Tuesday, February 4, 2014

[DMANET] CfP, IFORS 2014, Hyper-heuristics Stream and sessions

(apologies for multiple postings):

Dear Colleagues

You are invited to present work in the area of hyper-heuristics (or
adaptive control of search in general) in the hyper-heuristics stream,
in the Metaheuristics and Matheuristics area, at the IFORS conference in
Barcelona in July 2014 (http://ifors2014.org/).

All contributions are most welcome. Some ideas for topics that
could be addressed are, but not limited to:
- hyper-heuristics interfaces and their roles within general
optimisation frameworks
- general control of search and meta-heuristics
- applications of hyper-heuristics (or similar methods) to optimisation
- automated support for the generation of heuristics (including genetic
programming, etc)
- control of algorithm configuration and parameters

To submit an abstract, please visit http://ifors2014.upc.edu/abstract
Your abstract can contain up to 600 characters (but no mathematical
(For anyone unfamiliar with IFORS/EURO conferences, no paper is
required in order to give a talk only submission of the very short

To submit to one of the following invited sessions, please use the given
session invitation code:

Session: Hyperheuristics: Interfaces, Implementations and Applications
Chairs: Shahriar Asta and Daniel Karapetyan
Invitation code: : f9612ae1

Session: Algorithm Configuration: black, white and gray box
Chair: Patrick De Causmaecker
Invitation code: 6c079914

(Fuller desriptions of the sessions are given below.)

Submission deadline: 10th February 2014.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

best regards,
Andrew Parkes ajp@cs.nott.ac.uk

Fuller descriptions for the sessions:

Title: Hyperheuristics: Interfaces, Implementations and Applications
Chairs: Shahriar Asta and Daniel Karapetyan
Session invitation code: : f9612ae1
Abstracts are sought in the area of Hyperheuristics. Suggested
categories (but not limited to):
- Cross-domain benchmark platforms
- Reusable frameworks
- Open source and cross-platform implementations
- Parallel and concurrent implementations
- Practical and theoretical applications
- Case studies
- New problem domains and instance sets
- Hyperheuristics vs. metaheuristics
- Problem representation

Title: Algorithm Configuration: black, white and gray box
Chair: Patrick De Causmaecker
Session invitation code: 6c079914
The task of automated (off-line) algorithm configuration includes
finding a good parameter configuration for an algorithm based on some
performance measure and a problem instance distribution. This could be
considered as an expensive optimization problem. Currently, most
algorithms treat the target (configured) algorithm as a black-box, i.e.,
only the final result of each run of the target algorithm on a problem
instance is taken into account. If we "open the box", we could have a
gray-box or even a white-box configuration problem. An example of a
gray-box configuration problem could be the case when the target
algorithm is local search, and the collected information is the solution
obtained after each iteration. The box could be considered whiter when
more detail of the algorithm is used. We invite speakers to present
initial or advanced research concerning this issue.

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