IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science,
announces the 36th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical
Computer Science (FSTTCS) conference at Chennai Mathematical Institute,
Chennai, India.
December 13--15, 2016, Chennai, India
The FSTTCS conference is a forum for presenting original results in
foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.
Representative areas include, but are not limited to, the following.
* Algorithms & data structures * Automata & formal languages
* Algorithmic graph theory * Models of concurrent, distributed
& combinatorics & mobile systems
* Approximation algorithms * Cryptography & security
* Combinatorial optimization * Game theory & mechanism design
* Communication complexity * Logic in computer science
* Computational complexity * Model theory & temporal logics
* Computational geometry * Computational biology
* Computational learning theory * Models of timed, reactive,
hybrid & stochastics systems
* Parallel, distributed * Principles & semantics of
& online algorithms programming languages
* Parameterized complexity * Program analysis & transformation
* Proof complexity * Specification, verification
& synthesis
* Quantum computing * Theorem proving & model checking
* Randomness in computing * Type systems, type theory & calculi
Submissions will be in electronic form via EasyChair. Submissions must
not exceed 12 pages (including the title page, but excluding
bibliography). The authors may include a clearly marked appendix
containing extra material, which will be read at the discretion of the
program committee. The submission must be formatted in the LIPIcs style
(see the conference website for more details). Simultaneous submissions
to journals or other conferences with published
proceedings are disallowed.
Submissions must be uploaded via
Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in
the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs).
Important Dates
Paper submission: July 15, 2016
Notification to authors: September 15, 2016
Camera-ready version due: October 15, 2016
Conference: December 13-15, 2016
Invited Speakers
Tevfik Bultan (UCSB)
Holger Hermanns (Saarland Univ.)
Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Mikkel Thorup (Univ. Copenhagen)
(more to be added)
Program Committee Chairs
Akash Lal (MSR India)
S. Akshay (IIT Bombay)
Saket Saurabh (IMSc)
Sandeep Sen (IIT Delhi)
Program Committee
Olaf Beyersdorff (University of Leeds)
Umang Bhaskar (TIFR)
Parinya Chalermsook (MPI)
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (TIFR)
Ajit Diwan (IIT Bombay)
Samir Datta (CMI)
Fabrizio Grandoni (IDSIA)
Daniel Lokshtanov (University of Bergen)
M. S. Ramanujan (TU Wien)
Chandan Saha (IISc Bangalore)
Saket Saurabh (IMSc)
Sandeep Sen (IIT Delhi)
Mohit Singh (MSR, Redmond)
Chaitanya Swamy (University of Waterloo)
Kasturi R. Varadarajan (The University of Iowa)
Neal Young (University of California, Riverside)
S. Akshay (IIT Bombay)
Patricia Bouyer (LSV Cachan)
Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria)
Pedro D'Argenio (Univ. Nac. Cordoba)
Alastair Donaldson (Imperial College, London)
Pranav Garg (Amazon India)
Aditya Kanade (IISc Bangalore)
Steve Kremer (LORIA, Nancy)
Shuvendu Lahiri (MSR)
Akash Lal (MSR India)
Slawomir Lasota (University of Warsaw)
Madhavan Mukund (CMI)
Sophie Pinchinat (University of Rennes 1)
M Praveen (CMI)
Ashish Tiwari (SRI)
James Worrell (University of Oxford)
Organizing Committee
Computer Science Group, CMI
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