We are looking for two strong and motivated students with a background in geometric algorithms for two four-year PhD projects in the general area of geometric algorithms and their applications. The prospective PhD students can define their own research project, in collaboration with any of the potential supervisors. We are specifically looking for applicants with an interest in algorithms for spatially informed visualization and algorithms for mobile agents. However, we are also open for any topic that lies within the combined expertise of the TU/e Algorithms Cluster. The projects will take place in either of the two Algorithms groups at TU Eindhoven, which jointly form the Algorithms cluster.
TU/e Algorithms Cluster
TU Eindhoven has one of the largest and strongest groups in the world working on various areas within algorithms. Possible supervisors are any faculty members of the cluster: Mark de Berg, Kevin Buchin, Bart Jansen, Wouter Meulemans, Morteza Monemizadeh, Irina Kostitsyna, Bettina Speckmann, and Kevin Verbeek. See https://aga.win.tue.nl/ and https://www.win.tue.nl/algo/ for more information.
TU Eindhoven and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
TU Eindhoven (TU/e) was established in 1956 as a polytechnic. It has grown into a university with nine departments. TU/e now has approximately 3000 employees (incl. PhD students) and 8000 BSc and MSc students. Our Department offers several Bachelor and Master programs, all of which are taught in English. The TU/e campus is in the center of Eindhoven. The city of Eindhoven is located in the south of the Netherlands. It is a lively city with about 200,000 inhabitants, making it the fifth largest city of the Netherlands. Including suburbs the population is about 400,000.
Job requirements
We are looking for two highly motivated candidates with an MSc in mathematics or computer science and a strong background in algorithms and theoretical computer science. Prior knowledge of computational geometry and an affinity with experimental work and implementations is a plus.
Being a PhD student in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, every PhD student gets paid a salary; no additional grants are needed. Moreover, although PhD students sometimes take courses, there is no minimum requirement. Hence, PhD students are more like employees than like students. Indeed, the Dutch word for PhD student translates to "research trainee". The work of a PhD student may include assisting in courses of BSc or MSc programs of the department. This amounts to around 10% of the time; the remaining time is spent on research and research-related activities. Foreign PhD students need not speak Dutch: it is easy to get by with English, not only at the university but also in everyday life.
What we offer
We offer two PhD positions in a stimulating research environment. Gross salary ranges from € 2.325 per month in the first year increasing up to € 2.972 in the fourth year. TU Eindhoven offers a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical infrastructure, child care, and excellent sports facilities).
Further information
For additional information about the positions or about the working conditions, please contact Bettina Speckmann (b.speckmann[at]tue.nl).
How to apply
Please apply through the following website:
https://jobs.tue.nl/en/vacancy/2-phd-student-positions-in-geometric-algorithms-851829.html (via the button 'Apply now')
Besides personal and contact information, you should upload the following PDF documents:
• a letter of motivation, including the research topic you are interested in (named motivation.pdf)
• a CV (named cv.pdf)
• a list of courses and grades (named courses.pdf)
• your Master's thesis if it is already completed (named thesis.pdf)
Do not upload any other documents.
In addition, please provide one or two letters of reference. These letters should be sent directly (by the person providing the letter) to Ms. Agnes van den Reek (a.k.m.v.d.reek[at]tue.nl). The subject line of the email should be: "Letter of recommendation for ..." (with the name of the applicant inserted).
Closing Date: June 5, 2020.
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