Friday, May 17, 2024

[DMANET] Professor of Theoretical Computer Science position at University of Leeds, UK

The School of Computing at the University of Leeds is a highly ranked academic department (top 10 in the UK REF2021) with a vibrant research culture and a commitment to excellence in our teaching. There are currently around 45 members of academic staff, and we are now expanding to create new academic positions.

As part of this expansion, we are looking to appoint a new colleague at Professor level for a new permanent (tenure equivalent) post in the School in any area of Algorithms and Complexity.

We are seeking an academic with a track record of research excellence that aligns with the School's Algorithms and Complexity Research Theme, and, in particular that has research expertise at the interface of Discrete Mathematics and algorithmic aspects of Theoretical Computer Science. You will also need to make a strong contribution to our teaching and to the delivery of an exceptional student experience.

Closing date: 16 June, 2024

For further details please see:

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