Monday, October 23, 2023

[DMANET] PhD position in theory of distributed algorithms

One PhD positions is available in the Algorithms & Complexity group of
Yannic Maus ( at TU Graz, Austria. The
group has a broad interest in algorithms and complexity, currently with
a strong focus on modern models of computation such as distributed and
massively parallel computing.

Who are we looking for?
Are you particularly attracted by algorithmic and/or combinatorial
questions? Are you also fascinated by the possibilities of future
computer applications that will be built on top of various forms of
large-scale networks and highly parallel systems? Ideally, you have a
strong background in computer science or a related field. We expressly
encourage students from maths to apply if they are interested in
algorithmic questions and/or like graphs. A background in distributed or
parallel algorithms is not necessary.

What we offer:
All positions are fully funded and come with excellent working
conditions, such as a competitive salary, social security, 25 days of
vacation, and  travel support. The group is located at the vibrant and
strongly growing faculty of computer science and biomedical engineering,
providing the potential for collaborations within TU Graz. Additionally,
the group has established strong ties to several leading research groups
at TU Graz, across Austria, Europe, and beyond. For example, we have
ongoing collaborations with groups in Germany, Finland, Iceland and
Israel. While it is not formally required, we strongly encourage and
support international collaborations and international research visits.
Participation in teaching is encouraged (at most one day a week), but
not required. The starting dates of the positions are flexible
(optimally starting in early summer 2023). Knowledge of German is not

Graz is known for its quality of life, a large amount of sunshine and
excellent food. With the Alps in the north, vineyards in the south,  and
Slovenia and Croatia being close it offers ample close-by opportunities
for leisure activities and vacation. With 300.000 inhabitants Graz is
Austria's second largest city with a thriving cultural life to which
also the more than 50.000 students contribute. The rental cost is
significantly cheaper than in other European cities.

An inclusive environment and balancing family and career are important
aspects to the group and the university. We encourage women to apply.

Applications including
- a short cover letter indicating your interest in algorithms and
pursueing a PhD,
- a full curriculum vitae,
- your Master's thesis (if already available),
- study manuscript (together with grades), and
- other relevant documents (e.g., recommendation letters),
should be sent electronically to Assistant Professor Yannic Maus
(, if possible as a single pdf file. Our mail
system most likely refuses files other than .pdf files. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to contact me (
Informal inquiries are welcome.

We will accept applications until the positions are filled. However, for
full consideration, please submit your application by November 26, 2023.

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