Thursday, February 20, 2025

[DMANET] HIGHLIGHTS 2025 - Call For Presentations

HIGHLIGHTS'25 (Saarbrücken, Germany 1-5 September 2025) AND HCRW (6-12

*HIGHLIGHTS'25* is scheduled *from September 1 to September 5, 2025*
at the *University
of Saarland in Saarbrücken, Germany*. It will be followed by the *Highlights
Collaborative Research Week (HCRW)*, from *September 6 to 12, 2025*.

*HIGHLIGHTS'25* is the thirteenth in the series of international
conferences "Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata", aiming at
integrating the community working in algorithmic model theory, automata
theory, databases, games for logic and verification, logic and
verification. Papers from these areas are dispersed across many
conferences, which makes them difficult to follow. A visit to the
HIGHLIGHTS conference should offer a wide picture of the latest research in
the field and a chance to meet everybody in the community, not just those
who happen to publish in one particular proceedings volume. There are no

*HIGHLIGHTS'25* key features:

- HIGHLIGHTS is a conference without publications, where speakers give
short presentations of their best work.
- A chat of the conference is available during the event, and throughout
the year.
- There is an early round of submissions and notifications to help with
travel planning.
- The *Highlights' Collaborative Research Week* (*HCRW*) offers means
for research collaborations/discussions between participants. HCRW is
scheduled after the conference.
- The *Highlights Extended Stay Support Scheme* (*HESSS*) helps
participants find collaborators and organise visits in the vicinity of

We encourage you to attend and present your best work - be it already
published or not - at *HIGHLIGHTS'25*.

Representative areas include, but are not restricted to:

- Algebraic models of computation
- Algorithmic model theory
- Automata theory
- Databases
- Games for logic and verification
- Logic
- Verification


- HIGHLIGHTS'25 webpage:
- Registration to the chat at (no need if you did it last
- Submission page:
- Registration page: TBA
- Early submission deadline: April 16, 2025
- Early notification: May 7, 2025
- Regular submission deadline: May 28, 2025
- Notification: June 19, 2025
- Registration deadline: TBA
- Conference: September 1 - 5, 2025.
- *Highlights' Collaborative Research Week* (*HCRW*): September 6 - 12,
- Estimated registration fee: <=100€


*HIGHLIGHTS'25* is an event that will take place on-site (barring
unforeseen circumstances), and the preferred form of participation is in
person. Remote attendance via a video stream will also be offered, but with
limited possible interactions for these participants.

Submission for a presentation at Highlights'25 is open to everyone, and
attendance to the conference is not a requirement. The selection procedure
will not take into account in-person attendance. Authors who do not intend
to attend Highlights'25 in-person must commit to this choice when
submitting their talk proposal. If accepted, authors of such talk proposals
will have the opportunity to share a prerecorded video of their talk, which
will be made available on the conference website.

Before coming from far away, please review how your trip and international
flights are contributing to climate change. We encourage you to take the
train as much as possible, possibly taking the opportunity for visiting
colleagues on the way and thus decomposing the travel into smaller pieces.

More generally, we encourage you to make the most of your stay. This means
extending your journey to the previous and/or following weeks for more
scientific activities in Saarbrücken and around. Several initiatives are
here to help you in this task:

- You can participate in the *Highlights' Collaborative Research
Week* (*HCRW
<>, September 6 - 12*) in the
week after HIGHLIGHTS, in Saarbrücken.
- You can use the *Highlights Extended Stay Support Scheme* (*HESSS
<>*) for finding
collaborators and organising visits.


Submissions should take the form of a short abstract describing the content
of the presentation and its interest. It should serve as a proposal for a
presentation. Hence, submissions should have a single author — the speaker.
They can concern any recently published, to be published, or ongoing work
of the speaker. We expect you to present your favourite result of the year,
so there should be at most one submission per speaker. The abstract should
list co-authors, if any. Optionally, an extended abstract of up to two
pages may be attached as a PDF file.

We encourage both young and senior researchers to present.

The *first early round of submissions is open until April 16*. By
submitting before this first deadline, you will profit from an *early
notification by May 7* which may help you in organising your journey. Other
presentations are to be submitted by May 28, with a notification by June

Submissions will not lead to publications. There are no formal proceedings
and we encourage the presentation of work published or presented elsewhere.

The talk (which is short, around 10 minutes) can be doubled with a poster.
Further information about poster submissions will be provided.

*Submission page:*

*HIGHLIGHTS'25* will be followed by the *Highlights' Collaborative Research
Week* (*HCRW*), *from September 6 to 12 at the University of Saarbrücken*.

Participants to HCRW are free to organise any scientific activity they
wish. Possibilities can be to

- meet someone in particular and work together,
- organise or attend a seminar/workshop/reading group,
- gather for solving open problems,
- solicit, offer and participate in a lecture.
Working spaces will be provided on site for these activities to take

We encourage participants to declare their intent to come and offer
activities in advance using the chat of highlights.

The *HESSS* is an incentive for collaborations between participants of the
conference and researchers working in research groups reachable by train
from the conference location. The objective is to foster interactions with
low carbon footprint. The mechanism is as follows:

- Research groups willing to participate in the scheme will be listed on
the webpage: These groups
are offering to fund collaborations between HIGHLIGHTS participants and
their members.
- The pair of a HIGHLIGHTS participant and a member of a listed research
group submit a proposal, which takes the form of an email containing names,
period of collaboration, and a sentence describing the planned activity. It
has to be sent to the *HESSS* contact person of the research unit.
- The decision of acceptance is up to the research group. In particular,
it may be subject to scientific scope, number of requests, or e.g.,
favouring distant participants.
- The only strict rule is that the visit should be around HIGHLIGHTS,
and no airplane should be taken by the visitor to travel from HIGHLIGHTS to
the visit location.



Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland, and Gran Sasso Science
Institute, L'Aquila, Italy)
Christel Baier (TU Dresden, Germany), chair
Marie van den Bogaard (Universite Gustav Eiffel, France)
Michael Blondin (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)
Agata Ciabattoni (TU Vienna, Austria)
Wojciech Czerwiński (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge, UK)
Dana Fisman (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
Marianna Girlando (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Ichiro Hasuo (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan)
Antoine Mottet (TU Hamburg, Germany)
B. Srivathsan (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
Patrick Totzke (University of Liverpool, UK)
Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
Thomas Zeume (Ruhr University, Germany)

- Benjamin Kaminski


- Antoine Amarilli (environmental chair)
- León Bohn (webmaster)
- Antonio Casares (publicity chair)
- Supratik Chakraborty
- Thomas Colcombet (chair)
- Bartek Klin
- Sławek Lasota
- Sophie Tison

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] COCOON 2025 Call for Papers

COCOON 2025 Call for Papers
The 31st International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2025) will be held in Chengdu, China during 15-17 August, 2025. Original research papers in the areas of algorithms, theory of computation, computational complexity, and combinatorics related to computing are solicited. In addition to theoretical results, we are also interested in submissions that report on experimental and applied research of general algorithmic interest. Special consideration will be given to research that is motivated by real-world problems. Experimental and applied papers are expected to show convincingly the usefulness and efficiency of the algorithms discussed in a practical setting.

Important Dates
Submission: March 5, 2025, 23:59 AoE
Notification: May 5, 2025 AoE
Camera-ready: May 20, 2024 AoE
Conference: August 15 – August 17, 2025
AoE: Anywhere on Earth time, UTC -12 hours

Topics of interest
The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Approximation Algorithms and Online Algorithms
Automata, Languages, Logic, and Computability
Combinatorics Related to Algorithms and Complexity
Complexity Theory
Computational Learning Theory and Knowledge Discovery
Cryptography, Reliability and Security, and Database Theory
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computational Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory
Exact and Parameterized Algorithms
Graph Drawing and Information Visualization
Graph Theory, Communication Networks, and Optimization
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Paper Submission
The submission should contain scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including the motivation and a clear comparison with related work. The length of the submission should not exceed 12 pages in LNCS style (including references, but excluding the optional appendix). Springer's proceedings LaTeX templates are available here. The submitted papers will be reviewed in a double-blind peer review manner. Please delete the author information on your manuscript. All submissions must be submitted electronically through Easychair. This is the submission link.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and will be available for distribution at the conference. Selected high quality papers will be invited for submission to some journals. Previous COCOON proceedings were also published by Springer, which can be found from the link:

Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. To be eligible for the best student paper award, all authors must be full-time students at the time of submission. Please indicate in the final line of the abstract that the paper is being considered for the best student paper award. The program committee reserves the right to withhold these awards or to split them between multiple recipients.

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* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

[DMANET] [CFP] The 34th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2025), August 4 - 7, 2025, Tokyo, Japan

*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP



The 34th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
(ICCCN 2025)
August 4 - 7, 2025, Tokyo, Japan


ICCCN 2025 is Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE and IEEE Communication

Paper Submission link:
(for all Conference, Workshop, and Poster papers). The paper submission
site is open now.

IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission due: February 13, 2025

ICCCN is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel
ideas and fundamental advances in the fields of computer communications and
networks. ICCCN serves to foster communication among researchers and
practitioners with a common interest in improving computer communications
and networking through scientific and technological innovation.


The primary focus of the ICCCN 2025 conference is on new and original
research results in the areas of design, implementation, and applications
of computer communications and networks. ICCCN 2025 covers the following
technical Tracks (the detailed Track scope and descriptions are posted at

Track 1: Infrastructure Networking Technologies
Track Chairs: Noriaki Kamiyama, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Ke Xu, Tsinghua University, China
Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, Italy

Track 2: Network Architecture, Algorithm, Protocol, and Evaluation
Track Chairs: Go Hasegawa, Tohoku University, Japan
Subhramoy Mohanti, Interdigital, USA
Berk Canberk, Edinburgh Napier University, U.K.

Track 3: IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems
Track Chairs: Marco Di Felice, University of Bologna, Italy
Yingshu Li, Georgia State University, USA
Enrico Natalizio, Technology Innovation Institute, UAE

Track 4: Edge and Cloud Computing
Track Chairs: Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
Huaming Wu, Tianjin University, China

Track 5: Pervasive Communications, Networking and Sensing
Track Chairs: Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Sara Garcia Sanchez, IBM Research, USA
Jia Hu, University of Exeter, U.K.

Track 6: Social Networks, Extended Reality, and Metaverse
Track Chairs: Maria Gorlatova, Duke University, USA
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA
Bin Cao, University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Track 7: AI-Enabled Communications and Networks
Track Chairs: Hongjian Sun, University of Durham, U.K.
Tugba Erpek, Nexcepta, USA
Wei Bao, University of Sydney, Australia

Track 8: Security, Privacy, and Trust
Track Chairs: Rui Zhang, University of Delaware, USA
Abderrahim Benslimane, University of Avignon, France
Haojin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Track 9: Emerging Topics in Networking
Track Chairs: Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad, TU Delft, Netherlands
Richard Li, Southeast University, China
Rahman Doost-Mohammady, Rice University, USA



Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready
format (double-column, 10-pt font) and must be submitted via EasyChair ( as PDF files (formatted
for 8.5×11-inch paper). The manuscripts should be no longer than 9 pages
including all figures/tables and references. Submitted papers should not be
previously published in or be under consideration for publication in
another conference or journal. Paper titles and/or author names cannot be
changed and/or added to the papers after the submission deadline or in the
camera-ready version if accepted. The Program Committee reserves the right
to not review papers that either exceed the length specification or have
been submitted or published elsewhere. Submissions must include a title,
abstract, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and e-mail
addresses. Note: ICCCN'25 will select the Best Paper and a runner-up paper
to recognize the research quality and excellence. The Program Committee
reserves the right to recommend some borderline conference papers to be
accepted as short papers in the conference (the short papers should be no
longer than 6 pages including all figures/tables and references).


Submitted papers will be reviewed by the TPC and judged on originality,
technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. An accepted
paper must be presented at the conference venue by a registered author at
the full registration rate. Each full registration covers up to two
conference papers authored by the registered author. If the originally
registered author is unable to attend the conference due to extenuating
circumstance, he/she must explicitly ask for the transfer of registration
to one of the other authors of the paper. Please note that the registration
cannot be transferred to a nonauthor presenter under any circumstances.
Accepted and presented (onsite) papers will be published in the conference
proceedings and IEEE Xplore.


ICCCN 2025 workshops are exciting forums to present, discuss, and formulate
specialize topics and emerging hot research topics (new areas, new problems
or new methods). The workshops offer a perspective distinct from and
complementary to the research themes of the main conference. Workshop
papers should be no longer than 6 pages including all figures/tables and
references. The detailed info can be found in each workshop's Call for
Papers from ( For
any questions or additional information, please contact the Workshop
General or Workshop Program Chairs.


ICCCN 2025 provides an opportunity to present in-progress work in the
fields of computer communications and networks. Topics of interest are the
same as the research topics in the ICCCN 2025 main conference Call for
Papers. Early implementations, prototypes, work-in-progress
systems/applications as well as commercial products that are related to the
topics are welcome. Presenting a poster is an effective way to obtain early
and valuable feedback from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Posters
must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column,
10-pt font). Each poster submission must be no longer than 2 pages
including all figures/tables and references.

IMPORTANT DATES: All times below are 11:59 pm (New York, USA);

• Conference Paper submission due: February 13, 2025
• Poster Paper submission due: March 29, 2025
• Acceptance Notification: May 10, 2025
• Conference date: August 4 – 7, 2025

• Paper submission due: March 1, 2025
• Acceptance Notification: May 10, 2025
• Workshop date: August 6 - 7, 2025

All (conference/poster/workshops) Camera-Ready Papers Due: June 2, 2025
(Hard deadline)

Submission Link:


Executive Chair: Krishna Kant, Temple University, USA

General Chair: Akihiro Nakao, University of Tokyo, Japan

TPC Co-Chairs: Ruidong Li, Kanazawa University, Japan
Kaushik Chowdhury, University of Texs-Austin, USA

Workshops Co-General Chairs:
Kewei Sha, University of North Texas, USA
Zehui Xiong, Singapore Univ of Tech and Design

Poster Co-Chairs:
Neeraj Kumar, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Peng Li, Aizu University, Japan

Local Arrangement Chairs:
Kazuya Sakai, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Taku Yamazaki, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

Publications Chair:
Ning Zhang, University of Windsor, Canada

Publicity Co-Chairs:
(America) Mostafa Fouda, Idaho State University, ID, USA
(Europe) Zhengxin Yu, Lancaster University, U.K.
(Japan) Makoto Misumi, Fukuoka University, Japan
(Asia) Qiao Xiang, Xiamen University, China
(Oceania) Wei Xiang, La Trobe University, Australia

Publicity Chair for Workshops:
Guan Gui, Nanjing University of Post and Telecomm., China

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[DMANET] IWOCA 2025 --- Final Call for Papers

The 36th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2025) will be held during July 21-24, 2025, in Bozeman, MT, USA.
(Bozeman is 90 miles away from Yellowstone National Park, and late July is probably the best time to visit Yellowstone.)
Conference Webpage:

Important Dates (a.o.e.)
Abstract submission: February 27, 2025
Paper submission: March 02, 2025
Notification: April 22, 2025
Camera Ready: April 30, 2025
Conference: July 21-24, 2025

NEWS: Confirmed Invited Speakers
Pawel Gawrychowski, University of Wrocław, Poland
Saket Saurabh, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, and University of Bergen, Norway

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Ad Hoc, Dynamic and Evolving Networks
Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithms on Strings & Graphs
Algorithms for Big Data and Networks Analytics
Algorithmic Game Theory
Approximation Algorithms
Combinatorial Generation, Enumeration and Counting
Combinatorial Optimization
Complexity Theory
Combinatorics of Words
Computational Algebra and Geometry
Computational Biology
Cryptography and Information Security
Distributed and Parallel Algorithms
Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms
Fine-grained Complexity
Foundations of Cloud Computing
Graph Algorithms for Social Network Analysis
Graph Drawing and Labelling
Graph Theory & Combinatorics
Mobile Agents
New Paradigms of Computation
Online Algorithms
Parameterized and Exact Algorithms
Probabilistic and Randomized Algorithms
Streaming Algorithms

Conference Proceedings will be published in the LNCS series of Springer, within the ARCoSS subline.
Journal Special Issues
Authors of selected papers accepted to IWOCA will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a Special Issue in some reputed journals.

Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. To be eligible for the best student paper award, at least one of the paper authors must be a full-time student at the time of submission, and the student(s) must have made a significant contribution to the paper.
The program committee may decline to make these awards or may split them.

Special Issues are planned with Journal of Computer and System Sciences as well as with Acta Informatica.

Submission instructions
Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts reporting original unpublished research in the topics related to the symposium. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed. It is required that each accepted paper be presented at the conference by one of its authors.
Submissions must be in the form of a single pdf file prepared using the LNCS latex templates and style files. Springer's proceedings LaTeX templates are also available on Overleaf. Springer's authors' guidelines may be consulted. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers, and requieres to draw the attention of the contributing conference paper authors to the Code of Conduct.
Each submission should consist of the main part of the paper, not exceeding 12 pages (including the title page and excluding the references), plus an optional clearly marked appendix (to be read at the discretion of the program committee). Any figure pertaining to the main part of the paper should be included therein (within the 12 page limit). The first page must include an indication of whether the paper is eligible for the best student paper award.
Submissions not conforming to the above rules as well as papers outside of the scope of the conference will be rejected with­out consideration.
Papers are to be submitted electronically through EasyChair at the following link:

See you in Montana!
Program Chairs
Henning Fernau, University of Trier, Germany
Binhai Zhu, Montana State University, USA

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[DMANET] Summer school in Combinatorics

From September 15-19, 2025, there is a summer school in Combinatorics at TU
Freiberg, Germany.

Invited speakers:

- Marthe Bonamy
- Dan Kráľ
- Volodymyr Nekrashevych
- Danylo Radchenko

Everyone is welcome to participate, and Ukrainians are particularly
Please send nominations for the Ukrainian Prize in Combinatorics to
Johannes Carmesin by July 10th.
Details are available at:

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[DMANET] ICSC 2025 Final CFP: The Fifth Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

The Fifth Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference (ICSC2025)

Hybrid Event

Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025

Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida West Coast Section

*ICSC 2025 CFP:*

In today's world, connected systems, social networks, and mobile
communications create a massive flow of data, which is prone to
cyberattacks. This needs fast and accurate detection of cyber-attacks.
Intelligent systems and Data analytics are important components when issues
pertaining to effective security solutions become the subject of
discussion. This is because there is an impending need for high volume and
high velocity data from different sources to detect anomalies as soon as
they are discovered. This will help reduce significantly the vulnerability
of the systems as well as improve their resilience to cyber Attacks. The
capability to process large volumes of information at real time through
utilization of tools for data analytics has many advantages vital for
analysis of cybersecurity systems. Moreover, the data collected from
sophisticated intelligent systems, cloud systems, networks, sensors,
computers, intrusion detection systems could be used to identify vital
information. This information could be used to detect how vulnerable the
systems are to risk factors, and so effective cyber security solutions can
be developed. In addition to that, the utilization of data analytics tools
in the cybersecurity field gives new insights through considering factors
such as zero-day attack detection, real time analysis, resource constrained
data processing among others.

The Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference (ICSC) addresses the use of
advanced intelligent systems in providing cybersecurity solutions in many
fields, and the challenges, approaches, and future directions. We invite
the submission of original papers on all topics related to Intelligent
Systems for Cybersecurity, with special interest in but not limited to:

- Intelligent systems for effective detection of cyber-attacks
- Advanced Intelligent systems and data analytics for Cloud/Edge systems
- Malware detection using intelligent systems Vulnerability assessment
- Intelligent systems for intrusion detection in Internet of Things
(IoT) systems
- Network forensics using intelligent systems and data analytics
- Data Analytics for privacy-by-design in smart health
- Datasets, benchmarks, and open-source packages
- Recourse efficient deep learning
- Adversarial Machine learning and Backdoor Attacks
- Blockchain Systems for Cyber Security
- Trustworthy AI Systems
- Intelligent Systems for Misinformation Detection

*Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings*

Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11"
two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted
electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 8 pages
(including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must
present original unpublished research that is not currently under review
for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines
may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due
date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not
be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further
information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least
three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the ICSC Proceeding, and be
published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and
be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion.

Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under
consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular
papers up to 8 pages and must follow the IEEE paper format. Please include
up to 7 keywords, complete postal and email address, and fax and phone
numbers of the corresponding author. Authors of accepted papers are
expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are
deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers
will be accepted as short papers. Length of short papers can be up to 6

*Important Dates:*

- *Paper submission deadline: Feb 28th 2025 (Final and Firm)*
- Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2025
- Camera-ready Submission: April 21st, 2025


Please send any inquiry on ICSC to Fahed Alkhabbas at:

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[DMANET] PhD and postdoc positions in theoretical computer science at Lund University, Sweden

The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for up to two PhD positions and one postdoc in theoretical computer science with focus on computational complexity and algorithms to be working in the research group of Susanna de Rezende ( These are full-time employed positions employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary.

Lund University is located in the Öresund area, which is offering one of the strongest and most exciting environments in computational complexity research in Europe. We have extensive collaboration with the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on the other side of the Öresund Bridge.

The application deadline is March 16, 2025 for the PhD positions and March 31, 2025 for the postdoc position at midnight local time. See for more information and instructions on how to apply. Informal enquiries are welcome and can be sent to

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
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[DMANET] ADMIN: Change in representation of sender addresses

Dear dmanet-members,

in order to mitigate the current issues with bouncing mails I have
changed the representation of sender addresses on the list.

Instead of i.e.

From: Martin Olschewski <>

it now looks like

From: Martin Olschewski via dmanet <>
Reply-To: Martin Olschewski <>

So every mail is send by the list itself, while answers should still
be directed to the original sender. Of course this affects individual
messages only, not digest.

Best regards from Cologne


Dipl.-Inform. Martin Olschewski University of Cologne
Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2-8
Tel: ++49/221/470-6018 D-50969 Köln

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[DMANET] VCLA International Student Awards - Call for Nominations

The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien calls for the nomination of authors of outstanding theses and scientific works in the field of Logic and Computer Science, in the following two categories:

- Outstanding Master Thesis Award*
- Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award (Bachelor thesis or equivalent, 1st cycle of the Bologna process)*

*The degree must have been awarded between January 1st, 2024 and December 31st, 2024 (inclusive).

The main areas of interest are:
- Computational Logic, covering theoretical and mathematical foundations such as proof theory, model theory, computability theory, Boolean satisfiability (SAT), QBF, constraint satisfaction, satisfiability modulo theories, automated deduction (resolution, refutation, theorem proving), non-classical logics (substructural logics, multi-valued logics, deontic logics, modal and temporal logics).
- Algorithms and Computational Complexity, including design and analysis of discrete algorithms, complexity analysis, algorithmic lower bounds, parameterized and exact algorithms, decomposition methods, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, algorithm engineering, as well as algorithmic game theory, computational social choice, parallel algorithms, graph drawing algorithms, and distributed algorithms.
- Databases and Artificial Intelligence, concerned with logical methods for modeling, storing, and drawing inferences from data and knowledge. This includes subjects like query languages based on logical concepts (Datalog, variants of SQL, XML, and SPARQL), novel database-theoretical methods (schema mappings, information extraction and integration), logic programming, knowledge representation and reasoning (ontologies, answer-set programming, belief change, inconsistency handling, argumentation, planning).
- Verification, concerned with logical methods and automated tools for reasoning about the behavior and correctness of complex state-based systems such as software and hardware designs as well as hybrid systems. This ranges from model checking, program analysis and abstraction to new interdisciplinary areas such as fault localization, program repair, program synthesis, and the analysis of biological systems.

- The Outstanding Master Thesis Award: 1200 EUR.
- The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award: 800 EUR.
- The winners will be invited to present their work at an award ceremony in Vienna, if the situation allows.

- The degree must have been awarded between January 1st, 2024 and December 31st, 2024 (inclusive).
- Students who obtained their degree at TU Wien are not eligible.

Nomination Requirements
Nominations must include:
- A cover page that contains the name and contact details of the nominated person, the title of the work for which the person is being nominated, award category, the date on which the degree was awarded, and the name of the university.
- An English summary of the thesis of maximum 3 pages, excluding references (A4 or letter page size, 11pt font min). The summary must clearly state the main contribution of the work, its novelty, and its relevance to some of the aforementioned areas of interest.
- The CV of the nominated person, including publication list (if applicable).
- An endorsement letter from a supervisor or another proposing person. The letter must clearly state the independent and novel contribution of the student, and why the proposer believes the student deserves the award. The endorsement letter may be provided after the submission deadline, and emailed directly to vcla_awards (AT)
- The full thesis.

All documents should be in English, with the exception of the thesis. In case the thesis is in a different language, it must be accompanied by a research report in English of at least 10 pages that should be sufficient for the committee to evaluate the merit and quality of the submitted work.

Instructions for submitting self-nominations
- Nominations should be submitted electronically by the applicants using the following link to EasyChair:
- Submissions consist of two pdf files. The first is a single pdf file containing all documents for the nomination except the full thesis; the documents should appear in the order they are listed above. The second pdf file is the full thesis.
- The endorsement letter may optionally be sent by email by the endorser and omitted from the Easychair submission. In this case, please email the letter as a pdf file, including the name of the nominated person in the subject, to vcla_awards (AT) tuwien DOT ac DOT at.
- The submission must be accompanied by a plain text electronic abstract of the thesis of at most 400 words, and three keywords.
- The nominated student must be listed as the only author in the submission form.

Important dates
- Submission deadline: April 20th, 2025 (anywhere on Earth)
- Notification of decision: Beginning of July, 2025

Please send all inquiries to<>.
VCLA Award Committee 2025
Shqiponja Ahmetaj and Anela Lolic will be co-chairing this edition of the VCLA International Student Awards. The remaining members of the committee will be announced in due time.

Website with information on the award and the previous awardees

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

[DMANET] Summer School in Neurotechnology

🌟 Save the Date! 🌟

We are thrilled to invite you to the VIBraTE-supported Summer School in
Neurotechnology: Bridging Implants, Non-Invasive BCIs, and Neuroinformatics,
taking place from May 26–30, 2025, in the beautiful coastal town of Sozopol,

This 5-day immersive program is designed for PhD students, postdocs, and
advanced Master's students who are eager to dive into the rapidly evolving
field of neurotechnology. Through a carefully curated mix of keynote
lectures, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects, participants will
have the unique opportunity to explore the latest advancements in:

✅ Neural implants – Innovations in interfacing with the nervous system
✅ Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) – Cutting-edge developments
in decoding brain activity
✅ Neuroinformatics – Harnessing data science for neuroscience research
✅ AI in neurotechnology – The role of artificial intelligence in shaping
the future of the field.

Engage with renowned experts, gain practical experience, and expand
your professional
network in an inspiring and interactive environment. Whether you want to
enhance your technical skills or explore interdisciplinary collaborations,
this summer school will be an invaluable opportunity to grow as a



Prof. Ivan Minev (TU Dresden
<> & Leibniz
Institute of Polymer Research Dresden

Dr. Arno Aarts (CEO, Atlas Neuro

Prof. Valentina Markova (TU Varna

Prof. Sebastian Haesler (Haesler Lab <>, NERF

Dr. Ivan Gligorjevic (Mbt <> & linkedin

Prof. Dimiter Prodanov (IICT & Imec)

More detailed information, program schedule, and registration and venue on

#Neurotech2025 #BCIs #Neuroinformatics #AIinNeurotech
#BrainComputerInterfaces #Neuroscience

Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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[DMANET] Final call: Computational Geometry Media Exposition CG:ME 2025

Computational Geometry Media Exposition CG:ME 2025


Final call -- deadline on February 25, 2025


Media, Visualizations, and Geometric Art are sought for the 34th International Computational Geometry Media Exposition (CG:ME), which will take place as part of Computational Geometry Week 2025 in Kanazawa, Japan, June 23-27, 2025. Submissions showcase creative approaches to illustrate research and/or support education in computational geometry.

CG:ME 2025 conference web page (
CG:ME 2025 EasyChair submission page (


Submissions will be handled through [EasyChair]( Submit a paper in PDF which details your multimedia contribution and, where applicable, the techniques used in your work.

The paper should include the following elements:
- An explanation of the connection your submission has to computational geometry, broadly interpreted.
- A link to a portfolio of your work, such as images, videos, links to interactive apps, etc. For example, if your contribution is a video, we recommend posting it to YouTube (you can leave it unlisted so only those with the link can view it). You may also use an online file service such as Dropbox or Google Drive to share the portfolio files. In the final proceedings, your initial link will be replaced with an archival link at
- A specification of how the work may be displayed. Note that in many cases, the portfolio and the work are, in fact, identical, for example, when the work is a video. In such cases, the (online) portfolio can be used to showcase the work in the CG:ME session.

Acceptance is based on both the portfolio and the accompanying paper. Accepted contributions will be published as Media Exposition papers in the LIPIcs proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry.

Authors are encouraged to contact the PC chairs ( early in the process to get feedback on their planned submissions.


* February 25, 2025: Submission deadline
* March 21, 2025: Notification of acceptance
* March 31, 2025: Final version of abstract
* April 30, 2025: Final version of media portfolio
* June 23--27, 2025: CG Week 2025

All deadlines are at 11:59 pm (23:59), AoE (Anywhere on Earth).


Portfolio submissions are limited to 100 MB. Authors are free to post higher quality versions on their own websites or other platforms, and we will include links in the electronic proceedings to their version, in addition to the official version (<100 MB) archived on the Computational Geometry pages.

Videos should be 720p or better, using H.264, where the embedded audio stream should be AAC of at least 128kBit/s. Authors are encouraged to post the videos (public or unlisted) on a video-sharing service.

Submissions must be formatted according to the same style file as regular SoCG submissions and not exceed 100 lines, excluding front matter and references. Unlike SoCG, CG:ME is not employing double-blind submissions this year. To ensure accurate line counting, authors must use the LaTeX class file [socg-lipics-v2021](, which is a wrapper around the standard LIPIcs class, see these [guidelines](


Aaron T. Becker (University of Houston, USA)
Brittany Fasy (Montana State University, USA)
Anirban Ghosh (University of North Florida, USA)
Philipp Kindermann (Trier University, Germany)
Fabian Klute (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Tamara Mchedlidze (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Martin Nöllenburg (TU Wien, Austria) -- co-chair
Christian Scheffer (HS Bochum, Germany)
Willem Sonke (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Jules Wulms (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) -- co-chair

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[DMANET] Call-for-Participation: TalentCLEF Shared Task (CLEF) - Skill and Job Title Intelligence for Human Capital Management

(* apologies for cross-posting *)

Call for Participation TalentCLEF Shared Task (CLEF 2025)

Skill and Job Title Intelligence for Human Capital Management

TalentCLEF is an initiative to advance Natural Language Processing (NLP) in
Human Capital Management (HCM). It aims to create a public benchmark for
model evaluation and promote collaboration to develop fair, multilingual,
and flexible systems that improve Human Resources (HR) practices across
different industries.

Key information:





In today's rapidly changing socio-technological landscape, industries and
workplaces are transforming quickly. Technological advancements, such as
task automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI), are reshaping the labor
market by creating new roles that demand specialized skills, often
difficult to source. The rise of remote hiring, fueled by technological
innovation, has expanded the labor market to a global and multilingual
scale. Simultaneously, social progress is narrowing ethnic and gender
disparities within companies, fostering more inclusive workplaces.

Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) into Human Capital Management
(HCM) enhances key areas such as sourcing and hiring, onboarding and
training, strategic workforce planning, and career development. Despite
these benefits, challenges persist in managing multilingual information,
ensuring fair AI models, and developing systems flexible enough to work
across industries.

The TalentCLEF organizers expect that participation in the shared task will
contribute to establishing a public benchmark for multilingual job title
matching and skill prediction, enabling the evaluation and comparison of
different approaches. This initiative will also provide a foundation for
measuring gender bias in job-related NLP tasks and lay the groundwork for
future benchmarks in other areas of Human Capital Management, fostering
fairness, transparency, and adaptability in AI-driven workforce analysis.

The inaugural TalentCLEF shared-task aims to tackle these challenges
through two key tasks:


Task A - Multilingual Job Title Matching: Participants will develop
systems to identify and rank job titles most similar to a given one. For
each job title in a test set, systems must generate a ranked list of
similar titles from a predefined knowledge base. Evaluation will be
conducted in English, Spanish, German, and Chinese, covering both
monolingual and cross-lingual (between English and the other languages)

Task B - Job Title-Based Skill Prediction: This task focuses on
retrieving relevant skills associated with a given job title. Participants
will develop systems that predict and extract key skills based on job
titles. The evaluation will be conducted in English.



20th January 2025 - Training data available for Tasks A and B

17th February 2025 – Start of Task A with the release of the development

17th March 2025 – Start of Task B with the release of the development

21st April 2025 – Test set release

21st April - 5th May 2025 – Evaluation period of Task A and B

7th May 2025 – Publication of Official Results

30th May 2025 – Submission of CLEF 2025 Participant Working Notes

27th June 2025 - Notification of Acceptance for Participant Papers

Publications and CLEF 2025 workshop
Teams participating in TalentCLEF will be invited to submit a system
description paper for the CLEF 2025 Working Notes proceedings, published on
CEUR-WS. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to present a brief
overview of their approach at the CLEF 2025 workshop, which will take place
in Madrid, Spain, from September 9th to 12th, 2025.

Main Organizers


Luis Gascó, Avature, Spain

Hermenegildo Fabregat, Avature, Spain

Laura García-Sardiña, Avature, Spain

Daniel Deniz Cerpa, Avature, Spain

Paula Estrella, Avature, Spain

Álvaro Rodrigo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED),

Rabih Zbib, Avature, Spain

Scientific Committee


Eneko Agirre - Full Professor of the University of the Basque Country
UPV/EHU - ACL Fellow

David Camacho - Full Professor of the Technical University of Madrid

Debora Nozza - Assistant Professor of Bocconi University

Jens-Joris Decorte - Lead AI Scientist at TechWolf

David Graus - Lead Data Scientist at Randstad Group

Mesutt Kayaa - Postdoctoral Researcher at Jobindex A/S and IT University

Jan Luts - Senior Data Scientist at NTT Data & ESCO

Elena Montiel-Ponsoda - Professor at the Technical University of Madrid
(UPM) - AI4Labour project

Javier Huertas Tato - Assistant Professor of the Technical University of
Madrid (UPM)

Patricia Martín Chozas - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ontology
Engineering Group (UPM) - AI4Labour project

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[DMANET] [Deadline appraching] [SmartComp 2025] Call for Papers


****** Call for Research and Industry Track Papers ******

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this cfp


SMARTCOMP 2025, the 11th edition of the premier conference on smart computing, will be held in Cork, Ireland, June 16-19.

Smart computing is a multidisciplinary domain based on the synergistic influence of advances in sensor-based technologies, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, big data analytics, machine learning, cognitive computing, ambient intelligence, and artificial intelligence.
Applications of smart computing can be found in various societal domains, including transportation, energy, environmental protection, smart and connected communities, healthcare, industrial systems, and entertainment. Algorithmic and systems advancements of cloud computing, mobile and pervasive computing, sensor networking, and social computing are taking smart computing to a new level while improving our ways of living.

SMARTCOMP main conference will organize a main research track and an industry research track.

The research track solicits submissions that address the core research challenges of smart computing, focusing on designing and developing scalable, dependable systems, and leveraging computing technologies to enhance resource sustainability and elevate the quality of human life.

The industry track invites innovative applications and advances in the industrial use of smart computing technology with a clear industrial association, either in the form of an extensive evaluation of research results in industrial use cases or the active participation of industry representatives as co-authors.

Topics of interest include for both tracks – but are not limited to – the following:
* Emerging Smart Computing Paradigms
* Algorithms for Smart Computing
* AI and Machine Learning in Smart Computing
* Mobile and Ubiquitous Smart Systems, Wearable Computing and IoT
* Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems
* Cloud, Edge, and Fog based Smart Computing Platforms
* Data Architectures and Analytics for Smart Computing
* Distributed Sensing, AI and Computing
* Middleware for Smart Systems
* Novel Communication Paradigms in Smart Computing
* Low Power Communication and Computing for Smart Systems
* Social Computing and Smart Systems
* Quantum Computing in Smart Systems
* Security, Privacy, and Trust in Smart Computing
* Fairness and Socio-technical Aspects of Smart Computing
* Interdisciplinary Approaches to Smart Computing
* Novel applications of Smart Computing in emerging and high potential fields ( e.g., Smart Communities, Health, Industry, Transport, Energy, Agrifood,...)

All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: February 23, 2025
Acceptance Notification: April 3, 2025
Camera Ready (tentative): May 10, 2025
Conference: June 16 – June 19, 2025
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth.



Paper registration will open on November 1st, 2024
Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions must be no longer than 8 pages (the page count limit includes the references list) and formatted according to the two-column IEEE proceedings template. All submitted papers that conform to these guidelines will be subject to peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the field. All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to the IEEEXplore Digital Library.

One additional page for the camera-ready version can be purchased after the paper review and selection.

Since the conference will be an entire in-presence event, no virtual or remote presentation will be allowed.
Accepted papers must be presented in person by one of the authors, in addition to having an associated full registration. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the exclusion of the paper from the final proceedings, the conference program and from the IEEE Digital Library.
We also strongly advise authors of submitted papers to be prepared to apply for their Irish visa as soon as their paper is accepted.

Research Track TPC co-chairs
Franca Delmastro, IIT-CNR, Italy
Siobhan Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Industry Track Co-Chairs
Ahmed Khalid, Dell Technologies, Ireland
Hana Khamfroush, University of Kentucky, USA

Contact Information
For any questions about the conference, please contact the TPC Co-Chairs and General Chairs at:

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[DMANET] NORCOM 2025 in Iceland June 16-18

The 15th installment of the Nordic Combinatorial Conference takes place in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 16-18. At NORCOM, mathematicians from the Nordic countries and other countries meet and interact in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. All fields of mathematics related to combinatorics and discrete mathematics are welcome. Confirmed plenary speakers are

* Cecilia Holmgren, Uppsala University
* Natasha Blitvic, Queen Mary University of London
On Wednesday, June 18, there will be a session celebrating Einar Steingrimsson's 70th birthday. Please visit the conference homepage ( for more information, such as how to register, propose a talk, etc. The registration deadline is May 15th, 2025, unless the attendance cap for the venue (120 people) is reached earlier. Please note that the deadline for proposing a talk is March 10th, 2025. Speakers will be notified on March 20th whether their talk has been accepted.

Hope to see you in Iceland in June!
The organizing committee
Reach out to Henning Ulfarsson, henningu at for more information

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[DMANET] 29th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (Glasgow, UK) - Registration Open!

Registration for the 29th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC 2025) is now open. The event will take place April 30th - May 2nd in the Advanced Research Center at the University of Glasgow.

As usual, the aim is to allow postgraduate students to exchange ideas in an informal environment. Giving a talk is encouraged (but not compulsory). Topics span all kinds of combinatorics, but participants from related areas such as theoretical computer science are welcome.

Please visit our website for all current details.
Note that this event is co-located with the Scottish Combinatorics meeting (SCM) on 28th and 29th of April (website:

The PCC organisers are likely able to support (i.e., partially reimburse) travel and accommodation costs for all student speakers and, depending on interest, potentially for non-speakers too.

The registration deadline is March 31st, but the organizers encourage an earlier registration for budgeting and talk submission and selection purposes.

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[DMANET] Games and AI Multidisciplinary Summer School for PhDs and Postdocs

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

Dear all

*Applications are open for **GAIMSS'25 <>*, the
Games and AI Multidisciplinary Summer School! Ph.D. students and Postdocs
specializing in game theory with backgrounds in economics, mathematics, or
computer science are invited to apply. The event will take place at
the Université
Toulouse Capitole <>, Toulouse, France, from
June 23 to June 25, 2025, followed by a research workshop on June 26 and
27. There is no registration fee. Coffee breaks and lunches will be
provided, but participants will need to make their own arrangements for
travel and accommodation.

*About the Event*:
GAIMSS'25 is designed to provide an overview and deep insights into
research at the intersection of game theory and artificial intelligence.
Participants will attend lectures by experts and talks on recent advances
in game theory and AI. They will also have the opportunity to present their
research through poster sessions and flash talks.

The summer school will feature three 6-hour courses:
- Prof. José Correa <> (Universidad de
Chile): *Prophet Inequalities* (mathematics)
- Prof. Johannes Hörner
<> (Toulouse
School of Economics), *Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring* (economics)
- Prof. Paul Dütting <> (Google Research),
Contract Theory* (computer science)

*Registration Information:*
- *Application Deadline*: March 15, 2025 (Saturday) 22h00 CET
- *Application Link*: Here <>
- *Acceptance notification*: April 15, 2025 (Tuesday)

For further details, including the program agenda and course descriptions,
please visit or contact us at info[at]gaimss[dot]org.

We look forward to seeing you in Toulouse!

Best regards,

The GAIMSS organizers
Felipe Garrido-Lucero (IRIT, Université Toulouse Capitole)
Simon Finster (CREST-ENSAE)
Atulya Jain (University of Bonn)
Emilien Macault (Université de Lorraine)
Dana Pizarro (Toulouse Business School)

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[DMANET] MFCS 2025 - Second Call for Papers

MFCS 2025 - Second Call for Papers

The 50th conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(MFCS) will take place in:

Warsaw, Poland August 25-29, 2025

MFCS is among the conferences with the longest history in the field —
the first conference in the series was held already in 1972.
Traditionally, the conference moved between the Czech Republic,
Poland, and Slovakia; while since 2013, the conference has traveled
around Europe. The conference will be preceded by the Young Research
Forum Workshop intended for a younger audience.

Important dates and information

Submissions: April 18, 2025
Rebuttal: June 3-6, 2025
Author notification: June 20, 2025
Camera-ready version: June 27, 2025
Early registration: TBA
Conference: August 25-29, 2025 (YRF Workshop on August 24)

Deadlines are firm; late submissions will not be considered. All dates are AoE.

Conference website:


Submission guidelines

1) Papers must present original research on the theory of computer
science. No prior publication and no simultaneous submission to other
publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed.
Authors are encouraged to also make full versions of their submissions
freely accessible in an on-line repository such as ArXiv.

2) Submissions take the form of an extended abstract of no more than
15 pages (LIPIcs document class), excluding references and a clearly
labelled appendix. The appendix may consist either of omitted proofs
or of a full version of the submission, and it will be read at the
discretion of program committee members. The extended abstract has to
present the merits of the paper and its main contributions clearly,
and describe the key concepts and technical ideas used to obtain the
results. Submissions must provide the proofs which can enable the main
mathematical claims of the paper to be verified.

3) Submissions authored or co-authored by members of the program
committee are allowed.

4) During the rebuttal phase, authors are encouraged (but not
required) to respond to the initial reviews. Further instructions will
be sent to the authors of the submitted papers in due time.

5) At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register
for the conference, and all talks are in-person. In exceptional cases
(e.g. unexpected personal reasons) remote talks (pre-recorded or live)
might be allowed.

6) Papers authored only by students should be marked as such upon
submission in order to be eligible for the best student paper award.

MFCS 2025 Invited Speakers

Thomas Colcombet (Université Paris Cité)
Giuseppe Italiano (LUISS Guido Carli, Rome)
Rasmus Kyng (ETH Zurich)
Filip Murlak (University of Warsaw)
Anca Muscholl (Université de Bordeaux)

MFCS 2025 Programme Committee

Shaull Almagor (Technion)
Nathalie Bertrand (Inria Rennes)
Udi Boker (Reichman University)
Gerth Brodal (Aarhus University)
Michaël Cadilhac (DePaul University)
Panagiotis Charalampopoulos (Birkbeck, University of London)
Witold Charatonik (University of Wrocław)
Dmitry Chistikov (University of Warwick)
Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge)
Joel Day (Loughborough University)
Moses Ganardi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Leszek Gąsieniec (University of Liverpool)
Paweł Gawrychowski (University of Wrocław) - chair
Stefan Göller (Universität Kassel)
Christoph Haase (University of Oxford)
Meike Hatzel (IBS, Daejeon)
Jarkko Kari (University of Turku)
Edon Kelmendi (Queen Mary, University of London)
Marie Kerjean (CNRS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Jakub Kozik (Jagiellonian University)
László Kozma (Freie Universität Berlin)
Karoliina Lehtinen (CNRS, LIS Marseille)
Nutan Limaye (University of Copenhagen)
Christof Löding (RWTH Aachen)
Filip Mazowiecki (University of Warsaw) - co-chair
Pierre Ohlmann (CNRS, LIS Marseille)
Jakub Opršal (University of Birmingham)
Guillermo Pérez (University of Antwerp)
Gabriele Puppis (University of Udine)
David Purser (University of Liverpool)
Karin Quaas (Universität Leipzig)
Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus University)
Michał Skrzypczak (University of Warsaw) - co-chair
Tatiana Starikovskaya (ENS Paris)
Lidia Tendera (University of Opole)
Karol Węgrzycki (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
Philip Wellnitz (National Institute of Informatics)
Markus Whiteland (Loughborough University)
Michał Wrona (Jagiellonian University)
Georg Zetzsche (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Anna Zych-Pawlewicz (University of Warsaw)

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**Call for Papers**
May 21st-23rd, 2025, Rabat, Morocco

**Aim and Scope**
NETYS aims to bring together researchers and engineers from the theory and practice of distributed and networked systems. The scope of the conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development of these systems, including, but not restricted to, cloud systems, formal verification, concurrent and distributed algorithms, data management, data science, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, machine learning theory and applications, large language models, multicore architectures, networks, and security.
NETYS will provide a forum to report on best practices, novel algorithms, results, and techniques on networked systems. Original research contributions and experience papers on the principles, design, implementation, modeling, analysis, verification and application of networked systems are solicited. Topics of interest are broadly divided into three categories: networked systems, distributed computing and machine learning.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
1. **Networked Systems**
• Cloud systems and data centers
• Cyber-physical systems
• Distributed database, embedded and operating systems
• Multicore architectures and multithreaded applications
• Distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies
• Internet of Things, 5G, URLLC
• Mobile, wireless, ad-hoc and sensor networks
• Social networks
• Overlay and peer-to-peer infrastructures
2. **Distributed Computing**
• Concurrency, synchronization and persistence
• Distributed and concurrent data structures
• Languages, verification and formal methods for distributed systems
• Design and analysis of distributed algorithms
• Lower bounds and impossibility results for distributed computing
• Game theory, mechanisms design
• Fault-tolerance, reliability, self-stabilizing, self-organizing, and autonomic systems
• Collaborative intelligent systems
3. **Machine Learning**
• Collaborative/federated learning
• Distributed Machine learning
• Trustworthy machine learning
• Large language models theory and applications
• Fairness and privacy in machine learning
• Reinforcement learning theory and applications
• Generative AI
• Optimization algorithms

**Important dates (all deadlines are at 23:59 AoE)**
- Abstract submission: March 1st, 2025
- Paper submission: March 8th, 2025
- Notifications: April 14th, 2025
- Conference dates: May 21st-23rd, 2025

Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series will publish the conference proceedings ( One of the authors of each accepted paper must present it at the conference.

**Submission Instructions**
All submissions must follow the LNCS template and be written in English.
Full papers are allowed a maximum of 15 pages in the LNCS format, excluding bibliographic references, whereas short papers are allowed a maximum of 5 pages (in the same format).

Papers exceeding these limits may be rejected without review. A clearly marked appendix can be included for supplementary materials, but it will be read at the reviewers' discretion; therefore, the main body of the paper should contain sufficient details to assess its contributions.

Submission of papers is via Microsoft CMT:

**Program Chairs**
Madhavan Mukund (
Salem Lahlou (

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[DMANET] PhD School: Intersections of Algorithms and Machine Learning Theory

******************* CALL FOR APPLICATIONS *******************
******************* DEADLINE FEBRUARY 27 *******************

PhD School: Intersections of Algorithms and Machine Learning Theory
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
July 1-4, 2025


The school is aimed at PhD students in computer science and
related fields, interested in algorithms and machine learning
theory. Postdocs and masters students may also apply.
The required background for students is at least one course in
the design and analysis of algorithms, plus a good understanding
of basic probability.


Paul Duetting (Google Research): Prophet Inequalities
Roi Livni (Tel Aviv University): Foundations of Machine Learning
Nicole Megow (University of Bremen): Algorithms with Predictions
Sahil Singla (Georgia Tech): Data-Driven Stochastic Optimization


Application deadline: February 27, 2025
Notification about acceptance or wait list: March 20, 2025
Exact fee data on web page: April 3, 2025
Fee payment deadline: April 17, 2025
PhD School: July 1-4, 2025


STOC takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, June 23–27, 2025.
A related satellite workshop of ICALP, Theory and Applications of
Algorithms with Predictions, will take place shortly afterwards,
on July 7, in Aarhus, Denmark. ICALP will also be there, July 8-11, 2025.


All other details can be found here:


Joan Boyar (University of Southern Denmark)
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University)
Nutan Limaye (IT University of Copenhagen)
Kevin Schewior (University of Southern Denmark)
Amir Yehudayoff (University of Copenhagen)


Send us an email:


Supported by the Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC)

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Monday, February 17, 2025

[DMANET] [Cryptography] (IF 1.8, CiteScore 3.8) Selected Papers in Volume 8, Issue 2

We are sharing with you some selected papers published in the open access
journal /Cryptography/ (
Volume 8, Issue 2, which are free to access and can be downloaded here:

1. A Survey of Consortium Blockchain and Its Applications

2. Enhancing Smart Communication Security: A Novel Cost Function for
Efficient S-Box Generation in Symmetric Key Cryptography

3. Constrained Device Performance Benchmarking with the Implementation
of Post-Quantum Cryptography

4. Defence against Side-Channel Attacks for Encrypted Network Communication
Using Multiple Paths

5. Securing Data Exchange with Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A Novel
Hash-Based Method for Message Mapping and Integrity Assurance

See this full volume via

Additionally, we welcome your submissions if you have relevant papers to
be submitted. Please contact the journal editorial office

Best regards,
Xue Cheng
Managing Editor
MDPI Branch Office, Wuhan
Cryptography Editorial Office
MDPI, Grosspeteranlage 5, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

News: Cryptography Receives an Updated Impact Factor of 1.8

Twitter: @Cryptogr_MDPI
LinkedIn: Cryptography-MDPI
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[DMANET] CfP—The 8th International Symposium on AI Verification—SAIV 2025 co-located with CAV 2025

CfP—The 8th International Symposium on AI Verification—SAIV 2025
Zagreb, Croatia
July 21–22
co-located with CAV 2025

=== Important Dates (all dates are 11:59 AM UTC) ===

Abstract Submission: April 17 2025
Paper Submission: April 24, 2025
Notification: May 21, 2025

=== SAIV ===

The 8th edition of the International Symposium on AI Verification (SAIV) aims to bring together researchers from the communities on formal methods and artificial intelligence. SAIV 2025 consisted of two workshops that have been merged into a single symposium: FoMLAS and Wolverine. Formal reasoning about learning-based systems raises novel, challenging, and exciting problems, such as the verification of learning-based components, the combination of deep learning and symbolic algorithms, and the data-driven verification of systems. SAIV aims to serve as a platform for idea exchange and cross-pollination on these topics.

SAIV 2025 will host the 6th International Verification of Neural Networks Competition (VNN-COMP'25).

We invite four categories of submissions:

1. *Original papers*: describe original research and sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the submission. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data available. We welcome both short and long papers. There are no strict page limits, although we recommend not going below 4 pages and not exceeding 18 pages.
2. *Presentation-only papers*: describe work recently published or submitted. We see this as a way to provide additional access to important developments that the SAIV attendees may be unaware of.
3. *Extended abstracts*: describe preliminary work in progress. These reports may range in length from very short to full papers, and will be judged based on the expected level of interest for the community. ​
4. *(New) This year we also invite benchmark and case-study papers*: showcase practical evaluations, real-world applications, or lessons learned in verifying and deploying safety-critical AI systems, focusing on metrics, methodologies, and safety outcomes.

Papers selected for publications will appear in Springer's LNCS proceedings.

=== Posters ===

We additionally invite attendees to present posters to illustrate published work or research-in-progress. We particularly welcome poster submissions to facilitate interaction during SAIV. Deadline for poster submission: June 20.

=== Topics ===

The topics covered by SAIV include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Safety specifications for systems with AL components

* Symbolic analysis of cyber-physical systems with AI components
* Formal verification of neural networks
* Neuro-symbolic reasoning for AI safety
* Testing approaches for systems with AI components
* Formal guarantees for interpretable AI
* Machine learning for program synthesis and control synthesis
* Machine learning for automated reasoning and theorem-proving
* Differentiable proof certificates
* Statistical approaches to falsification and verification
* Data-driven verification

=== Program Chairs ===

Mirco Giacobbe (University of Birmingham)
Anna Lukina (Delft University of Technology)

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[DMANET] FMEC 2025 Final CFP: The 10th International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing
(FMEC 2025)

Hybrid Event

Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025

Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida West Coast Section

*FMEC 2025 CFP:*

Cloud computing provides a large range of services and virtually unlimited
available resources for users. New applications, such as virtual reality
and smart building control, have emerged due to the large number of
resources and services brought by cloud computing. However, the
delay-sensitive applications face the problem of large latency, especially
when several smart devices and objects are getting involved in human's life
such as the case of smart cities or Internet of Things. Therefore, cloud
computing is unable to meet the requirements of low latency, location
awareness, and mobility support. To solve this problem, researchers have
introduced a trusted and dependable solution through the Fog and the Mobile
Edge Computing (FMEC) to put the services and resources of the cloud closer
to users, which facilitate the leveraging of available services and
resources in the edge networks. By this, we are moving from the core (cloud
data centers) to the edge of the network closer to the users. FMEC
dependability is based on providing user centric service. The purpose of
Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing is to run the heavy real-time
applications at the network edge directly using the billions of connected
mobile devices.

Several features enable the Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing to be a
perfect paradigm to the aforementioned purpose, which are the dense
geographical deployment of servers, supporting mobility and the closeness
to users. As in every new technology, some challenges face the vision of
the Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing, which are the administrative
policies and security concerns (i.e. secure data storage, secure
computation, network security, data privacy, usage privacy, location
privacy, etc). FMEC 2025 conference aims to investigate the opportunities
and requirements for Mobile Edge Computing dominance. In addition, it seeks
for novel contributions that help mitigate Mobile Edge Computing
challenges. That is, the objective of FMEC 2025 is to provide a forum for
scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas,
novel results and experience on all aspects of Fog and Mobile Edge
Computing (FMEC). FMEC 2025 is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida
Section. Researchers are encouraged to submit original research
contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to the

- Fog and Mobile Edge Computing in unmanned aerial vehicle
communications and applications
- Fog and Mobile Edge Computing in mission-critical systems
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Edge-cloud computing architectures, frameworks and platforms
- Edge-cloud networking and communication
- Quality of Service (QoS) improvement techniques
- Network virtualization for Edge-to-cloud systems
- FMEC and IoT Data Communication Protocols
- Industrial Fog and Mobile Edge Computing Applications
- Mobile Cloud Computing Systems and Applications
- FMEC in Environmental Sustainability
- Trustworthy AI for Edge and Fog Computing
- Security and Privacy in Fog and Mobile Edge Computing
- Decentralized Data Management and Streaming Systems in FMEC
- Data storage, processing, and management at FMEC platform
- Federated learning and distributed machine learning in the fog and on
the edge
- 5G and fog/edge computing
- Middleware and runtime systems for fog/edge infrastructures
- Energy-efficient fog/edge computing
- Edge/fog-to-cloud APIs and protocols
- Mobility, connectivity, heterogeneity support for edge/fog services
- Load balancing/scheduling in fog/edge computing
- Crowdsourcing and establishing trust on data sources
- Decision support systems for Edge-cloud computing
- AI-based or data-driven orchestration of workflows in Edge computing
- Automatic scheduling and deployment of workflows and services in Edge
- Distributed management of Edge computing
- Mechanisms and data structures for the governance of Edge computing
- Interfaces, orchestration and optimization of the Networking-Computing
- In-network computing for the edge-cloud continuum
- Novel programming models for Edge computing
- Dynamic Edge/Fog environments
- Automatic deployment and continuous dynamic composition of Edge
- Semantic annotation of Edge/Fog services
- AI in Autonomous Urbanism

*Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings*

Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11"
two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted
electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 8 pages
(including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must
present original unpublished research that is not currently under review
for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines
may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due
date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not
be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further
information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least
three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the FMEC Proceeding, and be
published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and
be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion.

Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under
consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular
papers up to 8 pages and must follow the IEEE paper format. Please include
up to 7 keywords, complete postal and email address, and fax and phone
numbers of the corresponding author. Authors of accepted papers are
expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are
deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers
will be accepted as short papers. Length of short papers can be between 4
to 6 pages.

*Important Dates:*

Submission Date: 28 Feb. 2025 (Firm and Final)
Notification to Authors: 1 Apr 2025
Camera Ready Submission: 21 Apr 2025


Please send any inquiry on FMEC to Sadi Alawadi at:

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