Thursday, June 20, 2024

[DMANET] 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024) - Workshop Submissions

21st International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2024
November 2 - November 8, 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam

Deadline for submissions: July 17, 2024
Conference web site:

-- Call for Workshop Submissions --

The 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024) will be held later this year,
November 2 - 8, 2024, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
There are five co-located workshops of significant interest to the
community that will be held prior to the main KR 2024 conference.
Some of these workshops are well-established, and others are
relatively new dealing with cutting-edge research developments.
These workshops provide a leisurely opportunity to know what is
happening out there, and interact with researchers in some niche areas
related to KR. They also provide a forum to thrash out preliminary
ideas before an expert audience, as well as disseminate published
ideas. That most of these workshops have plans to publish selected
papers in established forums is a bonus.

The submission deadline for all these workshops is July 17, 2024,
one week after the acceptance notification date for the KR 2024
main track. So submissions to the main track that just missed out can
still submit to these workshops. Brief information on these workshops,
including links to workshop sites and submission sites, is provided

-- 5th Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based
Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2024) --

This workshop focuses on the application of KR methods to explainable
AI. It aims to bring together relevant researchers and facilitate
exchange of their experiences and approaches. Submissions of novel, as
well as previously published, ideas are encouraged.

Submission Site:

Workshop Site:

-- Next-Generation Language Models
for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (NeLaMKRR 2024) --

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
working on language models, knowledge representation, and reasoning,
in diverse domains including health, law, and science. It encourages
submissions on novel techniques, approaches, and ideas on related

Submission Site:

Workshop Site:

-- International Workshop on Logical Aspects
in Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS&SR 2024) --

This is a joint workshop, merging LAMAS (Logical Aspects of
Multi-Agent Systems), which focuses on logical aspects of multi-agent
systems from the vantage points of artificial intelligence, computer
science, and game theory, and SR (Strategic Reasoning), devoted to
strategic reasoning in formal methods and AI. LAMAS&SR is soliciting
submissions of extended abstracts of both published and unpublished
works on related topics, from theoretical foundations to algorithmic
methods and implemented tools.

Submission Site:

Workshop Site:

-- 1st Workshop on Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic Architectures
for Intelligent Robotics Technology (SYNERGY) --

This is the only half-a-day workshop among the five, and is aligned
with a related tutorial (Cogent: a Neuro-Symbolic Platform for KR&R in
Natural Language) to be held on different parts of the same day.
It aims to generate an in-depth discussion on Knowledge Representation
(KR) and neuro-symbolic architectures. While the workshop centres on
KR-based architectures, submissions related to ML and LLMs with clear
relevance to KR and neuro-symbolic architectures are also welcome.

Submission Site:

Workshop Site:

-- Joint Workshop on Knowledge Diversity
and Cognitive Aspects of KR (KoDis/CAKR 2024) --

This is a joint workshop, merging two pre-existing related workshops:
Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of KR (CAKR) and of the Workshop on
Knowledge Diversity (KoDis). It aims to create a space for discussion
among researchers interested in knowledge diversity in a wide sense,
and bring together experts from diverse fields including artificial
intelligence, psychology, cognitive science and philosophy to discuss
important questions related to cognitive aspects of knowledge
representation. Submissions of both mature and preliminary work, long
or short, as well as reports on recently published papers in reputed
venues, are welcome.

Submission Site:

Workshop Site:

KR Inc., not for profit Scientific Foundation, , Massachusetts, USA , ,

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