Two tenure-track assistant professor positions at Delft
University of Technology
The Optimization section of Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics
invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions.
The successful candidate will have demonstrated excellence in
research and preferably some experience in teaching, and will
participate in both research and teaching activities. The
teaching activities will involve guidance of MSc and BSc projects,
teaching existing courses, and development of new courses. The
candidate will also participate in acquiring externally funded
research projects. The area of research can be any area of
deterministic optimization.
This vacancy is part of an incentive in which twelve tenure-track
positions in mathematics will become available at Dutch universities
and research institutes. This is made possible by the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science via the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO). For more information, please visit
For more details on job conditions and how to apply, go to
Choose the following options subsequently in the left margin menu:
Academic jobs
Then, scroll down for Mathematics.
Karen Aardal
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