submission deadline
March 29: Poster session notification and selection of candidates
for the best paper awards
April 20: Full versions of papers selected for the best paper awards
May 1: Final versions of poster session papers
May 21: Best paper award decisions
May 28: Final versions of papers selected for the best paper awards
June 22-25: Conference


Honorary Chairs:
Rodney Brooks (MIT)
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Conference Chairs:
Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology)
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)
Turing Fellowships Chair:
Barry Cooper (University of Leeds)
Programme Chair
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)

The Alan Turing Year
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Alan Turing Centenary Conference, University of Manchester, 22-25 June, 2012

Manchester, UK, June 22-25, 2012

First announcement and call for submissions


(1) Ten Turing Award winners, a Templeton Award winner and
Garry Kasparov as invited speakers
(2) 20,000 pounds worth best paper award program, including
5,000 pounds best paper award
(3) Three panels and two public lectures
(4) Turing Fellowship award ceremony
(5) and many more ...

For more details please check


Confirmed invited speakers:

- Fred Brooks (University of North Carolina)
- Rodney Brooks (MIT)
- Vint Cerf (Google)
- Ed Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- George Francis Rayner Ellis (University of Cape Town)
- David Ferrucci (IBM)
- Tony Hoare (Microsoft Research)
- Garry Kasparov (Kasparov Chess Foundation)
- Don Knuth (Stanford University)
- Yuri Matiyasevich (Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg)
- Roger Penrose (Oxford)
- Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Michael Rabin (Harvard)
- Leslie Valiant (Harvard)
- Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Andrew Yao (Tsinghua University)

Confirmed panel speakers:

- Ron Brachman (Yahoo Labs)
- Steve Furber (The University of Manchester)
- Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
- Pat Hayes (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Pensacola)
- Bertrand Meyer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- Moshe Vardi (Rice University)


Submissions are welcome in all areas related to the work of
Alan Turing in computer science, mathematics, cognitive science
and mathematical biology. A non-exclusive list of topics is
shown below:

- computation theory
- logic in computation
- artificial intelligence
- social aspects of computation
- models of computation
- program analysis
- mathematics of evolution and emergence
- knowledge processing
- natural language processing
- cryptography
- machine learning

for more details.


A subset of poster session submissions will be selected as
candidates for best paper awards:

- The best paper award of 5,000 pounds
- The best young researcher best paper award of 3,000 pounds
- The second best paper award of 2,500 pounds
- The second best young researcher best paper award of 1,500 pounds
- Sixteen (16) awards of 500 pounds each

for more details.


The number of participants is limited. Register early to avoid


February 23: Paper submission opens
March 1: Registration opens
March 15: Extended abstract submission deadline
March 29: Poster session notification and selection of candidates
for the best paper awards
April 20: Full versions of papers selected for the best paper awards
May 1: Final versions of poster session papers
May 21: Best paper award decisions
May 28: Final versions of papers selected for the best paper awards
June 22-25: Conference


Honorary Chairs:
Rodney Brooks (MIT)
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Conference Chairs:
Matthias Baaz (Vienna University of Technology)
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)
Turing Fellowships Chair:
Barry Cooper (University of Leeds)
Programme Chair
Andrei Voronkov (The University of Manchester)

The Alan Turing Year

Postdoctoral Research Grant in Optimisation | Call for applications

KEP Project - Postdoctoral Research grant in Optimization

*Application Period*:  2012-02-22  to  2012-03-07

INESC PORTO is accepting applications to award one scientific research
grant to work in the project "New models for enhancing the kidney
transplantation process" in the following work area: Optimization.  We
are looking for candidates holding a PhD in Computer Engineering,
Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Operational Research or
similar. Candidates must have knowledge of Combinatorial Optimization,
experience in programming, and proficiency in English. Preference will
be given to candidates with advanced knowledge in Combinatorial
Optimization and strong experience in programming.

Project Summary:

This project concerns research and development of decision-support
tools to facilitate and improve the kidney transplantation process
involving living kidney donors. It promotes an important project of
public healthcare planning and management for developing advanced
models and solution techniques to “optimally” match up kidney patients
with donors.

New optimization models will be developed based on thorough analysis
of several significant issues involving the kidney transplantation
process that were not addressed before. In particular, critical
aspects such as concurrence or inconsistency of the regulatory
policies with final decisions of physicians will be captured; guidance
from national initiatives will be incorporated to keep the models
realistic and purposeful.

For efficiently solving the models, innovative solution approaches
will be formulated to achieve beyond state-of-the-art results. By
integrating new paradigms and methodologies, prototype software tools
will be designed, implemented and validated. Entire development work
will be done with close collaboration and guidance of Portuguese
healthcare organizations responsible for kidney transplantation
(Central Hospitals and National Authority for Blood and
Transplantation Services - ASST).

*Project Team*:
Prof. Ana Viana (Coordinator)
Dr. Abdur Rais
Prof. Filipe Alvelos
Prof. Gerardo Oliveira (MD)
Prof. João Pedro Pedroso
Prof. Miguel Fragoso Constantino 
National Authority for Blood and Transplantation Services
*Application Period*:  2012-02-22  to  2012-03-07
Duration of the Grant: 12 months (Renewable)

*Additional information regarding the application is available in:

[DMANET] Computational Optimization

[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]


Call for Papers

5th Workshop on Computational Optimization  (WCO 2012)
Wroclaw, Poland, September 9 - 12, 2012

FedCSIS - 2012


We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* combinatorial optimization
* global optimization
* multiobjective optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* large scale optimization
* parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
* random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and other
derivative free optimization methods
* nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms, ant
colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune artificial
systems etc)
* hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
*computational biology and optimization
* distance geometry and applications
* optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
* application of optimization methods on real life and industrial problems
* computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, medicine, engineering etc


Important dates:

22.04.2012 (April 22, 2012) – Full paper submission

17.06.2011 (June 17, 2012) – Notification of acceptance

8.07.2012 (July 8, 2012) – Camera-ready version of the accepted paper
and registration


Submission and Publication

* Authors should submit draft papers as PDF.
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
IEEE style templates are available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database (pending) and
indexed in the DBLP.
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference
will be published as Special Issue(s) of Studies of Computational
Intelligence of Springer.

If you have any question do not hesitate to send a mail to .

Organizing Committee

Stefka Fidanova, Bulgaria
Josef Tvrdik, Czech Republicc
Daniela Zaharie, Romania
Antonio Mucherino, France

Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642
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* via DMANET.

SIROCCO deadline extension

***SIROCCO 2012 deadline extension***

Papers may be submitted till Sunday 4 March, 9AM GMT,
awards nominations may be submitted until March 14th.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

ISMP 2012 - second call for presentations and session proposals


ISMP 2012 will take place in Berlin, Germany, August 19 - 24, 2012. ISMP is the world congress of mathematical optimization and is held every three years on behalf of the Mathematical Optimization Society.


Presentations on all theoretical, computational and practical aspects of mathematical programming in one of the program clusters are welcome (see ). Invited and contributed presentations will be organized in parallel sessions, each session consisting of three talks. Interested session organizers are invited to contact the cluster chairs of the cluster that fits their particular topic.

The deadline for submitting invited sessions has been extended to March 31, 2012. The deadline for submitting titles and abstracts of presentations is April 15, 2012. There is a one talk per speaker policy at ISMP, i.e., no participant will be able to register more than one presentation. Abstract submission and registration can be done online, via the conference webpage at


Nikhil Bansal, TU Eindhoven
Richard G. Baraniuk, Rice University
Dimitris Bertsimas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Xiaojun Chen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Michael P. Friedlander, University of British Columbia
Jorge Nocedal, Northwestern University
Teemu Pennanen, King's College London
Amin Saberi, Stanford University
Claudia Sagastizabal, CEPEL, Rio de Janeiro
Katya Scheinberg, Lehigh University
Christof Schütte, Freie Universität Berlin
Rekha R. Thomas, University of Washington
Robin Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rakesh V. Vohra, Northwestern University
Robert Weismantel, ETH Zürich


March 31, 2012: deadline for submitting invited sessions
April 15, 2012: abstract submission deadline
June 15, 2012: early registration deadline
August 19, 2012: opening ceremony at Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt

[DMANET] ISMP 2012 - second call for presentations and session proposals


ISMP 2012 will take place in Berlin, Germany, August 19 - 24, 2012. ISMP is the world congress of mathematical optimization and is held every three years on behalf of the Mathematical Optimization Society.


Presentations on all theoretical, computational and practical aspects of mathematical programming in one of the program clusters are welcome (see ). Invited and contributed presentations will be organized in parallel sessions, each session consisting of three talks. Interested session organizers are invited to contact the cluster chairs of the cluster that fits their particular topic.

The deadline for submitting invited sessions has been extended to March 31, 2012. The deadline for submitting titles and abstracts of presentations is April 15, 2012. There is a one talk per speaker policy at ISMP, i.e., no participant will be able to register more than one presentation. Abstract submission and registration can be done online, via the conference webpage at


Nikhil Bansal, TU Eindhoven
Richard G. Baraniuk, Rice University
Dimitris Bertsimas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Xiaojun Chen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Michael P. Friedlander, University of British Columbia
Jorge Nocedal, Northwestern University
Teemu Pennanen, King's College London
Amin Saberi, Stanford University
Claudia Sagastizabal, CEPEL, Rio de Janeiro
Katya Scheinberg, Lehigh University
Christof Schütte, Freie Universität Berlin
Rekha R. Thomas, University of Washington
Robin Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rakesh V. Vohra, Northwestern University
Robert Weismantel, ETH Zürich


March 31, 2012: deadline for submitting invited sessions
April 15, 2012: abstract submission deadline
June 15, 2012: early registration deadline
August 19, 2012: opening ceremony at Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt
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