Thursday, January 16, 2025

[DMANET] [Deadline Extended - 31 Jan, 2025][CFP] Invitation to the Special Sesion on Partitioning, Clustering, and Decomposition in Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2025)

[Apologies for any duplicate emails you may have received.]

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit your research to the *4th Special
Session on Partitioning, Clustering, and Decomposition in Evolutionary
Computation* at the *IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2025*,
which will be held in Hangzhou, China, from June 8th to 12th, 2025.

*Overview and Scope:*

This special session explores the powerful techniques of partitioning,
clustering, and decomposition in Evolutionary Computation (EC). We seek
research that investigates how these methods can enhance performance,
tackle large-scale problems, and optimize parameter selection in various EC

The session covers applications at three levels:

- *Population Level:* Partitioning populations into subpopulations for
improved diversity and escape from local optima.
- *Individual Level:* Grouping variables within individuals for
cooperative coevolutionary algorithms.
- *Parameter Level:* Partitioning techniques targeting parameter

We welcome submissions covering all evolutionary paradigms and applications
in domains like image processing, pattern recognition, scheduling, and

*Topics of Interest:*

- Partitioning strategies in EC (random, dynamic, seed-based,
- Multi-population techniques (dynamic, clustering-based, multi-level)
- Partitioning with the master population for enhanced exploration
- Decomposition approaches for large-scale problems
- Clustering for parameter value selection in EC algorithms
- Decomposition in multi-objective and multi-modal optimization

*Submission Guidelines:*

Follow the general submission guidelines on the *IEEE CEC 2025 Submission
Website* ( During submission, clearly state that
your paper is for the *"4th Special Session on Partitioning, Clustering,
and Decomposition in Evolutionary Computation"*.

*Important Dates:*

- *Paper Submission Deadline: January 15, 2025*
- *Paper Acceptance Notification:* March 15, 2025
- *Final Paper Submission & Early Registration Deadline:* May 1, 2025
- *Conference Dates:* June 8-12, 2025

More information:

We look forward to receiving your insightful contributions!


Dr. Seyed Jalaleddin Mousavirad (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)

Dr. Diego Oliva (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

Dr. Ripon K. Chakrabortty (UNSW Canberra, Australia)

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[DMANET] [Deadline Extended - 31 Jan, 2025] [CFP] Invitation to the Special Session: New Frontiers in Evolutionary Computation for Real-World Optimization ( IEEE CEC 2025

[Apologies for any duplicate emails you may have received.]

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to submit your research to the special session
on *"New frontiers in evolutionary computation for real-world optimization:
Smart initialization and dynamic operators"* at the *IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2025*, which will take place in Hangzhou,
China, from June 8th to 12th, 2025.

*Overview and Scope:*

This special session aims to bring together leading researchers and
practitioners in evolutionary computation (EC) to explore innovative
techniques that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of evolutionary
algorithms (EAs) for tackling real-world optimization problems. We focus on
three key areas:

- *Intelligent Initialization:* Techniques to generate high-quality
initial solutions for faster convergence and improved solution quality.
- *Dynamic Operators:* Evolving and adapting operators throughout the
search process to improve adaptability to changing environments.
- *Performance Indicators:* Developing metrics to guide exploration vs.
exploitation balance and enhance robustness in dynamic environments.

*Topics of Interest:*

- Initialization techniques: Data-driven, knowledge-based approaches and
their impact on performance.
- Dynamic operators for adaptive EAs: Evolutionary and adaptive operator
selection, self-adaptation mechanisms, and hybridization strategies.
- Decision-making for EC: Integration of Machine Learning, fuzzy
systems, and reinforcement learning.
- Search Guidance Indicators: Developing metrics to guide search
direction and promote robustness.

*Real-world applications and numerical benchmarks are highly encouraged.*

*Submission Guidelines:*

Follow the submission guidelines on the *IEEE CEC 2025 Submission Website* ( During submission, clearly specify that your
paper is for the *"New frontiers in evolutionary computation for real-world
optimization: Smart initialization and dynamic operators"* special session.

*Important Dates:*

- *Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025*
- *Paper Acceptance Notification:* March 15, 2025
*Final Paper Submission & Early Registration Dead line:* May 1, 2025
- *Conference Dates:* June 8-12, 2025

More information:

We look forward to receiving your innovative submissions!


Dr. Diego Oliva (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
Dr. Mario A. Navarro (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
Dr. Absalom El-Shamir Ezugwu (North-West University, South Africa)
Dr. Mohammed El-Abd (American University of Kuwait, Kuwait)

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
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[DMANET] ISSAC 2025 -- Extended Deadlines

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the deadlines for ISSAC 2025 have been extended. Please find the updated schedule below:

Abstract Submission Deadline:
- Original: January 23rd, 2025, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Extended: January 30th, 2025, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)

Paper Submission Deadline:
- Original: January 30th, 2025, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)
- Extended: February 6th, 2025, 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth)

For more information, please visit:

We look forward to your participation and submissions!

Best regards,
Matías Bender
(on behalf of the ISSAC 2025 Organizing Committee)

> From: "matias bender" <>
> To: "dmanet" <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 12:02:22 PM
> Subject: ISSAC 2025 -- Final Call for Papers

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> ISSAC 2025
> International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
> July 28th to August 1st, 2025
> Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT) in Guanajuato, Mexico.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) is the
> premier conference for research in symbolic computation and computer algebra.
> ISSAC 2025 will be the 50th meeting in the series, which started in 1966 and
> has been held annually since 1981. The conference presents a range of invited
> speakers, tutorials, short communications, software demonstrations and vendor
> exhibits with a center-piece of contributed research papers.

> ISSAC 2025 will be held from July 28th to August 1st, 2025, at the Center for
> Research in Mathematics (CIMAT) in Guanajuato, Mexico.

> Important Dates
> ---------------

> * Abstract submission deadline: January 23, 2025, 23:59 (anywhere on Earth)
> * Paper submission deadline: January 30, 2025, 23:59 (anywhere on Earth)
> * First notification of acceptance/rejection: April 16, 2025
> * End of rebuttal phase: April 23, 2025
> * Final notification after rebuttal phase: April 30, 2025
> * Camera-ready copy due: May 21, 2025

> Submission Instructions
> -----------------------

> ISSAC 2025 invites the submission of original research contributions to be
> considered for publication and presentation at the conference. Papers should
> not duplicate work published or submitted for consideration elsewhere.

> Papers must be in English and should not exceed 8 pages in the ACM two-column
> style, found at:
> which can be downloaded from:

> However, two additional pages may be used for bibliographical references, and/or
> for experimental results (tables, figures), experimental data (e.g. input or
> output systems for a solver) and computer program code (library code, scripts,
> worksheets, Makefiles, etc.). The portion of the paper before these two
> additional pages must be self-contained.

> Extended abstracts are not allowed. At least one author of each accepted paper
> must register for the conference and present the paper.

> Submission is via EasyChair, at the web site

> Topics
> ------

> All areas of computer algebra and symbolic mathematical computation are of
> interest. These include, but are not limited to:

> - Algorithmic aspects:

> * Exact and symbolic linear, polynomial and differential algebra
> * Symbolic-numeric, homotopy, perturbation and series methods
> * Computational algebraic geometry, polynomial and semialgebraic optimization
> * Computational group theory and number theory, quantifier elimination and logic
> * Computer arithmetic
> * Summation, recurrence equations, integration, solution of ODEs & PDEs
> * Symbolic methods in other areas of pure and applied mathematics
> * AI methods and symbolic computation
> * Complexity of algebraic algorithms and algebraic complexity

> - Software aspects:

> * Design of symbolic computation packages and systems
> * Language design and type systems for symbolic computation
> * Data representation
> * Considerations for modern hardware
> * Algorithm implementation and performance tuning
> * Mathematical user interfaces
> * Use with systems such as digital libraries, courseware, simulation and
> optimization, automated theorem-proving, computer-aided design, and automatic
> differentiation

> - Application aspects:

> * Applications that stretch the current limits of computer algebra algorithms or
> systems, use computer algebra in new areas or new ways, or apply it in
> situations with broad impact.

> - Satellite Workshops/Conferences:

> * The organizing committee of ISSAC 2025 invites proposals for Satellite Events
> aimed at enriching the conference program, attracting a broader audience, and
> promoting new developments and original research results in all areas of
> symbolic mathematical computation.

> Organizing Committee
> --------------------

> * General Chair: Carlos D'Andrea. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
> * Program Committee Chair: Sonia Pérez Díaz. University of Alcalá, Spain
> * Local Arrangements Chair: Cristhian Garay López. Centro de Investigación en
> Matemáticas (CIMAT), Mexico
> * Treasurer: Javier Carvajal-Rojas. Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
> (CIMAT), Mexico
> * Proceedings Editor: Santiago Laplagne. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
> * Publicity Chair: Matías Bender. Inria - CMAP, École Polytechnique, France
> * Tutorial Chair: Josephine Yu. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
> * Short Communications Chair: Xiaohong Jia. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
> * Software Presentations Chair: Thi Xuan Vu. University of Lille, France

> Program Committee
> -----------------

> * Erika Ábrahám. RWTH Aachen University, Germany
> * Jérémy Berthomieu. Sorbonne Université, CNRS, France
> * Michela Ceria. Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
> * Maria Francis. Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
> * Bruno Grenet. Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
> * Kai Hormann. University of Italian Switzerland, Switzerland
> * Gabriela Jeronimo. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
> * Christoph Koutschan. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
> * Pierre Lairez. Inria, France
> * Jesús de Loera. University of California, Davis, USA
> * Katsusuke Nabeshima. Tokyo University of Science, Japan
> * Gleb Pogudin. École Polytechnique, Institute Polytechnique de Paris, France
> * Mauricio Velasco. Universidad Católica, Uruguay.
> * Daniel S. Roche. United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, USA
> * Liyong Shen. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of the Chinese
> Academy of Sciences, China
> * Carsten Schneider. Research Institute for Symbolic Computation. Johannes
> Kepler University, Austria
> * Josué Tonelli-Cueto. Johns Hopkins University, USA
> * Rafael H. Villarreal. Cinvestav - IPN, Mexico

> Local Arrangements Committee
> ----------------------------

> * Cristhian Garay López (Chair). Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT),
> Mexico
> * Claudia Reynoso Alcántara. Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
> * Luis Núñez Betancourt. Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), Mexico

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[DMANET] Ph.D. position at Reykjavik University

A Ph.D. position is available at the Department of Computer Science of
Reykjavik University, under the guidance of Magnus M. Halldorsson.

We focus on graph algorithms in constrained models of computation:
distributed, streaming, dynamic, property testing, online, sparsification,
and communication complexity. A particular focus has been on randomized
algorithms for distributed graph coloring.

The position is part of a research project on examining modern models of
computation through the lens of graph coloring, funded by the Icelandic
Research Fund. The project is also an umbrella for general algorithms
research. We focus on tier-1 conferences for publication: PODC and DISC for
distributed work; SODA, ICALP, FOCS, and STOC for other areas.

The applicant is expected to have good algorithmic grasp with experience in
probabilistic analysis.

The position provides a pre-tax stipend of 478,000 ISK per month. It is for
three years, to start as soon as possible.

Reykjavik is a vibrant city with easy outdoors access. With lunar-like
landscapes, Iceland offers unsurpassed opportunities to see nature at work.
It also ranks high on lists for safety, equality, and happiness.

Interested applicants should send their CV, including a list of
publications, in PDF to (or, together with a
statement outlining their suitability for the project and the names of at
least two referees. An internship would also be available.

Informal inquiries about the project and the conditions of work are very
welcome. For first priority, submit by 5 February 2025.

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[DMANET] Fwd: EURO 2025, Vehicle Routing session

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Irene Loiseau <>
Date: mar, 7 ene 2025 a la(s) 3:51 p.m.
Subject: EURO 2025, Vehicle Routing session
To: <>

EURO 2025, the 34rd European Conference on Operational Research will be
held in Leeds, UK, June 22 –25 ,2025

We are organizing a session on Vehicle Routing Problems included in the
stream of Combinatorial Optimization. We welcome contributions on
exact and heuristic methods as well as on applications.


To submit an abstract for this session please
visit *
<>4* and use the session number

Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 1500
characters . Each attendee is allowed to present *one* paper at the
conference.The person submitting the abstract must be the one presenting
and has to appear as first author.

In order to submit an abstract, you need to have a EURO account. If you
do not have one you will need to create one.

Submission deadline: March 8, 2025


Irene Loiseau
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires

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[DMANET] Open position at the AOC team of LIPN - Paris13 - Starting in September 2025

*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
Looking for candidates to a Permanent Associate Professor position in
Mathematical Programming at Sorbonne Paris Nord

The Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (ex-Paris 13) is seeking applicants
for an Associate Professor position
in the Department of Computer Science attached to the LIPN (Laboratory
of Computer Science of Paris Nord)
as for research and teaching.

The Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN - CNRS UMR 7030) is
strengthening its research
in Combinatorial Optimization and Mathematical Programming within the
Algorithms and
Combinatorial Optimization (AOC) team by recruiting an associate

Recherche Profile

LIPN's AOC team addresses a wide variety of issues, ranging from the
theoretical to the practical
aspects of combinatorial optimization and operations research. It
studies combinatorial problems'
structures and designs algorithms based on polyhedral and graph theory,
as well as mathematical
programming. The AOC team is also interested in the implementation of
these algorithms for
practical applications, arising in the industry sector. The team has
developed not only local and
national but also international collaborations. It also has numerous
industrial connections.

The profile sought may come from any field of combinatorial optimization
and operations research
related to the research themes of the AOC team. It will be particularly
welcome a profile with a
background in mathematical programming : decomposition methods, linear
and non-linear
optimization, design and implementation of innovative algorithms.
expertise in other themes is also welcome, for example in machine
learning for optimization,
optimization under uncertainty, problem complexity, decision theory,
polyhedral approaches or
graph theory.

Teaching Profile

The recruited associate professor will teach in French about 6 hours a
week in Computer
Science and Applied Mathematics

The research and teaching profile can be found here

Keywords: combinatorial optimization, discrete applied mathematics,
mathematical programming.

More information / further contacts

Please contact us as soon as possible (applications must be uploaded
before March 2025)

Roberto Wolfler Calvo, Roberto.Wolfler @
Pierre Fouillhoux, Pierre.Fouilhoux @
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[DMANET] Computational optimization

Call for Papers

18th International Thematic Track/Workshop on Computational Optimization
Krakow, Poland, September 14-17, 2025

organized in the framework of CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND
FedCSIS - 2024

IEEE CS is a technical co-sponsor of FedCSIS 2025

We invite original contributions related to both theoretical and practical
aspects of optimization methods. The list of topics includes, but is not
limited to:

* combinatorial and continuous global optimization
* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* multiobjective and robust optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* optimization on graphs
* large-scale optimization, in parallel and distributed computational
* meta-heuristics for optimization, nature-inspired approaches and any
other derivative-free methods
* exact/heuristic hybrid methods, involving natural computing techniques
and other global and local optimization methods
*numerical and heuristic methods for modeling

The applications of interest are included in the list below, but are not
limited to:

* classical operational research problems (knapsack, traveling salesman,
* computational biology and distance geometry
* data mining and knowledge discovery
* human motion simulations; crowd simulations
* industrial applications
* optimization in statistics, econometrics, finance, physics, chemistry,
biology, medicine, and engineering.
*environment modeling and optimization

Best paper award

The best CO25 paper will be awarded during the social dinner of FedCSIS2025.
The best paper will be selected by CO25 co-Chairs by taking into
consideration the scores suggested by the reviewers, as well as the quality
of the given oral presentation.


Submission and Publication

* Authors should submit draft papers in PDF format.
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 12 pages for regular paper
and 6 pages for short papers (IEEE style). IEEE style templates are
available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
merit and relevance to the trakc.
* Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database and submitted for
different indexations (Communication and Position papers will only appear
in the conference proceedings).
* Extended versions of selected papers presented at CO25 will be published
in edited book of the series "Studies of Computational Intelligence",
Springer with SJR 0.237.


Important dates:

+ Paper submission (strict deadline): May 25, 2025, 23:59:59 pm HST (there
will be no extension)
+ Position paper submission: June 10, 2025
+ Author notification: July 01, 2025
+ Final paper submission and registration: July 17, 2025
+ Conference date: September 14-17, 2025

Organizing Committee

Stefka Fidanova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Antonio Mucherino, IRISA, University of Rennes 1, France
Daniela Zaharie, West University of Timisoara, Romania

If you have any question do not hesitate to send an email to :

Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642

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* via DMANET.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

[DMANET] PhD scholarship at the University of Adelaide, deadline 31 Jan, 2025

The Optimisation and Logistics group at the

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Adelaide, Australia

has a scholarship available for a Ph.D. Student working
within the HILT CRC Project "Robust Solutions for Complex Energy Infrastructure".

The project aims to provide robust solutions for energy infrastructure by
developing algorithms that can optimise complex infrastructure based on
predicted energy supply and demand, while dealing with associated

The prospective student should have a strong background in energy
networks and/or the design and application of optimisation algorithms such
as mixed integer programming or heuristics search algorithms. To deal with
stochastic aspects of the problems and algorithms, strong mathematical
knowledge is also required.

Additional information can be found at

Expressions of interest (including curriculum vitae, list of publications if
applicable, IELTS results if applicable, list of university grades, and names of two references with their
e-mail addresses) must be sent by email in PDF format with subject line
"PhD application: Energy Infrastructure" to Frank Neumann
( by January 31, 2025.

Frank Neumann
Optimisation and Logistics
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Adelaide, Australia
Adelaide, SA 5005

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[DMANET] ICDT 2026 Call for Papers

** ICDT 2026 - Call for Papers **

ICDT is a series of international scientific conferences on research of
data management theory ( Since 2009,
it is annually and jointly held with EDBT (Extending DB Technology).

The 29th edition of ICDT, in 2026, will take place in Tampere, Finland.

** Topics of Interest **

We welcome research papers on every topic related to the principles and
theory of data management, provided that there is a clear connection to
foundational aspects. This includes, for example, articles on "classical"
data management topics such as:
- The theoretical investigation of various aspects of underlying data
management systems (e.g., Indexes, Concurrency and recovery, Distributed
and parallel databases, Cloud computing, Privacy and security, Graph
databases, Data streams and sketching, Data-centric (business) process
management and workflows, Data and knowledge integration and exchange, Data
provenance, Views, Data warehouses, Domain-specific databases - multimedia,
scientific, spatial, temporal, text data, ...),
- The design and study of data models and query languages,
- The development and analysis of algorithms for data management,
but also includes papers exploring existing or identifying new connections
between data management and other areas, such as the areas of: knowledge
representation, semantic web, web services, information retrieval and data
mining, machine learning/AI, distributed computing, theoretical computer

In all of the above, a clear emphasis on foundational aspects is expected.
You may want to check to get an
overview of previous editions of ICDT.

The Program Committee reserves the right to desk reject a submission when
it is regarded to be out of scope.

** Submission Cycles and Dates **

ICDT will have two submission cycles for 2026, with deadlines as follows:

All times are Anywhere on Earth (UTC + 12)

** ICDT Submission Cycle 1 **

March 13, 2025: Abstract submission
March 20, 2025: Paper submission
June 1, 2025: Notification

** ICDT Submission Cycle 2 **

September 3, 2025: Abstract submission
September 10, 2025: Paper submission
December 1, 2025: Notification

Papers rejected in the first submission cycle cannot be submitted to the
second submission cycle unless explicitly requested by the reviewers.

** Program Committee **

** ICDT 2026 Program Committee Chair **

Balder ten Cate, ILLC, University of Amsterdam

** ICDT 2026 Program Committee Members **

Antonella Poggi, University of Rome Sapienza
Batya Kenig, Technion
Carsten Lutz, University of Leipzig
Cristina Sirangelo, CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Diego Figueira, CNRS, Univ Bordeaux
Dominik Freydenberger, Loughborough University
Emanuel Sallinger, TU Wien
Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp
Francesco Scarcello, Università della Calabria
Hubie Chen, King's College London
Jeff M. Phillips, University of Utah
Liat Peterfreund, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Luc Segoufin, INRIA, ENS Ulm
Mahmoud Abo Khamis, RelationalAI
Marco Calautti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Markus Schmid, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University
Matthias Niewerth, Bayreuth University
Miika Hannula, University of Tartu
Sanjay Krishnan, University of Chicago
Sebastian Rudolph, TU Dresden
Stavros Sintos, University of Illinois Chicago
Stefan Mengel, CNRS, Université d'Artois

** Submission Instructions **

All submissions will be electronic via EasyChair. Link:
Papers must be written in English and provide sufficient detail to allow
the program committee to assess their merits. Papers must be submitted as
PDF documents, using the LIPIcs style (

** Tracks **

1. ** Regular Research Papers (15 pages, anonymized) **

The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops. Papers
must be at most 15 pages, excluding references. Additional details may be
included in a clearly marked appendix, which, however, will be read at the
discretion of the program committee (online appendices are not allowed).
Papers not conforming to these requirements may be rejected without further

2. ** Database Theory in Action (4 pages, non-anonymized) **

To broaden the scope of ICDT and showcase the impact of database theory,
ICDT 2026 includes again a "Database Theory in Action" track that calls for
short papers illustrating interesting applications of database theory in
other domains or in solving real-world problems. These papers will be 4
pages + references, and can be based on a previously published paper at
another venue. In particular, we invite papers that demonstrate novel and
important connections between database theory and neighboring communities
such as Database Systems, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Machine
Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Distributed
Computing, and Industry. At the discretion of the program committee, there
may be invited papers to this track as well. The title of the papers
submitted to this track must start with "Database Theory in Action:". These
papers should also include clear pointers to all relevant previous
publications, websites, tools, repositories, etc.

The proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. This guarantees
that the proceedings will be available online and free of charge, while the
authors retain the rights over their work.

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register at the
conference and to present the paper.

** Anonymous Submission **

>From 2024, ICDT has adopted anonymous submission (only for regular track
papers; submissions for the "database theory in action" track should not be
anonymous), in line with other leading conferences in the database
community such as SIGMOD and PODS. The intent of anonymous submission is to
ensure that the identity of the authors is not presented to the reviewers
during the review process. Specifically, submitted papers must not list
authors or affiliations, and must not include acknowledgments to funding
sources, or other colleagues or collaborators. References to the authors'
own prior work must not be distinguished from other references. Where this
is not possible (for instance, when referring to a specific system to which
the authors have privileged access), anonymized citations are permissible.
For more background on the motivation for anonymous submissions, and the
mechanisms to achieve it, please consult [Snodgrass, 2007]
Simultaneously, the authors may make their submissions available to the
community via pre-print services such as ArXiv and through talks. We do
require that work is not labeled as "under submission at ICDT" or indicates
that it is under review, but otherwise place no restrictions on sharing
results. This does not conflict with the anonymous submission requirement.


An award will be given to the Best Paper. Also, an award will be given to
the Best Newcomer Paper written by newcomers to the field of database
theory. The latter award will preferentially be given to a paper written
only by students; in that case the award will be called Best Student-Paper
Award. The program committee reserves the following rights: not to give any
award; to split an award among several papers; and to define the notion of
a newcomer. Papers authored or co-authored by program committee members are
not eligible for a best paper or a best newcomer paper award.

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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.

[DMANET] BCCA 2025: The 7th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia

*The 7th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications
(BCCA 2025)*

14-17 October 2025 | Dubrovnik, Croatia

*Hybrid Conference*

* *

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology in decentralized systems that
enables secure decentralized transaction processing while ensuring data
privacy and authenticity. It plays a significant role in several areas,
such as the Internet of Things, supply-chain management, manufacturing,
cyber-physical systems, healthcare systems, etc. Unlike centralized
transaction processing solutions, blockchain uses a distributed ledger
mechanism to record data transactions on multiple devices; this will
prevent data breaches, identity theft, and a plethora of cyber-related
attacks, leading to sustainability in data privacy and security. This
conference aims to attract the work of both researchers and practitioners
in the area of cyber-security to share and exchange their experiences and
research studies in both academia and industry in the field of blockchain.

Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all
major areas, which include, but are not limited to:

- Track 01: Large Language Models (LLMs) and Blockchain
- Track 02: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Track 03: IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Track 04: Big Data and Analytics
- Track 05: Security and Privacy on the Blockchain
- Track 06: Metaverse and Digital Twin
- Track 07: IoT Network Security
- Track 08: Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks
and Services
- Track 09: Quantum Computing and Blockchain

*Important Dates:*

- Papers due: March 15, 2025
- Acceptance notification: May 26, 2025
- Registration due: June 26, 2025
- Camera-ready paper due: July 26, 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Submission: March 15, 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Acceptance: April 1, 2025

*Main track Submission Guidelines:*

There are three categories of submission (Overlength charges will be

- *Long papers:* (7-8 pages).
- *Short papers:* (5-6 pages).
- *Poster papers:* (2 pages)

*Submission Link: *

*Organizing Committee*
*Honorary Chair*

- Vlatko Lipovac, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Flavia Delicato, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

*General Chair*

- Adriana Lipovac, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia

*Program Co-Chairs*

- Safa Otoum, Zayed University, UAE
- Müge Özçevik , Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Dusan Ramljak, Penn State Great Valley, USA


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[DMANET] [job offer] (Pre)Postdoc position in the PRAGMA project (algorithms and computational complexity for social choice problems)

Dear all,

Piotr Faliszewski from AGH University in Poland has announced an open
(pre)postdoc position in his PRAGMA project:

The position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The
project focuses on algorithms and computational complexity of
multiwinner elections, participatory budgeting, and analysis of
distances among elections.

Deadline for applications: January 30th, 2025

We suggest March 1st as the starting date, but we are very flexible and
delaying by a few months is perfectly possible.

The official position in the Polish academic system is "asystent" for
which one does not yet need a PhD to apply, so candidates who expect to
graduate in near/predictable future are encouraged to apply. Upon
obtaining official PhD (or for candidates who hold it already) it will
be possible to apply for a promotion to the next hiring level

We offer competitive salary (get in touch with Piotr Faliszewski
directly for details at Regarding the personal
questionnaire (should you want to apply) either get in touch with Piotr
Faliszewski ( or with Joanna Borczynska

If you would be interested in doing a postdoc in Piotr's group, but this
is not the right time yet---feel free to get in touch.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Sornat
AGH University, Poland
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[DMANET] Cooperative AI Summer School [Applications open, 9th-13th July, Marlow, England, UK]

[Apologies if you receive multiple postings.]

Applications are now open for the Cooperative AI Summer School
<>, which
will take place from 9th to 13th July 2025 in *Marlow
*,* near London! Designed for students and early-career professionals in
AI, computer science, and related disciplines—such as sociology and
economics—the summer school offers a firm grounding in the emerging field
of cooperative AI.

Confirmed speakers for this year include:


Michael Wellman <>
(University of Michigan)

Zarinah Agnew <> (The Collective
Intelligence Project)

Ariel Procaccia <> (Harvard University)

More speakers and a full schedule will be announced by early April!

The program also offers opportunities for participants to share their work
and network with peers. We aim to build a Summer School group that brings
together a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to foster a
collaborative and inclusive environment. Financial assistance is available
to ensure that no one is prevented from attending due to a lack of funding.

You can find out more information and apply before the 7th March on
the Cooperative
AI website. <>

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[DMANET] MSc Opportunity in Theoretical Computer Science - FLAReLab at StFX (Canada)

St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada
Fully-funded two-year grad program, opportunity to continue to PhD
Start date: September 2025
Deadline: February 15, 2025

[Please share widely]

The Formal Languages and Automata Research Lab (FLAReLab) at St. Francis Xavier University is seeking motivated students to join our MSc program. While the lab's research focus is formal language theory and automata theory, graduate students may choose to study any area of theoretical computer science adjacent to formal languages and automata.

FLAReLab offers opportunities for collaboration with theory researchers across Canada and around the world. Members of FLAReLab regularly travel both nationally and internationally to present their research to the theory community. Our lab's work is supported by a major grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

This MSc opportunity comes with a funding package that fully covers the cost of tuition for two years as well as some living expenses. Students may also be eligible for federal/provincial scholarships, university scholarships, teaching assistantships, and other awards. FLAReLab has funding available for travel to conferences.

St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) is located in Antigonish, the heart of northeastern Nova Scotia, Canada. The StFX campus offers a small, supportive environment nestled in a welcoming town surrounded by green forests, rolling hills, and the ocean breeze. Antigonish is situated close to Maritime cities including Halifax, Charlottetown, and Saint John, and it is served by Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Major Canadian cities like Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto are all accessible by car, train, and plane.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2025, for a September 2025 start date. Please get in touch to indicate interest well in advance.

The lab's website is available at

Application instructions can be found on the lab's website. For more information, please contact the director of FLAReLab, Taylor J. Smith, by email at

Taylor J. Smith
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
St. Francis Xavier University

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[DMANET] CiE 2025 - 3rd Call for Papers

CiE 2025, 14-18 July 2025, Lisbon (Portugal) - Final CfP

Computability in Europe 2025
Crossroads of Computability and Logic: Insights, Inspirations, and Innovations
Lisbon, Portugal
July 14-18, 2025

Submission link:

Deadlines for full paper submission:
Abstract: January 26, 2025 (AOE)
Full paper: February 2, 2025 (AOE)
Notification of acceptance: April 6, 2025
Final versions due: April 13, 2025
Deadline for informal presentations submission: April 22, 2025 (The notifications of acceptance for informal presentations will be sent a few days after submission)
Early registration before: May 6, 2025
Conference: July 14-18, 2025

CiE 2025 will be the 21st conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe). CiE is a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested innew developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011), Cambridge (2012), Milan (2013), Budapest (2014), Bucharest (2015), Paris (2016), Turku (2017), Kiel (2018), Durham (2019), Salerno (2020, virtually), Ghent (2021, virtually), Swansea (2022), Batumi (2023), and Amsterdam (2024).

Maria Paola Bonacina (University of Verona)
Igor Carboni Oliveira (University of Warwick)

Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna)
Daniel Graça (University of Algarve)
Ekaterina Komendantskaya (University of Southampton)
Ng Keng Meng (Nanyang Technological University)
Paulo Oliva (Queen Mary University of London)
Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg)

* COMPUTABLE ANALYSIS AND TOPOLOGY - organized by Takayuki Kihara and Elvira Mayordomo; speakers include Djamel Amir (Université de Lorraine, LORIA) and Holger Thies (Kyoto University).
* COMPUTABILITY ASPECTS OF DESCRIPTIVE SET THEORY - organized by Luca San Mauro and Dino Rossegger, speakers include Antonio Montalban (University of California, Berkeley), Noah Schweber (Proof School, San Francisco), and Dan Turetsky (Victoria University of Wellington).
* HUMAN-CENTERED AI: FOUNDATIONAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES - organized by Melissa Antonelli, Jean-Baptiste Joinet and Mattia Petrolo, speakers tba.
* PROOF COMPLEXITY AND SAT - organized by Maria Luisa Bonet and Pavel Pudlák, speakers include Albert Atserias (Technical University of Catalonia), Paul Beame (University of Washington), and Robert Robere (McGill University).
* PROOF THEORY: PURE AND APPLIED - organized by Anton Freud and Pedro Pinto, speakers are Horatiu Cheval (University of Bucharest), Azza Gaysin (University of Passau), Morenikeji Neri (University of Bath), and Shuwei Wang (University of Leeds).
* QUANTUM COMPUTING - organized by Georg Moser and Romain Pechoux, speakers include Alejandro Diaz-Caro (CONICET, Buenos Aires), Richard Kueng (Johannes Kepler University Linz), and Simon Perdrix (Inria).

The CiE conferences serve as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects of computability, foundations of computer science, logic, and theoretical computer science, as well as the interplay of these areas with practical issues in computer science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, or physics.

THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers, European and non-European, to submit their papers in all areas related to the above for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings of CiE 2025 at

Papers submitted to the conference proceedings should represent original work, not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference with formal proceedings. The Program Committee will rigorously review and select submitted papers. Accepted papers will be published as a proceedings volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series from Springer-Verlag. Papers to be considered in the conferences proceedings must be submitted in PDF format, using the LNCS style (available at and must have a maximum of 15 pages, including references but excluding a possible appendix in which one can include proofs and other additional material. Papers building bridges between different parts of the research community are particularly welcome.

Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, we invite researchers to present informal presentations of their recent work. A proposal for an informal presentation must be submitted via our submission link:, using the LNCS style file (available at, and be 1 page long; a brief description of the results suffices and an abstract is not required. Informal presentations will not be published in the LNCS conference proceedings. Results presented as informal presentations at CiE 2025 may appear or may have appeared in other conferences with formal proceedings and/or in journals.

The Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) offers modest student travel awards to attend CiE 2025. Students must be members of the ASL in order to apply, and applications must be received three months prior to the start of the conference. Applications should be sent to Shannon Miller at Further information in

Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the PROGRAM COMMITTEE consisting of:
Arnold Beckmann (Swansea University) – co-chair
Laurent Bienvenu (University of Bordeaux)
Christel Baier (Technische Universität Dresden)
Giuseppa Castiglione (Università degli Studi di Palermo)
Benjamin Doerr (École Polytechnique)
Fernando Ferreira (University of Lisbon)
Gilda Ferreira (Universidade Aberta)
Ekaterina Fokina (Vienna University of Technology)
Lorenzo Galeotti (Amsterdam University College)
Jun Le Goh (National University of Singapore)
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki (Royal Holloway, University of London and University of Cambridge)
Ludovic Levy Patey (Mathematics Institute of Jussieu–Paris Rive Gauche)
Zsuzsanna Lipták (University of Verona)
Florin Manea (University of Göttingen)
Simone Martini (University of Bologna)
Russell Miller (Queens College-CUNY)
Georg Moser (University of Innsbruck)
Isabel Oitavem (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) – co-chair
Romain Péchoux (University of Lorraine)
Paolo Pistone (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
Dino Rossegger (Vienna University of Technology)
Stefan Vatev (Sofia University)
Damien Woods (Maynooth University)

We intend to run the Women in Computability program as in previous CiEs, details will be announced in due course.

The event will be held in the Faculdade de Ciências buildings located at University of Lisbon.

Bruno Dinis (University of Évora / CIMA)
José Espírito Santo (University of Minho / CMAT)
Gilda Ferreira (Universidade Aberta / CMAFcIO) - chair
Manuel Martins (University of Aveiro / CIDMA)
Isabel Oitavem (NOVA University of Lisbon / NOVAMath)
Pedro Quaresma (University of Coimbra / CISUC)
João Rasga (University of Lisbon / Instituto de Telecomunicações)
Alexandra Rodrigues (NOVA University of Lisbon)
Paulo Guilherme Santos (Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa / CMAFcIO)
André Souto (University of Lisbon / LASIGE)
Maria Manuel Torres (University of Lisbon / CMAFcIO)

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[DMANET] DisCoTec 2025, 2nd CfP: 20th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques

[Apologies for multiple postings]

Joint Call for Papers

DisCoTec 2025

20th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques

Lille, France, 16-20 June 2025

Submission deadline: 7 February 2025


DisCoTec 2025 is one of the major events sponsored by the International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the European Association
for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS). It gathers conferences and
satellite events that cover a broad spectrum of distributed computing
subjects — from theoretical foundations and formal description techniques,
testing and verification methods, to language design and system
implementation approaches. The three main conferences are:

* COORDINATION 2025 - International Conference on Coordination Models and
* DAIS 2025 - International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems
* FORTE 2025 - International Conference on Formal Techniques for
Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems

DisCoTec 2025 is organised by Inria Lille and the University of Lille. It
will be hosted by Polytech Lille.

* NEW: Accommodations for parents of young children *

Subject to budget availability, we are planning to make special
logistical arrangements for conference participants travelling with young
children (and potentially accompanying persons). We invite interested
persons to contact the General Chair (, as soon as
possible to discuss the arrangements that might be applicable.

* Keynote Speakers *

- Alysson Bessani (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

- Hélène Coullon (IMT Atlantique, France)

- Omar Inverso (GSSI, Italy)

- Burcu Ozkan (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

* Important Dates (for all main conferences) *

All deadlines expire at 23:59 anywhere on earth.

- Abstract submission: 31 January 2025

- Paper submission: 7 February 2025

- Paper notification: 28 March 2025

- Camera-ready: 23 April 2025 (TBC)

- DisCoTec conference: 16-20 June 2025

See each conference site for topics of interest, paper categories, and
submission instructions.

* Main Conferences *

27rd International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
PC Chairs: Cinzia Di Giusto (Université Côte d'Azur, FR) and António
Ravara (NOVA School of Science and Technology, PT)

- DAIS (
25st International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems
PC Chairs: Daniel Balouek (INRIA, FR) and Ibéria Medeiros (University
of Lisbon, PT)

45st International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed
Objects, Components and Systems
PC Chairs: Carla Ferreira (NOVA University of Lisbon, PT) and Claudio
A. Mezzina (University of Urbino, IT)

* Artefact Evaluation Chairs *

- DisCoTec-wide: Roberto Casadei (University of Bologna, Italy)

- COORDINATION: Duncan Attard (University of Glasgow, UK)

- DAIS: Vinicius Cogo (Ciências/ULisboa, Portugal)

- FORTE: Emilio Incerto (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy)

* Proceedings *

Main conference proceedings will be published as volumes in the Springer
LNCS-IFIP series. The volumes will be open access from the IFIP digital
library after a 3-year embargo.

* Journal Special Issues *

Selected papers accepted at the main conferences will be invited for
submission to special issues in high-quality journals, such as:

- Logical Methods in Computer Science

- Science of Computer Programming (Software Track).

* Organizing Committee *

- Simon Bliudze, General Chair (Inria Center at the University of Lille,
- Larisa Safina, Satellite Events Chair (Inria Center at the University
of Lille, France)
- Adrien Luxey-Bitri, Young Researchers Forum Chair (University of Lille,
- Imen Sayar, Gender equality / Women in Science co-Chair (University of
Lille, France)
- Manel Barkallah, Gender equality / Women in Science co-Chair
(University of Namur, Belgium)
- Bas van den Heuvel, Publicity co-Chair (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Matthew Alan Le Brun, Publicity co-Chair (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Rémy Raes, Head of student volunters (Inria Center at the University of
Lille, France)

* Steering Committee *

- Rocco De Nicola (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy)
- Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta, Malta; Chair)
- Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy)
- Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
- Mieke Massink (CNR-ISTI, Italy)
- Luís Veiga (INESC-ID, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Carla Ferreira (NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Jorge A. Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

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[DMANET] SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA25)

The SIAM ACDA25 submission deadlines are approaching:

+ Jan. 27 is the deadline for short abstract and submission registration.

+ Feb. 3 is the deadline for Archival Proceedings papers (with talks) (12 pages) and Extended Abstracts for talks without papers (2 pages).

More information is available at
(Click on the Submissions link on this page for detailed instructions on how to submit.)

Topics of interest include but are not limited to discrete or combinatorial problems and algorithms arising in:
• Algorithm engineering
• Algorithmic differentiation (AD)
• Combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming, including scheduling and resource allocation problems
• Combinatorial scientific computing (CSC) including models, algorithms, applications, numerical methods, and problems arising in data analysis
• Computational biology and bioinformatics
• Data management and data science
• Design and analysis of application-inspired exact, approximation, randomized, streaming, and learning-augmented algorithms
• Graph and hypergraph algorithms, including problems arising in network science and complex networks
• Interaction between algorithms and modern computing platforms, including challenges arising from memory hierarchies, accelerators, and novel memory technologies
• Machine learning and statistical methods for solving combinatorial problems
• Numerical linear algebra, including sparse matrix computations and randomized approaches
• Parallel and distributed computing, including algorithms, architectures, distributed systems, and all parallelism ranging from instruction-level and multi-core all the way to clouds and Exascale computing
• Other applications arising from security, computational finance, computational chemistry/physics, quantum computing, etc.

Best regards,
Bora Ucar

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[DMANET] EuroCG 2025: Finall Call for Contributions

[Sorry if you have received multiple copies of this email.]

The submission deadline is approaching fast: January 21 (23:59 AoE). We are
looking forward to your submissions!

Call for Contributions

41st European Workshop on Computational Geometry
Organized as an event of the Computational Geometry Society,
April 9-11, 2025, Liblice, Czech Republic

EuroCG 2025 will be held on April 9-11, 2025 in Liblice, Czech Republic.
EuroCG is an annual workshop that combines a strong scientific tradition
with a friendly and informal atmosphere. The workshop is a forum where
established researchers and students can meet, discuss their work, present
their results, and establish scientific collaborations.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: January 21, 2025
Acceptance Notification: February 21, 2025
Early Registration ends: March 5, 2025
Camera-ready version: March 7, 2025
EuroCG 2025: April 9-11, 2025
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE.

Invited speakers

- Oswin Aichholzer (Graz University of Technology)
- Eva Rotenberg (Technical University of Denmark)
- Uli Wagner (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)

Topics of interest

Topics of interest cover all aspects of computational geometry, including
but not limited to the following:

- discrete and combinatorial geometry and topology,
- design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures,
- implementation and experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms,
- numerical and algebraic issues arising from implementations,
- analysis of geometric configurations,
- geometric modeling, visualization and simulation,
- combinatorial optimization,
- graph drawing,
- structural molecular biology,
- geometric puzzle analysis,
- applications of computational geometry,
- geographic information systems,
- robotics and virtual worlds, and
- computer-aided design and manufacturing.


We invite authors to submit extended abstracts of their original research.
Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX using a supplied class file, and not
be longer than 175 lines of text. Submissions will be handled through

Authors must use the LaTeX class files euroCG25 and eurocg25-submission,
which are based on the LIPIcs class file. These class files should
automatically count all lines containing text, excluding title and
references, and excluding figures. Authors are expected to make reasonable
effort to make sure all lines that contain text are counted: the class file
should be considered an aid, and the responsibility of correctly counting
lines remains with the authors. A zip file containing an example of how to
use the class file can be found at

Your submission should provide a clear statement of your results including
proofs. The main (175 line) body of your submission should be
self-contained and contain a clear and succinct description of your
results. Content that does not fit in the main body due to space
restrictions must be placed into a clearly marked appendix, which will only
be read at the discretion of the program committee.

Acceptance Policy

EuroCG is a non-competitive forum. We will accept all submissions which are
original, correct, well-presented, non-trivial, and in scope. The program
committee judges submissions on these five criteria, each of which can lead
to rejection. If a submission satisfies all criteria, then it will be
accepted: there is no competition against other submissions. For this
reason authors are not requested to hide their names and affiliations at
the time of their submission (the review process will not be double blind).

- Originality: If a submission does not contain original research by the
authors, or if there is good reason to believe this is the case, this is a
reason for rejection. We do not accept submissions which have already been
accepted for publication in a conference and/or journal at the date of the
EuroCG submission deadline. However, we do explicitly allow submissions
that are under review at another
conference or journal at the date of the EuroCG submission deadline.
- Correctness: If the main / a major result of a submission is not correct,
this is a reason for rejection. If an attentive reviewer cannot establish
correctness of the results from the content of the submission, this is a
reason for rejection. However, an acceptance at EuroCG is no correctness
- Presentation: If a submission is written in a way that makes it
unreadable, or it does not follow the submission guidelines as listed in
the call for contributions, this is a reason for rejection.
- Technical Depth: If a submission is trivial, this is a reason for
rejection. However, there is no minimum level of technical depth required.
- Scope: If a submission is out of scope, this is a reason for rejection.
However, we wish to be inclusive in our interpretation of scope, which
includes but is not limited to the list of topics in the call for


EuroCG does not have formally reviewed proceedings. A booklet of abstracts,
without ISBN, will be accessible online on the website for the benefit of
the community and must be regarded as a collection of preprints rather than
a formally reviewed selection of papers. Results presented at EuroCG are
expected to appear in other conferences with formal proceedings and/or in

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a
special issue of the Computing in Geometry and Topology (CGT) journal.

There will also be a voting for the Best Student Presentation.

Presentation of the papers and conference attendance

EuroCG is dedicated to providing an environment that is free from
harassment, bullying, discrimination, and retaliation for all participants.
According to the decision taken at EuroCG 2024 [], from 2025 onwards EuroCG will
be organized as an event of the CG Society []. Only members of the Society
can attend EuroCG. Society membership is free. All members of the Society
are bound by its Code of Conduct []. A person
whose membership has been suspended, for example by the Code of Conduct
Committee [],
cannot attend EuroCG in person.

EuroCG is fundamentally an in-person event and all presentations are
expected to be given in person. Hence at least one author of an accepted
contribution must become a member of the society and attend EuroCG. If no
author of an accepted contribution is attending EuroCG, then the
contribution may be removed from the program, the booklet of abstracts, and
the conference website.

Program Committee

Michael A. Bekos (University of Ioannina)
Carla Binucci (University of Perugia)
Sergio Cabello (University of Ljubljana)
Jean Cardinal (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Éric Colin de Verdière (CNRS, LIGM, Marne-la-Vallee)
Sabine Cornelsen (University of Konstanz)
Sándor Fekete (TU Braunschweig)
Stefan Felsner (TU Berlin)
Petr Hliněný (Masaryk University)
Michael Hoffmann (ETH Zürich)
Fabian Klute (UPC Barcelona)
Jan Kratochvíl - co-chair (Charles University)
Giuseppe Liotta - co-chair (University of Perugia)
Rahnuma Islam Nishat (Brock University)
Yoshio Okamoto (University of Electro-Communications)
Dömötör Pálvölgyi (Eötvös Loránd University)
Charis Papadopoulos (University of Ioannina)
Zuzana Patáková (Charles University)
Joseph O'Rourke (Smith College)
Paweł Rzążewski (Warsaw University of Technology and University of Warsaw)
Gelasio Salazar (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
Christiane Schmidt (Linköping University)
Miloš Stojaković (University of Novi Sad)
Alessandra Tappini (University of Perugia)
Pavel Valtr (Charles University)
Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University)
Birgit Vogtenhuber (Graz University of Technology)
Meirav Zehavi (Ben-Gurion University)
Johannes Zink (Technical University of Munich)

Organizing Committee

Martin Balko - co-chair (Charles University)
Pavel Hubáček (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Anna Kotěšovcová (Conforg)
Maria Saumell - co-chair (Czech Technical University)
Pavel Valtr (Charles University)

Looking forward to seeing you in Liblice.

The organizers

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

[DMANET] Post-doc position at the University of Wroclaw

We offer a position in the project

Efficient distributed and parallel algorithms for big and dynamic data

led by Tomasz Jurdziński, focused on design and analysis of distributed and
parallel algorithms for contemporary architectures as well as the study of
the limitations of these architectures.

The post-doc position is intended for 12 months (with an option for
extension until June 2026) starting in March 2025. The starting date is

The position comes with full-time employment with a gross salary comparable
to the average salary in Poland and allows for a reasonably comfortable
living in Wroclaw. It also includes basic health insurance and a year-end

Sufficient travel funds will also be provided.

The candidate should hold (or be about to obtain) a PhD in Computer
Science, Mathematics, or a closely related field. Preference will be given
to external candidates, who have (co-authored) non-trivial results in the
(broadly understood) topic of the project. An application should include:

- curriculum vitae,

- copy of PhD diploma,

- list of publications,

- short description of selected obtained results and general
research interests.

Our algorithm groups and offer stimulating working

Wroclaw is a modern city (see, e.g.,, pleasant
to live in, having over 100 000 students.

The position will remain open until a good candidate is found, but at least
until *February 15,* *2025*.

Further questions and applications should be sent to Tomasz Jurdziński
(tomasz.jurdzinski [at] cs [dot] uni [dot] wroc [dot] pl).

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[DMANET] iMETA 2025: The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia

*The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies &
Applications (iMETA 2025)*

14-17 October 2025 | Dubrovnik, Croatia

*Hybrid Conference*

Over the years, technology has advanced significantly, and the creation of
virtual environments (i.e., metaverse) is one of the latest innovations to
revolutionize how we interact, process, and connect our real lives to other
lives. With the metaverse, we are presented with a new realm that blurs the
lines between the physical and digital world, providing a new space for
communication, commerce, services, and entertainment.

The International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies &
Applications (iMETA) is to bring together leading researchers, academics,
and industry experts to explore the various aspects of the distributive
metaverse, including its technologies, applications, and implications for
various industries. Attendees can expect to participate in exciting keynote
speeches, panel discussions, and presentations on cutting-edge research

Throughout the conference, there will be ample opportunities for attendees
to network, share their knowledge, and collaborate on future initiatives
that will drive the development of the metaverse forward. We are confident
that iMETA conference will inspire new ideas, foster innovation, and spark
collaborations that will push the boundaries of the metaverse and its
potential to change the world as we know it.

The metaverse is a complex system that requires careful planning, design,
and implementation to function correctly. The iMETA conference will delve
into several key areas related to communication, computing, and systems
within the metaverse. Communication is a fundamental aspect of the
metaverse, allowing users to interact with one another, share information,
and collaborate on tasks. Computing is also essential for the metaverse
advancements and to function effectively. Topics such as distributed
computing, cloud computing, and edge computing are to be revisited within
the metaverse realm.

Overall, the iMETA conference aims to provide attendees with a
comprehensive understanding of the communication, computing, and system
requirements of the metaverse. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions,
and presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with
leading experts and learn about the latest developments and future trends
in the field. The conference will also provide ample opportunities for
networking, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with others in the
metaverse community.
List of Tracks:

- Track 1: Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Metaverse
- Track 2: Native AI for Metaverse Technologies
- Track 3: Security and Privacy
- Track 4: Networking and Communications
- Track 5: Systems and Computing
- Track 6: Multimedia and Computer Vision
- Track 7: Immersive Technologies and Services
- Track 8: Storage and Processing

*Important Dates:*

- Papers due: 15 Mars 2025
- Acceptance notification: 26 May 2025
- Registration due: 26 June 2025
- Camera-ready paper due: 26 July 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Submission: 15 March 2025
- Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Acceptance: 1 April 2025

*Submission Guidelines:*

Manuscripts must be original, not previously published, or under review by
another conference or journal. Submissions should adhere to the IEEE
Conference Proceedings Format, using a double-column layout, 10-point font,
and letter-sized paper. Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format and
should not exceed 6 pages for the review process. Accepted papers may
extend to a maximum of 8 pages for the camera-ready version, subject to an
overlength page fee.

*Submission Link: ***

*Organizing Committee*
Steering Committee

- Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
- Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
- Ian F. Akyildiz, Truva Inc., USA
- Merouane Debbah, TII, UAE
- Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Salil Kanhere, UNSW Sydney, Australia
- Walid Saad, Virginia Tech, USA
- Moayad Aloqaily, MBZUAI, UAE

General Co-chairs

- Adriana Lipovac, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Yulwi Yu, UK

Program Co-chairs

- Ouns Bouachir, Zayed University, UAE
- Elif Bozkaya, National Defence University Turkish Naval Academy, Turkey
- Marwan Omar, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA


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[DMANET] Submission Deadline: January 20, 2025 – The 2nd International Workshop on TwinNetApp in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2025 | Montreal, Canada

We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFPs.
We appreciate your help to contribute & forward this CFPs to your friends.
You are cordially invited to submit your latest research results to the
TwinNetApp Workshop.

The Second International Workshop on Data Driven and AI-Enabled Digital
Twin Networks and Applications (TwinNetApp) in conjunction with
IEEE ICC 2025 | Montreal, Canada
Workshop Website:
Conference Website:

The next generation technologies are envisioned to connect the physical and
digital worlds. In this regard, Digital Twins (DT) is an emerging
technology that has taken the world by storm due to its multiple benefits
and deployment in interdisciplinary applications ranging from real-time
remote monitoring to healthcare, industrial control systems and predictive
maintenance in aerospace. DT connects the physical and digital worlds by
building an accurate virtual replica of system objects in real-time.
Real-time network monitoring, performance testing, optimization, and fast
simulation are some examples that exploit DT advantages in the
communication domain and beyond. DT delivers a new generation platform to
analyse and test complex systems that is not currently available in
traditional simulations and evaluations. Therefore, the use of DT is
required in communication systems. Further, DT can deliver seamless
analysis, monitoring, and predictions between digital and virtual
counterparts of real-world systems, when it is used together with
next-generation mobile communications (5G/6G), Virtual Reality (VR),
Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transfer Learning
(TL), 3D models, Augmented Reality (AR), distributed computing and
intelligent health applications. The workshop will invite authors to submit
papers presenting new research related to all aspects of DT networks,
systems and applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited
• Data-driven and IoT-based DT networks for real-time communication
• Real-time communication protocols for DT networks
• DT-enabled health applications
• Wireless communications for cyber-physical DT applications
• Security and privacy concepts in DT
• Trustworthy AI enabled DT applications
• DT-assisted AI applications for smart cities
• Communications protocols for enabling DT deployment in real-world
• AI applications of DT systems
• DT in Edge/Fog/Cloud Computing
• DT for enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), massive Machine Type
Communications (mMTC), and Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications
(URLLC) applications
• DT for resource management and network optimization
• Connected networking systems for environmental sensing
• DT for precision agriculture, smart city and industry 4.0 applications
• Real-world DT simulations, prototypes, and testbed demonstrations

*General Chairs*
• Berk Canberk, Edinburgh Napier University, UK (
• Octavia Dobre, Memorial University, Canada ( (IEEE Fellow)
• Marco Di Renzo, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec,
Laboratoire des Signaux et Systémes, France ( (IEEE Fellow)

*Keynote Speaker*
• Trung Q. Duong, Memorial University, Canada ( (IEEE

*Industrial Chair* • Gökhan Yurdakul, GM of BTS Group (

*Important DatesSubmission Deadline: *January 20, 2025
*Notification of Acceptance: *March 10, 2025
*Camera Ready: *March 31, 2025

The page length limit for all initial submissions for review is SIX (6)
printed pages (10-point font) and must be written in English. Initial
submissions longer than SIX (6) pages will be rejected without review.
*Submission Link:*

*Best Paper Award*
The workshop will feature a Best Paper Award with a cash prize of 800
Dollars, sponsored by BTS Labs (


Kind regards,

Khayal Huseynov

PhD Candidate

Edinburgh Napier University, UK

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Monday, January 13, 2025

[DMANET] CFP: 1st International Workshop on Web3 Applications and the eVolution of dEcentralized finance (WAVE) 2025 @ IEEE ISCC 2025


**CFP: 1st International Workshop on Web3 Applications and the eVolution
of dEcentralized finance (WAVE) 2025 @ IEEE ISCC 2025**


2-5 July 2025, Bologna, Italy

Accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be available via the
IEEE Xplore.

Motivation and Rationale

Web3 and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) are two key factors of the new
Internet era. They are redefining the landscape of digital
communications and distributed systems, offering new opportunities for
secure, resilient, and scalable applications. The worldwide adoption of
Web3 is reshaping how users experience Internet services by including
concepts such as decentralization, democratization and rewarding in
existing services. The main engine of Web3 is blockchain technology.
However, there are numerous areas where there is room for improvement.

To begin with, most Web3 applications revolve around DeFi, however, the
decentralisation offered by blockchain technology could help plenty of
scenarios. Promising scenarios are supply chains, health, decentralized
storage, data sharing, power grids, virtual worlds (like the Metaverse)
and many more. Additionally, there are other scenarios where Web3 could
have a meaningful impact, including IoT, vehicular networks, cloud and
edge computing, digital identities, intellectual property management,
digital twins, and integration with the physical world. DeFi is still
quite far from perfect. Indeed, fungible and non-fungible assets are
constantly evolving to include more advanced functionalities as so to
increase their adoption. Moreover, DeFi was shown to be susceptible to
malicious activity, including fake NFTs, sleepminting, washtrading, rug
pull, pump and dump, Maximal Extractable Value and other scams. Finding
solutions to foresee and prevent such malevolent practices becomes
crucial for the true adoption of this technology. Lastly, blockchain
technology has some inherent limitations that are still to be addressed,
including creating efficient consensus protocols for public blockchains,
and secure channels for transaction confirmation among others.

The Web3 Applications and the eVolution of dEcentralized finance (WAVE)
workshop analyses the technological challenges and the potential of Web3
and DeFi applications. By bringing together researchers and
practitioners, the workshop aims to attract contributions that can
discuss how these emerging technologies can shape the future of
blockchain, and address the challenges of their adoption. Papers on both
theoretical and design aspects are welcomed, which describe and evaluate
novel design methods and system prototypes. The workshop also welcomes
work-in-progress and position papers.


We welcome submission on a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to:


Web3 Applications and Technologies


Web3 storage decentralization and data sharing


Novel Web3 applications (IoT, networks, cloud computing)


DLTs and Blockchain Technology


Blockchain security and performance


Adoption of blockchain in innovative scenarios


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and similars (e.g. GameFi, SocialFi)


Application of DeFi to novel scenarios


DeFi vulnerability identification and mitigation


New DeFi services


Decentralized Social Networking: analysis and applications


Decentralized Technology for the Metaverse


NFTs analysis and applications


AI for Web3 and DeFi


Privacy, scalability, and governance


Networking and communications for Web3 and DeFi


Solutions for safe online environments


Submissions will be made via EDAS using the following link:

WAVE'25 uses a double-blind review process. The workshop accepts
manuscripts up to 6 pages long in the IEEE double-column proceedings
format, including tables, figures and references.

Important Dates


Papers submission: [Extended Deadline] February 10, 2025 (AoE, UCT -12)


Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2025


Camera-ready paper due: April 14, 2025


Workshop: July 2-5, 2025 (tbc)


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