Wednesday, May 22, 2024

[DMANET] Postdoc position in discrete optimization, Technical University Munich


*Postdoc position in discrete optimization in theory and practice*


Technical University of Munich

for 2 years, 100%, starting September 1 or October 1, 2024.

A postdoc position is available in the group "Discrete Optimization" of
Stefan Weltge and Andreas Wiese at the Technical University of Munich in
the Department of Mathematics. The group's research focus is discrete
optimization in theory and practice, covering areas like combinatorial
optimization, integer programming, operations research, approximation
algorithms, and polyhedral combinatorics.

We are looking for a candidate interested in working on theoretical
research in areas like discrete optimization, approximation algorithms,
or polyhedral combinatorics as well as applied optimization projects,
e.g., with industrial partners or within the university.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work within a
vibrant, interdisciplinary, and international research environment on
the Garching Campus of the TU München, with several groups working in
theoretical computer science, optimization, operations research,
engineering, and related fields and departments. The position is a
full-time position for 2 years, paid according to the Federal German
payment scale TV-L 13 (100% position). The actual salary depends on
academic experience, family situation, tax classification, etc. Travel
support for attending conferences, workshops, etc. is of course available.

The ideal candidate holds an excellent PhD degree in mathematics,
computer science, or a related area and should have a strong publication
record. Solid English skills, both oral and in writing, and programming
skills are expected. In addition, the successful candidate is highly
self-motivated and has a good ability to work both independently and in
a team. Her/his activities will include conducting research with other
group members and external collaborators, teaching, and participating in
other group activities. Also, the candidate will be in charge of light
administrative tasks, e.g., being in charge of websites of the group.
Proficiency in German is not required.

We explicitly encourage applications from women as well as from all
others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the
university's research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given
to candidates with disabilities who have essentially the same

If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to
contact Stefan Weltge ( <>) or Andreas
Wiese ( <>).

Please send your application with the subject line "PostDoc Discrete
optimization" as a single PDF document to Angelika Hass

Your applications should include

- a detailed CV, including a list of publications, previous teaching
experience, and your programming skills

- a 1-2 page research statement describing research interests and goals

- names and email addresses of 2-3 academic references

Applications will be reviewed starting from June 3, 2024, until the
position is filled.

Data protection: As part of your application, you provide personal data
to the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Please view our privacy
policy on collecting and processing personal data in the course of the
application process pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Data Protection
Regulation of the European Union (GDPR)
<>. By submitting
your application, you confirm to have read and understood the data
protection information provided by TUM.


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