Thursday, May 30, 2024

[DMANET] CALL FOR PAPERS: deadline extension

[Apologies for cross-posting]


CALL FOR PAPERS: deadline extension


We are pleased to announce the Special Issue: Perception in Network Visualization<> in the Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI)<>.

The special issue aims to highlight and foster interdisciplinary discussions on the perception of network visualization, emphasizing perceptual organization, user studies, and perception-aware network visualization algorithms. Official CFP can be found here<>.

Please consider submitting your work to the special issue or share this information with colleagues who may be interested in submitting.

Thank you and you can find more detailed information below:


Optional pre-submission review: from today till August 31, 2024, AoE
Full Paper Submission Date: September 1 (extended from May 20) 2024, AoE

Guest Editors:
Tamara Mchedlidze, Utrecht University
Cindy Xiong Bearfield, Georgia Institute of Technology

Associate Guest Editors:
Daniel Archambault, Newcastle University
Martin Nöllenburg, TU Wien
Alexander Pastukhov, University of Bamberg



Submissions are invited (but not limited to) the following areas:

• Perceptual organization and Gestalt principles in network visualization

• User studies on readability and aesthetics of network visualizations

• Perception-aware algorithms for graph drawing and network visualization

• Perception-aware quality metrics for graph drawing

• Quality metric optimization and experimental evaluations

• Use of color in network visualizations

• Perception in Network Visualization

• Perceptual aspects of visualization of complex, multilayer networks

• Perceptual aspects of visualization of temporal changes in networks

The Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI) is a multidisciplinary journal of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology. The goal is to provide a premiere archival journal that promotes research into how principles of perception and cognition support and inspire new technologies and applications, and how emerging technologies drive new questions for perceptual research. This is an open access journal; all papers are peer-reviewed by at least three experts versed in the multiple disciplines explored. Experimental, computational, theoretical, and survey papers are encouraged. JPI welcomes submissions from all areas of human perception and cognition, including haptic and multisensory perception, from all technologies that interface with humans, including art, and from all application areas.

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