Monday, July 25, 2016

[DMANET] Postdoc position on network algorithms at TU Eindhoven

Postdoc position on network algorithms at TU Eindhoven

We are looking for a highly motivated, strong algorithms researcher with a PhD in computer science or mathematics, for a two-year postdoc position on network algorithms. Candidates should have a proven track record in algorithms research, preferably related to network problems. We welcome applications from candidates from a broad area within algorithms research, ranging from computational geometry to graph algorithms and FPT algorithms. Candidates working on algorithmic aspects of sensor networks, for instance, can also apply.

The project is part of the NETWORKS program (<>) and will take place in the Algorithms Group of the TU Eindhoven (TU/e), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The TU/e Algorithms Group performs research with a focus on computational geometry and FPT and graph algorithms. Currently the group consists of Mark de Berg, Kevin Buchin, Herman Haverkort, and Bart Jansen, and several PhD students. Hans Bodlaender (Utrecht University) is associated to the group as a part-time professor. Besides the Algorithms Group, the department has two more groups working on related areas, the Applied Geometric Algorithms group and the Combinatorial Optimization group. One of the goals of the NETWORKS program is to bring together researchers from algorithms and from stochastics, to jointly work on network problems. Thus we especially encourage algorithms researchers with an interest in stochastic aspects of network algorithms to apply.

We offer
We offer a postdoc position in a strong and stimulating environment: the Algorithms Group is among the largest and strongest groups world-wide in its research areas, and the embedding into the NETWORKS project offers great opportunities for workshops and other activities and for collaboration. This position will allow you to develop your own research agenda on network algorithms and to collaborate with top experts in the field. Gross salary is in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement of the Dutch Universities and depends on your experience. The TU Eindhoven offers a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, child daycare and excellent sports facilities).

Further information.
For more information about the position, please contact Mark de Berg (

How to apply

Your application should contain, in a combined pdf:

* letter of motivation

* CV, including list of publications

* research statement

You can send your application by email to In addition, please provide two reference letters. These letters should be sent directly (by the person providing the letter) to The subject line of the email should be: "Letter of recommendation for ..." (with the name of the applicant inserted).

Closing Date: The opening closes on August 31, 2016.

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