Friday, June 21, 2024

[DMANET] Deadline approaching: Doctoral position for 3.5 years at the Hamburg University of Technology

The research group for theoretical computer science at the Hamburg University of Technology is inviting applications for one full-time PhD position to do research in the field of homomorphism problems and connections to quantum computing. The project offers a variety of questions in many different fields of mathematics and computer science such universal algebra, linear algebra, or computational complexity.

The position is a full-time position on the echelon E13 of the German public salary scale (100% TV-L E13, which amounts to about 2600 euros net per month depending on family situation) for a duration of 3.5 years. The successful candidate is expected to start as soon as possible.

The successful applicant holds or is about to finish a Master's degree in computer science (with a theoretical focus) or mathematics. They are motivated by academic research and have a broad background in computer science or mathematics. The position does not include any teaching obligation, but teaching on a voluntary basis can be arranged.

Informal inquiries are encouraged and should be directed to Antoine Mottet ( <>). The deadline for application is 28 June 2024. Applications are done at the following address:

The documents to be provided are:
- a cover letter,
- a short CV,
- copies of university degrees and transcripts,
- a copy of the thesis produced towards the obtention of a Master's degree in computer science or mathematics (in case the applicant has not finished their Master's thesis, provide an abstract of the topic of the thesis),
- a letter of reference.
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