Monday, October 23, 2023

[DMANET] Open Assistant Professor position at Politecnico di Milano

The Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics research group "door" ( at the School of Management (SoM) of Politecnico di Milano opened an Assistant Professor position (RTdA) in Artificial Intelligence.
The position is a full-time fixed-term commitment of 3+2 years, with a preferred start date in the first half of 2024. Teaching in Bachelor and Master of Science courses is a duty. Salary and teaching loads are comparable to other academic institutions abroad.

The position focuses on the design and validation of AI-based models and algorithms for complex environments where different agents (i.e. humans and robots) interact and collaborate to achieve a specific goal. Attention will be devoted, but not limited, to developing machine learning techniques to build early warning systems or to enhance the safety of the environment. The potential of data-driven digital twin (DT) approaches to create smart systems for process optimization will be also explored.

Eligible candidates must have a PhD degree and an excellent, proven, research track record in at least one of the following fields: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Intelligent Systems, Human-Robot Interaction.
Strong skills in programming languages (including C/C++, Python) are also required.

The call is available at:

The deadline for applications is:
November 16, 2023

For more information contact:
Prof. Carlotta Orsenigo (

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