International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY 2024)
(co-located with the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning,
IJCAR 2024)
*** Important Dates *** (Extended)
* Round 1 (notification before early registration deadline)
Submission: May 15 for paper categories, May 25 for talk abstracts,
Notification: May 30
* Round 2 (notification after early registration deadline)
Submission: June 10 (talk abstracts only!)
Notification: June 15
* Workshop: July 1
*** Overview ***
Quantifiers play an important role in language extensions of many logics.
The use of quantifiers often allows for a more succinct encoding as it
would be possible without quantifiers. However, the introduction of
quantifiers affects the complexity of the extended formalism in general.
In consequence, theoretical results established for the quantifier-free
formalism may not directly be transferred to the quantified case. Further,
techniques successfully implemented in reasoning tools for quantifier-free
formulas cannot directly be lifted to a quantified version.
The goal of the Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY 2024) is
to bring together researchers who investigate the impact of
quantification from a theoretical as well as from a practical
point of view. Quantification is a topic in different research
areas, e.g., in SAT in terms of QBF, in CSP in terms of QCSP,
in SMT, ATP, Computer Algebra, etc.
This workshop has the aim to provide an interdisciplinary forum
where researchers of various fields may exchange their experiences.
In particular, the following topics shall be considered at the workshop:
* Theoretical aspects of quantification.
* Practical aspects of quantification.
* Intersections between the different research communities
working on quantification.
*** Organizers ***
* Konstantin Korovin, University of Manchester, UK
* Martina Seidl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
*** Program Committee ***
Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University
Hubie Chen, King's College London
Pascal Fontaine, Université de Liège, Belgium
Alberto Griggio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Konstantin Korovin, University of Manchester, UK (co-chair)
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart
Martina Seidl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (co-chair)
Friedrich Slivovsky, University of Liverpool
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
*** Submission ***
Submissions of extended abstracts, full papers, and tutorials are solicited
and will be managed via Easychair:
Submitted papers should be formatted in LNCS format.
We solicit three types of submissions:
* Talk abstracts (maximum two pages, excluding references)
describing already published results.
* Full papers (maximum 15 pages, excluding references) on novel,
unpublished work.
* Tutorial papers (maximum 15 pages, excluding references)
introducing a research field related to quantifiers.
The talk abstracts should include a relevant bibliography of related work
and an outline of the planned talk. For this category, we explicitly
talks which summarize the results of one or more already published papers.
Full papers should contain novel, unpublished work that qualifies to be
published in a special issue of a journal or formal workshop proceedings.
Tutorial papers shoul survey results already published, maybe in multiple
articles or presentations capturing the commonalities and differences
of various quantification approaches (perhaps even interdisciplinary).
Each submission will be assessed by the program committee and the workshop
organizers with respect to novelty, originality, and scope.
Submissions related to completed work as well as work in progress are
Authors are encouraged to provide additional material such as source code
tools, experimental data, benchmarks and related publications in an
or a related webpage. The additional material will be considered at the
discretion of the reviewers.
Previously published work or extensions thereof may be submitted to the
workshop but that case has to be explicitly stated in the submitted paper.
This regulation also applies to work which is currently under review
Authors of accepted abstracts and papers are expected to give a talk
at the workshop.
*** Plans for Publications ***
The outcomes of the discussions will be summarized in a workshop report,
which can be made publicly available as technical report (unless the
participants decide not to do so).
In case we get enough full and tutorial papers, we will organize a
special issue on quantificaton (e.g., in the Journal of Satisfiablity
or formal workshop proceedings.
*** Contact ***
For any questions, contact <>.
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