Tuesday, May 28, 2024

[DMANET] DSN 2024 Brisbane, Australia -- Call for participation

DSN 2024 Brisbane, Australia -- Call for participation

The 54th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference
on Dependable Systems and Networks

Brisbane, Australia
June 24-27, 2024


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend you
a warm welcome to the 54th Annual IEEE/IFIP
International Conference on Dependable Systems
and Networks (DSN 2024), organised by The University
of Queensland, Australia.

Over the years DSN has become a forum to present
the best world research in the fusion between
dependability and security research, understanding
the need to simultaneously fight against accidental
faults, intentional cyber-attacks, design errors,
and unexpected operating conditions.

We are looking forward to a great conference filled
with ideas from industry and academia.


Registration is open. Please visit this link:


DSN 2024 will be held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia from 24 to 27 June 2024.
Brisbane, the capital city of the beautiful state of Queensland.
Brisbane is also a gateway to some of Australia's most renowned attractions.
Just a short drive away, you'll discover the breathtaking beauty of the
Gold Coast's golden beaches, or you can venture to the north to
explore the wonders of the Sunshine Coast.

Events include;
- Research Track, Industry Track, Workshops, Doctoral Forum,
Posters, Artifacts, Tutorials and Disrupts.
- DSN 2024 Mentoring: https://dsn2024uq.github.io/mentoring.html
- Awards
- Banquet, etc.

Organizing Committee:

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
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