Tuesday, October 20, 2015

[DMANET] PhD position in Structural Graph Theory, Logic and Parameterized Algorithms, in Brno, CZ, since 2016

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University, http://www.fi.muni.cz/,
announces an open call for a PhD position starting from February 2016,
in the following area:

* Topic: Structural Graph Theory and Algorithmic Metatheorems
Supervisor: Prof. Petr HlinÄ›ný
hlineny@fi.muni.cz, http://www.fi.muni.cz/~hlineny/

The perspective student shall work on width and depth parameters
(such as tree-width and tree-depth and other) of graphs and
other relational structures, and apply the theoretical results
in algorithmic metatheorems on restricted graph classes. The
focus shall be on investigation of sparse graph classes and on
complementary "dense" depth parameters such as the new
shrub-depth, and on metatheorems for problems formulated in FO
logic. Prior introductory knowledge of structural graph theory,
logic and parameterized complexity is welcome.

The deadline for application is January 12, 2016.

General information
Perspective PhD students are expected to show their research background
and skills in the area of the selected PhD topic. They should also be
proficient in English; knowledge of Czech is NOT necessary.

The PhD position is funded with a stipend of net value 20000CZK per
month, which is approximately 750Eur and is on the level of an average
net salary in the Czech Republic. The stipend is granted to successful
applicants for the first 2 years, with an expected renewal (after an
evaluation) for another 2 years. The total length of study is 4 years.

Application procedure
Applicants are strongly advised to contact their perspective supervisor
(hlineny@fi.muni.cz) for more specific details, well ahead of the
See for general information:

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* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
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