Friday, May 31, 2024

[DMANET] [First CFP] CRiSIS 2024: The 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems

Apologies if you receive multiple copies

19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems
(CRiSIS 2024)

November 26th - 28th, 2024

Aix-en-Provence, France

The 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and
Systems (CRiSIS) in 2024 continues its tradition of addressing critical
security challenges in Internet-connected applications, networks, and
systems. The indispensability of the Internet for information exchange among
diverse user groups and organizations has led to heightened risks around
security and privacy. This vulnerability is exacerbated by the
sophistication of online attacks, the proliferation of cybercrime, and the
readily available tools for attackers, who are increasingly motivated and

The advent of complex technologies, including pervasive computing, mobile,
and wireless devices and networks, introduces new security challenges,
necessitating the deployment of advanced security mechanisms and techniques.
These advancements are crucial for protecting critical sectors such as
energy, transportation, health, defense, banking, critical infrastructures,
embedded systems and networks, avionics systems, and more, ensuring an
acceptable level of security assurance.

CRiSIS 2024 serves as an essential platform for stakeholders in computer and
network security from the industrial, academic, and governmental sectors to
convene, share insights, and showcase the latest developments in combating
Internet-related security threats, vulnerabilities, and the necessary
countermeasures to address them.



We target contributions from both academia and industrials on the following
topics, but not limited to:

- AI and machine learning-based security approaches

- Formal methods and logics-centered security approaches

- Analysis and management of risk

- Attacks and defenses

- Attack data acquisition and network monitoring

- Authorization, Authentication, and Identity Management

- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

- Cryptography, biometrics, watermarking

- Dependability and fault tolerance of Internet applications

- Distributed systems security and safety

- Embedded system security and safety

- Empirical methods for security and risk evaluation

- Hardware-based security and physical security

- Intrusion detection and prevention systems

- Organizational, ethical, and legal issues

- Privacy protection and anonymization

- Risk-aware access and usage control

- Analysis and management of cyber crisis

- Security and risk assessment

- Security and risks metrics

- Security and dependability of operating systems

- Security and safety of critical infrastructures

- Security and privacy of peer-to-peer system

- Security and privacy of wireless networks

- Security in Cloud/Edge/Fog computing

- Security models and security policies

- Security of big data

- Security of industrial control systems

- Security of intelligent transportation systems

- Security of e-commerce, electronic voting, and database systems

- Security of new-generation networks

- Security of smart cities

- Security of smart grid

- Security of social networks

- Security of the IoT and IIoT

- Security of VoIP and multimedia

- Smartphone security and privacy

- Traceability, metrology and forensics

- Trust management

- Ubiquitous computing security

- Use of smart cards and personal devices for Internet applications

- Virtualization security

- Web and Web-service security



Submission deadline: June 15th, 2024

Notification of acceptance: July 15th, 2024

Camera-ready paper due: October 15th, 2024



Submitted papers must not significantly overlap with papers already
published or those being concurrently submitted to a journal or conference
with proceedings. Papers should be written in English and submitted
electronically in PDF format.

Selected papers presented at the conference will be included in the
post-proceedings, to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors are required to revise their papers
according to review comments before publication. Pre-proceedings will be
available at the time of the conference.

The maximum length for submissions is 16 pages for full papers and 6 pages
for short papers, following the LNCS formatting guidelines. We recommend the
use of LNCS Springer Overleaf Template
). Authors must upload their paper as PDF
file using the EasyChair

submission system:





- Frédéric Cuppens, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada

- Nora Cuppens, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada

- Jean-Paul Mizzi, Université Gustave Eiffel, France

- David Garcia, CESI Lineact, France



- Simon Collart Dutilleul, Université Gustave Eiffel, France

- Samir Ouchani, CESI Lineact, France



- Slim Kallel, University of Sfax, Tunisia



- David Garcia, CESI Lineact, France

- Amine Mohammed Boudouaia, CESI Lineact, France

- Malika Benkhalifa, Ecole d'Ingénieurs CESI, France

- Philippe Bon, Gustave Eiffel University, France

- Seddik Reguieg, Gustave Eiffel University, France

- Valérie Osmont, Gustave Eiffel University, France

- Danielle Zennir, Gustave Eiffel University, France

- Danielle Zennir, Gustave Eiffel University, France


Dr. Samir Ouchani, Ing., PhD., HDR.

Research Director, CESI Lineact.

Aix-en-Provence, France.

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[DMANET] SPIRE 2024 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - deadline extension

(We apologize for cross-posting.)

Due to numerous requests, we are extending the submission deadline to June 15, 2024 (AoE, strict!)

SPIRE 2024 — Call for Papers — Deadline Extension
31st International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval
September 23-25, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

New submission deadline: June 15, 2024, AoE (strict!)

The International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE) will be held on the Pacific Ocean beach in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Puerto Vallarta is a world-class tourist destination, with warm, sunny weather year-round, and a strategic location for all SPRIE attendees. Puerto Vallarta's International Airport provides easy access worldwide (more than 200 weekly direct flights from 85 destinations).

Juliana Freire, New York University, US
Marinella Sciortino, University of Palermo, Italy
Gerardo Sierra, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico


SPIRE 2024 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* String Processing: ​ string pattern matching, text indexing, data structures for string processing, text compression, compressed data structures, compressed string processing, text mining, 2D pattern matching, automata based string processing, combinatorics on words
* Information Retrieval: Web search. Retrieval models and ranking. Theoretical models and foundations of information retrieval and access. Efficiency and scalability, e.g., efficient data structures for IR, indexing, etc. Queries and query analysis. Content analysis for search. Knowledge acquisition. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for search, e.g., Core ML, Question answering, Conversational systems, Explicit semantics. Knowledge representation and reasoning. User-centric aspects of IR including user interfaces, behavior modeling, privacy, and interactive systems. Evaluation. Fairness, accountability, transparency. Domain-specific applications, e.g., local and mobile search, social search, multimedia search, health, digital libraries
* Computational Biology: algorithms for DNA sequencing, assembly, alignments, read error correction, metagenomics, transcriptomics, gene and regulatory element recognition, motif finding, pangenomics, variants discovery, phylogenetics, genome rearrangements


SPIRE 2024 invites submissions in two categories:
- Long papers: Up to 12 pages, excluding references and optional appendices.
- Short papers: Up to 6 pages, excluding references and optional appendices.

Papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair via the following link:

As in past editions, the proceedings of SPIRE 2024 will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The use of LNCS templates is mandatory. Suitable templates are available at the Springer Website and on Overleaf. Do not change the margin size or the font, do not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LNCS style file as given. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted.

At least one author per accepted paper is expected to register for the conference and present the paper. The conference will be in-person, with online presentations only in special cases (e.g., authors with travel difficulties).


Authors of selected papers presented at SPIRE 2024 will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to a special issue of the journal Theory of Computing Systems.


Paper deadline: June 3, 2024 - extended to June 15, 2024 (AoE, strict!)
Notification: July 22, 2024
Camera-ready due: July 29, 2024
Early bird registration: until July 31, 2024
Conference: Sept. 23-25, 2024
Workshop on Compression, Text, and Algorithms (WCTA): Sept. 26


Zsuzsanna Lipták, University of Verona, Italy
Edleno Silva de Moura, Federal University of Amazonas and Jusbrasil, Brazil


Ricardo Baeza-Yates, EAI, Northeastern University, USA
Karina Mariela Figueroa Mora, Universidad Michoacana, Mexico


Omar Alonso, Amazon, US
Diego Arroyuelo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, Chile
Golnaz Badkobeh, City University of London, UK
Djamal Belazzougui, CERIST (Research Centre for Scientific and Technical Information), Algeria
Giulia Bernardini, University of Trieste, Italy
Marília Braga, Bielefeld University, Germany
Laurent Bulteau, CNRS - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Edgar Chavez, CICESE, Mexico
Manuel Cáceres, Aalto University, Finland
Edleno Silva de Moura, Federal University of Amazonas and Jusbrasil, Brazil (co-chair)
Nadia El-Mabrouk, University of Montreal, Canada
Jonas Ellert, ENS – PSL, France
Antonio Fariña, University of A Coruña, Spain
Pawel Gawrychowski, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Daniel Gibney, University of Texas at Dallas, US
Inge Li Gørtz, Technical University of Denmark
Meng He, Dalhousie University, Canada
Katharina T. Huber, University of East Anglia, UK
Tomohiro I, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Tomasz Kociumaka, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
M. Oguzhan Kulekci, Indiana University Bloomington, US
Dominik Köppl, University of Yamanashi, Japan
Susana Ladra, University of A Coruña, Spain
Moshe Lewenstein, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Zsuzsanna Lipták, University of Verona, Italy (co-chair)
Felipe A. Louza, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil
Camille Marchet, CNRS, France
Viviane P. Moreira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa, Italy
Cinzia Pizzi, University of Padova, Italy
Svetlana Puzynina, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Narad Rampersad, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Kunihiko Sadakane, University of Tokyo, Japan
Leena Salmela, University of Helsinki, Finland
Blerina Sinaimeri, LUISS University of Rome, Italy
Jouni Sirén, University of California Santa Cruz, US
Tatiana Starikovskaya, École Normale Supérieure, France
Rossano Venturini, University of Pisa, Italy
Aaron Williams, Williams College, US
Michal Ziv-Ukelson, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


Diego Arroyuelo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María and Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, Chile
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, EAI, Northeastern University, USA
Thierry Lecroq, University of Rouen Normandy, France
Franco Maria Nardini, ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy
Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa, Italy
Barbara Poblete, University of Chile and Amazon, Chile
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Google Inc., USA, and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Hélène Touzet, CNRS Lille, France
Rossano Venturini, University of Pisa, Italy
Nivio Ziviani, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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[DMANET] Only Few Days Left for Submission: QDSM@VLDB 2024

International Workshop on Quantum Data Science and Management (QDSM 2024)

In conjunction with VLDB 2024

August 29, 2024, Guangzhou, China (and hybrid)
Submission: June 3, 2024 - Submission deadline has been extended!


** Aims of the Workshop **

The field of quantum computing has experienced remarkable progress
after decades of research and development. Prototypes of quantum
computers already exist and have been made available to users through
cloud services (e.g., IBM Q experience, Google quantum AI, or Xanadu
quantum cloud). While fault-tolerant and large-scale quantum computers
are not available yet, the potential of this new technology is
undeniable. Quantum algorithms have the proven ability to either
outperform classical approaches for various tasks or are impossible to
be efficiently simulated by classical means under reasonable
complexity-theoretic assumptions. Even imperfect current-day
technology is speculated to exhibit computational advantages over
classical systems.

For most database researchers, quantum computing and quantum machine
learning are still new research fields. The goal of this workshop is
to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
multiple disciplines (e.g., database, AI, software, physics, etc.) to
discuss the challenges, solutions, and applications of quantum
computing and quantum machine learning that have the potential to
advance the state of the art of data science and data management
technologies. Our purpose is to foster the interaction between
database researchers and more traditional quantum disciplines, as well
as industrial users. The workshop serves as a forum for the growing
quantum computing community to connect with database researchers to
discuss the wider questions and applications of how quantum resources
can benefit data science and data management tasks, and how quantum
software can support this endeavor.

We believe that many unsolved and interesting issues can be found at
boundaries and intersections between different fields and that there
are insufficient venues to publish such cross-disciplinary results. We
also believe that an important aspect of future quantum computing will
concern issues of handling data in one way or another. This workshop
will serve as a venue not only to discuss early, experimental results
in research, but also to feature a demonstration part with the
intention of providing attendees with first-hand experience in using
novel quantum computing techniques that go beyond the simple examples
offered by various web services. This will give researchers a
realistic intuition about quantum computing for data science and data
management tasks.

** Categories of Papers **

The workshop solicits papers of the following categories:
- Research Papers propose new approaches, theories or techniques
related to quantum data science and management including new data
structures, protocols and algorithms. They should make substantial
theoretical and empirical contributions to the research field.
- System Papers describe new systems and whole frameworks for
enabling quantum data science and management.
- Experiments and Analysis Papers focus on the experimental
evaluation of existing approaches including data structures and
algorithms for quantum data science and management and bring new
insights through the analysis of these experiments. Results of
Experiments and Analysis Papers can be, for example, showing the
benefits of well-known approaches in new settings and environments,
opening new research problems by demonstrating unexpected behavior or
phenomena, or comparing a set of traditional approaches in an
experimental survey.
- Application Papers report practical experiences on applications of
quantum data science and management. Application Papers might describe
how to apply quantum technologies to specific application domains.
- Vision Papers identify emerging new or future research issues and
directions and describe new research visions for quantum data science
and management. The new visions will potentially have significant
impacts on society.
- Demo Papers deal with innovative approaches and applications for
quantum data science and management. These papers describe a showcase
of the proposed approach/application. We are especially interested in
demonstrations having a WOW-effect.
The length of papers must be within 5 pages to 10 pages. Accepted
papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop proceedings
( and presented as oral presentations.

** Topics of Interest **

We are interested in all issues concerning quantum data science and
management such as the following:
- Quantum Computing for problems related to Data Science and Management
- Quantum Data Science
- Quantum Computing for Data Science
- Data Science for Quantum Computing
- Quantum Data Management
- Quantum Computing for Data Management
- Data Management for Quantum Computing
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Machine Learning Enabled Databases
- Quantum Data Management to Support Machine Learning
- New approaches to Quantum Machine Learning
- Applications for
- Quantum Data Science
- Quantum Data Management
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Algorithms with applications in Quantum Data Science and Management
- Quantum Software Tools for Quantum Data Science and Management
- Frameworks and APIs
- Programming Languages
- Optimizers of Quantum Programs and Circuits
- Quantum Cryptography and Security for Data Science and Management

** Workshop Chairs **

- Sven Groppe, University of Lubeck, Germany
- Jiaheng Lu, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Wolfgang Mauerer, Technical University of Applied Science Regensburg, Germany
- Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA

** Publicity Chairs **

- Eleazar Leal, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA

** Proceedings Chairs **

- Valter Uotila, University of Helsinki, Finland

** Program Committee **

- Umut Calikyilmaz, University of Lubeck, Germany
- Maja Franz, OTH Regensburg, Germany
- Srinjoy Ganguly, Woxsen University, India
- Natacha Kuete Meli, University of Lubeck, Germany
- Nitin Nayak, University of Lubeck, Germany
- Jukka K. Nurminen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- IIya Safro, University of Delaware, USA
- Manuel Schonberger, OTH Regensburg, Germany
- Ghanshyam Singh, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
(MNIT Jaipur), India
- Valter Uotila, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Sanjay Vishwakarma, IBM Quantum, IBM Research - Almaden, USA
- Zhengtong Yan, University of Helsinki, Finland

** Important Dates **

Submission (extended): June 3, 2024
Notification: June 30, 2024
Workshop: August 29, 2024

** Submission **

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers
that are not being considered for publication in any other forum.

Manuscripts should be formatted using the camera-ready templates in
the CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( double-column format. The
length of papers must be within 5 pages to 10 pages.

Accepted papers will be published online in the CEUR Workshop
proceedings (

We describe manuscript preparation and submission procedure at

Eleazar Leal, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Science | University of Minnesota Duluth
Heller Hall 331
1114 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
Tel: (218) 726-8452 | Fax: (218) 726-8240

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[DMANET] CO@Work2024 online [corrected link]

Dear colleagues,

After the in-person event is fully booked, we are happy to announce that a limited(!)* version of CO@Work will take place online. From September 16 to 27, around 30 experts from various countries and industries will give Zoom lectures (~3h per day) centered around the computational aspects of Optimization and ML in industry practice.

Confirmed speakers include:

* Timo Berthold, FICO Xpress & TU Berlin
* Petra Bauer, Siemens
* Ralf Borndörfer, FU Berlin and ZIB
* Zsolt Csizmádia, Amazon
* Ambros Gleixner, HTW Berlin and ZIB
* Martin Grötschel, BBAW
* Julian Hall, University of Edinburgh
* Kai Hoppmann-Baum, Delivery Hero
* Tim Januschowski, Databricks
* Thorsten Koch, TU Berlin and ZIB
* Jan Kronqvist, KTH
* Pawel Lichocki, Google
* Andrea Lodi, Cornell Tech
* Marco Lübbecke, RWTH Aachen
* Matthias Miltenberger, Gurobi
* Ruth Misener, Imperial College London
* Daniel Roth, Boeing
* Jakob Witzig, SAP

Register now: or find more information at
*= Online participants will have the possibility to:

* view lectures as a stream in a Zoom Webinar
* ask questions via Zoom's Q&A capabilities
Online participants will *not* have the opportunity to:

* join the hand's-on tutorials
* participate in networking events or the excursion
* receive any ECTS certificates
* enjoy late summer in sunny Berlin
See you online,

PD Dr. Timo Berthold * Software Engineering - Director * FICO
Fair Isaac Deutschland GmbH
Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 841 85 425<>

[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]

Register Court (Registergericht): Amtsgericht Darmstadt, HRB 105180
Managing Director (Geschäftsführer): Dean Sanderson

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[DMANET] IEEE CSF 2024 - Program is online

37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2024)
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands

The program is online!

Check it out at

Keynote speakers: John Mitchell (Stanford) and Peter Müller (ETH Zurich)

*** Early registration deadline: June 14, 2024 ***

Hope to see you there!

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[DMANET] Call for participation for online talks

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new online talk series, "Future
Intelligence (FI) Talks," designed to spotlight the work of excellent early
career researchers in the field of future intelligence, organised by a team
of postdoctoral fellows at the University of Cambridge.

This talk series aims to enhance the visibility of excellent early career
researchers and disseminate state-of-the-art research work in future
intelligence to enthusiasts. It will also be recorded and uploaded to
YouTube to reach wider attendees.

*More information*:

Subscribe for Updates or Register as a Speaker:

Contact Email:

*Event details: *

We will be having our first speaker Micol Spitale, who is an Assistant
Professor at the Politecnico di Milano and a former Postdoctoral Researcher
at the University of Cambridge. Her extensive research in affective
computing and human-robot interaction makes her a leading voice in the
field, promising an insightful and engaging session.

*Date & Time*: 4 June 2024, 14:00, UTC+1

Title: Emotional and intelligent robots: reality or fiction?

Speaker: Micol Spitale

Affiliation: Assistant Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Former
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Cambridge

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 832 0321 0940

Passcode: 35921

Best regards,

Kai-Fung Chu, Chapa Sirithunge, Jerry Xu, Yue Xie

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[DMANET] 2024/25 PhD program in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) at the University of Brescia

The Operations Research Group at the University of Brescia (OR-Brescia) is
looking for candidates for

3 fully funded PhD positions in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM)

The PhD students in Operations Research will join a vibrant research group
internationally recognized for its extensive research on the application of
optimization models and algorithms to problems arising in a variety of
application areas. From 2021 to 2023, the members of OR-Brescia published
around 50 papers in top-tier and peer-reviewed international journals with
Impact Factor, plus several contributions in books and international

The list of research topics in which OR-Brescia is currently active
includes Vehicle Routing Problems (with special emphasis on last-mile
logistics applications), Location Problems (with special emphasis on
fairness in customers' service), Passenger Transportation (with special
emphasis on coordination and fairness issues), and Inventory-Routing

OR-Brescia has a wide network of international collaborations, with
research projects conducted together with top international universities
and research centers. All PhD students are encouraged to spend visiting
research periods at international organizations of such a network, through
ad hoc mobility agreements.

For further information on the PhD program, visit the following website:

AEM in a nutshell
• Contract Type: Scholarship of 36 months (potentially extendable to 48)
• Commitment: Full time
• Location: Brescia (Lombardy, Italy)
• Official language: English
• Starting date: November 1st, 2024.

The call for applications to the PhD program is available at:

Deadline for applications: 19 June 2024 at 13:00 (CEST)

For further information, please contact Prof. Carlo Filippi at

Carlo Filippi
Associate Professor of Operations Research
Department of Economics and Management
University of Brescia
‪‪Google Scholar‬ Profile
<> - ORCID
Profile <>


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[DMANET] postdoctoral position

We invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) in the School of Mathematical Sciences. The successful applicant will work in close collaboration with Prof. Omer Bobrowski on the project "Topological Phase Transitions in Stochastic Geometry", funded by the EPSRC. The main goal of this project is to study the probabilistic behaviour of random high-dimensional structures, focusing on phase transitions (sharp changes) related to their topology. The phenomena studied serve both as high-dimensional generalisations for well-known phenomena in random graphs and stochastic geometry, and as means to develop insight into statistical and computational challenges in topological analysis of data analysis (TDA).

The successful applicant will have, or be about to obtain, a PhD degree in mathematics, or equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience. Applicants should have research experience in a field closely related to probability theory and/or applied topology.

The position is up to 2 years.

The job is listed at with a deadline of June 30th

For any further questions please contact<>

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[DMANET] CBT 2024 - CFP - International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology (co-located with ESORICS)

Please, accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email.


8th International Workshop on
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2024

(in conjunction with ESORICS 2024 and DPM 2024)

September 19, 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland




* Submission deadline: June 6, 2024
* Notification to authors: July 22, 2024
* Camera-ready versions: August 19, 2024



Since the appearance of Bitcoin in 2009, a plethora of new
cryptocurrencies and other blockchain based systems have been deployed
with different success. While some of them are slightly different
copies of Bitcoin, other ones propose interesting improvements or new
usages of the underlying blockchain technology. However, the novelty
of such technologies is often tied with rapid developments and
proof-of-concept software, and rigorous scientific analyses of the
proposed systems are often skipped.

This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers in this area to
carefully analyze current systems and propose new ones in order to
create a scientific background for a solid development of new
cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology systems.

The main topics include (but are not limited to):

* Anonymity and privacy in cryptocurrencies
* Privacy-preserving technologies
* Cryptocurrency based trust systems
* Security analysis of existing cryptocurrencies
* Formal threat models in cryptocurrency systems
* Improvement proposals for existing cryptocurrencies
* Application and service cases of distributed ledgers technologies
* P2P network cryptocurrencies analysis
* Private transactions in blockchain based systems
* New usages of the blockchain technology
* Scalability solutions for blockchain systems
* Blockchain-defined networking
* Smart contracts
* Distributed Identity Management
* Distributed consensus and fault tolerance
* Blockhain Protocols and algorithms
* Transaction Monitoring and Analysis
* Token Economy, finance and payments
* Consensus mechanisms
* On-chain and off-chain code synergies
* Oracles, DeFi, and non-fungible tokens
* Decentralized applications and protocols
* Blockchain as a service


Regular and short papers must be original and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts
following the LNCS Proceedings Manuscript style. Papers are limited to
16 pages (full papers), or 8 pages (short papers) including references
and appendices, and can be submitted as PDF via the CBT 2024 submission

*Double blind review*: CBT requires anonymized submissions -- please
make sure that submitted papers contain no author names or obvious

Accepted regular papers will be published by Springer in the LNCS
collection. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to
register and present their work at the workshop; otherwise the paper
will not be included in the proceedings.


PC Chairs:

Sergi Delgado-Segura - Chaincode Labs
Cristina Perez-Sola - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

PC Members:

Lennart Ante - Blockchain Research Lab
Daniel Augot - INRIA Saclay
Alex Biryukov - University of Luxembourg
Mauro Conti - University of Padua
Vanesa Daza - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Victor Garcia - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Hannes Hartenstein - KIT
Jordi Herrera-Joancomarti - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Jiasun Li - George Mason University
Shin'ichiro Matsuo - Virginia Tech and Georgetown University
Jose Luis Munoz-Tapia - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Guillermo Navarro-Arribas - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Dongming Peng - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Matteo Signorini - Nokia Bell Labs
Hitesh Tewari - Trinity College Dublin
Florian Tschorsch - Technische Universitat Berlin
Eirini Tsiropoulou - University of New Mexico
Dimitrios Vasilopoulos - IMDEA Software Institute


The workshop will be held in Bydgoszcz, Poland, in conjunction
with the 29th annual European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
ESORICS. More information on accommodation and venue available from the
ESORICS 2024 website at

This call for papers and additional information about CBT 2024
can be found at

Kindly contact us at in case of doubts or


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[DMANET] Postdoctoral position

We invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) in the School of Mathematical Sciences for the project "An 'Erlangen Programme' for AI ", funded by the EPSRC. This is a large project across multiple universities including including Oxford, Imperial, Southampton, Durham, and Aberdeen. The successful applicant will work with Prof. Omer Bobrowski and Dr. Primoz Skraba, to bridge the gap between topology and deep learning by investigating how stochastic topological tools can be developed and used to systematically analyse, interpret, and improve the performance of deep neural networks. The position will involve collaborations with researchers at the other universities in the hub as well as opportunities for attending workshops and conferences.

The successful applicant will have, or soon obtain, a PhD degree in mathematics or related area, or equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience, with expertise in at least one of the areas: machine learning, applied topology, and/or probability theory.

The positition is up to 3 years.

The job is listed at with a deadline of June 30th

For any further questions please contact<> or<>

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

[DMANET] ALGOCLOUD 2024 - 2nd call for papers

ALGOCLOUD 2024 - 9th International Symposium on Algorithmic Aspects of
Cloud Computing
September 2-3, 2024, London UK - part of ALGO 2024

Submission deadline: 1st July 2024


The International Symposium on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
(ALGOCLOUD) is an annual event aiming to tackle the diverse new topics
in the emerging area of algorithmic aspects of computing and data
management in modern cloud-based systems interpreted broadly so as to
include edge- and fog-based systems, cloudlets, cloud micro-services,
virtualization environments, decentralized systems, as well as dynamic

ALGOCLOUD aims at bringing together researchers, students, and
practitioners to present research activities and results on topics
related to algorithmic, design, and development aspects of modern
cloud-based systems. The 8th edition of this symposium (ALGOCLOUD 2024)
is co-located with ALGO 2024, a leading international event of
researchers working on algorithms and their engineering.


Paper submission deadline: 1 July 2024
Notification to authors: 31 July 2024
Early registration: TBA
Camera-ready submission: TBA
Conference: 2-3 September 2024

Invited Speaker: Peter Triantafillou, University of Warwick, UK
Title: Machine Unlearning at Large


ALGOCLOUD invites submissions covering theoretical, design, and
implementation aspects of modern cloud-based systems. It specifically
encourages novel algorithms related to cloud and edge computing, cloud
architectures, and the cloud-edge continuum. Experimental work
evaluating contemporary cloud-edge approaches and relevant applications
is of particular interest. Additionally, ALGOCLOUD welcomes
demonstration manuscripts showcasing successful system developments, as
well as articles discussing experiences, use cases, and high-quality
survey papers. Contributions may encompass a broad spectrum of
algorithms, practices, and techniques for modelling, building, and
evaluating operations and services across various systems, including
virtualized infrastructures, cloud computing platforms, edge computing
platforms, fog computing platforms, data centers, cloud storage options,
cloud data management, non-traditional key-value stores on the cloud,
HPC architectures, decentralized systems, and dynamic networks.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another
journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

Regular papers: Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts
reporting original unpublished research in the topics related to the
symposium. A regular paper submission should clearly motivate the
importance of the problem being addressed, discuss prior work and its
relationship to the paper, explicitly and precisely state the paper's
key contributions, and outline the key technical ideas and methods used
to achieve the main results. A regular paper submission should not
exceed 12 pages, including title page and abstract but excluding
references and an optional appendix. Authors should include all
necessary details in their submission so that the Technical Program
Committee (TPC) can judge correctness, importance and originality of
their work. Any material (e.g., proofs or experimental results) omitted
(from the main part of 12 pages)due to space limitations can be put into
the optional appendix, which will be read at the TPC's discretion.
Regular papers will be allotted up to 20 pages in the proceedings.

Short papers: A short paper submission may present work-in-progress on a
specific topic, or work appeared elsewhere but is worth publicizing it
in the symposium, or a demonstration of a system or library, or an
experience/use-case paper, or a vision paper. Authors should clearly
motivate the importance of their contribution, discuss prior work and
its relationship to the paper, and in general provide sufficient details
in their submission so that the TPC can judge the quality and importance
of their work. A short paper submission should be at least 2 and at most
8 pages. Short papers will be allotted up to 8 pages in the proceedings.

Survey papers: A survey paper submission concerns the write-up of a
high-quality survey paper on an emerging hot topic. Authors are asked to
submit a proposal between 5 and 10 pages, that clearly motivates the
importance of the topic, and contains the structure of the survey paper
along with the most important references that will be critically
reviewed and presented. If the proposal is accepted, then authors will
be given sufficient time to prepare the full version of their survey
paper that needs to pass a quality control check by the TPC, in order to
be finally accepted and appear in the proceedings. Survey papers will be
allotted up to 40 pages in the proceedings.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Algorithms for Decentralized Systems
Algorithms for Dynamic Networks
Cloud-Edge Continuum
IoT and Cloud Computing
Fog and Edge Computing
Mobile Edge Computing
Stream processing for Cloud-Edge continuum
In-network stream processing
Machine Learning for Cloud-Edge
Federated Learning in Cloud-Edge Architectures
Resource Management and Scheduling
Resource Management in Mobile Edge Computing
Data Center and Infrastructure Management
Distributed Caching and Load Balancing
Distributed Storage management
Privacy, Security and Anonymization
Game-theoretic Approaches for Cloud-Edge Computing
Economic models and Pricing
Cloud-Edge deployment tools and their analysis
Novel code deployment models
Energy and Power Management
Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures
Search and Retrieval Algorithms for cloud infrastructures
Caching and Load-Balancing
Storage Structures and Indexing for Cloud Database
Decentralization and Blockchains

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer-Nature
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.


All papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair
submission system at:
Submissions website:

Submissions must be in the form of a single pdf file prepared using the
LNCS latex templates and style files (available, together with
Springer's authors' guidelines, from
Springer's proceedings LaTeX templates are also available on Overleaf

By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance
at least one of the authors must register at ALGO/ALGOCLOUD 2024 and
present the paper (this holds for all types of papers, including
accepted survey proposals).

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In
addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of
all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a
Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright
form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the
files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of
the papers cannot be made. Accepted papers will be included in the
post-proceedings published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series.


Awards will be given to the best regular paper and the best student
regular paper. A regular paper is eligible for the best student paper
award if at least one of the authors is a full-time student (Bachelor,
Master, or Ph.D.) at the time of submission and the student(s) must have
made a major contribution to the paper. The TPC can decide to decline or
to split the awards. Awards are sponsored by Springer.


Program Committee Chairs

Katerina Doka, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA

Program Committee

Dimitrios Amaxilatis, Spark Works Ltd, Ireland
Marios Angelopoulos, Bournemouth University, UK
Marios Avgeris, Carleton University, Canada
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Florina Ciorba, University of Basel, Switzerland
Lakshmi Prathima Devarasetty, Google, USA
Juan Fumero, University of Manchester, UK
Domenico Garlisi, University of Palermo, Italy
Georgios Goumas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Ioannis Karydis, Ionian University, Greece
Panagiotis Kokkinos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Ioannis Konstantinou, University of Thessaly, Greece
Aris Leivadeas, ETS, Canada
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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[DMANET] [CFP] IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services, 18–20 November 2024, Nara, Japan

*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call
for paper***


IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services

18–20 November 2024, Nara, Japan


IEEE Healthcom 2024 aims at bringing together interested parties
(universities, research centers, industries and stakeholders) from around
the world working in the healthcare field to exchange opinions, discuss
brand-new ideas, developing innovative and emerging solutions, and
establishing new collaborations.

Healthcare is one of the largest industries with 5-18% of GDPs spent on
health and Care globally. The healthcare budgets of the vast majority of
nations continue to outgrow their GDPs. Social, demographic, economic and
technological factors are the drivers for ever faster changing healthcare
models. While the demographic shifts in the populations display significant
socio-economic challenges they trigger more and more opportunities for
innovators in the areas of sensor technology, the Internet of Things,
Robotics, e-health, m-Health, Cloud Computing and emerging technologies
such as 5G, Big Data, SDNs, NFV, Precision and Personalized Medicine.
However, the integration of innovative technology into society is
associated with a lot of complexities. Social technological alignment and
societal acceptance of technology requires sound solutions with regards to
ethical, legal, social and security challenges.

Authors are cordially invited to submit their original papers within the
eHealth area. The topics include but are not limited to:

l *Signal/Data Processing and Computing For Health Systems*

AI and machine learning for eHealth

Machine and deep learning approaches for Health Data

Generative AI for eHealth

Fog/Edge/Cloud computing for wearable medical devices

Virtual tele-rehabilitation

Biometric analysis (gait analysis, eye-tracking, falls, mHealth)

Signal processing for virus early detection


AI for precision medicine

AI-driven drug discovery and development processes

Federated learning for privacy-preserving health data analysis

l *Communications and Networking*

Network coding and error detection/correction

Delay-tolerant, fault-tolerant, and reliable communication

Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE)

In-hospital networking, body area and cloud-integrated networking

B5G-based eHealth solutions

Future network designs and deterministic networking for eHealth

Semantic communications for eHealth

Network security for eHealth

l *Medical, Biomedical & Health Communication Systems*

Medical imaging, image compression and detection

Signal processing, data cleansing, management and mining

Smart health and big data

IoT for eHealth and telemedicine

eHealth platforms

Digital platforms for biopharmaceutical clinical trials

l *Devices*

Integration of medical devices with eHealth platforms

Medical device interoperability

Wearable and implantable devices

Device Security & Safety

Wearable devices against virus infection

eDrugs: nano-devices in blood stream

Healthcare devices and circuits for AI

l *Service & Applications*

eHealth services/applications for physical and mental health

eHealth services/applications for sports and exercise

eHealth services/applications for public health (disease prevention,
pandemic preparedness)

eHealth services/applications for extreme environments

mHealth applications and software

Quality of experience (QoE) for eHealth services/applications

Security, privacy and trust for e-Health services/applications

Metaverse and digital twin applications for eHealth

Decision support systems for eHealth

Real-time genomic counseling and testing

Telemedicine services that incorporate genetic counseling and testing

l *Medical Studies*

eHealth case studies & applications

eHealth for neurological diseases

EEG/MEG in brain network analysis

Telehealth in Obstetrician & Gynecology

Cardiology tele-health

Integration of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with EEG/functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Perspective authors are invited to submit their papers using EDAS. A full
paper should not have more than six (6) IEEE style pages including results,
figures and references. One (1) extra page is allowed with an extra charge
of $85. Papers will be reviewed with the standard reviewing procedure (with
at least 3 independent anonymous reviews). All of the accepted papers will
be published on IEEE Xplore®. Articles selected for publication in journals
must meet the conditions against self-plagiarism.

The submitted manuscripts shall be prepared in LaTeX or Word using the
official IEEE templates. Final submission of the manuscript will be in PDF
format, and make sure that the file will print on a printer that uses
letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The official language of the meeting is

*Important Dates: *

Paper Submission: 25 May 2024

Notification of Acceptance: 30 August 2024

Final Manuscript (Camera Ready): 30 September 2024

*General Chairs: *

Ruidong Li, Kanazawa University, Japan

Dusit Niyato, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

*TPC Chairs: *

Payam Barnaghi, Imperial College London, U.K.

Noriaki Kamiyama, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Danda B. Rawat, Howard University, USA

Peiying Colleen Ruan, NVIDIA, Japan

*Panel Chair: *

Honggang Wang, UMass Dartmouth, USA

*Tutorial Chair:*

Andrea Sciarrone, University of Genoa, Italy

*Workshop Chairs: *

Dapeng Wu, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Xuyu Wang, Florida International University, USA

*Poster Chairs: *

Chiara Garibotto, University of Genoa, Italy

Guangchi Liu, Southeast University, China

*Publication Chairs: *

Zhicheng Jiao, Brown University, USA

*Financial Chairs:*

Zhe Sun, Juntendo University, Japan

*Publicity Chairs:*

Nada Philip, Kingston University, UK

Yun Lin, Harbin Engineering University, China

Zhengxin Yu, Lancaster University, UK

Junji Takemasa, Osaka University, Japan

*Local Chair: *

Tatsuaki Kimura, Doshisha University, Japan

*Steering Committee Chairs:*

Steering Committee Chair: Shiwen Mao, Auburn University, USA

Steering Committee Vice Chair: Honggang Wang, Yeshiva University, USA

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[DMANET] CALL FOR PAPERS: deadline extension

[Apologies for cross-posting]


CALL FOR PAPERS: deadline extension


We are pleased to announce the Special Issue: Perception in Network Visualization<> in the Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI)<>.

The special issue aims to highlight and foster interdisciplinary discussions on the perception of network visualization, emphasizing perceptual organization, user studies, and perception-aware network visualization algorithms. Official CFP can be found here<>.

Please consider submitting your work to the special issue or share this information with colleagues who may be interested in submitting.

Thank you and you can find more detailed information below:


Optional pre-submission review: from today till August 31, 2024, AoE
Full Paper Submission Date: September 1 (extended from May 20) 2024, AoE

Guest Editors:
Tamara Mchedlidze, Utrecht University
Cindy Xiong Bearfield, Georgia Institute of Technology

Associate Guest Editors:
Daniel Archambault, Newcastle University
Martin Nöllenburg, TU Wien
Alexander Pastukhov, University of Bamberg



Submissions are invited (but not limited to) the following areas:

• Perceptual organization and Gestalt principles in network visualization

• User studies on readability and aesthetics of network visualizations

• Perception-aware algorithms for graph drawing and network visualization

• Perception-aware quality metrics for graph drawing

• Quality metric optimization and experimental evaluations

• Use of color in network visualizations

• Perception in Network Visualization

• Perceptual aspects of visualization of complex, multilayer networks

• Perceptual aspects of visualization of temporal changes in networks

The Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI) is a multidisciplinary journal of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology. The goal is to provide a premiere archival journal that promotes research into how principles of perception and cognition support and inspire new technologies and applications, and how emerging technologies drive new questions for perceptual research. This is an open access journal; all papers are peer-reviewed by at least three experts versed in the multiple disciplines explored. Experimental, computational, theoretical, and survey papers are encouraged. JPI welcomes submissions from all areas of human perception and cognition, including haptic and multisensory perception, from all technologies that interface with humans, including art, and from all application areas.

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[DMANET] [LPNMR 2024] Call For Papers

*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ***

LPNMR 2024 - Call for Papers

17th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2024)
Dallas, Texas, USA | October 11-14, 2024
Contact us:


Paper registration: June 21, 2024
Submission deadline: June 28, 2024
Final notification: July 28, 2024
Final versions due: August 15, 2024
Conference: October 11-14, 2024


The two best papers focused on general AI topics will be invited for publication in either the Artificial Intelligence Journal or the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, based on the preference of the authors.
Also, the 2-5 best papers with a logic programming focus will be invited for publication in the journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.


LPNMR 2024 is the seventeenth in the series of international meetings on logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. LPNMR is a forum for exchanging ideas on declarative logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning, and knowledge representation. The aim of the conference is to facilitate interactions between researchers and practitioners interested in the design and implementation of logic-based programming languages and database systems, and those working in knowledge representation and non-monotonic reasoning. LPNMR strives to encompass theoretical and experimental studies that have led or will lead to advances in declarative programming and knowledge representation, as well as their use in practical applications.
LPNMR 2024 aims to bring together researchers from LPNMR core areas and application areas of the aforementioned kind in order to share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify directions for joint future research.

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on all aspects of non-monotonic approaches in logic programming and knowledge representation. Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
Foundations of LPNMR Systems:
Semantics of new and existing languages
Action languages, causality
Formalization of Commonsense Reasoning and understanding its laws and nature
Relationships among formalisms
Complexity and expressive power
Inference algorithms and heuristics for LPNMR systems
Extensions of traditional LPNMR languages such as new logical connectives or new inference capabilities
Updates, revision, and other operations on LPNMR systems
Uncertainty in LPNMR systems
Implementation of LPNMR systems:
System descriptions, comparisons, evaluations
Algorithms and novel techniques for efficient evaluation
LPNMR benchmarks
Applications of LPNMR:
Use of LPNMR in Commonsense Reasoning and other areas of KR
LPNMR languages and algorithms in planning, diagnosis, argumentation, reasoning with preferences, decision making and policies
Applications of LPNMR languages in data integration and exchange systems, software engineering and model checking
Applications of LPNMR to bioinformatics, linguistics, psychology and other sciences
Integration of LPNMR systems with other computational paradigms
Embedded LPNMR: Systems using LPNMR subsystems

LPNMR 2024 welcomes submissions of long papers (13 pages) or short papers (6 pages) in the following categories:

Technical papers
System descriptions
Application descriptions

The indicated number of pages includes title page, figures, tables, references and appendix. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published in the Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register for the conference to present the work. Submissions must be written in English, present original research, and be formatted according to Springer's guidelines and technical instructions available at:

Paper submission is enabled via the LPNMR 2024 Easychair site:


LPNMR 2024 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during LPNMR's review period. However, these restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings.

LPNMR 2024 will be held on the campus of the University of Texas at Dallas in October 2024. Dallas, part of the Dallas/Fort-Worth metroplex, is a dynamic city with great tourist attractions. Renowned for its unique blend of modernity and rich cultural heritage, Dallas offers an array of attractions for visitors: from diverse range of museums, such as the Dallas Museum of Art and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, to the Fort Worth Stockyards that feature the Cattle Drive (twice daily). Dallas boasts a thriving culinary scene, from sizzling steakhouses to trendy food trucks, to authentic Tex-Mex cuisine. With a wealth of entertainment options, including shopping districts, live music venues, and sports events, a visit to Dallas is a memorable experience.


General Chair:
Gopal Gupta, The University of Texas at Dallas

Program Chairs:
Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria, Italy
M. Vanina Martinez, IIIA-CSIC, Spain

Publicity and Web Chair:
Giuseppe Mazzotta, University of Calabria, Italy

Workshop Chair:
Gerardo Simari, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

Il banner è generato automaticamente dal servizio di posta elettronica
dell'Università della Calabria

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[DMANET] 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024) - Video Track First Call for Papers

21st International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024)
- Video Track First Call for Papers

21st International Conference on

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2024

November 2 - November 8, 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam

Conference web site: (

Call for Videos for the KR 2024 Video Track

We would like to announce the first edition of a video track
as part of the 21st International Conference
on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024)
and give details on how to submit a video in this message.
The aim of the video track is twofold. First,
it wants to encourage KR groups to make the outcome
of their work more accessible to a wider public and
to foster good practice for KR outreach.
Second, it provides researchers with
a prominent platform to showcase interesting applications
and insights and to make them available to a diverse audience
from science, industry, and the general public.

All accepted videos will be made available from
the KR Inc website ( ( )
and promoted on the KR Inc social media channels
including the YouTube channel of the KR conference series (
( ).
There will be awards for the best received videos.
The winners will be announced at the KR 2024 conference.

Topics of Interest

The topic of the video can be from all subfields
of knowledge representation and reasoning.
We want to encourage, in particular, submissions
that can be useful educational resources for the community or
make KR results, projects or
even software more approachable for a broader audience.
This includes videos targeted at undergraduate and
post-graduate students, high-school students or the general public.
Possible video topics include, but are not limited to:

- Introduction to a particular research area or
a research project relevant to KR.
- Visualization of methods or research results relevant to KR.
- Introduction of non-commercial software tools
developed for KR or relevant for KR researchers.

Technical Requirements for the Video

- Video must be relevant for KR
(if in doubt, please consult the topics of interest
or send us an email ( .
- Videos must be in English or include English subtitles.
- Video length should be 3 - 15 minutes.
- Video format: AVI or MPEG4.
- Videos must adhere to copyright laws.

Submission Information

Video contributions can be submitted at:

Please select "Create new submission" for the "KR 2024 Video Track".

A submission to the video track consists of main parts:

Link from which the video can be freely downloaded

Information to be entered directly in CMT about:

- Names, affiliations and email addresses of video authors.

- Title of the video.

- Brief abstract describing the video's content (one paragraph).

- Description who the targeted audience of this video is (1-3 sentences).

Details on the exact submission procedure will be published in a follow-up call for videos.

Evaluation Criteria

- Presentation quality: does the video make good use of the visual medium?
For instance, submissions of static, one-shot recordings of a talk are not encouraged.
- Educational value: Is the presented material conducive to learning and understanding?
- Suitability for target audience: how suitable is the presentation style for the target audience?
- Entertainment value: Is the video enjoyable and fascinating to watch?

Video authors of accepted videos are not obliged
to register for the KR'24 conference.
However, authors of award-winning videos are encouraged to register for the conference.

Important Dates

- Video Submission Deadline: June 28, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2024

Should you have any questions regarding the video track,
please send an email to the video chairs via (
We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Best regards,

Anni-Yasmin Turhan and Nico Potyka

Further details can be found via the conference web site: (

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[DMANET] [1st CFP] B4PIS24 - Blockchain for Process and Information Science at EDOC 2024 and CBI 2024

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]

**** B4PIS24 2024 (Associated with EDOC 2024 and CBI 2024)

1st edition of Blockchain for Process and Information Science (B4PIS24)
September 9-13th, 2024Vienna, Austria



- *Paper submission: June 30th, 2024*

- Notification of acceptance: July 19th, 2024

- Final version: September 29th, 2024

- Workshop: September 9-13th, 2024


Nowadays, in an interconnected society, the increasing need for
coordination among different organizations requires innovative solutions
built upon trustworthy systems. To achieve such an effective digital
transformation, organisations need to bridge the gap between business,
information, processes and technologies. This problem has been tackled by
research on process and information science.

Information science is an integrated set of components to collect,
manipulate, classify, store, and process data to produce information,
knowledge, and digital solutions.

In such a context, Blockchain can bring huge advantages by guaranteeing the
integrity and immutability of data without relying on a central entity,
permitting a tamper-proof execution of contractual obligations among the
involved organizations. However, recent challenges should be addressed,
especially in supporting multiple blockchain platforms and related smart
contracts, breaking the technological barriers for enterprises

The primary objective of B4PIS workshop aims to investigate the potential
of blockchain technology within the fields of process and information
science. This investigation seeks to address and overcome current
technological challenges, promoting innovative approaches to the design and
implementation of blockchain-based information systems and enterprise
applications, as well as their broader societal impact.


The workshop accepts research papers presenting conceptual, technical,
application-oriented and case-study contributions. The themes of this
workshop include but are not limited to:


Blockchain migration strategies for processes, enterprise applications,
and data

Blockchain suitability assessment for enterprise applications

Role of blockchain in non-functional application requirements

Security and privacy aspects in blockchain-based systems

Sustainability aspects on blockchain-based systems

Domain Specific Languages and meta-models for blockchains and

Data privacy and confidentiality on blockchain-based systems

Trusted-by-design blockchain-based systems

On-chain and off-chain data management and integration

Performance, scalability, and optimization for blockchain-based systems

Case studies and lessons learned for blockchain-based systems

Auditing and monitoring on blockchain-based systems

Data quality assessment for blockchain-based systems

Process mining techniques for blockchain-based systems

Verification, validation and testing techniques for blockchain-based

Software architectures for blockchain-based systems

Interoperable and collaborative solutions for blockchain-based systems

Oracles for blockchain-based systems

Technological barriers and legal implications to blockchain adoption

Modeling aspects for blockchain-based systems

Design, implementation, deployment and maintenance of blockchain-based

Blockchain for Identity management in enterprise applications


Accepted papers will be published in joint Springer LNBIP proceedings.


Papers must be original, unpublished and submitted electronically in PDF
format no later than June 30, 2024. All submissions will be handled through
the EasyChair conference management system, accessible at the following

Please remember to select the track "BI Week 2024 - Workshops - B4PIS24"

Contributions must be written in English and prepared using Springer LNBIP

- Full papers (16 pages long, including figures and references) should
present technical contributions, case studies or detailed experience

- Short papers (8 pages long) should advocate preliminary results or
work-in-progress are encouraged as well.



Giovanni Meroni, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Andrea Morichetta, University of Camerino, Italy

Mattia Salnitri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy


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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

[DMANET] [CP 2024] - Registration is open

Dear all,

Registration for the Thirtieth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2024, is open. The registration form and more information are available at:

- Early registration ends on July 14th
- Late registration ends on August 22nd
There will not be on-site registration.


We recommend all participants to book well beforehand. Girona is a very popular city among tourists and cyclists and can get particularly busy during the warmer months. Accommodation information is available in the conference website:<>

We are looking forward to see you in Girona!

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[DMANET] SPIRE 2024 Final Call for Papers: deadline approaching

(We apologize for cross-posting.)

SPIRE 2024 — Final Call for Papers
31st International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval
September 23-25, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

Submission deadline: June 3, 2024

The International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE) will be held on the Pacific Ocean beach in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Puerto Vallarta is a world-class tourist destination, with warm, sunny weather year-round, and a strategic location for all SPRIE attendees. Puerto Vallarta's International Airport provides easy access worldwide (more than 200 weekly direct flights from 85 destinations).

Juliana Freire, New York University, US
Marinella Sciortino, University of Palermo, Italy
Gerardo Sierra, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico


SPIRE 2024 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* String Processing: ​ string pattern matching, text indexing, data structures for string processing, text compression, compressed data structures, compressed string processing, text mining, 2D pattern matching, automata based string processing, combinatorics on words
* Information Retrieval: Web search. Retrieval models and ranking. Theoretical models and foundations of information retrieval and access. Efficiency and scalability, e.g., efficient data structures for IR, indexing, etc. Queries and query analysis. Content analysis for search. Knowledge acquisition. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for search, e.g., Core ML, Question answering, Conversational systems, Explicit semantics. Knowledge representation and reasoning. User-centric aspects of IR including user interfaces, behavior modeling, privacy, and interactive systems. Evaluation. Fairness, accountability, transparency. Domain-specific applications, e.g., local and mobile search, social search, multimedia search, health, digital libraries
* Computational Biology: algorithms for DNA sequencing, assembly, alignments, read error correction, metagenomics, transcriptomics, gene and regulatory element recognition, motif finding, pangenomics, variants discovery, phylogenetics, genome rearrangements


SPIRE 2024 invites submissions in two categories:
- Long papers: Up to 12 pages, excluding references and optional appendices.
- Short papers: Up to 6 pages, excluding references and optional appendices.

Papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair via the following link:

As in past editions, the proceedings of SPIRE 2024 will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The use of LNCS templates is mandatory. Suitable templates are available at the Springer Website and on Overleaf. Do not change the margin size or the font, do not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LNCS style file as given. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted.

At least one author per accepted paper is expected to register for the conference and present the paper. The conference will be in-person, with online presentations only in special cases (e.g., authors with travel difficulties).


Authors of selected papers presented at SPIRE 2024 will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to a special issue of the journal Theory of Computing Systems.


Paper deadline: June 3, 2024 (anywhere on Earth)
Notification: July 22, 2024
Camera-ready due: July 29, 2024
Early bird registration: until July 31, 2024
Conference: Sept. 23-25, 2024
Workshop on Compression, Text, and Algorithms (WCTA): Sept. 26


Zsuzsanna Lipták, University of Verona, Italy
Edleno Silva de Moura, Federal University of Amazonas and Jusbrasil, Brazil


Ricardo Baeza-Yates, EAI, Northeastern University, USA
Karina Mariela Figueroa Mora, Universidad Michoacana, Mexico


Omar Alonso, Amazon, US
Diego Arroyuelo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, Chile
Golnaz Badkobeh, City University of London, UK
Djamal Belazzougui, CERIST (Research Centre for Scientific and Technical Information), Algeria
Giulia Bernardini, University of Trieste, Italy
Marília Braga, Bielefeld University, Germany
Laurent Bulteau, CNRS - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Edgar Chavez, CICESE, Mexico
Manuel Cáceres, Aalto University, Finland
Edleno Silva de Moura, Federal University of Amazonas and Jusbrasil, Brazil (co-chair)
Nadia El-Mabrouk, University of Montreal, Canada
Jonas Ellert, ENS – PSL, France
Antonio Fariña, University of A Coruña, Spain
Pawel Gawrychowski, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Daniel Gibney, University of Texas at Dallas, US
Inge Li Gørtz, Technical University of Denmark
Meng He, Dalhousie University, Canada
Katharina T. Huber, University of East Anglia, UK
Tomohiro I, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Tomasz Kociumaka, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
M. Oguzhan Kulekci, Indiana University Bloomington, US
Dominik Köppl, University of Yamanashi, Japan
Susana Ladra, University of A Coruña, Spain
Moshe Lewenstein, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Zsuzsanna Lipták, University of Verona, Italy (co-chair)
Felipe A. Louza, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil
Camille Marchet, CNRS, France
Viviane P. Moreira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa, Italy
Cinzia Pizzi, University of Padova, Italy
Svetlana Puzynina, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Narad Rampersad, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Kunihiko Sadakane, University of Tokyo, Japan
Leena Salmela, University of Helsinki, Finland
Blerina Sinaimeri, LUISS University of Rome, Italy
Jouni Sirén, University of California Santa Cruz, US
Tatiana Starikovskaya, École Normale Supérieure, France
Rossano Venturini, University of Pisa, Italy
Aaron Williams, Williams College, US
Michal Ziv-Ukelson, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


Diego Arroyuelo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María and Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, Chile
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, EAI, Northeastern University, USA
Thierry Lecroq, University of Rouen Normandy, France
Franco Maria Nardini, ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy
Nadia Pisanti, University of Pisa, Italy
Barbara Poblete, University of Chile and Amazon, Chile
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Google Inc., USA, and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Hélène Touzet, CNRS Lille, France
Rossano Venturini, University of Pisa, Italy
Nivio Ziviani, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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